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  • Risks and assumptions goes together.

  • Risk is defined as a factors that affect the project cycle and professional programming.
    Assumptions is basing on site effects to the project goal and objectives

  • done![alt text](image url)

  • how can one overcome risks and uncertainties while evaluation

  • Coming up with risks and assumption during project development and mainly when developing logical framework analysis, helps in identifying risks that can affect the project. at this stage of developing risks and assumptions both the developers identifies solutions/mitigating factors that can address some of the risks and assumptions foreseen. though some risks are outside the control of the project but when they occur, the implementors can easily associate with what they had identified in the project.

    Failure to identify risks in any project is detrimental to project implementation because when such a time comes, the project implementation will easily be disturbed and put off track.

  • Risks and assumptions are guidelines towards why your project or plan might not work. Risks being things that are out of your control and assumptions as things that one believe which do not have any much evidence. Risks and assumptions help you look for things that could go wrong and anything that might prevent you from providing input,and if you provide input will you be sure that it will lead to output.

  • Risks are factors that are out the project implementers' control to cause a poor play during its course and Assumptions are things believed but not supported by evidence.
    they are generated from the willingness to know what would go wrong at each level from input to impact. They help the team to be informed as they think outside the box which helps in generating information that would help implementing decisions with an informed mind. this helps surprises and shocks during the cycle

  • Risks are unplanned issues that may arise during course of a project that may impact the project negatively. It is important to put in place adequate risk management strategies to mitigate the effect of risk in project implementation. Assumptions are our opinions of the likelihood of an event occuring without any fact or evidence to back up our claims. Assumptions are usually based on feelings and not facts.

  • Risks and Assumptions are factors outside the control of the project designer that can impair achievement of the project goals.

    Risks are events that will negatively affect the creation of the planned impacts if they really occur. Assumptions are what we strong belief on without evidence. Deliberate actions should be deployed after preparing project summary in the logframe to identify and plan means of mitigating them.

  • This topic is very interesting, it is essential to note the risks and assumptions before engaging in a project so when such risks comes, it will have been prepared for and will be able to averted.

  • waaoh that was awesome session

  • I think risk and assumptions makes some one aware on if that happens, then what else will happen and looks for altenative solutions to either minimize the risks or prevent it.

  • its so helpfully for me understanding risks and assumptions in this module

  • Identifying risks and assumptions that may occur during the project its is essential in that it helps to find a way to manage them to prevent the project not to fail.

  • Risks are factors beyond your control that could cause your project to go poorly. Assumptions are the things you believe about your project but not supported by evidence. Risks and assumptions appear for each level of the log frame, including input, output, outcome and impact. Common questions to identify risks include; what could go wrong? Is there anything that may prevent the activity from happening or distort the outcome or impact?
    It is important to plan for risks and assumptions in advance in order to understand events that are unforeseeable that might affect your project. This will help to make decisions to avoid or minimize such problems.

  • Risks are factors beyond your control that could cause your project to go poorly. Assumptions are the things you believe about your project but not supported by evidence. They appear for each level of the log frame. Common questions include; what could go wrong? Is there anything that may prevent the activity from happening or distort the outcome or impact?

    It is important to plan for risks and assumptions in advance in order to understand events that are unforeseeable that might affect your project. This will help to make decisions to avoid or minimize problems.

    For example, if the impact of your project is to reduce road traffic accidents, and one of your input is to put speed limit sign posts along roads. The output may be; ‘roads with speed-limit sign posts;’ and the outcome would be ‘drivers adhering to the set speed limits.’ At outcome level, the assumption is that if drivers adhere to the set speed limits, there will be reduced accidents. The risk is that some drivers may not adhere to these speed limits.

  • I have understood that proper and accurate identification of project risks and assumptions is critical. This enables avoiding biases, and ensure project success

  • Risks
    They are occurrences that may hinder achievement of the project goal.
    Assumptions are biases made by beliefs of how a project might turn out.
    It is important to know and understand risks and assumptions in order to ensure objectivity and ensure project success

  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

  • This module was very useful in helping to identify real life skills that can potentially cause projects to fail. In addition, it was also useful in helping to identify assumptions/ biases which people usually believe] in project management.

