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  • you are because if we dont dwell on our priorities then we are most likely to set unrealistic targets

  • setting targets is not as easy as most people think, but involving the relevant and the key stakeholders more so the experts, will definitely enable us to come up with realistic targets. to me some times its better to involve even the people which that project ought to benefit, i dealy think this will minimize the sense of designing unrealistic targets

  • Unrealistic targets are goals or objectives that prove exceedingly challenging or impossible to accomplish within the provided limitations of resources, time, or other constraints. Below are several instances exemplifying unrealistic targets:
    Overambitious Sales Growth: Pursuing an immense surge in sales within an unreasonably short period without factoring in market conditions, competition, or available resources. For instance, a local business aiming to quintuple its sales in just one month without implementing new marketing strategies or expanding its product line.
    Accelerated Software Development: Expecting the swift development of a complex software system without recognizing the intricate processes involved. For example, a startup setting a goal to create a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) software within a week without adequate planning, resources, or experienced developers.
    Complete Elimination of Project Delays: Striving to eradicate all project delays without acknowledging potential obstacles such as unforeseen circumstances, external dependencies, or technical complexities. For instance, a construction company aiming to eliminate all project delays despite potential disruptions like adverse weather, supply chain interruptions, or regulatory hurdles.
    Perfect Customer Satisfaction: Aspiring to achieve flawless customer satisfaction ratings without considering the inherent variability in customer preferences and occasional discrepancies. For example, a service-oriented business aiming for 100% customer satisfaction without acknowledging occasional errors, diverse customer needs, or unrealistic demands.
    Significant Cost Reduction while Maintaining Quality: Seeking to drastically reduce costs without compromising product quality, employee welfare, or operational efficiency. For instance, a manufacturing company striving to cut production costs by 90% within a short timeframe without investing in process improvements, technology upgrades, or employee development.

  • The moment you realise that your target is not in alignment with the goals you set out to achieve, then you need to go back to reset the targets.

    Unrealistic targets can be spotted when the materials are less than the people who need the materials. For example, if the mosquito net supplied in a particular location is less than the number of people in the location, the goal of the target area can be said to be unrealistic targets.

  • Setting unrealistic targets for an M&E plan can lead to a number of negative consequences. For instance, if targets are set too high, it may make it difficult to accurately track progress and measure success. This can also lead to demotivation among staff members who may feel that the goals are unattainable. Additionally, it can be difficult to secure funding and support for future initiatives if previous goals were not met. Therefore, it is important to set realistic and achievable targets in order to ensure that the M&E plan is effective and sustainable.

  • Target for serving clients in FY 2024: 500 REFUGEES, 150 Special Immigrant visas

  • It's true that without a proper framework especially at the project inception, there is a likelihood of our targets being unrealistic.

  • It's true that without a proper framework especially at the project inception, there is a likelihood of our targets being unrealistic.

  • It is not specified in the group of beneficiaries.

  • When the project target require funding for example 20,000 dollars and the funds available is 10,000 dollars. c

  • Unrealistic targets may lead to unrealistic results that may negatively affect decision making

  • Unrealistic targets may lead to disappointments to the project team and the donor as they might be hard to achieve.

  • Unrealistic targets puts pressure on team and also set your project for failure because it's unattainable. You can miss a target.

  • Setting targets is an important aspect in developing a M&E plan. It is an aspect that not only need a deep understanding of the project but also requires an in-depth research on what has been achieved so far, to determine the possible target. It is possible that there are other steering factors that align the current state of things. During the research, these factors should be correctly mapped out so that efforts are channeled in the right resources in the quest to achieve these targets.

  • How do you strike a balance of having a realistic target that is still ambitious?

  • Unrealistic targets may lead to disappointments to the project team and the donor as they might be hard to achieve.

  • What can be a realiatic target for an outcome indicator that reads " The exam result of children who completed a session".

  • Unrealistic targets refer to goals or objectives that are not achievable within a reasonable timeframe or with the available resources. These targets are often overly ambitious or impractical given the circumstances, constraints, or limitations of a situation. Unrealistic targets can hinder progress, demotivate individuals or teams, and lead to frustration or failure. Here are some characteristics of unrealistic targets:

    Unattainable within Constraints: Unrealistic targets may require resources, time, or capabilities that are not realistically available. For example, setting a goal to double productivity without providing additional staff or resources could be unrealistic.

