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  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) helps those involved with any type of projects to assess if progress desired is beingachieved.

    M&E benefits the key actors involved in community development in the following ways:
     For project executors (i.e., a company Community Relations Team, a company/NGO partnership, or a company foundation), M&E can improve management. By monitoring progress against defined goals, a project manager can assess what is working and what is not, and from there can determine what changes should be made to a project. This inturn makes it possible to improve the way things are being done in the project organization.

    For companies, whether executing a project or supporting it through partnership or funding, M&E can be used to demonstrate progress to internal management and to external stakeholders. Internally, measurable results can justify continued funding and clarify the return on investment of community development efforts to managers and shareholders. Externally, the results of M&E can demonstrate commitment to and competence in community development, and thus help a company maintain its social license to operate. This makes the companies to make sound decisions concerning major projects undertaken and to know where to invest.

    For community members and NGOs, participating in M&E is an opportunity to influence the design and execution of community development projects. Furthermore, by providing feedback on whether programs are achieving aims in line with community needs and desires, M&E is a powerful accountability mechanism.

  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) helps those involved with any type of projects to assess if progress desired is beingachieved.

    M&E benefits the key actors involved in community development in the following ways:
     For project executors (i.e., a company Community Relations Team, a company/NGO partnership, or a company foundation), M&E can improve management. By monitoring progress against defined goals, a project manager can assess what is working and what is not, and from there can determine what changes should be made to a project. This inturn makes it possible to improve the way things are being done in the project organization.

    For companies, whether executing a project or supporting it through partnership or funding, M&E can be used to demonstrate progress to internal management and to external stakeholders. Internally, measurable results can justify continued funding and clarify the return on investment of community development efforts to managers and shareholders. Externally, the results of M&E can demonstrate commitment to and competence in community development, and thus help a company maintain its social license to operate. This makes the companies to make sound decisions concerning major projects undertaken and to know where to invest.

    For community members and NGOs, participating in M&E is an opportunity to influence the design and execution of community development projects. Furthermore, by providing feedback on whether programs are achieving aims in line with community needs and desires, M&E is a powerful accountability mechanism.

  • My names are Lucy and live in Fort Worth, TX. I work at Catholic Charities Dallas in the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program (URM). Am interested in taking this course to help me understand how to interpret, manage and use data and for my own personal development.

  • M&E is highly significant in the life of any project, being that it help project managers to track the progress made at every interval of the project and also ensuring every activities work towards the sets objectives.

  • An unrealistic target cause of the reluctant of donor, team and BNFs

  • when Monitoring and evaluation are planning in the project cycle?

  • Module 1 was an eye opener for me.....I am trying to put together some information concerning the project I plan working on so that I can do my assignment ....

    I will be glad to connect with others who have done theirs .

  • Excellent Case studies for MEH I think both data will be relevant in their project. It will help make a ratio between the number of loans given out and the subsequent businesses it would have generated along the line. Eager to assist them on this task.

  • Module 1 was an eye opener for me.....I am trying to put together some information concerning the project I plan working on so that I can do my assignment ....

    I will be glad to connect with others who have done theirs .

  • M&E offers a means of evaluating the vital connection between on-the-ground implementers, beneficiaries, and decision-makers; it contributes to the preservation and growth of institutional memory; it offers a more solid foundation for obtaining funding and influencing policy.

  • M&E offers a means of evaluating the vital connection between on-the-ground implementers, beneficiaries, and decision-makers; it contributes to the preservation and growth of institutional memory; it offers a more solid foundation for obtaining funding and influencing policy.

  • M&E offers a means of evaluating the vital connection between on-the-ground implementers, beneficiaries, and decision-makers; it contributes to the preservation and growth of institutional memory; it offers a more solid foundation for obtaining funding and influencing policy.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation are very important in all project as it helps to determine the starting point of a project, the expected outcome, and the drive for possible results.

    M&E plays the role of a pointer on a road map, to direct and redirect actions and programs of a project.

