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  • Monitoring and Evaluation helps assess performance of projects as progress. The assessemnt aids in identification of a project`s loophole, strength and benefits of a project. Monitoring and evaluation reduces the chances of project failure for the project is regularly assessed and improved towards reaching its target. It helps in understanding the multi layered factors underlying a project. From tracking relationship between project inputs and outputs it helps determine whether a project is on track. Acts in identifying the most effecient and sustainable use of resources.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Microfinance for Expanding Horizons

    To determine the success of the project, first you need to determine the interest of the people.

    • How many people are interested in securing loans
    • Find out how much of the interested parties actually qualify for a loan
    • What do they intended on doing with the loans
    • If business related then evaluate their business plans to see if they can repay the loan
  • it is interesting how you start the course , I am interested to help MEH and it is very clear the role of M&E plan in shaping the project and all tasks related

  • I can already see what a crucial part an M&E plan can play in ensuring the success of a project.

  • M&E is important in ensuring that oranization do not go about without having clear targets that they aim to achieve while conducting their business. Amongst the things that M&E ensures are available are clear milestones that are to be achieved and the the evaluation ensures that the milestones have indeed been achieved or atleast they help the organization to understand how far they are from achieving their own goals.

  • This lesson actually opened my mind

  • Helps in producing better outputs and results

  • The GOOD and MEH examples, I now have an understanding of what M and E is about.
    Thank you.

  • Risks are the things that can disrupt your planaplan it's outside your control.

    Assumptions are biases . Those things you believe without much evidence about it.

  • This is nice online course , i have a small suggestion cane you please upload more video because i am the new if you can show more practically in video that will might be very useful . Thank you so much


  • The important of M&E plan help us to not only to guide the process but also in key decision making area in the project as it help structure the project to mitigate errors

  • I have for quite sometimes thought about M&E in my business but with less understanding of it's usefulness in project implementation.

  • I have for quite sometimes thought about M&E in my business but with less understanding of it's usefulness in project implementation.

  • The importance of M&E are as follows:

    • it measures the progress of an on going activities of a project and it's impact after the project has executed,

    • it helps to track performance of an on going project over time,

    • it helps in the efficient use of resources,

    • it measures how well the project activities have achieved the objectives and how much changes in out comes can be directly linked to a project interventions.

  • This is a good start!!!! The GOOD project is really ready to take off.

  • I think this is often a poorly understood area of the project cycle, yet one of, if not the most important area in terms of measuring impact, value for money and satisfaction. It's not easy to do but I think courses like this should be 'must do's' for organisations where beneficiaries and donors are concerned from a governance and accountability point of view.

  • M&E helps keep the project on track and cam let authorities know when things are going wrong.

  • M and E are more most important

  • M&E is a very important process in order to understand how the project is being developed and how the resources are being used.

    1 Reply
  • M&E is a very important process in order to understand how the project is being developed and how the resources are being used.

  • I would think that it is important for MEH to consider the pay back rate on the loans.

  • Without an M&E plan it is likely that a project will get bogged down in daily activities without considering the desired end results of the project.

  • M&E is important because it help your Organization to catch problem right away and find solution to the problem and make all neccessary change if possible.

  • I'm Famahan DOUMBIA. I want to improve my skills continuously and I choose Philanthropy University for that. I already happy to be here and learn free lot of things.

  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation is now clear for me when it comes to prepare data collection, report for donors in other to motivate to support the project

  • I'm abass kargbo from The Gambia,

  • Microfinance for Expanding Horizons (MEH) project should identify first what the money obtained by the girls is from microloans is going to be used for. Once this is established, the coordinator of the project should hand out questionnaires or surveys to the relevant micro lenders together with the proposals from members. Then, only can they estimate how many micro lenders are willing to fund this members.

    With this information, they can then submit a report to the donors to make them aware of the number of people that might be funded by theses lenders.

  • Goals-there should be clearly defined indicators and a framework on how to collect data.


    • amount of money per person/per household
    • number of girls to be given the micro loans
    • Criterion of girls selection per district/province
    • Target age group / school leavers
      Time frame to measure progress
  • The M&E is the Key for the projects succes as it helps to make a step by step follow-up.

  • M&E is so important in the project life cycle as the monitoring is an essential way to track the progress and implementation of the project as well as keep us timely with the timeframe of the project. On same hand, evaluation is important as well to evaluate how everything is done after a time period to identify lessons learned and how they could be improved by the future.

