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  • The module was quite practical. I have understood the different data collecting tools, their advantages and disadvantage. Havin such knowledge will help me in deciding the most appropriate data collection tools factoring aspects such as the ease of use, the cost of using the tool and the time needed to collect data using the tool. I have also learnt that different types of data ( qualitative and Quantitative ) will require different data collecting tools.
    From the module I have also learnt about and appreciated the Participant tracking form as ma very significant and important data collection tool. I have learnt the principles to apply in constructing the the participant form;

    • Understand your indicator

    • Decide type of information to be recorded

    • Decide how the form will be filled

    • Create the form

    • Test the form

    • Revise the form

  • Creating Data Collection Tools is very important for means of verification in Log frame.

  • will data collection tools continue to evolve over time?

  • Creating Data Collection Tools is very important for means of verification in Log frame.

  • Data collection tools have changed the way market research is done. They have turned data collection and analysis into a smart process that improves the business outcomes. Gone are the times when organizations used to make strategies based on assumptions, instincts, and possibilities. Today, they cannot afford to make a mistake or miss a chance and let the competitor win. Business leaders and analysts rely on data to drive growth and revenue.

    Data collection tools help to understand employees and customers better by collecting their feedback, opinion, and choices. They can help to improve their experience by meeting their expectations from your products and services. To achieve this, it is necessary that the data is rich enough to be able to extract meaningful insights from it.

    Types of data collection tools
    The success of market research depends on the accuracy of the data collected. However, it doesn’t end here. It is important to analyze this data such that the management executives can make sense out of it.

    There are multiple data collection tools available in the market. Choosing the right one depends on your requirements. Some of the most commonly used data collection methods are

    Interviews are a data collection method by which one person asks a series of questions to another who is part of the target audience. The one-to-one interview can be conducted in-person or over the phone call. The answers are recorded and analyzed to understand their behavior, choices, and experiences. An interview gives high quality of data as the respondent is less likely to give false responses when facing someone directly. The limitation of this mode of collecting data is that it is not feasible for large scale data collection. Also, it is time-consuming to interview many people on a one-to-one basis. Interviews are most appropriate when the subject is complex or sensitive.

    Observation is a data collection technique in which the target audience is given the problem statement and their responses are noted with minimum interference of any moderator. While the respondent is busy thinking about answering the questions, their body language, mannerisms, facial expressions, voice tone, etc are noted. These non-verbal signs are an important input for making decisions. The best thing about this method is that it requires less preparation on the researchers part. The downside is that the respondents might get conscious of themselves if somebody is constantly observing them. It might even make them feel uncomfortable.

    Surveys are a list of questions designed in such a way that they touch upon various features of products and services. Based on the data collected, various analytical algorithms are run and reports are generated. Surveys are conducted through online data collection tools by which the survey questions can be distributed through email, website, mobile app, QR code or social media platforms. These data-gathering tools have the ability to generate various reports such as Trend Analysis, Data Segmentation, Correlation Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, etc. Often in large enterprises, multiple teams use the reports and so, need to be shared with many people. This creates a need to export the reports in commonly used formats such as .xls, .doc or .pdf. Moreover, the survey data can be used further by integrating third-party apps with the survey builder tool. This multiplies the usability of the data collected and improves ROI.

    Survey builder software comes with a lot of flexibility as the user can select from a variety of question types and add logic to customize the flow of survey based on the answers given by respondents. The respondents can answer based on their convenience. In case a respondent has started the survey but hasn’t finished, the survey administrator can send scheduled reminders and increase the response rate. Surveys can reach a vast audience simultaneously and collect a lot of data in lesser time as compared to other methods.

    Usage Data
    With the growing use of technology, data is collected at various points from manufacture to delivery. This data can be used to improve business outcomes. Historical records, application usage data, sales reports, GPS location coordinates, etc are some of the examples from which useful data can be gathered. Such data collection methods can be used when you want to optimize existing systems instead of creating new ones.

    Focus Groups
    Focus groups are a group of people who come from various fields of life. They are subjected to a group discussion in the presence of a moderator. As people come from different backgrounds, it leads to exploring various angles of thoughts. It is believed that diversity in thoughts leads to innovation. Focus groups help stakeholders to validate the facts on the spot and collect a diverse set of data. This method of data collection suffers from the risk of the presence of an over-influential person in the group. The moderator must be capable of managing the discussion and balancing the dynamics of the group. Focus groups are apt for beta testing of newly launched products.

