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  • La gestion des donnés est une phase cruciale pour la réussite d'un projet .

  • La bonne gestion des donnée peut aider une équipe à atteindre son objectif

  • La stratégie appliquée pour la gestion des donnée doit être bien illustrer

  • Effective data management requires that all loops are covered and that starts with answering all the necessary questions. Having a well thought through map makes data management easier as there is a clear data management path. In the process of monitoring and evaluation, I think this is one of the most important parts and therefore needs to be given sufficient thought. For small projects and small organisations, this chat may be as simple as having one person collect the data, process and make sense of it... however, quite often, our projects require more than the basics. More technical people may actually be needed to effectively collect, analyse, interpret and store the data. Under such, the company should be willing to invest in the technology and personnel necessary. Also, its important to talk about security when it comes to data given the increasing risk of data phishing and piracy.

  • management data is very important in order to achieve your project goals , so a good management data
    can lead you to succes of you project/programm.

  • management data is very important in order to achieve your project/programm goals, so a good management data can lead you to sucess of your project/programm.

  • thanks you for your advices

  • Data management process is so important in any organization as one its make the process of implementation smooth as everyone knows what to do . secondly help organization manage data collect for it to reach to final products which is reporting and decision making.

  • The data managements is process of handling data from the initial points and functioning points.
    From Which the initial points refer to Data collection Phrase and Functioning points refer to Data usage.
    its made up of four steps such as
    -Data collection
    Data entry
    -Data Analysis
    Data usage.

  • Data management is the process of gathering, storing, and utilizing data in a cost-effective, efficient, and secure manner. Customer relationship management systems, marketing technology systems, data warehouse systems, and analytics tools are the four categories of data management.

    1 Reply
  • Data management questions are key in data processing. they include who is in charge of the stage of data collection? How the collected data is used? How the data is stored? who collates the data and when?

  • The data has to be collected using the right data collection tools as per the scheduled time and alloted budget. Secondly, the collected data has to be correctly analyzed and interpreted.

  • The data has to be collected using the right data collection tools as per the scheduled time and alloted budget. Secondly, the collected data has to be correctly analyzed and interpreted.

  • Data management questions are ,what is your data?, How will you document and describe the data?, Does the data need to be protected?, Will you share your data?, How will you store and access the data over short -term and long-term?

  • -For each of the tool, you know who will be resipoble of data collection and data quality.
    -Data entry: Know who will enter data, who will collate the data and where will the data be entered.
    -Data analysis, verification and storage: Know who will analyze the data, how often will the data be verified and who will be resiponsible of verifying the data.
    -Know who will prepare and send the reports

  • the module was good

  • What are the responsibilities - the tasks - that will need to be completed?
    Who are the people who will take on these responsibilities, and what are their roles?

  • Data management has four phase
    1 planing
    2 data collection
    3 database creation
    4 reporting

  • Data Management play a crucial role in smooth project implementation. The best part of it is role identification.

  • Proper data management structures are necessary for good quality data would be achieved

  • Data flow map is new to me and is really a relevant topic since it shows the journey data go through from collection to use. This topic is very important when planning for Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Comment doit se faire l'archivage des différentes données collectées?

  • As you may have noticed, many of the steps that we have just described are, such as data analysis or data verification, are complex, challenging subjects that probably deserve their own courses. Additionally, ensuring data security throughout the process is an enormously important issue, and is difficult to do well. It is beyond the scope of this course to give helpful advice on all of these topics. However, we hope that this overview gives you an idea of the types of tasks that your team will be responsible for completing.

    As we continue through this module, you will begin making some decisions related to these subjects. However, as you do this, keep in mind that these are complex subjects that we have not had the time to fully explore.

  • When managing data, it is crucial to pose a thoughtful question. The management of data will be informed by this.

  • Data management is one of the important steps in monitoring and evaluation progress. The validity and creditability of the data based on on the data collection and data management. All stakeholders need to understand their role and responsibility for each process of data management such as data collection, data entry and Collate, checking data quality, analysis data, store data, create report and send a report, and making decision based on data.

  • Using information from M&E system is important for government and stakeholders for formulating effective policy and implementing successful policy and project. However, the information provided by M&E system should have credibility and validity. In this regard, the data management is relatively important to increase the accuracy, credibility, and validity. Starting from systematic data collection to data use, all process should be carefully implement.