    Lack of Alignment: Unrealistic targets may not align with the overall objectives or strategic direction of an organization or project. Setting targets that do not support the overarching goals can lead to wasted effort and inefficiency.

    Not Based on Evidence or Data: Targets should be based on evidence, data, and a realistic assessment of the situation. Unrealistic targets may be set arbitrarily or without a proper understanding of the context, leading to misguided expectations.

    Overly Ambitious: While ambition is generally positive, targets that are excessively ambitious and beyond what can reasonably be achieved can be considered unrealistic. It's essential to strike a balance between setting challenging goals and ensuring they are attainable.

    Ignoring External Factors: Unrealistic targets may fail to account for external factors such as market conditions, regulatory changes, or unforeseen events that could impact the ability to achieve the target.

    No Room for Adaptation: Unrealistic targets may not allow for adjustments or adaptations based on changing circumstances. Flexibility is crucial in goal-setting to accommodate unforeseen challenges or opportunities.

    Setting realistic targets is essential for maintaining motivation, fostering progress, and ensuring success in any endeavor. Unrealistic targets, on the other hand, can lead to disappointment, burnout, and ultimately, failure to achieve desired outcomes. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully assess and adjust targets to ensure they are challenging yet achievable given the resources and constraints at hand.

  • If one of your inputs is staff knowledge and expertise, what would be a good input indicator?

  • Unrealistic targets refer to goals or objectives that are highly improbable or impossible to achieve given the resources, constraints, or circumstances involved. These targets often arise due to overambitious expectations, lack of understanding of the situation, or poor planning

  • Unrealistic targets are usually set in a condition of optimism. They are usually difficult to achieve. To avoid this thee is a need to be practical in our approach, this will help us to make evidence based and realistic targets within the limits of the budget.

  • Setting target is important. Especially realistic target that would ensure your project suceed.
    Do not set unrealistic targets just based on hunches or your own opinion. You might introduce baise in the process that would make it unachievable.

  • sometimes we started our project based on unrealistic targets that often effect our aims and cause the whole project negatively , for example if we fix a date for some kind of task and we unable to perform that on the particular time then it cause kind of demotivation and failure of the project and thus many stop to work on task task for ever , so it will be benefitial if we set our targets based on realistic way.

  • Setting target is important. Especially realistic target that would ensure your project suceed.
    Do not set unrealistic targets just based on hunches or your own opinion. You might introduce baise in the process that would make it unachievable.

  • Firstly, setting unrealistic targets can lead to a disconnect between the intended outcomes of a program or project and what is realistically achievable within the given context. This can result in inflated expectations and undermine the credibility of the M&E system, as stakeholders may question the validity of the reported results.

    Moreover, unrealistic targets may incentivize data manipulation or misreporting as project implementers feel pressured to meet unattainable goals. This can compromise the integrity of the M&E data and hinder the ability to accurately assess program performance and impact.

    Additionally, unrealistic targets can demotivate project staff and stakeholders, leading to a lack of buy-in and participation in the M&E process. When targets are perceived as unachievable, there may be a tendency to disengage from monitoring and evaluation activities, which can further undermine the reliability of the data collected.

    To address the issue of unrealistic targets in M&E, it's essential to foster a culture of realistic goal-setting and transparency within organizations. This involves engaging stakeholders in the target-setting process, ensuring that targets are based on thorough needs assessments and feasibility studies, and allowing for flexibility and adaptation as circumstances change.

    Furthermore, M&E systems should prioritize the collection of quality data over meeting predetermined targets. Emphasis should be placed on capturing meaningful insights and learning from both successes and failures, rather than solely focusing on achieving numerical targets.

    Ultimately, by promoting realistic target-setting and a commitment to data integrity, organizations can strengthen the effectiveness and credibility of their M&E processes, leading to more informed decision-making and improved program outcomes.

  • Unrealistic targets may lead to disappointments to the project team and the donor as they might be hard to achieve.

  • Targets should be based on previous achieved targets, with an incremental margin tied to available resources and budget. Risks noticed and solved on previous similar projects should be considered. For team members to achieve the set targets, should be motivated accordingly.

  • Unrealistic targets put unwarranted pressure on team members which may not provide a healthy working environment. In the long run the targets will not be achieved and there will dissatisfaction of both internal and external shareholders.