    Data collection tools must be selected based on low barriers to entry, ability to scale and advanced features beyond basic data collection.

  • Data collection tools have changed the way market research is done. They have turned data collection and analysis into a smart process that improves the business outcomes. Gone are the times when organizations used to make strategies based on assumptions, instincts, and possibilities. Today, they cannot afford to make a mistake or miss a chance and let the competitor win. Business leaders and analysts rely on data to drive growth and revenue.

    Data collection tools help to understand employees and customers better by collecting their feedback, opinion, and choices. They can help to improve their experience by meeting their expectations from your products and services. To achieve this, it is necessary that the data is rich enough to be able to extract meaningful insights from it.

    Types of data collection tools
    The success of market research depends on the accuracy of the data collected. However, it doesn’t end here. It is important to analyze this data such that the management executives can make sense out of it.

    There are multiple data collection tools available in the market. Choosing the right one depends on your requirements. Some of the most commonly used data collection methods are

    Interviews are a data collection method by which one person asks a series of questions to another who is part of the target audience. The one-to-one interview can be conducted in-person or over the phone call. The answers are recorded and analyzed to understand their behavior, choices, and experiences. An interview gives high quality of data as the respondent is less likely to give false responses when facing someone directly. The limitation of this mode of collecting data is that it is not feasible for large scale data collection. Also, it is time-consuming to interview many people on a one-to-one basis. Interviews are most appropriate when the subject is complex or sensitive.

    Observation is a data collection technique in which the target audience is given the problem statement and their responses are noted with minimum interference of any moderator. While the respondent is busy thinking about answering the questions, their body language, mannerisms, facial expressions, voice tone, etc are noted. These non-verbal signs are an important input for making decisions. The best thing about this method is that it requires less preparation on the researchers part. The downside is that the respondents might get conscious of themselves if somebody is constantly observing them. It might even make them feel uncomfortable.

    Surveys are a list of questions designed in such a way that they touch upon various features of products and services. Based on the data collected, various analytical algorithms are run and reports are generated. Surveys are conducted through online data collection tools by which the survey questions can be distributed through email, website, mobile app, QR code or social media platforms. These data-gathering tools have the ability to generate various reports such as Trend Analysis, Data Segmentation, Correlation Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, etc. Often in large enterprises, multiple teams use the reports and so, need to be shared with many people. This creates a need to export the reports in commonly used formats such as .xls, .doc or .pdf. Moreover, the survey data can be used further by integrating third-party apps with the survey builder tool. This multiplies the usability of the data collected and improves ROI.

    Survey builder software comes with a lot of flexibility as the user can select from a variety of question types and add logic to customize the flow of survey based on the answers given by respondents. The respondents can answer based on their convenience. In case a respondent has started the survey but hasn’t finished, the survey administrator can send scheduled reminders and increase the response rate. Surveys can reach a vast audience simultaneously and collect a lot of data in lesser time as compared to other methods.

    Usage Data
    With the growing use of technology, data is collected at various points from manufacture to delivery. This data can be used to improve business outcomes. Historical records, application usage data, sales reports, GPS location coordinates, etc are some of the examples from which useful data can be gathered. Such data collection methods can be used when you want to optimize existing systems instead of creating new ones.

    Focus Groups
    Focus groups are a group of people who come from various fields of life. They are subjected to a group discussion in the presence of a moderator. As people come from different backgrounds, it leads to exploring various angles of thoughts. It is believed that diversity in thoughts leads to innovation. Focus groups help stakeholders to validate the facts on the spot and collect a diverse set of data. This method of data collection suffers from the risk of the presence of an over-influential person in the group. The moderator must be capable of managing the discussion and balancing the dynamics of the group. Focus groups are apt for beta testing of newly launched products.

    Data collection tools must be selected based on low barriers to entry, ability to scale and advanced features beyond basic data collection.

  • Here are the top six data collection methods:
    Questionnaires and surveys.
    Documents and records.
    Focus groups.
    Oral histories.

  • Most are based around a core set of basic tools. These include interviews, focus group discussions, observation, photography, video, surveys, questionnaires and case studies. Data may also be generated through direct measurement, reviewing secondary data, and informal project / programme management processes

  • The most important things to consider when creating data collection tools are:

    1. The type of data to be collected
      e.g quantitative or qualitative
    2. The experience and expertise of the data collection team.
    3. The number of participants
    4. The amount of resources available
    5. Time frame for data collection exercise
    6. The kind of participants from which the data will be collected
  • It's also good to consider only adding the essential information to be collected as this reduces the amount of time required to collect data. Pre-testing the tool is also crucial as it helps to refine the tool before the actual exercise.

