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  • M&E helps define project scope, and success criteria. It is also viable for supporting stakeholders decision making.

    M&E supports in measuring viable project and projects worth investing in.
    M&E defines level of engagement, participation and acceptance of stakeholders, beneficiaries and donors

  • M&E helps ensure resources are used efficiently
    The information collected through monitoring reveals gaps or issues, which require resources to address. Without M&E, it wouldn't be clear what areas need to be a priority. Resources could easily be wasted in one area that isn't the source of the issue.

  • It is clear that both organisations wants do to a good course in the communities but the issue is how they will see the impact of the project. The project is important it manages to help as many people as possible and shows growth and impact.

  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation is to measure the impact of a project.

  • The purpose of M&E plan is to monitor every stage of the project and evaluate if it is meeting it's goal

  • M&E allows organizations to learn, make informed decisions, and improve performance. it plays a vital role in guaranteeing the achievement of project and program objectives.
    It involves planning, collecting, managing, analyzing, and using data. M&E planning helps define objectives and indicators. Data collection ensures reliable and relevant information, while data management ensures proper storage and access. Data analysis generates valuable insights. In essence, M&E empowers organizations to learn, decide wisely, and enhance performance.

    1 Reply
  • To monitor every stage of the project

  • To monitor every stage of projects

  • Minoriting and Evaluation are our background and skills to measure our performances to conduct any project and obtain a funds with a donors easly.Because all informations contains in our plan and it'is a proof to obtain more fund

    1. Accountability and Transparency: M&E helps ensure accountability by tracking the progress and outcomes of projects or programs. It holds stakeholders responsible for their commitments and actions, making them more transparent in their operations. When results are clearly measured and reported, it becomes easier to identify successes and challenges.
    2. Evidence-Based Decision Making: M&E provides valuable data that decision-makers can use to make informed choices. By analyzing data on performance and impact, organizations can identify what's working well and what needs improvement. This supports evidence-based decision-making, leading to more effective allocation of resources and strategic planning.
    3. Learning and Continuous Improvement: M&E facilitates learning from experiences. By reviewing data and outcomes, organizations can identify areas where they've succeeded and areas where they've fallen short. This information drives a culture of continuous improvement, enabling adjustments to strategies and tactics to achieve better results over time.
    4. Resource Allocation and Efficiency: Effective M&E helps organizations allocate resources efficiently. When outcomes are assessed, it becomes clear which interventions are yielding the desired results. Resources can then be directed towards initiatives that demonstrate effectiveness, while those showing less promise can be reconsidered or modified.
    5. Adaptive Management: M&E supports adaptive management, where strategies are adjusted in response to changing circumstances or new information. If data collected through monitoring indicates that an intervention isn't achieving its intended impact, adjustments can be made mid-course to improve outcomes.
    6. Stakeholder Engagement: M&E involves engaging stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle. This engagement fosters collaboration, encourages ownership, and allows stakeholders to contribute their insights, ultimately leading to more relevant and impactful initiatives.
    7. Measurement of Impact: While monitoring focuses on tracking outputs and activities, evaluation assesses the broader impact of programs or projects. M&E helps answer questions about whether an intervention is producing the intended long-term changes in the lives of beneficiaries.
    8. Regulatory and Compliance Requirements: In some cases, M&E is required by regulatory bodies or funding agencies to ensure that organizations are meeting their obligations and fulfilling their commitments.
  • to collect data for measuring of project progress and correct/make amends to align with initial plan of project to improve outcome

    1 Reply
  • helps measure progress versus plan

  • It is important to monitor every stage of the project

  • Projects collect data for two purposes: monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring means collecting data daily, weekly or monthly and using this information to adjust the project. Evaluation means comparing the project results to the project plans and judging how successful the project was.

    1 Reply
  • Projects collect data for two purposes: monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring means collecting data daily, weekly or monthly and using this information to adjust the project. Evaluation means comparing the project results to the project plans and judging how successful the project was.

