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  • In my perspective from the content in this section, M&E help organization to measure the achievements of their objectives in the project that is being undertaking through help of data collected in the course of project implementations. In this way the project remains on track.

  • Following what i have read so far, i think that M&E is very essential to every project's success, however, i look forward to know when is it a good time to start planning M&E for a project. Before the project starts?, or midway into the project?

  • M&E plan is also used to account for the beneficiaries and stakeholders in addition to the data capturing

  • 1.Firstly M&E ensures that organization and individuals are held accountable for their actions and outcomes. it helps in tracking progress and identifying responsible parties. It assesses the effectiveness of programs, projects, and policies by measuring their impact on intended outcomes.

    1 Reply
  • M&E helps a project team to assess how the project is going on. It is important to know the project is achieving its goal.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is the heart of each and every program. The M&E measure the lifestyle of the programme. In other words he or she checks the performance of the programme. Therefore, offers guidance if the staff is nor achieving the objectives of the programme.

  • I think it is important every organization have a detailed plan for its project, otherwise there is no know direction as to where to start and what to do next. Most projects fails because they do not have a either an M&E plan or a good one to start with.

  • M&E helps the project team track the progress of their project.

  • Measure the progress of the project. Track the project to ensure it aligns to its project objectives, timely implemented, and within the budget. Measure impact (effectiveness), relevance and efficiency at the end of the project.

  • M andE is important to help guide decision making inn an organisation

  • M&E enables good decision-making as well as identifying lapses that can be addressed to make improvement

  • M&E is really important especially for beginner firms and projects

  • M&E is very important for organisations or even individuals in such a way that they are able to know where they are headed with a project thus reducing on resource wasting.

    1 Reply
  • In my group discussion, I have noted that M&E plans are indispensable for organizations and projects. It offers accountability, performance improvement, and resource optimization. They inform strategic decision-making, foster adaptability, and enhance stakeholder communication. By demonstrating impact, they attract funding and support, while also serving as a risk management tool. M&E plans maintain accountability to beneficiaries, promote evidence-based decision-making, and play a pivotal role in program effectiveness, making them essential for organizational success, impact assessment, and efficient resource allocation.

  • It is clear that both organisations wants do to a good course in the communities but the issue is how they will see the impact of the project. The project is important it manages to help as many people as possible and shows growth and impact.
    The M&E practitioner has a responsibility to ensure that there are tools to collect quality data. The data collection process should be monitored. The M&E practitioner should also clarify the organisation goals and that the data collected should meet those goals. M&E practitioner ensures that resources to collect data is being used effectively to make the program as effective as possible and to be able to report about the program.

  • it was outstanding

  • good and Useful for us

  • it was so useful

  • The Importance of M&E include:

    • It allows for adaptation of programs to improve decision-making and project implementation

    • It provides critical information on effectiveness, efficiency and impact of project interventions

    • It facilitates for transparency and accountability to donors and stakeholders

    • It assists in defining, implementing and tracking project strategies

    • It allows for critical data collection and analysis to determine if a project is fulfilling desired goals.

  • A project can't be started without a M&E plan. In one hand, the M&E plan help to measure the progress and the success of the project. In the other hand, it shows the strengths and the wicknesses of the project according to its goals and the indicators set up. With the M&E plan, the project can be assessed and improved.

  • A project can't be started without a M&E plan. In one hand, the M&E plan help to measure the progress and the success of the project. In the other hand, it shows the strengths and the wicknesses of the project according to its goals and the indicators set up. With the M&E plan, the project can be assessed and improved.

  • M&E is very crucial aspect when it comes to planning organizing and managing a project.
    1: first you can plan your project by writing down the points and later use them as reference.
    2: when organizing you know what task to give your staff and give them deadline.
    3: Then you can manage your project by simply asking your staff questions and see their progress.

  • it's greate course because help me to get more comprehension that relating with the fundamentals of project management course.

  • it's greate course because help me to get more comprehension that relating with the fundamentals of project management course.

