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  • It's really interesting to learn about the importance of taking risks and assumptions into considerations when producing an effective M+E plan. It makes the path clearer for success, once you've identified areas or issues that may arise, which might otherwise hinder the progress and success of your project.

  • How to collect data to examine our risk or assumptions of the project's impact?

  • Yes, I agree.

  • This module has been very educative. it has made me learn that the impact should always be the main and long term effect of my project. I have also learned that one activity should directly lead to the next.

  • i think it's really important to know the risks and assumptions of our plan so we can prepare for the worst case scenario, so if it happens, we know how to recover or solve it.

  • i think it's really important to know the risks and assumptions of our plan so we can prepare for the worst case scenario, so if it happens, we know how to recover or solve it.

  • loppppppppppppppp

  • l,hbnjimk,l.;

  • It's really interesting to learn about the importance of taking risks and assumptions into considerations when producing an effective M+E plan. It makes the path clearer for success, once you've identified areas or issues that may arise, which might otherwise hinder the progress and success of your project.

    1 Reply
  • the risk is very important to determine when we build a logframe since it gives us a general vision of the behavior of our project in such and such a situation.

  • indeed this puts pressure on the realization of the project

  • Identifying risks and assumptions will really help to prepare for any anticipated problem/issue, whenever the anticipated problem happens during the implementation of the project since we are already familiar with the issue, for us it will be easier to deal with it unlike anyone who did not identity risks and assumptions in the first place.

  • risk are the threats the project might encounter while implementing while assumption are the things we imagine can occurs and interfer with the project

  • Now that your brother has identified some risks and assumptions, you can take steps to avoid these problems: you can ask your mom how she feels about her childhood friends or set up travel arrangements for her friends in advance. During the party, you can monitor the situation to see how your mom is feeling. And if things do not go well, at least you will have a good idea about WHY they did not go well.

  • Risk and Assumptions taught me to always take note of negative assumptions/ risks that can occur before or during project implementation. Because of this experience, I take take this time as an opportunity to share to my fellow leaners that they have to take note of risks during preparation of an M & E Plan that can occur not just during project implementation but also before project implementation. This can help deal with the risk without stressing.

  • i think it's really important to know the risks and assumptions of our plan so we can prepare for the worst case scenario, so if it happens, we know how to recover or solve it

  • In my project of fisheries I noticed that identifying risks and assumptions is crucial. This helped me to meet the outcomes with less challenges

  • Risks once identified should be worked on, they shouldn't discourage us in carrying on with the projects.

  • You are very right dear

  • Identifying project risks and assumption in the earlier designing stage helps in us mitigation of our project failure and avoiding bias judgment.

  • Risks and Assumptions is two kind of related things, risks will happen if we did a mistake so there will be a risk, and assumptions is about what we expect about something.

  • "Empowering Nigerian Youths"

    Are there be enough resources to empower Nigerian Youths?

    How do we know the exact number of Nigerian Youths that are legitimate for the empowerment program?

    What is the age bracket for the project?

    Will Nigerian Youths value the project?

  • Planning with the mindset of Risk and Assumption will actually help one not to be frustrated or disappointed with the project results but rather help him/her to readjust his/her work plan

    1 Reply
  • Risks and Assumptions are inevitable to help us mitigate some of the hurdles our project might face.

  • Input-low capacity to undertake the level of financial task of internet banking.
    Output-the other departments might have conflicting schedules that would make them indisposed to have the workshop.
    Outcome- Weak Network
    Impact-Internet banking might be too techy for the level or rurality.

  • My project is to introduce internet banking in the finance department for a better and faster financial practice.
    The below are the Risks and Assumptions that might hamper my 4 Logframes.
    Input-low capacity to undertake the level of financial task of internet banking.
    Output-the other departments might have conflicting schedules that would make them indisposed to have the workshop.
    Outcome- Weak Network
    Impact-Internet banking might be too techy for the level or rurality

  • Well put risks against your log frames. You also mapped out the alternative actions.

  • During the planning of your project, one of the most important things for you to do is to find your projects risk and assumptions and work towards how you intend to deal with them. For risk is something that is completely out of your control but you tend to know it during the planning stage of the project while assumptions are things that you believe in without much convincing evidence on ground.

