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  • An M&E plan will help projects know their goals precisely, enable them know indicators of success in achieving their goals, know and see problems immediately they arise and quickly take steps towards solving them. Equally, the plan will help them monitor project progress. It will give a clear view if necessary data needed, how to collect and use such data as well.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is very important as it helps view progress in a project and assess after project is done. It also helps in collecting data that might be useful in next project.

  • Le suivi et évaluation peut servir à démontrer que les activités mises en œuvre dans le programme ont eu un impact mesurable sur les effets escomptés et qu’elles ont été exécutées de manière efficace. Il est essentiel pour aider les responsables, les planificateurs, les réalisateurs, les décisionnaires et les bailleurs de fonds à acquérir les informations dont ils ont besoin pour comprendre le déroulement du programme et pour prendre des décisions informées à ce sujet.

    Le suivi et évaluation aide à déterminer l’emploi le plus efficace et le plus utile que l’on puisse faire des ressources. Il est indispensable pour tirer des conclusions objectives concernant la mesure dans laquelle on peut dire que les programmes ont « réussi ». Le suivi et évaluation fournit les données nécessaires pour guider la planification stratégique, pour concevoir et exécuter les programmes et les projets, et pour mieux allouer et réallouer les ressources.

  • This is a good explanation examples. M&E is very important for all project to touch effective and efficient achievements.

  • it enables the M & E team to stick on organizational goals.
    it enables the organization to create M & E plan for the organization
    its always good during resource allocation to the organization
    improves project performance.
    promotes data-driven decision making

  • Monitoring and evaluation help to measure the success of the project and in case any problem comes up it is easy to identify the problem right away and make any necessary changes.

  • I came to know through this module that developing a M&E plan is essential before the implementation of the project on ground

  • The importance of monitoring & evaluation cannot be over emphasize in a world driven by data. Monitoring & Evaluation help to measure progress of our projects, keep tracks of performance, make informed decisions, and determine if project objectives are being achieved.

  • M& E helps in tracking performance over time to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources.

  • This course is very interesting I can't wait to vge through it. Thanks to Philanthropy University.

  • As showed there are two projects the first project had a clear M&E plan, but the second project will require some clear ideas and thought to get in the right way and a good M&E plan. I hope to succeed in developing a good M&E plan for the MEH project.

    1 Reply
  • The importance of the M&E plan are:

    • Measure the progress of the ongoing activities of the project and the outcomes
    • lesson learned for future
    • know how the project use their recourses properly and efficiently
  • In my opinion , the main importance of M&E is acting like GPS that show us we are in the right track in in our project route or implementation.

  • Excellent. That is what I expected.

  • I think an M&E Plan is the backbone of a project. Without a proper M&E you cannot build on the lessons learned or you cannot provide basis for upcoming events.

  • An M&E plan is important because you are able to make informed decisions based on data and quickly identify problems with the project.

  • Great module. It helps a lot, especially the M&E Plan Template ! what a nice surprise at end of the module.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is like a tool applied to guide the operation of a given project on the right track, throughout the life of the project. Therefore, it is an important tool applied to make the project successful.

  • Hi everyone!
    I'm glad to join you on this interesting course.
    Has anyone designed an M&E plan before? Please share your experience with us.

  • Monitoring is important to check that you are always on your way to get the goal, to see the problems very fast in order to resolve them immediately. Monitoring is helpful to anticipate problems too, so it might helps to avoid big failures. Monitoring is important for members of the team, because each teammate can see where the plan is, what is done ou what left to be done. Thanks to monitoring, each member of the project can react by giving solutions about issues, or by warning about problems. Monitoring guides the decisions to take. Choices and decisions are justified by datas collected in monitoring. That's why monitoring gives interesting datas to analyse in order to use efficiently ressources and money in the project.
    Evaluation is important to know if you succeeded, if you reach the goal, if the job is done well or not. It is important to know the quality of outcomes. Thanks to evaluation, you can identify right actions to duplicate in other plans and wrong actions to avoid in other plans.
    Thanks to m&e, the team of the project will work better together because each member of the team knows his own task in s&e, understands the meaning of these tasks and how s&e is useful for the project, how s&e will improve quality of the project. m&e you define what datas to collect, how to collect and what to do with these datas in your project to be successful.

  • The importance of M&E is two fold as stated by the name i.e. monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring is mainly concerned with the collection of data/information pertaining to the project in order to be able to measure the progress of the project or activity. The data/information collected assists in tracking the performance of the project and make informed decisions on the effectiveness of the project.
    On the other hand, evaluation is used to measure the progress of various project tasks in relation to the set project activity outcomes.

  • It is interesting to learn the whole process to accompany and help different organizations, and especially vulnerable populations, I am excited to learn about monitoring and evaluation to effectively guarantee the help to people, and that their projects are sustainable in the long term to live of its ecological resources.

  • The monitoring and evaluation approach proposed makes it possible to support the various stages of a project, from the choice of options to its final evaluation, including its planning and implementation.

  • I have learned a lot so far.

  • The example of GOOD and MEH has already set my mind on what to expect, how nice!!!!