    1 Reply
  • good to learn

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) because of the following reasons: 1. Accountability; 2. Learning and improvement; 3. Evidence-base decision making; and 4. transparency and communication and so on.

    1 Reply
  • Monitoring and evaluation are crucial for organizations to assess their performance, improve their effectiveness, and demonstrate their impact. They help organizations adapt to changing circumstances, make data-driven decisions, and ultimately achieve better outcomes for their beneficiaries and stakeholders.

    1 Reply
  • Monitoring and evaluation give you a full understanding of your project and how to measure it.

  • I totally agree

  • You where precise

  • That so correct

  • You are so right

  • M&E help in preventing a aimless project

  • You are right

  • On point honestly

  • I totally agree

  • M&E is crucial for programs to ensure that the objectives are achieved and that the project is carried out efficiently.

  • M&E plan will enable the project team to identify gaps as well as what went wrong with project activities. M&E plan will help to keep activities on track as per timelines and ensure utilization of funds.

  • M&E helps to collect data on the progress of the project towards achieving its goals.
    M&E helps to identify challenges and course correct.
    The M&E process also provides evidence based data to inform effective decision making.
    M&E is a communication tool. Its provides the implementation organization information on the project's achievements and impact for communication with donor organizations.
    It also provides data for further resource mobilization.

  • The M&E plan is important because the project activities will be monitored regularly, the progress will be measured and the resources will be controlled and used accordingly.

  • one of the importance of M&E that draws my attention is overseeing the project that is going on and controlling it. a project without monitoring and evaluation can be a waste project or a failed project, especially the team taking part of the project. you can imagine a team of unserious people in a team working on a project, they can do anyhow work without concern. but having M&E team can make a project complete without a mistake or failure.

  • M&E basically provides mechanisms to assess the performance and impact of a project

  • It helps in establishing clear accountability mechanisms by tracking and measuring progress on stated goals and objectives.

  • It also help me to optimize the allocation of resources by ensuring they used effectively and efficiently to achieve desired outcomes.

  • It helps me to facilitate a culture of learning and improvement within organizations.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are very important for any organization. Monitoring is the ongoing process of collecting, analyzing, and using data to track progress and inform decision-making. Evaluation is a systematic process for assessing the performance of a program, policy, or practice. Together, monitoring and evaluation provide important feedback to ensure that programs, policies, and practices are effective and achieving desired outcomes. They are also essential for identifying areas for improvement and for making adjustments to ensure success. Ultimately, monitoring and evaluation help organizations increase their impact and effectiveness, and can be used to demonstrate value and accountability.

    1 Reply
  • It helps one to adapt to project environment which promotes problem-solving

  • It helps us to make evidence-based decision

  • It also helps me to demonstrate actual project impacts for quality assessment.

  • MEH is as important as every project or program aimed at improving the standard of living of any community, imagine if all the loans boost their businesses. Without M&E plan however nothing funding will land.

  • M&E is vital to projects and programs as it provides the program or project implementer the ability collect meaningful data, review outcomes, pivot their program if necessary and demonstrate to funders and stakeholders the impact of their program. It will allow their program to be more sustainable as they have data to continue to find funding and will support them to make a larger impact as they can pivot programming if unexpected problems or trends arise.

  • Firstly, the MEH project must have a clear goal and it could be the total number of microloans they want to give out to local girls. Then, regularly, they can measure the progress of the MEH project through the number of microloans which has been given. Furthermore, the MEH project's staff should collect more information about how the microloans support the lives of local girls, especially their businesses.

  • it is the roads of wayout. I clearly remeber proverbs "if you dont know where to go, no road will take you there"

  • M&E compels organizations to become detail-orientated and specific

    • first, it is important to understand the worth of the project and its impact for the target group.
    • secondly, it is also important for implementation of the project
    • thirdly, it improves accountability of the project.
    • Lastly, it encourages the donors to fund other projects.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a crucial component of any program, project, or organization, serving various essential purposes. Here are some of the key reasons highlighting the importance of M&E:

    Accountability: M&E provides a framework for accountability. It allows organizations and stakeholders to track progress and measure outcomes against established goals and objectives. This accountability is vital for demonstrating responsible use of resources and transparency to funders, beneficiaries, and the public.

