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  • Robert Daniel is my name and I work with the Planning Monitoring and Evaluation unit in the Department of Family Health, Federal Ministry of Health. I have been part of several projects and programs both in Federal Ministry of Health and developmental organizations with contributions in the MEAL components. I have passion for data and very competent in the use of various quantitative and qualitative data analytic and visualization soft wares such as Microsoft Excel, SPSS, Epi Info and Power Bi. I love learning new things, ideas and adding to my knowledge. I am please to be in this platform and I promise to make good use of it to advance my knowledge and skills in monitoring and evaluation.

    Thank you

  • I think that the main problem that we can face i which kind of data should we collect to measure the project progress

  • it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers; it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory; it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

  • M&E results in better transparency and accountability
    Monitoring and evaluation are essential to any project or program. Through this process, organizations collect and analyze data, and determine if a project/program has fulfilled its goals. Monitoring begins right away and extends through the duration of the project. Evaluation comes after and assesses how well the program performed. Every organization should have an M&E system in place. Here are ten reasons why:

  • M&E helps ensure resources are used efficiently
    Every project needs resources. How much cash is on hand determines things like how many people work on a project, the project’s scope, and what solutions are available if things get off course.

  • I think it isn't wise to create and start a project without having and M&E plan with a plan B

  • The MEH project is also a good one to start off. As developing an actual M&E plan will help us get into the topic straight away. This is what I was looking for.

    1 Reply
  • Je trouve que ce cours est très intéressant

  • I agree with you

  • I share your point of view

  • t provides the only consolidated source of information showcasing project progress;
    it allows actors to learn from each other’s experiences, building on expertise and knowledge;
    it often generates (written) reports that contribute to transparency and accountability, and allows for lessons to be shared more easily;
    it reveals mistakes and offers paths for learning and improvements;
    it provides a basis for questioning and testing assumptions;
    it provides a means for agencies seeking to learn from their experiences and to incorporate them into policy and practice;
    it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers;
    it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory;
    it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

  • M&E is essentially a management tool that allows managers to assess the status or progress of a programme and report on it accordingly. M&E embeds credibility and accountability within programmes and determines the way in which donors fund and engage with these programmes.
    Project monitoring and evaluation is used to measure a project's progress. It's important because it lets you keep tabs on a project and identify potential problems.

  • Learning the importance has made to understand the significance of having an M&E plan before the implementation of project starts.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is important because it provides the only consolidated source of information showcasing project progress

  • The importance of M&E is that both (monitoring and evaluation) can be regarded as effective tools to be used in assisting the team members to understand how the implementation of the project is going to be successful. Through monitoring, it assists the team to progressively check at different assigned stages of the implementation process and to suggest improvement strategies if there are problems faced along the way. On the other hand, evaluation is a tool of checking at the end of the project whether the objectives of the project are achieved or not. Through Monitoring and Evaluation the importance of using data is paramount in that it can avoid biases in determining the success or failure of the project. The data can be collected through proper approaches such as survey, interview, and comparing the figures and the allocated budget with expected outcomes that should be achieved at the end of the project.

  • Well, by having M&E plan you would be able to have a clear picture of your goals, what you want to do? and how will you be doing it? hence with having M&E plan you can identify the gaps and available problems during the project as you would have the clear understanding of when you need to submit your report to the donor and how to collect your required data.

  • Project Assumptions: pAt some point in your life, you’ve probably been told, “Never make assumptions.” However, making assumptions in project management is an everyday activity. Assumptions help you define scope and risks and fine-tune your estimates for time and cost. Of course, it is essential to document and validate your assumptions.
    Consider something simple, such as creating a book. Let’s say your friend has an idea for a coffee table book and has asked you to manage the project. His first request is for a budget so he can secure funding. As you define the scope, it’s clear that your friend is uncertain on many details, including page count, image inclusion, cover style and the weight of the paper to be used for the pages.
    Since all of these factors will impact cost and production complexity, you will have to make assumptions about the specifications and validate those assumptions as acceptable or unacceptable to your friend. After further discussion, your friend tells you he plans to include 50 photos in the book. You can base your assumption on the 50 images or, anticipating that this number will increase over time, you can make an assumption that there will be between 75-90 pages with images.
    You can see how assumptions directly affect schedule as well. For instance, imagine you’re leading a project at a park that involves building a swing set. When setting up your project, you are given the budget and assigned team members, one of whom is in charge of materials. As you create your schedule, you ask the person in charge of materials when the cement will arrive. This person replies that he’s not sure when the cement will arrive but that he believes it will be between June 1 and June 10.
    Project Risk: Once you’ve built your scope and identified the assumptions that are behind the scope and estimates, you will want to begin assessing areas of risk. Risk is the same in project management as it is in the real world; it is a hazard or chance that can create damage.

