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  • In the last months I used the process and tools in my projects.

  • In the next few months i will start using RACI, Shareholder analysis Framework in our organization

    1 Reply
  • In the next few months, I will start using the tools in my projects as much as my organization structure permits

  • In the next few months, I will start using more detailed project charters to provide a clear project scope and objectives for my team. I've also learned a lot about stakeholder analysis, and I plan to incorporate it into my project planning to ensure that I identify and engage with all relevant stakeholders effectively.

    I wish all fellow learners the best of luck in implementing new processes and tools in their projects! May your projects be successful and your teams thrive.

  • yes i have really enjoyed this course and in the next few months am starting to apply all the skills and tools that i have learnt

  • RACI, issues log

    1 Reply
  • It has been a great lesson. I will utilize all the tools that I have learnt. Gannt chart, RACI matrix, project charter,

  • Great learnings

  • Every project starts as a simple idea. But to take it from a simple thought to an active campaign, the project needs to be completely detailed and specified before you start asking for resources.

    If you want to fast-track your project, take a step back and organize your thoughts into one space. Think about the various project requirements, resources, potential hurdles, and workflows needed to get across the finish line.

    Whether it's time, a budget, or people, projects demand a lot of resources. Look at your business objectives as well as your long- and short-range goals to understand how this specific project fits into the bigger picture.

    This will help you uncover whether or not your team or organization has the available resources to complete it in the first place. We're not trying to be downers to your new ideas. Instead, it's essential to prepare for the numerous questions around your project about to come your way.

    One of the most important project management best practices to know is creating a project brief, also known as a project charter. It’s a short, concise document that gives a 30,000-foot overview of the project and its scope.

    Use it to quickly get approvals and everyone's buy-in. However, you have to revisit the project brief throughout the project to keep everyone on the same page. It doesn’t need to be a long and tedious document.

    On the other hand, your project brief should be easy to digest and at a minimum include:

    Name of project


    Project overview

    SMART objectives: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time-based




    Success metrics

    Budget, timeline, resources

  • A very helpful course. Thank you so much

  • In the next few months I will use Gantt charts, work breakdown structures, stakeholder analysis matrices and responsibility assignment tools.

  • In the next few months I will use Gantt charts, responsibility assignment tools and work breakdown structures.

  • This topic has been interesting and the tools are essential and in the next months or even when as I speak, i have already adopted to some like the Issue log although the one i use is modified. First, I identify issues through progress reports or meetings that are noted and issues entered into the issue tracker. Usually presented before teams of experts who take action without necessarily using this exact tool. However, I will adopt the RACI matrix much as i have been doing the indirectly the fact that the activities would automatically dictate on what next. But for monitoring purposes, i think it is a good tool

  • in the next few months, i will make use of all tools and processes learnt as they interrelate to ensure a project is delivered on schedule, within scope and budget.

  • In the next few months, I will definitely start to develop the project for my upcoming business. I will use the GANNT chart to see the critical path. I will use the RACI to who does what and the level of accountability demanded from them. Last but not least I will do the risk assessment as I have realised, I use to ignore this in the past and indeed I got burned

  • I have learnt a lot through this module. I plan to visit other resources to expand my knowledge on it.

  • In the next few months, I will be using the RACI Matrix. This will help me control, manage, and measure the performance of the project staff.

  • In the next few months, I will definitely start to develop the project for my upcoming business. I will use the GANNT chart to see the critical path. I will use the RACI to who does what and the level of accountability demanded from them. Last but not least I will do the risk assessment as I have realised, I use to ignore this in the past and indeed I got burned

  • in the next few months i will use the tools and charters in the project

  • I learnt a lot and gained a lot of insight. Yes in the next few months I will use the process and tools in my projects.

  • This topic highlighted deficiencies in our organization's project management practices. I'm committed to using my newfound knowledge to apply effective methods in future projects.

    1 Reply
  • In the next few months, I will start using our project charter alongside raci matrix. This way I can coordinate our project better. As the project progress, I will start using M&E plan, stakeholder analysis, and risk management.

