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  • It is important to consider risks and potential contingencies to deal with the risks for the success of any project.

  • It is important to consider risks and potential contingencies to deal with the risks for the success of any project.

  • In every Projects there are risks and assumptions. These two factors help to draw our projects more efficiently and be able to consider intervals that need more attention and of course, reduce the future damage that can occur.

    Considers risks in our projects allow us to develop strategies to improve our goals, our inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts. And when we create assumptions is a way to close all gaps that can exist that we may not consider exactly as a risk.

    For all people who wants to develop a project is necessary to create a margin of mistakes in their project, that will allow them to search for better measures.

  • An assumption is an idea that is accepted to be true without certainty. Until we validate assumptions, they also represent a risk.

    Risks are future events that have a likelihood of occurrence and an anticipated impact. Risks can be opportunities (positive) or threats (negative). Frequently we focus on the negative and fail to consider the upside.

    Risks can be described quantitatively or qualitatively. Likelihood can be expressed as a probability or with descriptive modifiers.

    Project management has frameworks for managing assumptions and risks. Assumptions are documented in the assumptions log, tracked, validated, and the outcome communicated. Risks are recorded in the risk register, assessed, addressed, monitored, and responded to. Adhering to these practices will ensure better project outcomes.

  • Risk & assumptions are simply the unforeseeable events and conditions found within the log frame. Listing these will best prepare you for the road ahead.

  • Je suis ravi de savoir que le texte répond à vos attentes et que vous l'avez bien compris. Si vous avez d'autres questions ou si vous avez besoin d'une aide supplémentaire, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir. Je suis là pour vous aider !

  • Assumptions
    An assumption is an idea that is accepted to be true without certainty. Until we validate assumptions, they also represent a risk. Risks are future events that have a likelihood of occurrence and an anticipated impact. Risks can be opportunities (positive) or threats (negative)

  • Managing risks is vital for successful project implementation. Identified risks, including inadequate community engagement and potential budget overruns, must be vigilantly addressed to ensure intervention effectiveness. Assumptions, guiding project planning, require continuous validation to align with the dynamic project environment. Balancing risk mitigation and assumption flexibility enhances project resilience, increasing the likelihood of achieving its goals.

  • I believe taking a good amount of time on clearly defining all Risks and Assumptions will save us from a lot of problems during project implimantation.

  • My project is a proposed education program to teach visitors about the lives of farmed animals in factory farming, and to encourage them to adopt plant-based diets. Some risks include:

    • inputs: we will not be able to secure enough funding
    • outputs: there may not be enough people registered to participate
    • outcomes: people may not want to change their diets
    • impact: the demand for farmed animals as food will not decrease
  • risk and assumptions are important assesments before the start of a project

  • risk and assumptions are important assesments before the start of a project

  • Risks are circumstances outside of your control that may disrupt your plan while assumptions are things that you believe without much evidence.

  • Incorporating a "Risks and Assumptions" section in project planning is crucial for realistic and effective project management. It not only prepares the project team for potential challenges but also ensures a shared understanding among stakeholders about the project's operating environment and expectations.

  • Incorporating a "Risks and Assumptions" section in project planning is crucial for realistic and effective project management. It not only prepares the project team for potential challenges but also ensures a shared understanding among stakeholders about the project's operating environment and expectations.

  • Incorporating a "Risks and Assumptions" section in project planning is crucial for realistic and effective project management. It not only prepares the project team for potential challenges but also ensures a shared understanding among stakeholders about the project's operating environment and expectations.

  • Risks and Assumptions are very key to projects in a sense that it allow you to know the effects and learn from your experiences. It also give a prior notice to what could be wrong with your logframe and work towards to achieve a great goal at the end of the project. We should always bear in mind that whatever we do, there are risks and we have to embrace them and know how to deal with them as we carry out our daily activities.

  • I had a project in which I had the goal to make money by selling 10000 Broilers. my inputs were chicken feed, shelter, labor, straw, time, etc. I want to get out as feed my chicken, protect them from outer environment, labor clean the shelter daily and feed chicken, use straw to avoid moisture, time to raise the chicken for 1 month. my intended outcome was to feed them until one month to gain 1kg weight.
    The risks and assumptions:
    the broilers might die if not properly vaccinated.
    they might not gain expected weight if feed with less nutritious and cheap feed.
    What if the chicken meat price per kg drop and I won't even cover my expenses.
    if competitors dump their prices, will I be able to compete their prices?
    Should I sell it on farm or transport it by myself to local market?