  • This module is very important for me as it will help to understand M&E plan by developing M & E plan

  • M& E is important to measure the performance or statuses of a company at large and projects specifically. M& E indenties the strength and the weakness of a campany. It also helps managment to take any remedial actions on the weakness of the company based M & E report.

  • Interesting! This topic will for sure help me acquire new skills about how to prepare a project M&E plan: Know what are project goals or objectives, expected results or outcomes,, how to measure project progress to tract performance. This is what i am expecting from this course

  • will help the donor understand their tagert

  • Ensures the project are successful

  • The first project is Girls Organizing for Ongoing Development (GOOD), a project that will help local girls to open savings accounts. GOOD’s project manager took this course last month, and she has already created a fantastic M&E plan.

    Her team knows precisely what its goals are: they want to open 1200 new savings accounts for girls in 34 Kenyan villages in the next six months. And they will know how well they are doing, too, because they have already decided how they will measure progress: every field office will have one person recording how many girls open savings accounts. In addition, they have plans to collect information on how the savings accounts change their beneficiaries lives, what beneficiaries think about the project, and how the project can be improved. In a year, when it’s time to write the annual report for their funders and partners, they will be ready to say exactly how successful their project was. And if anything starts to go wrong, they will be able to catch the problem right away and make any necessary changes.

  • Monitoring enable to truck progress of the project against the targets.
    It helps to set tools required to collect data that will measure the desired targets.
    It shows who is responbsible for what.
    it clearly states what needs to be achieved and within which time.
    M&E helps in resource prioritisation.

  • My name is Samuel Lekato

  • You change the method of data collection depending on the use of data collected

  • from what I read above I can deduced that all project information is Data.

  • I can deduce that all project information is a data but some are more germane for monitoring and evaluation. Thus it is now very important to know those project information(Data) that are needed for M&E.

  • According to me Monitoring and evaluation enable one to come up with a good layout of what:
    a) The goals and objectives of the project are
    b) To have a clear way of measuring progress by having clear indicators
    c) To have reliable data collection tools
    d) To know whether there are problems in the project and to get means to correct the problem immediately.
    In addition, a good M&E plan satisfies all the stakeholders of the project

    1 Reply
  • I understand well that means every project can't move or go forward with out project plan

  • Monitoring and Evaluation helps us to set clear goals as to what we want to achieve at the end of the day
    It also makes project organizers accountable to their sponsors

  • importance of monitoring and evaluation.

    Monitoring helps you, to collect all the information that will be helpful during your project implementation.
    Evaluation also helps you to identify if the project is moving on the same move as you planned before, or if you are encountering some challenges that can lead to the failure. so that you improve where necessary for the project to move on well.

    • M&E provides a way to assess the link between implementers and beneficiaries.

    • M&E allows for learning from experiences and thus building on expertise and knowledge.

    • M&E generates reports that can be used for decision making.

    • M&E provides a basis for raising funds and influencing policies.

  • This is clearly the importance Monitoring and Evaluation, because the scenario is directly talking about data collection, which is one of the key first step in M &E. You will firstly collect the data before measuring
    the progress or challenge of that activity. With that, you can evaluate by measuring whether the project was successful or need intervention if necessary.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is important because it helps project implementers track progress of the project interventions or activities.
    The first project of Girls Organizing for ongoing Development (Good) was specific in enabling girls save money through accounts opening, they also put mechanisms for implementation and monitoring by specific assigned field staff.
    The second project of Microfinance for Expanding Horizons(MEH), through providing micro loans to the girls , though under the same organization, its not well planned no clear goal, implementation strategy, monitoring of progress and evaluation of out puts. However its important to note that with continuous consultation and knowledge sharing, the team can improve and implement the project better for better outputs can also improve and do better.
    It also helps in data collection process, data entry, analysis, storage, quality assurance, reports creation, reports sharing and decisions making.
    Monitoring and Evaluation is a source for resource mobilization and sustainability of projects for community transformation and development.

  • To help monitor the project and the funds needed for the project
    Provides a link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision making

  • hank you I understood well in my opinion risks and assumptions are the main factors that influence whether the project is completing successfully or not so I think when we solve and write down the risks and assumptions for the project we know that where our project can't move to make finally a decision
    thank you.

