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  • Data collection tools I'm aware of are focus group discussion, observation and interview to collect qualitative data
    While in collecting quantitative data we can use questionnaire, laboratory measurements and document review also observations.

  • Data collection tools I'm aware of are focus group discussion, observation and interview to collect qualitative data
    While in collecting quantitative data we can use questionnaire, laboratory measurements and document review also observations.

  • I think it is really important to have good tools because they will be used to keep the data stored and available for the rest of the stakeholders

  • I think it is really important to have good tools because they will be used to keep the data stored and available for the rest of the stakeholders

  • Completely agree with you but I think they should be easy to use and maintain

  • The most important thing in the M&E cycle is to create data collection tools and the questionnaire. The tools has to simple and easy to use. The question should not be ambiguous.

    2 Replies
  • I would only advise the data collection tool to be as brief and in as simple english as possible. I would also add on to adopt more closed ended question approach than open ended.

  • Anyone facing challenges in creating Data collection tools

  • Mobile data collection is way more better

  • Anyone using ODK as a data collection tool

  • Creating Data Collection tools is one of the most important element of M&E plan. The various tools helps an organization to measure, analyze and report the required and essential data of a project to the management and donors of the project.


  • Creating data collection tools is complicated because you have to consider so many factors and questions. Different data collection tools have different levels of need and what you will be able to explain or rephrase if a participant is confused. It's also so important to pretest and have input from people within your target population so that you know you are accurately measuring what you want to measure in a culturally sound way.

  • data collecting tools are very important in gathering correct information that you can use in your M&E plan. the correct data tool will help you get relevant information.

  • i think the best tool would be interviews or surveys.

    1 Reply
  • Waw! i learnt so much about this module. It was clear and easy to understand.

  • I think survey would be good to get a qualitative info like the level of satisfaction of a customer

  • Attendance also is a data collection tools?

    1 Reply
  • Its important to take into account the population of participants you are planning to collect data from. This will help you to come up with a friendly tool.
    Also the purpose of collecting data. Is it for weekly report or annual report. This will also help on which tool to use.
    Participation tracking form is the best method, simple to use, less expensive, and saves time. The thing about this tool is you must know your indicators. And use the indicators to make a form and get it filled by participants of the project

  • A very helpful topic in deed. I didn't know about particpant tracking form works this better

  • Creating Data Collection Tools is most important part in planning process for monitoring and evaluation part. You may have adequate knowledge on the previous steps such as you may have clear project summary, well defined indicators and risk and assumptions...............however, in this stage you need to employ all your knowledge in practice to design data collection tools. Error in data collection designs can turn all your knowledge into no use and the project may suffer from inadequate information to support their success.

  • This module has really helped me in preparing my thesis questionnaire.

  • Data collection tools you choose to collect the data will depend on the type of data you plan on collecting (qualitative or quantitative) and how you plan to collect it. Some of the commonly used data collection tools are:
    Archival documents and government sources
    Laboratory experiments
    Quasi experiment
    Scales (measuring and weighing tapes)

  • data is very vital when doing monitoring and evaluation. It is therefore important to come up with proper data collecting tools that will enable us to collect the right data that we may need for the monitoring and evaluation process. Information on who we are collecting data from and who oversees he process is also vital in determine the kind of methods and data collection tools that we will use.

  • Creating proper data collection tool is key task on the process of data collection, because it affects the quality of data collected and, consequently, the quality of the results obtained. It is paramount to always consider the context in which the data collection is carried out. For each tool, there's a different method of implementation and it is important to be aware of the implementation dynamics. For example, respondants of a survey, interview or participants of a focus group may be influenced by the different etnicity of the interviewer/mediator. Often, in Africa common people may not feel at ease with white people, so maybe you should consider to implement the survey/interview/focus goup by a local collegue. Moreover, it is very important to consider the psycological reactions of people when they get inteviewed, nemed as "biases". A crucial bias is the "social desiderability bias", that is when people do not answer honestly, but (even unconsciously) they answer as they think they would please and impress the interviewer.

