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  • M & E helps to ensure that appropriate data are collected and see to the successful execution of a project, ensure steady process growth.

  • To be able to gauge the success of the project

  • Introduction is really broken down to my level of understanding!

  • A project must be monitored and evaluated in order to ascertain if the outcomes reflects the objectives of the project

  • Monitoring and evaluation together provide the necessary data to guide strategic planning, to design and implement programmes and projects, and to allocate, and re-allocate resources in better ways. Monitoring and evaluation helps with identifying the most valuable and efficient use of resources. It is critical for developing objective conclusions regarding the extent to which programmes can be judged a “success”

  • Bonjour , bien pour le module 1, la réalité est que on a fait un revue général pour ce qui concerne la planification M&E

  • Intéressant M&E

  • Avoir des projets c'est atout

  • Faire partie d'une équipe d'évolution aurait -il un impact sur la vie sociale ?

  • Prendre l'engagement de bien faire le suivi

  • Et évaluation

  • La vie des gens demeure professionnelle

  • Le suivi &évaluation sont des termes à poursuivre jusqu'à la fin

  • Le but est d'être meilleur en M&E

  • The importance of M&E can not be overemphasized in that monitoring tracks the progress of the ongoing project to determine if the resources are used effectively, while evaluation determines how well the project was able to capture the set goals and objectives.Evaluation also takes notes on how well the intervention reflects changes.

  • The importance of M&E can not be overemphasized in that monitoring tracks the progress of the ongoing project to determine if the resources are used effectively, while evaluation determines how well the project was able to capture the set goals and objectives.Evaluation also takes notes on how well the intervention reflects changes.

  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of sport-for-development interventions is of high priority. The relatively recent recognition of the use of sport as a tool in development requires thorough assessment of the value of sport in development and humanitarian disaster contexts.

  • Its important that we first set some goals, define scope, timeline and how we are going to record, mange and use the information.

  • M&E are the sides of a coin. For any successful programme, we need to follow the programme from initial phases which includes periodically monitoring, reviewing action plan. This process helps to analyse the performance of the programme.
    M& E helps to understand the programme to take decision on the basis of the performance.
    Monitoring - To asses the planned vs actual activities
    Evaluation - To assess the % of target we have achieved. How efficiently we have progress at the end of the programme

    1 Reply
  • M&E is and should be highly valued in every organization. It results in better transparency and accountability in an organization. M&E enables an organization to stand out smart and organized since it involves drawing/developing methods to collect, distribute and analyze information. It encourages innovation in an organization and enables the implements to replicate the good lessons learnt.

  • Giving a message means drawing M & E plan befroe project starts?

  • Monitor to what extend the local girls benefited from the MEH project.

  • It helps define the responsibilities and roles of individuals in a project
    Decide how data will be analyzed and used

  • The importance of management and evalutaion can not be over ephasized, it helps to track the successes and aspects that need to improve before the end of a project and if the program is at the endline, it gives everyone a better approach to the situation next time/ on how to handle the challenge in another project.

  • the lessons of module 1 it is very important of monitoring the ongoing project in the best way we can check our project successes full

  • In my own opinion, the following are some of the importance of M&E .

    1. Monitoring and evaluation helps an organization to have a blue print of everything that went on well and all the other aspects that went wrong. And this can help an organization to make necessary changes in their implementation in-order to make things right for the next project.
    2. Organizations can detect an existing problem early enough so that adjustments can be made to make everything work out perfectly.Projects never go perfectly according to plan, but a well-designed M&E helps the project stay on track and perform well. M&E plans help define a project’s scope, establish interventions when things go wrong, and give everyone an idea of how those interventions affect the rest of the project. This way, when problems inevitably arise, a quick and effective solution can be implemented.
      3.M&E helps organizations to learn from their mistakes
      Mistakes and failures are part of every organization. M&E provides a detailed blueprint of everything that went right and everything that went wrong during a project. Thorough M&E documents allow organizations to pinpoint specific failures, as opposed to just guessing what caused problems. Often, organizations can learn more from their mistakes than from their successes.
      4.Data should drive decisions. M&E processes provide the essential information needed to see the big picture. After a project wraps up, an organization with good M&E can identify mistakes, successes, and things that can be adapted and replicated for future projects. Decision-making is then influenced by what was learned through past monitoring and evaluation.
  • To me its like the Backbone to the success of the entire project