    1 Reply
  • Indeed the case of COVID-19 pandemic has brought about some unexpected risk and assumptions. With COVID-19 in place, any M&E person that is developing and M&E logframe has to consider some risk and assumptions associated with COVID-19 into consideration. As a result of COVID-19, many health facilities were closed down in northern Nigeria due to the fear of contracting COVID-19. This has brought down the number of health facilities attendance by patients, caregivers, service providers and also low coverage in some of indicators that the states are monitoring

  • In order to identify risks and assumptions, it is important to think about the impact that the project intends to have or the goals of the project, secondly, ask yourselves what activities are required to achieve the goal, what should be done, how and what is needed, and then you are able to think about what could prevent you from getting there. By that, risk and assumptions can be populated and anticipated.

  • Risks and assumptions are the things that might disrupt your plan for each level of your log frame inputs,outputs,outcomes and impact
    Ask what could go wrong or what might prevent you from providing the inputs and if you provide the inputs are you sure that this will lead to the outcome

  • know the risking risk and assumption before you plan a project is vital to ensure success of the project. New risk and assumption can also be found as the project is going on through monitoring.

  • For every project no matter what there is risks and for a better project its better or it is of the great use if you propose assumptions that might be encounter as the project is in progress so that managers should have the means or solution of putting it down or dealing with it as soon as possible for the benefit of the project.

    Every organization preparation should be of the mile stone to generate possible out fit of the project, and it is also of the great use to have bunker service or have money used for emergencies that might be uncounted during the midst of the project

  • first thing we must know that, anything can happen in the midst of the project for example arrange when the material come to and end or transportation, that mean you should see the way forward hence you need to set the ball spinning by finding means to make to project continue and another example if you conducting survey during rain season the data make take time due to heavy rains or wind that lead to the data delivery delay, here you can use technology that will allow the personnel directly sent the data after the assessment

  • it is very important for organization to first check for risk and assumptions at the beginning of a project. This helps to minimize most of negative results that would have encountered during the project process. Some of risk and assumptions can be manageable, for example if you need a machine to finish a project and you find out its broken whilst you have not checked it at the beginning of your project, then this will put a lot of difficulties in completing. So, its very necessary to look out for risk and assumptions.

  • It is very important to forecast the things that may disrupt the progress of a project through factoring them on the log frame on the risks and assumptions column. It gives the project a way to be able to measure some of the outcomes factoring these issues.

  • Risks and assumptions are the hardest part - if some of the assumptions do not hold true (and is formative research is not performed), it my put a great risk to project outcomes.
    Also, answering impact atribution questions tends not to be easy

  • This module has been very useful to me. It is very important to identify potential risks and possible mitigation measures before the project starts. In a previous project where i was involved, we skip this component and it costed the project alot of time and resources to fix some risks we ran into that were not anticipated.

  • risks and assumptions is very important because every action can lead into something risky so best part to avoid it is always prepare for the worse by identify first what risks and assumptions of the logframe.

  • Risks could be happen by cultural, natural disaster, political, economic, pandemic and so on that these we could not control.
    For assumption, I still learning and still confuse. ;)

  • Every outcome is out of our control and most of time is base on our bias. We need to identify our risks and assumptions so we can reduce the failure rate of our project.

  • How do you identify and address the risks of project in economic development?

  • Risks and Assumptions should be identified early during the project design. Spending time to respond to this risks and assumptions will limit the amount of bias in the project.

  • It is very important for risks and assumptions to be considered in a project because they allow you make better decisions and consider if the project is worth doing.

    1 Reply
  • To what extent is it true that successful people always take risk and that assumptions are not the best experiments.
    I belief that for any project to achieve the result, it is important to know what you want and more importantly focus on what you need. This will eventually answer questions that arise during the project design phase.

  • Risk and assumptions is the backbone of any M&E plan, without finding the risks and assumptions your project will faced a lot of challenges which might result in preventing you to achieve your end goals.

  • It is important to assess the likelihood of the inputs to result in the expected outcomes, and the likelihood of the outcomes to result in the expected impact. In order to assess that, it is important to consider the risks and assumptions. Risks are unpredictable. Assumptions are the statements made without evidences. To list the assumptions help to reduce biases . It is important to list the assumptions before an during the implementation of the project.

  • Risks and assumptions talk about the things that are out of your control and biases that might disturb your plan when designing a log frame.
    Assumptions of are the things you believe without evidence. It could be based on personal values and beliefs or a novel once read or any knowledge prior to the project. It is important to identify and discuss risks and assumptions before a project starts. This helps in seeing things you can avoid or how one can deal with each for a better outcome in the project

    1 Reply
  • It is clear that we´ll not have all the answers to possible risks and, some assumption are going to be needed but, it doesn´t mean we don´t have to exercise and forseen all possible risk scenarios for our project. What can be of great help is to tell you logical flow to someone that is note entirely involved in the project, so you can have an external opnion with fresh eyes.