  • It is used to track changes in program performance overtime
    It's purpose is to permit stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding to the effectiveness of the program and efficient use of the Resources
    The knowledge from M&E can b used for policy formulation and advocacy

  • It is used to track changes in program performance overtime
    It's purpose is to permit stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding to the effectiveness of the program and efficient use of the Resources
    The knowledge from M&E can b used for policy formulation and advocacy

  • The Major importance of M&E include:
    1)It helps the project manager to write an annual report for the funder and partners; 2) it also helps athe project manager to state clearly the success of a project; 3) it helps in detecting problems during implementations and correct or make changes accordingly

  • The main purpose of creating an M&E plan is to monitor and evaluate the progress and success of a project. It helps in assessing whether the project is achieving its objectives, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions for its future development.

  • The main purpose of creating an M&E plan is to monitor and evaluate the progress and success of a project. It helps in assessing whether the project is achieving its objectives, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions for its future development.


    1. M&E helps develop plans for starting and completing a project.
    2. M&E gives you a sense of what you are to do
    3. M&E helps you identify your audiences.
    4. Performance Improvement:
    5. Accountability and Transparency:
    6. Informed Decision-Making:
    7. Learning and Adaptation:
    8. Resource Optimization:
  • it's greate course because help me to get more comprehension that relating with the fundamentals of project management course.

  • The importance of M&E is not described in words. Some main importance is stated here.

    • To know the progress of the project
    • To track the activity with in the project
    • To know the gap and challenges in the operation
    • To collect data for different types of purpose
  • Following what i have read so far, i think that M&E is essential to every project's progress. However, i look forward to know when is it a good time to start planning M&E. At the start or midway into the project?
    I have learnt that the best time to start planning M&E is at the start of the project, and every step of the monitoring process will determine how the result will be at the end of the project.

  • M & E Plan is very important for every project. It like a road map. It defines clearly what, when, where, How and gives the opportunity to correct or change if anything goes wrong according to plan.

  • Monitoring and Evaluations are needed to measure how well a project is plans, resources used effectively, how risk are managed and how project impact on the beneficiaries

  • Monitoring and Evaluations are needed to measure how well a project is plans, resources used effectively, how risk are managed and how project impact on the beneficiaries

  • Considérant un train comme étant les activités menant aux objectifs définis ou aux résultats souhaités qui sont le point d'arrivée, il est important et nécessaire de s'enquérir sur l'avancement du train pour savoir si on est sur la voie, où on en est et prendre des décisions rapides, quand survient une difficulté, afin d'éviter de quitter les rails. Outre ce qui précède, le suivi permet également de faire une meilleure utilisation des ressources à sa disposition.

    Pour pouvoir se prononcer sur l'atteinte des objectifs, sur l'imputation aux résultats d'un projet des changements opérés, l'évaluation du projet est le seul moyen d'y parvenir.

  • I think the main reason of being important is that M&E contributes on management's decision making process that will lead a project to its goal.

  • One can collect relevant data and information, analyses the collected data and information according to importance, choose the best fit and change strategy if needed.

  • Reduce on resource waste- Sustainable resource management

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are indispensable components of effective program management, offering a systematic approach to tracking, assessing, and enhancing the impact of interventions. They provide a framework for accountability, enabling transparent reporting to stakeholders, funders, and the public. M&E contribute to performance improvement by facilitating real-time adjustments, fostering evidence-based decision-making, and promoting organizational learning. The process ensures efficient resource allocation, stakeholder engagement, and risk management while showcasing program impact and supporting policy advocacy. Ultimately, M&E is the linchpin for achieving sustainable, informed, and impactful outcomes in various sectors by providing the necessary data and insights for continuous improvement and evidence-driven decision-making.

  • Hi,
    My name is Garba and I am glad to be here
    Learning about M&E is so interesting

  • I think it is essential to measure how well we are doing our work on any project. M&E gives us the chance to change anything that guides us in the wrong direction on time, in order to get our goals.

  • Having an M&E frameworks will help the team the measure the progress made toward their goals, track the gaps, and have a sustainable project.

