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  • I think that collecting and managing data is very important in the monitoring and evaluation plan because without data its plans are nothing, so you have to be as precise as possible when collecting and organizing data.

  • How to create a Data flow Map

  • 10 tips for developing a data management system for monitoring and evaluation (M&E)

    1: KISS-ME; Keep It Simple, Structured, Modular and Elegant
    2: The Interface; yes, the book will be judged by it’s cover
    3: only techies read the user guide!
    4: “you can’t manage what you don’t measure”
    5: scale-ability; growth doesn’t have to be painful
    6: compatibility and interoperability; no system should be an island
    7: reports; from the menu, or buffet-style
    8: data on the go
    9: accessibility? Shouldn’t really be optional
    10: backup and maintenance; sh!t happens

  • Hello isaac my name from Zambia find it intresting to learn about data collection and how to design the participant trucking form ,thanks.

  • I understood that it is important to create a data flow map in order to have a broad picture of data management. the data flow map include roles and responsibilities that make connection between the collection data tools and the use of data at different level.

  • Si dans l'identification des risques et hypothèses on trouves des risques trop pesant par exemple : l'état fait recours aux arrestations et intimidations pour un projet de contrôle citoyen que faudra t'il faire ?

  • it is wonderful module

  • While the role and responsibility step is important is because it is where ideas become plans

  • The importance of Data quality cannot be overemphasized, it determines the quality of the project report and impact. Though it is complex to handle, with proper guidance and training of the enumerators, this will help in achieving quality data.

  • Data management is very important in the development community as it guides and serve as references for future use, verification and re-evaluation

  • Data Flow Maps are beneficial tools for M&E as they show the process end-to-end i.e how data is collected, managed and used.

  • Will data management help me maintain compliance?

  • Data management is an administrative process that includes acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and timeliness of the data for its users

  • The use of all the information that will be collected during the M&E activities will depend largely on a well designed and planned data management process. This will define all roles and responsibilities that will be involved in the data flow map.

  • The use of all the information that will be collected during the M&E activities will depend largely on a well designed and planned data management process. This will define all roles and responsibilities that will be involved in the data flow map.

  • data management questions are very useful in designing the data flow map as they help you to piece together the roles and responsibilities that the project will require. this inturn will help in planning and management of a project to ensure its success.

  • Data management questions involves how the data collected be entered, collated, verified, analyzed and used.

  • Data management is crucial for M&E.

  • Data management is crucial for M&E.

  • Data management is crucial for M&E.

    @thomasthompson709 said in Module 5 Discussion: Data Management Questions:

    Data Management is the process of data, it's been clearly describe in data flow nap how data moves from one point to another, starting from the collection to the use. Any process between the collection and use of data is known as Data Management.


  • Where do we have room for feedback.

  • Data management is key to achieving your goals as an M&E officer. A key tool to achieving this to design a data map flow which assigns roles and responsibilities to the whole project team. This make it easy for your project implementation.

  • Hi isaac is my name,data flowmaps are very helpful tools monitoring and evaluation planning,because they show how data is collected,managed and used.

  • With the advance of technology into the Non-governmental space of data collection, many organizations are quickly adopting the use of mobile data collection. This is where data is captured using a portable electronic device that makes data collection and storage easier, faster and safer.
    The use of this tool can be disadvantageous in data collection in survey situations where the participant has to type on it. It can be challenging to acquire accurate and complete information from those without technological experience or those who have not used the specified data collection device.

  • Fatigue from sitting in long interviews and tiring focus groups can affect both the interviewee and the researcher and can compromise results in a data collection exercise. The researcher should be observant, understanding, a good listener and considerate in order to preserve data quality.

  • Data management is an administrative process that includes acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and timeliness of the data for its use. it helps to inform business decisions and gain deep insights into customer behavior, trends, and opportunities for creating extraordinary customer experiences.

    This module teaches some of the best data management practices that organizations and enterprises should strive to achieve which include:

    1. Simplify access to traditional and emerging data
    2. Scrub data to infuse quality into existing business processes
    3. Shape data using flexible manipulation techniques
  • Data management is yet another important aspect of M&E as it is the back born of having clean and quality data to use for analysis and ultimately reporting.