    1 Reply
  • Great to be learning how to create data collection tools here. This has been a very worthwhile undertaking. I will want to know why it is imperative to have metadata for projects that are being implemented in one location and for a small number of beneficiaries

  • Good ideas presented in a beautiful format. The points you made in terms of the need for data collection is valid. Kudos

  • Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools

  • It was indeed a great learning for me, specially designing the tools and testing the data collection tools prior to execute in the real field to collect the data. Now I am more clear about the Metadata and its importance.

  • Create data collecting are very useful for your project

  • Creating data collection is very useful for your team

    2 Replies
  • When creating a data collection to tool one needs to follow certain steps an procedures before collecting the data. For instance they is need for a data collection volunteer,project coordinator to draft a form that will be used in the field to collect data. They form will help track all the activities conducted in the fields. Before a data tool is used in a field they is need for the tool to be tried before the actual event for instance we can use it on an member partaking in the project imagining that the person is the receive of microloans. Such previews will help coordinator of the projects to improve the data collecting tool.

  • I have created a data collection tool for my company and ready to expand, now willing to help growing organizations to develop their M and E plan thank you.

  • it was very direct and easy to learn.

  • Team leaders should aim to create a simple tool so that the participants would be able to understand and answer, but at the same time, it should be comprehensive enough to provide the organization with the data it needs

  • "Data collection tools" is probably the part of M&E that I am least confident about because I often feel the tools cannot collect the appropriate data as planned. What do you think is the best thing to do after using the tools and finding out they are not as effective in gathering the data we need as planned?

    1 Reply
  • Data collection tools are very crucial in projects, hence, they should be carefully selected and designed. For accurate documentation and tracking of the progress of the project.

  • Creation of data collection is one of the most vital stages in the creation of of a M and E plan since it helps to record and monitoring of activities done in the project and whether the desired outputs or target audien are being reached

  • One of most popular tool is participant

  • for sure a data collection tool used will determine the quality of data to be collected. furthermore, testing a form is more important. i would suggest the team collecting data, if possible,to go on the field and do some sampling on the effectiveness of the form.

  • Effective data collection tools assures a project's success.

  • Creating data collection tools requires careful consideration. They are generally the backbone of a project hence the need to ensure the right information is captured

    1 Reply
  • After Reading through this notes, I found it easy to create data collection tools

  • It is important to select tools that will suit your organization and that which will achieve the objective.

  • I can't wait to garner knowledge in the field of Project Management

  • Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data.

    It is important to decide the tools for data collection because research is carried out in different ways and for different purposes. The objective behind data collection is to capture quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the questions that have been posed.

  • In creating data collection tools these are to be considered .

    • Identify who will use the tools:
      this will help to identify the person who will collect the data, and it depends on the project, it could be a staff member, a volunteer or a partner. while allocating who will collect data, the educational level, experience and how comfortable to use the tools has to be considered.

    • Focus on essential Information
      The data has to be focus on essential information to enable complete and uncomplicated data.
      -Collect metadata. this has to do with the information the will be recorded

    • Pre-test your tools: this has to do with test the tool before proper usage. eg testing a tool in thesame environment it will be use.
      -Train staff to use tools and include instruction: one dont need to assume that the tools are self explanatory, different people interpret in different ways. the staff or volunteer need to be train how to use the tools and how to communicate or respond to instruction.
      in training on how the tool should be used include
      participant tracking forms, this has to do with keeping records of the participant, and is depends on the project.
      in education, you collect record of student that attends classes, and health record of patient that visit clinic.

  • Data Collection Methods and Tools are really great to learn. Cant wait to practice on them.

  • Understanding the set indicators is very crucial to choosing the right data collection tools for a specific project.

    2 Replies
  • Understanding the set indicators is very crucial to choosing the right data collection tools for a specific project.

  • I agree with you.

  • Creating assertive, simple and effective data collection tools is important to ensure correct data collection as well as facilitating subsequent analysis. Otherwise, the impact of the project cannot be adequately measured, which will affect not only credibility with partners or investors but also its status.

