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  • How assumptions are different from risks?

  • But I think there is a bite diiference. as defined by the M&E experts. the main difference between an assumption and a risk is that when we make an assumption, we expect that assumption will happen. If the assumption doesn't happen then the project is negatively affected. With a risk we anticipate that the risk might happen and thus negatively impact our project.

  • Il y a bien une légère différence.

    1 Reply
  • I find this part of the logframe very important as you get to think about any potential issues that might stand in the way and prevent the realization of the project. This is very crucial as you well have to think about them well in advance, and this is an important element of the planning process and also decision making.

  • True, the fact that you have to think about them well in advance and include them in the logframe has good implications for planning, once anticipated, there is room for adjusting things around to a avoid pitfalls. That makes management easier than without them?

    1 Reply
  • Risks and Assumptions are very vital indices in project design. Identifying them would open your empirical minds rather than just your feels or perception about the possible outcome of your project.

  • Identifying your risks and assumptions would help you prepare for future threats against the actualization of the project goal.

  • Can I formulate my risks and assumption based the unforeseeable challenges that were encountered by previous similar projects?

  • I also still find it hard

  • I think its really hard to exhaust all the risks and assumption related to the project

  • Risk and Assumption consists of impact, outcomes, outputs and inputs , it also talks about project summary, indicators, means of verification.

  • The main difference between an assumption and a risk is that when we make an assumption, we expect that assumption will happen. If the assumption doesn't happen then the project is negatively affected. With a risk we anticipate that the risk might happen and thus negatively impact our project.

  • Risks are factors out of your control that could affect the project while assumptions are what you believe but are not supported by evidence. One should ask for each level what could go wrong. Its therefore important to plan for risks and assumptions ahead of time which will give you enough time to make decisions.

  • so far so good i have gained a lot

  • so far so good i have gained a lot

  • What effect a project would have if there is no risk and assumption

  • How risk and assumption affect a project

  • Yes, a survey should be done to see if you can incorporate risk and assumption in the project design

  • Riks as war or politic instability can put on impact risk

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan while Assumptions are your biases, rather things that you believe without much evidence.

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan while Assumptions are your biases, rather things that you believe without much evidence.

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan while Assumptions are your biases, rather things that you believe without much evidence.

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan while Assumptions are your biases, rather things that you believe without much evidence.

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan while Assumptions are your biases, rather things that you believe without much evidence.

  • I noticed that some logframe do not include the last column on risks and assumptions. What does that means?

  • This topic of risks and assumptions i found it very much interesting since I have grasped how to evaluate the risks that might come on your way during the project implementation and how assumptions can be done.

    • Risks are the things that are out side of our control and might disrupt our plan

    • Assumptions are the things that we believe without much evidance

    • We need to plan a head of time for Risks and Assumptions because we can understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable that might affect the implementation of the project, there we will have enough time to make decisions at the right time

  • I have learnt a lot so far. It's been really informative, beneficial and work related.

  • Formative research this is attained through identifying risk and assumptions during project design hence helps in attaining the set goal or impacts. Identifying risks and assumptions helps proper planning a gives a clear way of what to face during the project implementation.

  • the risks and assumptions are the things or events which might happen out of the plan and may effect in the project and both of them are out of under control therefore the planner MUST take enough time to planning and go through entire potential and assumptions to avoid disrupt the achieved outcome and implact of the project

  • **

    • bolded text**
  • What I have learnt:

    -An M&E Plan is based on the design of your project therefore your project design must be completed before you can prepare your M&E Plan.

    -It is necessary to determine the impact of your project before you can settle on the inputs and outputs of the projects, because knowing what you seek to achieve with your project will help to determine the inputs and outputs required for success.

    -While outputs can be controlled, outcomes cannot be controlled as they are NOT guaranteed.

    -Looking out for Risks and Assumptions can help to escape biases and prepare for unforeseen events.