  • I hope the raci matrix helps!

  • iwillbeaplyingallhavelearnedhereinthecoupleofweeks

  • What I learned from this course was very important for me because I m usually working on projects. So In the next few months inchallah I will start applying processes, tools, and practices to attain project goals.

  • I will start using all the tools I've learnt in this course in the next couple of months

  • In the next few Months i will apply the concepts Learned on Implementing of Project Management Practices especially on Issue Log and Tracking of Issue Logs.I will make Use of the Tips Provided such as Openly Commend Team Members ,Hold weekly Meetings so each Team Member can Participate in update of progress and Issues arising and create an online form where team Members can report issues arising in project in Confidentiality

    1 Reply
  • In the next few months I will start using project charters, RACI chart, start using stakeholder analysis matrices, etc.

  • Successfully I have done the course.

  • Great job and takeaways.

  • After completing this course, I have gained a lot of new knowledge about project management practices. I am excited to implement what I have learned in my future projects. One of the new processes I will start using is creating project charters. It will help me to clearly define the project's objectives, scope, and stakeholders, which are crucial for the success of any project. I will also start using stakeholder analysis matrices to identify and manage the stakeholders' expectations and involvement in the project.

    I wish all the learners the best and hope they will also implement new practices in their projects. Let's continue to learn and grow together as project managers. Good luck to everyone!

    1 Reply
  • I have done the assignments and quizzes. I am now confident to be a qualified project manager. Thank you very much for this opportunity of learning online course.

  • A project management system can be used for tasks such as creating estimates, schedules, and budgets; allocating resources; managing risks; controlling changes; and sharing information and updates. It is sometimes referred to as a “project management solution.”

  • I hope to rejoin the development sector by applying for and successfully being hired for a project manager or monitoring and evaluation officer role. I will surely refer to the materials from both these courses (project management and planning for monitoring and evaluation) if I am hired and during my tenure.

  • This course introduced me to the concept of a project charter. In my experience, we only used the project plan which was a more detailed version of the project proposal. Like you, I look forward to introducing the use of a project charter to organizations that don't know about it, and am excited to engage with organizations that already use it. Good luck in your future endeavors!

  • In the coming months I will apply the risk register, issue log, stakeholder engagement matrix, RACI matrix and etc,

  • In the coming months, I will use the RACI matrix to better organize the execution of tasks in my Organization.

  • Considering the nature of the project and the tools that can be used with it, i will use the tools that i have learned in this course according to the nature of the project.

  • This is a very good and timely learning materials for me. All the lessons learnt are exactly what I am using to navigate through in my current project as MEL Specilist. Much thanks to Philantrophy University!

  • In the next few months I'll start utilizing my WBP
    Be more confident to ask the hard questions
    Start utilizing stakeholders and risk assessment plan

    1 Reply
  • Well in the next few months i might be a project manager....all the best to everyone who wants to begin this journey.

  • I can't wait to start applying the skills I have gained

  • I have completed the course, when will my certificate of achievement for the course be ready to download? Have checked in the progress slot I can't see it

    1 Reply
  • In the next few months I will use the process and project management tools in a project of my own

  • I can't find my certificate of completion

  • In the next few months I will use the process and tools in my projects especially community service projects.

  • In the coming months, thanks to this course, I plan to finalise a project on improving the sexual health of adolescent girls in rural areas. In fact, I intend to use the various tools used in this course to refine the analysis of the needs of the beneficiaries. I will then use the logical framework to revise the project's objectives, results and products. I will use the RACI matrix to better assign roles.

  • In the coming months, thanks to this course, I plan to finalise a project on improving the sexual health of adolescent girls in rural areas. In fact, I intend to use the various tools used in this course to refine the analysis of the needs of the beneficiaries. I will then use the logical framework to revise the project's objectives, results and products. I will use the RACI matrix to better assign roles.

  • In the next few months I will keep taking project management courses in hopes of getting a role as a project manager where I will implement the following skills that I have learned from this course. Thank you.

