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  • Understanding participants that would be involved in data collection is essential to help design the data tools to utilize and the data collection method to implement

    1 Reply
  • When collecting data it is vital to:

    1. understand and know the group of participants that you will be working with before choosing tools to be used to collect data.
      Consider the following:
    • Language spoken by participants (does not help to hold English spoken interviews with people that do not speak English)

    • The level of language proficiency - do they fully understand the language being used

    • Literacy rate - handing out written surveys to people that cannot read or write will not help

    • Consider what is culturally acceptable in a community as a method of communication. Some communities do not allow males and females to engage or hold a discussion in private and would need chaperones to be present

    • Do the participants have access to technology (smart phones, computers, email, sms) and what is their level of proficiency using these technologies

    1. Continually observe and monitor participants to be able to rectify any issues that arise and were not anticipated before.
      These issues could result in inaccurate data being gathered therefore very important to change or modify data collection tools to prevent this.
  • yes there are discouraging pattern. in my country there are difficulty in collecting accurate data due lack of understanding of participants. due to the low literacy rate in the sub-region most times we have many misspelled names, inaccurate ages as most people cannot even communicate properly because a good number cannot speak or understand English..

  • Understanding your participant it very important because it help to known the behavior and attitude of your persons your going to deal with. Also it is very critical to know their language and literacy level which will avoid many problems that may arise in the process of gathering data. observing your audience it very important because verify the accuracy of the data your collecting.

  • The issues arising is compentency, there is a need to observe all the necessary protocols to avoid incompetent and dishonesty.

    Yes, right tool need to be chosen to avoid data limitations.

    Broad consultations needs to be established by consulting the necessary stakeholders.

  • it is essential to continually observe and verify, data is not static and need to be improve.

    1 Reply
  • What if you do have all the sufiscated but along the line something pops up the project didn't go per said ?

    In cooperate environment, uncertainty always bond to happen.

    In this case what is the way forward?

    1 Reply
  • Before the project begins, one should be able to understand the ways in which data can be collected in that area

  • Collection of data should be of high quality for beneficiaries to understand

  • revising the procedure and inform the stakeholders in time so that they can give you some time to catch up

  • the data which is well presented and managed, it will remain raw for good

  • it is important to understand your participants eg their educational level and cultural views etc and also monitor data to see if unexpected issues arise

  • It is important for the M & E team to understand the users. The cultural, education and demographic characteristics of people matter in data collection. Data collection tools developed in one cultural context cannot always be imported into different context.

    The M & E team should consider the following when learning about the group of people from whom they will be gathering data:

    1. Languages the people speak
      2)Average level of language proficiency
    2. Literacy rate for this population
    3. Culturally preferred method of communication
      5)Accessibility to technologies
  • It is important to understand our users because this will help provide a better picture.

  • it is important because it will give the stakeholders an opportunity to give feedback and it will also be transparent to the stakeholders.

  • For the data collection process, it is quite important to have a good understanding of the people (such as their culture, tradition and gender sensitivity etc) from whom we will be collecting data and information before the data collection takes place. This will properly inform the evaluation team to choose appropriate data collection tools. Without being informed of the target group well, there could be a risk of choosing the right data collection which could largely influence the level of accuracy of the data to be obtained. In addition to this, the evaluation team also needs to be vigilant during the data collection process of there are any issues/challenges arising with the process affecting the process it self or potentially affacting the level of data accuracy.

  • We need to be conversantbwith the language from whom you going to collect the data from,literacy rate,language people can read and write depending on the method of collecting data. Lastly we need to be equipped with the culturally preferred method of communication skilled

  • In carrying out any project, it is important to ensure that the users get accurate and timely data that will help them in decision making processes. Therefore, there is a need to get people with actual answers to the questions you would be seeking to answer involved asyou do your stakeholder mapping. In doing this, you would also need to get others that may try to stall the process, meaning, those that may be influential in the project location involved to aviod unexpected barriers and bottlenecks to the project implementation.