    Performance Improvement: M&E identifies areas where programs or projects are performing well and areas where they may be falling short. This information helps in making informed decisions to improve program effectiveness, efficiency, and impact.

    Evidence-Based Decision-Making: M&E provides data and evidence that can inform decision-makers. By collecting and analyzing data, organizations can make informed choices about program design, resource allocation, and strategic planning.

    Learning and Adaptation: M&E fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. When organizations regularly review data and evaluation findings, they can adjust their strategies and interventions to better meet the evolving needs of their target populations.

    Resource Allocation: It helps in optimizing resource allocation. By assessing the impact of different activities and interventions, organizations can allocate resources where they are most needed and are likely to have the greatest impact.

    Quality Control: M&E serves as a quality control mechanism. It allows organizations to monitor the quality of their services, products, or interventions and make necessary improvements to maintain or enhance quality standards.

    Risk Management: It helps in identifying and mitigating risks. M&E allows organizations to anticipate potential challenges and address them proactively, reducing the likelihood of project failure.

    Stakeholder Engagement: M&E facilitates stakeholder engagement and participation. By involving stakeholders in the monitoring and evaluation process, organizations can gather diverse perspectives and insights, fostering collaboration and ownership.

    Resource Mobilization: Demonstrating the impact and effectiveness of programs through M&E can attract additional funding and support from donors, governments, and other stakeholders.

    Accountability to Beneficiaries: M&E ensures that programs are responsive to the needs and preferences of beneficiaries. It provides a mechanism for beneficiaries to voice their opinions and influence program design and implementation.

    Demonstrating Impact: M&E allows organizations to demonstrate the impact of their work. This is particularly important for organizations focused on social change, development, and humanitarian efforts, as it helps build trust and credibility.

    Knowledge Generation: M&E generates knowledge and insights that can be shared with the broader community, contributing to the body of knowledge in a particular field or sector.

    In summary, M&E plays a pivotal role in ensuring that organizations and programs are accountable, effective, and adaptable. It helps them make data-driven decisions, improve their performance, and ultimately achieve their goals and objectives. Whether in the context of development projects, government programs, non-profit organizations, or private businesses, M&E is a critical tool for driving positive change and maximizing impact.

  • he importance of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) can be summarized in a few key points:

    Accountability: M&E ensures organizations and programs are accountable for their actions and use of resources, fostering transparency.

    Effectiveness: It helps identify what works and what doesn't, enabling informed decisions to improve program or project effectiveness.

    Learning: M&E promotes a culture of learning, allowing organizations to adapt and grow based on data-driven insights.

    Resource Allocation: It helps optimize resource allocation by directing resources where they have the most impact.

    Risk Management: M&E aids in identifying and mitigating risks, reducing the likelihood of project failures.

    Stakeholder Engagement: It fosters engagement with stakeholders, encouraging collaboration and ownership.

    Evidence-Based Decision-Making: M&E provides evidence for informed decision-making, supporting program or policy development.

    Impact Demonstration: It allows organizations to demonstrate the impact of their work, building trust and credibility.

    Resource Mobilization: Demonstrated success through M&E can attract additional funding and support.

  • It helps you know what your goals are
    It helps you easily measure your progress

  • M&E is a vital part for any project to be successful and achieve its targets. More M&E specialist are needed.

  • imagine waking up one morning, getting into your car and hitting the road with the intension of getting to the beach. then mid-way you discover the gas in the car is low, u didn't take a beach suit, and you have driven almost half the distance in the wrong direction, no network where you are and you cant even call for help. An M&E plan to me is the road map to the beach, with a list of ALL the things needed to have a good time and a bucket list which after each strike, confirms to you, you had a good time.
    the importance of an M&E plan cannot be over emphasized.

