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  • Risks and assumptions exists so you could work against factors that are outside your control and within your control that could work against your project. By taken the necessary measures to counter them.

  • It's important to note that risks and assumptions are not static. They should be regularly reviewed and updated as the project progresses and new information becomes available. Mitigation plans should also be in place for identified risks to minimize their impact. Regular risk assessment and adaptive management are essential to ensure a project's success in the face of changing circumstances.

  • Risks:

    1. Funding Uncertainty: Relying on external funding sources, such as grants and donations, can be risky. There may be delays in funding disbursement, changes in donor priorities, or unforeseen economic downturns that affect funding availability.

    2. Community Resistance: Resistance or skepticism from community members or local leaders can impede project implementation. It's important to build trust and gain community buy-in to avoid such challenges.

    1. Political and Regulatory Challenges: Changes in government policies, regulations, or political instability can disrupt project operations or affect funding availability.

    2. Logistical Challenges: The project may face logistical challenges in reaching remote or underserved areas, including transportation, infrastructure, and supply chain issues.


    1. Funding Availability: An assumption is that the project will secure the necessary funding and resources as planned. This includes grants, donations, and in-kind contributions from various sources.

    2. Community Engagement: The project assumes that it will successfully engage and involve the target community, gaining their trust and support.

    3. Government Support: There is an assumption that the government will be supportive of the project's goals and objectives and will not introduce regulatory barriers.

  • Should we know about the theoritical or empirical understanding on the contect for identity risk asand assumption?

  • A risk. A very dangerous concept. If we don't pay attention to risk, the consequence will be high.

  • A risk. A very dangerous concept. If we don't pay attention to risk, the consequence will be high.

  • Samuel of Teach Me Well Ghana

  • It is important to identify the risks and assumptions in a project. It is like trying to avoid an accident that you see coming. Trying to answer ways one can mitigate these risks and assumptions puts one in a better head space to anticipate the worst while hoping for the best - that the project will achieve its intended goal. They may compromise the overall project in various such as, the project taking longer, the actual outcome being different from the desired outcome, waste of resources e.g., time and money etc. Always try and explore all the possible risks to a project for better program impact.

  • Determining risks and assumptions in projects is a very necessary step to take as it helps in making better decisions and making adjustments where necessary. It is essential in determining whether or not, the project proceeds as designed or if changes have to be made in order to achieve the intended goals of the project. Though necessary, it is a bit scary to think of the risks and assumptions because what if all the listed risks and assumptions deters one from continuing for fear of failing? What if the risks and assumptions are so overwhelming that they drown all hope of achieving anything meaningful with the project? I would want to know so I do better, but I also feel like I should not know because I don't want to start all over, I don't want to go back to the drawing board to start with everything from scratch.

  • Risk and Assumption Relationship: It's also important to note that risks can arise from invalid assumptions. For instance, if a project assumption is that a key resource will be available, but that resource becomes unexpectedly unavailable, it can become a risk that threatens the project's success.

    Both risks and assumptions should be documented and regularly reviewed as the project progresses. This allows for proactive risk management and helps prevent unforeseen issues from derailing the project. It's a good practice to revisit these discussions periodically, especially during project planning and at key milestones.

  • Addressing identified risks through contingency plans and regularly revisiting assumptions to ensure they hold true is crucial for the overall success of every project. It is also important for every organization to have adaptability in responding to evolving dynamics and challenges during the life cycle of projects.

  • Les risques et les hypothèses représentent des facteurs externes sur lesquels le projet a peu de contrôle, mais qui peuvent avoir une incidence sur les activités et les résultats du projet. Ces facteurs sont souvent liés à des événements, des contextes et/ou des croyances communautaires. Identifier les risques et les hypothèses aide l'organisation à se préparer à d'éventuelles difficultés pour atteindre l'objectif du programme et à déterminer si une nouvelle conception du programme pourrait être bénéfique.

  • Nairobi Urban Greening Initiative

    The Nairobi Urban Greening Initiative is a comprehensive project aimed at transforming Nairobi into a more sustainable and environmentally friendly urban center. This ambitious undertaking focuses on increasing green spaces, enhancing biodiversity, and improving the overall quality of life for the city's residents. The project includes activities such as planting trees, creating urban parks, and implementing green infrastructure to mitigate the effects of urbanization and climate change. It is a collaborative effort between government bodies, non-governmental organizations, local businesses, and the community, with the primary goal of promoting urban sustainability and resilience.