  • Having a clear understanding of participants really help with data integrity. In northern Nigeria we noticed the best way to program for girls is to speak to girls themselves through peer to peer research. So young girls must be trained to collect data from young girls to get accurate information.

  • I never knew that these information are to be carefully considered while designing the survey questionnaires. Now i can make and design better questions with reduced challenges for next data collection process. Thanks Philanthrophy University for this important message on designing the data collection questions.

  • It was quiet good

  • Researching and investigating about a population before carrying out research is fundamental so as to find out more information about the group of people that will be involved in the project because the data collected from them must be accurate and reliable for all users involved. This helps in adopting the right and correct tools for data collection because you know the population and their cultural backgrounds and literacy level.

  • Data collection choice
    One you must know stakeholders mapping. What and how the data is collected. So that the data can be well represented.
    Managing stakeholders expectection. Data must ba unrealistic.

  • In the war crisis, data collection is limited by conflict parties therefor the organization needs to use several methods and exchange its observation and learned lesson with other organizations to increase its chance to collect the required data.

  • Data collection is one of the essential aspects of monitoring and evaluating project implementation. Data are the main variables that stakeholders use to determine the success or failure of a given project. As a result, all stakeholders for a project are interested in data. With this high demand for data, the M&E team has to ensure that stakeholders in the project assess data. However, it is efficient and effective to use a stakeholder map to plan data flow with stakeholders based on their role and interest in the data.

  • This topic fantastic topic where before data collecting it is important to identify first who your stakeholder what they expect etc.... then it is important under stand your participants before deciding your data collection method

  • Quality can be defined from someone understanding the group of people you are working with ,this will enable you acquire the best results since all will be done through understanding .Different gaps can be noted and filled through the knowledge hence promoting quality.

  • You need to carefully understand your participants before designing a data collection tool.

  • it is important to understand your participants before choosing a data collection method

  • Data manipulation in a crucial factor in terms of field surveys. It's really a hard process to ensure data accuracy level to 95% specially for socio-economic survey.

  • It's really important to understand the users because it directly impacts project sustainability. For instance, i observed that in one of the river communities we were implementing one of our projects, a donor constructed public toilets for the community members in order to have a sanitary environment but to my surprise, the constructed public toilets were destroyed within 10 months after commission. from my findings through personal interview with beneficiaries they said that one of the reason for destroying the toilets was that since the construction of the toilet, they have not be getting big fishes and they are stressed before getting fishes in their river because once their feces is thrown into the river, it attract fishes to their area etc.

  • social cultural issues are common in some communities which make data collection a problem like other families dont disclose how many children they have and others dont disclose how much they earn per month

  • the survey should suit the users, not the users should suit the survey. within this philosophy we should pay attention when we choose users for our research. the more we know about our users, the more we design and implement an effective research. who they are, what are their needs, are there any cultural , psychological,or social behaviors that you need to know before you start?

  • It is essential to continually observe and verify the accuracy of your data collection process. What issues are arising? Are there missing data or discouraging patterns? How can you change your tool to prevent these issues?
    observation is key and also do well to understand the target population so you can tailor your tool approriately to collect accurate and useful data. You may have to discuss with members of the target population, local experts and program staff to address this concerns.

  • I want to know more about understanding your users.

  • In case where date of birth is hard to get, event calendar can be used for the period around the date of birth. This I have used and obtained much valid information from the communities.

  • Understanding and observing your participants is a crucial stage in M&E.

  • It is really important to understand the norms and cultural settings of the population that you are going to collect your data from

  • Getting to know the actual results that your users expect and require will help you steer the project in the right directions which you will get specific results that are anticipated by the users. This will help in their satisfaction about the project

  • it is very important to know the context of the area where you are going to implement your project and the participants that you are going to work with

  • we need to understand our users for effective data collection. Understanding user will help us to know the right method of data collection to use and it will help us collect relevant and unbiased data.

  • i think that's Feature phones? Smartphones?
    is very large

  • i think that's Feature phones? Smartphones?
    is very large

  • I understand that before one chooses one of the the questions above, a number of questions should be asked and answered.