  • Its important to understand the risks and assumptions that we undertake at the time of project design. Risks are also something that one needs to constantly revisit, particularly in the access to justice space. Understanding risks is as important as strategizing on how to mitigate the risks in the event that they occur.

  • It seems to me that the example to explain risks and assumptions in this module is very clear. I am exciting to explore risks and assumptions in next module.

  • The logframe's "Risk and Assumption" column acts as a crucial reality check, identifying external factors that can make or break success. Assumptions are external conditions essential for progress, like stable funding or government support. Risks are potential threats, like funding cuts or competitor actions. By explicitly stating these, the logframe becomes a proactive tool, prompting contingency plans for risks and advocating for securing assumptions, ensuring a clear path towards achieving desired goals.

  • Identifying risks and assumption while designing a project is crucial before the project starts. This helps us come up with a project that is effective to answer to our impact. It helps eliminate biasness and identify things that could inhibit the plan at hand.
    As a result it aids in the design phase for a project whose impact will be efficiently met.

  • Risks and assumptions may be seen as things that during your project phase would be outside your confines to control and might end up affecting the project implentations. And in order to avoid biases AssumptionAssumption are really needed to give you ample time to make decisions that will help reach a meaningful impact of the project

  • Risks and Assumptions are very crucial when preparing Logframe in order to know what occurrences may incurred during the implementation of the project. This will in the long run may help you monitor and track these risks and address them accordingly to enhance reliability and validity of results thereby reducing biases

  • Can you please throw more light on this assertion

  • That's nice. In other words you to prepare for these so that when they arise you sold have means to curb them.

  • The simplest way to make sure one have a successful project is making sure you have weighed assumptions and risks of the project
    What if all have been done but the success of the project didn't go well?

  • Identifying risks and assumption while designing a project is crucial before the project starts. This helps us come up with a project that is effective to answer to our impact. It helps eliminate biasness and identify things that could inhibit the plan at hand.
    As a result it aids in the design phase for a project whose impact will be efficiently met.

  • From the lessons I have learnt so far, I am sure that in a project logframe matrix, risks are uncertainties or potential obstacles that might impede the successful achievement of outcomes and impacts, while assumptions are underlying conditions or factors considered to be true but not fully within the project's control. Thus, identifying and addressing risks and assumptions is crucial for effective project planning and management, ensuring that potential challenges are acknowledged, and strategies are in place to mitigate or respond to uncertainties throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Risks and assumptions in a project are necessarily challenges, uncertainties, and underlying conditions that may impact the project's success, requiring careful consideration and preemptive planning for effective mitigation or adaptation strategies during a project's life cycle.

  • risks are unforeseen events that could pose challenges to the M&E process, while assumptions are underlying beliefs that, if incorrect, may impact the validity of monitoring and evaluation findings. Both need careful consideration and proactive management to ensure the reliability and success of M&E efforts.

    An example of a risk is Imagine you're evaluating a community health program. A risk could be the sudden outbreak of a disease, which might affect the project's ability to achieve its health-related goals.

    An example of an assumption is like if you assume that a training program's materials will be equally effective in all regions. However, this assumption may not hold true if there are regional variations in educational backgrounds or cultural preferences.

  • It is very important to analysis the risk in the project.
    Because we can not have the project without the risk.
    But I have some questions :
    If the risk is important, can we abandon the project?

    1 Reply
  • i also think that not every girl who will get a microloan will use it for business

  • risk assessment is one of major pillars in project management because this also help the team and stakeholders to set aside some resource that can help in case of these circumstances. therefore with a well planned assessment you can save time frame of your project.

  • hey guys we should also remember and put in mind that some assumptions, project stakeholders can question them

  • i like that simple and straight

  • Risks and assumptions are things that are likely to hinder your project. they are mostly things beyond your control but can be addressed

  • Risks are these things that may interrupt effective implementation of project activities and hence have a bearing on the outcomes and impact! An all round assessment to prepare on how to manage these potential occurrences during implementation is more likely to increase achievement of the project outcomes and the overall goal. The same process, when done before start of the project, is important at testing for and ruling out any biases that may affect efficiency and effectiveness of the project - that result from assumptions made.

  • Risks are these things that may interrupt effective implementation of project activities and hence have a bearing on the outcomes and impact! An all round assessment to prepare on how to manage these potential occurrences during implementation is more likely to increase achievement of the project outcomes and the overall goal. The same process, when done before start of the project, is important at testing for and ruling out any biases that may affect efficiency and effectiveness of the project - that result from assumptions made.

