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  • Another good way to create a good data collecting tools is to involve all the stakeholder on the project, doing this will reduce the risk of omission.

  • It is to use the simplest, non complex, basic language and medium they can understand and appreciate.

  • @RaphLungu said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @charlesngandu said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?
    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.
    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    1. The data collection tools should be simple and easy to understand with simple language.
    2. The language must be simple and designed in a way which can be followed by anyone.
    3. Use simple language to make everyone understand
    4. Use the Codes = such as Marsabit: MA

    When creating the tools use simple language and using codes is better because it's easy to understand for both participants and field officer.

    I agree with you as regards to using simple language they can understand but I do not think coding will be a better option tnan the language.

  • Data collection includes gathering, storing, accessing, and using the original information.

    There are different types of data collection, i.e. quantitative information collection, and qualitative information collection. The data collection methods that come under the quantitative type include Surveys and Usage data.

    The data collection methods that come under qualitative type include Interviews, Focus Groups, and Document analysis.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is _always by avoiding use of jargon but using simple language, avoid to much unnecessary entries, ask your self who,what, how, when, questions and you will come up with a simple tool to use. _______________ .

  • I will use the local language if possible that will give them the best understanding of what is at hand and help me get the best result

    1 Reply
  • the learning tool should be simple and easy to understand, the words should be in the official language of the native community

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to ensure the language used is simple to understand have some self explanatory and have been well tested and revised to give it a clear guidelines on how to use it , another way is to ensure it has the information that is needed in order to have a clear information needed to that effects. you need to indicate the data collection area when the data is collected time .indicate also period the data has been collected ,who to collect ages their gender .________________ .

  • @gabrieldas2013 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Data collection includes gathering, storing, accessing, and using the original information.

    There are different types of data collection, i.e. quantitative information collection, and qualitative information collection. The data collection methods that come under the quantitative type include Surveys and Usage data.

    The data collection methods that come under qualitative type include Interviews, Focus Groups, and Document analysis.

    a trial

  • @Akinyele said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Umar007 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @RCPparticipant said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    English speaker.

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is to consider the target population with regards to their educational background, age otherwise look for able individuals to collect data

    I agree with you on the need to understand the target population.

    education background is important to know the level of the education and to know whether one need assistance or not

  • @LilyB said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Innocy88 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    By using the simple words/phrases and the language that the users will easily understand. Avoid using jargon and it is important to pretest in order to determine whether or not, the language is understood and not offensive

    I concur

    sure i agree with you.

  • @RaphLungu said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @charlesngandu said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?
    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.
    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    1. The data collection tools should be simple and easy to understand with simple language.
    2. The language must be simple and designed in a way which can be followed by anyone.
    3. Use simple language to make everyone understand
    4. Use the Codes = such as Marsabit: MA

    When creating the tools use simple language and using codes is better because it's easy to understand for both participants and field officer.

    yes i concur with statement.

  • The data collection tool should be easy to use and the language must be their native language

    1 Reply
  • You should use simple language for the participants to comprehend. The field officers should also guide the participants in filling the form

  • @NJERI_KARIUKI said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is by ensuring that you avoid technical jargon when designing the tool and ensuring that it is only capturing essential information to avoid complexity. Also, it is always wise to pretest your tool with the target population or population with similar characteristics as the target population in order to ensure that your tool is okay and questions are well-understood by the respondents especially in case of interviews and surveys.

    I agree with you

  • One tip would be using simple language that would be understood and where possible use pictorial guidance. It would also be important to allow a person who understands the tool to train the person with language fluency challenges and test the tool to see if the user is capable of using the tool.