  • Hi, am Wambia from Kenya. I find this course so productive and interesting. I realize that when coming up with a project and it's M&E plan, following the procedure given by this course in module 1 makes it precise and easy to follow up.

  • M&E also helps to under project goals better, decide relevant indicators, develop tools and measurement methods and find out effectiveness of the project

  • off to a good start in M&E

  • for great accountability and transparency
    to improve future program performance
    for effective resources allocation
    to promote learning and data-driven decision making
    to manage the organization systematically and professionally

  • there is a need

  • its very important to design the survey can help meh to success about the program.
    we can start to collect some data measuring the program, for e.g.
    i can plan the process that can help the program to success. the mostly
    collect data about meh microfinance is the best,
    prepare the question are size about income of the girls.
    prepare the local and distance of the program

  • M&E helps to understand where we have reached, how we have reached and what we have achieved out of the program we are dealing with.

  • M&E is a very important process in order to understand how the project is being developed and how the resources are being used. Through M&E we understand is there is any need to make any possible change or if we are on track.

    1 Reply
  • M&E is the most important process that make the project team understand if the project is achieving its overall goal.

  • M&E is the most important process that make the project team understand if the project is achieving its overall goal.

  • M&E is a crucial process to ensure that the project activities are being met and the overall goal of the project is reached

  • It has helped me to understand some points about M&E.

  • l'élaboration d'un plan de suivi et d'évaluation est la partie la plus importante pour mettre en place un projet.

  • M&E is very important to grantee the success of any project or programme

  • This is so great. Am excited to be learning how to monitor and evaluate projects!

  • M&E helps track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes and therefore determine whether the project implementation is on track or what changes need to be made.

    1 Reply
  • M&E will help to check the progress of the project to see if everything is going according to plan and also to catch any another unforeseeable contingencies fast and act accordingly.

  • The Importance of M&E.
    1.) M&E provides the idea on how to run a project to full success. This playa a major role in knowing which way to go with the project to ensure good results.
    2.) It provides project managers and idea on what is needed and what needs to be corrected to ensure the project results are good.
    3.) It helps projects hit there set out goals with good standards.
    4.) Provides an insight of how a community reacts to the project.
    5.) It gives a rough idea on what the project will contribute and reward the community.
    6.) Data collected during the M&E process can be used for other projects as a guide.
    7.) It helps in tracking outputs based on the inputs to determine the impact of the project.

  • M&E will help in the implementation of the project and its output. It will also help the people in charge of the programme on how effective it is

  • M&E is important in that its enable us every project implementer to account and assess every single step of the project stages and finally determine whether the projective meets its expected target or not.

  • Do you see how MEH was was proceeding wrongly with their project. Because they lacks M&E plan they won't be able to measure their level of success upon completion.

  • Any project that lacks M&E plan, might not be supported by donors.

    1 Reply
  • This module is very interesting. I have a better understanding of all the steps in monitoring. But I am excited to learn more about the tools for data collection. It is my major concern for this course.

  • The use of participatory monitoring and evaluation (M&E) approaches is important for guiding local decision-making, promoting the implementation of effective interventions and addressing emerging issues in the course of implementation

  • Donors also want to know the progress made, and monitoring and evaluation is the best way to know this progress

  • That's great
    Likewise, monitoring and evaluation measures the impact in the short and long term, and focuses on lessons learned

  • I think M&E is crucial in the process of determining whether project is achieving its intended results and also for accountability for what has been done and its impact.

  • Another important point to note about the importance of an M&E plan is that it helps you know the status of your organization i.e the capacity level within. This will determine the feasibility of your program and its sustainability.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is an important aspect of project development that can’t be overemphasized. It’s the foundation of a successful project

  • Monitoring and Evaluation are two interlinked terms. They are compulsory for one another. M&E are compulsory for starting any project. Its importance is as follows:
    It will help track the output of the project.
    It will help recognize the gaps of budget.
    It will help to check the track of proejct

  • M&E will also help in assessing the quality of activities being conducted, so that they can be intervened and modified.

  • These are the importance of M&E:

    • For greater transparency and accountability
    • Improved project performance
    • Effective resource allocation
    • Promotes learning & data-driven decision making
    • Systematic management of organisation

  • M&E enables an intervention plan to measure performance of activities, clearly identify outcome and indicators. It also helps in identifying the type of data to collect and how its processed.

  • M&E helps you understand precisely the goal of the project, how to measure the project's progress and plans to collect information on how the project changes beneficiaries life. Also on how to improve the effectiveness of the project.

  • I love the first analogy already. Looking forward to learning more!

  • This is exactly something I needed. I'm so grateful!

  • Monitoring and Evaluation helps assess performance of projects as progress. The assessemnt aids in identification of a project`s loophole, strength and benefits of a project. Monitoring and evaluation reduces the chances of project failure for the project is regularly assessed and improved towards reaching its target. It helps in understanding the multi layered factors underlying a project. From tracking relationship between project inputs and outputs it helps determine whether a project is on track. Acts in identifying the most effecient and sustainable use of resources.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Microfinance for Expanding Horizons

    To determine the success of the project, first you need to determine the interest of the people.