  • Insightful lesson on how assumptions and risk can contribute towards the downfall of a project. However, I am now equipped in asking the right questions at every level (input to outcome) to ensure the what ifs are eradicated.

  • The riks and Asumptions are really important in logframes

  • Risks are things or factors beyond your control that may affect negatively implementation of project or achieving intended goals/impact, output and outcome.

    Assumption these are fearing without statistical backing (Without evidence). Usually they are bias

  • Assumptions are the conditions or factors that you expect to be true or present for your project to achieve its objectives. Risks are the events or situations that may prevent or hinder your project from reaching its goals. Both assumptions and risks can be internal or external, positive or negative, and vary in their likelihood and severity. In M&E, you need to identify and analyze the assumptions and risks that are relevant to your project's theory of change, logic model, indicators, data collection, analysis, and reporting.

  • Risks and assumptions are the loopholes that exist in a project, advancing without tackling them means that the goal or impact of the project might never be achieved.

  • Assumptions are our beliefs (validated or not) about existing conditions that may affect the achievement of results

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your project plan while assumptions are the biases a person have about a subject, assumptions are not evidenced based or backed up by data and might turn out to be wrong.
    When designing a project, it is important to identify the risk and assumptions before the project starts so that it will not disrupt your plan.

  • Risks are future events that have a likelihood of occurrence. Risks can be opportunities (positive) or threats (negative). However, an assumption is an idea that is accepted to be true without certainty.
    Both assumptions and risks can be internal or external factors which impacts vary on the project. Until we validate assumptions, they also represent a risk. In other cases, they may have a severe influence on whether we will be able to realize the project objectives. In the worst-case scenario, we may be forced to stop the project altogether.
    Identifying risks and assumptions helps an organization prepare for potential challenges in meeting the project’s goal. It also aids in planning ahead and making decisions at the right time.

  • In project management, identifying risks and making assumptions are essential for effective planning and decision-making. Risks are potential events or situations that could negatively impact a project, while assumptions are statements or conditions believed to be true but not fully validated.

    Risks can arise from various sources such as technical challenges, resource limitations, or external factors. By identifying and assessing risks, project managers can develop mitigation strategies to minimize their impact on project objectives. For example, allocating extra time for testing can help address potential technical challenges, while exploring outsourcing options can mitigate resource shortages.

    Assumptions are made when there is uncertainty or incomplete information. They guide project planning and decision-making but need to be regularly reviewed and validated. For instance, assuming that users prefer a simple user interface can influence design decisions, but user testing should validate this assumption to ensure user satisfaction.

    Both risks and assumptions require proactive management throughout the project lifecycle. Regular risk assessments and updating assumptions based on new information or validation help ensure the project stays

  • risks and assumptions are all the things that can disrupt your plan and you have some important questions you have to ask like what could go wrong ? is there anything that might prevent you from providing the inputs? and if you have the inputs like money etc , are you sure that this will lead you to the outputs?

  • Risks:

    In the realm of project planning and management, several potential risks could impact the successful execution of initiatives. Financial uncertainty represents a key risk, encompassing unexpected budget constraints or alterations in funding sources that may impede the project's ability to achieve its goals. Operational risks, such as disruptions, logistical challenges, or technical issues, pose threats to the day-to-day functions of the project. External factors, including shifts in government policies, economic conditions, or unforeseen natural disasters, introduce uncertainties that must be navigated. Human resource risks involve challenges related to the availability and performance of team members, including turnover, skill deficiencies, or collaboration difficulties. Technical risks, encompassing technology failures, data security concerns, or changes in industry standards, also warrant careful consideration.


    A series of assumptions underpin the foundation of project planning, influencing decision-making and strategic direction. An assumption regarding stakeholder collaboration implies an expectation that key stakeholders will collaborate effectively, contributing the anticipated resources and support. External factors, such as political stability and economic conditions, are assumed to remain favorable for the project's duration. Assumptions about technology involve expectations that chosen tools and technologies will function as anticipated and remain up-to-date throughout the project. The assumption about project timelines being realistic and achievable is pivotal, considering potential delays or unforeseen circumstances. Assumptions about beneficiary behavior, such as their active engagement with project activities, form an integral part of planning but need validation and adjustment as the project unfolds. Regular monitoring, evaluation, and open communication within the project team and with stakeholders are critical to address and mitigate these potential challenges effectively.