  • @anmilnda said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    I will use the local language if possible that will give them the best understanding of what is at hand and help me get the best result

    I concur and once they understand how to use the tool, a person who understands the local language can translate the information in the tool without distorting it

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?
    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.
    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    To ensure that you are creating and using the fewest possible tools, group your indicators into collections that can
    be measured with the same tool. A group of indicators can be measured with the same tool if they share the
    Data Collection Method: Data for these indicators are collected using the same method:
    interview, survey, etc.
    Source: Data for these indicators come from the same source: a group of people, a place, an
    environmental feature, etc.
    Collection Schedule: Data for these indicators are collected on the same schedule: weekly,
    monthly, annually, etc.
    Once you have grouped your indicators, you may notice that a few of your indicators do not belong to any group.
    If you find that you have an ungrouped indicator, ask: is it worth designing (or finding) a tool for this single
    indicator? If not, could this indicator be eliminated or changed so that it could be grouped with other indicators?

    Tips for learners is to note the following points;

    Consider who the user of the tool will be by identifying who will use this tool. You consider questions like; what education does the user have? what experience has the user had in using data collection tools? how comfortable are they using this type of tool?
    Collect essential information by focusing on information like participant's gender, location, education level, and age help to keep your tool from getting complicated.
    Collect Metadata which explains how your data was collected
    Have your tool pre-test which is best to ask a few different people to try using the tool to better understand if the tool is not misinterpreted differently.
    Never assume that your tool is self-explanatory by training staff to use the tool and also include instructions to avoid inconsistency and inaccuracy of data collected due to different people interpreting the form differently.

    1. The data collection tools should be simple and easy to understand.
    2. The language must be simple and designed.
    3. Use simple language for easy understanding
    4. Avoid personal question in case of questionnaire i.e asking interviewer of his/her income
    5. Avoid ambiguous questions at the start of questionnaire.
    6. Use of code i.e M- male and F- female
    1 Reply
  • @Dayan22 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    The data collection tool should be easy to use and the language must be their native language

    very true

  • @sune said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One sure way of ensuring that your data tool is clear and understandable to those using it pre-testing it with a person who did not participate in designing it. Again, you need to use simple language and provide interpretation of words likely to cause confusion.

    I agree with you but you should pre-test with people who are similar or somehow similar with the target population so as test the validity of the tool especially in case of surveys and interviews

  • I think its better to consider the level of education of the users, language they use if they don't understand English or any official language, find someone who knows that language to interpret.

    1 Reply
  • some of the ways to create tools that simple to use include;

    1. consideration of native language for which the tool is going to be used. in this case, the tool needs to be translated into the local languages for the natives to best understand it. not forgetting to retain the English version.
    2. better understanding of the indicators. this helps you to easily identify the components to record or capture in the tool. for example, "number of farmers recruited as out-growers" there is need to draw a participants tracking form that entails details like; name of farmer, location, acreage planted, yield obtained, yield sold, and so on...
    3. flexibility. A tool needs to be user friendly by anyone without M&E expertise but would like to use it.
    4. consent form. certain tools like questionnaires require you to have a consent form for the participant, so put that in mind.
    5. pre-test the tool by conducting a pilot study and determine its validity.
    1 Reply
  • Keeping the tool simple by focusing on collecting essential information

    1 Reply
  • The tools should be in the simplest language and easy to use for facilitators to collect accurate data.
    The tool should be tested first whether it shows some degree of accuracy.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Module 4 is in full swing. Useful things in M&E are available for us to learn. Let us apply ourselves to learning these and apply things learnt to practical situations whenever such knowledge is required.

  • Course Facilitator

    @damilola_adenusi said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    1. use language that can be understood easily
    2. develop an o non ambiguous document
    3. Conduct a training for the data collectors to make them familiar with the tools

    Great work, @damilola_adenusi
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?please do well to share with us?

  • Course Facilitator

    @damilola_adenusi said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    1. use language that can be understood easily
    2. develop an o non ambiguous document
    3. Conduct a training for the data collectors to make them familiar with the tools

    Great work, @damilola_adenusi
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?please do well to share with us?

  • One way to create tools that are simple to use is to provide as many instructions as possible. Additionally, we can test the tool with people of different age and different literacy level. The variation of participants for testing is essential as you can identify the biases that can occur.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.
    Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

  • Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @MICHAEL3937 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    it is better to consider the level of education of the users, language they use if it is native just find someone who knows that language. And the tool has to simple to interpret.

