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  • Identifying Risks and Assumptions before the project commences is a very good way of assessing what could go wrong in a project endeavor. Doing so, helps plan in advance, counteracting whatever huddles you find along the way. This gives us time to come up with solutions and strategies that will resolve such challenges in a more efficient and timely manner.

  • Identifying Risks and Assumptions before the project commences is a very good way of assessing what could go wrong in a project endeavor. Doing so, helps plan in advance, counteracting whatever huddles you find along the way. This gives us time to come up with solutions and strategies that will resolve such challenges in a more efficient and timely manner.

  • It is important to note that Risks and Assumptions are crucial part of project design or a project logframe. Identifying of Project risks at the earlier stage of the project design help reduce or help project look at alternatives to address risks during the course of the project implementations. While, assumptions are not always true or achieved given the fact that, no evidences to prove its extistences. Hoever, both risks and assumptions can be managed with continues monitoring or testing of its (Risk and Assumptions) existences in the project.

    1 Reply
  • Risk and assumption certainly are not guaranteed to happen. I used to think you must be aware of a risk for it to be one. It never really occured that there are occassions we may assume the potential of risks to happen.

    That has really eased my working out risk. I appreciate it can be the about that which could go wrong, but does not necessarily need to have togo wrong. I now see it as preparing for the worst case scenario. Only means that it finds you better pre[ared and equipped to deal with evantualities.

  • From the study, you only need to come up with a need that you can work out a solution for. Following the Logframe would give you every other anwer that you need.

    It asks the necessay questions that if responded, give you the framework of the project. Developed around the need or problem you seek to resolve.

  • You make a great point.
    The truth is, just because risk may not be tangible/visble, does not negate the fact they do exist. It is also wisdome to prepare for evntuallities, which is what would be another of seeing risks

  • I agree, biases being second nature to us. The fact that may would defend themselves as not being bised can present problems. It creates blinder that prevent us from seeing what would be obvious in other instances.

  • Could not have said it better, than you.

  • Risk management is a central part of any organization or project. Its focus is the
    assessment of significant risks and the implementation of suitable responses in a
    continuous process; “it increases the probability of success and reduces both the
    probability of failure and the level of uncertainty associated with achieving the
    objectives of the organization [or project].

    Assumptions are the unproven connections
    between levels in a design hierarchy, theory of
    change, or the project context.

    1 Reply
  • d'autres extrants sont nécessaires pour atteindre les résultats
    d'autres hypothèses et risques vont analyser ces activités et résultats

  • Completing the logframe makes you assess risk and assumptions at every point in the project.

  • The main difference between risks and assumptions is that With a risks we anticipate that the risks might happen and thus negatively impact our project. and when we make an assumptions, we expect that assumptions will happen. If the assumptions doesn't happen then the project is negatively affected.

  • A risk is an uncertain threat that can negatively affect the completion of a goal, an assumption is a necessary condition that will enable successful completion of a goal. Identifying and planning for risks and assumptions ahead is important because it helps understand unforeseeable events and the effects it may have on project implementation. This then helps in making timely decisions.

  • Risks are the things outside of our control that might disrput our project design.Assumptions are our biases that the things that our belive without much evidence.We put risks and assumptions in the logframe that we could avoid distrupted things of our logical flow.

  • Risks are the things outside of our control that might distrupt your project plan.Assumptions are our biases that the things we belive without much evidence.If we put risks and assumptions in the logframe that we could avoid distruptionof our logical flow.

  • Risks and assumptions are a very critical component of project management. It helps in preparing the minds of organizations to take precaution and prepare for the unexpected while implementing a project. It is also very important in gathering lesson so that future project designs will be more effective.

  • Risks are factors outside of your control which could cause your project to go poorly. e.g. funds intended for the project may be taken by the government officials.
    Assumptions on the other hand are things that you believe but that are not supported by evidence. e.g. participants who have received microloans will want to start new businesses or upgrade existing ones.

  • Risks are factors outside your control that could cause your project to go poorly.
    Assumptions are things that you believe but are not supported by evidence.
    It is important to plan for risks and assumptions so that you can understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable, that might affect your implementation, therefore giving enough time to make decisions at the right time.