  • Data flow map is simple but very powerful way to instantly understand the job of M&E. It needs to be adequately exposed to learners, using many examples.

  • Data management is yet another important aspect of M&E as it is the back born of having clean and quality data to use for analysis and ultimately reporting.

  • the data flow process is key as it determines how efficient the monitoring and evaluation aspects of the project will run...

  • validity of data is key... in some instances, both external and external validity may need to be considered...

  • each and every project staff must be clear on what roles and responsibilities are expected in a project

  • i couldn't agree more. im really happy too...

  • key issues under data quality such as; reliability, validity, replicability, programmatic correctness, usefulness, etc must be taken into consideration in a project...

  • these actually help who to look at or for in case of data collection and quality issues...

  • and the source of that data too...

  • data quality is key to determine if a project will be sustainable or not...

  • in most cases, since FGDs productive qualitative data, transcripts of the discussions would do, as per discussion and as guided by the FGD guide...

  • Data management is the process of collecting, collating, analyzing, verifying, storing and use of data.

  • Data management is the process of collecting, collating, analyzing, verifying, storing and use of data.

  • Data management systems defers from organization to organization. Planning for data management is an essential part of an M&E responsibility. M&E expert must have a well thought out plan from collection of data to storing.

  • Data flow mapping is a very important exercise that will help you picture and plan your data management process. Data Management process can be a complicated work but the use of data flow mapping will simplify the step by step approach.

  • Data management is key in planning M&E. without good data management assurance the M&E plan will be futile and of no use

  • The data management question are including.
    question that should be belong to the survey that we want to conduct.
    question form must be out of outlier.
    question should ask from exact person in exact time.

  • A data management plan (DMP) is a written document that describes the data you expect to acquire or generate during the course of a research project, how you will manage, describe, analyze, and store those data, and what mechanisms you will use at the end of your project to share and preserve your data.

  • For data flow mapping, I will need to go through the process of data collection, entry and collation, analysis, verification and storage and lastly data use

  • Data flow mapping is easier when i have a pictorial representation or illustration

  • Data management process has brought all the processes together ensuring we are able to understand how they are connected and that the success of a certain project is attributed to a good data management or system

    I enjoyed the lesson

  • The steps involved in data management might not occur in a consecutive order, some might be repeated, some might come before others, etc.
    It is important that the M&E team lead expresses and communicates effectively what this data means , and the role each individual plays in the data management process.

  • How do you assess data quality?

  • There are various ways data can be managed... Can anyone list them out?

  • That is a simplified one.... Kudos

  • Must this be arranged in consecutively

  • What kind of data do I need to analyze? Is the majority of your company's data transactional?

  • Wealth still too little exploited, data is increasingly talking about it. The advent of big data and artificial intelligence has opened up new horizons, including the ability to anticipate change, control, and even the influencer. Data management then becomes a valuable tool to stand out and stay ahead in a highly competitive market.

  • Some of our roles that we have within the project include the monitoring and
    evaluation team lead who is the manager, we have our project staff, we have our peer
    educators who collect this data, we have our partners and government, we also have
    our donors within the project. We make sure that people understand their roles
    in the projects using data in the following ways. One we make sure that they
    have an understanding of the monitoring and evaluation plan and they understand
    the guidance on how to use data. Two, we make sure that they understand that this
    data represents human beings and therefore data needs to be treated with
    respect. Thirdly is we motivate our staff to go
    through regular training within the life of the project on data use and how to
    handle it.

  • Data management is important aspect of M&E. Without proper management of information, hardly would the M^E system practicable. Therefore, as an expert we must be able to come up with appropriate data management plan in every M&E exercise.

  • Data management is an essential process as it helps to think about how roles, processes and tools might interact

  • Data Management Questions; Are the criteria which an organization needs to identify in order to plan and design the Data Management System. These criteria bases on data flow and roles and responsibilities, it starts with data collection, collation,data entry, Analysis,Verification,Storage and uses.