  • I understand that before one chooses one of the the questions above, a number of questions should be asked and answered.

  • The baseline to collect the data would be
    Understand the nature of people and observe them carefully and then design the data collection tool for use

  • The correct users understanding is very important in the data collection step for a reliable and adaptative M&E strategy. In fact, it's almost impossible to attribute consistant added-value to collected data neither relevant useness, if targeted stakeholders for or by whom raw data or final results will be usefull have not been taken into account by their real needs assessment. This step is therefore fundamental and mandatory for the whole M&E process design and planing.

  • It is very vital for us to understand and know the people we are getting our data from. People differ according to culture and the area in which they are.

  • practical discussion. This will help me a lot

  • In data collection, there are problems that occur, when we are in front of a survey, you ask it, for example, what is your address, what is your telephone number and what is your age, what is your address, what is your telephone number and what is your age? is what you will gain by doing that means a life of prostitution.
    I think it depends on the study to another, but in this case, we will have no choice, maybe this study requires that these questions be asked and that is perhaps the indicator of the project. . But we must also take into account the design of the question, we can also change the way of asking this question so as to avoid the refusal of the respondent in relation to this question.

  • upstream we must first understand the participants, means who are the people we will target in relation to this study, who will be able to answer these questions. this is the essential before designing the questionnaires we take a look at this

  • It is important that researchers understand the users because of the limitations that each of the users from different places and background has. Identifying these differences can help the researchers collect data that are more accurate.

  • This is why is important to train and make sure the data collectors understood what is expected of them because once the data collector misinterprets the project, the participants will give wrong data.

    Once you notice an error in data, careful check the source and make corrections where necessary

  • It is really important to create and design data collection tools with the users in mind. Otherwise, users may end up guessing the answers to the questions.

  • Gotten some insight

  • Gotten some insight

  • Gotten some insight and can attempt data collection now.

  • Gotten some insight and can attempt data collection now.

  • Gotten some insight and can attempt data collection

  • Gotten some insight and can attempt data collection

  • As part of monitoring our data collection tools for our assistance project for begging and displaced children, we are having difficulty filling in the telephone numbers which are still almost missing. We replace by the GPS location references.

  • This topic is much of data collection tools. The data collection tools discussed include surveys, focused group, interviews, observations etcetera, and you will use them depending on your project materials and funds available. It is very vital to note that the cultural, educational and demographic characteristics of people matter in data collection. Data collection tools developed in one cultural context cannot always be imported into a different context.

  • Understanding the data collection participants help the M&E person to choose the the appropriate method for data collection

  • In most times whenever data collection misunderstanding occurs by respondents, it is a good idea to use and advisable to mix up the data collection method. Quantitative and qualitative data collection method to augument the disadvantage the other. It also helps to trinagulate the validity od the data collected.

  • It's very true that we should be considerate when dealing with target audienxes

    1 Reply
  • This is a vital stage as it helps the clients relax as we proceed

  • Having an understanding of our client cannot be underestimated in the collection and use of data. It makes for confidence and familiarity.

  • These are indeed pertinent questions.

  • These are indeed pertinent questions.

  • These are indeed pertinent questions.

  • quotes are very key in qualitative analysis... this serves as evidence and not just conclusion of the analyst.

  • Understanding your participants is important in data collection.

  • The project I want to carry out is with health workers i.e doctors and nurses. And since they are professionals, I will not have issues with language and their literacy levels. I can easily reach them via sms or emails since majority of them have smart phones and have access to computers.

  • The issues that are arising now adays is of how educated and u understanding are the people of the community when getting interviewed, which is all data use to interview are the only once that help all the method in access to what that interviewer wants to ask and know about a specific individual. The tool you can use to prevent this issues are likely you just need to go with the standard of how it starts and keep on moving that way in other to make your work easier.

  • hello am excited to know more about this Module.