  • In the next few months, when I get a good job, I will be putting the Gantt chart, Risk and issue matrix and stakeholder analysis to good use. It was so interesting learning this course. Congratulations @Bigsam13

  • In the next few months I will start using gantt chart for my project.

  • In the next few months I will start using project charters, start using stakeholder analysis, risk analysis techniques, issue logs and RACI matrice.

  • In the next two month i will be using Task Management Tools, Performance Goal Setting, Individual Development Plans and Job Descriptions and Role Clarity.. as explained below we have others which i will endeavor to to use.
    Task Management Tools: Utilizing task management tools such as Asana, Trello, or to assign and track responsibilities for various tasks and projects. These tools provide a centralized platform where managers can assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress, making it easier to manage and monitor individual and team responsibilities.

    Performance Goal Setting: Implementing a structured performance goal setting process where team members and managers collaborate to define clear, measurable goals and objectives. This process ensures that responsibilities are aligned with organizational objectives and provides a framework for tracking progress and evaluating performance.

    Individual Development Plans: Encouraging employees to create individual development plans that outline their career goals, desired skills, and developmental activities. Managers can play a consultative role in assisting employees in identifying relevant opportunities and resources for their professional growth.

    Job Descriptions and Role Clarity: Ensuring that job descriptions are up-to-date, accurate, and clearly define roles and responsibilities for each position within the organization. Regularly reviewing and updating job descriptions helps maintain clarity and alignment in people management processes.

    Performance Reviews and Feedback: Implementing a structured performance review process that includes regular feedback and constructive conversations between managers and employees. This allows for the assessment of individual performance, identification of development needs, and clarification of responsibilities.

    Cross-Functional Collaboration: Encouraging cross-functional collaboration and communication to foster a sense of shared responsibility and teamwork. This can be facilitated through tools like project management software, collaboration platforms, or regular team meetings where responsibilities and progress can be discussed.

    Training and Skills Development: Providing training and development opportunities to enhance employees' skills and competencies. This can involve internal training programs, external courses or certifications, mentoring, or coaching, all of which contribute to the development of a skilled and capable workforce.

    Performance Recognition and Rewards: Implementing a system to acknowledge and reward high performance and achievements. This can include incentives, bonuses, recognition programs, or other forms of acknowledgment to motivate and reinforce a sense of responsibility and performance excellence.

    Continuous Improvement and Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing channels for continuous improvement and feedback, such as suggestion boxes, employee surveys, or regular feedback sessions. This allows employees to provide input, share ideas, and contribute to the refinement of people management processes.

  • In the next few months, I will start implementing regular retrospectives at the end of each project phase to gather feedback and continuously improve our processes. Additionally, I plan to incorporate risk management more effectively by conducting thorough risk assessments at the outset of each project and updating them regularly throughout the project lifecycle.

    Good luck to all learners embarking on their project management journey! May your projects be successful and your teams thrive!

  • I really learned a lot. I will definitely be using the project charter, RACI and Gnatt chart

  • The RACI Matrix really simplifies tasking of various personnel. This is awsome

  • Indeed some skills can not be taught but it is for personal development. As an upcoming project Manager, I will make sure i have the hard skills and soft skills

  • The RACI Matrix really simplifies tasking of various personnel. This is awsome

  • In the next few months I will be using the RACI Matrix well so as not to miss any of the project activity during implementation.

  • The RACI tool is ideal. It'll guide me through basic steps I should consider.

  • congratulations to everyone, i intend to start using the WBS in my coming projects

  • In the next few months i will start using tools like the RACI matrix as it clearly sets expectations from team members and improves accountability.

  • The two tools namely risk register and issue log, are very important when used simultaneously as they encourage upfront information availability, which key in finding solutions and in turn develops a culture of honesty within an organization.

  • Implementing project management practices involves systematically defining project objectives, assembling skilled teams, developing comprehensive plans, allocating resources, establishing communication channels, managing risks, monitoring progress, addressing issues and changes, ensuring quality, and conducting thorough evaluations to achieve successful project outcomes.