  • Risks and assumptions are very important to the success or failure of any project as well as change the expected outcomes. When we make assumptions is with the believe that those things will happen and if they don't it will affect the outcomes negatively while we assume the risks might happen and if they do will affect the outcomes negatively. In the MEH's project we assume money will be available for microfinance and that girls will want to start or upgrade there businesses and so, if there is no money or girls are not interested then the outcome is negative and the risks are that the money available my not be enough to reach the target audience, or given to the wrong persons or girls are prevented by culture or family to start or upgrade their businesses. Therefore, it is very important to properly identify, document, analyse and consult with all the relevant stakeholders on to manage risk and assumptions tied to project so as to ensure proper implementation. Doing this will enable us fashion appropriate indicators to enhance our monitoring and evaluation.

  • Provide food and cash might not be the target people
    security concens

  • Does that mean that M&E is a crucial part of any NGO irrespective of its focus sector?

  • risks are identified at every level of the project planning

    1 Reply
  • an assumption is is simply a belief that is not supported by any evidence on the other hand a risk is in the logical flow can be measured with the project indicators in most cases risks are identified in the planning phase and the can be avoided if identified earlier we can also evaluate if the risks are hurting the project in any way.

  • risks can also be identified on the offset in the project plan.

    1 Reply
  • risks can also be identified on the offset in the project plan.

  • @Ray06 said in Module 2 Discussion: Risks and Assumptions:

    Identifying Risks and Assumptions before the project commences is a very good way of assessing what could go wrong in a project endeavor. Doing so, helps plan in advance, counteracting whatever huddles you find along the way. This gives us time to come up with solutions and strategies that will resolve such challenges in a more efficient and timely manner.
    I like what you are pointing to it is very true if one identifies risks and assumption from the initial stage of a project, the project in the evaluation stage will have outstanding and remarkable result. you can also add on the importance of evidence and biases. don't you think so?

  • I don't understand what is being requested in this discussion section, as there does not appear to be a question to answer.

    1 Reply
  • An assumption is the act of taking something for granted or supposing. In a project sense, an assumption is something we establish as true for the purposes of allowing us to proceed with our project work, usually during the planning and estimating phase. Assumptions enable the project to move forward without absolutely certain information

  • To identify risks and assumptions at the stage of planning for monitoring & evaluation can be said that forming a project operational auxiliary.

  • It is very important to identify risks and assumptions in M&E plan. Risks are unforeseen things which may disrupt the plan of the project while Assumptions are biases; things that you believe in but have no evidence

    1 Reply
  • Am I right when I say that the Risks and Assumptions are always negative?

  • An assumption can also be a risk

  • This is well stated

  • Well explained, thank you for sharing

  • It is very important to identify risks and assumptions in M&E plan. Risks are unforeseen things which may disrupt the plan of the project while Assumptions are biases; things that you believe in but have no evidence

  • It is very important to identify risks and assumptions in M&E plan. Risks are unforeseen things which may disrupt the plan of the project while Assumptions are biases; things that you believe in but have no evidence

  • It is very important to identify risks and assumptions in M&E plan. Risks are unforeseen things which may disrupt the plan of the project while Assumptions are biases; things that you believe in but have no evidence

  • Risks are out of control and we can make assumptions for indicators' achievements

  • You are welcome

  • It was very interesting module. I learned so many new things.

  • An assumption is any project factor that is considered to be true, real, or certain without empirical proof or demonstration.
    A project risk is an uncertain event that may or may not occur during a project

  • Risks and assumptions helps in clarifying whether the proposed objective and activities are achievable during the project implementation and one can ponder on how to manage this risk and ways to reduce it.

  • The two primary attributes of a risk are the probability of it happening and the impact (negative or positive) that it might have on a project. Assumptions are “factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration”

  • Risk and assumptions are the things that may go wrong for program so you need to come up with a plan to avoid the problem.

  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

  • An assumption is any project factor that is considered to be true, real, or certain without empirical proof or demonstration.
    A project risk is an uncertain event that may or may not occur during a project

  • Risks and Assumptions are very important for project

  • Risks are out of control and we can make assumptions for indicators' achievements

  • RISKS can lead to failure of the project as well as unproductive project.
    assumptions can lead to biased information hence failure to complete the project

  • risks are the unforeseeable activities or things that might hinder one from successfully implementing a program. an assumption is the bias one has without evidence.