  • I am ready to learn how to create an M&E plan

  • Microfinance for Expanding Horizons (MEH) project should identify first what the money obtained by the girls is from microloans is going to be used for. Once this is established, the coordinator of the project should hand out questionnaires or surveys to the relevant micro lenders together with the proposals from members. Then, only can they estimate how many micro lenders are willing to fund this members.

    With this information, they can then submit a report to the donors to make them aware of the number of people that might be funded by theses lenders.

    Creating Data Collection Tools

  • Hi everyone!
    I am glad to have enrolled for this course.

  • How the project changes the beneficiary's life, what they think about the project, do they know any others that can benefit from the project and how can the services be made better.

  • Through M&E we can assess the project implementation and evaluation the actual result as per define in LFA

  • Looking at the course i am glad I enrolled because M&E is very valuable in my line of work.

  • From the two examples below, I think GOOD Project has all what is needed to build a strong M and E plan. This is not the case for MEH Project. Without knowing what kind of information to be collected and how to collect it in order to measure progress in the activities it will be difficult to build an effective M and E plan

  • For MEH project's goals are: girls improve their skill.
    We measure their income and beneficiaries.

  • M&E is important because you are able to see the progress of your project before it goes far by monitoring and then make necessary changes or corrections, while evaluating also helps to see the impact of the project and if its aim is achieved and lessons learnt.

  • After reading the text one can easily understand that for smooth functioning and successful implementation of project, a systematic and thoughtful monitoring and evaluation plan is very crucial

  • Interesting stuff

  • monitoring helps to track the progress of the project

    monitoring will also help help project memebers be accountable to the project

    monitoring also help project staff in making sound decision making.

  • it's getting clearer

  • M&e is importance because it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers.

  • M&E is important to control the project which have to meet with progress regularly and keep on tracking whether the project are on right track or not, and measuring whether project meet according to the objectives or not.
    So M&E take important role to over view the project time to time.

  • M&E is important because it helps with identifying the most valuable and efficient use of resources. It also provides a consolidated source of information showcasing project progress. It also reveals mistakes and offers paths to learning and improvement. It allows basis for questioning and testing assumptions.

  • Great.Ready for it.

  • I am excited to learn the importance of M &E.
    GOOD has got a project that really needs notions of an M &E.

  • The second project is Microfinance for Expanding Horizons (MEH), a project that will let girls borrow small amounts of money (microloans). MEH knows that their donor will want to see some data, but they do not know how to get it. In fact, they are not totally sure what they should be measuring. Some people on the team think that they should measure how many loans they give out. Other team members think that they should measure how many businesses they help to get started. Either way, they know they will need an M&E plan fast!

    Clearly, GOOD is off to a great start. But there is still hope for MEH! They still have time to create an M&E plan. Throughout this course, we will help MEH prepare their plan. By helping MEH prepare their M&E plan, you’ll learn how to create a plan for your own project.
    Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan: A comprehensive planning document for all monitoring and evaluation activities within a program. This plan documents the key M&E questions to be addressed: what indicators will be collected, how, how often, from where, and why; baseline values, targets, and assumptions; how data are going to be analyzed/interpreted; and how/how often report will be developed and distributed.
    Non-routine data sources: Resources that provide data collected on a periodic basis, usually annually or less frequently. In addition to large-scale household surveys, these sources may be small-scale, ad-hoc household surveys; special studies; and national censuses.
    Objectives: Significant development results that contribute to the achievement of goals and provide a general framework for more detailed planning for specific programs. Several objectives can contribute to each goal. Examples: “to reduce the total fertility rate to 4.0 births by Year X” or “to increase contraceptive prevalence over the life of the program.”

  • M&E is crucial to any project. Without it, it would be difficult to design a project- all the way from the inputs we need, the impact we desire and everything in between. M&E determines the project performance and success, whether there is effective resource allocation, data-driven decision-making, proper management and organization and etc. It encourages transparency and accountability in a project team and serves as a roadmap towards set targets.

  • Both projects belong to the same organization:
    Evaluation Clearly state what are the milestones of the project and what are the final outputs. On the one hand,...
    Monitoring of outputs. Clearly elaborate on a methodology able to constantly monitor the development of the project
    Monitoring of outcomes and impacts. Outcomes and impacts are more.
    Monitoring and evaluation are separate practices dedicated to the assessment of your NGO’s overall performance. Monitoring is a systematic and long-term process that gathers information in regards to the progress made by an implemented project. Evaluation is time specific and it’s performed to judge whether a project has reached its goals and delivered what expected according to its original plan.