  • can anticipate and avoid many problems by learning about the group of people from whom you will be gathering data. Here are a few questions worth investigating before you design a data collection tool:

    What language(s) do these people speak?
    What is the average level of language proficiency?
    What is the literacy rate for this population?
    Which languages can people read? Write?
    What is the culturally preferred method of communication? For example, would people from this group generally be comfortable talking to a stranger in public, or would a private phone conversation be preferred? Would it be appropriate for a person of one gender to interview a person of another gender?
    What proportion of people from this population have access to technologies such as…
    Basic mobile phones?
    Feature phones? Smartphones?
    How skilled are people in this population using these technologies?
    Some of this information—such as languages spoken and literacy level—can be found in public data sets, such as census records. For other information, consider spending some time speaking with members of the target population, local experts, and program staff.

    What you learn about this group will inform your data collection tool choice and design. For example, if you are working with individuals with low levels of literacy, distributing written surveys will not be a good option. If you are working with a group of people who generally are not comfortable speaking with strangers alone in public, you may need to arrange for chaperones, parents, or other people to be present.

  • people may also have different beliefs and cultures, so we need to also be aware of these partern so as to make better informed choices when using our data collection tools.

  • That is very true Sir

  • The aspect of understanding your participants before designing your tools is very important.

  • Understanding users is one of the most important factors in data collection. Understanding the users will help us to select the monitoring tool method to interact with them and gather accurate data.
    For that purpose, one need to spend some time with the users to make sure their values and way of understanding. The data tool making can only be possible if the users or group of users are identified.

    1 Reply
  • Indeed it is important to understand the users before designing a data collecting tool.

  • Indeed! you need to understand the people whom you are gathering data from.

  • Cultural context in which you collect data from is very important.

  • It is very important to know the environment and the people to be investigated

  • Basic rules of identifying specific users are cultural diversity, religion, demographics, education, and others that best fit to the M&E process of data collection. An information should be gathered first to know the background and dynamics of the population in order to gain or have best quality of data output. Understanding the dynamics of the users would really help on the outcome of the M&E process as we can easily get the best data that we are looking for.

  • Basic rules of identifying specific users are cultural diversity, religion, demographics, education, and others that best fit to the M&E process of data collection. An information should be gathered first to know the background and dynamics of the population in order to gain or have best quality of data output. Understanding the dynamics of the users would really help on the outcome of the M&E process as we can easily get the best data that we are looking for.

  • Its important to understand the categories of people who will need to use your data once collected. Different end users require different types of data and for different purposes and therefore will have an influence on how you collect the data, what tools you use to collect the data, the type of data and howoften this data will be collected.

  • To have a grasp, to be fully aware, to have thorough knowledge of what the users need/want and how to solve the problems in other to be able to get them preferable solutions

  • Having full knowledge of what the users needs/want

  • Having full knowledge of what the users needs/want

  • Having full knowledge of what the users needs/want

  • Having full knowledge of what the users needs/want

  • Having full knowledge of what the users needs/want

  • Knowing fully or having idea of what the user wants or need in other to be able to solve their problems

  • Knowing fully or having idea of what the user wants or need in other to be able to solve their problems

  • Having full knowledge or ideas of the user's problem and knowing how to fix them

  • Every six weeks local facilitators submitted their forms to their supervisor. supervisors aggregated the data for their district and submitted report to the provincial level where our M/E staff did data entry, data cleaning and validation. finally this data was shared with the central office. In addition to facilitating the community dialogue session each facilitator was responsible for collecting data about their participant. we design a form which asked the facilitator record who was present at the session as well as some basic information about the participants such as age sex etc the M/E team taught the facilitators how to fill the from.

  • It is important to understand even the smallest stakeholder. The contribution by anyone cannot be underestimated

    1 Reply
  • We must carefully study our beneficiaries and needs before choosing a data collection method

  • To get the exact place or address we can make use of the latest GPS technology.
    To get the exact names or date of birth we can refer to the Government IDs such as voter id or Aadhar card etc
    To avoid political issues we can go for focused group discussions than individual survey or interview

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