    1 Reply
  • It is important to consider the any unexpected risks or assumptions, which I think are often left out from project planning. The video hilighted a useful way to overcome this which was through beneficiaries and stakeholders within the project and ask them what would be some of their assumptions for risks. The example used was a Whatsaap group so can identify risks on the ground so can plan for it accordingly. This informal type of focus group discussion as formative research is low cost and easy to identify unforeseeable risks as a outsider researcher/ project implementer.

  • It is important to consider the any unexpected risks or assumptions, which I think are often left out from project planning. The video hilighted a useful way to overcome this which was through beneficiaries and stakeholders within the project and ask them what would be some of their assumptions for risks. The example used was a Whatsaap group so can identify risks on the ground so can plan for it accordingly. This informal type of focus group discussion as formative research is low cost and easy to identify unforeseeable risks as a outsider researcher/ project implementer.

    1. Some FSW will not be willing to stop because the money gain from sex work will be more than what that gain through entrepreneurship
  • It is important to consider the any unexpected risks or assumptions, which I think are often left out from project planning. The video hilighted a useful way to overcome this which was through beneficiaries and stakeholders within the project and ask them what would be some of their assumptions for risks. The example used was a Whatsaap group so can identify risks on the ground so can plan for it accordingly. This informal type of focus group discussion as formative research is low cost and easy to identify unforeseeable risks as a outsider researcher/ project implementer.

  • Assumptions and risks are areas in a project in individual have no control of. These same assumption and risks can be identified on the initial stage of the M&E plan. And are are caused by events or occurrences.

  • I agree risks and assumption are potentially influential in the project failure and succes.



  • The main difference between an assumption and a risk is that when we make an assumption, we expect that assumption will happen. If the assumption doesn’t happen then the project is negatively affected. With a risk we anticipate that the risk might happen and thus negatively impact our project. If the risk doesn’t materialize then the project will benefit. So in affect we can think of assumptions as almost being the opposite of risks (assumption happens = project ok versus risk happens = project not ok).

  • We can monitor assumptions simply by regularly reviewing them with our project team. In these reviews you should ensure that actions are given to follow up any questions arising, and that these actions are tracked. By doing this we reduce the likelihood of an assumption becoming the accepted wisdom.
    To manage assumptions we can actually use the Risk Management Process. Here we simply ask what would it mean to the project if the assumption turned out to be false. By asking “what would it mean” we are understanding the impact if the assumption was false. By asking “if the assumption turned out to be false” we are gaining an understanding of the probability of the assumption being false.
    Now that we have an assessment of impact and probability for the assumption being false, we can record that in the risk register as a risk, and use the risk management process to keep track of it.

  • this was so helpful and it has increased my knowledge on how to formulate and state risks and assumptions

  • This topic has opened me to something I had never thought about in M&E. All I knew was if I have enough activities and well planned targets then there was no need of looking at outside things that may affect project implementation.

  • This topic has opened me to something I had never thought about in M&E. All I knew was if I have enough activities and well planned targets then there was no need of looking at outside things that may affect project implementation.

  • @undavidjohnson, This is a discussion avenue where different participants here state how they feel about the module or the different topics.

  • The risks and assumption describe the situation, events conditions which are necessary for the success of the project , but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project management.

  • you identify the risk and then give the assumption

  • how can i measure the probability of risk evented

  • Identifying risks and assumptions serves to assess whether the goals and activities proposed are realistic and achievable in the given time frame and within the given available human and financial resources.
    Risk can also be viewed s an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the project. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the project.

  • This is a part where I used to disregard alot in my first year of project management. But now I understand how important it is to spend more time exploring what could go wrong and make a plan to overcome the expected challenges.

  • Number 3 made think alot. In fundraising, we often seem like beggars. But in reality, we are both equal in the equation despite the fact that the money provider is more valued but we are both working towards a similar cause.

  • they are discudded

    • project summary is an important column in the log frame as it describes the activities of the project in a logical flow.

    Risks and Asumptions are also what to consider in a log frame, it helps to recognise our biases.

