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  • How to manage sensitive data with our team ?

  • Gerenciar dados em um programa é uma parte crítica do desenvolvimento de software, pois envolve a organização, armazenamento, manipulação e recuperação de informações relevantes para o funcionamento do sistema. considerações importantes sobre o gerenciamento de dados em programas:

    Modelagem de Dados: Antes de começar a escrever código, é essencial compreender os tipos de dados que o programa precisa manipular e como eles se relacionam entre si. Isso muitas vezes é feito por meio de modelagem de dados, que pode envolver a criação de diagramas de entidade-relacionamento (ER), diagramas de classe, ou outros modelos.

    Armazenamento de Dados: Os dados podem ser armazenados em uma variedade de locais, incluindo bancos de dados relacionais, bancos de dados NoSQL, arquivos locais, serviços de armazenamento em nuvem, entre outros. A escolha do local de armazenamento depende dos requisitos do programa, como escalabilidade, desempenho, segurança e integridade dos dados.

    Manipulação de Dados: A manipulação de dados envolve realizar operações como adicionar, modificar, recuperar e excluir informações armazenadas. Isso geralmente é feito por meio de consultas em bancos de dados, chamadas de API para serviços externos, ou manipulação de estruturas de dados locais.

    Segurança de Dados: É fundamental proteger os dados do programa contra acessos não autorizados, corrupção e perda. Isso pode envolver a criptografia de dados sensíveis, implementação de controles de acesso baseados em funções (RBAC), e práticas de segurança de rede para proteger dados em trânsito.

    Integridade de Dados: Garantir a integridade dos dados significa que as informações armazenadas são precisas e consistentes. Isso pode ser alcançado por meio de restrições de integridade em bancos de dados, validação de entrada de dados, transações atômicas e técnicas de backup e recuperação.

    Gerenciamento de Memória: Em linguagens de programação de baixo nível, como C e C++, é importante gerenciar manualmente a alocação e desalocação de memória para evitar vazamentos de memória e corrupção de dados. Em linguagens de programação de alto nível, como Python e Java, o gerenciamento de memória é geralmente tratado pelo sistema de execução.

    Desempenho: O desempenho do programa pode ser impactado pelo gerenciamento de dados, especialmente em operações que envolvem grandes volumes de informações. É importante otimizar consultas de banco de dados, minimizar o número de operações de entrada/saída (I/O), e utilizar estruturas de dados eficientes para garantir um desempenho adequado.

    Escalabilidade: À medida que o programa cresce e o volume de dados aumenta, é importante projetar uma solução que seja escalável e possa lidar com o aumento da carga de trabalho. Isso pode envolver a distribuição de dados em vários servidores, o uso de caches para reduzir a latência e o dimensionamento horizontal dos recursos de armazenamento e computação.

  • Gerenciar dados em um programa é uma parte crítica do desenvolvimento de software, pois envolve a organização, armazenamento, manipulação e recuperação de informações relevantes para o funcionamento do sistema. considerações importantes sobre o gerenciamento de dados em programas:

    Modelagem de Dados: Antes de começar a escrever código, é essencial compreender os tipos de dados que o programa precisa manipular e como eles se relacionam entre si. Isso muitas vezes é feito por meio de modelagem de dados, que pode envolver a criação de diagramas de entidade-relacionamento (ER), diagramas de classe, ou outros modelos.

    Armazenamento de Dados: Os dados podem ser armazenados em uma variedade de locais, incluindo bancos de dados relacionais, bancos de dados NoSQL, arquivos locais, serviços de armazenamento em nuvem, entre outros. A escolha do local de armazenamento depende dos requisitos do programa, como escalabilidade, desempenho, segurança e integridade dos dados.

    Manipulação de Dados: A manipulação de dados envolve realizar operações como adicionar, modificar, recuperar e excluir informações armazenadas. Isso geralmente é feito por meio de consultas em bancos de dados, chamadas de API para serviços externos, ou manipulação de estruturas de dados locais.