  • It seems to me that the significance of monitoring and evaluation lies in the importance of conducting a well-thought out project. Monitoring is the continuous rechecking of all activities that take place in order to deliver the objectives of a project. Without it, things can go unnoticed, and this may lead to shortcomings that could have otherwise been avoided. Evaluation, although does not happen as frequently, helps both project team members, project managers, and funders to determine the factor that contributed to the success of project and/or way to improve any drawbacks. Together, monitoring and evaluation can serve as a manual for team member and managers to learn and improve their work production.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is very important in every project and for a project to be successful monitoring and evaluation must be present. M&E importance to a project can be seen as follows;
    Project goals are set and are precise
    Annual reports are easily made
    Project can be improved.
    Moreover from the above it can be deduced that girls organising for ongoing development project is and will be a success because their goals are precise, they know how to run the project , collect feedback and others whereas micro finance for expanding horizons is completely the opposite.

  • The M&E plan helps to measure if the project has been implemented according to the plan (monitoring) and is having the desired results (evaluation). It also sets out a framework for enhancing the generation of good quality monitoring data, which will be used for evidence based decision making and provide greater accountability

    1 Reply
  • Both projects belong to the same organization:
    Evaluation Clearly state what are the milestones of the project and what are the final outputs. On the one hand,...
    Monitoring of outputs. Clearly elaborate on a methodology able to constantly monitor the development of the project
    Monitoring of outcomes and impacts. Outcomes and impacts are more.

  • Very insightful topic with very clear instructions and information

  • the earlier you are able to evaluate the perceived risk, you are able to manage better

  • I agree with you on this

  • The M&E plan helps to measure if the project has been implemented according to the plan (monitoring) and is having the desired results (evaluation). It also sets out a framework for enhancing the generation of good quality monitoring data, which will be used for evidence based decision making and provide greater accountability.
    The M&E plan also allow for systematic learning from past and current activities – "what works and what doesn't work and why" – so that good practices can be replicated in the future and mistakes and poor outcomes are avoided. In general, it aims to assist the project team and implementing partners in the monitoring and results reporting of project activities against the approved work plan and logical framework.

  • Has anyone in the team read through this and what are your opinions on the course so far?

  • I am ready to learn

  • At the programme level, the purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes. It helps determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changes may be needed.

  • I don't understand how this can be sustained seeing girls are still in school and cannot raise money on their own.

    1 Reply
  • At the programme level, the purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes. It helps determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changes may be needed

  • The M&E professional plays an essential role in tracking and updating M&E data as well as ensuring the data is of the best quality possible. Responsibilities include: Implementing monitoring systems and designing monitoring tools. ... Conducting or providing support to data quality assessments.

  • Monitoring and evaluation can be used to demonstrate that the activities implemented in the program have had a measurable impact on the intended outcomes and that they have been carried out effectively. It is essential for helping managers, planners, implementers, policy makers and funders acquire the information they need to understand how the program works and to make informed decisions about it.

  • M and E helps project to be on c ourse and always keep track of progress. This helps in providing checks and balances.

  • M and E helps project to be on c ourse and always keep track of progress. This helps in providing checks and balances.

  • M&E is important becouse it allows you to see whether you are on the right track in the early stages of your project or if your project needs some direction adjustment, making it possible to do it in time to reach our goals.

  • The importance of M&E is to look for the solution of the situation,how to create a plan of project,catch the problem and make changes

  • M&E is very important as it gives clarity of direction and provides timely intervention to rectify any issue that would derail the project.

  • This is quite interesting and i am willing to help MEH prepare their M&E Plan so it will also help me in preparing mine too

  • Great and interesting introduction to the importance of M&E. Knowing what you are up to before starting is a step ahead of time.

  • M And E is very important to learn what went well what went wrong and what and how can we improve thinks.

  • Monitoring and evaluation allows the team to monitor program implementation and evaluate progress towards targets .
    It also helps to team to develop new strategies for program quality improvement.

  • At the programme level, the purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes. It helps determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changes may be needed

  • Identifying risks and assumptions will help adjust the activities and the end goals of a project so as the goals can be achieved.
    This will also enable a research to avoid biase and keep focus to the goals

  • M&E enables one
    Deeply understand project goals
    Decide what to measure
    Develop tools and methods for measurements
    Figure out how roles and responsibilities will be divided among the team members.
    To be aware of biases and thus be able to avoid them

    1 Reply
  • The comparison between the two projects is indeed a good way to get started. For sure, GOOD's plan is well explained, however, MEH's plan is yet to be understood. I am confident that a starter like me will understand and acquire the basic skills needed for a good M&E plan. Looking forward to all activities involved in this module.