  • I believe that designing DATA COLLECTION TOOLS are as important as being able to identify and select specific indicators that will ensure a correct monitoring and evaluation process.

    1 Reply
  • This module helps to identify, define and specify a type of data collection which is one of the most important part of any monitoring and evaluation.

  • Not necessarily, because sometimes they take too long and you also have to consider that other similar projects already have information. Sometimes going to the books and what's already out there saves time and resources.

  • Effective data collection tools DO NOT ensure the success of a project, but they do guarantee accurate and effective measurement. The success of the project depends on many other factors, not just how you measure its impact and development.

  • Yes because it helps the team know where they are going and to have clarify and focuse on what they need to look for (search for as results).

  • This module helps to identify, define and specify a type of data collection which is one of the most important part of any monitoring and evaluation.

  • Data collection tools has a great impact on M&E.

  • data collection is very important for every project. clear data collection tool helps the project to meet its requirement

    1 Reply
  • Data collection tools are tools that helps make it easy to collect different data.

  • Data collection tools- Are tools used to collect data.
    The process of creating the data collection is a bit expensive and time- consuming therefore, an organization or researcher needs to identify the type of data collected and who is going to use the data to help in selecting a tool that has been tested before and able to assist in the process efficiently.

    It is necessary and essential to pre-test your tool and train your staff how to use the tool with instructions.
    The tools identified should be taken back to the community rather target project beneficiaries to hear their feedback and clear out incase of any concerns and clarifications regarding the tool.

  • It is a very informative session. The light bulb moment for me has been on grouping indicators so that at least on or two data collection tools can be used for all. For a while, I was a bit overwhelmed on the various methods and tools that would need to be used looking at the variety of indicators under inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts.

    • Creating data collection tool can help project team to monitor the progress of the project and whether project is going to wards the targets or not.


  • Should we have a limitation to the number of questions on the survey?

    1 Reply
  • It is really important to design the data collection tools thoroughly. If the tools are designed perfectly, it will help us a lot in collecting the data we need

  • Totally agree with the tips that we have to focus on essential information. Most of the time we want to have all of the information because we think that we might need it in the future. However, it can make our tools very complicated and hard to use

  • Creating data collection tools is one of the way to get a comprehensive information because the tool will identify who will use it, focus on the essential information, pre-test and train the staff that will use the tools effectively.

  • Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system

  • It is indeed extremely critical for one to create a sound data collection tool relevant to the project in question. The data collection tool so created should be practical both in administering and in monetary terms. The data collection tool created should also provide the project managers with adequate data sufficient enough to making decisions.

  • Choosing a data collection tool is indeed important .

  • that is indeed true my friend.

  • I would only advise the data collection tool to be as brief and in as simple english as possible. I would also add on to adopt more closed ended question approach than open ended.

  • Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data.

  • Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data.

  • 1
    Use the completed Data Collection Planning Worksheet to create a list of all data collection instruments that are required. Next determine which investigative questions will be posed to which audiences through the instruments identified. One way to facilitate this is to sort the Worksheet by its “Data Source” column and compare this with the completed Question Matrix to ensure that no items have been overlooked. Create one document for each instrument and audience, and on it list each investigative question and sub-question.


    Consider the type of instruments you will need and plan to create all those of a similar type at the same time. For example, create all the questionnaires you will need and then move on to all interview protocols, documentation worksheets, etc. Tackling the tasks in this manner helps you leverage the work from one instrument to the next of its type. Use the Documentation Worksheet, Focus Group Worksheet, Interview Worksheet, and Questionnaire Development Worksheet to guide your work. Questionnaire items you write for CHWs can be edited slightly to become appropriate for CHW Supervisors, for instance, and so grouping the work will help you complete it more quickly.
    3 then
    Identify individuals from each data source group to serve as pilot participants for the data collection instruments you have created. It’s fine to choose those close at hand, but if there are important subgroups, or strata, among the target population it’s a good idea to pilot with each subgroup to ensure the instrument is sensitive to their differences. Once the instruments are ready the team must prepare for their use.

