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      Identify the person who will collect the data with the tool. The user may be a staff member, or a partner. Before designing the tool, it is important to consider the followings:

    1.1 What education does the user have?
    1.2 What experience has the user had in using data collection tools?
    1.3 How comfortable are they using this type of tool?

    To make the data collection easy for the users, detailed instructions for the data collections must be provided.

      It is important to keep the tool simple by focusing on collecting essential information: the data that you need to measure your indicators. Remember: to measure a single indicator you might need to collect several types of information, such as the participants’ gender, location, education level, and age. Focusing on this essential information will keep the tool from getting too complicated.

      Metadata is the information that explains how the data was collected. Data collection tools should have a space to record the following types of metadata:

    3. The title of the tool

    4. The version of the tool

    5. Who used the tool

    6. Where they used he tool

    7. When they used the tool

      Before sending out the tool, it is best to pre-test the tool by asking a few different people. If possible, have them test the tool in the same environment that it will eventually be used in. Observe them using the tool and ask: is the tool used in the way that you expected it to be used? Are there common mistakes that users make? Are certain words or questions misinterpreted? Are there any questions that do not help you measure your indicator?
      This information can be used to revise the tool before it is distributed.

      It is so important to properly train everyone who uses the tool. Role-play exercises can prepare staff for tricky situations that they might encounter. To run a role-play exercise, ask one person to pretend to use the tool, and ask another person to pretend to be a participant. The two people should act out how the tools are used.

    It is extremely important to include an instruction sheet that states the purpose of the tool and describes step-by-step how to use it by using simple, clear language for all instructions.

  • Data collection tools are a crucial part of any M&E project. In order to assess a project's impact and effectiveness, identify learnings, and make relevant claims, you need to be backed by verifiable evidence which is captured through data collection. Otherwise, your findings will be inaccurate and potentially unhelpful in the long run. Along with identifying indicators and collecting the associated data, you have to think about the quality and purpose of the data. It's one thing to collect it, but is the data being collected useful? Accurate? What does it mean? Does it answer the key questions and help determine impact, effectiveness and learnings? These are all questions that I'm asking myself and incorporating into my projects to make the most of the M&E process.

  • Responsibility is an important part of the process that often gets overlooked. Thanks for laying this out.

  • Data collection tools are very crucial in getting the important information which can used for monitoring and evolution. It is better to follow the instructions while making the tool.

  • Creation of date collection tools is an indispensable part of M & E as it provides data and information on the status and efficiency of the project during its lifecycle.

  • Creation of date collection tools is an indispensable part of M & E as it provides data and information on the status and efficiency of the project during its lifecycle.

  • Great topic even for a beginner to understand.

  • Data collection Tool is a form or Template design to record information of participants of the project, to enable easier monitoring and Evaluation. Also for Tracking purpose, it can also serve as Data saving for future reference.

  • It is very important to pre-test the tool before deploying it for data collection. it gives one room to make revisions and ensure that the tool is user friendly

    1 Reply
  • when designing tools for data collection, one needs to put into consideration the education level and other related capacities of the intended data collectors

  • This are tool used in collecting data either qualitative or quantitative, They vary in differently depending on the indicators your measuring e.g surveys, interviews, experiments

    1 Reply
  • This is a tool used in collecting data either qualitative or quantitative, They vary in differently depending on the indicators your measuring e.g surveys, interviews, experiments

  • Peut on s'administrer soit même des questions tests.

  • Data collection is an essential part of the work of an M&E. The responsibility of developing the right tools that will be used to collect quality data based on the projects indicator lies on the neck of the M&E. Although there are some certain basic guide or principles that an M&E is suppose to consider when creating a data collection tools and these include: Understand his indicator; Decide which types of information to record; Decide how the form will be filled in; Create the form. Apart from that there are some certain measures that the M&E has to put in place to see whether the tool is certified okay for use by the data collectors and these includes stakeholders participation during the tools development, field testing the tools to ensure quality, train the data collectors to avoid errors when collecting data from the field etc

    1 Reply
  • Not even field testing the tools the issue of do no harm or competence is another area we need to consider while developing the data tools. The data collector and the one the questionnaire is been administered to need not to be stressed during the data collection process. Another area is how competent is the data collector before he goes out to collect the data. These are some of the areas you have to work on before having an effective data collection tool.

  • Basically, it takes six steps to create a participant tracking form. This makes it an excellent observation tool. The data from this tool is extremely useful for monitoring, as it allows you to answer the question "who receives what services?" The data collected in this form can also be used for evaluation purposes.

