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  • Within the logic framework approach to project design, however, risk is formulated as the negative assumptions behind, or the facts of, the project including the interaction between context conditions and the project

  • it is important to take care of risks and assumptions in any project's log frame so as to avoid possible collapse of the logframe

  • I now understand how important it is to make consider all possible risks and make calculated assumptions

  • Risk and assumption helps to be very prepared and taking into consideration factors that may be a hindrance to the project and how best to avoid them

  • To identify risks and assumptions, it is important to examine the past activities of the project and collaborate with the beneficiaries to highlight areas that may not perform as expected.

  • Risks and assumptions are really important. I think it makes times for Plan B.

  • Risks and assumptions are really important. I think it makes times for Plan B.

  • Is this page missing content? Where is the question I am replying to?

  • Until I took this module I never thought of risks and assumptions in my project. However, this is a good thing to think about in order to put in preventative measures during project implementation. Considering the risk and assumptions of your project(s) puts you a step ahead of your work

  • Risks and Assumptions of a project are a very critical elements of our Project design document . Risks are factors outside of our control that might negetively affect to result a poor performance , while, Assumptions are things we belive in our thoughts but that are not truely tangible in reality which makes our thoughts biases. Looking for risks and assumptions is a powerful way to escape your biases. Identifying the possible Risks and Assumptions of the Project during the Project design process is a crucial step to get the proper input for M & E plan preparation.

  • Hi
    From my understanding of Risks and Assumptions, risks are the things that might distrup the Activities that will lead achieving the desired impact. While assumptions are biases without enough evidence.

    1 Reply
  • Risks are things that you are not sure that will happen

  • Risks and Assumptions are the facts that can go wrong in any phase of Logical Framework .

  • When considering risk and assumptions, there might be enough time and expert idea are required to get well done. There is also unnecessary risk and assumptions can be taken.

  • Risks are events that may have a negative impact on the project while assumptions describe the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management

  • Yes Wiza it is possible to group the risk in every stage.Because most of the risk will possibly occur at different point in time.That is the reason you have to group them so that when it occurs,you will be able to curb the challenges.

    1 Reply
  • Will the project have enough money to give to the girls at the province
    Will the girls start the project
    Will the family members of the girls allow them to start the business

  • These are situations that might affect the attainment of a goal or objective

  • Risks are activities that can affect the progress of the project.

    Assumptions are events that are believed to happen, but have no evidence to prove.

  • When considering risk and assumptions, there might be enough time and expert idea are required to get well done. There is also unnecessary risk and assumptions can be taken.

  • Writing your project summary as series of if/then statements will help you spot risks and assumptions. For example, after we read this if/then statement we can ask:
    • What type of knowledge will help you perform better on job applications?
    • Is knowledge enough to help you perform better on job applications?

    1 Reply
  • Writing your project summary as series of if/then statements will help you spot risks and assumptions. For example, after we read this if/then statement we can ask:

  • Risk and Assumptions taught me to always take note of negative assumptions/ risks that can occur before or during project implementation. Because of this experience, I take take this time as an opportunity to share to my fellow leaners that they have to take note of risks during preparation of an M & E Plan that can occur not just during project implementation but also before project implementation. This can help deal with the risk without stressing.

  • These are situations that might affect the attainment of a goal or objective

  • What should be done in the case where the risks and assumptions are more in a project?

  • Unrealistic target are unachievable goals...
    A goal is unrealistic when the goal is something that requires more energy, skills, talents, and time than you have available in order to achieve it. ... unrealistic goal may be one that is not in alignment with your own greatest gifts and talents

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic target are unachievable goals...
    A goal is unrealistic when the goal is something that requires more energy, skills, talents, and time than you have available in order to achieve it. ... unrealistic goal may be one that is not in alignment with your own greatest gifts and talents

  • Risks and assumptions are avoidable or unavoidable occurrences that might make an activity, impact or outcome to be fully achieved.
    The risks and assumptions analysis helps the programmer to know how and when to achieve the project goal within the required time

  • Risks and Assumptions column is on the fourth column of the logframe. Assumptions can be described as the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management, while Risks are events that may have a negative impact on the project.