  • In developing economies, and particularly in rural areas, many activities that would be classified in the developed world as financial are not monetized: that is, money is not used to carry them out. This is often the case when people need the services money can provide but do not have dispensable funds required for those services. This forces them to revert to other means of acquiring the funds. In their book, The Poor and Their Money, Stuart Rutherford and Sukhwinder Arora cite several types of needs:[7]

    Lifecycle Needs: such as weddings, funerals, childbirth, education, home building, holidays, festivals, widowhood and old age
    Personal Emergencies: such as sickness, injury, unemployment, theft, harassment or death
    Disasters: such as wildfires, floods, cyclones and man-made events like war or bulldozing of dwellings
    Investment Opportunities: expanding a business, buying land or equipment, improving housing, securing a job, etc.

  • It has broaden my knowledge on data collection and management

  • I am glad to have been enrolled in this course

  • Already enjoying Module 1, looking forward to learning new exciting things especially on the Importance of M&E

    1. It helps with the tracking of the project.
    2. It helps with the measuring of the project's success.
    3. It helps with the collection of data and storage of the project's data.
    4. It helps with the measuring of the impact of the project on people's lives.
    5. It enable's the organization to write clear reports on the success or progress of the project.
    6. Monitoring allows for identification and quick fixing if there is a problem in the project.
  • The fact that there is a case study to help learn is very interesting and is a practical way to learn.

  • 1.Monitoring and Evaluation helps a project identify it's aims and objectives
    2.Identifies target number for a project
    3.Monitoring and evaluation helps identify the right project area and gets a time line for the project.

  • At the programme level, the imprtance of monitoring and evaluation is to help track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes. it also help determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changed may be needed.

  • I've spent 13 years in a research organisation without the necessary basics of M&E. 90% of my work involved M&E as I was in the Research Unit of the organisation. Now that I'm studying this course I realise how effectively I would've carried out my projects had I enrolled for the course at an earlier stage. The course will help me a lot going forward.

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that are not achievable. They are targets set most times without having a baseline level of your indicators nor knowing if the indicators has been changing in recent years.
    They are targets that are made without getting expert opinion, making findings etc.
    Unrealistic targets always cause disappointment to donors and team members.

  • A good M&E plan is the primary reason a project will succeed.

  • helps in measuring the progress of the project in place.
    when any problem arises in the duration of the project it will be able to be corrected immediately.
    will enable the donor to know the progress of the projects in place and how the fund are in use.

  • I think it’s a good example to make understand about the importance of M&E. There is two projects named GOOD and MEH. The project, GOOD starts its work with a well M&E plan. The project team know well about the project goals. Based on the project goal, they decided how will measure progress.
    On the other hand, the team of project MEH is not clear about their goal and do not clear understand what will be measured of this project. But they decided to make an M&E plan as they have time.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are important for a project because they are processes that allow us to know the level of progress of our project and the level of achievement of the objectives for our project.
    Their importance is because they allow on the one hand to know the progress of the project and on the other hand the impact that the project has on the beneficiaries

  • Well!, The Importance of M&E
    M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) - very useful at all program and sub projects. So I will like to discuss a significant importance of M&E- those are:-
    it provides the only consolidated source of information showcasing project progress;
    it allows actors to learn from each other’s experiences, building on expertise and knowledge;
    it often generates (written) reports that contribute to transparency and accountability, and allows for lessons to be shared more easily;
    it reveals mistakes and offers paths for learning and improvements;
    it provides a basis for questioning and testing assumptions;
    it provides a means for agencies seeking to learn from their experiences and to incorporate them into policy and practice;
    it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers;
    it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory;
    it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

    Thank you !

  • Monitoring and evaluation assists in identifying indicators that will facilitate in successful running of a project thus measuring how effective the indicators that have been chosen.

  • MEH have a high potential impact for girls, in particular for those who are limited in resource, M&E plan is critical to measure the process and impact to ensure the beneficiaries achieved their goal through microloans scheme offer in the project. without the clear M&E plan the process can be stressful and could severely impact the project.

  • M&E is important as it sheds light on the successes as well as help to pick up any faults in the planning.

  • There are various projects that in school girls can partake in during their extracurricular activities. entrepreneurial skills can start as early as school days. it even reduces their risk to engage in bad vices for personal necessities.

  • Hello everyone here am glad to be here.

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