    Nice input here @MICHAEL3937 thats a very crucial part when preparing for data collection.
    Knowing your audience is very important to bridge the problem of comunication and having someone that speak the native language in the area ensures that you actually do the work you are going for which is basically collecting information.
    Great work, @MICHAEL3937 Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?please do well to share with us

  • Course Facilitator

    @SRALE said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?
    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.
    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    The best way to make sure that one is creating data collection tools that one's users will be able to use easily is by engaging in simple language and instruction methods, but also by testing one's tools with peers, the community, stakeholders, etc. This is done to gain their feedback and input on this matter, which in turn, will make the tool much stronger and clearer.

    Some tips I could offer is to use simple words and offer a translated version of the tool. For example, if one is conducting research in Quebec, Canada, they might want to incorporate French in their tool in italics below or next to the English questions. Also, one could ask someone who fits that criteria to test the tool in order to gain their feedback and input on how to make it clearer or more understandable.

    This is beautiful @SRALE and self explicit wowww
    Great work, @SRALE Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?
    please do well to share more of your expertise with us
    Thumbs up and ........................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @SRALE said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?
    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.
    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    The best way to make sure that one is creating data collection tools that one's users will be able to use easily is by engaging in simple language and instruction methods, but also by testing one's tools with peers, the community, stakeholders, etc. This is done to gain their feedback and input on this matter, which in turn, will make the tool much stronger and clearer.

    Some tips I could offer is to use simple words and offer a translated version of the tool. For example, if one is conducting research in Quebec, Canada, they might want to incorporate French in their tool in italics below or next to the English questions. Also, one could ask someone who fits that criteria to test the tool in order to gain their feedback and input on how to make it clearer or more understandable.

    Beautiful @SRALE those are very valuable tips thanks for sharing
    Great work, @SRALE Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    Please what type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools for your activities?
    Please do well to share with us
    Thumbs up and ..................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @rulxnarcisse said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    I think thatone method to have an accessible tool for specific participants (children or uneducated persons) is to add pictures, not only word.

    Thats a good input as the saying goes pictures speak more than words
    Nice one, @rulxnarcisse Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?please do well to share with us and feel free to ask Questions on any topic
    You can tag me with @KOPJ and i will repond as fast as possible
    ..........................................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    Thats a good one, @shadreckchizukuzuku Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please do well to share with us
    ...............................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @Shabina said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is to provide as many instructions as possible. Additionally, we can test the tool with people of different age and different literacy level. The variation of participants for testing is essential as you can identify the biases that can occur.

    Nice tips @Shabina thanks for sharing
    Great work, @Shabina Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please do well to share with us
    .......................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @OHMS said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    The tools should be in the simplest language and easy to use for facilitators to collect accurate data.
    The tool should be tested first whether it shows some degree of accuracy.

    @OHMS thanks for sharing this valuable tips with us
    have you participated in data collection before now? and if Yes please share with us your organisation best practice for such activities
    ..................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @MarionAkol said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    some of the ways to create tools that simple to use include;

    1. consideration of native language for which the tool is going to be used. in this case, the tool needs to be translated into the local languages for the natives to best understand it. not forgetting to retain the English version.
    2. better understanding of the indicators. this helps you to easily identify the components to record or capture in the tool. for example, "number of farmers recruited as out-growers" there is need to draw a participants tracking form that entails details like; name of farmer, location, acreage planted, yield obtained, yield sold, and so on...
    3. flexibility. A tool needs to be user friendly by anyone without M&E expertise but would like to use it.
    4. consent form. certain tools like questionnaires require you to have a consent form for the participant, so put that in mind.
    5. pre-test the tool by conducting a pilot study and determine its validity.

    Woww thats a whole lot of valuable tips there. Thanks for sharing with us @MarionAkol
    please feel free to ask us any Question for areas you may need help or extra input. My colleagues an I are here to help
    ...............................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @baisha2168 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    I think its better to consider the level of education of the users, language they use if they don't understand English or any official language, find someone who knows that language to interpret.