  • Discussion of the importance of M& E by Nancy Zitha
    Accountability: For instance, in the GOOD example, it is indicated in a year, when it’s time to write the annual report for their funders and partners, they will be ready to say exactly how successful their project was, therefore M&E helps ensure accountability and transparency in the use of resources. By regularly tracking and assessing progress, organizations can be held accountable for achieving their objectives and utilizing funds efficiently.
    Improved Decision-Making: Monitoring and evaluation provide valuable information for decision-makers. By collecting data on what is working and what is not, organizations can make informed decisions about how to adjust their strategies and reallocate resources as needed.
    The definition of monitoring above state that monitoring is collecting project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activity. This helps to track performance over time and to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources. It is clear that monitoring is not done at the end of the project but along the way to enable the organization to know what to what is working and what is not
    Development of learning hubs: In my country we have something called learning hubs where the various organizations present example of what was done to improve performance and reach program goals. The cases presented are based on the M&E data that was collected.
    Learning and Adaptation: in the above example of GOOD it was stated that “if anything starts to go wrong, they will be able to catch the problem right away and make any necessary changes”. This means that M&E allows organizations to learn from their experiences. When they identify areas where they are falling short of their goals, they can make necessary adjustments to improve their strategies and outcomes over time.

    Discussion on Risks and assumptions
    As per the material for the course, Risk is defined as the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan whereas, Assumptions are your biases: the things that you believe without much evidence. In my discussion I will deploy my project to expand the two concepts, Firstly I will discuss the concept- Assumption. In my project the impact goal is to reduce the incidences of new HIV infections amongst the LGBTQI community in Ndhambhi Village, Limpopo, South Africa. It can be said that am stating this because I have made certain assumptions (things I believe are true without much research at this point, however on a face value they do look like they are true to me). My assumptions are as follows- that the LBTQI community will be receptive to health education about the safe sex practises from health workers about the use of PREP for those who are HIV negative, adherence to ART for those who are HIV positive, accessing and using the free circumcision services for those who are uncircumcised and always using lubricated condoms during sex. These are my assumptions they may be true they may not be true; however, they serve as my point of departure for my project, as it is important to find the risks and assumptions before the project starts. The data that I will collect throughout the project shall confirm or unconfirm if my assumptions were correct or not.
    Now talking about the risks for my project, as defined above: risks are things beyond your control it may come from anywhere in the area that you are working in , for instance in my project the risks I may face can include the following despite numerous health education by the health workers the community may still not want to practise safe sex, to use the lubricated condoms, those that are HIV negative may refrain from high risk sexual behaviours such as multiple partners, unprotected sex , not want to use PREP to prevent new infections these are some of the risks the project might face by the internal stakeholders- the LGBTQIs . however, the risk may also come from the external stakeholders for instance funders not availing funds for the project, local clinic discrimination against the LGBTQI community, sudden outbreak of covid etc. Anything that disrupts the plan/project either short or long term is a risk, as such as it is important to brainstorm about the anticipated the risks before the project starts, to be able to respond, contain and mitigate them in time, plan appropriately and adjust the work plan

  • M&E is key to every project progress and success. with out monitoring and evaluation the goals and objectives of the organization will not be actualized. it is important to use data collection to measure the progress.

  • The importance of M&E seems to be precise, being said that M&E allows to set approaches to track the achievement of the project as well as setting metrics to examine if the goals or targets have been achieved. This gives a clear picture of what is needed as well as when and how to use it.

  • monitoring and evaluation are essential tools for organizations to assess, learn, and adapt. They contribute to effective project management, accountability, and the achievement of meaningful and sustainable outcomes.

  • monitoring and evaluation are essential tools for organizations to assess, learn, and adapt. They contribute to effective project management, accountability, and the achievement of meaningful and sustainable outcomes.

  • monitoring and evaluation play a fundamental role in ensuring that organizations and projects are effective, accountable, and capable of learning and adapting to changing circumstances.

  • monitoring and evaluation play a fundamental role in ensuring that organizations and projects are effective, accountable, and capable of learning and adapting to changing circumstances.

  • M&E is important to know how well we are doing our project and to track our progress towards our goal. It helps to track changes on beneficiaries and to identify ways to improve the project. It also helps to show accountability and project success for donor or funder.

  • M & E is very much important to any project or activity that needs great outcomes. Some of its importance are:
    It helps to measure each stage of the project's impact.
    It tells you the intended outcomes and outputs of the project.
    It set a budget, human resources and material resources are also vital aspects of M&E.