  • Sure Developing an M&E plan for MEH is vital for them to have their project start.

  • In this topic, I understood the importance of developing a monitoring and evaluation plan and I am enthusiastic for the future.

  • M&E is an essential aspect of every successful project or program it gives us direction to avoid disruption and bring us back to path when we deviate. While we monitor progress during or after a project, we can only evaluate after the completion of the project. Some importance of M&E includes but not limited to

    • Measure progress
    • Make amends where we erred, and redirect our efforts to priorities
    • Make a viable reports using results or goals we measured
    • Avoid repeating same mistakes
  • The first project (GOOD) has a M&E plan because:
    It knows what its goals are,
    They decided how they will measure the progress,
    They have plans to collect information,
    They plan to do an annual report for funders and partners.

    The second (MEH) need to have a M&E plan:
    They don't know how to get data,
    and they are not totally sure what they should be measuring.

  • There are thousands of development and soical impact projects around the world. These projects are largely tailored to solve societal challenges, build capacity or make the world a better and just place. Hence it is important for implementing organizations to design an M&E plan that is most suited for the project. some of the uses of an M&E plan includes: 1. Impact measurement: where the objectives of the intervention is compared with the actual result upon execution. 2. Helps funder to make SMART decision about the project and the quality of work done. it also helps funders to decide whether more of such interventions are needed.

  • M and E is very important so that you will be able to see the progress of the project and so that you will be able to find and solve the problem in time

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is of paramount importance in any project, program, or organization. It plays a critical role in ensuring that activities are implemented effectively, resources are utilized efficiently, and desired outcomes are achieved. Here are a few key reasons why M&E is important:

    1. Accountability: M&E provides a framework for accountability. It allows project managers, stakeholders, and funders to assess whether the project is progressing as planned, and whether the intended results are being achieved. By tracking progress and measuring performance, M&E helps identify areas of success and areas that require improvement.

    2. Learning and Improvement: M&E facilitates learning and continuous improvement. By collecting data and analyzing results, organizations can gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn't. This information can inform future decision-making, program design, and resource allocation, leading to more effective interventions and better outcomes.

    3. Evidence-Based Decision Making: M&E provides evidence to support decision-making. By systematically collecting and analyzing data, organizations can make informed choices about resource allocation, program adjustments, and strategic direction. This helps ensure that decisions are based on facts and evidence rather than assumptions or intuition.

    4. Stakeholder Engagement: M&E promotes stakeholder engagement and participation. By involving relevant stakeholders in the monitoring and evaluation processes, organizations can gather diverse perspectives, improve transparency, and build trust. Engaging stakeholders also increases their ownership and commitment to the project's success.

    5. Sustainability and Scale-up: M&E contributes to sustainability and scale-up efforts. Through M&E, organizations can identify successful strategies and best practices that can be replicated and scaled up in other contexts. It also helps identify potential risks and challenges, allowing for early intervention and mitigation.

    In summary, M&E is essential for effective project management, learning, evidence-based decision-making, stakeholder engagement, and long-term sustainability. By integrating M&E into programs and organizations, we can enhance accountability, improve performance, and maximize impact.

    • To monitor progress of a given project
    • assess to what extent a given project achieved its intended results
    • to ensure accountability
    • to document lessons learnt and hence improve future projects
  • Good introduction

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is essential for organizations and governments as it ensures accountability, informed decision-making, and efficient resource allocation. M&E enables adaptive management, fosters learning and improvement, and promotes transparency and evidence-based advocacy. It mitigates risks, aligns activities with goals, enhances resource efficiency, and demonstrates impact, making it a crucial process for achieving successful outcomes in various sectors.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is very important because it shows the way the project will go, makes sure that the project is on track at all times, through monitoring and checks that the project achieved what it was meant to achieve, through evaluation.