  • I've often found myself unsure as to what extent should I identify the risks that are potentially inherent in the environment of the project, such as policy change, and how should I be able to adapt my work plan when such things are out of my control happen and they could so much impact on my goal achievement?

    On unrealistic targets, oftentimes local nonprofits in Vietnam find the available data are unreliable, especially the government sources. So the practice of setting targets hasn't fallen on any proper data-based approach but rather subjective. One of the other ways we also practice is to look at what resources we have and can secure to deliver the target.

    For projects that deals with human participations at large scale such as a few thousands (for example, advocacy campaigns, awareness raising campaigns), how should the Participant Tracking Form works? Do we have other ways to track their participation without going with names one by one ?

  • Risks are circumstances that may prevent your project from having the desired outcome.
    For instance, there could be a disconnect between an output and outcome.
    While an assumption has to do with a bias on the part of the project designer that prevents the expected outcome.

  • This topic is very good because before doing the project, you will be able to determine what are the possible risks and assumptions for the project

  • What are the typical condition where I met the critical risks and make assumptions?

  • A project risk is an uncertain event that may or may not occur during a project. Contrary to our everyday idea of what “risk” means, a project risk could have either a negative or a positive effect on progress towards project objectives.
    Here are some more specific examples of project assumptions: You'll have access to all the resources you need to complete the project, both human and material. All equipment will be in working condition through the project cycle. The scope of the project will not change throughout the life cycle.

    The following are types of risk commonly encountered by projects.
    Scope Creep. Scope creep is uncontrolled change to a project's scope.
    Budget Risk. The risk of budget control issues such as cost overruns.
    Resistance To Change.
    Integration Risk.
    Resource Risk.
    Contract Risk.
    Sponsor Support.

    The definition of an assumption is an idea that is formed without evidence. An example of an assumption is that there will be food at a party. The act of assuming, or taking to or upon one's self; the act of taking up or adopting. His assumption of secretarial duties was timely.

  • Risk and assumption can ruin a project outcome. So identifying the risk and assumption in our project will go a long way in making sure that our project is a success. I have not being vondcttonh a proper M&E in my organization. This course is helping me get knowledge that will help our organization in project management

  • I am able to identify risk and assumptions for every step in the projects from input to Impact.

  • Risk and assumptions have play a better role to M&E regards from the input to impact provinces

  • It's indeed important to know risks and assumptions of a project beforehand otherwise it can lead to failure of the project to achieve it's goals , financial losses and even affect beneficiaries.

  • Risk and assumptions are important component of all the daily activities that we take in our life. In project management it is important for us to include separate risk action matrix which would help us know the underlying risks, mitigation measures, and task someone to take care of it.

  • Yes, it is always better to know the risks and assumptions. When risks appear in the process of implementation of project that would largely implicate in achieving the project activities as planned. Knowing risks before hand would help you plan properly and put mitigation measures in place.

  • Risks are factors outside of your control that could cause any project go poorly.
    For example
    MEH project can have risks of;
    The young girls getting early pregnancy.
    Not having enough information or data on how to run a business.
    Miss management of the given Micro loans on other useless things .
    Assumptions things one believe without any evidence.
    For example MEH may have the assumptions of the girls not miss using the Micro loans.

  • While I generally understand the logical behind the LogFrame structure, I cannot help but to think that the "levels" chosen for impact and outcome are relatively arbitrary and hence I wonder how could one choose to define those at the right level. Example: Input: money and experts; output: trainings, workshops, courses for public servants; outcome: improved quality of strategic, normative and legislative documents produced by public servants, including implementation plans; impact: successful implementation of reform.

    Just as much, I could imagine referring to the country's overall increased freedom indicators and/or prosperity being the impact level...

    Similarly, I find it difficult to pinpoint exactly which level I refer to, when it comes to assumptions and risks, as many seem to overall and/or be relevant for more than one level.