    @baisha2168 nice one
    Thats a beautiful way to bridge the problem of language barrier
    Thanks for sharing with us and feel free to ask us any Question as you go through the course
    ....................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    Hello learners we are half way through the course and we sincerely hope you are enjoying it as much as I DO
    Just a QUICK reminder

    1-Please Do not hesitate to ask us any QUESTION were you have trouble be it for @course content or on @how to navigate through the course

    2-Also hope you have been actively summiting your assignments, if you have notice there is a date line for submission so that your work can be reiewed by your peers.
    It is better not to pile work up so you dont get cut up with time as you go through the course

    3-Remember my colleagues an I are here to help and ready to share our Expertise with you at any time
    For quick and effective responds you can tag any of us with the following @Alim16 , @Draigboje , @Dmegastar , @addf , @Zeb and myself I am Korie Obioma from NIGERIA and i go by #KOPJ

    4- You can also use the Green ?HELP button at your bottom right for further assistance

    ..................................................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

    1 Reply
  • @KOPJ said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    Thats a good one, @shadreckchizukuzuku Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please do well to share with us
    ...............................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

    I am currently working with Mary's Meals Malawi. As a school meals programme we have headteachers and school teachers correcting some data for us. We have given them some tools to collect attendance and enrollment monthly.

    1 Reply
  • I am very impressed with all the data collection methods that i have learned about, they were actually helpful in terms of improving the systems in the organization that i am working in. I have cove to realize that collecting data in an organization is very important because it helps us to keep track of the progress of our work and to be able to account on everything that happens. as well as checking whether the people we are servicing are satisfied with our work and the services that we are providing for them.

    to ensure that the data collection method we use is easier to everyone we will request that our field workers be the ones who will go to the field and fill in the forms and explain to people while they do that to avoid confusion.

    the tips that i would give other learners is to at least employ officials that are multi lingual, that would be able to explain to the communities or individuals whom they will be conducting data from on what are the forms all about and why they are filling them in.

    1 Reply
  • @RCPparticipant said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.
    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?
    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.
    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to test the language in the tool with a non-native English speaker.

    thank you, this will be very helpful and people can freely participate without worrying on how they can express themselves

  • Course Facilitator

    @BMENGICH said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    1. The data collection tools should be simple and easy to understand.
    2. The language must be simple and designed.
    3. Use simple language for easy understanding
    4. Avoid personal question in case of questionnaire i.e asking interviewer of his/her income
    5. Avoid ambiguous questions at the start of questionnaire.
    6. Use of code i.e M- male and F- female

    @BMENGICH, I'm not against your point 4. and the example given but like demography survey these type of questions are always in play it just left with the interviewer to always put the respondent at ease before he/she started asking these type of questions. Most times income questions are not compulsory to answer or are been drawn in range e.g. $1 to $50.These type of questions can help researchers with information to find the right target audience, conduct pricing research, and many more.

  • For you to create a tool that users can easily use, you need to;

    1. Use a simple order/ easy flow of questions which makes it easy to fill
    2. Use simple word and or language that can be easily understood. where words used can be misunderstood or ambiguous, define them in the context of the survey/project.
    3. Where codes are used/ to be used explain them
    4. Always pre test the tool and revise it to include all the issues that could have come up in the pretest
    5. Always train the team(s) going to use the tool
    6. Attach a detailed instruction sheet explaining how the tool is to be used. Also specific instruction can also be attached to specific questions where necessary.
    1 Reply
  • One way of creating a

  • One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to use simple language that everyone can understand, even people with law level of education. You should make the form easy and quicker to fill in. use codes , focus on data that will measure your indicator.

    1 Reply
  • One way to create simple to use tools would be seeking information that they would give in an 'everyday' setting. Rather than asking the specific age for instance, have fields for '35 & below' and 'Above 35'.