    4 Finally

    Once the instruments are ready, the data collection team must be prepared for their use. For self-administered questionnaires provide electronic or print copy as needed to those responsible for distribution and collection. For administered instruments like surveys or interview protocols, hold a training session with data collectors to ensure they understand what each question is designed to capture, the importance of following the question language order, and how they should document the responses they receive. One effective training approach this is to have an experienced interviewer conduct a real interview in front of the collector trainees, who will follow and document the responses individually. Then compare the captured data of the experienced interviewer with that of the trainees to ensure greater consistency.

  • It is very clear that designing the right data collection tools plays a crucial role in the outcome of the M&E Exercise. It is therefore important to note that only the essential parts of a data collection tool are to be captured to prevent a long and time consuming tool

  • It is very clear that designing the right data collection tools plays a crucial role in the outcome of the M&E Exercise. It is therefore important to note that only the essential parts of a data collection tool are to be captured to prevent a long and time consuming tool

  • I agree, it is a crucial part of the M&E process

  • I believe strongly that once indicators are clearly defined, the M&E expert can design an adequately appropriate tool(s) for data collection.

  • Have a clear picture of your indicators and the target audience. Design the tool with the modalities you feel best elicits required data. Contact other colleagues or experts for peer review. These persons can help add, remove or adjust the tool items/questions. This is what it means to test the tool and feedbacks will help you make the necessary adjustments. Note, no one is an island of knowledge.

  • When you are lost of ideas, feel free to ask people in the same section, research past project documents. Always review your tool to serve as a reliable and valid instrument/means of data collection, since such information is required for management decisions making.

  • Before creating a data collection tool, its important to consider the user of the tool; in terms of his/her level of education and experience using such a tool

    1 Reply
  • There are different tools used in data collection in M&E
    They include;
    Interviews; this is one of the most common tool used. it can be formal or informal. can be done over the phone, skype call, whatsapp call etc.
    they are a lot more tools in data collection including;
    Survey and questionnaires
    Direct measurement
    Focus groups and discussions
    Photography and video
    Case studies and stories of change
    Secondary data sources

    each data collection is unique with its own methods. some tools collect quantitative data while some collect qualitative data. Some are more accurate than the other.
    in summary, there are advantages and disadvantages of each data collection tool.

  • Interesting topic, I definitely learnt a lot from this module.

  • The success of an M&E plan relies a lot on the data collection tools that one chooses; it is imperative that a decent amount of time and resources is dedicated to this very important part of the process.

  • Regarding the survey and interview method how can I guarantee that the information or data collected is real?

    How can I mitigate the risk of participants providing untrue information?

  • Regarding the survey and interview method how can I guarantee that the information or data collected is real?

    How can I mitigate the risk of participants providing untrue information?

    1 Reply
  • Regarding the survey and interview method how can I guarantee that the information or data collected is real?

    How can I mitigate the risk of participants providing untrue information?

  • Basic tools for data collecetion. These include interviews, focus group discussions, observation, photography, video, surveys, questionnaires and case studies. and Many different methodologies can be used for data collection and analysis.

  • I think that this is a critical aspect of the M&E plan. Just going over my draft M&E plan, I have observed that there are a few fields/ indicator data fields that are not necessary. Not that they are not useful but more like excess info that may not be practical to collect or that will add more value. I also see the usefulness of defining some of the fields/sections such as the regions and adding instructions for clarity as people may have different interpretations.

  • When you are lost of ideas, feel free to ask people in the same section, research past project documents. Always review your tool to serve as a reliable and valid instrument/means of data collection, since such information is required for management decisions making.

  • When you are lost of ideas, feel free to ask people in the same section, research past project documents. Always review your tool to serve as a reliable and valid instrument/means of data collection, since such information is required for management decisions making.

  • In creating data collection tools, it is necessary to give critical attention to select and design your data collection tool. This will help necessary data to be collected and progress can be well monitored and success effectively evaluated

  • Lets discuss how we can create data collection tools

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