  • In designing project log frame, it is importance to identify the risks and assumptions that my interrupt to achieve the desired results, but the most important is thing is how you came out with the risks and assumptions that you will included in to the project log frame. the risks and assumptions should be evidence based by identifies thought previous project or by asking the beneficiaries of the project.

    Dear Collogues at this course, how do you see my comment

  • A critical aspect of the project design is the identification of assumptions and risks.

    Assumption is more like a statement that you believe to be true. These are anticipated events or circumstances that are expected during the projects cycles. Most assumptions are based on one's experience or information available on hand. Without assuming certain things, planning would be impossible as we never know for certain how the future will look like. Assumptions help one define scope and risks and fine- tune the estimate for cost and time. But what happens when assumptions are wrong? That's where the risks come into play.

    A risk is any uncertain event or condition that might affect your project. When planning your project, risks are uncertain ; they have not happened yet. But eventually, some of the risks that you plan do happen and that's when you have to deal with them. Risks come in various degrees. Sometimes risk can mean the project will run slightly differently therefore all project risks should be captured at the start of a project to gain a view of probability and impact.

  • ![alt text]([image url](~~

    • link url~~))
  • Are they common and expected risk and assumptions, expected for projects that rely on technological solutions?

  • Are they common and expected risk and assumptions, expected for projects that rely on technological solutions?

  • risk and assumption is to be put into consideration when planning a project . when risk is consider plans to avoid the risk will be put in place .

  • risk is what event that might happen during implementation and its out of our plan and control. so the risks effected to achieve the output into outcome. and the assumptions are our biases in the event during setup plan of logframe

  • I have realized it's a great idea to identify risks and assumptions and prepare well the mitigation measures, otherwise the project can crash when such isn't considered

  • It was such an interesting exercise working through the risk and assumptions we have developed already for Green Business Value Chain. One note was that some of our risk were redundant, simply repeating the same risk using different words or context.

  • It is very important to identify risks and assumptions. Risks and assumptions can bring about failure or a negative impact on the project if not well managed. This is why they should be identified in the M&E plan in order to know what to look out for during implementation and what could be possible stumbling blocks.

  • It was such an interesting exercise working through the risk and assumptions we have developed already for Green Business Value Chain. One note was that some of our risk were redundant, simply repeating the same risk using different words or context.

  • Questions answered:
    • Are enough inputs being provided? – yes
    • How well do your inputs lead to your outputs?- good
    • How well do your outputs lead to outcomes?- well
    • Are any of the risks or assumptions that you identified hurting your project? – yes
    Few potential risks may be

    • Funding
    • Government approvals
    • Community outreach problems during pandemics
  • To me risks and assumptions are the spot where the likelihood that a project succeeds can be determined, and identifying them ahead of time or in the course of the project implementation could give us a great head start in terms of listing up a few options that could help redress the balance by mitigating the risks or verifying the relevance of our assumptions through data collection.

  • I have learned that risks and assumptions can affect our budget for the project, so how do we minimize chances of encountering risks and assumptions that will need us to dig deep into our pockets.

  • Risks and Assumptions are important considerations to checking biases and planning for the unforeseeable.

  • I agree with you. You need to integrate these risks and assumptions to be a better planner and a project manager.

  • I have learned that risks and assumptions can affect our budget for the project, so how do we minimize chances of encountering risks and assumptions that will need us to dig deep into our pockets.

  • Money meant for microloans might be diverted for personal use.
    Girls might be deprived from accessing microloans because of gender biases in the province.
    Money received might be used for other personal fulfillment rather than investing it.
    Business may crash due to theft and vandalism as a result of insecurity in the province.

  • Above are some few more risks i have thought of regarding the MEH project.
    Indeed IF assumptions are not made and some associated risks are not identified within a project, THEN, the whole project is at risk of dealing with surprises arising from potential risks thereby making the whole project's plan vulnerable which might ultimately lead to colossal failure because such risks were never assumed and therefore a mitigation strategy was not put in place to counter the effect they may cause.