    1 Reply
  • so it is about GOOD and MEH!

    1 Reply
  • In either case, whether you know what to measure or not in knowing if the project is on course or achieved its objective or not, M&E planning is imperative for the success of every project or program, and a mistake should never be made not to have it planned.

  • To explain monitoring and its importance - i will use the analogy of a car - Imagine you're driving a car, first before you leave you look at the the indicators in the dashboard - speedometer, gas gauge , water gauge and the engine is not faulty. This is similar in a project if you do not have a functional dashboard and you cannot interpret the meaning of the signs in the dashboard you will not be able to reach your destination that is the project deliverables as per the project scope . Monitoring is like keeping an eye on these instruments to make sure everything is working as it should. In a project or program, monitoring involves regularly checking on activities, resources, and progress to ensure that things are on track. It helps you catch any issues early on, just like spotting a low fuel level before you run out of gas.
    Explaining Evaluation and its importance sing the analogy of a car -Now, imagine you reach your destination and reflect on your journey. Evaluation is like looking back at your entire trip to see how well you did. It involves assessing the overall impact and effectiveness of your efforts. In a project, evaluation helps you understand whether your goals were achieved and what could be done differently or better next

  • I like this responses it s short but comprehensive and covers all the key areas of monitoring and evaluation

  • I agree with you , indeed monitor and evaluations tells us where we are at a particular point n time and if we have accomplished our goals as per plan

  • I am not sure if i understand this comment , kindly explain

  • Not sure what you are asking me to reply to - obviously, MEH

  • Here's my initial thoughts about MEH:

    • Set up a number of girls/ locations they want to give loans to
    • Set up the limitations for loans
    • Set up a number of businesses they want to help the girls open

    M&E is, of course, an important aspect that helps run the project in a systematic manner. A sound M&E plan will create a strong structure for the project to operate and keep the resources and the objectives in check. It also show results that reflects efficiency of the project itself, and make things easier to keep track of things that might have gone wrong during the implementation period.

  • M&E is importance for planning.Importance of M&E.pdf

  • The M&E is important because it helps projects on track, helps address challenges and mitigating risks during the implementation phase andensure objectives are achieved at the optimum level

  • In many different areas, the effective implementation and evaluation of projects, programmes, and policies depend heavily on monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The following are some significant points that emphasise the significance of M&E:
    Allocation of Resources: By locating inefficient or overallocated sectors, M&E aids in resource optimisation. This ensures that resources are allocated to the projects' goals most efficiently.

    Communication with Stakeholders: Communicating with funders, beneficiaries, and the community is made more accessible with regular reporting via M&E procedures. Open communication increases the project's support and sense of trust.

    Impact Assessment: M&E is necessary to evaluate a project's effects and results. It offers proof of whether the project is improving the lives of those for whom it is meant.

    Transparency, accountability, learning, and the general success of projects and programmes across various industries depend on M&E. It offers the data and resources to improve performance, direct decision-making, and support constructive social and economic transformation.

  • the importance of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in two projects run by a civil society organization in Kenya focused on improving the lives of local girls. The first project, GOOD, has a well-defined M&E plan to track the opening of savings accounts for girls in various villages, ensuring they can measure progress and make necessary adjustments. In contrast, the second project, MEH, lacks a clear M&E plan and is unsure about what to measure. The text emphasizes the significance of M&E and offers to guide MEH in developing their plan.