  • I think creating data collections tools is very important for monitoring and Evaluation. It does not only track participants activities and involvement in a project, it is also good to measure success (indicator) of a project.

  • Data tools are important and should be selected carefully depending on the data required. Of key to consider in creating data tools are things like the user of the tool, collect metadata and as well focus of essential information.

    There are a bunch of underlying reasons for collecting data, especially for a researcher. Walking you through them, here are a few reasons;

    Integrity of The Research
    A key reason for collecting data, be it through quantitative or qualitative methods is to ensure that the integrity of the research question is indeed maintained.

    Reduce the likelihood of errors
    The correct use of appropriate data collection of methods reduces the likelihood of errors consistent with the results.

    Decision Making
    To minimize the risk of errors in decision making, it is important that accurate data is collected so that the researcher doesn't make uninformed decisions.

    Save Cost and Time
    Data collection saves the researcher time and funds that would otherwise be misspent without a deeper understanding of the topic or subject matter.

    To support a need for a new idea, change and/or innovation
    To prove the need for a change in the norm or the introduction of new information that will be widely accepted, it is important to collect data as evidence to support these claims.

  • Collecting data is always a part of every process that involves results. T

  • creating data collection tool is essential to help us properly group our indicators

  • I found the content so detailed and interesting. My question is that, when this should be done, during the project design or after

    2 Replies
  • This module was very interesting and useful as the tools are essential for correctly and timely collection of data. As a example, we explored creation and use of participant tracking tool, however i felt that if the course could explore through other data collection tools too, then it would be more helpful as the participant would be ready to implement in real work life.

  • we need data collecting tools so as to help us in data collection. we need to group our indicators into collections that can be measured with the same tool. this will help create few possible data collecting tools.

    1 Reply
  • Creating data collection tools can be a challenge to people who are not interested and those who have not archived much in terms of high education

    1 Reply
  • data should be of high quality as they are collect

  • There are different ways to collect data. Hence, make sure to use a tool which is easy to understand

  • Data helps us to proceed further. Therefore it is important to design the tool before you start working in the fields

  • Creating data collection tools is a very critical and time consuming process. It saves time if there is an already existing tool measuring similar indicators that you can tailor to respond to your data collection requirements

    1 Reply
  • If a programme has a variety in activities, different participant tracking forms will have to be designed for different components based on the work plans. Once the implementer of the different components have completed the output monitoring forms, they shall submit them to the M&E assistant who shall provide quality control assessment before sending them to the E-SLIP M&E Manager for data capture and compilation. The M&E Manager shall ensure that the forms’ data are captured into the E-SLIP M&E database. Once these data have been captured, the M&E Specialist shall prepare a Physical Progress Report

  • It is also important that the data collection tool design process considers how the digital collation will be done and how the data cleaning process will be conducted. Data cleaning needs to be done quickly in order to be able to reach the participants in case the need arises for data to be verified with the participants. It is also necessary to include contact details like phone or email addresses to make this process possible

  • @Daniel-3 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Creating data collection tools can be a challenge to people who are not interested and those who have not archived much in terms of high education

    In this case, it is important that the project employ or engage specialist with experience in designing surveys or interview guides.

  • But this too should be tested by either role playing or field trials to ensure its collecting the intended information especially if the modifications have been significant or the order of questions has changed

  • I clearly understood the steps in creating Participant Tracking Form which I think we should implement in our project. I understand now why it is important to collect data and what type of methods with the advantages and disadvantages.

    However I would like to know how feasible these processes are in developing countries, because you find some projects still fail. How can we improve the M&E in developing countries?

  • very essential

  • There are now a number of freeware mobile based data collection facilities like kobo collect, and survey questionnaire database software like EpiData that M&E Managers can take advantage of. TolaData is a commercial software that simplifies monitoring and evaluation so you can manage a complete indicator workflow in one comprehensive platform. It is expensive but worth it if you can afford it 229 Euro per month price tag.

  • Data collection is a method to get the required information in a specific form that helps to understand the results against input, output, outcome and impact level.

  • this was great,,, now i know how to collect data and clearly distinguishing between the qualitative and quantitative data collection tools. also, the setting up of the Participant Tracking Form and how to use it and the 6 steps of creating the form.

  • This must be clearly be guided on the tips given on selecting data tools, but basically adding to your Who? (the school children) also include the other factors such as what kind of data you want to collect and why you want to collect it and how often are you going to collect it. also add whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, that can also help.