  • Risks are things outside of your control that might disrupt your project or plan. Assumptions are things that you believe without evidence; Assumptions are referred to as your biases.
    Risks and Assumptions are identified by indicators and means of verification

  • Our Project aims at preventing STIs transmission in a culture that permits men’s concurrent sexual relationship. Part of my major input is the provision of contraceptives to married couples. At this level, the risk is that we may not be able to mobilize enough resources to procure adequate condoms needed for the project. As part of our outputs, our plan is to distribute the condoms to the target group. However, we fear that negative cultural and religious beliefs about condoms would dissuade many couples from accepting the product. Moreover, some of the community members might prefer traditional methods of family planning to modern ones. Furthermore, we expect a favourable outcome from the distribution process especially in terms of usage, and prevention of STIs transmission among couples. Yet, we are not sure if the beneficiaries are going to use them as the occasion demands. Again, even if they use them, are we confident that the product would not malfunction in terms of bursting open without users’ knowledge. Overall, the impact we want to create is zero transmission rate of STIs among couples. However, the beneficiaries might want to continue childbearing thereby encouraging unprotected sex. Moreover, couple could also engage in oral sex and, where one has dental soreness, transmission risk could be heightened.

  • In as much as we want to focus on the expected impacts of our project, it equally important to have an analysis of factors that could pose as threats to our intended objectives. By so doing, we can plan on how to deal with them before hand.

  • New risks are usually identified during monitoring process not during evaluation. The process of evaluation is basically to assess what monitoring activities have covered in the course of the project. It does not seek to add new thing or identify new risk to an ongoing project, but to ascertain the extent to which various processes have contributed towards a defined objective.

  • Risks and Assumptions on an ongoing project am taking part in. This project Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRiN) is a World bank project that focuses on pregnant women, lactating women, caregivers of children leas than 5 years and under 5 years old children
    IMPACT'S RISKS AND ASSUMPTION is High death rate due to few beneficiaries given the intervention.
    Outcome's Risks and Assumptions: Targets are not met because of high rate of non-compliance, refusal etc
    Output's Risk and Assumption: Qualified Community health workers (CHWs) are not resident in the assigned wards and have to travel a long distance which hindered their productivity.
    Secondly, interventions are given to the wrong beneficiaries.
    Thirdly, The CHWs were not adequately trained
    Input's Risk and Assumption: Recruited fewer CHWs than expected to carry out the tasks.
    Secondly, the recruitment process were based on sentiments which affected the quality of CHWs hired

  • Risks and assumptions module is very interesting - It was useful to address assumptions and potential pitfalls of the project.

  • لكل مشروع مخاطر وافتراضات ولتجنب هذه المخاطر اولا التوكل على الله بكل امر .ولاكن لابد من وظع شيئ بالحسبان مثل استشارات ذوي الخبره التوقعات بالخير داىما .وكن مستعدا لاي مخاطر تواجهك .بدراسه وتنبئ

  • Indicator and verification are very main part from any project design in the log frame simply because indicator show all supportive condition for our project succeed but under shadow point of verification of access how those condition that might favor our project meets our project goals

  • Risk and assumption gives a huge mental questioning of the project future performance simpl because when a project conductor decide to dig in on risk and assumption he or she will automatically knew how to shape out a project and know future project image on the community

  • Risks and assumptions are problems that could arise in the process of achieving your project's goals. The best means to measure this is by asking logical questions about each stage of your logframe starting from the inputs to the outputs to the outcomes and the impacts. Can the activities of inputs truly lead to outputs? Can that of the outputs really influence the outcomes, is there a logical gap between the outcomes and the impacts that needs to be fixed?
    Risks and assumptions are far better ways of executing a project's plans effectively.
    Also, by using the 'if/then' statements, we can determine if there is a great logical flow between these elements or a logical bridge that needs to be fixed.

  • Yeah. This is because there are risks and assumptions in everything we do! Risks and Assumptions are those problems that hinder the success of your project. While Risks are those things that are not in your control and that can disrupt your project's activities from attaining the project's objectives. Assumptions are your mere biases. These are things you believe in but are not proven or do not have evidences.
    Now drafting a project's design is one thing, identifying the risks and Assumptions that may associated with the project's activities and impacts is another important thing. This is why it's pertinent to identify the risks and Assumptions that may come up in the process of achieving a project's objectives and addressing these risks and Assumptions.