  • it helps in collecting project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activities.
    it measures how well the project activities and how many changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project's interventions.

  • To help monitor the project and the funds needed for the project
    Provides a link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision making

  • To create a plan for a project and to able to analysis how successful a project. Knowing the problem that is going wrong in the project to make changes to it.

  • MEH first needs to understand the following:
    What is the main goal?
    What is the purpose of the microloan?
    What would be the criteria?
    How many individuals are they wanting to assist?
    How will progress be measured?
    What will be the impact of such a project?
    How will success be measured?
    What will be the approach to addressing failures and how will the changes be implemented in future?

    1 Reply
  • I have learned more about M and E especially the words Logframe, Input, Output,outcome and Impact very well

  • M&E helps you to track the progress of your activities or the project, it helps in knowing whether the resources are used for the right purpose, helps in knowing whether the project is benefiting the intended beneficiaries, it also helps us to know whether the objectives of the project are been achieved.

  • Yes, I understood how M&E is important for MEH project. I think there should be monitoring about how man girls and which types of skills they have, and which skills they should be learn to use for their startup like sewing cloths or garments.

  • I am very happy with the course, it has helped me a lot

  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation is to answer the "WH" questions. i.e
    Where to go means where is the goal of the project
    Which means to which methods and tools are we use for the project
    To identify the risks and assumptions of the project and produce a solution during the project phase or before the project starts.
    Evaluate the project time limit

  • Its important because it helps to check what you have planned vs what have been done

  • Monitoring and evaluation are essential because, without them, it is impossible to determine a project's impact and outcome. My company's continued success is a result of monitoring and evaluation, so I'm curious to learn more about M and E.

  • M&E plan is vital in project performance

  • Also M&E helps the team to identify a problem at its initial stages and come up with a mitigation measure early enough to save resources and time

  • Growing pressure on government due to internal and external forces such as international donors and parliment ask the government to have accountability and transparency on fund expenditure, M&E system can enhance accountability and transparency. Moreover, the information from M&E can also help the government organization to formulate effective policy making and successful implementation of the policy and projects. M&E can also reduce the corruption through increasing transparency.

  • In these two topics I need to prepare plan how organize this project, how to achieve results and how to collect data information in these projects and I need to understand the causes of complex problems and I need to see projects succeed ways.
    In first and second projects (GOOD and MEH) team every months needs to collect project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activity, for example how many villages girls participate in this projects. I need to collect information how he project activities have achieved the project’s objectives. Main task collect data information bout our project

  • The first project is Girls Organizing for Ongoing Development (GOOD), a project that will help local girls to open savings accounts. GOOD’s project manager took this course last month, and she has already created a fantastic M&E plan.

    Her team knows precisely what its goals are: they want to open 1200 new savings accounts for girls in 34 Kenyan villages in the next six months. And they will know how well they are doing, too, because they have already decided how they will measure progress: every field office will have one person recording how many girls open savings accounts. In addition, they have plans to collect information on how the savings accounts change their beneficiaries lives, what beneficiaries think about the project, and how the project can be improved. In a year, when it’s time to write the annual report for their funders and partners, they will be ready to say exactly how successful their project was. And if anything starts to go wrong, they will be able to catch the problem right away and make any necessary changes.

  • Targets are relative to a project. Some unrealistic targets to one organization's project may not be unrealistic to another. There are certain factors that determine the unrealistic nature of a target

    1. Project budget.. Some projects may not have enough money and other resources to meet their intended goals.
    2. Time may result unrealistic targets.
    3. Lack of skilled manpower
      These above factor are very key when setting targets.
  • Targets are relative to a project. Some unrealistic targets to one organization's project may not be unrealistic to another. There are certain factors that determine the unrealistic nature of a target

    1. Project budget.. Some projects may not have enough money and other resources to meet their intended goals.
    2. Time may result unrealistic targets.
    3. Lack of skilled manpower
      These above factor are very key when setting targets.
  • M&E helps to measure the progress of the project and what can be done to improve the project.
    it also helps to identify the impact the project is having on the beneficiary.