  • First we identify who will use the tool,depending on the age group of the interviews,focus on essential information and the metadata,we need to pre-test our tool before giving instructions and training of the stuff.

  • I think its observation or interview..children tend to say the truth ,,,

  • This is a form that collects data from the peer educator as they conduct.
    The can collect information about their details of the facilitators.
    They can collect details of those they helped share information with.
    Our peer educator are the ones that go out to the field.

  • I was just wondering if the participants themselves are filling the participant tracking form is it important to have them filling in the top section? Will it not be a repetition?

  • What's new to me about creating data collection tools is the 'metadata' part where we need to add data about the data we're collecting.

  • It is important to know hw create a data collection tolls because that will helpb your work more effeciently. However, designing a data collection tool can be a time-consuming, expensive process. So, before you start
    selecting data collection tools, it is important to ask: how can you collect all the information that you need while creating the fewest possible data collection tools?
    To ensure that you are creating and using the fewest possible tools, group your indicators into collections that can be measured with the same tool.

  • it is a very key to create a Participant tracking form as a means of knowing one's progress

  • it was such a great lecture thank you for your support

  • Creating data collection tools is very important part of M and E since this will be the backbone of the reports we will be doing. It can also help us to stay in sync with what we are trying to accomplish.

  • When creating data collection tools one has to first identify the person or people that will utilize the tool when collecting data and the tool must be simple by focusing on collecting specific and vital information. It is also very important to pre- test the tool that is meant to collect data.

  • Different data collection strategies include Case Studies, Usage data, Checklists, Observation, Interviews, Focus Groups, Surveys, and Document analysis.

    Primary data is the data which is collected for the first time by the researcher. It will be the original data and will be relevant to the research topic. The ways used by researchers to collect the primary data include Interviews, Questionnaire, Focus Groups, and Observations.

  • these module is very good

  • The six steps of creating a Participant Tracking Form are an eye opener for me. In as much as I had prior knowledge on data collection methods, it is interesting to know how to link methods to the indicators and ways of grouping methods which can use similar tools.

    1 Reply
  • Understanding the nature of your project helps determine the most appropriate data collection methods

  • I completely agree with you. Building capacity of personnel is equally key to successful data management

  • this was a very insightful aspect of the topic for me.

  • Features

    Collect data offline without being connected to the Internet and online using Web Forms using the same survey!
    Design your mobile and web form with our simple drag and drop editor.
    No programmer required! 
    Capture data on your smartphones, iPads and Tablets and any modern web browser.
    Easily manage one or hundreds of devices and field workers. 
    Receive email notifications when something needs your immediate attention.
    Conduct mobile surveys in 17 languages.
    Upload survey results to the Cloud or directly to your own server.
    Benefit from higher response rates and faster results.
  • Your Professional Market Research App for Data Collection

    Harvest Your Data iSURVEY & droidSURVEY apps and Web Forms make it easy to collect mobile survey data both online and offline

    You don’t need an Internet connection while conducting surveys in the field or completing mobile forms. The data you collect while offline will be stored on your device and can be uploaded when an Internet connection becomes available. If your Internet connection disconnects half way through the upload process, the offline survey app mode safely stores the remaining results on your device until the next upload.

    If your respondents always have an internet connection you can use Web Forms on any device without even installing an app.

    Discover the flexibility of setting up a single questionnaire or mobile form that runs on both Apple and Android devices and a web browser. Use the iSURVEY app on Apple iPhones, iPods and iPads and the droidSURVEY app on your Android smartphone and tablet devices and Web Forms for online data collection.

    There are no on-going monthly subscription fees and each survey or form can be run on an unlimited number of devices.

  • The apps have a beautiful interface that is optimized for data collection on smartphone, iPad and tablet devices. The Android tablet, iPad survey app and the Web Forms can display multiple questions on a single screen with HD graphics. Your respondents will love it because it's an interesting way to complete mobile surveys and forms.

    Try Harvest Your Data for FREE and see for yourself how easy it is to conduct mobile market research surveys with one or multiple devices and in a web browser.

  • Tracking sheet could only be useful to collect uncomplicated data.

  • Data collection tools are of great importance as it through them that the data to be used in Monitoring and Evaluation are collected.

    1 Reply
  • Hi, I think it should be done when designing the project. It might not be possible to do it after because what data and information will you be monitoring if you have not collected any data?