  • Risk and Assumption is basically about determining the likelihood that a vulnerability, threat, or occurrence could impact the organization and what the consequences or impact would be if it were to occur.

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your project plan while assumptions are the biases a person have about a subject, assumptions are not evidenced based or backed up by data and might turn out to be wrong.
    When designing a project, it is important to identify the risk and assumptions before the project starts so that it will not disrupt your plan.

  • The topic on risks and assumptions has really helped me by compartmentalizing them for each component of the log frame. I have already applied the lessons to a project that I am currently working on, and I can already see the results. My team and I have managed to plan better for the project implementation.

  • Assumptions and risks are outside variables that the project has limited control over but that could affect its operations and outcomes. Events, situations, and/or societal ideas are frequently linked to the components. An organization can better plan for potential obstacles to achieving the program's goal and assess whether a program redesign is warranted by identifying risks and assumptions. For instance, it can be essential to modify the program or start with adding more activities that will increase community support if an assumption indicates that the community might not be open to the activity.

  • Risk and assumptions are very significant to the successfulness of every project .
    If an organization does not take into consideration the risk and and assumptions of her project the aims and objectives of the organization would not be full met. For instance, having a party for mom is a very good idea. However, if this is not well discussed with mom to get her feedback during the planning process, and we go ahead in planning the program to make it a surprise for mom, and there is a certain aspect of the party that mom does not like, our aim and objective of making mom happy will not be achieved. Because we assumed that mom would be happy with everything.

  • I have learned the difference between Risk and Assumptions which are two different things but goes together most of the time.

    A risk represents a potential problem or event that could cause harm, lead to project delays, increase costs, or otherwise negatively impact the project if it occurs. Risks are characterized by the combination of the probability of an event happening and the impact or consequence should that event occur. Risk management involves identifying, analyzing, assessing, and addressing these potential negative events to minimize their likelihood or impact on the project.

    While the assumption assumed to be true for the purposes of planning and executing the project. Assumptions are generally based on the current knowledge and understanding of a situation. They are accepted as truths without proof in the planning phase and become the basis for how the project is structured. However, because they are not guaranteed, there is an inherent risk that the assumption could prove to be false. If an assumption turns out to be incorrect, it can affect the project's outcomes much like a risk. Therefore, part of project risk management includes validating assumptions and monitoring them throughout the lifecycle of the project.

  • It is very important to analysis the risk in the project.
    Because we can not have the project without the risk.
    But I have some questions :
    If the risk is important, can we abandon the project?

  • Risks are factors out of the project's control that can impede or prevent the success of the project and may affect it from inputs, outputs, outcomes, and even impact. Assumptions are beliefs that are not based on evidence that could be untrue in the end and hurt the expected outcome of the project: These can range from cognitive information that has been taken in from growing up, culture, and upbringing. These are usually refers to as biases and they are a preference that the project designer has to certain things.
    To avert and prevent the adverse effects of this bias on the project, evidence from research and other studies is needed. This may include a tried-out theory of change or any study that directly or closely links to the input, outputs, and outcomes.

  • Data Verification

    Data Quality

    Data Analysis & Use

  • Logframe (Logical Framework)
    A tool for project design. A logframe describes:

    The project’s activities

    The project’s short-term and long-term goals

    How progress towards goals will be measured

    Risks that might prevent you from reaching your goals

    These are the resources that go into your project. Examples include:


    activity space

    an expert’s time

    These are the products or services that your project makes. Examples include:

    homes built

    loans given

    workshops held

    These are the positive effects of your project. Examples include:

    participants learning new skills

    the rate of an illness going down

    This is the large positive change that you hope your project will create for the world. Examples include:

    improving the health of a target population

    saving a species from extinction

    Factors outside of your control that could cause your project to go poorly. Examples include:

    participants may not be able to get to the workshop

    funds intended for the project may be taken by government officials

    Things that you believe but that are not supported by evidence. Examples include:

    participants will be allowed to join this activity

    participants who have learned financial skills will want to save money

  • There is a big difference between risks and assumptions when it comes to monitoring and evaluation. Risks can be anything that can cause disruption of your plan outside of your control. Assumptions, on the other hand, are what you believe in, though they aren't backed by any evidence. They are based on your own biases. However, we might think that when you sit down to plan and anticipate anything that may cause a certain disruption to your project, be it a risk or opportunity, aren't we making assumptions? We are basing off what we think might happen but not quite sure whether it will truly happen. This is where I believe there is a correlation between risks and assumptions. We sit down and make assumptions, based on our knowledge, the risks and opportunities our project might face. In this case, the said risks end up becoming assumptions.