    1 Reply
  • There are different data collecting tools available. They include surveys, interviews, focus groups, observation, documents and history. The one you use depend on the type of data you are collecting. Data collections tools could be for collection of quantitative or qualitative information however, it is good to have a mix of both depending on the type of project you are embarking on.

  • There are various data collection tools. The one you choose will depend on the type of project you are embarking on. It is importan that the tools can collect both quantitative and qualitative information.

  • As part of my project on improving the socioeconomic conditions of rural women in the Madarounfa department, I would like to measure the following indicator: • Different uses of harvested market garden products (domestic and economic use).
    For that I will make a collection table including themes / open questions which will give an interpretative space to the participants.

  • For Data collection tools that will involve by project staff and will focus on what we have built . When and Where..

  • When someone tries to create a Data collection tool, they first need to understand what indicator they create the tool for, what to include on it, it's type and so many more things to respect. This will help harvest useful data about the indicator In question.

  • Creating data collection mostly are based on a core set of basic tools. These include interviews, focus group discussions, observation, photography, video, surveys, questionnaires and case studies. Data may also be generated through direct measurement, reviewing secondary data, and informal project / programme management processes.

  • ce sont nos signaux d'alerte , sans eux nous auront plus de force pour evaluer la suite des activites d'un projet

  • to properly identify / or set up the tools for collecting, analyzing and saving data, we will have to control the efficiency of the indicators, by creating a dictionaries of clear variables, in order to collect the desired data.

    pour bien identifier / ou mettre en place les outils de collecte, analyser et sauvegarder les données, nous devrons maitriser l'efficience des indicateurs, en creant un dictionnaires de variables claires, afin de collecter les données voulues.

  • oui mais je pens il faut aussi regarder le facteur time dans la realisation, si les outils de collecte sont bien elaborer, meme une personne n'ayant pas de connaissances solide en MEAL peut tenir le coup.

  • Data collection tool is another pillar in M&E plan. This is important because it is the only way to implement the monitoring and evaluation. When you have set your strong indicators, then it is necessary you also create the way, how and what to use to collect the data for the indicator.

  • The module really explain much details the data collection process. Tools that need to be used depends on beneficiaries background in term of education level and technology literacy. How can we design the best type of questions so we can collect good data.

  • Data collection tool is another pillar in M&E plan. This is important because it is the only way to implement the monitoring and evaluation. When you have set your strong indicators, then it is necessary you also create the way, how and what to use to collect the data for the indicator.

  • In order to create data collection tool it is important to understand the indicator, Its definition, how is disaggregated.
    Once the indicator is clear, it is important to consider the person who will fill the form is the staff, the participant or a volunteer. It is important to make sure that the person has the necessary expertise to fill the form. The top of the form should contain the title of the form, information related to the person collecting the information, the location, the date of the collection the version of the form these information are referred to as the metadata.. The body of the form should be organized in columns and rows . One row for each participant. It is also important that the data should be codified, that is using the abbreviation to design some information, that help to save room and give the opportunity to collect as much as information as possible as long as they are needed. The bottom of the form should contain not only the form but all the instructions related to how to fill the form as well.

  • This is one of the most important processes in M&E. A wrong data collection tool will lead to wrong data being collected and this will lead to the wrong deduction. This process starts by developing the right indicators from which the data collection tool will be developed. The data collected will then be computed to provide input/answers to the indicators. It's key to always test the data collection tool. This is because the conditions always changes and therefore what worked the previous time or for another organization may not work right tool. For example in this COVID-19 era, data collection tools must be designed to fit the standard operating procedures and also put into mind the mental condition in which the participants are in.

    1 Reply
  • Creating tools is important because it decides how easily we can collet the data.

    1 Reply
  • It always important to test your data collections tools before project implementation starts

  • It is so important to test the data collection tool because sometimes the language is too technical or it may lead to misunderstandings and not capture the information we need, it is also important to trainig well the people who will be collecting the data so they are familiar with the organization terminology and values.

  • Pour la création d'outils de collecte il convient de se poser certaine questions a savoir le pourquoi, destiné a qui, pour quel but et finalité ( What: Will these methods provide the correct type of information?
    Who: Are they appropriate for the group of people that I’d like to collect data from?
    How Often: Will I be able to use this method as often as I need to?
    By whom: Who will be collecting information? Are they qualified to use this method?
    Can we do it: Will they be practical to use? Do I have the time, expertise and resources to do a good job?)

  • Pour la création d'outils de collecte il convient de se poser certaine questions a savoir le pourquoi, destiné a qui, pour quel but et finalité ( What: Will these methods provide the correct type of information?
    Who: Are they appropriate for the group of people that I’d like to collect data from?
    How Often: Will I be able to use this method as often as I need to?
    By whom: Who will be collecting information? Are they qualified to use this method?
    Can we do it: Will they be practical to use? Do I have the time, expertise and resources to do a good job?)