  • periodically evaluating a project progress gives the project manager an oversight of the path they have taken. This basically highlights the importance of M&E

  • Monitoring and evaluation can be used to demonstrate that programme efforts have had a measurable impact on expected outcomes and have been implemented effectively. This helps the project implementers, managers and other stake holders to register success in the organization

  • Having a strategic M&E plan in place before a project kick starts, ensures better planning. take an example of daily aspects in life, for example when one wants to construct say a house, he or she would need to have the bill of quantity in place such that he can be guided on the costs. just like projects within organizations

  • I think M&E is important in a way that it helps to answer some project critical questions like, Is it replicable to other settings?

    Where is it replicable? Where is it not replicable?

    Are the results likely to be generalizable?

    Can it be scaled up? That is, can the intervention be adapted, replicated or built on to increase its reach or scope (for a larger population or a different region)?

    If yes, how can it be scaled up? What aspects can be scaled up?

  • in my idea, i think three steps of the best way
    • Define the scope of the project. ...
    • Define project activities. ...
    • Estimate activity duration, costs, and resources

  • What are the risk that you can assume?

  • M & E- should be prepared before the project start

  • The importance of M&E are: * It will keep us and our project on track and will inform us how our project is preforming. Is the project carrying out the activities mentioned in the stated timeline, are the predetermined outputs accomplished or in progress, are the outputs feeding in to the outcomes are some of the questions that will be answered. It also provides with necessary information that can be used to make necessary changes in project's processes. In addition it provides the important inputs for future projects which be used as learning guide.

  • How will I design a project ? What is the important of M&E?

  • Before I don't have any idea about M&E, but in this module I clearly understand the difference and importance of Monitoring and Evaluation.

  • How will I design a project ? What is the important of M&E?

  • Important of M&E

  • What can be my vision and goal when I am making project?
    Why do I want to create project?

  • I don't think it is an easy plan to create , we need time to understand the M&E plan first.

  • M&E helps the organizations to measures the impact, success and failure of its projects. It also increases the accountability and transparency to the donors and stakeholders. M&E enables the organizations to measure if the projects are gong forward in accordance to the plan.

    1 Reply
  • It is evident that Monitoring and Evaluation help researchers prepare project plan. The plan help track performance of the project, allow informed decision making, measure effectiveness of the project while ensuring efficient use of resources.

  • Bonjour, J'ai bien aimé le cours Module 1. Je suis impatient de découvrir la suite.

  • Bonjour, J'ai bien aimé le cours Module 1. Je suis impatient de decouvrir la suite.

  • I am ready to make plane for meh project to contribute what they need to help for community

  • Good day

    Love the two scenarios, look forward to seeing the end result and how MEH is guided in developing the M&E plan

  • hi, im new here

  • M&E is important because it happens to make good decisions after data has been collected. The decisions made will be based on the data collected.

  • M&E is important for project management because it helps the team to understand progress with fewer personal biases. This can help the team to identify where to concentrate, in other words' lesson learned. Most importantly, gives a clear idea whether the project is on track and help us to measure the value of the project as well.

    1 Reply
  • hi, im new here

  • Great staff bro, just complete the course and earn a certificate

  • First of all, MEH team members have the household data information who benefited from this project. MEH make focus group discussion with benefited local girls to understand their current situation or group base line assessment to measure their achievement. After that, team members have group discussion to design M&E plan based on the targeting outcomes and outputs. Teams have to make qualitative and quantitative questionnaires by seeing the M&E plan.

  • Girls Organizing for Ongoing Development (GOOD) have a good plan for M&E. First of all GOOD making a clearly objective, that's a 1200 new saving in 34 Villages. Measurable objective its a good start, nice to know with number what we want to do in this project. Then, GOOD have a plan for measure and monitoring for every step in a program journey. Really cool and I thinks its a good start for GOOD.