  • Living in a time of Covid-19 meant there were a lot of unexpected risks and assumptions that have to be reviewed on how we operate further taking the worst case scenarios into account. will access to schools be possible? In not now, when? Additional costs of PPE and having to move to digital platforms. These adversely affected outputs as there was no or little access to children ( the main beneficiaries of the preventative programme).

    1 Reply
  • Living in a time of Covid-19 meant there were a lot of unexpected risks and assumptions that have to be reviewed on how we operate further taking the worst case scenarios into account. will access to schools be possible? In not now, when? Additional costs of PPE and having to move to digital platforms. These adversely affected outputs as there was no or little access to children ( the main beneficiaries of the preventative programme).

  • Living in a time of Covid-19 meant there were a lot of unexpected risks and assumptions that have to be reviewed on how we operate further taking the worst case scenarios into account. will access to schools be possible? In not now, when? Additional costs of PPE and having to move to digital platforms. These adversely affected outputs as there was no or little access to children ( the main beneficiaries of the preventative programme).

  • M&E expert when you identified risks and assumptions in your logframe. Looking for risks and assumptions is a powerful way to escape your biases. For a really complete M&E plan, you would spend some time trying to respond to risks and assumptions before and during the project design phase. This type of research is called formative research, and, unfortunately, we will not have the time in this course to learn how to do this kind of research.

    However, during the project, you will have plenty of time to examine your risks and assumptions. You will also have plenty of time to test the strength of your logical flow. To do this, we will need to start collecting data.

    Some monitoring questions that you are now prepared to ask include:

    Are enough inputs being provided?

    How well do your inputs lead to your outputs?

    How well do your outputs lead to outcomes?

  • In the process of planning for a project, some people tend to be very much optimistic about progress. No one wants to start thinking about bad things that may likely happen during the course of achieving the project goal and objectives but there are many things that may likely go wrong during the course of the project. The logframe is there to help you identify the risks and assumptions that you may encounter in every stage of the way.
    The assumption is there to describe the situations, conditions, events or decisions which are very necessary for the success of the project but are largely or completely beyond the control of the project management.
    As an M&E expert you are supposed to list all the risk and assumptions that may likely disrupt your plan when developing your logframe and this has to be in every aspect of the projects inputs, outputs, outcome and Impact

  • I have 2 questions

    1. Does Risk and assumptions mandatory for any project Proposal?
    2. If I know the how to mitigate any said risk. does it need to be still mentioned in the Project?
    1 Reply
  • This is so important topic, the example used to explain risk and assumptions made the point clear to me,

  • this topic is very interesting. when I read this module I came to know that risks and assumptions are very important also for planning B or C. We can not only plan what we want in a project but we also have to assess things that are not desirable so that we are better prepared when this happens

  • Targets are a result or coverage that a M & E officers are trying to achieve. unrealistic target is I think a target which is challenging and long term target.

  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

  • This topic is really good because I can learn about the logframe very detail and the explanation makes me easy to understand it.

  • Identifying risks and assumptions before and during project implementation phases is cardinal because it will prepare us in advance to tackle unforseen events. This will likely make our project a success and all the goals will be accomplished. There can never be any project without risks and assumptions of failing therefore as M&E expert you need to iron out these risks in advance..

  • It's important to always perform checks before and during the project design phase to uncover potential risks and assumptions as they could halt the progress of the project.
    Provide sufficient evidence to support every point mentioned across the logframe, this would ensure that assumptions and biases are removed. Risks are things outside our control that might interrupt with the progress of the project. Use efficient means of testing for the risks so as to completely eliminate them

  • It's important to always perform checks before and during the project design phase to uncover potential risks and assumptions as they could halt the progress of the project.
    Provide sufficient evidence to support every point mentioned across the logframe, this would ensure that assumptions and biases are removed. Risks are things outside our control that might interrupt with the progress of the project. Use efficient means of testing for the risks so as to completely eliminate them. The most useful technique for figuring out assumptions and risks is to use the if/then statement

  • How can we identify and eliminate risks?

  • How can we identify and eliminate risks? Let's discuss on this fellow students

  • can this M&E be used in small companies to know the risk and assumption?

    1 Reply
  • If I were to have a basic literacy for young children to adolescent project, what other risks and assumptions apart from not having enough resources, them not wanting to get out of their comfort zone, discourage and are not interested in learning?