    Segurança de Dados: É fundamental proteger os dados do programa contra acessos não autorizados, corrupção e perda. Isso pode envolver a criptografia de dados sensíveis, implementação de controles de acesso baseados em funções (RBAC), e práticas de segurança de rede para proteger dados em trânsito.

    Integridade de Dados: Garantir a integridade dos dados significa que as informações armazenadas são precisas e consistentes. Isso pode ser alcançado por meio de restrições de integridade em bancos de dados, validação de entrada de dados, transações atômicas e técnicas de backup e recuperação.

    Gerenciamento de Memória: Em linguagens de programação de baixo nível, como C e C++, é importante gerenciar manualmente a alocação e desalocação de memória para evitar vazamentos de memória e corrupção de dados. Em linguagens de programação de alto nível, como Python e Java, o gerenciamento de memória é geralmente tratado pelo sistema de execução.

    Desempenho: O desempenho do programa pode ser impactado pelo gerenciamento de dados, especialmente em operações que envolvem grandes volumes de informações. É importante otimizar consultas de banco de dados, minimizar o número de operações de entrada/saída (I/O), e utilizar estruturas de dados eficientes para garantir um desempenho adequado.

    Escalabilidade: À medida que o programa cresce e o volume de dados aumenta, é importante projetar uma solução que seja escalável e possa lidar com o aumento da carga de trabalho. Isso pode envolver a distribuição de dados em vários servidores, o uso de caches para reduzir a latência e o dimensionamento horizontal dos recursos de armazenamento e computação.

  • gerenciamento de dados. Aqui estão algumas delas:

    Coleta de Dados: Como os dados serão coletados? Isso pode incluir fontes como sensores, bancos de dados, arquivos de log, mídias sociais, entre outros.

    Armazenamento de Dados: Onde os dados serão armazenados? Isso pode ser em sistemas de armazenamento locais, em nuvem ou em uma combinação de ambos. A escolha do sistema de armazenamento pode depender dos requisitos de segurança, acesso e escalabilidade.

    Segurança de Dados: Como os dados serão protegidos contra acessos não autorizados, violações de segurança ou perda de dados? Isso pode envolver criptografia, controles de acesso, backups regulares e conformidade com regulamentações de proteção de dados, como GDPR, CCPA, entre outras.

    Qualidade dos Dados: Como garantir que os dados sejam precisos, completos e consistentes? Isso pode exigir a implementação de processos de limpeza, padronização e validação de dados.

    Integração de Dados: Como os dados serão integrados de diferentes fontes e formatos? Isso pode envolver o uso de ferramentas de integração de dados, como ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) ou ELT (Extract, Load, Transform).

    Acesso aos Dados: Quem terá acesso aos dados e como esse acesso será gerenciado? Isso pode envolver a definição de políticas de acesso, controle de permissões e auditoria de acesso.

    Análise de Dados: Como os dados serão analisados para obter insights e tomar decisões informadas? Isso pode envolver a utilização de técnicas de análise de dados, como mineração de dados, aprendizado de máquina e inteligência artificial.

    Governança de Dados: Como os dados serão gerenciados ao longo do tempo para garantir sua qualidade, segurança e conformidade contínuas? Isso pode envolver a implementação de políticas, procedimentos e diretrizes de governança de dados.

  • during project implementation ,its important for all project teams lead by the M&E focal person important data mangemnt questions relating to data collection, collation and entry, data analysis and use.
    answering this questions ensures that all the team members understand the purpose of data in the project, and how it will be used as well as their responsibility in ensuring provision of complete and reliable data

  • You could develop data collection tools using ODK or Kobo collect

  • Data management questions are inquiries that focus on the organization, storage, processing, and security of data throughout its lifecycle. These questions help ensure that data is handled in a way that is accurate, secure, and compliant with relevant policies and regulations. Here are some common data management questions:

    Data Collection:

    How is data collected, and what methods are used?
    Are there standardized procedures for data collection?
    What tools or instruments are employed in data collection?
    Data Quality:

    How is data quality ensured during the collection process?
    Are there validation checks in place to identify and correct errors?
    What measures are taken to address missing or incomplete data?
    Data Storage:

    Where and how is data stored?
    Is there a centralized database, and what is the structure?
    What security measures are in place to protect stored data?
    Data Accessibility:

    Who has access to the data?
    Are access permissions defined based on roles and responsibilities?
    How is sensitive or confidential information handled?
    Data Processing:

    What procedures are followed for data processing and analysis?
    Are there protocols for transforming raw data into usable formats?
    How are outliers or anomalies addressed during processing?
    Data Retention:

    What is the retention period for collected data?
    Are there policies for archiving or deleting data when it is no longer needed?
    How is historical data managed over time?
    Data Sharing:

    Is there a process for sharing data within the organization or with external partners?
    What measures are taken to protect privacy and confidentiality when sharing data?
    Are there data sharing agreements in place?
    Data Security:

    How is data security ensured to prevent unauthorized access or breaches?
    Are encryption and other security measures in place?
    What contingency plans exist for data recovery in case of a security incident?
    Data Compliance:

    Is data management compliant with relevant regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)?
    Are there policies in place to ensure ethical data handling?
    How is informed consent obtained and documented?
    Data Governance:

    Is there a formal data governance structure in place?
    Who is responsible for overseeing data management practices?
    How are data management policies communicated and enforced?

  • very good lesson

  • When it comes to data management, there are several important questions that organizations need to consider. Here are some discussion points:

    1. Data Collection Methods: What methods will be used to collect data? Will it be through surveys, interviews, observations, or a combination of these? How will the chosen methods align with the project's goals and target population?

    2. Data Quality Assurance: How will the organization ensure the quality of the collected data? What measures will be put in place to minimize errors, biases, and inconsistencies? Who will be responsible for data validation and verification?

    3. Data Storage and Security: Where will the collected data be stored? Will it be on cloud-based platforms, local servers, or both? How will the organization ensure data security and confidentiality, especially when dealing with sensitive information?

    4. Data Access and Sharing: Who will have access to the collected data? How will access be managed and restricted to authorized personnel only? What protocols will be in place for sharing data with external stakeholders or collaborators?

    5. Data Analysis and Interpretation: How will the collected data be analyzed and interpreted to derive meaningful insights? What analytical tools or software will be used? Who will be responsible for conducting data analysis, and how will the results be communicated to stakeholders?

    6. Data Retention and Archiving: How long will the organization retain the collected data? What criteria will be used to determine which data should be archived for future reference? How will archived data be stored and accessed in the long term?

    7. Data Ethics and Compliance: What ethical considerations need to be taken into account when collecting, storing, and using data? How will the organization ensure compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA?

    8. Data Governance and Oversight: Who will be responsible for overseeing the organization's data management processes? How will data governance policies be developed and implemented to ensure accountability and transparency?

    By discussing these questions, organizations can develop robust data management strategies that support their M&E efforts and ultimately contribute to the success of their projects.

  • The Data Management process is very critical in every project, from data collection, data entry, data organization, data analysis to data use . It has to be clear, accurate and precise as it affects the decision making.
    Its complex yet so interesting in a way that a raw material can produce such great data that can be stored for future reference.
    Bravo!!!! to the team that took time to come up with this great course that has helped most of us to come up with an M&E plan.

  • The Data Management process is very critical in every project, from data collection, data entry, data organization, data analysis to data use . It has to be clear, accurate and precise as it affects the decision making.
    Its complex yet so interesting in a way that a raw material can produce such great data that can be stored for future reference.
    Bravo!!!! to the team that took time to come up with this great course that has helped most of us to come up with an M&E plan.

  • It brings out points on how to manage data and also stipulates the stages of Data management

    This is the step that we have already explored. Data from the project are collected using a variety of data collection methods and tools.