  • I find risks and assumptions particularly interesting. In my limited experience doing M&E work at my organization, I've come to the realization that not everyone is able to truly identify a risk, or differentiate between an assumption and evidence-backed statements or truths. This of course impacts the integrity and effectiveness of M&E. I'm working to figure out how to navigate this piece of the M&E conversation which my colleagues who are not (or aren't on their way to becoming) M&E experts but are rather other types of internal stakeholders.

  • I like that you pointed out the root of many assumptions. In my experience assumptions rooted in personal values, experiences, beliefs are the hardest to navigate, as many people are not willing to let go or rethink them, even if it means not fully evaluating and learning from a project.

  • Taking Risk and Assumption into consideration will actually be of help to get ride of been disappointed or discouraged not meeting up with the expected results

  • An assumption is a statement that you assume to be true. Without assuming certain things planning would be impossible, as we never know for certain how the future will look like. We have to assume our government keeps working, our organization will keep existing and the weather will follow its usual pattern. Sometimes we look at these things as if they were facts, but in reality they are just assumptions, as we cannot be 100% sure. Here are a couple of examples of assumptions in a project proposal:

    All building materials will be available in the market before the project start
    The legal framework will not change drastically in the near future
    The pattern of rain will not change in the near future
    A risk is an assumption with a higher level of failure. It is an event that could happen with a notable probability and could affect the outcome of your project substantially. You have to take risks into account when planning your project as they might change the entire setup if the event actually occurs. They might even end your entire project if the occur. Here are a couple of examples of risks in a project proposal:

    After an election, a different political party is in charge that does not support your agenda
    Natural catastrophes like floods or landslides hamper with the success of your project
    The pattern of rain will change in the near future

  • The writing is not clear, so please if you can come again

  • Thanks.
    This course has been very intresting and i have learnt alot

  • I see Risks and Assumptions as a quality tool in M&E. It helps management to prepare for unknown and helps in deciding if a project is feasible.

  • A project implementation is not a linear function. So, risks will come up unavoidably. To be able to mitigate them when they arrive, it is a good idea to make a risks and assumptions analysis during the design phase. In order to get a better overview of these risks, it is important to involve all the major stakeholders in the community. We can also consult the history of past projects in the area if documents are available. Skipping this step may conduct to failure or waste of time.


  • This topic is very insightful. You have to think out inorder to know what can make you fail. Then you can plan appropriately.

  • I think identifying risks and assumptions requires well rounded knowledge of the inputs and the implementation environment of the project

  • I think that highlighting risks and assumptions need a well rounded understanding of inputs, processes, and the implementing environment of the project

  • Risk and assumption is one vital if not must vital aspect of an ME generally, it gives u the idea of what need to be done, the caution to be taken and measures to be put in place so as to come to the impact of ur project goal. It is a curtail measure required of any good project design and implementation. I use this approach very often to find out the pros and con's of my project before implementing

  • This topic is very insightful. You have to think out inorder to know what can make you fail. Then you can plan appropriately.

  • Risks and assumptions should be discussed from the start and throughout the project. They will in someway determine the success or failure of the project. The role of M&E team is to ensure that they mitigate the risks as fast and as much as they can so that the project can go on and succeed. Also knowing the risks in advance will enable the team to update project log frame and work plan in time.

  • Risks are factors outside of your control that could cause your project to go poorly, or disrupt your plan

    Assumptions are your biases, things you believe but are not supported by evidence

  • It is important to consider eventual risks and assumptions that can occur in the cycle of a project and take decisions that prevent them from producing troubles.

  • It is important to identify risks and assumption before starting a project because it will help you understand where to rely and where to move to. Also, this will help you develop and have an achievable project design part.

  • While designing a logframe, it is important to list all the risks and assumptions that have been made. This helps the implementing team to be on the look out to avoid or mitigate risk when they encounter it. Some risks may require the assistance of external parties (e.g. security) and it is important to loop them in before hand. Risks and assumptions can make/break a project and therefore must be handled with care.

  • how do i identify the risk and assumption in my project

  • Regarding the risks and assumption I deeply understand the process as you mentioned at last model about the issues of conducting birthday to mom I leaned and understand much, Thank You.

  • Assumptions refers to individual biases in developing a framework while risk refers to uncontrollable circumstances beyond ones control in the course of the project.

  • Risks and assumptions are essential to lead to the success of the project. Since it is a question of the conditions which can thwart the success of the project during its conception.