    In summary, the criteria or the questions are on:-

    1. How data will be collected, collated, entered on the system, Analyzed , Verified and Stored?
    2. The roles and responsibilities do that task is given to whom and how these tasks will be coordinated?
      ( Different staffs are given these tasks)
    3. What are the uses of data?
    4. What are parts who will need the data.
    5. How data will be communicated to other parts internal and external.

    Then the data management plan can be established from the above questions.

    1 Reply
  • The data flow map really makes the data management process come to life! The colour coding is also a great help. Thank you!

  • en quoi consiste l'archivage des données et cela représente t-il un risque s'il ne sont pas archivées pour les projets futurs

  • Data management is an important part of the project flow. We need to make sure that the data is correct, cleaned and analyzed properly, because the decisions depend on the data we receive.

    1 Reply
  • I have learn to make a good data flow map.

  • Data management is really important. It is critical to know who will be analyzing, storing, and using the data for decision making. This will influence the type of data to be collected and how often the data should be collected.

  • Data management questions are important in this process since it helps us to concretely analyze what it should be done and how you will manage, describe, analyze, and store the data of the project. At the same time it helps use to understand if we have set a realistic target and if these targets are measurable

  • Thanks to data management, you can organize the fiability of datas in your company. In that way, your decisions will be more efficient since you can rely on more accurate datas and analyses. That's why it is important to know all your data collection tools, roles and uses of these datas. Consequently, you will see better how datas travel in your company, so you will understant better the interactions between datas and actions of different department and outside partners of your company. That's why, you will be able to take better decisions.

  • All tools that help verify the implemented activities will ensure a sustainable impact in the community. Data management questions, let us create a concrete plan in the evaluation process.

  • Data management questions helps to collect the right data during project implementation period. Therefore when designing data management question it is important to critically align them with indicators so that it should answer all the project intended objectives and goals. All the questions should undergo pre-testing procedure so that errors that may be identified should be ratifies before actual activity rolling. Data collectors should also fully be trained.

  • Data Management is the most sensitive aspect in Monitoring and Evaluation process and it is the core center in knowledge management sharing process

  • Data management is a process that entails data collection,entry and collation,data analysis verification and storage then finally data use which can be inform of data reporting, communication of outcomes, decision making which in turn helps to design future projects

  • Greta stuff here.

  • How can an organization ensure security and continuity of data over the years, even when the project is over?

  • There are a few question to consider when you are choosing a data collection method
    How often?
    By whom? and can we do it? respectively.

  • Data management process can be a complex process requiring various roles and responsibilities. So it is very helpful to develop data management questions in order to identify these tasks so that these can be assigned to the relevant project staff. These questions may include for all the steps of data management process - data collection, data entry and collation, data verification and analysis and achieving, and data usage or dissemination.

  • 'Data management questions' is a very important part of data management process. For each stage of data management process, data management questions needs to be asked. Basically, the following questions could be included;

    who is responsible for each tasks of the data management process?
    How often these data will be collected?
    where is data to be stored?
    who will be using these data?

  • Great job been through a great and successful learning experience. I have learned that data management is vital to sustaining any project. I want to know how data management is carryout and what instrument is used?

  • In data management, the data flow map is the simplest way of showing what is term as "division of labor". If you have an instrument like the data flow map, in terms any problem you know exactly who is responsible, who to contact and who shoul fix it.

  • No matter how a project is designed and the best data collection instrument (s) is developed, if the data is not manage well, that project faces a very serious risk that may lead the project to under perform.

  • What I saw so astonishing, was to understand how simple but powerful the data flow map is in any given data management system.

  • I learnt something about data reporting from this module. I never knew one should communicate data summaries with beneficiaries too.

  • Building a data management strategy that collects and links all of this data from multiple channels, in a secure manner, is hugely important.
    In a recent best practices guide for data management, we identified the key facets of data management as:

    Data collection
    Data entry and collation
    Data analysis, verification and storage
    Data use
    To make data-driven decisions, organizations need to be completely confident in all of these data areas.