  • Data Management and Use is a very important aspect of M&E.

  • Data Map really helps to visualize the data collection process. It helps to see the end of all the work that is being done.

  • Data Map really helps to visualize the data collection process. It helps to see the end of all the work that is being done.

  • There are several data management questions that can arise in the context of M&E. Here are some examples:

    What types of data should be collected, and how should they be collected, managed, and analyzed?
    How should data quality be ensured throughout the data management process?
    How should data be stored and secured to ensure confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access?
    How should data be cleaned, coded, and transformed to make it usable for analysis?
    How should missing data be handled, and how should outliers and inconsistencies be identified and addressed?
    How should data be reported, visualized, and disseminated to stakeholders, and what are the most effective ways to communicate data findings?
    How should data be archived and made accessible for future use?
    How should data management protocols be documented and updated over time?

  • Is questionnaire method not part of data collection?

  • Very interesting and highly relevant

  • Very interesting and highly relevant

  • data management questions is very important for your project you have to know what is your dat? how you will collect? who will collect etc....

  • you should also maintain data management steps like
    1: data collection
    2: data entry
    3: data analyze and
    4: data use

  • You can compare a well-functioning data management process to a conveyer belt in a factory. The first part of the conveyer belt brings raw materials into the factory: wood or metal, for example. As the conveyer belt continues through the factory, the raw wood and metal parts are sorted, shaped, assembled and eventually transformed into useful products: chairs, cars or bottles, for example.

    In the same way, a data management process starts by bringing in raw materials: data collected from the project. As the data travels through the rest of the process it is organized, stored, analyzed and, finally, transformed into useful products, such as reports and decisions.

    In this course, we have talked a lot about the first step: collecting data. But what about all of the other steps in the data management process? Let’s explore the entire data management process

  • The questions need to be clear to understand

  • The modules is much on raising possible questions to feed on project indicator

  • The reliability of data in key , but this come from reliable questions

  • this was really helpful. as an rganization in a consortium working on a project, i was wondering how the m&e data flow map will look like. this answered my question

  • thanks for sharing this

  • As it has been pointed out in the video data represent human beings, and as such it needs to be handled well for better result in the future which also affect key decision making that affect lives and community at large. i believe data science is a very broad aspect but i am glad for the knowledge i got in the module 5.

  • Data management is the practice of ingesting, processing, securing and storing an organization’s data, where it is then utilized for strategic decision-making.

  • well understood

  • who is responsible for field survey data collection.

  • Survey data can be collected by a variety of individuals or organizations, depending on the purpose and scope of the survey.
    e.g, Government agencies: Government agencies at the local, state, and federal levels often conduct surveys to collect data on a variety of topics, such as health, education, and employment.

  • Data management is the process of collecting, organizing, storing, and maintaining data in a secure and efficient way in order to make it available for various applications and users. It involves the use of database systems, data mining techniques, data warehousing, and other methods to store, access, and analyze data.

  • with the knowledge on data collection from module 4, module 5 turns out very easy to understand.

  • more like Data is like the blood of M&E.

  • Data management steps are all important and they symbolize the need to have a good beginning which is data collection in order to have a fruitful end which is data use.

  • The data management questions help the project implementer be informed of the tools that needs to be accomplished in order to collect sufficient data. It provides the roles and responsibilities of each f the actors in the project as well as the uses of the data to be collected

