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  • About being honest, means the M&E process needs to be trustful way and respectfully. Also it refers to be sure, true, strict and purposely process.

  • Honesty should be demonstrated throughout the M&E activity, as well as to stakeholders (beneficiaries, program staff, donors, or other groups of interested parties) and participants.

  • Use the data for the only purpose that you intended to. participants should be assured that their data will only be used for the intended purpose.

  • HONESTY: seems to be one of the major factors

    1. Accuracy
    2. Good data quality
    3. Precision
  • Data should be honestly collected, managed, analysed and presented.

  • helps in accuracy

  • It is very ethical for you to disclose you relationship with the pharmaceutical company.

  • Honesty is the key to any M&E success

  • The most impressive part of "Honesty" in M&E is not simply to not lie. Failing here, could dramatically affect the quality of the work, even create a doubt about the data analysis outcomes. This could be a real problem for the organisation that playing the role of M&E. It is extremely important for any M&E professional to, keep in mind the standard of honesty is even higher it is for other people.

  • This is a great topic of being honest. I now understand why we are being asked to share findings and limitations through out the project life span. This is really an eye opener

  • Honesty is one of the key to success in M&E.

  • Ensure that the data you present is accurate. Do not tamper with data collected to build your study

  • Entre nous soit dit: Est-ce que les membres de la team S&E sont vraiment honnêtes? Peut-être qu'à travers ce cours, on sera honnête et on présentera des données exactes

  • Helps one to prepare for accurate and reliable data during presentation and then it gives a good feedback on someone wishes to show interest on field of his/her dream's

  • Honesty is very important in everything we do; however, it is less put into consideration in many organizations. The most critical point I think is declaring conflict of interest before the intended outcome is observed. Making sure that the data we present and collect are accurately should always be at our fingertips to avoid damaging the people we intend to use it on them.

  • Conflicts of interest are a possibility throughout the M&E process. The financial or intellectual interests of the program employees may conflict with the M&E if the M&E is carried out internally by program staff. There is a possibility of conflicts of interest in the case of external evaluations as well, either in the form of monetary stakes with the funding agency or other intellectual interests of the external evaluators. The M&E manager's judgment may be affected by these conflicts of interest. As a result, the outcomes could become suspect.

  • This very crucial in M&E

  • In the company I work for, there is a specialized department for collecting data and archiving it using Excel and a special program

  • it is good to be honest especially when you are collecting data
    this shows the ethic of your data

  • it is possible to ignore honesty just to convene your stakeholders especially donor, but it possibly destroy the process of your project. it will sure fail on the way because you have not collected the right information and you will have no steps to follows

  • it is possible to ignore honesty just to convene your stakeholders especially donor, but it possibly destroy the process of your project. it will sure fail on the way because you have not collected the right information and you will have no steps to follows

  • Dishonesty during data collection or interpretation could do harm to the people such data was meant to help in the first place and could destroy your company's or organization's credibility. And the user of such data could provide solutions that are at variance with the needs of the population, eventually translating to the waste of limited resources.

  • ryetytyrtytryrtyrtyrtytrytry

  • Honesty is keen

  • during the presentation you have to include implementation processes, challenges you have faced, long term strategies needed, how to achieve the targets' and achievements.

  • Without honesty the data can be bias and to an extension it can lead to wrong decision making.




  • Risk and Assumptions very vital in project lag frame helps in bringing out the challenges and biases that we can encounter during the project implementation

  • Quels les critères essentiels du choix des données (Variables en études)

  • Quels les critères essentiels du choix des données (Variables en études)

  • Sharing the limitations of your M&E strategies may be hard for a data scientist who wants to achieve perfect results but it shows that we are human and we can make mistakes .

  • Collect, use and present your data accurately. Be clear about how your M&E processes work and be honest about any limitations to your work.

  • Honesty is a key to building trust, an Honest report provides for more opportunities from funders.

  • honest with all data collected is a priority for all who are involve

  • Honesty is key in data collection as it tends to eliminate Biases.