    Monitoring and Evaluation - Risk and Assumptions

    1. Community Engagement:

    Assumption: The local community will actively engage with and support urban greening initiatives, contributing to their success.
    Strategy: Regularly assess community involvement through surveys, workshops, and feedback mechanisms. Adjust community engagement strategies as needed.

    1. Funding:

    Assumption: Continued availability of funding from government bodies or donors to sustain and expand the project.
    Strategy: Maintain close relationships with funding partners, diversify funding sources, and establish contingency plans for potential funding gaps.

    1. Environmental Benefits:

    Assumption: Urban greening initiatives will lead to improved air quality, reduced urban heat, and other environmental benefits.
    Strategy: Implement continuous monitoring of environmental indicators and conduct scientific studies to validate the assumed benefits.

    1. Stakeholder Collaboration:

    Assumption: Various stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, and local businesses, will collaborate effectively to implement and manage the project.
    Strategy: Foster strong relationships with stakeholders, establish clear roles and responsibilities, and facilitate regular communication and coordination.

    1. Public Awareness:

    Assumption: There is a sufficient level of public awareness and support for green initiatives in Nairobi.
    Strategy: Conduct public awareness campaigns and assess public sentiment through surveys and social media sentiment analysis.

    1. Political and Regulatory Risks:

    Risk: Changes in government policies or regulations that hinder project progress.
    Mitigation: Stay informed about policy changes, engage with relevant authorities, and advocate for policies that support urban greening.

    1. Environmental Risks:

    Risk: Adverse weather conditions, such as droughts or floods, affecting the success of urban greening efforts.
    Mitigation: Develop resilience plans and adapt planting and maintenance schedules to mitigate climate-related risks.

    1. Community Resistance:

    Risk: Resistance or lack of interest from the local community in participating in green initiatives.
    Mitigation: Conduct community outreach programs, address concerns, and ensure community involvement in decision-making.

    1. Financial Risks:

    Risk: Unreliable or insufficient funding sources jeopardizing project continuity.
    Mitigation: Diversify funding sources, establish financial reserves, and regularly assess financial sustainability.

    1. Implementation Risks:

    Risk: Challenges in coordinating and implementing greening initiatives on a large scale within the city.
    Mitigation: Implement a project management framework, monitor progress, and address implementation issues promptly.

    1. Monitoring and Evaluation Risks:

    Risk: Challenges related to data collection accuracy and monitoring and evaluation efforts.
    Mitigation: Ensure rigorous data quality control, employ independent evaluators, and regularly review and adapt the MEL framework.

  • I have learnt that we must ask our selves what would go wrong on each stage of designing a log frame, however what happens when the case is different when i have a project with over 4 inputs to carry out
    How well can you identify risks and assumptions on the impact stage of the log frame?

  • Do not use the money for investment
    Unwillingness to invest
    Lack of knowledge in investing

  • I have a small doubt about the Impact. I have created a hypothetical project which will work with the Bulk Waste Generators i.e. the residential societies/campuses of the city Gurgaon, India to aware them about the importance of waste segregation and also how In-situ composting can be beneficial in reducing waste generation. For this, following is my log frame-

    IMPACT- Better waste management system
    OUTCOME- More aware people will start segregation of waste and will utilize In-situ composting
    OUTPUT:- 1) Awareness campaign will be conducted

    1. FlashMobs will be done
      INPUTS:- 1) An awareness campaign will be done with the residents of societies on waste segregation and benefits of In-Situ Composting
    2. Flash Mobs on waste segregation and Rules of MCG

    I have some doubts here:-

    Did I set the right Impact for the project ? or should I say that my Impact will be that "people will start segregating waste and will utilize In-Situ Composting"?

    Since module mentions that skill enhancement is not an output, it is an outcome. Similarly, people get aware about the topic is not an output is an outcome? If so, then how will I say that after awareness generation, people have started doing the desired action i.e. waste segregation and use of In-Situ composting.