    Au sein de la coordination nationale du PEV, il y a une section chargée du Suivi-Evaluation et recherches. Son rôle est d’appuyer le SSIS dans la collecte, l’analyse et le traitement des données de la vaccination. Les récentes évaluations ont montré que le système de gestion des données de vaccination en Guinée est confronté à d’énormes difficultés.Le dispositif de gestion des données fonctionne avec des ressources matérielles et financières limitées au niveau central pour répondre à la demande d’informations de qualité à temps opportun pour orienter les décideurs. En plus de la faible promptitude, on note des insuffisances de la qualité des rapports, comme par exemple les incohérences entre les données rapportées et les intrants utilisés, mais aussi entre les données rapportées et celles recomptées lors des évaluations. L’évaluation de la gestion et de la qualité des données réalisée en 2014 par l’AMP a ressorti la non-satisfaction des partenaires techniques et financiers en termes de disponibilité et de qualité des informations de la vaccination. Au niveau déconcentré, le dispositif de gestion des données de vaccination s’appuie sur les ressources humaines disponibles et les bases de données existantes. A ce niveau, la collecte et la transmission des données se déroulent plus ou moins bien avec une vérification de la qualité quasi systématique durant les supervisons. Néanmoins, des faiblesses existent dans le traitement, l’analyse et l’utilisation des données. Rappelons également que même si elles existent au niveau décentralisé, les ressources humaines en charge de la gestion des données restent insuffisantes et peu qualifiées. D’autres aspects non moins importants dans la gestion des données sont la rétroinformation et le partage de connaissances. Cesderniers restent peu performants par le fait que les bulletins périodiques sont peu produits et les plateformes d’échanges de meilleures pratiques en matière de gestion de données inexistantes. La mise en œuvre d’unensemble de stratégies et d’activités visant à renforcer le dispositif global de gestiondes données au niveau central et l’utilisation de l’information et aussi d’unrenforcement des capacités des différents acteurs s’avère nécessaire.

  • Am really learning a lot of new ideas.

  • The process is very useful. It helps you see the process and visualize how you will achieve your objectives.

  • its the process of collecting, analyzing, storing data

  • i agree with that

  • M&E is all about data management they you have managed your data it towards the success.

  • it is essential to give roles to our staff. without giving roles and responsibilities, we should not get data for our monitoring. meanwhile, a data flow map is a crucial aspect of data management.

    1 Reply
  • What is your data? ...
    How will you document and describe the data? ...
    Does the data need to be protected? ...
    Will you share your data with others? ...
    How will you store and access the data over the short- and long-term?

    1 Reply
  • What is your data? ...
    How will you document and describe the data? ...
    Does the data need to be protected? ...
    Will you share your data with others? ...
    How will you store and access the data over the short- and long-term?

  • Lesson lent is that data factory has several steps and this step are necessary on data management from data collection, data entry and collation,data analysis, verification and storage and final step being data use. this step will may have other minor additions however this curries the huge part.

  • What is a reliable Data Management System that can be recommended for work in the field of Human Services?

  • Data Management Officer Interview Questions & Answers
    Can you explain what data management is and why it is important?
    Data management is the overall process of collecting, storing, organizing, maintaining, and using data effectively. It is important because it helps ensure that data is accurate, consistent, and secure, and is used in a way that aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives.

    How do you ensure data quality in a data management program?
    To ensure data quality in a data management program, I implement data validation and reconciliation processes, as well as data standardization and harmonization processes. I also implement proper monitoring and reporting mechanisms, and perform regular data quality assessments to identify and remediate potential issues. I also engage
    Can you explain how you would develop and implement a data management strategy?
    To develop and implement a data management strategy, I would start by understanding the organization’s goals and objectives, as well as its data requirements. I would then conduct a thorough assessment of the organization’s current data management processes and systems, and identify areas for improvement. Based on this assessment, I would develop a data management strategy that aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives, and includes a roadmap for implementation. I would then work with stakeholders to implement the strategy, including the necessary processes and systems, and regularly review and update the strategy to ensure it remains effective.

    How do you handle data breaches in a data management program?
    To handle data breaches in a data management program, I have a well-defined data breach response plan in place. This plan includes steps for identifying and containing the breach, as well as notifying affected parties and conducting a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of the breach. I also implement remediation steps to prevent similar breaches from happening in the future, and regularly review and update the data breach response plan to ensure it remains effective.

    Can you explain how you would manage data privacy and security in a data management program?
    To manage data privacy and security in a data management program, I implement data protection policies and processes that comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations. I also ensure that sensitive data is properly secured, both in storage and in transit, and that proper access controls are in place. I also implement proper monitoring and reporting mechanisms to ensure that data privacy and security risks are identified and addressed in a timely manner. I engage with stakeholders to understand their data privacy and security requirements, and work with them to ensure that these requirements are met.

  • In data Management plam.there is
    the team lead-project lead
    project staff
    peer educators

  • Data collection required skilled personnel who will still be trained on how to collect data using the tools developed. The data collected ought to be entered, collated and analysed for presenting in reports which are also presented to donors and stakeholders. This process requires maximum professionalism, with duties being transparent (who does what, when and how). The M&E team ensures that all processes are of high quality standards and compliance with regulatory boards.