  • As I learned, there is a difference between risks and assumptions when it comes to planning a project. However, can there not be a correlation between risks and assumptions? Risks are the things that may disrupt your plan, that are out of your control. You can't do anything about them. Assumptions, on the other hand, are the beliefs you have, which are not backed by any evidence. They are your own biases.
    This is where I want to connect the two. When we sit down and make a plan, we also have to anticipate risks that the project might face. In this situation, can't the presented risks not be assumptions? Because they are based off our knowledge, and we have no evidence as to whether they will or will not happen.

  • As I learned, there is a difference between risks and assumptions when it comes to planning a project. However, can there not be a correlation between risks and assumptions? Risks are the things that may disrupt your plan, that are out of your control. You can't do anything about them. Assumptions, on the other hand, are the beliefs you have, which are not backed by any evidence. They are your own biases.
    This is where I want to connect the two. When we sit down and make a plan, we also have to anticipate risks that the project might face. In this situation, can't the presented risks not be assumptions? Because they are based off our knowledge, and we have no evidence as to whether they will or will not happen.

  • risks and Assumptions of a logframe lists all the things that might disrupt your plan.

    Assumption; are your biases, the things that you believe without much evidence .

  • the risks and assumption of the logframe are the things that can disturb your plan. we I say plan I mean each plan for each level of logframe, i.e input, output, outcome and the impact. these are the things that could go wrong at each level of the logframe, things can could go wrong which will make us not to achieve our input, output, outcome and impact.

  • the risks and assumption of the logframe are the things that can disturb your plan. we I say plan I mean each plan for each level of logframe, i.e input, output, outcome and the impact. these are the things that could go wrong at each level of the logframe, things can could go wrong which will make us not to achieve our input, output, outcome and impact.

    1 Reply
  • risks and Assumptions of a logframe lists all the things that might disrupt your plan.

    Assumption; are your biases, the things that you believe without much evidence .

  • This is a great topic, i got an in-depth understanding of how to establish a logical framework

  • Limited Resources: Insufficient funding or resources may hinder the implementation of water infrastructure projects, leading to delays or incomplete installations.
    Technical Challenges: Technical issues such as geological constraints, water quality issues, or equipment failures could arise during the implementation of water infrastructure projects, affecting their effectiveness and sustainability.
    Community Resistance: Resistance from local communities or stakeholders may arise due to cultural, social, or political factors, potentially impeding project acceptance and cooperation.
    Environmental Impact: Unintended environmental consequences, such as groundwater depletion or habitat disturbance, could occur as a result of water infrastructure development, leading to ecological degradation.
    Climate Variability: Climate-related factors such as droughts, floods, or changes in precipitation patterns may impact the availability and reliability of water sources, affecting project sustainability and resilience.

    The assumption include:
    Government Support: Assumption that local government authorities will provide necessary permits, approvals, and support for project implementation, facilitating coordination and collaboration.
    Infrastructure Maintenance: Assumption that adequate resources and capacity will be available for the ongoing maintenance and operation of water infrastructure projects, ensuring their long-term functionality and effectiveness.

  • While often used interchangeably, risk and assumptions are distinct concepts with crucial roles in decision-making, planning, and project management.


    Statements believed to be true: Assumptions are essentially beliefs about future events or conditions that are considered necessary for a plan or project to succeed. They are often made based on past experiences, current knowledge, or expert opinions.
    Examples: "The economy will remain stable," "Customers will adopt the new product," "Key personnel will be available throughout the project."
    Uncertainties: While assumptions are accepted as true, they inherently carry some level of uncertainty. They haven't been definitively proven and could potentially turn out to be false.

    Potential future events: Risks are uncertain events that could negatively impact the outcome of a plan or project. They have a likelihood of occurring and a potential impact on the project's success.
    Examples: "Economic downturn could reduce customer demand," "Product launch may face delays due to technical issues," "Key personnel could leave the project mid-way."
    Management: Identifying and analyzing risks helps develop strategies to mitigate their impact or even turn them into opportunities.