  • m&E results in better transparency and accountability
    Because organizations track, analyze, and report on a project during the monitoring phase, there’s more transparency. Information is freely circulated and available to stakeholders, which gives them more input on the project. A good monitoring system ensures no one is left in the dark. This transparency leads to better accountability. With information so available, organizations need to keep everything above board. It’s also much harder to deceive stakeholders.stakeholders in this case are anybody effected by GOOD AND meh.
    M&E provides a detailed blueprint of everything that went right and everything that went wrong during a project. Thorough M&E documents and templates allow organizations to pinpoint specific failures, as opposed to just guessing what caused problems. Often, organizations can learn more from their mistakes than from their successes.

    M&E improves decision-making
    Data should drive decisions. M&E processes provide the essential information needed to see the big picture. After a project wraps up, an organization with good M&E can identify mistakes, successes, and things that can be adapted and replicated for future projects. Decision-making is then influenced by what was learned through past monitoring and evaluation.

    M&E helps organizations stay organized
    Developing a good M&E plan requires a lot of organization. That process in itself is very helpful to an organization. It has to develop methods to collect, distribute, and analyze information. Developing M&E plans also requires organizations to decide on desired outcomes, how to measure success, and how to adapt as the project goes on, so those outcomes become a reality. Good organizational skills benefit every area of an organization.

    M&E helps organizations replicate the best projects/programs
    Organizations don’t like to waste time on projects or programs that go nowhere or fail to meet certain standards. The benefits of M&E that we’ve described above – such as catching problems early, good resource management, and informed decisions – all result in information that ensures organizations replicate what’s working and let go of what’s not.

    M&E encourages innovation
    Monitoring and evaluation can help fuel innovative thinking and methods for data collection. While some fields require specific methods, others are open to more unique ideas. As an example, fields that have traditionally relied on standardized tools like questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, and so on can branch out to video and photo documentation, storytelling, and even fine arts. Innovative tools provide new perspectives on data and new ways to measure success.

    M&E encourages diversity of thought and opinions
    With monitoring and evaluation, the more information the better. Every team member offers an important perspective on how a project or program is doing. Encouraging diversity of thought and exploring new ways of obtaining feedback enhance the benefits of M&E. With M&E tools like surveys, they’re only truly useful if they include a wide range of people and responses. In good monitoring and evaluation plans, all voices are important.

    Every organization benefits from M&E
    While certain organizations can use more unique M&E tools, all organizations need some kind of monitoring and evaluation system. Whether it’s a small business, corporation, or government agency, all organizations need a way to monitor their projects and determine if they’re successful. Without strong M&E, organizations aren’t sustainable, they’re more vulnerable to failure, and they can lose the trust of stakeholders.

  • The M&E is important in a way that gives you a understand of how progressive or not you are in order to take better decision regards to "how best can you do some activities", to improve your organization and get better outcomes.

  • The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer will be responsible for the design, coordination and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation, research, and learning framework of the Project.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision- makers. It adds to the retention and development of institutional memory; it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

  • The only way in which MEH can know what gaps needs to be addressed is by setting up an M&E plan.

  • This is a very clear and set out manner of introducing what M&E is and it's importance.

  • I have already become acquainted with two fictitious projects. GOOD and MEH. In my humble opinion, these are two viable projects. I can't wait to familiarize myself with the different terms of the project. Which would be favorable to me at my own expense.

  • Create the right tools that guide the manager and assigned experts to track how project is going and to have the necessary information to communicate to the different stakeholders in a proper way the project status, project achievements and project results at specific milestone planned by the project.
    Create at the beginning of implementation a good M&E plan help to do not waste time or other resources for having the necessary information to tell how project is performing or to have in time useful information regarding necessary changes or modifications to be discussed for some unexpected changes happened and not planned during design of the project.