  • Over the upcoming months, I plan to integrate tools such as the RACI matrix into our processes, as it effectively delineates roles and responsibilities among team members, enhancing overall accountability.

  • How to go by project implementation needs an envelope of social, economic and political factors

  • I learnt quite a lot in this module which i am ready to implement

  • I have gotten a basic Knowledge about how to prepare own project , I thank you all!!

    1 Reply
  • In the next few months, I will start using the RACI matrix on an upcoming project in my company

  • Great! All the best

  • I really enjoyed this course and will deploy the skills acquired to my organisation.

  • In the next few months I will start using the project charter, gantt chart and RACI Matrix. Such a wonderful course

  • This course has really improved my knowledge of managing projects. I will definitely use the knowledge acquired in my office and personal business.

  • In the next few months I endeavor to use all the tools from directorship to monitoring and evaluation in order to become a successful project manager

  • In the coming few months, I endeavor to utilize the knowledge and tools gained from directorship to monitoring and evaluation, in order to become a successful project manager

  • Implementing project management practices plays a crucial role in ensuring project success by aligning objectives, optimizing resources, managing risks, facilitating communication and collaboration, ensuring quality, enabling timely decision-making, managing changes, monitoring and controlling project performance, and promoting continuous improvement.

  • I will use all recommended tools where possible!

  • I will definitely use all the toold and lessons learnt here

  • In the next few months I'll start using the project charter, Gantt chart, work breakdown structure, the network diagram, and the RACI Matrix.

  • @claudia_wace I wish you the very best

  • @Udoitoroabasi I wish you the very best brother

  • I hope I can implement the knowledge acquired here. This course was very useful for my job and I will apply the whole process in my next project.
    Thank you for your support and congratulations for the incredible course.

  • In the next few months, I'm definitely applying the Project Charter tool , The Work Breakdown Structure which ensures the tiny details are not overlooked and also the RACI Matrix.

  • Congratulations. I believe you you will achieve greater results for applying the knowledge gained here. All the best!

    1 Reply
  • The RACI chart seems to be exciting and effective. I look forward to applying them to real projects.

  • I have downloaded all the materials from the course, can't wait to use them.

  • This is so true.

  • In the next few months, I will start incorporating more robust risk management practices into my projects. This will involve conducting thorough risk assessments at the beginning of each project, identifying potential risks, and developing comprehensive mitigation plans to address them. I'll also implement regular risk reviews throughout the project lifecycle to ensure that new risks are identified and addressed promptly.

    Additionally, I plan to integrate more collaborative project management tools into my workflow, such as cloud-based project management platforms that facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among team members. This will help streamline project communication, improve transparency, and enhance overall project efficiency.

    Lastly, I aim to adopt a more iterative approach to project planning and execution, embracing agile methodologies where appropriate. By breaking down projects into smaller, more manageable tasks and regularly reassessing priorities, I believe I can increase adaptability, responsiveness to change, and ultimately deliver better outcomes for my projects.

  • Thankyou sir for this course on project management.

    1 Reply
  • In the next few months I will definitely use the "Rist Assessment" steps in a project that aims at increasing school enrollment in Robe rural district of Ethiopia that I will be part of. The project might face possible risks as it is going to be implemented in very vulnarable part of the country and I will prepare myself for occuring issues and solve them accordingly.

    1 Reply
  • Good luck dear

  • In the next few months I will use the Work breakdown structure, the Gannt Chart and the RACI in my work. The Gannt Chart and the RACI are very important things to use.

    1 Reply
  • Best Wishes Amuhle. May you be the best of project managers.

  • I have a little challenge to share it with the team. How can i know from the recruitment process that the person i selected will do best? is that experience, recommendation, or something else you suggest please? dont you think we need to bring young people to the system and prepare them the way we want rather than looking for those who had experience?
    thank you

  • In the next few months, I will employ the use of a tool like Microsoft project to keep track of project activities and develop relevant soft and hard skills for managing people.

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