    I dont see a good flow in my log frame.

  • risks are paramount and need to be assessed because every project has risks

  • What are project assumptions in project management?
    You assume your team will complete milestones according to schedule.
    You assume suppliers will deliver the right items on time.
    You assume that your employees are capable of completing necessary tasks.
    You assume weather or acts of God won't interrupt your progress.

  • The citizens engagement in building the school does not contribute materials.
    The people are not aware with the budget of the school building project.
    The project doesn't get fund.
    No fund allocated

  • i have really enjoyed the topic and it has opened my eyes and i hope to do better in the next modules

  • How to manage risks and reduce the biases assumption ?

  • How can be sure that the risks and assumptions identified will affect the project?

  • I find this module very helpful and informative

  • Risks are the things outside your control that might disrupt your plan
    Assumptions are biases/things that you believe without much evidence
    It's important to plan for risks and assumptions ahead of time to understand unforeseeable events and conditions that might affect the implementation and give you enough time to make decisions at the right time.
    Risks and assumptions are tested within our log frame by looking at our past events and seeing out the activities we had implemented and also by asking the beneficiaries .

  • Identifying risks and assumptions in the logframe is a powerful way to escape your biases. Formative research tries to respond to risks and assumptions before and during the project design phase to foresee the challenges the research may face as it progresses.

  • an assumption can be any idea that is accepted to be true without certainty therefore, until we validate an assumption, they also represent a risk.
    therefore risks and assumptions represent the factors that we cannot control that affect our projects.

  • An assumption is a belief that is held to be true despite the lack of certainty. Assumptions are risky until they are validated. Risks are future occurrences with a high possibility of occurring and a significant impact. Risks can be either beneficial possibilities or negative threats.

  • An assumption is a belief that is held to be true despite the lack of certainty. Assumptions are risky until they are validated. Risks are future occurrences with a high probability of occurring and a significant impact. Risks can be either beneficial possibilities or negative threats.

  • Its always good to reflect on the risks and assumptions in project design so as to be well informed of whatever is going on and what may happen in the near future.

    1 Reply
  • An assumption is a belief that is held to be true despite the lack of certainty. Assumptions are risky until they are validated. Risks are future occurrences with a high possibility of occurring and a significant impact. Risks can be either beneficial possibilities or negative threats.

  • An assumption is a belief that is held to be true despite the lack of certainty. Assumptions are risky until they are validated. Risks are future occurrences with a high possibility of occurring and a significant impact. Risks can be either beneficial possibilities or negative threats.

  • Hi here
    Hello here. Can anyone help me with the peer review?

  • Thank you so much !!! Now tell me about peer review?

  • In monitoring and evaluation planning, identifying and mitigating risks is crucial to ensure the integrity of data and the accuracy of results. Additionally, assumptions should be carefully documented and scrutinized to minimize potential biases and inaccuracies in the evaluation process.

  • Identifying the risks and assumptions is crucial as this will help you prepare how to mitigate the challenges that you may experience.

  • Risk and assumptions are expected and should be identified in a project plan.

  • The risk and assumptions speaks in to not only, situations, events, conditions but also decisions which are vital for the success of the project. We must take note that their chances of occurrence are beyond the control of the project's leaders.

  • Assumptions are factors that are sufficient to guarantee the success of the project at each of its levels: Goal, purpose, components and activities; however, they are not controllable by the project team. In other words, an assumption is a fact that we assume to be true.

    now we think what occur and hinder not to be and not fulfill the assumption.

    In this sense, we must strive to meet the assumptions in order to be successful with the project both in theshort and long term.
    .We must consider what can go wrong.Risks and assumptions are external factors over which the project has little control, but which may impact project activities and results. The factors are often connected to events, contexts, and/or community beliefs. Identifying risks and assumptions helps an organization prepare for potential challenges in meeting the program goal as well as determining if a program redesign would be beneficial. For example, if an assumption highlights that a community may be unwilling to accept the activity, it may be necessary to redesign the program or first add additional activities that will build community support. Once you have prioritized your assumptions and risks, you need to develop strategies to mitigate or manage them throughout your project cycle. Mitigation reduces the probability or impact of a negative assumption or risk, while management enhances the probability or impact of a positive assumption or risk

  • Identifying risks and assumptions in M&E is essential for managing problems, allocating resources well, ensuring good data quality, and making smart decisions. It helps projects stay on track by spotting potential issues and coming up with solutions. It also promotes transparency, accountability, and clear communication with stakeholders, aligns project goals with reality, and saves money by preventing costly mistakes. In short, recognizing these factors is crucial for effective M&E, enabling organizations to handle challenges and improve project results continually.