  • Many different methodologies can be used for data collection and analysis. Most are based around a core set of basic tools. These include interviews, focus group discussions, observation, photography, video, surveys, questionnaires and case studies.
    When looking into data gathering tools for research, it is essential to acknowledge that projects differ in their design and purpose.
    What is involved in collecting data – six steps to success
    Step 1: Identify issues and/or opportunities for collecting data.
    Step 2: Select issue(s) and/or opportunity(ies) and set goals.
    Step 3: Plan an approach and methods.
    Step 4: Collect data.
    Step 5: Analyze and interpret data.
    Step 6: Act on results.

  • This information is very helpful. How does it change when using a data collection app in the field. How should the determination be made whether it is practical to self-administer the survey when personal information is involved, but literacy may be a problem.

  • Creating data collection tools is an important part of making sure we have accurate data to make informed decisions. The tool should be simple to understand, precise, and organized.

  • Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data.
    Below are the steps to create a new entry using the Data Entry Form in Excel:
    Select any cell in the Excel Table.
    Click on the Form icon in the Quick Access Toolbar.
    Enter the data in the form fields.
    Hit the Enter key (or click the New button) to enter the record in the table and get a blank form for next record.
    A large portion of data entry work involves typing. This means that being able to type quickly and accurately is essential. The best way to improve your speed is simply to practice typing. Try spending some each day transcribing some written information onto the computer.

  • Data collection tool helps us to collect information that will help us track project activities progress, identify problems and help make informed decisions. It also helps us to collect different types of data that can be used to back us in our argument or develop theories.
    To summarize, data collection tool is very key in monitoring and evaluation of any project or research work for decision making.

  • strikethrough text
    Data tools are used to collect information on indicators, quantitative and qualitative indicators.

  • What is a Data Collection Tool?
    Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data.

    It is important to decide the tools for data collection because research is carried out in different ways and for different purposes. The objective behind data collection is to capture quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the questions that have been posed.

  • It is very useful to test your participant tracking form in order to make it more practical by removing possibles errors and add some missing relevant information

  • Data collection tools should consider to contain basic information needed like name, address, age, and contact number.

  • Data tools are used to collect information on indicators, quantitative and qualitative indicators.

  • What is a Data Collection Tool? Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data.
    Importance of Collecting “Good”/Valid Data
    • Precision of data is important to maintain the integrity of your research
    • Written record (i.e. paper surveys) and electronic records should be properly maintained in the event that aspects of your research protocol need to be modified.
    Improper Data Collection tool Leads to…
    • Inability to answer research questions accurately
    • Inability to repeat and validate the study
    • Distorted findings resulting in wasted resources
    • Misleading other researchers to pursue fruitless avenues of
    • Compromising decisions for public policy
    • Causing harm to human participants and animal subjects

    ensure Consistency and Reliability of the data collection tool

    1. identify who will use this tool
    2. focus on essential information
    3. collect meta data i.e. the title of the tool, the version of the tool, who, where, and when the data was collected.
    4. pretest your tool
    5. train your staff on using your tool
  • Creating Data Collections Tools also need proper planning and researching on the data tools to be used .

  • this is a good topic for learners like me on development of data collection methods and tools

  • There are different types of data collection tools:
    Surveys,Interviews,Observation,Laboratory Experiments, Focus groups,Document review etc.

    Consider the nature of your indicators when whether quantitative and qualitative.
    Participant Tracking Form is very essential especially in surveys that involve human beings.


  • Data collection is a critical points in projects. With smart phones available recording interviews and pictorial data collection just got better. Data collection instruments should be robust to minimize bias. Data verification is very important.

  • It is of utmost importance to create a data collection tool for the project. We should put into consideration the person who will use the tool , and also what information the tools will collect .
    To save time it would be best to look at other existing project and look at what tools they are making use of.

  • This Toolkit provides information, resources and templates for you to consider, use and adapt when
    planning for and collecting monitoring and evaluation information or ‘data’. Data is information,
    including stories, facts and statistics, that can be used for research, monitoring or evaluation
    purposes. We will refer to ‘data’ a lot in this toolkit so it is important to understand this word.
    You are not expected to use all the information, resources or tools in this toolkit, but we hope it
    supports understanding of different monitoring and evaluation options, and how you might use
    different monitoring and evaluation tools to support your work, learn about project successes and
    challenges and meet reporting requirements.