  • False information leads to wrong decision-making. So, providing false data or information it is not only a crime, but also shows how bad professional we are, professionals without the sense of responsibility. The Honesty principle help us to avoid many problems.

  • Sadly, some think of ethics as a process that drags data collection. Honesty is a virtue in research that cannot/should not be downplayed.

  • We must be confident that the data which we and our entire team members supply to public or main clients are as much accurate as possible . This is because of the reason that the company honesty totally lies on that for sure for future endeavors.

  • Speaking the truth and act truthfully is all about being HONEST your action should reflect what you say and must be truthful too. It is good to be honest even at your work place and with the work you are been given to do by presenting the right or correct data , manage the work correctly and so .

  • The M&E professionals should always ensure that their data is honestly and clearly collected, managed, analyzed and presented. In other words, to avoid unethical issues to interfere in the quality of collected data, the M&E representatives should serous enough not to lie and present false conclusions about their data.

  • The M&E professionals should always ensure that their data is honestly and clearly collected, managed, analyzed and presented. In other words, to avoid unethical issues to interfere in the quality of collected data, the M&E representatives should serous enough not to lie and present false conclusions about their data.

  • The M&E professionals should always ensure that their data is honestly and clearly collected, managed, analyzed and presented. In other words, to avoid unethical issues to interfere in the quality of collected data, the M&E representatives should serous enough not to lie and present false conclusions about their data.

  • The M&E professionals should always ensure that their data is honestly and clearly collected, managed, analyzed and presented. In other words, to avoid unethical issues to interfere in the quality of collected data, the M&E representatives should serous enough not to lie and present false conclusions about their data.

  • The M&E professionals should always ensure that their data is honestly and clearly collected, managed, analyzed and presented. In other words, to avoid unethical issues to interfere in the quality of collected data, the M&E representatives should serous enough not to lie and present false conclusions about their data.

  • The M&E professionals should always ensure that their data is honestly and clearly collected, managed, analyzed and presented. In other words, to avoid unethical issues to interfere in the quality of collected data, the M&E representatives should serous enough not to lie and present false conclusions about their data.

  • In simple terms this can apply to being real or realistic. Therefore, the monitoring and evaluation team must adhere to a high level of integrity through providing accurate and reliable data. Furthermore, the team is also expected to report both the advantages and disadvantages encountered in due of collecting information/data.

  • Be truth and honest when collecting data

  • If remaining honest in your m&e plan includes, declaration of any conflict of interest, any limitation of the work and the accuracy of the results, the employment of an independant actor Can therefore be part of one's solution to solve some of this problems.
    Honesty will make your result overview clear for everyone and will give to your organisation some respect from those who will use your results

  • Data accuracy is key especially in organizations where leadership demand for successes of the projects. in some cases M&E officers report wrong data to justify relevancy, efficiency, and coherency of projects

  • I,m truly an honest person who wants to learn this precious opportunity

  • all in all I,m good because of my Accuracy and good data quality and also very good I think

  • I hope to finish with success

  • Whenever you data collect you must be honest and loyal and to protecting the data that will lead to your being trustworthy
    You must be able to resolve the conflict organization if it comes up

  • Whenever you data collect you must be honest and loyal and to protecting the data that will lead to your being trustworthy
    You must be able to resolve the conflict organization if it comes up

  • If you and your team carry out M&E processes without the required technical or cultural skills, you might unintentionally cause harm or present data that does not live up to the honesty principle.

  • Honesty should be in all elements of research; especially in the description of the techniques and procedures used, data collection, making use of and referencing the work of other researchers, making assertions that are supported by evidence and communicating accurate interpretations.

  • Communicating accurate findings help in devising the appropriate strategies in solving a problem. when findings are communicated accurately with its associated limitations, it helps build further research to build on limitations and strengthen existing strategies put in place to solve the problem.