  • M&E provides qualitative and quantitative data to leadership and other stakeholders who have an invested interest in program success. M&E often results in hard reports that can be analyzed, and results shared. Helps companies stay organized. M&E helps with tracking progress of implementation and record keeping.
    Projects are monitored so as to: assess the stakeholders' understanding of the project; • minimize the risk of project failure; • promote systematic and professional management; and • assess progress in implementation. One needs to recognize the role played by the various stakeholders in monitoring.

  • One of the greatest benefits of M&E is helping organizations to track, analyze and report on relevant information and data throughout the life cycle of a project. This allows the project team to provide robust evidence for all their actions and decisions to stakeholders, donors and community members from day one.
    What is the importance of monitoring and evaluation in project management?
    it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers; it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory; it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

  • M&E is a management tool to monitor the progress towards the projects activities and evaluate it against the set output or outcomes. M&E provides a plan/direction by taking small steps to achieving the overall project goal. Monitoring helps in obtaining data on the progress of the activity and evaluation defines that progress to be efficient/good or slow/bad. If any activity was not achieved; during evaluation process problem areas can be identified and the lesson learned applied to next phase of the project. M&E is done by collecting data through surveys (quantitative or qualitative). Lack of M&E in a project fails to provide fact based progress towards overall goal of the project. M&E is an important tool to keep the project on track and let the project managers know if their area of work is going slow or not achieving the goals set up for that particular timeframe.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is important to make good decisions based on data collected and analyzed through out the process of monitoring and evaluation, this data also helps give response to donors.

  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation is to help in creating project plan

  • Risks are things outside of control that my disrupt our plan


    Assumptions are things we believe without much evidence.
    Before project design these things need to be on our minds meanwhile having been thought of how we can resolve them.

  • I have just started working in MEAL field and already found myself well motivated and interested. MEAL is a broad term and critical for every organization especially those who work in Humanitarian Services for the most vulnerable people. In the country where I live, more than 90 percent of population live in poverty and need Humanitarian assistance. But the projects which are being implemented and millions of dollars being spent, most of the projects can not have the desired impact on people's lives.

    I am learning a lot from this course and I wholeheartedly thank Philanthropy University and FHI 360 for providing such a valuable opportunity. I hope I can contribute in better implementation of projects in international NGOs.

  • M&E should be the first priority of every organization and expert people should be selected to perform M&E related responsibilities.

  • I hope this course focuses more on indicators and the relationship between inputs, outputs, incomes and outcomes. I personally need more information on these!

    • ME gives a road map on how to achieve the intended purpose of the project or rather the objective of the project furthermore ,it also give a sum estimated of the required resources needed for achieving the the same objective and the time frame required for the same

    • ME also helps identify key indicator that will actual bicon the success of the project and also suggest further areas and ideas that will increase the efficiency of execution or rather the implementation of the project

    • ME will also assist in choosing the perfect manpower in terms of expertise and experience to execute the project

    • ME also helps create an ultimatum for completion of a project subject to bias and all other intervening variable whether ; Environmental,Political,Legal etc

  • M&E is an essential part of a project. Ensuring the project meets it's objectives in the specified timeframe with the given resources.

  • I like how easy and clear the GOOD project's Measuring and evaluation plans are simple and clear.

    I will like to be able to develop an M&E plan just like that of GOOD to enable me manage projects better

  • M&E helps ensure resources are used efficiently
    M&E helps organizations catch problems early
    M&E helps organizations learn from their mistakes
    M&E improves decision-making

  • What is M&E plan

    • collection of project information regularly to measure progress of the project or activity.

    • tracking performance of the project overtime.

    • make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and efficient use of resources.

    • measure how well the project activities have achieved the projects objectives

    • how much changes in outcome can be directly linked to a projects interventions

    • collection of data about the project

  • I am glad to join the process of creating an M&E plan for MEH

  • Risks is anything beyond your control while assumptions are ideas without evidence

  • M&E is important because, it provides a way to the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers;
    it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory;
    it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and

  • MEH project M&E plan can focus on income generated from girls that have taken loans

  • Risks and assumptions is the list of all the possible things that may disrupt your project.

  • Unrealistic targets are those targets the you miss which leads to disappointment.

