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  • Monitoring and Evaluation provides a clear roadmap on how the project intend to achieve it's intended objectives by creating indictors of progress and developing data collection tools and data workflows for evidenced based programming.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is used to measure a project's progress. It's important because it lets you keep tabs on a project and identify potential problems

    1 Reply
  • Planning M&E results in better transparency and accountability, it helps organizations catch problems early, helps ensure resources are used efficiently. Planning M&E helps organizations learn from their mistakes and stay organized, it improves decision-making, helps organizations replicate the best projects/programs. It encourages innovation and diversity of thought and opinions.

  • For the success of every project in a sustainable way, M&E are key elements that should not be ignored. This helps in monitoring the progress of the project and leads to perspectives to improve the project during its implementation process.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is important because:

    it provides the only consolidated source of information showcasing project progress;
    it allows actors to learn from each other’s experiences, building on expertise and knowledge;
    it often generates (written) reports that contribute to transparency and accountability, and allows for lessons to be shared more easily;
    it reveals mistakes and offers paths for learning and improvements;
    it provides a basis for questioning and testing assumptions;
    it provides a means for agencies seeking to learn from their experiences and to incorporate them into policy and practice;
    it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers;
    it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory;
    it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

  • This is a goal set for a program and I real sense it'll be hard to reach. Targets in project should be real and by all means be able to be achieved. A programs target is supposed to be real, not overestimated or underestimated.

  • One of the importance of the M&E course is to prepare the M&E plan that is need by MEH project team.

  • Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Importance
    I have read the two-project situation regarding M&E one project have the mechanism of M&E other project are planning to implement M&E mechanism .
    Through the M&E mechanism we can measure progress of project
    Through the M&E mechanism we can check the loopholes in project and correct them
    Through the M&E mechanism we can assess progress and impact of project.

  • The M&E help to track the project progress in order to take the right decision at the right time

  • it helps in measuring the success of the project and how it spend its resources

  • M&E helps an organization have clear goals before the start of the project and know what they will need through out the project life cycle.

  • Monitoring as the systematic and regular process of collecting informations to measure the progress of the project have several importance and among them include the following.

    1. Monitoring indicates the proper allocation of both human and material resources.
    2. Monitoring gives a room for proper decision making
    3. Monitoring results in better transparency and accountability as it tracks, Analyse and report step by step progress of the project
    4. It gives a room to view which program actives were more effective and less effective
  • The value of the M&E plan is that you will will have concrete reference points from which your organization can notice and discuss the ongoing success of a project and at the conclusion of the project the team can consider if the project was as successful as hoped to be in addressing a real world problem.

  • MEH should have:

    • What data that donor wants to know
    • Target of the number of girls borrow the loans
    • Teams to collect the needed data (tracking the given loans, number of borrowers, the beneficiaries got after getting the loans
    • Monitoring indices for MEH
      -Target number of girls to offer microloans, 1000
      -The area or span for loan disbursement should cover all 34 villages
    • Statutory reasons for use of microloans
    • Type of business or purpose for microloans use.
    • Period of disbursement and repayment offered for microloans
    • Information of girls participating in the microloans.
    • Feedback questionnaire to know business acquisition assisted by microloans and progress outcomes.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation clearly identifies the loopholes in project planning and development of both businesses and ideas for humanity development. Anticipated failures are breeched and averted while projects are ongoing while better outcomes for desired success are achieved when Evaluation is continually and periodically reviewed.

  • M&E helps to collect project information regularly to measure project progress.
    M&E also helps to measure how well project activities have achieved the project objectives.

  • it helps in measuring the success of the project and how it spend its resources
    it helps measuring the amount of fund used in the project.
    it helps in tracking the decision making during project implememtation

  • it helps in measuring the success of the project and how it spend its resources
    it helps measuring the amount of fund used in the project.
    it helps in tracking the decision making during project implementation

  • Monitoring and evaluation are critical part of the project
    So I was thinking if there is alternative way of m and e

    What is measured gets done.

  • The objectives for MEH project is unclear, hence it's understandable why the team is unsure about measuring their project's progress, and whether it will be a success.
    Question - Are the two projects, though separate, target the same group of beneficiaries and in the same location?

  • The value of the M&E plan is that you will will have concrete reference points from which your organization can notice and discuss the ongoing success of a project and at the conclusion of the project the team can consider if the project was as successful as hoped to be in addressing a real world problem.

  • M&E helps the teams to understand how to set goals and measure projects ' achievements

  • Giving us red flag if we are late or delayed,
    Helping us to measure the achievements
    Happening in record the work progress

  • The importance of M&E are as followings
    -Collect valid data from certain projects
    -Make good decision on certain project selected
    -Providing the knowledge of knowing how far the project make change.
    -Making correct evaluation after successful monitoring has taken place.