    How do you measure risks and Assumptions?
    The first thing that comes to mind is the logical flow. Is there a great logical flow between the elements that makes up a project's activities, outcomes and impacts or otherwise a logical bridge or gap that needs to be fixed ?
    This is when the 'if/then' statements comes in handy. Using these statements help to measure or determine if the logical flow of a project's logframe is effective or not, if there's a logical gap that needs to be addressed and how to effectively address these gaps.
    Risks and assumptions is one thing that can't be neglected in achieving an effective project's objectives because it's significant to be implored in every phase of the project.

  • For a successful project, one has to keenly look into the risks and assumptions that might affect the project and come up with ways to overcome those risks and assumptions.

  • The money set aside for microloans might not be enough for the girls.
    The girls might misuse the microloans.
    The girls might start businesses that aren't worth it/unprofitable.

  • Risk and assumptions is were doubting the outcome of the business. for instance the girls business might not be successful.
    The girls might not know to start the business or upgrade the their business.

  • I understand through this module that risks and assumptions are a thoughtful way of highlighting a project's pitfalls.
    The identified risks can actually help towards better planning by ensuring that minute details that were not covered during the input and planning stages are considered.

  • Risk and assumptions are a major consideration during the project logframe. Risk are potential intrusions towards our project outcomes and goals. Assumptions are the biases we have that might affect our projects. Identifying risks and assumptions will prepare our team better to develop alternative approaches to our goal.

  • Anza Mapema Project might be having risks such as:
    1.poor hygiene leading to the spread of illnesses between the staffs and the clients if not well recognized,
    2.misuse of funds that make the project fall abruptly due to oppressed laws amended in the project before.
    3.the short and unsupported confidentialities of the staff might create chaos from the clients to the workers, non-acceptance of clients to the Anza Mapema project and many more.
    4.Disunity between staff and the clients might arise rapidly since such participants were not recognized and then oppressed rather than accepted as a usual living being.
    Some of the assumptions in the Anza Mapema Projects are like:
    1.In the data department, anyone skilled of a statistical package is willing to volunteer so as to teach or tutor other on them for a desired and proper knowledge as life continues.
    2.Any mistake found in the Anza Mapema Project can be submitted in the debriefing meeting so as to enhance the reduced rate of problems proclaimed.

  • Risks and assumptions are to be minimize in a project for a better output,impact and outcome

  • To what consequential dimension (value) should I consider the risk of assumption during planning or analysis,

  • As far as my understanding is concerned, I now consider the pre-indentification of the risks that can occur during the implementation of the project and obviously the assumptions must be generated beforehand to achieve maximum results. By doing so, even during the implementation, one can also work on mitigating the possible risks.

  • in the process of monitoring and one realizes that there are risks that have impacted on the project, i think the next activity should be risk mitigation and management, however, why is it not part of the log frame, especially the possible identifiable risks?

  • Risk and assumptions that might occur include girls might use money for there neccesary need
    business changes that include floactuatin of prince and availability of more loans

  • It is absolutely important that risks and assumptions are thoroughly identified to avoid issues that might lead to the failure of the project.

  • First of all I am really admired how the course is organized, prepared and delivered. Apart from that in terms of risks and assumptions, are there some common risks and assumptions or each project has its own circumstances?

  • I now have a better understanding of assumptions and risk. Thus, In other words:
    The assumptions describe the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management.

    Risks are events that may have a negative impact on the project.

  • Risks and assumptions are the actions of which we are not sure but which we hope

  • I am learning a lot on M & E

  • I have come to understand that identifying risks and assumptions before one begins any project or even during the project design phase is really really important for a successful project; since one will be able to foresee things that may hinder effective project implementation during the implementation phase.

  • Also, i have now come to know that identifying risks and assumptions is crucial before any project starts off since it plays really a great role in all our projects and could be the reason behind why some projects fail and why others succeed.