    1 Reply
  • Targets are relative to a project. Some unrealistic targets to one organization's project may not be unrealistic to another. There are certain factors that determine the unrealistic nature of a target

    1. Project budget.. Some projects may not have enough money and other resources to meet their intended goals.
    2. Time may result unrealistic targets.
    3. Lack of skilled manpower
      These above factor are very key when setting targets.
  • It brings out the aspect of Qualitative and Quantitative understanding on project Cost, Scope, time and performance given the constrains on specific projects.

  • yes, this provides a platform to guide your project

  • true, with M&E Plan most correction can be done through daily, weekly and monthly monitoring instead of just waiting and do evaluation at the end of project implementation

  • All is well and interesting

  • M&E is important to know the success of project intervention in achievement its objectives in quality, timely and efficient manner

  • This is an interesting view of how monitoring and evaluation plays a role in a project.

  • M&E can help to shape project strategy

  • M&E is avital tool in keeping teams focused to the desired goal

  • M&E Helps to inform project design and best indicator to expect after the project.
    it further helps to form project implementation strategy

  • It provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementation and services provided to beneficiaries which inturn helps donors or funders measure impact

    • Importance of M&E
      Identify indicators for project success
      Used as the roadmap towards project implementation
      illustrate corrective signs for project path
      Used to make analysis on project progress
  • MEH should consider their strategy in the long-term as well, i.e. how many of the businesses that were started through loans are still functioning after a longer period of time, i.e. one year. They should be looking at whether the businesses are profitable as well, or if they are breaking even or providing minimal sustenance for the loan recipients; they should consider how to measure Return on Investment as it pertains to the microloan program.

  • I enjoyed Module 1; it was interesting and the examples of the fictional organizations (GOOD and MEH) were pertinent (although at first I was confused as to whether NOPE was a fictional organization like the other two.) I guess one issue I had was that the assignment encouraged me to focus on answer A, but I thought that section was pretty simple for me. However, I filled it out as thoroughly as I could.

  • Enables us to gather important information about the project so that we are able to determine the progress and performance of the various project scheduled activities.
    Helps to communicate to the project funders about the utilization of the resources
    Enables us to find out the bottle necks during project implementation so that the project is smoothly implemented.

  • M&E is important because it helps organizations to be accountable, learn, make informed decisions, promote transparency, and optimize resources.

  • M& E is important because it helps organisation to measure progress and identify challenges in a particular area and offer solutions

    M& E is important because it provides qualitative and quantitative data to stakeholders

  • As per my understanding, there is a project which was work for development of girls lives

  • This enable me to have the knowledge on how to come up with aproject, decide on the goals and the objectives, initiate it and develope monitoring and evaluation plan which will greatly help to measure the progress of the project to its completion and evaluate the final results

  • I am new to MEbut from this introductory part, I conclude that one should prepare a monitoring and evaluation plan from the start of a project.

  • M&E helps to measure results, that way success can be distinguished from failure
    Success cannot be rewarded if it is not established.
    If success is not rewarded failure will likely be rewarded.
    If success and failures are not established the we cannot learn from our success or failures.

  • That's right a good M&E plan should have be able to clearly spell out objectives of the project or activity and those objectives should be Short, Acceptable, Measurable, Reliable and Timely

  • M&E help project managers and other project implementers to see their progress,see if they are in the right path,
    helps to develop informed decision making on their projects

  • M & E is important because it helps organisation to formulate goals and plans for particular project

    M & E helps organisations to identify challenges in a particular project

    M&E helps organisations to generate solutions and improve in areas where they face challenges

  • M & E is important because it helps organisation to formulate goals and plans for a particular project

    M&E is important because it helps organisation to their measure progress

    M & E helps to identify problems being faced on the project

    M&E helps organisations to generate solutions and improve in certain areas where something went wrong

  • The Programme objective is not clearly articulated in second Project (MEH)

  • les amies avec ce cours je commences à comprendre vraiment le suivi-evaluation et je suis fier d'assister fortement à ce cours.