  • Pour la création d'outils de collecte il convient de se poser certaine questions a savoir le pourquoi, destiné a qui, pour quel but et finalité ( What: Will these methods provide the correct type of information?
    Who: Are they appropriate for the group of people that I’d like to collect data from?
    How Often: Will I be able to use this method as often as I need to?
    By whom: Who will be collecting information? Are they qualified to use this method?
    Can we do it: Will they be practical to use? Do I have the time, expertise and resources to do a good job?)

  • Creating data tools helps one to collect the right kind of data. It also helps to keep track of the kind of data that has been collected

  • Creating data collection tools is a vital process in data collection. The success of the activity largely depends on the tool.

  • This one came off slightly more easier understanding and practical

  • Data collection tools are forms, documents or guidelines that help individuals or organizations collect data.

    In order to measure a group of indicators by the same tool, they need to share the same; data collection method, source and collection schedule.

    To create data collection tools, one should consider the following tips.

    • Identify who will use the tool. One should consider education level of the user, experience of the user using the
      and how comfortable they are using the tool.

    • Focus on essential information. You should keep your tool simple by focusing on collecting essential information.

    • Collect Metadata. This is the information that explains how your data was collected. The data collection tool the
      should have space to record the following types of metadata; title of the tool, version of the tool, who used the
      tool, when and where was it used.

    • Pre-test your tool. This will help the data collector know if the tool is simple to use, if the questions are in
      misinterpreted and if the tool is used the way it was expected to.

    • Training of staff to use the tool and include instructions.

  • Data collection tools are forms/ documents or guides that help individuals or organizations collect data

    It should be noted that a group of indicators can be measured by the same tool if they share the same; data collection method, come from the same source and same collection schedule.

    In order to create data collection tools, one should follow the following tips;

    • Identify who will use the tool. One should consider the data collectors' level of education, experience using the particular tool and how comfortable they are using the tool.

    • Focus on essential information. One should keep the tool simple by focusing on collecting essential information.

    • Collect metadata. Metadata is the information that explains how your data was collected. The data collection tool should have space to record the following types of metadata; title of the tool, version of the tool, who used the tool, when and where the tool was used.

    • Pre-test your tool. This is done to determine if the tool is simple to use, are there misinterpreted questions, if tools are used the way it is expected to be used.

    *Train staff to use the tool and include instructions.

  • Surveys
    Surveys are performed through questionnaires. A standard set of questions are used for performing the survey of any specific topic.Training Evaluation Survey.pdf

    Observation is a data collection technique that is performed by monitoring or viewing the subject.

    Sometimes observations are performed continuously or in a set of time periods. There can be different types of observations like structured, unstructured, and semi-structured.

    The limitation of observations is that it consumes time and it affects the behavior of the participants.

    An interview is another data collection technique.

    For collecting the data through this technique, interviews are performed in groups or on a one-on-one basis. During interviews, the data can be collected using stenography, video recordings, audio recordings, or written notes.

    Training Evaluation Survey.docx

  • Recipient Monitoring Form
    Version 1
    date of completion of the form : dd-mm-yyyy
    Location :
    Investigating Officer : ____________________

    Beneficiary Information :
    First and last name : ___________________
    Age :
    Gender : M : Male ; F : Female
    Level of education : 1 : Primary ; 2 : Secondary ; 3 : Superior

  • How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily: what tips would you offer other learners for creating that even users with low level of education, training, language fluency can us?

    There are a bunch of underlying reasons for collecting data, especially for a researcher. Walking you through them, here are a few reasons;
    Integrity of The Research
    A key reason for collecting data, be it through quantitative or qualitative methods is to ensure that the integrity of the research question is indeed maintained.
    Reduce the likelihood of errors
    The correct use of appropriate data collection of methods reduces the likelihood of errors consistent with the results.
    Decision Making
    To minimize the risk of errors in decision making, it is important that accurate data is collected so that the researcher doesn't make uninformed decisions.
    Save Cost and Time
    Data collection saves the researcher time and funds that would otherwise be misspent without a deeper understanding of the topic or subject matter.
    To support a need for a new idea, change and/or innovation
    To prove the need for a change in the norm or the introduction of new information that will be widely accepted, it is important to collect data as evidence to support these claims.
    Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data

  • Before creating a data collection tool, the following tips should be considered.