  • Managing risks and validating assumptions is crucial in project implementation, ensuring that the data and information collected are reliable and that evaluations accurately reflect the impact of programs or projects.

    1 Reply
  • This is true. Without reliable data it will be very difficult to know the project impact.

  • the over all program was Understandable

  • Risk is everything that take project to fail

  • By outlining the risks and assumptions associated with a specific project, an M&E Officer will be able to reduce biasness and also develop measures to mitigate the risks that may threaten the progress and effectiveness of the project.

  • Assumptions are the things that you believe but are not supported by evidence while risks are factors outside your control that could hinder a project from achieving its goal. Assumptions and risks can be internal or external, positive or negative, and vary in their likelihood and severity. As an M$E expert it is significant to identify and analyze the assumptions and risks that are relevant to a project's theory of change, logic model, indicators, data collection, analysis, and reporting.
    Assumptions and risks are important in M&E because they can affect the validity, reliability, and usefulness of project findings and recommendations. If not considered, assumptions and risks that underlie the project's design and implementation, project teams may end up with inaccurate or misleading results, or miss out on valuable learning opportunities.
    Documenting and reporting assumptions and risks in the M&E plan is essential for transparency, accountability, and learning. It aids in collaborative learning and adaptation among the project team, stakeholders, and beneficiaries. While discussing the project's design, implementation, and results the project stakeholders can outline the challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned from dealing with the assumptions and risks. Different formats and tools can be used for documenting and reporting assumptions and risks such as tables, graphs, narratives, or case studies. Sources, methods, criteria, and evidence should also be included to support identification, prioritization, mitigation, and management of the assumptions and risks.

  • Risks and assumptions are external factors over which the project has little control, but which may impact project activities and results. The factors are often connected to events, contexts, and/or community beliefs.

  • Risks and assumptions are external factors over which the project has little control, but which may impact project activities and results. The factors are often connected to events, contexts, and/or community beliefs.

  • Risks and assumptions play a crucial role in various aspects of decision-making, problem-solving, and planning. By identifying and addressing potential risks and assumptions, individuals and organizations can enhance their understanding of the potential challenges and uncertainties associated with their endeavors. Let's discuss the concept of risks and assumptions in more detail.

  • It will seem that the risk and assumption in a logframe are closely related and almost always present. However, the method revealed here for identifying these risks and biases in the design phase are easy to master and can already be seen to address a wider range of problems that cut across the entire project. It is really imperative that all newbies take this course-Essentials of Nonprofit Strategy!

  • Risks and assumptions are key to identifying a future project problem and finding a possible solution before the problem actually occurs.

  • It will seem that the risk and assumption in a logframe are closely related and almost always present. However, the method revealed here for identifying these risks and biases in the design phase are easy to master and can already be seen to address a wider range of problems that cut across the entire project. It is really imperative that all newbies take this course-Essentials of Nonprofit Strategy!

  • A risk is the potential to cause harm and in the context of the project management could be thought to be the tendency to disrupt the origin plan of a project. An assumption is a belief based on the mere tendency that something may happen

  • A risk is the potential to cause harm and in the context of the project management could be thought to be the tendency to disrupt the origin plan of a project. An assumption is a belief based on the mere tendency that something may happen

  • The risk and assumptions that may not have enough money for the microloan may lead to resulting the loan to got to wrong people or girls may not be interested in microloan and also the luck knowhow to start or start or upgrade business will affect an impact that the girls businesses might not be financially successful

  • setting or assessing a risk and assumptions is like a base for successful implementation of a project. because if the risks are anticipated before the project implementation takes place it gives a room to mitigate risk management strategy and work on those risks before they harms the whole process

  • Risks and Assumptions are very essential elements of the logframe.
    Risks are external factors that are likely to affect the achievement of intended outputs, outcomes and project impact. An early identification of the risks helps in planning and making informed decisions to mitigate its impact on the project

    Assumptions on the other hand are beliefs and perceptions that are not backed by evidence. Thus it might be true or not and hence has the potential to affect the success of the project outcomes and impacts.