    1 Reply
  • @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @KOPJ said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    Thats a good one, @shadreckchizukuzuku Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please do well to share with us
    ...............................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

    I am currently working with Mary's Meals Malawi. As a school meals programme we have headteachers and school teachers correcting some data for us. We have given them some tools to collect attendance and enrollment monthly.

    The level of competence is always a key consideration as it helps to best prepare how good the information you want to collect in cases where self-filled forms are used.

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    The most important thing to note is to make sure that you focus on essential information. This particular point stood out for me because generally is make life easy. Irrelevant information just ends up complicating things.

    3 Replies
  • To create data form that can be easily used even by people with low level of training, first of all the form must simple with only the essencial indicators. The language must be direct, objective and simple to understand. Before the Form are destributed to use it must be tested with the people who are going to use it and take feedback from them about how confortable are they in using the form! If is their any question that are misinterpreted and revise it the form according to their feedback. To think about who is going to use the form is the first step to be considered when creating data forms.

  • One way to create tool that are simple and easy to understand is to ensure that the users of the data collection tool are well versed with the variety of cultural norms, beliefs and taboos of the people constituting the study population. The range from appearance, conduct, approach, and respect.This great affects response to posed questions and perception of the project staff when collecting data no matter the person's level of education, training or language fluency.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    Data collection may be difficult and cumbersome. Applying a good collection tool with the use of simplified language and symbols with ease the process. Let us apply ourselves to learning these skills in this Module 4 of M&E. Time is of essence. Let's do it now.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Helton said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    To create data form that can be easily used even by people with low level of training, first of all the form must simple with only the essencial indicators. The language must be direct, objective and simple to understand. Before the Form are destributed to use it must be tested with the people who are going to use it and take feedback from them about how confortable are they in using the form! If is their any question that are misinterpreted and revise it the form according to their feedback. To think about who is going to use the form is the first step to be considered when creating data forms.

    i totally agree with you @Helton, that's really creative ideas for data collection tools, focusing on essential information could help in creating simple data collection tools, which anyone can use

  • Course Facilitator

    @Penzy said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?
    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    The most important thing to note is to make sure that you focus on essential information. This particular point stood out for me because generally is make life easy. Irrelevant information just ends up complicating things.

    that's true @Penzy, focusing on essential information could help in creating data collection tools, and if necessary include instructions on how to use..

  • Course Facilitator

    @KOPJ said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Hello learners we are half way through the course and we sincerely hope you are enjoying it as much as I DO
    Just a QUICK reminder

    1-Please Do not hesitate to ask us any QUESTION were you have trouble be it for @course content or on @how to navigate through the course

    2-Also hope you have been actively summiting your assignments, if you have notice there is a date line for submission so that your work can be reiewed by your peers.
    It is better not to pile work up so you dont get cut up with time as you go through the course

    3-Remember my colleagues an I are here to help and ready to share our Expertise with you at any time
    For quick and effective responds you can tag any of us with the following @Alim16 , @Draigboje , @Dmegastar , @addf , @Zeb and myself I am Korie Obioma from NIGERIA and i go by #KOPJ

    4- You can also use the Green ?HELP button at your bottom right for further assistance

    ..................................................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

    well done @KOPJ..

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @Ludi said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create simple to use tools would be seeking information that they would give in an 'everyday' setting. Rather than asking the specific age for instance, have fields for '35 & below' and 'Above 35'.

    make sure also to consider who the user of the tool is, what skills the user have? and what experience the user have using this type of tool, ....

  • Course Facilitator

    @apostledavid58 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    To use words that are not complex in explaining how the tool is to be used

    @apostledavid58 Simplicity of Languages is truly a watchword in developing data collection tools.....