  • Well understood

  • Yeah it means when we collect a data in any field we should not change its result we must be honest and show the exact result

  • Honesty implies to the collection, use and presenting of your data accurately. This therefore, implies to being clear about how your M&E processes work and being honest about any limitations to your work. Hence data from M&E processes is expected on the other hand to be as close as possible to the pure truth.
    Some of the ways to ensure that your M&E team is abiding to the honesty principle can be seen as follows;
    Ensuring that the findings from your M&E are accurately represented. This means that you should not present data that you know is inaccurate. However, it also means that you will need to to constantly check the accuracy of your data.
    Furthermore, ensuring that the findings from your M&E are accurately represented. This implies that the M&E team presents conclusions that are strongly worded and simply accurate.
    Sharing the limitations of the M&E strategies is yet the other way to ensure that your M&E team is abiding to the honesty principle. This implies that the M&E team will not be able to collect perfect, absolutely complete data. Nor will you be able to state conclusions with complete certainty. Hence be honest about these limitations with donors, beneficiaries, or any one who might be interested in your work, ideally share these limitations before your project starts, so that people do not develop unrealistic expectations.
    Share any areas where you might have a personal or professional interest in a certain outcome. This implies that you or your organization may gain something useful if a certain outcome is reached.

  • this principle is good for M&E staff to understand the Working capacities
    this restricted that any finding must be represented and data represented must be accurate

  • very interested

  • very interested

  • The integrity of this course is important to me at runtime.

  • الأمانة باختصار هي دمج بين الموضوعية والمصداقية وعدم الانحياز وبعض الخصال التي ان تؤدي بمجملها الى الحقيقة ونقل الواقع كما هو وبالاضافة الى عدم التهاون بالقوانين مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار توفر الرحمة والقفز فوق بعض معسِّرات العمل لاكمال عملية الالتزام بحفظ البيانات وعدم الخلط لجعل بعض البيانات توحي بعدم المصداقية او النقص والانتقال الى جعل البيانات كما هي مع شرح الحالة التي تحيط بهذه البيانات

  • generally, honesty is a great virtue and should always be implemented throughout a project. as we go on about our project we should ensure honesty as much as possible. do not lie about the project goal, do not lie or twist the truth to your benefit, and do not lie to the donors. most important of all never lie about the outcome of your project.

  • This is M&E concern that we refer as Ethical principles that require that all finding must be shared
    and all data represented must be accurate and clear

  • Honesty is really one key factor in collecting and using data!

  • The data collected should be cleared and answer the research questions (while the research questions themselves should also cover the purpose of the research or evaluation). Vague questions will lead to poor data being collected.

  • Honesty is essential in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) because it ensures that data is accurate and reflects the true state of the program or intervention being evaluated. Honesty involves being truthful and transparent about the data that is collected and reported, including any limitations or uncertainties associated with the data.

    In M&E, honesty is important for several reasons. First, it helps to build trust between the program or intervention being evaluated and stakeholders, including funders, partners, and beneficiaries. When stakeholders know that the data they are receiving is accurate and reliable, they are more likely to support the program or intervention.

    Second, honesty is important for ensuring that programs and interventions are effective. If data is manipulated or misrepresented, it can lead to incorrect conclusions about the effectiveness of the program or intervention. This can result in resources being allocated to ineffective programs or interventions, which can be detrimental to beneficiaries and stakeholders.

    Finally, honesty is important for accountability. M&E is used to hold programs and interventions accountable for their performance and to identify areas for improvement. If data is not honest or accurate, it can make it difficult to identify areas for improvement and to hold programs and interventions accountable for their performance.

    In summary, honesty is a crucial element of M&E. It ensures that data is accurate and reliable, builds trust with stakeholders, promotes effective programs and interventions, and supports accountability.

  • M&E guys should prove themselves honest to their organization by providing continuously accurate and valid data from the intervention's process monitoring and collecting data on outcome indicators, as the management mostly makes decision based on the collected and disseminated data by M&E, therefore the facts and reality should be included in the M&E data and report and do not be ignored.

  • honesty is very important for every thing.

  • Honesty principles in practices means data needs to be transparently collated, managed, analyzed and presented. This is applicable to each and every part of the processes mentioned and most importantly reports should be honestly presented.

  • Honesty as a principle of M&E provides the accuracy both in Data collections, limitation strategies, finding representation and other interests professionally or personally

  • Of course without honesty you become biased and May result to wrong findings in any research carried out.