    Unrealistic targets are targets that are over ambitious and or impossible to attain. This could be as a result of change in project scope, timelines, budget or even delays in implementation processes.

  • Risks and assumptions play crucial roles in any plan or project. Risks are potential issues or events that might negatively impact your goals, while assumptions are the foundational beliefs or conditions you base your plans on. Identifying and managing both helps anticipate challenges and make more informed decisions.

  • Risk and assumption is a very key aspect when planning a project. it will help us prevent the elimination and the short comings of which will bring our project to a halt.
    It's very important to discuss this topic when it comes to M&E so that our projects become successful.

  • Risks are external factors or events that are outside of your control and have the potential to disrupt or negatively impact your plan.Risks have the potential to hinder the achievement of project objectives. They can lead to delays, increased costs, or even the failure of the entire initiative. Assumptions are beliefs or hypotheses that are taken for granted or accepted without substantial evidence. They are often inherent biases that influence decision-making and planning.Assumptions can be explicit and consciously recognized, or they can be implicit and ingrained in the background of decision-making processes.

  • This was really helpful - I had never done a Logframe before so it was very useful to learn how to do one, I am eager to know how to come up with the means of verification.

  • That is so useful to know! Can there be a case where you have too many risks and assumptions for the project to move forward? Does that mean your logical flow is not good enough?

    1 Reply
  • In the realm of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), risks and assumptions are integral considerations that significantly impact the validity and success of the evaluation process. Risks, such as data inaccuracies, sampling biases, and resource constraints, pose threats to the reliability of findings and the overall effectiveness of the evaluation. Mitigation strategies, including rigorous quality control measures and contingency plans, are crucial to address these risks. On the other hand, assumptions, such as those related to program theory, participant behavior, and organizational capacity, underpin the foundation of the M&E framework. Continuous validation of assumptions through stakeholder consultations, adaptive management practices, and capacity-building efforts ensures that the M&E process remains aligned with program goals and responsive to dynamic contextual changes, ultimately enhancing the utility and impact of evaluations.

  • Hi everyone, I learned more about M&E

  • Risque et hypothèse: ce sont des changements inattendus qui pourraient arrivée lors d'exécution d'un projet à chaque phase de son cycle. Empêchant ainsi l'exécution du plan initial ou occasionnant sa modification

  • Dans le projet les risque son toujours présente d'ou le rôle du S&E pour cadrer le projet
    ce pendant;
    Le S&E est-il le seul moyen a parveni au bon fonctionnement d'un projet?

  • I understood that it is always ideal to think of possible risks and assumptions to make.

  • Module 2 really dealt with M&E at the project design level which is where it should start. The connection between input, output, outcome and impact in a project is where many missed it and the projects fail. The basic questions to ask and identification of risks and assumptions are also vital.
    Really learned a lot.

  • Risks are events or situations that may have an adverse impact on the achievement of project objectives. They can arise from various sources, including internal and external factors, and can affect different aspects of a project, such as cost, schedule, quality, and scope. Assumptions are statements that are considered to be true, real, or certain without direct proof or evidence. They are the conditions or factors that are accepted as facts at the outset of a project but are subject to change.

    1. Risk: Knowledge of agriculture

    Assumption: Seed availability and seed quality

    1. Risk: Knowledge of agriculture

    Assumption: Seed availability and seed quality
    3 Risk: Favorable climatic conditions
    Assumption: Adoption of climate smart agriculture

  • Risk and assumption is a very key aspect when planning a project. it will help us prevent the elimination and the short comings of which will bring our project to a halt.
    It's very important to discuss this topic when it comes to M&E so that our projects become successful.