  • An assumption is a statement that you assume is true and a risk an assumption with a higher level of failure. A risk is an event that could happen with a notable probability and could affect the outcome of the project sustainability.

  • It's really interesting to learn about the importance of taking risks and assumptions into considerations when producing an effective M+E plan. It makes the path clearer for success, once you've identified areas or issues that may arise, which might otherwise hinder the progress and success of your project.

  • How to collect data to examine our risk or assumptions of the project's impact?

  • Yes, I agree.

  • This module has been very educative. it has made me learn that the impact should always be the main and long term effect of my project. I have also learned that one activity should directly lead to the next.

  • i think it's really important to know the risks and assumptions of our plan so we can prepare for the worst case scenario, so if it happens, we know how to recover or solve it.

  • i think it's really important to know the risks and assumptions of our plan so we can prepare for the worst case scenario, so if it happens, we know how to recover or solve it.

  • loppppppppppppppp

  • l,hbnjimk,l.;

  • It's really interesting to learn about the importance of taking risks and assumptions into considerations when producing an effective M+E plan. It makes the path clearer for success, once you've identified areas or issues that may arise, which might otherwise hinder the progress and success of your project.

    1 Reply
  • the risk is very important to determine when we build a logframe since it gives us a general vision of the behavior of our project in such and such a situation.

  • indeed this puts pressure on the realization of the project

  • Identifying risks and assumptions will really help to prepare for any anticipated problem/issue, whenever the anticipated problem happens during the implementation of the project since we are already familiar with the issue, for us it will be easier to deal with it unlike anyone who did not identity risks and assumptions in the first place.

  • risk are the threats the project might encounter while implementing while assumption are the things we imagine can occurs and interfer with the project

  • Now that your brother has identified some risks and assumptions, you can take steps to avoid these problems: you can ask your mom how she feels about her childhood friends or set up travel arrangements for her friends in advance. During the party, you can monitor the situation to see how your mom is feeling. And if things do not go well, at least you will have a good idea about WHY they did not go well.

  • Risk and Assumptions taught me to always take note of negative assumptions/ risks that can occur before or during project implementation. Because of this experience, I take take this time as an opportunity to share to my fellow leaners that they have to take note of risks during preparation of an M & E Plan that can occur not just during project implementation but also before project implementation. This can help deal with the risk without stressing.

  • i think it's really important to know the risks and assumptions of our plan so we can prepare for the worst case scenario, so if it happens, we know how to recover or solve it

  • In my project of fisheries I noticed that identifying risks and assumptions is crucial. This helped me to meet the outcomes with less challenges

  • Risks once identified should be worked on, they shouldn't discourage us in carrying on with the projects.

  • You are very right dear

  • Identifying project risks and assumption in the earlier designing stage helps in us mitigation of our project failure and avoiding bias judgment.

  • Risks and Assumptions is two kind of related things, risks will happen if we did a mistake so there will be a risk, and assumptions is about what we expect about something.

  • "Empowering Nigerian Youths"

    Are there be enough resources to empower Nigerian Youths?

    How do we know the exact number of Nigerian Youths that are legitimate for the empowerment program?

    What is the age bracket for the project?

    Will Nigerian Youths value the project?

  • Planning with the mindset of Risk and Assumption will actually help one not to be frustrated or disappointed with the project results but rather help him/her to readjust his/her work plan

    1 Reply
  • Risks and Assumptions are inevitable to help us mitigate some of the hurdles our project might face.

  • Input-low capacity to undertake the level of financial task of internet banking.
    Output-the other departments might have conflicting schedules that would make them indisposed to have the workshop.
    Outcome- Weak Network
    Impact-Internet banking might be too techy for the level or rurality.

  • My project is to introduce internet banking in the finance department for a better and faster financial practice.
    The below are the Risks and Assumptions that might hamper my 4 Logframes.
    Input-low capacity to undertake the level of financial task of internet banking.
    Output-the other departments might have conflicting schedules that would make them indisposed to have the workshop.
    Outcome- Weak Network
    Impact-Internet banking might be too techy for the level or rurality

  • Well put risks against your log frames. You also mapped out the alternative actions.

  • During the planning of your project, one of the most important things for you to do is to find your projects risk and assumptions and work towards how you intend to deal with them. For risk is something that is completely out of your control but you tend to know it during the planning stage of the project while assumptions are things that you believe in without much convincing evidence on ground.