  • Unrealistic targets refer to goals or objectives that are not achievable within a reasonable timeframe or with the available resources. These targets are often overly ambitious or impractical given the circumstances, constraints, or limitations of a situation. Unrealistic targets can hinder progress, demotivate individuals or teams, and lead to frustration or failure. Here are some characteristics of unrealistic targets:

    Unattainable within Constraints: Unrealistic targets may require resources, time, or capabilities that are not realistically available. For example, setting a goal to double productivity without providing additional staff or resources could be unrealistic.

    Lack of Alignment: Unrealistic targets may not align with the overall objectives or strategic direction of an organization or project. Setting targets that do not support the overarching goals can lead to wasted effort and inefficiency.

    Not Based on Evidence or Data: Targets should be based on evidence, data, and a realistic assessment of the situation. Unrealistic targets may be set arbitrarily or without a proper understanding of the context, leading to misguided expectations.

    Overly Ambitious: While ambition is generally positive, targets that are excessively ambitious and beyond what can reasonably be achieved can be considered unrealistic. It's essential to strike a balance between setting challenging goals and ensuring they are attainable.

    Ignoring External Factors: Unrealistic targets may fail to account for external factors such as market conditions, regulatory changes, or unforeseen events that could impact the ability to achieve the target.

    No Room for Adaptation: Unrealistic targets may not allow for adjustments or adaptations based on changing circumstances. Flexibility is crucial in goal-setting to accommodate unforeseen challenges or opportunities.

    Setting realistic targets is essential for maintaining motivation, fostering progress, and ensuring success in any endeavor. Unrealistic targets, on the other hand, can lead to disappointment, burnout, and ultimately, failure to achieve desired outcomes. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully assess and adjust targets to ensure they are challenging yet achievable given the resources and constraints at hand.

  • Setting unrealistic targets can lead to a variety of negative consequences, such as demotivation, wastage of resources, and failure to achieve desired outcomes. Here's a summary discussing unrealistic targets with a relevant example:

    Unrealistic targets are those that are set too high or beyond what is realistically achievable within a given timeframe or with available resources. For instance, in a sales context, setting a target of doubling sales revenue within a month without considering market conditions, customer demand, or the capacity of the sales team would likely be unrealistic. This could lead to undue pressure on employees, demotivation due to constant failure to meet targets, and a focus on short-term gains at the expense of long-term sustainability.

    Another example could be in the context of a construction project where unrealistic deadlines are set without considering factors like weather conditions, availability of materials, or the complexity of the project. This can lead to rushed work, compromised quality, cost overruns, and delays, ultimately impacting the project's success and reputation.

    It's important to set targets that are challenging yet achievable, based on a thorough assessment of the relevant factors and realistic expectations. This involves considering input from stakeholders, conducting feasibility studies, and aligning targets with the organization's overall goals and capabilities. Unrealistic targets can not only hinder progress but also damage morale and hinder future goal-setting efforts.

  • This module has been very helpful and very informative. I was very intrigued by the fact that other than research there are other ways of establishing our targets.

  • It is easy to identify unrealistic targets in most of the cases. However, the targets may be mislead by the sources of the project's baseline data/information. When baseline data is coming from commercial data acquisition agencies, most of it is not reliable as most of them do not apply proper QC protocols in order to to maximize their profits. Such data would end up misleading the project team in setting unrealistic targets unknowingly. My advice would be for the project team to be fully involved in the process of baseline data acquisition, especially where the function is subcontracted from an external agency and involves collection of primary data. Let the project team accompany the interviewers/enumerators to listen in to the interviews and get the first hand experience.

  • Assigning numerous targets within constrained timeframes, limited resources, and a finite number of team members can be overwhelming and counterproductive.

    When targets are overly generalized, it becomes challenging to focus efforts effectively and measure progress accurately.

    To mitigate this issue, the team should prioritize specificity and feasibility when setting targets, aiming for goals that are realistic and sustainable given the available resources and time constraints.

    By avoiding overly ambitious or unrealistic targets, the team can enhance motivation and productivity, leading to more meaningful and achievable outcomes.

    Collaboratively defining specific and realistic targets encourages clarity of purpose and ensures that efforts are directed towards attainable objectives.

    Moreover, it fosters a sense of accountability and ownership among team members, as they understand their roles in achieving the set goals.