  • Les risques et hypothèses nous aide à comprendre les évènements et les conditions imprévisibles qui pourraient affecter la mise en oeuvre de notre projet

  • When discussing risks and assumptions, it's important to identify potential uncertainties and dependencies that could impact a project, plan, or decision. Risks are events or conditions that might occur and have a negative impact, while assumptions are factors taken for granted or believed to be true without proof. By acknowledging and evaluating both, you can better prepare and mitigate potential challenges.

    1 Reply
  • Risks and assumptions are vital in that one is able to, whilst in the design process it assists in making relevant decisions, in working on and adjusting targets and work plans accordingly. It also helps identify the realities of the project that we might have overlooked. Risks and assumptions are identified using the IF and Then question. Risks and assumptions can be analysed at every and any level of the Log Frame.

  • True additionally you are in a better position to make decisions at the right time.

  • Yes and the fact that we re able to access those at any level of the Log Frame assists us in better planning and readjusting accordingly to ensure project success.

  • MODULE 3

    Assignment: Indicators Document
    In this module, you will be completing the next part of your M&E plan: the Indicators Document. This document is one of the most important parts of the entire M&E plan because it describes exactly what you will be measuring.

    Fill in the table below to complete your indicators document. Just as in prior lessons, you will have an opportunity to download this template at the end of the lesson.
    Clock 45 minutes

    Note: As with all of the parts of an M&E plan, there are many different types of Indicators Documents out there. Most versions will ask you to provide more information than the template that we have provided. After you have completed this module’s assignment, check to see whether your organization or donor will need more information about your indicators.

    Status: This assignment is in progress.

    YOUR RESPONSEdue Nov. 1, 2025 23:59 UTC (in 1 year, 8 months)
    Prompt for this section
    Fill in the table below. Note: In the "definitions" column, make sure to define any terms that might be misunderstood precisely.

  • It's important for NWI to conduct thorough risk assessments, monitor key assumptions, and develop mitigation strategies to address potential challenges and uncertainties throughout the project lifecycle. By actively managing risks and leveraging opportunities, can enhance the likelihood of project success and achieve meaningful impact.

  • Great Assessment

  • Particularly, I enjoyed the if/then statements, I find they make logical flow easy to comprehend.
    Risks and assumptions require in depth knowledge of a subject matter, without prior knowledge, an M&E person might find it difficult to identify risks that may be involved in a subject matter and go ahead with their assumptions regardless.
    This is why data is important in project design/framework.

  • spotting risks and assumptions in project design phase is very key.

  • Risks and assumptions are the setbacks or hurdles that need to be overcome for a project to be successful. They also help point out the direction of the impact of the project is/might take.

  • I think the main effort a project is to overcome such risk, remember you analyze the risks and assumption prior to starting the project ideally, if the risk can be lessened or mitigated considerably, there would be no need to abandon the project. Where as if the risk cannot be ignored and it will have a considerable effect on the impact, then it is beyond the project in my opinion.

  • Here are some potential risks and assumptions for your project, "Eye Camps for Elderly Citizens":


    Limited Resources: There is a risk that the project may face constraints in terms of financial resources, medical equipment, and human resources. Insufficient funding or limited availability of necessary resources could impact the project's ability to provide adequate eye care services.

    Lack of Awareness and Participation: There may be a risk that the target population, particularly elderly citizens, may have limited awareness or understanding of the importance of eye health and the services offered by the project. This could result in low participation and utilization of the eye camps, affecting the overall impact of the project.

    Accessibility Challenges: Accessibility issues, such as transportation barriers or remote locations of the target population, may pose challenges in reaching and providing services to elderly citizens. Limited infrastructure or difficult terrain could impact the project's ability to conduct eye camps in certain areas.

    Limited Follow-up and Continuity: Ensuring proper follow-up care and continuity of eye health services beyond the eye camps is crucial for long-term impact. There is a risk that the project may face difficulties in establishing effective mechanisms for follow-up care and sustaining eye health interventions after the camps.


    Community Support and Collaboration: The project assumes that there will be support and collaboration from local community organizations, healthcare providers, and relevant stakeholders. This assumption is based on the expectation that these entities will actively participate in promoting the project, providing resources, and facilitating its implementation.

    Availability of Qualified Medical Professionals: The project assumes the availability of qualified medical professionals, including ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other specialized staff, who can conduct eye examinations, provide treatments, and offer professional expertise during the eye camps.

    Favorable Government Policies: The project assumes the existence of favorable government policies and regulations related to healthcare, eye care services, and community outreach programs. These policies would support and facilitate the implementation of the project, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.