  • however I am not getting the more discussion about this topic, but I feel it is important part of the lesson I have got here and is essential in making prediction on circumstances as barriers to project implementation

  • I think, it's very important to be able to identify the mains risks and assumptions which can disrupt the project. The given example in this module shows that if the risks are well identified, then come results expected

  • The Risks and Assumptions are a very important part of the M&E framework. it helps to identify all the risks that could obstruct or make the project go slowly, or lead to a poor implementation. we can set risks and assumptions for the inputs, the outputs, the outcomes and the impact. the question to ask is: if/ then

  • Risks and Assumptions are scenarios that could go wrong in the flow starting from input to impact. we have to prepared for those scenarios, so that we tackle them beforehand. for instance, we can think money for giving capacity building as an input and giving capacity building as an output. So, the assumption is if we have money to give a capacity building then we will give a capacity building. but we have to think of scenarios that can prevent us from giving the capacity building. For instance, lack of space to give the capacity building or lack of experts to give the capacity building.

  • Risks and Assumptions are scenarios that could go wrong in the flow starting from input to impact. we have to prepared for those scenarios, so that we tackle them beforehand. for instance we can think money for giving capacity building as an input and giving capacity building as an output. So the assumption is if we have money to give a capacity building then we will give a capacity building . but, we have to think of scenarious that can prevent us from giving the capacity buiding. For instance lack of space to give the capacity building or lack of experts to give the capacity building

  • What are the main course of the risk

    1 Reply
  • Alright thanks but how can we differentiate between risk and assumption

  • Risk are those things that are out of our control that can stop the project from going on as expected whereas assumptions are bias generated from us that we perceive may inhibit or hurt the project

  • I am in agreement to this point of view. A reflection now helps the team effectively avoid pitfalls or at least mitigate it

    Risks and Assumptions are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan.
    Assumptions are your biases; the things that you believe without enough evidences.
    using IF/THEN would help us identify the risks and assumptions associated with our projects by combining the outputs and outcomes.

  • Peut-on dire que les risques et hypothèses sont des moyens qui nous permettent d'élaborer des mesures préventives?

  • if the project needs to be implemented without resources and ability to perform the needed activities, target of project to realize needed results become unrealistic.

  • When coming up with logframe in risk and assumptions column,do you have to indicate risk and assumptions separately?

  • To understand discussions and assumptions effectively, especially in the context of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) or any project management, consider the following steps:

    Review Project Documentation:
        Examine project plans, proposals, and any relevant documents. Discussions and assumptions are often documented during the planning phase.
    Consult Stakeholders:
        Engage with project stakeholders, including team members, project managers, and partners. Discussions and assumptions are often made explicit during project discussions and planning meetings.
    Check Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plans:
        Look into the M&E plans if they exist. Discussions and assumptions related to data collection, analysis, and reporting are typically outlined in these plans.
    Conduct Interviews or Focus Groups:
        If needed, conduct interviews or focus groups with project team members, managers, or stakeholders to explicitly discuss assumptions and expectations.
    Explore Risk Assessments:
        Risk assessments often highlight assumptions and uncertainties. Reviewing risk assessments can provide insights into potential areas of concern and underlying assumptions.
    Use Project Management Tools:
        Project management tools like logframes, Gantt charts, or Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) can highlight key project components, discussions, and assumptions.
    Attend Project Meetings:
        Regular project meetings may involve discussions about progress, challenges, and underlying assumptions. Attend these meetings or review meeting minutes.
    Examine Reports and Progress Updates:
        Periodic reports and updates often mention assumptions and discussions. Analyze these documents to understand how assumptions are influencing project activities.
    Involve Stakeholders in Discussions:
        Foster an open communication culture. Encourage stakeholders to openly discuss assumptions, uncertainties, and expectations to ensure alignment.
    Utilize Project Management Software:
        If applicable, project management software may provide insights into discussions, assumptions, and changes made throughout the project lifecycle.
  • 1 There could be a risk that supply is not successful due to delays of transportation.
    2 Girls might not be familiar with the sanitary pads therefore it could be a waste.
    3 Sanitary pads might be supplied to wrong girls.
    4 There might not be enough money for a long term supply

  • By systematically addressing risks and assumptions throughout the project lifecycle, you enhance the likelihood of project success and minimize the impact of unforeseen challenges. Regular reviews and adjustments based on real-time information contribute to effective risk and assumption management.