    1 Reply
  • Indeed the case of COVID-19 pandemic has brought about some unexpected risk and assumptions. With COVID-19 in place, any M&E person that is developing and M&E logframe has to consider some risk and assumptions associated with COVID-19 into consideration. As a result of COVID-19, many health facilities were closed down in northern Nigeria due to the fear of contracting COVID-19. This has brought down the number of health facilities attendance by patients, caregivers, service providers and also low coverage in some of indicators that the states are monitoring

  • In order to identify risks and assumptions, it is important to think about the impact that the project intends to have or the goals of the project, secondly, ask yourselves what activities are required to achieve the goal, what should be done, how and what is needed, and then you are able to think about what could prevent you from getting there. By that, risk and assumptions can be populated and anticipated.

  • Risks and assumptions are the things that might disrupt your plan for each level of your log frame inputs,outputs,outcomes and impact
    Ask what could go wrong or what might prevent you from providing the inputs and if you provide the inputs are you sure that this will lead to the outcome

  • know the risking risk and assumption before you plan a project is vital to ensure success of the project. New risk and assumption can also be found as the project is going on through monitoring.

  • For every project no matter what there is risks and for a better project its better or it is of the great use if you propose assumptions that might be encounter as the project is in progress so that managers should have the means or solution of putting it down or dealing with it as soon as possible for the benefit of the project.

    Every organization preparation should be of the mile stone to generate possible out fit of the project, and it is also of the great use to have bunker service or have money used for emergencies that might be uncounted during the midst of the project

  • first thing we must know that, anything can happen in the midst of the project for example arrange when the material come to and end or transportation, that mean you should see the way forward hence you need to set the ball spinning by finding means to make to project continue and another example if you conducting survey during rain season the data make take time due to heavy rains or wind that lead to the data delivery delay, here you can use technology that will allow the personnel directly sent the data after the assessment

  • it is very important for organization to first check for risk and assumptions at the beginning of a project. This helps to minimize most of negative results that would have encountered during the project process. Some of risk and assumptions can be manageable, for example if you need a machine to finish a project and you find out its broken whilst you have not checked it at the beginning of your project, then this will put a lot of difficulties in completing. So, its very necessary to look out for risk and assumptions.

  • It is very important to forecast the things that may disrupt the progress of a project through factoring them on the log frame on the risks and assumptions column. It gives the project a way to be able to measure some of the outcomes factoring these issues.

  • Risks and assumptions are the hardest part - if some of the assumptions do not hold true (and is formative research is not performed), it my put a great risk to project outcomes.
    Also, answering impact atribution questions tends not to be easy

  • This module has been very useful to me. It is very important to identify potential risks and possible mitigation measures before the project starts. In a previous project where i was involved, we skip this component and it costed the project alot of time and resources to fix some risks we ran into that were not anticipated.

  • risks and assumptions is very important because every action can lead into something risky so best part to avoid it is always prepare for the worse by identify first what risks and assumptions of the logframe.

  • Risks could be happen by cultural, natural disaster, political, economic, pandemic and so on that these we could not control.
    For assumption, I still learning and still confuse. ;)

  • Every outcome is out of our control and most of time is base on our bias. We need to identify our risks and assumptions so we can reduce the failure rate of our project.

  • How do you identify and address the risks of project in economic development?

  • Risks and Assumptions should be identified early during the project design. Spending time to respond to this risks and assumptions will limit the amount of bias in the project.

  • It is very important for risks and assumptions to be considered in a project because they allow you make better decisions and consider if the project is worth doing.

    1 Reply
  • To what extent is it true that successful people always take risk and that assumptions are not the best experiments.
    I belief that for any project to achieve the result, it is important to know what you want and more importantly focus on what you need. This will eventually answer questions that arise during the project design phase.

  • Risk and assumptions is the backbone of any M&E plan, without finding the risks and assumptions your project will faced a lot of challenges which might result in preventing you to achieve your end goals.

  • It is important to assess the likelihood of the inputs to result in the expected outcomes, and the likelihood of the outcomes to result in the expected impact. In order to assess that, it is important to consider the risks and assumptions. Risks are unpredictable. Assumptions are the statements made without evidences. To list the assumptions help to reduce biases . It is important to list the assumptions before an during the implementation of the project.

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