  • It is such a great beginning, and I hope to learn a great deal

  • The importance of M&E in project management is multifaceted.
    Firstly, it helps to ensure that projects are designed and implemented in a way that is effective and efficient. M&E provides a way to track progress and identify areas for improvement, which can lead to better project outcomes. Secondly, it supports evidence-based decision-making, as it provides decision-makers with the information they need to make informed choices about project design and implementation.
    Thirdly, it helps to build accountability and transparency in project management, as M&E processes can provide a way to demonstrate project impact and progress to stakeholders.
    Finally, M&E provides organizations with a way to build their own capacity for project management and learning, as it encourages reflection and continuous improvement.

  • Nice, this course is amazing

  • Nice, this course is amazing

  • MEH should do both the suggestions, that is, the number of microloans so that they show the funders that their allocated to people and they are accountable, and they should monitor how many businesses where established and the businesses which did start because of other reasons and how that should be minimized. MEH should also do a lesson learnt from this project so that they can be prepared.

  • Bonjour est-ce possible d'avoir les termes de référence du projet GOOD

  • hello thank you for the online course
    possible to have the terms of reference for the GOOD project

  • very interesting start

    1. M&E measures progress of projects or programs of an organization. It provides evidence that can inform decision making at all levels of an organization. By using data to make decisions, organizations can increase their chances of success and reduce the risks of failure.

    2. M&E helps ensure that programs and projects are implemented in a way that is accountable to stakeholders. By tracking progress and outcomes, M&E can help demonstrate that resources are being used effectively and efficiently.

    3. M&E allows organizations to learn from their experiences and improve their programs and projects over time. By analyzing data on what works and what doesn't, organizations can make informed decisions about how to adapt their approaches to achieve better results.

    4. M&E is a process of continuous improvement, allowing organizations to identify areas where they can improve and take action to address those areas. This can lead to better outcomes and greater impact.

    5. M&E can help organizations make informed decisions about how to allocate resources. By understanding which activities are most effective, organizations can allocate resources in a way that maximizes their impact.

  • M&E are important tools for understanding whether a project or program is on track and achieving it's objectives. Monitoring and evaluation track progress and collecting data.This can also help project managers to identify issues early and make necessary course correction whether it is having the intended impact.
    M&E helps organisations learn from their mistakes, it also provides the only consolidated source of information showcasing project progress
    It helps to ensure that the project is meeting its goals and objectives.
    It also gives a clear and concise information about
    the organisation .

  • 1.Helps in trouble shooting, when something goes wrong it is easy to know the problem and make changes.

    1. Helps in knowing if the project was successful, if its objectives we met and the outcomes have had a positive impact.
  • L'importance du plan de Suivi évaluation est énorme pour tout projet

  • Here M&E is very important. Through the help of M&E we can gather information about how many women have benefitted from the MEH Project and also how much money has been given to overall women. Further we can also collect information about the women who have taken microloan of which how many of them has started business from it. Through it we can analyze the impact of project in improving the women's life. Also it will tell how much the project have been successful to support the women's and whether it has been used for right purpose.

  • M&E will help us look at the progress, set backs, improvements throughout the project life cycle

  • Monitoring is the systematic and routine collection of information from projects and programmes for four main purposes:

    To learn from experiences to improve practices and activities in the future;
    To have internal and external accountability of the resources used and the results obtained;
    To take informed decisions on the future of the initiative;
    To promote empowerment of beneficiaries of the initiative.
    Monitoring is a periodically recurring task already beginning in the planning stage of a project or programme. Monitoring allows results, processes and experiences to be documented and used as a basis to steer decision-making and learning processes. Monitoring is checking progress against plans. The data acquired through monitoring is used for evaluation.

    Evaluation is assessing, as systematically and objectively as possible, a completed project or programme (or a phase of an ongoing project or programme that has been completed). Evaluations appraise data and information that inform strategic decisions, thus improving the project or programme in the future.

    Evaluations should help to draw conclusions about five main aspects of the intervention:

    Information gathered in relation to these aspects during the monitoring process provides the basis for the evaluative analysis.