  • By systematically addressing risks and assumptions throughout the project lifecycle, you enhance the likelihood of project success and minimize the impact of unforeseen challenges. Regular reviews and adjustments based on real-time information contribute to effective risk and assumption management.

  • Risks and Assumptions are critical to analyze if we want to create a useful logframe. The fact that this tries to eliminate the biases, it's better to backup this with the proofs. Proofs might be the researches conducted in the past, data collected from the field based on the kind of the project and so on. It's better to gather all possible risks and assumptions as they help in the planning of the project.

  • Risk and Assumption is not a good framework for organization development. it is important to use all the necessary key tools to examine the project level of growth or decline.

  • risks are potential events that may affect the project, assumptions are beliefs or conditions taken as true for planning purposes. Both are essential components of project management, and effective management involves identifying, analyzing, and responding to both risks and assumptions throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Le module pour la création des formulaires a été fantastique, j'ai beaucoup appris

  • Your monitoring questions are focused on assessing the ongoing progress and performance of the project:

    1. "Are enough inputs being provided?" - Ensuring the necessary resources are available.
    2. "How well do your inputs lead to your outputs?" - Evaluating the effectiveness of the resources in producing desired outputs.
    3. "How well do your outputs lead to outcomes?" - Assessing the connection between project activities and the intended outcomes.
    4. "Are any of the risks or assumptions that you identified hurting your project?" - Monitoring the impact of identified risks and assumptions on the project.

    Your evaluation questions are geared towards assessing the overall success and impact of the project:

    1. "Do your inputs produce enough outputs and outcomes?" - Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the project in producing results.
    2. "How well did your project create impact?" - Assessing the overall impact of the project on its intended goals.
    3. "Did any risks or assumptions hurt this project?" - Reflecting on the impact of identified risks and assumptions on the project's outcomes.
    4. "Were there any unexpected risks or assumptions?" - Considering unforeseen challenges that may have affected the project.
  • It is very important to identify and understand the risks and assumptions of a project.
    This is because you have to be prepared for the risks that might inhibit achieving the desired outcome of a project.

    Sometimes we tend to neglect and not consider the risks that can happen but only focus on what we want to achieve. This can cause us to be blindsided and not consider the possibilities that can happen and that sometimes some things happen that do not go in our favor regardless of the efforts we put.

    It is therefore important to consider the risks and assumptions that may hinder us from achieving a desired impact and outcome.

  • Risks in a project are defined as are potential events or situations that may have negative consequences on the project's objectives, timeline, budget, or overall success. These potential events may arise from inside the organisation or outside of the organisation. It is important to anticipate risks in the project because it helps the team to prepare and have a response plan in advance.
    Assumptions can be defined as conditions that are taken d to be true on a face value for the purposes of planning and executing a project. Assumptions are not necessarily based on face value but it is influenced by the available information, and they can be influenced by historical data, expert opinions, or external factors. They represent factors that are outside the project team's control but are integral to the project's success.

  • Risks in a project are defined as are potential events or situations that may have negative consequences on the project's objectives, timeline, budget, or overall success. These potential events may arise from inside the organisation or outside of the organisation. It is important to anticipate risks in the project because it helps the team to prepare and have a response plan in advance.
    Assumptions can be defined as conditions that are taken d to be true on a face value for the purposes of planning and executing a project. Assumptions are not necessarily based on face value but it is influenced by the available information, and they can be influenced by historical data, expert opinions, or external factors. They represent factors that are outside the project team's control but are integral to the project's success.

    @MandelaTumaina said in Module 2 Discussion: Risks and Assumptions:

    By outlining the risks and assumptions associated with a specific project, an M&E Officer will be able to reduce biasness and also develop measures to mitigate the risks that may threaten the progress and effectiveness of the project.

  • what if i did not want to discuss!

  • what if i did not want to discuss!

  • what if i did not want to discuss!

  • i did not like module 2!

  • Risks and Assumptions are critical to analyze if we want to create a useful logframe. The fact that this tries to eliminate the biases, it's better to backup this with the proofs. Proofs might be the researches conducted in the past, data collected from the field based on the kind of the project and so on. It's better to gather all possible risks and assumptions as they help in the planning of the project.

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