    After data are collected, they are entered into a data system. Your system might be a digital database, an Excel spreadsheet, or a filing system in the central office. This is usually the moment when data are organized. For example, all of the responses to a single question might be grouped together. This process of grouping similar data together is known as collation. Collation will make data analysis much simpler. If you are using a digital data collection tool, data entry and collation may happen automatically.

    Once data are in the data system, they can be analyzed, verified and stored. Data analysis is an extremely complex subject, and we will not have time to discuss it properly in this course. Generally speaking, however, data analysis means using data to answer questions and to reach conclusions. Many different people will probably participate in data analysis. For example, your project team will analyze some data to make monitoring decisions, while your evaluation team will analyze other data when conducting evaluations.

    Data also need to be regularly verified. This ensures that data are being accurately collected.

    Additionally, data need to be stored. Most data should be stored for the duration of the entire project. After the project is completed, some of this data will be stored for future use. This process is sometimes called archiving. You should be thoughtful about which data are archived, and ensure that they are stored securely.

    Eventually, data are put to some use. Some of the ways that data are commonly used include:

    Creating reports

    Communicating outcomes to the community

    Making project management decisions

    Helping to design future projects

    This is just a partial list of the many ways that data can be used. It is important to plan for data use from the beginning of your project. Many organizations collect lots of data but do not use very much of it. That is why we’ll spend some time today thinking about how your project will use data.

    Most data will go through these steps, although not necessarily in this order. Your data management process will probably be much more complex than the four-step process that you have just read. In the next section, you will have a chance to decide how your team will manage data.

    As you may have noticed, many of the steps that we have just described are, such as data analysis or data verification, are complex, challenging subjects that probably deserve their own courses. Additionally, ensuring data security throughout the process is an enormously important issue, and is difficult to do well. It is beyond the scope of this course to give helpful advice on all of these topics. However, we hope that this overview gives you an idea of the types of tasks that your team will be responsible for completing.

    As we continue through this module, you will begin making some decisions related to these subjects. However, as you do this, keep in mind that these are complex subjects that we have not had the time to fully explore.

  • As the data management is the final stage of monitoring and evalutation, many efforts should put in to finalize the project. It is important to organize the steps in the process and that every staff should follow the instructions and finish one's task at the allocated time.

  • Understanding data management processes is crucial in today's digital age. It's the backbone of efficient decision-making, ensuring data accuracy, security, and accessibility. Without proper data management, businesses risk inefficiency, errors, and compromised insights. Embracing data management processes empowers organizations to harness the full potential of their data assets, driving innovation and strategic growth.

    Therefore this module has equipped me with the necessary skills to enhance developmental activities through proper management of data.

  • Data Collection:

    What data is needed to effectively respond to the crisis? (food needs, shelter requirements, medical conditions)
    Who will collect the data? (trained personnel, community members)
    How will data be collected? (surveys, interviews, mobile applications)
    How will informed consent be obtained, especially for sensitive data?
    What are the ethical considerations around data collection in a crisis situation? (privacy, vulnerability)
    Data Quality and Management:

    How will data be ensured to be accurate, complete, and reliable? (data validation, cleaning procedures)
    What tools and platforms will be used to store and manage the data securely?
    Who will have access to the data and for what purposes? (data access protocols)
    How will data be anonymized or pseudonymized to protect privacy if needed?
    Data Analysis and Use:

    How will the data be analyzed to inform decision-making? (data visualization tools, reporting formats)
    How will the data be shared with other stakeholders (affected communities, other aid organizations)? (data sharing agreements)
    What are the potential risks of data misuse or manipulation? (data security measures)
    Additional Considerations:

    What is the existing data landscape in the affected area? (government records, previous needs assessments)
    What are the technological limitations in the affected area? (limited internet access, lack of devices)
    How will data management practices be culturally sensitive and inclusive? (considerations for language, communication methods