    • How many people are interested in securing loans
    • Find out how much of the interested parties actually qualify for a loan
    • What do they intended on doing with the loans
    • If business related then evaluate their business plans to see if they can repay the loan
  • it is interesting how you start the course , I am interested to help MEH and it is very clear the role of M&E plan in shaping the project and all tasks related

  • I can already see what a crucial part an M&E plan can play in ensuring the success of a project.

  • M&E is important in ensuring that oranization do not go about without having clear targets that they aim to achieve while conducting their business. Amongst the things that M&E ensures are available are clear milestones that are to be achieved and the the evaluation ensures that the milestones have indeed been achieved or atleast they help the organization to understand how far they are from achieving their own goals.

  • This lesson actually opened my mind

  • Helps in producing better outputs and results

  • The GOOD and MEH examples, I now have an understanding of what M and E is about.
    Thank you.

  • Risks are the things that can disrupt your planaplan it's outside your control.

    Assumptions are biases . Those things you believe without much evidence about it.

  • This is nice online course , i have a small suggestion cane you please upload more video because i am the new if you can show more practically in video that will might be very useful . Thank you so much


  • The important of M&E plan help us to not only to guide the process but also in key decision making area in the project as it help structure the project to mitigate errors

  • I have for quite sometimes thought about M&E in my business but with less understanding of it's usefulness in project implementation.

  • I have for quite sometimes thought about M&E in my business but with less understanding of it's usefulness in project implementation.

  • The importance of M&E are as follows:

    • it measures the progress of an on going activities of a project and it's impact after the project has executed,

    • it helps to track performance of an on going project over time,

    • it helps in the efficient use of resources,

    • it measures how well the project activities have achieved the objectives and how much changes in out comes can be directly linked to a project interventions.

  • This is a good start!!!! The GOOD project is really ready to take off.

  • I think this is often a poorly understood area of the project cycle, yet one of, if not the most important area in terms of measuring impact, value for money and satisfaction. It's not easy to do but I think courses like this should be 'must do's' for organisations where beneficiaries and donors are concerned from a governance and accountability point of view.

  • M&E helps keep the project on track and cam let authorities know when things are going wrong.

  • M and E are more most important

  • M&E is a very important process in order to understand how the project is being developed and how the resources are being used.

    1 Reply
  • M&E is a very important process in order to understand how the project is being developed and how the resources are being used.

  • I would think that it is important for MEH to consider the pay back rate on the loans.

  • Without an M&E plan it is likely that a project will get bogged down in daily activities without considering the desired end results of the project.

  • M&E is important because it help your Organization to catch problem right away and find solution to the problem and make all neccessary change if possible.

  • I'm Famahan DOUMBIA. I want to improve my skills continuously and I choose Philanthropy University for that. I already happy to be here and learn free lot of things.

  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation is now clear for me when it comes to prepare data collection, report for donors in other to motivate to support the project

  • I'm abass kargbo from The Gambia,

  • Microfinance for Expanding Horizons (MEH) project should identify first what the money obtained by the girls is from microloans is going to be used for. Once this is established, the coordinator of the project should hand out questionnaires or surveys to the relevant micro lenders together with the proposals from members. Then, only can they estimate how many micro lenders are willing to fund this members.

    With this information, they can then submit a report to the donors to make them aware of the number of people that might be funded by theses lenders.

  • Goals-there should be clearly defined indicators and a framework on how to collect data.


    • amount of money per person/per household
    • number of girls to be given the micro loans
    • Criterion of girls selection per district/province
    • Target age group / school leavers
      Time frame to measure progress
  • The M&E is the Key for the projects succes as it helps to make a step by step follow-up.

  • M&E is so important in the project life cycle as the monitoring is an essential way to track the progress and implementation of the project as well as keep us timely with the timeframe of the project. On same hand, evaluation is important as well to evaluate how everything is done after a time period to identify lessons learned and how they could be improved by the future.

  • I am ready to learn how to create an M&E plan

  • Microfinance for Expanding Horizons (MEH) project should identify first what the money obtained by the girls is from microloans is going to be used for. Once this is established, the coordinator of the project should hand out questionnaires or surveys to the relevant micro lenders together with the proposals from members. Then, only can they estimate how many micro lenders are willing to fund this members.

    With this information, they can then submit a report to the donors to make them aware of the number of people that might be funded by theses lenders.

    Creating Data Collection Tools

  • Hi everyone!
    I am glad to have enrolled for this course.

  • How the project changes the beneficiary's life, what they think about the project, do they know any others that can benefit from the project and how can the services be made better.

  • Through M&E we can assess the project implementation and evaluation the actual result as per define in LFA

  • Looking at the course i am glad I enrolled because M&E is very valuable in my line of work.

  • From the two examples below, I think GOOD Project has all what is needed to build a strong M and E plan. This is not the case for MEH Project. Without knowing what kind of information to be collected and how to collect it in order to measure progress in the activities it will be difficult to build an effective M and E plan

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