  • Course Facilitator

    @addf said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @KOPJ said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Hello learners we are half way through the course and we sincerely hope you are enjoying it as much as I DO
    Just a QUICK reminder

    1-Please Do not hesitate to ask us any QUESTION were you have trouble be it for @course content or on @how to navigate through the course

    2-Also hope you have been actively summiting your assignments, if you have notice there is a date line for submission so that your work can be reiewed by your peers.
    It is better not to pile work up so you dont get cut up with time as you go through the course

    3-Remember my colleagues an I are here to help and ready to share our Expertise with you at any time
    For quick and effective responds you can tag any of us with the following @Alim16 , @Draigboje , @Dmegastar , @addf , @Zeb and myself I am Korie Obioma from NIGERIA and i go by #KOPJ

    4- You can also use the Green ?HELP button at your bottom right for further assistance

    ..................................................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

    well done @KOPJ..

    Kudos @KOPJ

  • Course Facilitator

    @carlama said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to use simple language that everyone can understand, even people with law level of education. You should make the form easy and quicker to fill in. use codes , focus on data that will measure your indicator.

    @carlama Yes you are right, developing a data collection tools that will be use-able by all targeted category of respondents is paramount......

  • Course Facilitator

    @jkurama said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    For you to create a tool that users can easily use, you need to;

    1. Use a simple order/ easy flow of questions which makes it easy to fill
    2. Use simple word and or language that can be easily understood. where words used can be misunderstood or ambiguous, define them in the context of the survey/project.
    3. Where codes are used/ to be used explain them
    4. Always pre test the tool and revise it to include all the issues that could have come up in the pretest
    5. Always train the team(s) going to use the tool
    6. Attach a detailed instruction sheet explaining how the tool is to be used. Also specific instruction can also be attached to specific questions where necessary.

    “Great work, @jkurama Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?”.

  • Course Facilitator

    @rugashoborora said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Keeping the tool simple by focusing on collecting essential information

    @rugashoborora yes it is true, don't let essential information be lost in the complexity or ambiguity of your language...Make the tool plain and simple....Happy Learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @belindamndebele2 said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    I am very impressed with all the data collection methods that i have learned about, they were actually helpful in terms of improving the systems in the organization that i am working in. I have cove to realize that collecting data in an organization is very important because it helps us to keep track of the progress of our work and to be able to account on everything that happens. as well as checking whether the people we are servicing are satisfied with our work and the services that we are providing for them.

    to ensure that the data collection method we use is easier to everyone we will request that our field workers be the ones who will go to the field and fill in the forms and explain to people while they do that to avoid confusion.

    the tips that i would give other learners is to at least employ officials that are multi lingual, that would be able to explain to the communities or individuals whom they will be conducting data from on what are the forms all about and why they are filling them in.

    @belindamndebele2 A robust post from a learning learner, kudos.... i am particularly impressed just like any other learners with the suggestion of hiring multi-lingual professionals for data collection tasks

  • Course Facilitator

    @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    @shadreckchizukuzuku Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?”.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @NaluwoozaWinnie said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to create tool that are simple and easy to understand is to ensure that the users of the data collection tool are well versed with the variety of cultural norms, beliefs and taboos of the people constituting the study population. The range from appearance, conduct, approach, and respect.This great affects response to posed questions and perception of the project staff when collecting data no matter the person's level of education, training or language fluency.

    @NaluwoozaWinnie Thanks for your articulated contribution which is full of useful tips to consider in designing a data collection tool especially the cultural perspectives and variations.....keep learning!!!

  • @Dmegastar said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    @shadreckchizukuzuku Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?”.

    @Dmegastar I work for a school meals organization and we use these types of tools to collect enrollments and attendance. We use the teachers to collect this data.

    1 Reply
    • Before preparing a Tool, It is better to understand who will use this tool and for whom this tool has been prepared.
    • Language used in the tool should be user friendly
    • And the tool should be prepared with simple objective based questions, so that the user should not get confused.
      I get to know the importance of the use of user friendly language through peer’s comments
    1 Reply
    • prepare the tool in the language( if possible) the users are comfortable with, otherwise please ensure that the instructions are given in the language the users are fluent in

    • Ensure that there will one person responsible to answer any queries raised by users and users should have that persons contact number. Moreover, the responsible person should have acquaintance with the users. So that, if no queries come, the responsible person can get back to the users regularly to find that every thing is running smoothly

    1 Reply
  • When creating data collection tool, always ensure that is as simple yet versatile enough to collected as more information as possible. The tool should easily understood and used well by the intended users. The wording should not be complex or ambiguous in nature, straight forward words would suffice. Also the level of education of the intended users of your tool should be put into consideration that way you are likely to design a simple and easy to understand tool.