  • M&E is with no doubt an important aspect of project planning and management. Its rather hard to precisely measure impact of any project without a clear M&E plan. Its even harder to look back and try understand what worked and why it worked, if there was no data recorded to help in this regard. M&E therefore isn't a luxury, but a must for organisations that are intentional about understanding applicability, efficiency, and sustainability of their projects

  • M and E is an important aspect of project management and helps to determine the effectiveness and success of a project. By regularly monitoring the progress and outcomes of a project, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to ensure the project is on track to meet its goals. Evaluation, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive assessment of the project at its completion, allowing organizations to determine its overall success and identify lessons learned for future projects. In short, monitoring and evaluation play a crucial role in ensuring that projects are well-designed, implemented, and delivering the intended results.

  • M and E is an important aspect of project management and helps to determine the effectiveness and success of a project. By regularly monitoring the progress and outcomes of a project, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to ensure the project is on track to meet its goals. Evaluation, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive assessment of the project at its completion, allowing organizations to determine its overall success and identify lessons learned for future projects. In short, monitoring and evaluation play a crucial role in ensuring that projects are well-designed, implemented, and delivering the intended results.

  • importance of monitoring and evaluation

    1. Encourages innovation
    2. M&E encourages diversity of thought and opinions.
    3. helps organization stay organized
    4. M&E helps organizations learn from there mistakes
    5. M&E helps ensure resources are used efficiently
    6. M&E results in better transparency and accountability
    7. M&E helps organization catch problems early
      8.M&E helps organization replicate the best project/ programs
    8. M&E helps organization in improves in decision making
  • it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers; it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory; it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy

  • Hi,
    I am interesting in MEAL issu and working PMEAL Officer

  • Great information

  • M&E(monitoring and evaluation)help you to track the progress of your project as well as evaluate the accomplishment of your goal.

    1. It reviews the extent which goal has been accomplished.
    2. It also reviews the efficiency of the project.
  • I TINK M&E plan is important to the organizations as well as donors because we will have a common understanding of our roles and goals and whether we have reached them.

  • A systematic and robust monitoring and evaluation system depend on coherent program design, a sound monitoring and evaluation system help the organization to understand what they have achieved and what they intended to achieve

  • M&E is important for information collection and its use in measuring how well the project activities are achieving the project objectivities.

  • At this poin I have no idea how to write the answer. But I will keep going to understand.

  • M&E is an important tool in making both the intervenors, donors, and the beneficiaries be accountable. It is a tool that makes it easy for project proponents to tell of the changes they are making on the people they are working with

  • helping organisations to track, analyse and report on relevant information and data throughout the life cycle of a project

  • helping organisations to track, analyse and report on relevant information and data throughout the life cycle of a project

  • It provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers; i

  • provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers; i

  • helping organisations to track, analyse and report on relevant information and data throughout the life cycle of a project

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a continuous management function to assess if progress is made in achieving expected results, to spot bottlenecks in implementation and to highlight whether there are any unintended effects (positive or negative) from an investment plan, programme or project

  • This is an amazing introduction of the importance of M&E. It shades great light from the beginning on how planning is important in executing project monitoring and evaluation.

  • There are two different approach related to these to Project. The GOODs project seems like they know how to do their project, how achieve their goal, and also how to handle the risk during the implementation. But the MEH project still confuse with how achieve the goal of the project.
    The monitoring and evaluation plan is very important when the Program already has the clear objective for the program and the exist plan on how to achieve the program.

  • It helps to to set plans to collect information on a project.
    It helps to kno how the the project can be improved.
    It helps to know problem of the project and how can it be solved or make changes.
    It helps to measure wat amount of finance is needed to complete the project.

    • Monitoring and Evaluation helps to ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently and that the project is implemented as planned.
      M&E helps organization to easily identify problems in the project and rectify. This leads to better decision making.
      M&E helps organizations learn from experiences and come up with better solutions.
      M&E also helps the organization in proper coordination through assigning responsibilities to those doing the project to enhance efficiency.

    • list item

  • M&E helps with project design and helps to measure progress.

  • The important of monitoring and Evaluation is that we are able to know if the project is successful or not and also we can be able to measure the progress of the project.

  • This is a good explanation and I have also learned from you
    Wishing you all the best.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation help to archive the project goal

  • Hello, you did a great job and you have raised good point

  • I have a question o how we can improve our skill in monitoring and Evaluation.

  • Hello team let's work together and help each other

  • Monitoring and Evaluation CA help project to grow since you will be able to know the importance of the project and the ways to overcome the project

  • Yes you are right monitoring and Evaluation will help us to measure the project correctly.