  • I have learnt the difference between Risks and assumptions and the significance of identifying them at the project design phase through the Log frame.
    Risk- These are external factors that fall negatively affect delivery of the project. These factors are also beyond the control of the project manager.
    Assumptions - These are factors that are purely base on the bias of the project manager and can affect the delivery of the project.
    The importance of identifying the risks and assumptions of the project at the design stage is that you will be able to make informed decisions on how best to implement the project as well as make timely decisions on how to mitigate the effects of the identified risk.
    The most efficient way to identify the potential risks and assumptions for the project is through the if/then statements. Through linking various inputs and outputs one can correctly identify the risks and assumptions of a given project.
    Risks and assumptions should be identified for the goal of the project, the purpose as well as the project activities i.e inputs and outputs.

  • Risk and Assumptions could help me to determine what risk can be occurred or make assumptions about it

  • risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal.
    Identifying Risk and assumptions are an important part of a project because they could allow possible solutions prior to the assumptions or risk occurring.
    For example with reference to the Galz and Goals programme in Namibia the risk and assumptions will include that:
    Parents and guardians might not want their young girls to participate in the programmme- lack of support from parents.
    The coaches might not be willing to take time to to attend life skills training.
    Young girls might not be willing to get tested for HIV.
    Young girls might not be allowed to play football because of gender roles and norms
    however, all this risks could have a solution if they happen to occur.

  • Risk and assumption helps in defining, formulating, and validating project hypothesis.

  • The issue of risks and assumptions is an important one in business or project establishment. Same for bias. More often we tend to start ventures on the basis of our beliefs and intuition than empirical evidence. The results have been that our projects fail

  • True, we must be very considerate during the planning phase

  • Identifying the risks and assumptions at every step - Input, Output, Outcome & Impact, would help in preparing for the foreseeable setbacks with proactive measures. Having a contingency plan for all possible risks, would save time, cost and other resources. Having assumptions outlined would help in specifying the conditions under which each step would be successful.

  • This topic has been very informative to me, I have appreciated the need to always find evidence to support my what if especially when linking outputs to outcomes, this cab be done through searching for evidence from previous studies or projects so as to avoid bias

  • The risks and assumptions is an important aspect in which any monitoring and evaluation planning has to critically deal with if really the project is willing for success. Most of the avoidable problems that might be encountered would have been dealt with.

  • Risks and assumptions are things that can cause the smooth project implementation. They do not necessarily emanate from the implementers but are rather beyond their control. Risks and assumptions are useful in mitigating challenges as they pop up because provision would have made for them at the planning phase.

  • I have understood what risks are and assumptions.

  • difference betwin risk and assumption

  • This module is very import and actually I understand very the rique and the assumptions. They are very important in the Logframe

  • This module is very import and actually I understand very the rique and the assumptions. They are very important in the Logframe

    Here are a few important words that you will use this week.

    Logframe (Logical Framework)
    A tool for project design. A logframe describes:

    The project’s activities

    The project’s short-term and long-term goals

    How progress towards goals will be measured

    Risks that might prevent you from reaching your goals

    These are the resources that go into your project. Examples include:


    activity space

    an expert’s time

    These are the products or services that your project makes. Examples include:

    homes built

    loans given

    workshops held

    These are the positive effects of your project. Examples include:

    participants learning new skills

    the rate of an illness going down

    This is the large positive change that you hope your project will create for the world. Examples include:

    improving the health of a target population

    saving a species from extinction

    Factors outside of your control that could cause your project to go poorly. Examples include:

    participants may not be able to get to the workshop

    funds intended for the project may be taken by government officials

    Things that you believe but that are not supported by evidence. Examples include:

    participants will be allowed to join this activity

    participants who have learned financial skills will want to save money

  • in module 2 :

    Risks and Assumptions
    identifying the risks and assumptions can give to assess the scenaries take steps to avoid these problems , while you analysis the situation.
    Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan. Assumptions are your biases: the things that you believe without much evidence. When you design a project, it is important to find the risks and assumptions before the project starts.


  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

  • This are bias or situation that can affect the objective/ goal of a projects thus affect the outcome. They can be internal or external

  • This are bias or situation that can affect the objective/ goal of a projects thus affect the outcome. They can be internal or external

  • Risques et hypothèse

  • Risques et hypothèse

  • Risques et hypothèse

  • Risques et Hypothèse sont-ils des outils pour mesurer les impacts ?

  • This module is very import and actually I understand very the rique and the assumptions. They are very important in the Logframe

  • Risques et hyppothese sont il des outils pour mesurer les impact

  • module 2 was very helpful but I would like additional content on the logframe.

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