    These data management questions will help you pinpoint where your strategy excels ;
    who will collect the data
    who will enter it in the data base.
    How will it be analyzed
    who will write reports?

  • Data Management refers to all of the processes for collecting, storing, organising, accessing, analysing and using data. When creating a data flow maps it is important for the M& E expert to use the following data management questions.

    Data Collection

    • For each of our tools, who will be responsible for data collection?
    • For each of our tools , who will be responsible for ensuring data quality?

    Data Entry and Collation

    • Who will enter data?
    • Who will collate data?
    • Where will data be entered?
  • At what level of data management doe auditing takes place?

  • Defining roles and responsibilities to project personnel helps in clarifying the tasks that each individual can achieve and contribute to the project success

  • this module introduces the data management system. How the data will be generated and who are the responsible persons and data management flow map has been introduced here very nicely.

    1 Reply
  • Top 5 Data Management Challenges

    1- Sheer Volume of Data
    2- Taking a reactive approach to data management
    3- Lack of Processes and systems
    4- Fragmented data ownership
    5- Driving a data culture

    1 Reply
  • Data management is the sorting, analysing and storing /archiving of data. Data management is a responsibility of one of the team members in the project

  • Would like to know more about data management.

  • Could able to know about data management skill and like to explore more about it.

  • Could able to know about data management skill and like to explore more about it.

  • Everybody working with NGO and want to plan for their own design need to know all this.

  • Everybody working with NGO and want to plan for their own design need to know all this.

  • Very interesting course added value to clarity about data management.

    1. The Data Factory
      MODULE 5

    This is the step that we have already explored. Data from the project are collected using a variety of data collection methods and tools.

    After data are collected, they are entered into a data system. Your system might be a digital database, an Excel spreadsheet, or a filing system in the central office. This is usually the moment when data are organized. For example, all of the responses to a single question might be grouped together. This process of grouping similar data together is known as collation. Collation will make data analysis much simpler. If you are using a digital data collection tool, data entry and collation may happen automatically.

    Once data are in the data system, they can be analyzed, verified and stored. Data analysis is an extremely complex subject, and we will not have time to discuss it properly in this course. Generally speaking, however, data analysis means using data to answer questions and to reach conclusions. Many different people will probably participate in data analysis. For example, your project team will analyze some data to make monitoring decisions, while your evaluation team will analyze other data when conducting evaluations.

    Data also need to be regularly verified. This ensures that data are being accurately collected.

    Additionally, data need to be stored. Most data should be stored for the duration of the entire project. After the project is completed, some of this data will be stored for future use. This process is sometimes called archiving. You should be thoughtful about which data are archived, and ensure that they are stored securely.

    Eventually, data are put to some use. Some of the ways that data are commonly used include:

    Creating reports

    Communicating outcomes to the community

    Making project management decisions

    Helping to design future projects

    This is just a partial list of the many ways that data can be used. It is important to plan for data use from the beginning of your project. Many organizations collect lots of data but do not use very much of it. That is why we’ll spend some time today thinking about how your project will use data.

    Most data will go through these steps, although not necessarily in this order. Your data management process will probably be much more complex than the four-step process that you have just read. In the next section, you will

  • is equally important between the data itself and the way the data is managed

  • Each day, our customers turn to us to help them solve their data management challenges—both big and small. Whether you are just looking to get started, or you’re ready to turn your information into valuable insight, understanding how to approach your strategy, how to assign responsibilities across your organization, and how better data leads to better decisions will surely help

  • Data management is an administrative process that includes acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and timeliness of the data for its users.

  • 5 Data Management Questions to Ask During Software Selection
    What level of data security do I need? Some vendors offer expansive data protection capabilities. ...
    What kind of data do I need to analyze? Is the majority of your company's data transactional? ...
    Cloud, on-prem, or both? ...
    Which use cases do I need to focus on? ...
    Will data management help me maintain compliance?

  • Data management is a very critical process which not only ensures accountability of the project but also shows project success or failure.

  • Data management is very important for Organizations. If they have good data management, they can easily implement the activities and performances of their orgs.

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