    Monitoring & Evaluation
    M&E is an embedded concept and constitutive part of every project or programme design (“must be”). M&E is not an imposed control instrument by the donor or an optional accessory (“nice to have”) of any project or programme. M&E is ideally understood as dialogue on development and its progress between all stakeholders.

    In general, monitoring is integral to evaluation. During an evaluation, information from previous monitoring processes is used to understand the ways in which the project or programme developed and stimulated change. Monitoring focuses on the measurement of the following aspects of an intervention:

    On quantity and quality of the implemented activities (outputs: What do we do? How do we manage our activities?)
    On processes inherent to a project or programme (outcomes: What were the effects /changes that occurred as a result of your intervention?)
    On processes external to an intervention (impact: Which broader, long-term effects were triggered by the implemented activities in combination with other environmental factors?)
    The evaluation process is an analysis or interpretation of the collected data which delves deeper into the relationships between the results of the project/programme, the effects produced by the project/programme and the overall impact of the project/programme.

  • In my perspective from the content in this section, M&E help organization to measure the achievements of their objectives in the project that is being undertaking through help of data collected in the course of project implementations. In this way the project remains on track.

  • Following what i have read so far, i think that M&E is very essential to every project's success, however, i look forward to know when is it a good time to start planning M&E for a project. Before the project starts?, or midway into the project?

  • M&E plan is also used to account for the beneficiaries and stakeholders in addition to the data capturing

  • 1.Firstly M&E ensures that organization and individuals are held accountable for their actions and outcomes. it helps in tracking progress and identifying responsible parties. It assesses the effectiveness of programs, projects, and policies by measuring their impact on intended outcomes.

    1 Reply
  • M&E helps a project team to assess how the project is going on. It is important to know the project is achieving its goal.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is the heart of each and every program. The M&E measure the lifestyle of the programme. In other words he or she checks the performance of the programme. Therefore, offers guidance if the staff is nor achieving the objectives of the programme.

  • I think it is important every organization have a detailed plan for its project, otherwise there is no know direction as to where to start and what to do next. Most projects fails because they do not have a either an M&E plan or a good one to start with.

  • M&E helps the project team track the progress of their project.

  • Measure the progress of the project. Track the project to ensure it aligns to its project objectives, timely implemented, and within the budget. Measure impact (effectiveness), relevance and efficiency at the end of the project.

  • M andE is important to help guide decision making inn an organisation

  • M&E enables good decision-making as well as identifying lapses that can be addressed to make improvement

  • M&E is really important especially for beginner firms and projects

  • M&E is very important for organisations or even individuals in such a way that they are able to know where they are headed with a project thus reducing on resource wasting.

    1 Reply
  • In my group discussion, I have noted that M&E plans are indispensable for organizations and projects. It offers accountability, performance improvement, and resource optimization. They inform strategic decision-making, foster adaptability, and enhance stakeholder communication. By demonstrating impact, they attract funding and support, while also serving as a risk management tool. M&E plans maintain accountability to beneficiaries, promote evidence-based decision-making, and play a pivotal role in program effectiveness, making them essential for organizational success, impact assessment, and efficient resource allocation.

  • It is clear that both organisations wants do to a good course in the communities but the issue is how they will see the impact of the project. The project is important it manages to help as many people as possible and shows growth and impact.
    The M&E practitioner has a responsibility to ensure that there are tools to collect quality data. The data collection process should be monitored. The M&E practitioner should also clarify the organisation goals and that the data collected should meet those goals. M&E practitioner ensures that resources to collect data is being used effectively to make the program as effective as possible and to be able to report about the program.

  • it was outstanding

  • good and Useful for us

  • it was so useful

  • The Importance of M&E include:

    • It allows for adaptation of programs to improve decision-making and project implementation

    • It provides critical information on effectiveness, efficiency and impact of project interventions

    • It facilitates for transparency and accountability to donors and stakeholders

    • It assists in defining, implementing and tracking project strategies

    • It allows for critical data collection and analysis to determine if a project is fulfilling desired goals.

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