  • My suggestions is I think when dealing with monitoring and Evaluation before starting the project we need to know the importance of the project and also how is it going to help people out there.

  • The importance of M&E

    • it helps in collecting project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activities.
    • it measures how well the project activities and how many changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project's interventions.
  • We should identify risks and assumptions before submittin implementation project

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is one of the most important parts of any program that plays a crucial role during project assessment. Its main goal is to improve outputs, outcomes, and impact by providing detailed information on assessed projects and areas that needs improvement.
    The importance of M&E

    • it help in collecting project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activities.
    • it measure how well the project activities and how many changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a projects interventions.
  • Monitoring indices for MEH
    -Target number of girls to offer microloans, 1000
    -The area or span for loan disbursement should cover all 34 villages
    Statutory reasons for use of microloans
    Type of business or purpose for microloans use.
    Period of disbursement and repayment offered for microloans
    Information of girls participating in the microloans.
    Feedback questionnaire to know business acquisition assisted by microloans and progress outcomes.

  • Excited to start the course looking forward to help MEH in developing

  • Monitoring and Evaluation are essential to analyze if the organization is on the right track. It helps us plan, review them, implement the lessons learned during the project and improve the service to our target audience.

    • Helps organizations in decision making

    • Helps organizations to learn from their mistakes

    • Helps organizations change problems in time

    • Helps organizations to stay organized, stay on plan which in turn saves their time

    • Helps ensure resources are used efficiently

  • The importance of M&E includes the following:
    Identify performance indicators.
    monitor progress of project .
    Check the performance of the project
    Ensure that all activities of the project are going according to plan etc.

    Unrealistic Targets:
    One thing that accounts for the setting of unrealistic target is being overly ambitious.

    In choosing what tools to use, it is important to consider methods of analyzing data collected.
    In the management of data, Executive assistants to directors play important roles.

  • I think considering the an M&E plan is necessary for the success of every project as it will help measure the progress and success of the project, any project that does not have a monitoring and evaluation plan will not be accountable to the funding partners/ donors, will fail to deliver as objectives can not be seen to have been achieved.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is a very important aspect of any project as this helps to gather information as well as compare the progress of the project against the objectives of the project.

  • I think M&E is important in the sense that due to the the information or data collected, it helps in decision making.

  • Monitoring is very important as it is done through out the project cycle such that the project remains on track and at any point when things are not going on well, it is easily identified and remedial actions are taken.
    Evaluation helps us measure the impact of the project at the end of the project. This tells us if the resources put together achieved the anticipated results expected.
    Monitoring and Evaluation is a very essential component of every project, data collected and analyzed helped management make informed decisions void of biases. M&E also helps management know how to allocate resources; distributing based on output.
    Monitoring and evaluation could also help the human resources officer to evaluate different cadre of staff and their performance at various levels.
    Additionally, M&E will help funders in the course of projects to know when and if to increase/ withdraw funding.

  • The significance of a great monitoring and evaluation plan is that it will allow you to identify why you what your project is, why your project is significant , how to make it better and when and were to apply it. also it will help you establish hw well your project is doing and how to do it better or how to improve or remediate parts of it that may not be going to plan or not doing well

  • My names are Lucy and live in Fort Worth, TX. I work at Catholic Charities Dallas in the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program (URM). Am interested in taking this course to help me understand how to interpret, manage and use data and for my own personal development.

  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) helps those involved with any type of projects to assess if progress desired is beingachieved.

    M&E benefits the key actors involved in community development in the following ways:
     For project executors (i.e., a company Community Relations Team, a company/NGO partnership, or a company foundation), M&E can improve management. By monitoring progress against defined goals, a project manager can assess what is working and what is not, and from there can determine what changes should be made to a project. This inturn makes it possible to improve the way things are being done in the project organization.

    For companies, whether executing a project or supporting it through partnership or funding, M&E can be used to demonstrate progress to internal management and to external stakeholders. Internally, measurable results can justify continued funding and clarify the return on investment of community development efforts to managers and shareholders. Externally, the results of M&E can demonstrate commitment to and competence in community development, and thus help a company maintain its social license to operate. This makes the companies to make sound decisions concerning major projects undertaken and to know where to invest.

    For community members and NGOs, participating in M&E is an opportunity to influence the design and execution of community development projects. Furthermore, by providing feedback on whether programs are achieving aims in line with community needs and desires, M&E is a powerful accountability mechanism.

  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) helps those involved with any type of projects to assess if progress desired is beingachieved.

    M&E benefits the key actors involved in community development in the following ways:
     For project executors (i.e., a company Community Relations Team, a company/NGO partnership, or a company foundation), M&E can improve management. By monitoring progress against defined goals, a project manager can assess what is working and what is not, and from there can determine what changes should be made to a project. This inturn makes it possible to improve the way things are being done in the project organization.