  • Importance of monitoring and evaluation of project is very realist, collecting data could help you to find enough information to know goals, activities and potential risks. Managed and leads the project reach successful result, documenting and analysis data you have collected during project and end of the project.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) play crucial roles in project and program management, providing valuable insights for effective decision-making, accountability, and learning. Here are some key importance of M&E:Performance Measurement: M&E helps track and measure the performance of a project or program against its objectives and targets. It provides a systematic way to assess whether activities are on track and achieving desired outcomes.Accountability: M&E ensures accountability to stakeholders, including funders, beneficiaries, and the community. Transparent reporting based on reliable data builds trust and demonstrates responsible use of resources.Learning and Improvement: Through continuous monitoring, projects can identify what works well and what needs improvement. Evaluation helps draw lessons from experiences, enabling organizations to adapt strategies and enhance future planning.Decision-Making: Reliable data from M&E activities supports evidence-based decision-making. Project managers and decision-makers can use this information to allocate resources efficiently, adjust strategies, and make informed choices.Resource Optimization: M&E helps identify areas of inefficiency and waste, allowing organizations to optimize resource allocation and improve cost-effectiveness.Stakeholder Engagement: M&E facilitates communication with stakeholders, keeping them informed about project progress and outcomes. Engaging stakeholders in the evaluation process can also provide valuable perspectives.Risk Management: Monitoring helps identify risks early in the project lifecycle, enabling proactive measures to address potential issues before they escalate.Demonstrating Impact: M&E allows organizations to showcase the impact of their interventions. This is crucial for attracting funding, building credibility, and gaining support from stakeholders.Adaptive Management: M&E supports adaptive management by providing real-time data. This allows for flexible adjustments to strategies and activities as needed, especially in dynamic and complex environments.Policy Advocacy: Organizations can use M&E data to advocate for policy changes or improvements based on evidence gathered during the monitoring and evaluation processes.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) play critical roles in healthcare systems, contributing to the improvement of services, patient outcomes, and overall healthcare delivery. Here are some key roles of M&E in healthcare:Quality Improvement: M&E helps healthcare providers monitor and assess the quality of healthcare services. Continuous monitoring allows for the identification of areas that need improvement, leading to enhanced service delivery and patient care.Patient Outcomes: By tracking patient outcomes, M&E provides insights into the effectiveness of treatments, interventions, and overall healthcare strategies. This data is vital for evaluating the impact of healthcare programs on patient health.Disease Surveillance: M&E is essential for monitoring the prevalence and trends of diseases within a population. Timely and accurate surveillance data enables proactive responses to emerging health threats and the implementation of preventive measures.Resource Allocation: Through monitoring, healthcare managers can assess the utilization of resources, including personnel, medical supplies, and infrastructure. This information guides effective resource allocation to areas with the greatest need.Program Evaluation: M&E is used to evaluate the success of specific healthcare programs, such as vaccination campaigns, disease prevention initiatives, and public health interventions. Evaluations help determine whether programs are achieving their intended goals.Health Information Systems: M&E contributes to the development and maintenance of health information systems. These systems help manage patient records, track healthcare service utilization, and facilitate data-driven decision-making.Capacity Building: Monitoring and evaluation efforts can identify training needs and areas for capacity building among healthcare staff. This ensures that healthcare professionals are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary for effective service delivery.Policy Development: M&E provides evidence to inform healthcare policies and guidelines. Decision-makers can use data on health outcomes, service utilization, and healthcare gaps to shape policies that address the specific needs of the population.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) play pivotal roles in public health by providing a systematic framework for assessing, improving, and ensuring the effectiveness of public health programs and interventions. Here are key roles of M&E in public health:Assessment of Health Interventions: M&E helps evaluate the impact and effectiveness of public health interventions, such as vaccination campaigns, disease prevention strategies, and health promotion programs.Disease Surveillance: M&E is essential for monitoring the prevalence, incidence, and distribution of diseases within populations. This surveillance is crucial for early detection, response to outbreaks, and effective disease control.Health System Performance: M&E assesses the performance of health systems, including the availability and accessibility of healthcare services, infrastructure, and the distribution of health facilities and personnel.Resource Allocation: By tracking resource utilization, M&E aids in efficient allocation of resources, ensuring that funds, personnel, and supplies are directed to areas with the greatest public health need.Policy Formulation and Improvement: M&E provides evidence to inform the development and improvement of public health policies. It helps policymakers understand the impact of policies on health outcomes and guides adjustments for better results.Prevention and Control of Epidemics: Timely data collection and analysis through M&E contribute to the early detection and rapid response to potential epidemics, helping prevent the spread of infectious diseases.Health Equity and Social Determinants: M&E assesses the impact of public health interventions on health equity, ensuring that vulnerable populations receive adequate attention and that social determinants of health are addressed.Capacity Building: M&E identifies training needs and capacity gaps within public health systems. This information supports targeted capacity-building initiatives for health professionals and organizations.Behavioral Change Programs: M&E evaluates the effectiveness of health education and behavior change programs. This includes assessing whether programs successfully influence health-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.Emergency Preparedness and Response: M&E contributes to the readiness of public health systems to respond to emergencies, whether they be infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, or other health crises.Community Engagement: M&E fosters community involvement and feedback in public health initiatives. Engaging communities ensures that interventions are culturally sensitive, acceptable, and tailored to local needs.Program Sustainability: M&E helps determine the sustainability of public health programs by assessing their long-term impact, cost-effectiveness, and ability to achieve lasting health improvements.In summary, M&E is integral to the success of public health efforts, providing data-driven insights that guide decision-making, enhance accountability, and contribute to improved health outcomes for populations.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are integral components of effective project management, providing a framework for tracking progress, assessing outcomes, and ensuring accountability. M&E allows organizations to adaptively manage projects by identifying challenges and opportunities in real-time, fostering continuous learning and improvement. It facilitates evidence-based decision-making by generating data on project effectiveness and impact, enabling informed resource allocation.