    Beside that, MEH need for ASAP M&E plans for their program. Make a good M&E like GOOD its important. I am so enthusiast for this lesson.

    Lovely study case for learning.

  • Hello! Nice to meet you all,
    In this module 1, I have learned effectively how is important M&E plan when we design the project.

  • Can we employ both of these tools to measure: one is number of loans given and second the number of businesses that was started?

  • Hello! Nice to meet you all,
    In this module 1, I have learned effectively how is important M&E plan when we design the project.

  • Can we employ both of these tools to measure: one is number of loans given and second the number of businesses that was started?

  • the topic is excellent

  • M&E is important because it will help in monitoring and identifying whether the project is going right or wrong and what needs to be modified or added for the success of the project.

  • The most important feature of M&E is that this helps us to set our goals. By monitoring and evaluation we can know the impact of the project, the inputs , the outputs and of course the outcome. We can measure success, we can know how well the resources are used and how well the beneficiaries are benefitted. By evaluation we can know , whether we achieved our goal, whether we faced any risks and could it be avoided,

  • the GOOD program was clear outcome and kind of datas they will use for M&E, but different while we looking to MEH project, I think both how much saving and micro loan datas can be used for M&E, with clear indicators.

  • the GOOD program was clear outcome and kind of datas they will use for M&E, but different while we looking to MEH project, I think both how much saving and micro loan datas can be used for M&E, with clear indicators.

  • I will be glad to help MEH to create its plan of M&E.

  • firstly need to understand the goal of the project and set the clear goal to be achieved through project implementation. Then decide on means or ways to measure the progress and decide on tools to collect the required data.

  • Risks and assumptions
    Identifying risks and assumptions serves to assess whether the Goals and Activities proposed are realistic and achievable in the given time frame and within the given available human and financial resources.
    In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.
    In order to avoid repetition and redundancy, risks and assumptions should be defined at two levels: general and specific level.

    General risks and assumptions can be either related to the overall implementation of the Roadmap or common to all Goals included in the Roadmap. Specific risks and assumptions will be related to a concrete Activity, i.e. a particular risk that could hinder the successful implementation of a concrete Activity or an assumption that is key to the implementation of a specific Activity. For instance, a specific assumption for the Activity "establishing an Authorised Economic Operators Scheme" is that incentives granted to AEOs are enough to motivate private traders to invest in the time and resources to get the certification.

    If described negatively, an assumption can become a risk. On the contrary, if defined in positive terms, a risk can be transformed into an assumption. Thus, it is very important to pay attention to redundancy.
    Assumptions that were considered in the form of risks do not need to be noted again and vice-versa. Similarly, risks and assumptions that were defined at general level, do not need to be mentioned again at specific level. If resistance to change is a major risk for the overall completion of the Roadmap's Goals, it would be also risk for the different Activities considered.

  • by looking at the examples, there's plenty of importances and advantages for M&E but the most important is to know where are we? what progress are we making? is there any wrong choices and decisions that needs to be corrected or replaced? what are we doing good? and how can we progress? and did we succeed or fail? that's the main questions that will be answered through the M&E plan which means we'll have a 99% chances to be successful

  • Hi everyone,

    M&E plans are important because if an organization wants to have control over their progress it requires following some steps such as defining services, indicators and impacts. In this case, the funding, in some way, is conditionated to data availability. In other words, they must create indicator to follow up their achievements with the MEH program.

  • M&E is too important for measuring of success and failure of your project. if there is no M&E we don't know how the intervention effect the society or community.
    thus, in any type of project the M&E plan should be designed to track the progress of your project or activities.

  • I have a problem finding a partner whom I can I communicate with him.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is essential for any project or program. Through this process, organizations collect and analyze data to determine if a project / program has achieved its goals. Monitoring will begin immediately and will continue for the entire duration of the project. The evaluation follows, assessing how well the program ran. Every organization needs an M & E system.