  • Risk and assumptions are the unforeseen circumstances that may end up affecting project implementation.

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan. Assumptions are your biases, things you believe without evidence. It is imperative to find the risks and assumptions before the project starts.

  • Is it true that the risk is not only a negative risk but also a positive risk?

  • The topic gave me an indepth understanding on Inputs, outputs, outcomes, risks and assumptions and means of verifications.

  • How risk can affect project?

  • A very interesting module in which we are able to question the effectivity of every link.

  • Thank You so much for the wonder topic which not only guided me about the Risk and Assumption but has given me knowledge and command on how better to design my project keeping the risk in my plan which I might be facing during the project and doing assumption to meet the challenges that I will be facing.

  • How better Risks and assumptions be planned to cover the challenges of the project during the implementation phases?

  • What are assumptions in risk assessment?
    There are numerous qualitative assumptions in a risk assessment; for example, related to system boundaries, to what consequence dimensions (values) to consider in the analysis, to how a particular consequence should be measured/operationalised, and whether future trend should be included or not

  • The assumptions describe the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management.

    Risks are events that may have a negative impact on the project.

  • I believe every project must at least have an obvious risk that will come out clearly with less effort needed to think or list them

  • Have not been that aware of the importance of making a risks and Assumptions time in the logframe but i see it very important because its will allow quick decision making and not being fully blind and right .

  • How do we work with risk a d assumption in M& E..

  • Whether we like it or not its necessary to apply risk and assumptions in M&E

  • You are right risk and assumptions help a lot in delivering results in M&E

  • things that may cause the project to fail

  • In this section I have learned that risks are the thinks that are out of your control and can disrupt your project while assumptions are things that you believe about your project.
    in concluding, it is very important to identified risks and assumptions before the project starts so that you can create powerful way to avoid them.

  • A better project design should be linked to its M&E Plan

  • Risk and assumptions help in tackling future obstacles that might occur. It aids in decision making .

  • This is a great and useful topic so far. We are reminded that in all projects, risks and assumptions are always needed to be considered.

  • I agree, at least those things have to be considered so they don't come as a surprise.

  • Risk must have evidence but assumption don't proved by evidence

  • Yes it's better to identify at the beginning but to be aware with new risks ahead

  • A better way for project success is to be able to identify risk early in each process

  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

    1 Reply
  • This course has been very helpful for me in formulating my indicators and other tools such as targets and how the indicators can be measured.

  • Hello everybody How is course going?

  • risks and assumptions are activities that lead to disruption of a project.Before a starts its important to analyse the risks that one may undergo during the implementation of the project.Looking at the risks and assumptions enable us to understand the events and conditions that are unforeseeable .

  • What is the risks you undentified are out of control?

  • Targets are a commitment to reach certain results.

  • Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation for good

  • Risks inform the project implementors of possible challenges that may hinder the success of a funded project. Awareness of possible risks help project managers adjust their plans. Involving targeted population gives a guide to what works and what will not work. Assumptions may lead to loss and failure of a project. For example, assuming that women may benefit from a project without getting their input or carrying out a need assessment may result in a failure of a project.

  • Very helpful insights you guys are giving here

  • Risks inform the project implementors of possible challenges that may hinder the success of a funded project. Awareness of possible risks help project managers adjust their plans. Involving targeted population gives a guide to what works and what will not work. Assumptions may lead to loss and failure of a project. For example, assuming that women may benefit from a project without getting their input or carrying out a need assessment may result in a failure of a project.

  • participant involvement has several benefits such as buy in of the project by the targeted population, saving time and money. Implementors concentrate on ventures they know will be profitable to the intended population target. So yes, avoiding assumptions through member involvement is very important. Involvement of beneficiaries and taking cognizance of their views is very helpful in achieving goals.

  • participant involvement has several benefits such as buy in of the project by the targeted population, saving time and money. Implementors concentrate on ventures they know will be profitable to the intended population target. So yes, avoiding assumptions through member involvement is very important. Involvement of beneficiaries and taking cognisance of their views is very helpful in achieving goals.

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