  • M&E its an important with every organization and project to have data and facilitate a decision

  • yes agree with that

  • M&E is crucial for measuring success. From the start of creating plan of the project, identifying the concrete needs and SMART approach should be followed.

  • M&E are important tools for understanding whether a project is on track and achieving its intended objectives. By tracking progress and collecting information, project managers can identify issues early, see the project's impact or effects on the project beneficiaries, their views about the project and if there are any problems with the project, project managers will be able to make necessary corrections on time

  • Hello everyone. This is Bellan Alain. Am new on the platform

  • Thank you for offering this valuable opportunity and I am looking forward to gaining as much as I could from my colleagues in this course .

  • The explanation in comparing both examples are clear. M&E Plan will absolutely play important role for the project at the beginning (Startup project/baseline), in the middle (Quarterly and Annual Report) and at the end (closeout report).

  • then we still have time if we still at the beginning of a project ? But could we prepare that before we get start the project? Is a negotiable issue with the funders before the project even starts ?

  • With a M&E plan, a project is more susceptible to be accepted .

  • the MEH needs to take a decesion about how to measure by how many businesses they help get started.

  • M&E is important for knowing the project's impact on the society and change to many people's lives

  • M & E will help the organisation to know whether the funds and resources have been efficiently utilised and have achieved the intended purpose.
    Secondly, M & E will help the organisation to learn from the mistakes made and never to repeat them in future projects, therefore, this becomes a learning opportunity for the team members.
    Thirdly, M & E will encourage the diversity of thoughts and opinions since the different team members will bring on board different ideas during the brainstorming session.

  • Through Monitoring and Evaluation the observation can easily identify the efficiency and effectiveness of the program or plan to monitor. A plan can guide the flow of the program or project that need to implement.

  • The first importance of M&E it helps to measure the progress of the on going project and get to know how well the project is doing. secondly it helps the project owners identify different ways they will use to collect data to get as much information as possible. thirdly M&E helps the project owners know how impactful the project has been to the beneficiaries and how it can be improved. additionally when it’s time to write the annual report for their funders and partners, they will be ready to say exactly how successful their project was. lastly if anything starts to go wrong, they are able to catch the problem right away and make any necessary changes.

  • the importance of M&E is to know goals and the way of doing that work to achieve the goal. it shows directions about how, when, and how often the data is collected. it makes the job easy, and good for accountability for the beneficiary or for the donors.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation enables the project implementers measure the progress of the project thus know how well they are doing. secondly they will be able to decided the suitable methods they will use to collect data from the beneficiaries. Thirdly they will collect information on how impactful the project has been to the beneficiaries, their thought and how the project can be improved. most importantly through monitoring if anything starts to go wrong as the project progresses, they will be able to catch the problem right away and make any necessary changes. Additionally, when it’s time to write the annual report for their funders and partners, they will be ready to say exactly how successful their project was.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are important because through this process one is able to collect and analyze data and determine if a project/program has fulfilled its goals. Another importance is that projects to stay on track as the information which is collected through monitoring reveals gaps or issues which need to be addressed or prioritized. M&E also provides details of what went wrong or right during a project and this knowledge is essential when planning for similar projects in the future. M&E also enhances transparency and accountability trough tracking, analyzing and reporting especially during the monitoring phase.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation enables the project implementers measure the progress of the project thus know how well they are doing. secondly they will be able to decided the suitable methods they will use to collect data from the beneficiaries. Thirdly they will collect information on how impactful the project has been to the beneficiaries, their thought and how the project can be improved. most importantly through monitoring if anything starts to go wrong as the project progresses, they will be able to catch the problem right away and make any necessary changes. Additionally, when it’s time to write the annual report for their funders and partners, they will be ready to say exactly how successful their project was.

  • Risks and assumptions helps understand events and conditions that are unforeseen that affect project implementation.
    It involves checking on past similar activities and talking to project benefiaciaries to inform you on the risks on the ground

  • Measure and Evaluation is important because Monitoring helps to tract performance and use this information to make informed decision while Evaluation, measures how well the project has achieved its objective, this is by saying that how well has the project impacted or intervene.

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