    1 Reply
  • Good afternoon team, how do comes up with risk and assumptions in designing a project log frame so as to avoid being bias

  • How do you make sure you avoid being bias during your project

  • How do you make sure that your output will reflect to the outcome of your project

  • How do you make sure that your output will reflect to the outcome of your project

  • Risks: People living with HIV/AIDS decide to stop following treatment because it is long Supposicoes: the drug is fake was created to reduce life expectancy

  • its been great to learn of considering risks in creating a logframe which is paramount in knowing what to expect and how to coushon it

  • To think in M&E about the project I’m working with. I can say the risks and assumptions include but not limited to:

    • Would the teachers be able to carry out the risk/safety assessment I created for the centers?
    • If they didn’t, who would know? Would there be someone to monitor the safety logbook?
    • If we trained someone from each center and assign him as safety focal point, would she/he have the time to carry out the safety inspections?
  • Risks and assumption are the possibe hindrance to your project

  • I always assumed risks and assumptions are disjointed from if/then evidence at various levels of project

  • I always assumed risks and assumptions are disjointed from if/then evidence at various levels of project.

  • I always assumed risks and assumptions are disjointed from if/then evidence at various levels of project.

  • I understand that there is not always a clean and smooth way to your target. Many times, we can come across such obstacles. One reason is not really being aware of how things are going on in the field, namely real-life conditions. Second, projects may face unusual developments such as a sharp rise inflation that make the expenses doubled or an earthquake that destroys an entire city, but also your plans. So always we need to keep in mind the possibilities that might occur during implementing a project.

  • One of the assumptions we made was that the communities will be very open to receiving these condoms. And it was not the case as especially the adults were shy about it as the topic of sex is a taboo in Africa.

  • One of the assumptions we made was that the communities will be very open to receiving these condoms. And it was not the case as especially the adults were shy about it as the topic of sex is a taboo in Africa.

  • It has been very insightful so far.

  • les risques & hypothèses sont des éléments très important dans la constitution même d'un plan de suivi et évaluation du fait que lorsqu'on met en place un plan de suivi & évaluation ces éléments aident dans la prise de décision dans la mise en œuvre des activités du projet.

  • Risks and assumptions help ensure the flow of a project cycle by forseeing potential problems before they occur which could disruspt the project goal and activities.

  • It is important to plan for risks and assumptions ahead of time is so that
    you can understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable
    that might affect your implementation, therefore giving you enough time to make
    decisions at the right time.
    We tested for our assumptions and risks within our
    logframe by looking at our past events and seeing out of those activities we
    had implemented some of the common assumptions and risks.
    Then we go
    through our beneficiaries and ask them what would be some of the assumptions
    that we had put along whether they fitted and finally we looked at the list
    of activities that we did and listed some of our assumption.

  • Very important this and all lesson

  • We must identity them easily

  • Agry with you

  • What are Risks and Assumptions?
    Assumptions are the unproven connections between levels in a design hierarchy, theory of change, or the project context. common assumptions focus on:

    1. How the context will evolve: how change works
    2. Project philosophy or approach, including the strategic advantage of one approach over another.

    Risk is the "effect of uncertainty on objectives." Within the logic framework approach to project design, however, risk is formulated as the negative assumptions behind, or the facts of the project including the interaction between context conditions and the project. in other words, risks in logic frameworks are the potential logical barriers to the achievement of the objectives for each level in the design hierarchy.

  • Assumption are beliefs without evidence, interesting 🤔

  • Risks and assumption are good way of identifying factors that might disturb your projects activities or prevent from achieving your goals. So, it is vital part of every project logframes to avoid those problems in advance.

  • It is important to plan for risks and assumptions ahead of time is so that
    you can understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable
    that might affect your implementation, therefore giving you enough time to make
    decisions at the right time.
    We tested for our assumptions and risks within our
    logframe by looking at our past events and seeing out of those activities we
    had implemented some of the common assumptions and risks.
    Then we go
    through our beneficiaries and ask them what would be some of the assumptions
    that we had put along whether they fitted and finally we looked at the list
    of activities that we did and listed some of our assumption.

  • Can we include mitigations to our risk and assumptions?

  • Risks and assumptions if not well managed can cause a lot of damages to the outcome of the project and that is why proper studies, research and needs assessment should be properly done

  • Risk and assumption are a critical exercise that need to be considered at each level or at each element of the logframe in order to identify, analyse and mitigitate risk before any severe risk can happen.

    It also stimulate creativity of th e project designer and he/she would have anticipated the risk and about how the will navigate the situation if things goes the other way.

    It is worth noting that once the risks are identified and mitigation measures defined then one's biases would be eliminated and this also increases the donors believe in a project.

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