  • When designing a data collection tool, always try to make it simple yet versatile to collect as much information as possible. Avoid complex and ambiguous wordings that would would bring a lot of misinterpretation. Also try to know the leve of education of the intended users of the tool, this would necessitate a creation of a user friendly tool.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @KOPJ said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    Thats a good one, @shadreckchizukuzuku Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please do well to share with us
    ...............................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

    Thats a good one @shadreckchizukuzuku
    Nice initiative by your organisation, engaging the teachers in the skul make it easier and better since they are used to the target population

  • Course Facilitator

    @Jotieno said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    When designing a data collection tool, always try to make it simple yet versatile to collect as much information as possible. Avoid complex and ambiguous wordings that would would bring a lot of misinterpretation. Also try to know the leve of education of the intended users of the tool, this would necessitate a creation of a user friendly tool.

    Nice piece of advice here, @Jotieno
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please feel free to share with us

  • Course Facilitator

    @Pallabi_Seth said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    • prepare the tool in the language( if possible) the users are comfortable with, otherwise please ensure that the instructions are given in the language the users are fluent in

    • Ensure that there will one person responsible to answer any queries raised by users and users should have that persons contact number. Moreover, the responsible person should have acquaintance with the users. So that, if no queries come, the responsible person can get back to the users regularly to find that every thing is running smoothly

    Great work, @Pallabi_Seth monitoring work progress is very important
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please do well to share more with us

  • Course Facilitator

    @somenath said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    • Before preparing a Tool, It is better to understand who will use this tool and for whom this tool has been prepared.
    • Language used in the tool should be user friendly
    • And the tool should be prepared with simple objective based questions, so that the user should not get confused.
      I get to know the importance of the use of user friendly language through peer’s comments

    Great work, @somenath knowing your audience before hand is key to preparing your data tools effectively
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please do well to share with us
    .......................................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    One way to create tools that are simple to use is by ensuring that the user understand the meaning of each tool as well as corresponding abbreviations.

  • Course Facilitator

    @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Dmegastar said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @shadreckchizukuzuku said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Use simple language and always have the level of competence of the intended user in mind when creating a tool. If you have time, have one of the intended user participate in trying of the new tool.

    @shadreckchizukuzuku Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools?”.

    @Dmegastar I work for a school meals organization and we use these types of tools to collect enrollments and attendance. We use the teachers to collect this data.

    @shadreckchizukuzuku now the application of your knowledge of M&E as its realtes to data collection tools is clear to all learners now...keep laving a wonderful learning time!

  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is through use of simple language that can be easily understood.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    One way of to create data collecting tools that are simple too use is make sure that the tool answers the questions; what?, who?, how often?, by whom? and can we do it?
    The tip I would give to other learners is for creating tools is to keep the tools as simple as possible.

    I found the tip by APOSTLEDAVL58 on keeping the language simple very useful.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    One way to create tools that are simple is:

    1. The tool should be simple and interpreted in the respondent language for easy understanding.
    2. The tool should be pre-tested among a similar group of participants, this will enable one to check if the tools correctly measured the objectives to be accessed
    1 Reply
  • One way to create tools that are easy to use is to use simple language

    1 Reply
  • By using simplified words or concept the user can easily comprehend.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to test the tools before implementation.

    1 Reply
  • @jacklineburudi said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way way to create a simple tool is by clearly stating your problem from which a good logical frame developed with the specific objective at each level .From that its easy to develop a data collection tool as you you exactly know the information needed to answer the question.Use simple or basic language

    Using simple or basic language is key

  • Course Facilitator

    How would the creation of a data collection that is very easy to use, even for the near-illiterate not impact positively on the outcome of your M&E? Please offer tips on how such easy data collection tools could be designed. Module 4 of our M&E studies is moving forward gradually. Please let us all do the needful.