    Ultimately, setting achievable targets increases the likelihood of success and facilitates the efficient allocation of resources, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the project or endeavor.

  • Unrealistic target are those targets that are unattainable. Targets that are not based on data.

  • When selecting targets, it is always important to ensure realistic targets are set in order to achieve the objectives of the project. Setting unrealistic targets is very risky for any project and lead to cost overruns.

  • Unrealistic targets can be demotivating, leading to burnout and decreased productivity. Setting achievable goals fosters a sense of accomplishment and encourages progress. It's crucial for individuals and organizations to prioritize realistic targets aligned with resources and capabilities. Unrealistic expectations breed frustration and hinder growth. Effective goal-setting involves a balance between ambition and feasibility, promoting sustainable success and fostering a positive work environment.

  • Unrealisitic targets are caused by lack of research and understanding the meaning of objective goals. Targets are not met from the point of excitement but a clear indication of what needs to be achieved at the day. Remember targets should be precise and be able to help in decision making processes. Unrealistic goals would make a team or individuals to feel not productive as they most of the time won't be able to achieve what is required.
    The clear indication on how the targets would be achieved should provide an understanding if the goal is achievable within a specified time or not. Targets should be broken down from long-term, medium-term and short-term basis. What needs to be done to reach the targets and how long it would take would minimise unrealistic targets.

  • Targets should be based on the quality of services provided. Research should be done before targets can be established in any organisation. Targets should be broken down into short, medium and long-term goals in order to realize the possibility to reach. Unrealistic targets can be a block in a achieving goals in a specified time. These are built on feelings and not reality.

  • When the project target require funding for example 20,000 dollars and the funds available is 10,000 dollars. The project won't be able to be completed unless the is some budget cuts

  • Unrealistic targets are difficulty to measure. Its consider as unappropriated indicator..

  • They are targets that sometimes cannot be achieved or simply achieved.

  • unrealistic module stood very well and it gives me a good idea of how to do it.

  • thank you very much for this module

  • Identifying and mitigating risks involves anticipating potential problems and implementing strategies to minimize their impact. This may include cross-checking data, ensuring the validity and reliability of measurement tools, and considering the potential for external factors to influence results.

    Similarly, being aware of assumptions is essential for interpreting the meaning of measurements and evaluations accurately. Assumptions should be explicitly stated and validated whenever possible to ensure that conclusions drawn from the data are sound.

    Overall, acknowledging and addressing risks and assumptions in measurements and evaluation processes is critical for producing meaningful and reliable results. It helps to enhance the credibility of findings and enables better-informed decision-making.

  • Unrealistic targets can be tricky because it often involves balancing ambition with feasibility. It's important to set goals that stretch your capabilities but are still within reach. Unrealistic targets can demotivate and lead to burnout if consistently missed. It's crucial to assess the resources, time, and skills needed to achieve a goal realistically. Adjusting expectations or breaking down the goal into smaller, manageable steps can help maintain motivation and progress.

  • Unrealistic targets are a critical part of nonprofit work. I feel like it's equally important to identify them, and also not be discouraged by them.

  • Realism ensures that targets are achievable within the constraints of resources, time, and capacity. By considering past performance, available data, and contextual factors, stakeholders can set targets that are both ambitious and attainable. Realistic targets serve as benchmarks for progress, allowing for meaningful analysis and adjustment of strategies as needed. Moreover, they foster accountability and motivation among stakeholders by providing clear objectives to work towards. Ultimately, setting realistic monitoring and evaluation targets enhances the likelihood of success and maximizes the impact of interventions

  • The more there is competitive environment, there are more the chances of setting unrealistic targets, M&E professional has to highlight the key concerns. Negotiation and quality implementation is the key to achieve the same.

  • Unrealistic Targets

  • What is the best rationale for choosing your baseline in your current project?

  • Several aspects of project implementation may not go as planned, therefore targets may need to be revised. In addition, I have seen that some intangible/unrealistic targets are set (such as better health of the population, because of reduced pollution) when the project objectives are not clearly defined and are very broad.

  • Setting unrealistic targets can have detrimental effects on an organization or project. Here's a discussion on this topic:

    Demotivation: Unrealistic targets can demotivate employees or participants as they might feel overwhelmed by the expectations set upon them. Constantly falling short of unrealistic targets can lead to frustration and a decrease in morale, which can ultimately impact productivity and performance.