  • Dear Learners

    It was a great pleasure to participate in this course. I liked How the instructor made it simple by using everyday examples. do you agree with me?

    Have a great learning experience

  • I have learned that risks and assumptions can affect our budget for the project, so how do we minimize chances of encountering risks and assumptions that will need us to dig deep into our pockets.

  • Hello,
    What I have learnt in this section is that for one to come up with risks and assumptions he/she has to have a clear understanding of what questions he/she is expecting to answer and who are the targeted audiences.

  • Hello,
    What I have learnt in this section is that for one to come up with risks and assumptions he/she has to have a clear understanding of what questions he/she is expecting to answer and who are the targeted audiences.

  • Risks are underlying factors that may/may not affect our project in the long run. Taking cognisance of assumptions are key because they define our risk participation level.

  • I have learned that risks and assumptions can affect our budget for the project, so how do we minimize chances of encountering risks and assumptions that will need us to dig deep into our pockets.

  • A risk is an uncertain threat that if it happens can negatively affect the goal of the project. Risk is an important item that should be considered before embarking on a project. it could affect the input, output , outcome or the impact. Hence, it is vital to ascertain the possible risk(s) that could affect each of the aforementioned in order to ensure ensure a possible positive impact. For instance, the MEH is taking a risk by wanting to give the girls in Kenya loans to start up or develop their businesses. The question is what if the girls are not interested in the loan? What if the culture does not encourage the girls to be independent? these and more are the what ifs? that every project must answer before it is started.

    Assumptions on the other hand is a necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the project. For instance if a high school employs a cook to cater for its staff and students during lunchbreak, what would happen if the cook falls sick or has to travel? Such assumption has to be considered when deciding the number of cooks to employ.

  • A risk is an uncertain threat that if it happens can negatively affect the goal of the project. Risk is an important item that should be considered before embarking on a project. it could affect the input, output , outcome or the impact. Hence, it is vital to ascertain the possible risk(s) that could affect each of the aforementioned in order to ensure ensure a possible positive impact. For instance, the MEH is taking a risk by wanting to give the girls in Kenya loans to start up or develop their businesses. The question is what if the girls are not interested in the loan? What if the culture does not encourage the girls to be independent? these and more are the what ifs? that every project must answer before it is started.

    Assumptions on the other hand is a necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the project. For instance if a high school employs a cook to cater for its staff and students during lunchbreak, what would happen if the cook falls sick or has to travel? Such assumption has to be considered when deciding the number of cooks to employ.

  • we should point out the risks and assumptions in your plan Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan. Assumptions are your biases: the things that you believe without much evidence.
    The risks and assumptions column of a logframe lists all the things that might disrupt your plan. For each level of your logframe - inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact - you ask: what could go wrong? Is there anything that might prevent you from providing the inputs? And, if you provide the inputs, are you sure that this will lead to the outputs?
    Remember the if/then statements that we made at the beginning of this module? Here is an example to remind you:
    IF you have new knowledge, THEN you will perform better on job applications.

  • Assumptions are the unproven connections
    between levels in a design hierarchy, theory of
    change, or the project context. Common
    assumptions focus on:
     How the context will evolve: how change
     Project philosophy or approach, including
    the strategic advantage of one approach
    over another
     Participation. In a war zone, for example, many projects assume there will be
    sufficient security to safely access the people or certain locations.
     Our understanding of how things work in life. For example, we assume that
    relationships built by enemies in the safety of a workshop or a structured
    exchange will enable them to behave differently upon their return to everyday,
    often-polarised environments. We assume that greater transparency will lead to
    better governance, rather than to well-publicised corruption

  • Hello
    lessons learnt
    Assumptions are the unproven connections between levels in a design hierarchy, theory of change, or the project context.

  • Hello
    lessons learnt
    Assumptions are the unproven connections between levels in a design hierarchy, theory of change, or the project context.