    1. Identify the user of the tool
    2. The data collection tools should be focused on relevant information
    3. Meta data should be collected
    4. The data collection tool should be tested before deployment
    5. Staff should be trained on how to use the tool
  • These are cardinal in aiding us to collect and store data safely

  • observation, focus group, interview

  • Collecting data allows you to store and analyze important information about your existing and potential customers. ... It costs less and is faster than in-person data, and it removes any potential bias or human error from the data collected.

  • I enjoyed this module and I learnt the basic things to know before choosing a data collection method which includes what, how often, to whom and can we do it.

  • The large share of project success lies in how we create our data collection tools. Thank you

  • Data Collection Tools help us get qualitative data as well as quantitative data that is required for our project. We need to consider many things in designing a data collection tool such as who will be using the tool, the kind of data and sources, etc.

  • just let that even the staff using data tools should be trained on how to use them as we should not depend on assumptions

  • Some data collection tools like questionnaire and IDI are good to be used concurrently as each help in understanding the data gathered in the field through supporting or disputing the findings from the two sources which will help the researcher in making decision.

  • How well we design our data collection tool also determine the success of having a qualitative data. A very coherent designed data collection is likely to stimulate flow of information from the respondents and willingness to provide the expected information.

  • Reviewing previously used instrument for your present project helps immensely in developing a good data collection tool. It will enable you understand the challenges experienced by others as well helps you to avoid repeating such mistakes in your own project.

  • The tools designed have to be in different formats for FGDs,s surveys and forms - although they may be seeking the same information

  • I agree. In addition, these tools can collect quantitative or qualitative indicators

  • The qualitative and quantitative tools should be pretested with the respondents who fit the profile of the target respondents in order to get the best feedback.

  • data collection tools are very important part of the Logframe and it is very necessary to take your time and consideration while creating them.

    1 Reply
  • Creating data collection tools is a very critical activity in the M&E plan. Efforts must be made to clearly understand the indicators to be measured and if possible carry out a research to find out how similar projects have measured such indicators. This is vital because any data that is mistakenly missed out of the data collection tool will lead to waste of resources and ultimately affect the overall M&E activity.

  • Very correct submission.

    1 Reply
  • This has been an informative lesson. Often, we don't carefully decide on what sort of data is needed to measure the indicators. Now I know.

    1 Reply
  • Data collection tool is useful document for M&E. It should have all aspects needed.

  • OK. It is important document for M&E.

  • Congratulations

  • If possible it's good to use or adapt existing tools that are known to work, but even though you try to using as many existing tools as possible, there will still be some indicators where you need to create your own tool

  • After creating the tool for each indicator you need to decide who will be responsible for each step in the process. This includes who will be responsible for using the tool to collect the data, who will enter the data into the computer, who will analyze it and who will create the final report.

  • M and E data collection tools involves the following
    1 semi-structured interviews
    2 Focus groups
    3 Questionnaires
    4 Survey
    5 observation
    6 timelines
    7 Ranking, rating, sorting
    8 Matrices
    9 Venn diagram
    10 24 hour analysis
    11 mapping
    12 document review
    13 case studies
    14 significant change stories

  • Creating a data collection tool helps you collect your data. The tool will also help you to know what type of data you should collect. It is always important to test your tool before going to the field. If you cannot test the tool, the project officers must engage in a role play to test the tool. Tools should be simple for anyone to understand.

  • Creating Data Collection Tools, is one of the core steps in the M&E plan to fulfil the assignment of Monitoring and Evaluation.

  • Creating Data Collection Tools, is one of the core steps in the M&E plan to fulfil the assignment of Monitoring and Evaluation.

  • Creating a data collection Tools, is a very important part of the M&E plan

  • Creating a data collection tool we must follow the tips and steps of creation as follows:

    1. Identify who will use this tool. When considering who will use this tool we look at what education level the user has? What experience the user has in using thedthe collection methods? How comfortable is the user using this tool?
    2. Focus on essential information. Measure all information needed to measure your indicators eg age, gender,location etc
    3. Collect metadata. Metadata is information that explains how your data was collected. eg title of the tool, version of the tool, who used the tool, where the tool was used and when it was used etc.
    4. Pre-test your tool.
    5. Train staff to use the tool and include instructions. Never assume that your staff understand how to use the tool as different people might interpret your form differently.
  • most data collection tools are based around a core set of basic tools. They include interviews, focus group discussions, observation, photography, video, surveys, questionnaires and case studies. Data may also be generated through direct measurement, reviewing secondary data, and informal project / program management processes.

    Key questions to ask yourself prior to data collection are:

    1. What information are you going to collect?

    2. How are you going to collect your data?
      a) Interviews/focus groups
      b) Phone records
      c) Surveys/questionnaires
      d) Medical records (or clinic and office charts)
      e) Recorded data from EEGs, ECGs, etc.