  • Data management includes the collection, entry, analysis, verification , storage and use. its very important to define the tools to be used clearly , know there purposes. assign responsibilites to the different stakeholders that will be involved in the process. collation of data is key to make data analysis clear and simple.
    data collected has different uses to the different stakeholders , helps in creating reports, communicating outcomes to the people about what should be done or improved. helps project managers in decision making aswell as easing future projects as they have a backup on the data aswell as easing their design.
    each stakeholder in the data management process have roles and responsibilities to fulfill. as field officers will be collecting the data , project managers have to present the data to the directors and the organisation as these must inform the donors about the projects activities, outcomes and impacts.

  • Data management encompasses the procedures and technologies utilized to collect, store, organize, and uphold data, ensuring its accuracy, accessibility, reliability, and security throughout its lifecycle, from inception to elimination.

    1 Reply
  • When managing data, it's essential to consider:

    Accuracy: Ensuring the data's correctness and reliability for trustworthy decision-making.

    Accessibility: Making sure authorized users can easily access needed data to support operations.

    Reliability: Establishing consistent systems for accurate data delivery, fostering trust.

    Security: Implementing measures to protect data from breaches and comply with regulations.

    Compliance: Adhering to legal requirements to avoid legal issues and protect privacy rights.

    Privacy: Handling personal data ethically to prevent misuse or unauthorized disclosure.

    Efficiency: Streamlining processes to deliver accurate data promptly while minimizing costs.

    Scalability: Creating systems that can grow without sacrificing performance.

    Data Governance: Defining clear roles and policies for consistent data management.

    Data Lifecycle Management: Planning for data from creation to disposal, optimizing resources.

    Data Quality: Implementing controls for reliable data analysis and decision-making.

    Disaster Recovery: Creating plans for data availability during emergencies.

  • we need to ask ourselves several questions in relation to data management
    take look at some of these questions;
    Data Collection and Storage:

    What kind of information are we gathering, and where is it coming from?
    Where exactly are we keeping all this information?
    Do we have enough space to keep more as we grow?

    Data Quality and Integrity:
    How can we be sure the information we have is accurate and reliable?
    Are we regularly checking our data to make sure it's still good?
    What do we do if we find mistakes in our data?

    Data Security and Privacy:
    Who gets to see our information, and how do we stop others from peeking?
    Are we following the rules about keeping people's private stuff safe?
    What if someone asks us to see what we know about them?

    Data Accessibility and Governance:
    How easy is it for people to find the information they need?
    Who's in charge of making sure our information is used properly?
    What happens if someone wants to use the data in a way we hadn't thought of?

    Data Lifecycle Management:
    What do we do with our information from the moment we get it to when we don't need it anymore?
    How do we decide when it's time to get rid of something?
    Can we save money by being smarter about when we keep and when we toss stuff?

    Data Analysis and Utilization:
    How can we learn interesting things from all the information we have?
    What tools do we use to figure out what our data is telling us?
    Are we learning things that help our company do better?

    Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity:
    What's our plan for when things go really wrong and we can't get to our data?
    Can we make copies of our important stuff so we don't lose everything if something bad happens?
    How quickly can we get back to normal after something bad happens?

    Data Ethics and Compliance:
    Are we doing the right thing with people's information?
    What do we do if we think something we're doing with data might not be fair or right?
    Do we make sure we're following the rules about how we're supposed to handle data?

  • By following these simple steps, you can take better care of your data and use it to help your business grow.
    Set Clear Goals: Start by figuring out what you want to achieve with your data. Do you want it to be accurate, safe, or easy to find?

    Take a Good Look at Your Data: Look at what kind of information you have and where it's kept. See if there are any problems with it, like mistakes or places where it's not safe.

    Make Rules Everyone Understands: Decide on rules for how data should be handled. Make sure everyone knows what they are supposed to do with it.

    Keep Your Data Safe: Put locks on your data to keep it safe from bad guys. Check regularly to make sure no one has broken in.