    • [bolded text](![link url](image url))***
  • Very interesting to learn how we can help MEH to have M&E Plan

  • This topic is very important cause its help M&E Officers to keep track of project activities.

  • it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers;
    it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory;
    it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

  • So generally, M&E give a very good process for Goal any business or person undertakes. One has to know what their primary goal is as well as all the steps required to achieve it. All of that coupled with consistent reviews of progress would ensure Success.

  • M&E is an important part of a Project intervention, through routine data collection and evaluations. It provides evidence of activities (indicators) progress, and data could be used to make decisions about project interventions, whether there is a need to change / improve activity implementations. M&E also promote accountability, through ongoing reporting, it shows the donor how its fund was uterlise.

  • I appreciate all the tools that we are provided with and can use for future projects!

  • I appreciate all the tools that are provided, which we can use for future projects.

  • Monitoring and evaluating is vital to taking the pulse of the organization in reaching success; based on the organization’s goals. How will you know if you are making progress, going in the wrong direction, or going in circles if there is no monitoring and evaluating? Those initial questions are things to monitor and evaluate success or whether the organization is heading towards success versus failure. Properly developed items to monitor can show an unintentional change in direction so they can shift before things get too far off track. M&E show how your organization is performing or succeeding. When evaluated as soon as practical changes can be made to modify the result.

  • I agree. This will also identify if the actions taken have generated the intended result and growth opportunities for greater success.

  • le suivi sert à collecter les données tout au long de la mise en œuvre du projet. les montants d'argents que chaque femmes pourraient contribuer, les banques où elles iront faire leurs épargnes, les conditions imposées par les banques.
    l'évaluation permettra de vérifier si les objectifs, la méthode utilisé et les résultats ont été atteint. l'évaluation permettra de voir à quel point et sur quel point le projet a réussi.

  • it helps to come up with the relavant strategy to collect data.
    it also helps in coming up with alternatives solutions to the problem

  • To make precisely performance result and progress of the project, it is necassary to use Monitoring and Evaluation.

  • GOOD projects is well paced for Monitoring and Evaluation of their project activities and now.MEH has along way to complete all its process in Monitoring and evaluation cycle of their project.

  • M&E is very important. A good plan of M&E permit to have a way for provides a guideline. Also, with to this plan, it is easier to know if you succeeded or not, to write better the success stories, to redefine some points to better succeed where you would have probably failed before.

  • to track the progress of the project and assess whether the resources are used effectively

  • M&E helps us to identify the gaps in our project and also understand if we are doing the right thing from the start of any activity of the project.

  • I absolutely agree with you.

  • M&E is very crucial and Important for all Programming Levels and provides a detailed right to know step by step of the progress of the project and documents of the project terms Thorough M&E documents allow organizations/ Agencies to pinpoint facing difficulties

    1 Reply
  • monitoring and evaluation helps project managers in keeping track the implementation of the loans they give out and its prudence in the utilization of the resources.

  • This is a great beginning to learn about importance about M&E using the GOOD and MEH case scenario. I am elated to be here.

  • To make more efficient use of resources. To draw up a plan and properly understand the process of any project. It is divided into 2 stages monitoring that consists of data collection and analysis and evaluation that is to see the results

  • Is this topic at still available or it's just not loading?

  • I can't wait to see my results on Module 2. Any one with some questions on module 2?

  • GOOD really have a great plan for their project and though MEH are still figuring things out, they only need to identify their project objectives which will help them create an M & E plan

  • I know that M&Es are important in everyday activities of an organization but not to this extent, this course is showing how much more it is.

  • L'importance est collecter continuellement les données(informations) sur un projet ou une activité durant toute sa période d'existence ensuite évaluer l'impacte, c'est à dire voir si on se diriges vers nos objectif, à quelle distance on se trouve par rapport a nos objectif et qu'est ce qui marche et qui ne marche pas, que doit on faire arriver facilement à nos objectifs.

  • its very important for the M&E in project for the purpose of the evaluation and monitoring to reach the outcome of the project.

  • M&E is important because it will help in monitoring and identifying whether the project is going right or wrong and what needs to be modified or added for the success of the project.

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