    Community Engagement and Participation: The project assumes that the target community, including the elderly citizens and their families, will actively engage and participate in the eye camps. This assumption is based on the expectation that the community recognizes the importance of eye health and is willing to avail themselves of the services provided.

  • spotting risks and assumptions in project design phase is very key.

  • Risks and assumptions are external factors over which the project has little control, but which may impact project activities and results.

  • Risks and Assumptions are UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES that might endanger our projects. Planning for them is very important as an M&E Personnel.
    Risks are conditions beyond our control as M&E Experts, and may hamper our plan. Example of a Risk is parents might want to stop their children from attending.
    On the other hand, Assumptions are how we as M&E Experts conceptualize things without much evidence.
    To fully understand Risks and Assumptions, we must consider to use the IF/THEN STATEMENTS what will better explain or give us insights about the unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

  • Assumptions are factors that are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof while Risks are future events that have a likelihood of occurrence and an anticipated impact.

  • it is important to plan for risks and assumptions ahead of time is so that
    you can understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable
    that might affect your implementation, therefore giving you enough time to make
    decisions at the right time.
    We tested for our assumptions and risks within our
    logframe by looking at our past events and seeing out of those activities we
    had implemented some of the common assumptions and risks.
    Then we go
    through our beneficiaries and ask them what would be some of the assumptions
    that we had put along whether they fitted and finally we looked at the list
    of activities that we did and listed some of our assumptions.
    A common
    assumption that we had is that Kenya will have a new government by the end of
    August of this year. Unfortunately this didn't go on because there was prolonged
    electioneering process and brought a repeat of elections.
    Out of this it meant
    that we could not implement our project. We created a subgroup that included
    our beneficiaries and they could inform us about the risks that are on the ground
    and we could plan appropriately.
    We also adjusted our work plan and our targets.

  • An assumption is a statement that you assume to be true. Without assuming certain things planning would be impossible, as we never know for certain how the future will look like. We have to assume our government keeps working, our organization will keep existing and the weather will follow its usual pattern. Sometimes we look at these things as if they were facts, but in reality, they are just assumptions, as we cannot be 100% sure. Here are a couple of examples of assumptions in a project proposal

    risk is an assumption with a higher level of failure. It is an event that could happen with a notable probability and could affect the outcome of your project substantially. You have to take risks into account when planning your project as they might change the entire setup if the event actually occurs. They might even end your entire project if they occur. Here are a couple of examples of risks in a project proposal:

  • Here are some potential risks and assumptions for your project, "Eye Camps for Elderly Citizens":


    Limited Resources: There is a risk that the project may face constraints in terms of financial resources, medical equipment, and human resources. Insufficient funding or limited availability of necessary resources could impact the project's ability to provide adequate eye care services.

    Lack of Awareness and Participation: There may be a risk that the target population, particularly elderly citizens, may have limited awareness or understanding of the importance of eye health and the services offered by the project. This could result in low participation and utilization of the eye camps, affecting the overall impact of the project.

    Accessibility Challenges: Accessibility issues, such as transportation barriers or remote locations of the target population, may pose challenges in reaching and providing services to elderly citizens. Limited infrastructure or difficult terrain could impact the project's ability to conduct eye camps in certain areas.

    Limited Follow-up and Continuity: Ensuring proper follow-up care and continuity of eye health services beyond the eye camps is crucial for long-term impact. There is a risk that the project may face difficulties in establishing effective mechanisms for follow-up care and sustaining eye health interventions after the camps.


    Community Support and Collaboration: The project assumes that there will be support and collaboration from local community organizations, healthcare providers, and relevant stakeholders. This assumption is based on the expectation that these entities will actively participate in promoting the project, providing resources, and facilitating its implementation.

    Availability of Qualified Medical Professionals: The project assumes the availability of qualified medical professionals, including ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other specialized staff, who can conduct eye examinations, provide treatments, and offer professional expertise during the eye camps.

    Favorable Government Policies: The project assumes the existence of favorable government policies and regulations related to healthcare, eye care services, and community outreach programs. These policies would support and facilitate the implementation of the project, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.

    Community Engagement and Participation: The project assumes that the target community, including the elderly citizens and their families, will actively engage and participate in the eye camps. This assumption is based on the expectation that the community recognizes the importance of eye health and is willing to avail themselves of the services provided.