  • risk and assumptions are the side of coin, if we are assuming to achieve something good or successes in some targets automatically risk will be part of that too.

  • I think risks must also be considered in a way that the impact is met but not in the intensity it was expected. Maybe the impact is lower as expected

  • It will not help the owners to know the most important and critical components which drives the project forward . Because risks helps one to identify weaknesses and loopholes .
    My suggestion thanks

  • there isnt any available discussions on my screen.

  • there isnt any available discussions on my screen.

  • Identifying Risks and Assumptions

    The risks and assumptions column of a logframe lists all the things that might disrupt your plan. For each level of your logframe - inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact - you ask: what could go wrong? Is there anything that might prevent you from providing the inputs? And, if you provide the inputs, are you sure that this will lead to the outputs?

    Remember the if/then statements that we made at the beginning of this module? Here is an example to remind you:

    IF you have new knowledge, THEN you will perform better on job applications.

    Writing your project summary as series of if/then statements will help you spot risks and assumptions. For example, after we read this if/then statement we can ask:

    What type of knowledge will help you perform better on job applications?
    Is knowledge enough to help you perform better on job applications?

    Let’s identify risks and assumptions for MEH’s outcomes, by combining the outcomes with the outputs in an if/then statement:

    IF girls receive microloans, THEN girls will start new businesses or upgrade equipment in their existing businesses.

    We have combined the outcomes with the level below: the outputs. Now we can ask: are we completely sure that this is true? Are there any things outside of MEH’s control that might keep girls from starting or upgrading businesses?

    Here are a few risks and assumptions that might keep girls from starting or upgrading businesses, even if they get microloans:

    Girls might not want to start or upgrade businesses
    Girls might be discouraged from starting or upgrading businesses by their family or culture
    Girls might not know how to start or upgrade businesses
  • In ever stage of our project, it is crucial to consider the risks and assumptions that might affect our projects. Risks are outside of our control and may disrupt our project one way or another while assumption can be regarded as. biases, which we believe without much evidences. Identifying these risks and assumptions ahead of time is one way to reduce the potential harmful things that might happen to our project.

  • Risks and assumptions within the logframe, are predictions done to avoid surprises within the project life. They can also be a good reflection that informs better planning and adjustments so as to prevent against the harm to the desired impact of the project.

  • It's been interesting learning the various types of indicators and targets to set. But I wasn't able to see the question I am expected to respond to.

  • the risk assumption its important to consider when planing for project design or M&E plan

  • It's been interesting learning the various types of indicators and targets to set. But I wasn't able to see the question I am expected to respond to.

  • I think it is important to have a risk log, and it usually comes from previous similar projects and surveys from previous beneficiaries and your target market. This helps in having ways to avoid some issues that might come along the line and jeopardize your project - It also assist in having a solution when the particular problem arise.

  • A risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity when An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

  • Les enfants âgés de 10ans au plus sont ils déjà inscrits à l'école ??

  • Risk and assumptions -, risk the things outside our control that might disrupt the plan, while assumptions are biases or prejudice towards things without substantial evidence.
    Whenever a project is being, designed it is necessary to find the risks and assumptions from the start. One should make a list of all the things that might disrupt the plan. It is must be, done logically. A rule of thumb is to remember the if /then statement. For each level of the Log Frame- inputs, outputs, outcomes, impact, the following questions can be, asked:
    A. What could go wrong?
    B. Is there anything that might prevent you from providing the outputs/
    C. Are you sure this can lead to outputs?
    Inputs + Assumptions = outputs:
    if we understand the inputs or activities required for the project, then we will craft outputs
    Outputs + Assumptions= Outcomes:
    if we execute the outputs, then we will achieve greater outcomes
    Outcomes +Assumptions = Impact:
    Ultimately, If we achieve the outcome, then we will contribute to the impact.
    Most importantly, we must plan for risk and assumptions ahead of time, this will help us to understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable, and might affect the implementation. It will also give us ample time to make informed decisions.