    Keep Your Data Clean: Clean up your data regularly to get rid of any mistakes or stuff you don't need anymore.

    Store Your Data Wisely: Keep your data in the right place so you can find it when you need it. Use special places like clouds or warehouses to keep it safe and organized.

    Make Your Data Work Together: Make sure all your data can talk to each other nicely so you can use it all together.

    Look After Your Data from Start to Finish: Decide how long you need to keep your data and when it's time to say goodbye.

    Use Your Data to Help You: Use special tools to look at your data and find out interesting things that can help you make better decisions.

    Keep Checking on Your Data: Keep an eye on your data to make sure it's still safe and clean. Fix any problems you find.

    Teach Everyone About Data: Make sure everyone knows what to do with data and how to keep it safe.

    Be Ready to Change: Be ready to change your plans if something new comes up or if you find a better way to do things.

  • Thanks for the rundown

  • A Data Collection tool is a tool( form) created base on mainly your "Indicator Document"..
    In this way, it makes it easier to monitor and evaluate your project; the input, output, outcome and impact leaves.
    Meanwhile, your form should be as simple as possible, spelling out how the form can be filled and by whom.

  • It's understandable to this point.

  • It is the process of inputting the data, cleaning, analysis and reporting.

  • Data management includes all processes for collecting, storing, organizing, accessing, analyzing and using data. This involves many roles and responsibilities. During data flow mapping, its good to develop a series of questions that will help identify whose role and responsibility it would from the time the data is collected until it is used. These are called data management questions.
    On data collection, you need to ask; Who will collect data for every tool? who will ensure data quality for every tool?
    On data entry and collation, ask; Who will entre data? who will collate data? where will the data be entered?
    On data analysis, verification and storage, ask; Who will analyze data? how often will data be verified and by who? who will decide what data to get archived after the project ends? who will archive the data?
    On data use, ask; Who prepares reports? who sends reports? who prepares other data products like the monthly summaries? who will use the data to make project decisions?

  • Data flow map is very helpful to help clarify data management process, as it helps to think about how roles, processes, and tools might interact. Data flow map also ensures the 4 steps of data management processes (Data Collection, Data Entry and Collation, Data Analysis, Verification and Storage, and Data Use) are duly followed, thereby making data management easier and effective.

  • Is there a need to train team members on the roles assigned?

  • How data management will be handled

  • Social project

  • These are question that relate to the management of data, for example: who will collect data, who will analyse it?, What data collection methods will be used? what data collection methods will be used?

  • Data management is important for every project. From data collection, data cleaning, data analysis and report writing as this is very vital to the success of every project. Identifying key roles and responsibility and key reports that would be generated or prepared during the project.

  • I really appreciated the data flow map!

  • know how to manage data

  • Data management is a chain of processes involved in the handling of data from the point of collection to the point of use.
    It involves data collection, data storage, data analysis and data use. Proper data management enables the optimal use of data for the implementation of programmes and policy development and avoids data wastage. Assigning roles and responsibilities helps to streamline the process.

  • Certainly! Here are some example questions related to data management:

    What are the sources of our data, and how reliable are they?
    How do we ensure data quality and integrity throughout its lifecycle?
    What protocols do we have in place for data storage, backup, and security?
    How do we handle data access and permissions to ensure appropriate levels of confidentiality and privacy?
    What procedures are in place for data cleaning, transformation, and normalization?
    How do we manage metadata to provide context and facilitate data discovery and understanding?
    What measures do we have in place to comply with data regulations and standards relevant to our organization or industry?
    How often do we conduct data audits or assessments to evaluate our data management processes and practices?
    What strategies do we employ for data archiving and retention, considering legal, regulatory, and business requirements?
    How do we handle data sharing and collaboration internally and externally while safeguarding sensitive information?
    What tools and technologies do we use for data management, and are they sufficient for our current and future needs?
    How do we monitor and track data usage, trends, and patterns to inform decision-making and improve processes?
    What training and education programs are in place to ensure staff understand and adhere to data management best practices?
    How do we communicate and document data management policies, procedures, and guidelines across the organization?
    What contingency plans do we have in place for data breaches, disasters, or other unforeseen events that could impact data integrity or availability?