    Risk of Burnout: When targets are set too high or are unachievable within a reasonable timeframe, individuals may resort to overworking themselves to try to meet those targets. This can result in burnout, fatigue, and even physical or mental health issues, which in turn can negatively affect the overall well-being of the team.

    Loss of Credibility: Continuously failing to meet unrealistic targets can damage the credibility of the organization or project. Stakeholders, including investors, donors, or the public, may lose trust in the organization's ability to deliver on its promises, leading to a loss of support and funding.

    Distorted Decision-Making: In pursuit of meeting unrealistic targets, individuals or teams may resort to unethical practices or short-term fixes that compromise the long-term sustainability or integrity of the project. This can include cutting corners, inflating numbers, or sacrificing quality for quantity.

    Stifled Innovation: Unrealistic targets can stifle innovation and creativity as individuals may feel pressured to stick to conventional methods or avoid taking risks to ensure they meet the targets. This can hinder the exploration of new ideas and approaches that could lead to genuine progress and success.

    To mitigate these risks, it's essential for organizations to set targets that are challenging yet attainable, based on thorough analysis, realistic assessments of resources and capabilities, and input from relevant stakeholders. Additionally, regular reviews and adjustments to targets can help ensure that they remain aligned with the evolving needs and circumstances of the organization or project. Open communication channels where team members feel comfortable discussing challenges and proposing solutions are also crucial for fostering a healthy and productive work environment.

  • Better to remove "un" from it to make it realistic and achievable.

  • Several aspects of project implementation may not go as planned, therefore targets may need to be revised. In addition, I have seen that some intangible/unrealistic targets are set (such as better health of the population resulting from reduced pollution) when the project objectives are not clearly defined and are very broad.

    1 Reply
  • Am not sure if i completely understand the module does anyone have any extra materials to share or links to any helpful information ?

  • Unrealistic Targets are the targets set based on our feelings, they are taken due to optimism or pessimism, they are biases and targets that are not ambitious which can delay the goals and success of the team.

  • There are another criteria to consider the target unrealistc?
    I'm a little bit confused between survey and interviews

  • Unrealistic targets can be a major source of frustration and demotivation. They're targets that are either too ambitious given the resources available, or they're simply unattainable within the given constraints. Unrealistic targets can lead to stress, burnout, and a sense of failure among individuals or teams striving to meet them. It's essential for organizations to set targets that are challenging yet achievable, ensuring that they motivate rather than discourage. When targets are unrealistic, it's important to communicate openly about the challenges and work together to adjust them to something more feasible. Progressively focus on revising the targets considering the various factors

  • Setting unrealistic targets in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) can undermine the entire purpose of the process, leading to skewed data and misguided decisions. Unrealistic targets often arise from a lack of understanding of the project's context, resources, or capabilities, resulting in objectives that are unattainable within the given constraints. Such targets can demoralize staff, incentivize dishonest reporting, and ultimately compromise the credibility and effectiveness of the M&E system. Moreover, they hinder the identification of genuine achievements and areas for improvement, impeding the project's ability to adapt and thrive. Therefore, it is crucial for M&E frameworks to establish targets that are grounded in realistic assessments of capacity and context, ensuring that they inspire progress rather than discourage it.

    These are goals or objective are not achievable or feasible within the constraint of a given project.
    These can lead to frustration, wasted resources and untimely project failure.
    Examples of such are;
    a) Setting deadlines that are too ambitious or unrealistic given the project scope, available resources and complexity of the task involved.
    b) Unachievable budget constraint.
    c) Allowing the project scope to expand beyond the original objectives and boundaries without appropriate adjustment(s) to resources or timelines, leading to project delays or resource overruns.
    d) Unrealistic performance expectations.
    To avoid these Unrealistic Targets, some strategies can be put in place:
    Thorough planning, Clear communication with stakeholders, Prioritize objectives, Risk Management and Monitor/adjust.

  • About Targets, I think some people designing thier projects tend to put very high targets to hook up donors. But most of them are not realistic figures.

    I am sure this is a malpractice, because they are likely to faill achieving them. The consequence is that if your faill because you were not realistic, next time you may find it difficult to get donors.

    1 Reply
  • Its always important to set high targets but kind of achievable.

  • It seems there are connections between risks and assumptions with determining targets.