  • While creating a data collection tool, it's important to identify a few things.
    For example who will use the tool, what are the essential data that will help measure your indicators, and what are the metadata you would like to add

  • Data collection tools is created using multiple steps such as determining what information you want to collect.
    Set a timeframe for data collection method.
    Determine your data collection method
    Collect the data and finally analyse your data and implement your findings

  • Scholarship form
    Participant name: John mercy
    Hometown: Lagos State
    Sex: f
    Age: 9years
    Date: 10/02/2021
    Name of school: precious nursery and primary school
    Class: primary 6
    Received scholarship? Yes

    For volunteers only
    Name of volunteer: Susan
    Location: ekiti state
    ID number:

  • Now I know how important is to create useful tools to recollect data. If you want to know how successful your project was you need to evaluate your recollected data.

  • Data collection tools are form,documents or guides that help individuals organisations collect data. To create a data collection tools;

    1. Identify who will use the tool or collect the data. It can be a staff member, a volunteer or partner. Though questions like the user education level and experience is vital.
    2. Focus on essential information. Keep your tool simple by collecting the data you need to measure your indicators.
    3. Collect metadata:information about how your data was collected, by who,where and when.
    4. Pre test your tool: before sending out the tools its important to test it if its usabl. This can be done preferably in the same environment where the tools will be use.
    5. Train staff to use the tool and include instructions: this is important in order to have a consistent and accurate data.
  • Data collection saves the researcher time and funds that would otherwise be misspent without a deeper understanding of the topic or subject matter.Data collecting tools are used to minimize the risk of errors in decision making. It is important that accurate data is collected so that the researcher doesn't make uninformed decisions.

  • You don't need to re-create the tool, as commercially available tools like CommCare have proven to be very effective and low cost for use in a project. This will save so much time and effort.

  • It was interesting learning about different kinds of data collection tools through this module. While it was helpful to see the participant tracking tool, I would also have liked to see some examples of different tools (surveys, interview protocols, etc.).

  • A good data collection tools helps us to measure how effective our project was, to correct errors and include tactics that help the project.

  • participants tracking form helps a lot in collecting key information about your clients or beneficiaries, such as age, contact numbers, marital status, educational status, number of children, ethnicity, permanent address. This can be done within a shorter time frame.

  • meta data is just to make the form more comprehensive. it will also help you to the person who did the work, whether it was done correctly be him/her, the time and date, location and even the immediate supervisor who approves the work.

  • sure. it also lays the platform for good decision making process

  • there are also other tools like cobo collect, survey monkey which are also useful in collecting data accurately

  • these are the tools used to capture the intended data for the project such as human participation

  • M&E is basically set of tools that gives accurate information about the projects. in other word it is the most important phase in the M&E plan. to come up with a practical tool you must identify the users of the too to make sure that they got the tool and how to use it. secondly when you design a tool try to focus on the important information and never forget the metadata. it is important to test the tool before using it to make sure that every one understand it.

  • One of the most M&E implementation are creating data collection tools for the sake program quality
    Hence Data Collection Tools are:-

    1. Questionnaire- is for the individual participants to get what we have planned to do achieve the information
    2. FGD(Focus Discussion Group- Which is conducting who participants are 8-12 different components of community groups(Youth, Women, Elders)
    3. Observation- Careful consideration and data collection tool
    4. Survey- conducting at HH level and organization level, to get program progress/status
    5. Laboratory- More scientific and have quality to gather information during data collection tool
  • What are examples of other data collection tools for each data collection method discussed in this module?

  • Creating a data collection tools is important to the successful implementation of every project. A data collection tool helps the m&e staff gather and measure information on interesting indicators in the project. It does that in an organized or systematic fashion that allows the stakeholders to determine if progress is indeed gearing towards project outcome.

  • It is imperative to get your data collection methods Nd tools right because they will influence the overall M&E

  • The participants tracking form seems not to be suitable for projects with a large target audience

  • Having identified your indicators and the methods that you will use to collect data, ideally developing the right tools for data collection is necessary for the project's success. Implementing a program without data collection tools is like going fishing without a fishing tackle. Data collection tools help program staff to obtain the information necessary for measuring progress or performance productivity towards the overall goal of the program.

  • I have gain knowledge about creating data collection tools which will help me to improve my effectiveness in M&E tasks that involve establishment of data collection instrument. The tips of creating data collection tools and designing a participant tracking form are of great help too.

  • My organization is yet to develop a data collections tool. I am hoping that with my beginning to develop the participant tracking form and with the identified indicators, we are able to do so. I think it is really helpful to group the indicators because it allows you to understand how many tools you need to develop, if you need to revisit or change any tools etc.

    1 Reply
  • I really need a feedback on my assignment for this topic.

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