  • Data management is another good topic.
    it shows the visual transiting map, of how data is collected, the people responsible to collect it, how it is analyzed and shared to leadership for review and decisions making.

    it is always import for teams to cooperate and support each other right from planning, implementation up to project monitoring and control.

  • I have come to the end of this course but I am glad and fortunate to have learned so much

    1 Reply
  • That is true. Not defining each person's role within the organization could affect the performance and slow down the project.

  • Do we need to hire independent MEL experts to maintain the transparent of the evaluation report in each project or it is only neccessary for big scale and long term projects?

  • This is pretty clear-cut stuff but it makes sense. I have limited experience with M&E, but one thing that I have found is that the 'roles and responsibilities' section can be fraught with office politics. Teams that might not be working on our project may want to get involved with our M&E because they are knowledgeable about the field, but the rest of our staffers may want to limit responsibilities to project staff.

  • I think the management part is equally as important as other parts because the data is what we are after all going to need inorder to get the jobs done. It is important to learn some data analysis to be able to enhance understanding

    1 Reply
  • It was great. Thanks.

  • It was great. Thanks.

  • Data Flow Maps are very helpful tools for M&E planning. They show how data is collected, managed and used. Most M&E plans will include a professional-looking data flow map that has been created digitally. However, you can create a quick version of a data flow map using only a few pieces of paper.

  • Data Flow Maps are very helpful tools for M&E planning. They show how data is collected, managed and used. Most M&E plans will include a professional-looking data flow map that has been created digitally. However, you can create a quick version of a data flow map using only a few pieces of paper.

  • data management is one of the important stage that has to be looked into since all the project survives or fails depending on the data they have and how the interpret it.

  • Data management involves a number of activities and processes from data collection, data entry, storage, analysis, collation, verification, and usage.
    Each stage is vital for the project.
    Data should be stored safely and sensitive data about human being should be protected.
    Data can be used to report, replicate projects, plan for future projects, even to get more funds for similar projects in future.

  • Data managment is the best way to keep data long

  • Data management is very important in a project. Data need to be handled carefully in order to arrive at reasonable decision and for future projects.

  • Thanks for this module

  • Proper data management can help organizations make better-informed decisions, improve their operational efficiency and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

  • I can't wait to explore more regarding visualizing raw data into digital assets that can be understood by many, I think it's important since it can be both education and content for the masses.

  • Organizations can navigate the evolving landscape of data management and position themselves for success in the data-driven future.

  • I will be utilizing some data management tools to conduct a focus group regarding questions related to Implicit Bias Training. I will also be providing a pre and post assessment. All the information will be tracked on a participation tool.

  • Data Management is essential in ensuring it is clean, without errors and stored in a manner that is easily retrievable when needed.

  • What examples of some of the digital data collection systems to use.

    What are some good ways of dissemination of the data reports

  • who is the manager?
    The data manager

    who collect this data?
    fields officers

    does people understand their roles?
    The fields officers collect data and enter it into the digital database.

    The Project Manager monitors the data regularly, and uses the information to make decisions. Additionally, several times a year the project manager prepares reports and sends them on to the Executive Director.

    The Executive Director reviews and comments on reports. She sends reports on to the organization’s Board of Directors, donors, and government agencies. Once a quarter she has feedback meetings with local community leaders where she shares findings from the reports.

    Stakeholders are students and other donors or organisms partners interested by the project

    does people involved in the project have and understanding of the monitoring and evaluation plan?

    do they have the guidance on how to use data?

    does the staff get motivated through regular training?

  • Thanks for the knowledge

  • Data plays focal role in the life of leaders. In this course i could finally learn about how to exactely design a data flow map!

  • Data plays focal role in the life of leaders. In this course i could finally learn about how to exactely design a data flow map!

  • Data flow management starts by collection of data by field officers then data in entered into the system and stored. subsequently the data is analyzed and verified so as to generate decisions and reports to donor and governments.

  • it's an amazing journey

  • Data storage and protection: Such an important topic to cover.

  • Data management which entails conveying data from the primary source up to the decision or policy making phase after passing through different stages of entering, collation, and data analysis is absolutely reserve for larger project which involves big organization and can't be feasibly done in small academic research project where student generally carry out to defend their degree and often self funded

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