  • Not sure what you are asking me to reply to - obviously, MEH

  • MEH, unlike GOOD, is still figuring out what to measure for their Microfinance project. The course aims to help MEH create a solid Monitoring and Evaluation plan, teaching participants to craft effective plans for their projects. There's still time for MEH to develop a plan that tracks progress, measures impact, and impresses their donors.

  • Risks and Assumptions are a very important aspect of Project planning in Monitoring and Evaluation because it saves time resources and effort. It helps to prevent mistakes and errors from being made and improves the target of a particular project therefore increasing the probability of success and the positivity if Impact.

  • An M& E Plan is vital for the direction and progress measurement of the organisation. It gives the organisation a sense of purpose, direction and helps them to measure their work, its efforts and outcomes. It answers the why and how questions of projects.

  • Unrealistic targets can demoralize individuals and teams, causing stress and frustration as they strive to meet unattainable benchmarks. Additionally, these targets may compromise the quality of the project or push individuals to engage in unethical practices in a desperate attempt to meet the unrealistic expectations. Striking a balance between setting challenging yet achievable goals is crucial for fostering a healthy and productive work environment, encouraging growth without sacrificing well-being or integrity.

  • The importance of Monitoring and Evaluation

  • It is a very important matter when we make some impactful decisions and make policies for social good.

  • M&E helps us know how our project is going against the objectives and goals we have set in place. It allows us to see if the project is on the right path or whether any changes are needed to realign the project with the objectives.
    With M&E, we are also able to produce and present data and information that can be shared with donors and partners to show how resources and finances are being handled and whether funds are achieving the agreed upon objectives and goals.
    The data from M&E can also help us come up with ideas on improvements to the current project and knowledge for future projects

  • M&E is important to measure the Impact of your project, It feels like a lot of work in the beginning but it makes implementation easier and realistic

    1 Reply
  • It is awesome that both GOOD and MEH are within the same organization. Sometimes, organizations win projects, and leave the team to struggle, which is a bad idea, but that's the fact. Glad, GOOD M&E system is in plan, something we can link to.

  • Bonjour est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui parle couramment le français? je veux échangé avec l'intéressé

    1 Reply
  • Bonjour est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui parle courament le français? je veux échangé avec l'intéeressé

  • Bonjour la team
    Je suis Mamadi CONDE, je viens de m'inscrire à cette formation et rejoint cette équipe pour un partage d'expérience

  • M&E is very important in every situation of our life's, it guide us when M&E plan is in order. We don't do things base on assuming rather than work with facts, quality, sustainability...

  • A good monitoring and Evaluation system helps organization to make and informed decision making.

  • Knowing what to do per time is important, but know when you have done what you set out to do is equally important. it is like traveling and knowing when you have arrived your destination. the difference between GOOD and MEH will be an interesting concept to learn in this module.

  • Why is M&E important?
    Can you drive a long distance in a car where none of the dashboard components work?
    If you answer "Yes", I'd like to inform you that you're heading straight for suicide or that you've signed your death warrant.
    If you answer "No", you are a prudent traveller.
    In fact, a car's dashboard gives you a priori information about the state of the car thanks to various indicators such as: the fuel level, the state of the battery, the level of the engine oil, the state of the braking system, and so on.
    If you drive a car without having a precise idea of these indicators, you run a high risk of having an accident due to a faulty ignition system. You run the risk of breaking down in an area where you don't have a shop or garage, or even in an area frequented by armed criminals. You risk spending days on the road and arriving at your meeting point after the deadline.
    A monitoring and evaluation system is the compass that enables the manager to navigate the project (the ship) to reach the results (the different places along the way) and the goal (which is the final destination).