    3. How will data be analyzed?

  • Data Collection tools should respond to understanding the following aspects:

    1. What kind of data is required or needed?
    2. Who are the people to provide data?
    3. How often would one need to collect data?
    4. Who will be the one to collect the data?
    5. Is the data collection possible?
    6. Finally,identify the type of tool suitable for collecting data.
  • It is very important to create data collection tools that directly speak to the indicators that are being assessed.

    1 Reply
  • it is essential to start with defining the data collection methods before you decide on the data collection tool itself...

  • in fact, the right data collection tool is essential to bring about project accountability and sustainability...

  • and also help collect the right data timely...

  • whats the best way of defining a qualitative indicator? because qualitative ones are quiet easy to define...

  • biasness comes in in instances where there tool is not piloted, and only very few individuals contribute to developing the tool

  • in simple terms; meta data is data about data

  • and the United Nations SDGs too...

  • and also, it helps determine how sensitive a tool will be...

  • with most projects being donor funded, it becomes key to have the correct data collected to guarantee continued incoming and availability of funds...

  • desk review is one key data collection method which can be useful at the monitoring level of a project or intervention...

  • This was an interesting topic and I have learnt that data collection tools are either forms , documents or guides that help individuals or organizations collect data. Each data collection will use a different set of data collection tools. Hence forth , there are tips for collecting data tools and these are : 1. identify who will use this tool. before one designs a tool he or she should identify the person who is going to use the tool. 2. Focus on essential information. 3. collect metadata. Metadata is the information that explains how your data was collected. 4 Pretest your tool. it is important to pretest your tool before use to see whether it is applicable and also to see if the user is comfortable in using it and to see whether they understand the tool. 5. Train staff to use the tool and include instructions. In this tip, one should train the staff on how to use the tool to avoid distortion in collecting data. Instructions must be included.

  • Data creation tools are an important aspect of M&E PLAN. Information is collected by use of this tools that help in capturing information and data useful in monitoring progress and eventually the impact of the project. In creating a data collection tools, a number of considerations are made by following a six step guidelines ; understanding your indicator, decide on which information to record, deciding how your form will be filled in , creating your form, testing your form and lastly revising your form. This criteria is important as it ensures the tool created is complete and no information is forgotten

  • la création d'une base de données renforce l'archivage des données et est des informations utiles pour d'autres projets à venir

  • Data creation tools are an important aspect of M&E PLAN. Information is collected by use of this tools that help in capturing information and data useful in monitoring progress and eventually the impact of the project. In creating a data collection tools, a number of considerations are made by following a six step guidelines ; understanding your indicator, decide on which information to record, deciding how your form will be filled in , creating your form, testing your form and lastly revising your form. This criteria is important as it ensures the tool created is complete and no information is forgotten

  • la création d'une base de données renforce l'archivage des données et est des informations utiles pour d'autres projets à venir

  • La qualité des données fait partie intégrante de toutes les activités de recherche et il est essentiel d’intégrer la gestion de la qualité dans le protocole et la planification. La gestion de la qualité est la responsabilité de toute personne engagée dans le projet et elle est essentielle pour assurer que le projet respecte ou surpasse les normes scientifiques, éthiques et réglementaires applicables. Le plan de gestion de la qualité doit indiquer clairement comment votre équipe de recherche prendra des mesures cohérentes et continues pour surveiller et évaluer la qualité et la rigueur de la recherche. Il doit indiquer comment vous évaluerez la qualité à différentes étapes.

  • I have learnt that they are different types of collecting data depending on your project. That includes survey, focus group , interviews and document review . it is highly important to choose what will specifically work for your project.

  • In creating a data collection tools M&E must take into consideration certain factors such as:
    The user of the tool; essential information; collecting metadata; pre-test the tool; training of staff to use the tools and including instructions

  • in order to create data collection tools we should consider tow parts.
    1: Determine which type of data you need to collect.
    2: Determine which type of data collection you need to collect.
    1: Determine which type of data you need to collect:
    there is tow type of Data qualitative and quantitative data in a project, in this part you need to determine which type of data you need to collect.
    a: qualitative data: are the data that are include the people think, Idea and perception. for collecting of these type of data we always use from questioner with open ended question, we use focus Group and direct observation.
    b: quantitative data : are the data that are including Number percentage and ratio. for collecting of these type of data we should use questioner with close ended question and we will put a limitation for interviewee (Yes/No) (Good / Bad) (Right / Wrong) and so on.

  • creating and using a data collection tool is one of the challenging aspect many field officers face

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