  • Risks are those factors that are outside your control and could cause your project to perform poorly. And Assumptions on the other hand are things you believe but are not supported by evidence. These are two important items in any project design. One need to put in mind the risk factors as there always come some limitations be it in the input, output , outcome or even in the impact. Constructing a clever assumption will go a long way in helping you in your project design and thereby have a comprehensive logframe.

  • Risks and Assumptions are simply a list of things that can prevent your project from achieving its goals. These things must be identified so that you can plan on how to minimize them and how to deal with them if the occur.

  • Risks know problems that can hinder your project from achieving its goals example the corona virus can hinder a project that wants to conduct a survey going door to door counting all people living with HIV in the community.
    While assumptions are beliefs not backed up with facts that can hinder a project from achieving its goals.
    Both must be identified and a plan on how to handle them must be formulated.

  • Risk and assumption give us various impact and output, and also changing our targets and schedule.

  • I have tried to generate risks and assumptions for my proposed project of ending domestic and gender based violence, however some risks maybe unforeseen and may affect the progress of the project.
    But I believe the evaluation processes at some stage before the end of the project, these risks can be identified and mitigated.

  • yeah sure, technological changes may pose a risk, for example for a project that is likely to use gadgets like phones, tvs, radios. Absence of these gadgets may hinder progress and as well failure to use these gadgets.

  • if these assumptions are beliefs, is there a possibility of bias as we list these assumptions?

  • Les enfants âgés de 10ans au plus sont ils déjà inscrits à l'école ??

  • Risks are the unpredictables,foreseen and unforseen emcumbrances they are what we have no control over.

    Assumption are you personal ideologies which are not backed by evidences.

    1 Reply
  • Risks are emcumbrances that could be seen or unforeseen, while assumptions are personal ideologies not backed with evidences.

  • Risks are emcumbrances that could be seen or unforeseen, while assumptions are personal ideologies not backed with evidences.

  • Risks are emcumbrances that could be seen or unforeseen, while assumptions are personal ideologies not backed with evidences.

  • Risk and assumption give us various impact and output, and also changing our targets and schedule.This will result in change of budget too and need to update stakeholders at all time.

  • Risks are those factors that are outside your control and could cause your project to perform poorly. And Assumptions on the other hand are things you believe but are not supported by evidence. These are two important items in any project design. One need to put in mind the risk factors as there always come some limitations be it in the input, output , outcome or even in the impact. Constructing a clever assumption will go a long way in helping you in your project design and thereby have a comprehensive logframe.

  • Risk are mostly things beyond our control that affects our project plan.
    Assumptions are your biases; the things we believe without evidence.
    It is very important to note the risk and assumptions of a project before during the design, before the project starts.

    In identifying the risk and assumptions, you create a column of log frame and list all the things that might affect the project plan.
    For each level of your logframe , there are inputs, outputs, outcomes an impact. Always ask yourself questions such as, is there any thing that might disrupt your input? Also can your inputs leads to your outputs??
    Also it is good to always use the if/then statement in writing your project summary. This will easily help you spot the risk and assumptions.

  • risk can be identified at the starting phase because if it is not identified then organization will face hurdles in their projects

  • Suppose I have just a few risks and assumptions on my mind is it the beneficiaries I have to consult to suggest which others they think there will be?

  • if you are able to identify the risks and assumptions in your proposed project, there is a more possibility of getting positive outcome and more output that will allow for more impact on the targeted beneficiaries

  • risk can be identified at the starting phase because if it is not identified then organization will face hurdles in their projects

    1 Reply
  • as an organization one had to think about the risk before starting any project because it will help one to achieve better results.

  • I think it is important to have a risk log, and it usually comes from previous similar projects and surveys from previous beneficiaries and your target market. This helps in having ways to avoid some issues that might come along the line and jeopardize your project - It also assist in having a solution when the particular problem arise.

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