  • I suppose to measure:

    1. Quantity of loans received by girls.
    2. Quantity of created working places.
    3. Quantity of companies/girls of all amount who returns borrowed money back to bank ontime.
    4. Quantity of companies/girls who couldn't return money back ontime.
    5. Pecentage of those who returned and not.
    6. Increase of money flows from the starting period during 6 Months.
    7. Increase of well-being in form of profit they have received via cash flows.
    8. Evidence in form of photos and videos of activities of target audience.
  • Unrealistic targets can be targets that are untainable.
    Targets that exceeds our budget

  • With out any M&E

  • M&E is important to any organization existance

  • I now understand the role of M&E to any organization

  • 1.Project planning and formulation of projects.
    2.Breeds new ideas and different approaches.
    3.serves better in weighing priorities of a project.
    4.Determines the success of the project.
    5.Helps identify loopholes and setbacks in projects.

  • what other importance of M&E in business

  • what other importance of M&E in business

  • M&E is extremely important because, by collecting facts and data, give us the power to make informed decisions for our projects.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is basically required in every project. ME plans contain very useful tools. A well-prepared M&E plan will help your team coordinate roles and responsibilities, and will ensure that everyone knows exactly what needs to be done. Even a well-designed, comprehensively planned, adequately resourced and carefully executed Project will still face challenges. These challenges can occur at any time within the scope of the project and the project team must carry out monitoring that includes all components related to the project, be it design, planning, and implementation of the project to ensure its validity and to determine whether corrective action is needed on project performance.

    1 Reply
  • I believe that for every project, an M and E plan is important as it provide guidance on how the project will collect, utilize and manage their project effectively.

  • I want to thank everyone on the team,
    For the MEH implementation,I think both people on the team that said they should get data on the number of people who want to get loan and also the number of business they help to start up with the loans.
    For me,I think the purpose for MEH who be to help build business for the locale and help improve their livelihood.
    When loans are given out,the questions to ask is (1)to whom
    (2)purpose of the loan
    Also,I think MEH team should go further to help each loan beneficiaries to get start up with their choice business with guidance.
    Then another data on business indexes for either improving on not should be collected.

  • MEH should come up with process and outcome indicators for their project. This should be based on the problem the are trying to solve around their community .

  • Good to know and learn what GOOD is doing in Kenya for young girls. In the Kenyan society, women and girls in particular, are not viewed as major contributors in the society. This program to enable them to improve their livelihoods is crucial. I would like to inquire if their are investment plans using their savings so they can grow financially.

  • the importance of M&E after reading the fictional projects would be helping the organization of GOOD and MEH to figure the problems early it seems that team even if GOOD is yet to be implemented but the outcome from the GOOD to the girls is not yet figured , I'm thinking that girls might not have no resources to get the savings on their own and if they do will there be a link between the 2 projects so that MEH can come after GOOD as a support to reach the goals of the project which is mainly development. M&E will help the organization to plan the efficient use of resources before implementation.

  • it is important as it helps one assess progress

  • it is important in accessing progress of a project

  • it is important in accessing progress of a project

  • it is important in accessing progress of a project

  • Monitoring and Evaluation provides a clear roadmap on how the project intend to achieve it's intended objectives by creating indictors of progress and developing data collection tools and data workflows for evidenced based programming.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is used to measure a project's progress. It's important because it lets you keep tabs on a project and identify potential problems

    1 Reply
  • Planning M&E results in better transparency and accountability, it helps organizations catch problems early, helps ensure resources are used efficiently. Planning M&E helps organizations learn from their mistakes and stay organized, it improves decision-making, helps organizations replicate the best projects/programs. It encourages innovation and diversity of thought and opinions.

  • For the success of every project in a sustainable way, M&E are key elements that should not be ignored. This helps in monitoring the progress of the project and leads to perspectives to improve the project during its implementation process.

  • Monitoring and evaluation is important because:

    it provides the only consolidated source of information showcasing project progress;
    it allows actors to learn from each other’s experiences, building on expertise and knowledge;
    it often generates (written) reports that contribute to transparency and accountability, and allows for lessons to be shared more easily;
    it reveals mistakes and offers paths for learning and improvements;
    it provides a basis for questioning and testing assumptions;
    it provides a means for agencies seeking to learn from their experiences and to incorporate them into policy and practice;
    it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers;
    it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory;
    it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

  • This is a goal set for a program and I real sense it'll be hard to reach. Targets in project should be real and by all means be able to be achieved. A programs target is supposed to be real, not overestimated or underestimated.