  • Here are some potential risks and assumptions for your project, "Eye Camps for Elderly Citizens":


    Limited Resources: There is a risk that the project may face constraints in terms of financial resources, medical equipment, and human resources. Insufficient funding or limited availability of necessary resources could impact the project's ability to provide adequate eye care services.

    Lack of Awareness and Participation: There may be a risk that the target population, particularly elderly citizens, may have limited awareness or understanding of the importance of eye health and the services offered by the project. This could result in low participation and utilization of the eye camps, affecting the overall impact of the project.

    Accessibility Challenges: Accessibility issues, such as transportation barriers or remote locations of the target population, may pose challenges in reaching and providing services to elderly citizens. Limited infrastructure or difficult terrain could impact the project's ability to conduct eye camps in certain areas.

    Limited Follow-up and Continuity: Ensuring proper follow-up care and continuity of eye health services beyond the eye camps is crucial for long-term impact. There is a risk that the project may face difficulties in establishing effective mechanisms for follow-up care and sustaining eye health interventions after the camps.


    Community Support and Collaboration: The project assumes that there will be support and collaboration from local community organizations, healthcare providers, and relevant stakeholders. This assumption is based on the expectation that these entities will actively participate in promoting the project, providing resources, and facilitating its implementation.

    Availability of Qualified Medical Professionals: The project assumes the availability of qualified medical professionals, including ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other specialized staff, who can conduct eye examinations, provide treatments, and offer professional expertise during the eye camps.

    Favorable Government Policies: The project assumes the existence of favorable government policies and regulations related to healthcare, eye care services, and community outreach programs. These policies would support and facilitate the implementation of the project, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.

    Community Engagement and Participation: The project assumes that the target community, including the elderly citizens and their families, will actively engage and participate in the eye camps. This assumption is based on the expectation that the community recognizes the importance of eye health and is willing to avail themselves of the services provided.

  • Risks are the things or occurrences that sometimes are unavoidable, or we as human beings do not have control over them while assumptions are factors that are believed to be true or certain. While assumptions and risks go hand in hand we need to identify them during the designing stage of a project since they are important factors for project success. For example for us to have an enlightened community, we assume factors such each community members is educated.

  • To any project we can never lure out risks or assumptions . These helps us to make informed decisions and take necessary steps towards addressing challenges that might occur during implementation of any project. Therefore it is very important that before implementation risks and assumptions are known and necessary steps are put forward

  • Risks in a project are things outside our control that might disrupt the perfomance of the project therefore a need to establish and findout these risks before or during the first ohase of the project cycle. risks if idnetified earlier, the project implementer will know and find solutions on how to avoid them.
    assumptions are biases about a project. these may come from people within the community, the project implementers themselves and other stakeholders. it is important to conduct research to avoid such biases and be informed about the project

    1 Reply
  • assumptions are just ideas, beliefs and attitudes that someone may have towards the project.

  • Is it necessary to have assumptions in the monitoring and evaluation process ? For risk is something not planned for but why do we need to assume ?

    1 Reply
  • In this module, we learned that risks and assumptions are things that may cause a disruption to our project. In some instances, they may cause our project not to achieve our intended goal.
    Let's take the following example to explain these two concepts. Assuming at the input level we only have one source of funding, which is the government of that country, the risk we may have is that funds may be channeled to other projects and if that is so, then our project may be a failure. This is common in developing countries, for instance, where the government channels funds to other projects with the purpose of winning the hearts of people during elections that may be approaching.
    Therefore, risks and assumptions allow us to ascertain how such disruptions may affect our projects and if so help us to find our way around to ensure that our project is a success.

  • In this module, we learned that risks and assumptions are things that may cause a disruption to our project. In some instances, they may cause our project not to achieve our intended goal.
    Let's take the following example to explain these two concepts. Assuming at the input level we only have one source of funding, which is the government of that country, the risk we may have is that funds may be channeled to other projects and if that is so, then our project may be a failure. This is common in developing countries, for instance, where the government channels funds to other projects with the purpose of winning the hearts of people during elections that may be approaching.
    Therefore, risks and assumptions allow us to ascertain how such disruptions may affect our projects and if so help us to find our way around to ensure that our project is a success.

  • Risks are the things or occurrences that sometimes are unavoidable, or we as human beings do not have control over them while assumptions are factors that are believed to be true or certain. While assumptions and risks go hand in hand we need to identify them during the designing stage of a project since they are important factors for project success. For example for us to have an enlightened community, we assume factors such each community members is educated.

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