  • Data management is a key to one project's success. But what to do when, since the beginning, there were lies from the answerers (when it's about a survey, as example)?

  • In the modern world, data collection is done electronically and therefore eliminating the need for "data entry and collating". As a project manager, championing the use of electronic data acquisition techniques and platforms would be beneficial in cutting down the project costs (of one uses free tools) as well as reducing errors in data more so if the tool has skip routing (logical skipping). Some of the platforms that one can take advantage of include SurveyCTO, ODK, LimeSurvey, SurveyToGo among others.

  • Data is very important to make decision making. Also, we need to ensure the data protection policy all level at our program. Once we collect the data to sending the report to donor all the project responsibilities were taken by different people at different level so every staff need to play their role in responsible manner inorder to shows our progress through our donor report and provide project insight to our community.

  • The purpose of this discussion was to explore various aspects of data management within our group and identify areas for improvement, ensuring everyone understands the importance of effective data management and gathering ideas for enhancement. We began by defining data and its significance for our activities. Participants shared the types of data they use or need, offering insights into our data requirements. We discussed storage methods, highlighting challenges like accessibility and organization. The importance of data security was emphasized, along with strategies for ensuring accuracy and reliability. Relevant regulations were touched upon, and ideas were shared for streamlining data request handling. Participants acknowledged the importance of regular backups and discussed future goals for data management, including improving accessibility, enhancing security, and implementing better validation processes.

  • It is crucial that we know the data management processes. We should identify roles and responsibilities of different team members in terms of managing our data.

  • Data Management has always been incredibly daunting to me both academically and professionally. How do people go about picking their teams and delegating? Are team leaders usually self-elected?

  • In measurement and evaluation (M&E), effective data management is crucial for ensuring that accurate, reliable, and timely information is collected, analyzed, and utilized to assess the performance, impact, and outcomes of programs or interventions.

  • which tools will be use to collect data. Who will collect data. Who will enter and use data.What is the goal of data management.

  • It seems that data management is everybody's work in the organisation.

  • Data management questions involves:

    • What are the responsibilities, the task that will need to be completed.
    • Who are the people who will take on these responsibilities & what are their roles.
  • It seems that data management is everybody's work in the organisation.

  • the most important step

  • the most important step

  • In my experience I have seen that if we have small team sizes, then the roles and responsibilities may be a lot for a few of the team members. We may have to evaluate bringing in interns or others to help the process and ensure that data collected may be accurate.

  • The person that you give the role for collecting and reviewing the sensitive data, would need to be someone you trust. But it would also be best to get them to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure that if there is misuse of the sensitive data, they can be held accountable.

  • Not sure why Data Collection is not part of the Data Management Design.

  • Is data flow mapping important for timeline?

  • There are more than one report produced based on the data collected. And one of the data collection tool is 'activity report' which is made after an activity (training/workshop/meeting) is conducted. It needs another step to integrate the data from the activity report into the data base. Or is it included in the data collation?

  • Effective data management, when ensured leads to better decision-making, enhanced security, and improved operational efficiency.

  • In managing data, one takes into account of methods of data collection and frequency, data storage methods and their security. Data should be accurate and well maintained. Data laws and standards should be followed. Data should be used ethically taking into account of the privacy and concents of all concerned.

  • Understanding data management processes is crucial in today's digital age. It's the backbone of efficient decision-making, ensuring data accuracy, security, and accessibility. Without proper data management, businesses risk inefficiency, errors, and compromised insights. Embracing data management processes empowers organizations to harness the full potential of their data assets, driving innovation and strategic growth.

    Therefore learning all these data management skills has equipped me with the necessary skills to facilitate developmental activities through proper data management strategies.

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