    For companies, whether executing a project or supporting it through partnership or funding, M&E can be used to demonstrate progress to internal management and to external stakeholders. Internally, measurable results can justify continued funding and clarify the return on investment of community development efforts to managers and shareholders. Externally, the results of M&E can demonstrate commitment to and competence in community development, and thus help a company maintain its social license to operate. This makes the companies to make sound decisions concerning major projects undertaken and to know where to invest.

    For community members and NGOs, participating in M&E is an opportunity to influence the design and execution of community development projects. Furthermore, by providing feedback on whether programs are achieving aims in line with community needs and desires, M&E is a powerful accountability mechanism.

  • My names are Lucy and live in Fort Worth, TX. I work at Catholic Charities Dallas in the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program (URM). Am interested in taking this course to help me understand how to interpret, manage and use data and for my own personal development.

  • M&E is highly significant in the life of any project, being that it help project managers to track the progress made at every interval of the project and also ensuring every activities work towards the sets objectives.

  • An unrealistic target cause of the reluctant of donor, team and BNFs

  • when Monitoring and evaluation are planning in the project cycle?

  • Module 1 was an eye opener for me.....I am trying to put together some information concerning the project I plan working on so that I can do my assignment ....

    I will be glad to connect with others who have done theirs .

  • Excellent Case studies for MEH I think both data will be relevant in their project. It will help make a ratio between the number of loans given out and the subsequent businesses it would have generated along the line. Eager to assist them on this task.

  • Module 1 was an eye opener for me.....I am trying to put together some information concerning the project I plan working on so that I can do my assignment ....

    I will be glad to connect with others who have done theirs .

  • M&E offers a means of evaluating the vital connection between on-the-ground implementers, beneficiaries, and decision-makers; it contributes to the preservation and growth of institutional memory; it offers a more solid foundation for obtaining funding and influencing policy.

  • M&E offers a means of evaluating the vital connection between on-the-ground implementers, beneficiaries, and decision-makers; it contributes to the preservation and growth of institutional memory; it offers a more solid foundation for obtaining funding and influencing policy.

  • M&E offers a means of evaluating the vital connection between on-the-ground implementers, beneficiaries, and decision-makers; it contributes to the preservation and growth of institutional memory; it offers a more solid foundation for obtaining funding and influencing policy.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation are very important in all project as it helps to determine the starting point of a project, the expected outcome, and the drive for possible results.

    M&E plays the role of a pointer on a road map, to direct and redirect actions and programs of a project.

  • This module is very important for me as it will help to understand M&E plan by developing M & E plan

  • M& E is important to measure the performance or statuses of a company at large and projects specifically. M& E indenties the strength and the weakness of a campany. It also helps managment to take any remedial actions on the weakness of the company based M & E report.

  • Interesting! This topic will for sure help me acquire new skills about how to prepare a project M&E plan: Know what are project goals or objectives, expected results or outcomes,, how to measure project progress to tract performance. This is what i am expecting from this course

  • will help the donor understand their tagert

  • Ensures the project are successful

  • The first project is Girls Organizing for Ongoing Development (GOOD), a project that will help local girls to open savings accounts. GOOD’s project manager took this course last month, and she has already created a fantastic M&E plan.

    Her team knows precisely what its goals are: they want to open 1200 new savings accounts for girls in 34 Kenyan villages in the next six months. And they will know how well they are doing, too, because they have already decided how they will measure progress: every field office will have one person recording how many girls open savings accounts. In addition, they have plans to collect information on how the savings accounts change their beneficiaries lives, what beneficiaries think about the project, and how the project can be improved. In a year, when it’s time to write the annual report for their funders and partners, they will be ready to say exactly how successful their project was. And if anything starts to go wrong, they will be able to catch the problem right away and make any necessary changes.

  • Monitoring enable to truck progress of the project against the targets.
    It helps to set tools required to collect data that will measure the desired targets.
    It shows who is responbsible for what.
    it clearly states what needs to be achieved and within which time.
    M&E helps in resource prioritisation.

  • My name is Samuel Lekato

  • You change the method of data collection depending on the use of data collected

  • from what I read above I can deduced that all project information is Data.

  • I can deduce that all project information is a data but some are more germane for monitoring and evaluation. Thus it is now very important to know those project information(Data) that are needed for M&E.

  • According to me Monitoring and evaluation enable one to come up with a good layout of what:
    a) The goals and objectives of the project are
    b) To have a clear way of measuring progress by having clear indicators
    c) To have reliable data collection tools
    d) To know whether there are problems in the project and to get means to correct the problem immediately.
    In addition, a good M&E plan satisfies all the stakeholders of the project

    1 Reply
  • I understand well that means every project can't move or go forward with out project plan

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