  • Honesty is one of the aspects that is usually difficult to maintain. my question is; how do you maintain honesty in a crisis environment ??

  • Increase the value of your business by reducing the perception of risk.
    Not only is an honest person respected by all parties, but being fully transparent can increase the value of your business(by reducing the perception of risk) and make your business easier to sell. Being honest reduces the buyer’s perception of risk, which means they may be willing to pay mor…
    Save yourself time by being honest.
    Being honest also saves you time from having to remember any half-truths that may have been told. It gives you freedom because you have nothing to hide.

  • Conflict of interest is one of the areas that a lot of practitioners fail to be honest in while implementing programs

  • The M&E professionals should always ensure that their data is honestly and clearly collected, managed, analyzed and presented. In other words, to avoid unethical issues to interfere in the quality of collected data, the M&E representatives should serous enough not to lie and present false conclusions about their data.

  • Honest on presenting data is not on M&E only it should be on any kind of information told or written.

  • it is important for ME specialists to avoid preconceived judgments based on their colleagues' or boss assumptions or suggestions simply to please them. Honesty and unbiased decisions are the keys to success.

  • Honesty in M&E will have integrity on your data and the report thereafter. It is better to present the real outcomes of the data than manipulate it to fit individual bias or appeasement policy

  • It is always good to be honest when planning for M&E, when implementing projects and when reporting. Lies are always inconsistent and they lead to donor flight, wrong policy directions and they also foster incompetence.

  • It is important to be mindful when collecting data its use and presenting the data accurately. It is equally important to let all stakeholders know of the limitations and challenges that one may face in the course of the process.

  • I think honesty is fundamental in Data strategies, and the single most important thing that drives our interactions with stakeholders, when we so daringly need to impress.

  • Honesty mean that for a successful employee we need to follow to important issues.
    the one is our knowledge professionalism
    the second one is our committment it means honesty and loyality

  • Honesty mean that for a successful employee we need to follow to important issues.
    the one is our knowledge professionalism
    the second one is our committment it means honesty and loyality

  • It is a very relevant point. To be honest it is always good because is related to your integrity, and manipulating the data scenario can impact negatively the decision.

  • Honesty is very necessary especially in field of data management, not being honest with your data's usually has a comeback effects that is not always pleasant to the recieving end. It could tarnish ones image and degrade one to the full

  • Honest data use goes far beyond simply publishing knowingly inaccurate data; it is really important to represent data in such a way that your audience will not misunderstand your findings. If you unintentionally make a claim that your data cannot support, this could still be considered dishonest, regardless of your intentions.

  • Honesty is one of the essential principles of ethical behavior, yes there is need to share limitations of your M&E strategies to the interested parties or stakeholders and preferably at the beginning of the project so that people do not develop unrealistic expectations about the project.

  • Honesty is about principles and values that everyone does not born with it but leans during life. So, by walking with those principles you will avoid being dishonest wherever you are, mainly on important services like data management because can impact negatively the decisions!

  • If my organization has collected and analysed data with a conclusion that is against a certain firm which is not the sponsor of the research. Would it be advisable to present the research to them first before presenting it to the public? I think it is better to present it to the public first for if it is presented to the firm first it would:

    • Bring about undue pressure on my organisation to alter data or conclusion in favour of the firm.

    • It would interfere with the impact of the research especially when the firm goes on a charm offensive before you release it to the public.
      Do advice on this aspect.

  • Honesty forms the foundation of M&E work. It ensures accurate and reliable data, fosters transparency and trust, upholds ethical standards, and facilitates learning and improvement. By prioritising honesty in M&E practices, we strengthen the integrity of evaluations, enhance decision-making processes, and ultimately contribute to more effective and ethical outcomes. Problem for me is when there is a translation involved where the language barrier can influence or affect the honesty of the data collection.

  • A conflict of interest happens when you or your organization might gain something useful if a certain outcome is reached.

  • It is very important to have integrity and focus on building a long lasting relation based on honesty even when it seems not being honest might seem beneficial.

  • Honesty is very crucial at all times, especial when dealing with data.

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