  • I need ppt lessons and video downloader

  • MEH M&E Plan
    MEH Should incorporate both Loan disbursement data, and information on how many businesses have been created from the loans finally analysis of the newly created business progress is done by checking the loan repayment frequency and difficulties.

  • I took Fundamentals of Project Management course, than i decide to take M&E course. Clearly, i can say project management and M&E are interdiscplinery .

  • MEH has to identify it's objectives, goals, missions etc.
    They should also understand the type of beneficiaries.
    They should develop a data collection tool.
    They should

  • The important of M and E helps to know the goals and measure the progress of your project and able to collect information on how benefit the project is , were there need to improve and if the project was successful and if not it had problem were need to improve and

  • Hi,

    To me M&E is important for every project implementation because it helps to keep track of the entire project process from start to finish, just like the GOOD project.

    I look forward to learning how to prepare a successful M&E plan.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) play a crucial role in the success and effectiveness of various projects, programs, and policies across different sectors. The importance of M&E can be highlighted in several key areas:


    M&E provides a systematic approach to assess the performance and outcomes of projects and programs. This accountability is essential for both funders and implementers. It ensures that resources are used efficiently and that organizations are responsible for achieving the intended results.

    M&E data helps stakeholders make informed decisions. By regularly monitoring progress and evaluating the impact of interventions, decision-makers can adjust strategies, allocate resources effectively, and address emerging challenges promptly.
    Learning and Adaptation:

    M&E facilitates a learning culture within organizations. Regular monitoring allows for the identification of what works and what doesn't. Evaluation helps in understanding the reasons behind success or failure. This knowledge is invaluable for adapting strategies and improving future initiatives.
    Resource Allocation:

    M&E assists in optimizing the allocation of resources by identifying areas where adjustments are needed. This is particularly important in environments with limited resources, as it ensures that funds are directed toward activities with the greatest impact.
    Stakeholder Engagement:

    Effective M&E involves engaging stakeholders at various stages of a project or program. This engagement fosters collaboration, builds trust, and ensures that the perspectives of different stakeholders are considered in decision-making processes.
    Demonstrating Impact:

    M&E provides evidence of the impact of interventions. This evidence is essential for demonstrating accountability to donors, policymakers, and the public. It also helps organizations showcase their achievements and secure support for future initiatives.
    Policy Improvement:

    M&E results can contribute to evidence-based policymaking. By understanding the outcomes of specific interventions, policymakers can refine existing policies or develop new ones that are more effective and responsive to the needs of the target population.
    Risk Management:

    M&E helps identify potential risks and challenges early in the implementation process. This allows for proactive risk management and the development of strategies to mitigate or address issues before they escalate.
    Capacity Building:

    Through the M&E process, organizations can identify skill gaps and areas for improvement within their teams. This insight supports targeted capacity-building initiatives to enhance the skills of individuals and teams involved in project implementation.
    Long-Term Sustainability:

    M&E contributes to the long-term sustainability of projects and programs by assessing their impact on communities and environments. Understanding the sustainability of interventions helps organizations plan for the continued benefits beyond the project lifespan.
    In conclusion, M&E is not just a bureaucratic requirement; it is an essential tool for ensuring the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of development initiatives. It empowers organizations to learn from their experiences, make informed decisions, and continuously improve their efforts to create positive and lasting change.

  • im very excited to get to see how we can create a M&eE plan for MEH

  • An M&E plan seems to be useful in terms of tracking and accounting for how the project is running. It can be used to show whether the project is meeting its intended purpose. Is it efficient? Are the resources used as they are intended?

  • Monitoring and collecting data every time a service is offered is what we were thought in social services, as the funders will ALWAYS want access to the data,

  • I think the importance of M&E cannot be overemphasized, especially in the case of MEH, where one can clearly attest to their struggles in determining how to account for their stewardship towards key stakeholders and investors. However, all hope is not lost yet as there is time for corrections and adjustments to be made.

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