  • This is related to my topic I posted earlier. It seems there are connections between risks and assumptions used in the project, with the targets. In the end we need to see whether those make sense.

  • I am wondering whether SDGs indicators and targets can be used in our programs. Would it be unrealistic? I guess it can be, but perhaps only some of the selected ones considering the scale and resources we have to implement our programs.

  • unrealistic targets means the project is not successful
    I think that it is very bad to not have a realistic targets for the organisation, donors and the people they are help
    Setting a realistic target is the cornerstone for project success, effectiveness, and credibility.

  • We Can set unrealistic targets like Starting a Vocational Training Program for the hearing impaired children under 8 years of age . it will be a difficult and un realistic but once we dream it , we can do it.

  • Unrealistic targets are goals that are highly unlikely to be achieved using the available resources and within the set timeframe. Unrealistic targets can create a distorted view of progress, be demotivating, lead to poor decision making, and hinder effective program. Your goals should be SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound).
    Most of the times, these targets are not based on data, too ambitious, unclear, and untimely.

  • It's could be one of the most faults we felt in during select our indicators

  • Unrealistic Targets are the targets set based on our feelings, they are taken due to optimism or pessimism, they are biases and targets that are not ambitious which can delay the goals and success of the team.

  • Unrealistic Targets are not achievable, specific, measurable, realistic and are not time bound. This are targets set based on feelings and are biased.

  • What can be a realiatic target for an outcome indicator that reads " The exam result of children who completed a session".

  • Unrealistic targets will trigger an ambiguous set goals of the project. Resources will be costly to be able to pursue it's intended objective. When MEH project was starting with 1200 new account savings bank in 34 villages within 6 months, then there are no enough resources then it will force the organization to choose an indicator which is realistic

  • Understanding Unrealistic Targets
    Unrealistic targets are goals that can't be achieved with the available time, resources, or capabilities. They often result from overestimation, underestimation of challenges, or external pressures.

    Impact on Team Morale and Motivation
    Unachievable targets can demoralize team members, leading to frustration, stress, and decreased motivation, ultimately affecting productivity and project success.

    Resource Misallocation
    Chasing unrealistic targets can waste resources, cause neglect of other tasks, and lead to poor quality outcomes and burnout.

    Credibility and Trust
    Consistently missing targets damages the credibility of the team and organization, leading to loss of stakeholder trust and potential issues with future funding and support.

  • Unrealistic project objectives can lead to failure and frustration for all parties involved. They can be caused by a number of shortcomings, including

    • Unachievable deadlines, i.e. completing the project in record time or launching the product before it is ready.
    • Insufficient budget: carrying out an ambitious project with a minimal budget, i.e. underestimating the real costs of a project, whether for human resources, materials or technology, can lead to financial shortfalls, compromises on quality and delays, or failing to take account of indirect costs, such as training, maintenance or post-launch support, can lead to budget overruns.
    • Inadequate human resources: underestimating staffing requirements or lacking the necessary expertise.
    • Poorly defined scope: when objectives are unclear or poorly defined, this can lead to scope creep, or when additional tasks are added without adequate assessment of the resources required. Constantly changing objectives can lead to frequent modifications, and failure to plan objectives can disorientate the team, lengthen deadlines and increase costs.
    • Dependence on Uncontrollable Variables: results must be expected to depend on uncontrollable external factors, or the risks must be ignored.

    These unrealistic objectives have serious consequences for the project, such as

    • Reduced Quality: when teams are pressured by unrealistic deadlines, the quality of the work often suffers.
    • Staff Burnout: Excessive expectations can lead to burnout, low morale and high staff turnover.
    • Budget overruns: Actual costs often end up exceeding unrealistic initial estimates, leading to financial shortfalls.
    • Loss of reputation: failing to meet targets or delivering an inferior product/service can damage the organisation's reputation.
      -Project failure: unrealistic objectives considerably increase the risk of total project failure.

    To avoid these Unrealistic Objectives, you need:

    • A realistic assessment of resources and timescales: to involve the technical and management teams from the outset for more accurate estimates.
    • Risk management to identify potential risks and develop contingency plans.
    • Transparent communication to maintain open communication with all stakeholders to adjust expectations and objectives realistically.
    • Continuous re-evaluation to regularly assess progress and adjust objectives and plans in line with the realities of the project.
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