  • I will do that by applying the 5 tips for creating data collection tools..I will also make it as simple as possible the local language well understood and read y majority of the participants/residents the area

    1 Reply
  • For an effective data collection tool consider the following factor target group education background, social and cultural norms

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to Use simple simple English or the language being used should be easily understood by the participants. I dentify which field is more important.

    1 Reply
  • @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to go in-depth description of the process with a simple language. We should use simple but informative form that will be designed according to the project indicators.

    1 Reply
  • A data collecting tool should be user friendly:
    -simple language
    -use of common symbols
    -in a table format to guide where to fill
    -have clear instructions
    -should not be congested

    1 Reply
  • Ask direct questions that are easy to comprehend and answer by the respondents.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    It is good to learn new things. It is a lot better to upgrade or update someone else with the knowledge that you have. Give tips to your contemporaries in this course by sharing ideas on how to create data collection tools that will be easy to use, thereby enhancing the data collection process. Make your contributions now if you have not done so before. Time and tide wait for no man (or woman)

  • Course Facilitator

    @dasu said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Ask direct questions that are easy to comprehend and answer by the respondents.

    Nice one @dasu
    Please what type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please feel free to share more with us

  • Course Facilitator

    @TyroMokgoare said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    A data collecting tool should be user friendly:
    -simple language
    -use of common symbols
    -in a table format to guide where to fill
    -have clear instructions
    -should not be congested

    Woww thats a good number of relevant tips there
    @TyroMokgoare Great work
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools. What type of organization do you work for and how do you use these types of tools? please feel free to share more with us

  • Course Facilitator

    @SophiePutkaradze said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    Respond to this prompt after completing the content in Module 4.

    How can you make sure that you are creating data collection tools that your users will be able to use easily?

    What tips would you offer other learners for creating tools that even users with low levels of education, training, language fluency can use?

    After you have given some advice, read your peer’s comments. Which tip do you find the most useful or important? Respond to this tip.

    Sample Post: One way to to create tools that are simple to use is ________________ .

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to go in-depth description of the process with a simple language. We should use simple but informative form that will be designed according to the project indicators.

    Keeping it simple helps to carry everyone along whether scholar or non-scholar
    Thats sure a good piece of advice there @SophiePutkaradze Great work
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools.
    .................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @oolacosmas said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to Use simple simple English or the language being used should be easily understood by the participants. I dentify which field is more important.

    Nice one @oolacosmas and thanks for sharing your creative ideas for data collection tools
    Please feel free to ask any Question relative to the course or others my team and I are here to assist.
    Feel free to tag me as @KOPJ and I will respond as soon as I can
    ..........................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @oyiersilvia said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    For an effective data collection tool consider the following factor target group education background, social and cultural norms

    An in depth knowledge of the target audience/population is always a major Game changer for effective data collection.
    Great job and thanks for sharing @oyiersilvia
    .........................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @Alenzymes said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    I will do that by applying the 5 tips for creating data collection tools..I will also make it as simple as possible the local language well understood and read y majority of the participants/residents the area

    Simplicity is always an asset in data collection
    Great job @Alenzymes and thanks for sharing
    Do you have any other tips you will like to share? or a Question on a particular issue please feel free to post it here.
    ......................................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • Course Facilitator

    @GermanMore said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    @Course_Operations said in Module 4 Discussion: Creating Data Collection Tools:

    One way to to create tools that are simple to use is to test the tools before implementation.

    Thats a good one @GermanMore thanks for sharing
    Do you have any other tips you will like to share with us? please feel free to do so here
    .........................................................................................................................................................................Happy learning

  • One way is to emphasis on clarity in what is on the form, keeping the language simple, concise and precise. The information should be basic and familiar among the users to make sure they can complete it accurately. Furthermore sufficient training and coaching should be given to the data collectors.

    1 Reply
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