  • One of the importance of the M&E course is to prepare the M&E plan that is need by MEH project team.

  • Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Importance
    I have read the two-project situation regarding M&E one project have the mechanism of M&E other project are planning to implement M&E mechanism .
    Through the M&E mechanism we can measure progress of project
    Through the M&E mechanism we can check the loopholes in project and correct them
    Through the M&E mechanism we can assess progress and impact of project.

  • The M&E help to track the project progress in order to take the right decision at the right time

  • it helps in measuring the success of the project and how it spend its resources

  • M&E helps an organization have clear goals before the start of the project and know what they will need through out the project life cycle.

  • Monitoring as the systematic and regular process of collecting informations to measure the progress of the project have several importance and among them include the following.

    1. Monitoring indicates the proper allocation of both human and material resources.
    2. Monitoring gives a room for proper decision making
    3. Monitoring results in better transparency and accountability as it tracks, Analyse and report step by step progress of the project
    4. It gives a room to view which program actives were more effective and less effective
  • The value of the M&E plan is that you will will have concrete reference points from which your organization can notice and discuss the ongoing success of a project and at the conclusion of the project the team can consider if the project was as successful as hoped to be in addressing a real world problem.

  • MEH should have:

    • What data that donor wants to know
    • Target of the number of girls borrow the loans
    • Teams to collect the needed data (tracking the given loans, number of borrowers, the beneficiaries got after getting the loans
    • Monitoring indices for MEH
      -Target number of girls to offer microloans, 1000
      -The area or span for loan disbursement should cover all 34 villages
    • Statutory reasons for use of microloans
    • Type of business or purpose for microloans use.
    • Period of disbursement and repayment offered for microloans
    • Information of girls participating in the microloans.
    • Feedback questionnaire to know business acquisition assisted by microloans and progress outcomes.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation clearly identifies the loopholes in project planning and development of both businesses and ideas for humanity development. Anticipated failures are breeched and averted while projects are ongoing while better outcomes for desired success are achieved when Evaluation is continually and periodically reviewed.

  • M&E helps to collect project information regularly to measure project progress.
    M&E also helps to measure how well project activities have achieved the project objectives.

  • it helps in measuring the success of the project and how it spend its resources
    it helps measuring the amount of fund used in the project.
    it helps in tracking the decision making during project implememtation

  • it helps in measuring the success of the project and how it spend its resources
    it helps measuring the amount of fund used in the project.
    it helps in tracking the decision making during project implementation

  • Monitoring and evaluation are critical part of the project
    So I was thinking if there is alternative way of m and e

    What is measured gets done.

  • The objectives for MEH project is unclear, hence it's understandable why the team is unsure about measuring their project's progress, and whether it will be a success.
    Question - Are the two projects, though separate, target the same group of beneficiaries and in the same location?

  • The value of the M&E plan is that you will will have concrete reference points from which your organization can notice and discuss the ongoing success of a project and at the conclusion of the project the team can consider if the project was as successful as hoped to be in addressing a real world problem.

  • M&E helps the teams to understand how to set goals and measure projects ' achievements

  • Giving us red flag if we are late or delayed,
    Helping us to measure the achievements
    Happening in record the work progress

  • The importance of M&E are as followings
    -Collect valid data from certain projects
    -Make good decision on certain project selected
    -Providing the knowledge of knowing how far the project make change.
    -Making correct evaluation after successful monitoring has taken place.

  • M&E is with no doubt an important aspect of project planning and management. Its rather hard to precisely measure impact of any project without a clear M&E plan. Its even harder to look back and try understand what worked and why it worked, if there was no data recorded to help in this regard. M&E therefore isn't a luxury, but a must for organisations that are intentional about understanding applicability, efficiency, and sustainability of their projects

  • M and E is an important aspect of project management and helps to determine the effectiveness and success of a project. By regularly monitoring the progress and outcomes of a project, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to ensure the project is on track to meet its goals. Evaluation, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive assessment of the project at its completion, allowing organizations to determine its overall success and identify lessons learned for future projects. In short, monitoring and evaluation play a crucial role in ensuring that projects are well-designed, implemented, and delivering the intended results.

  • M and E is an important aspect of project management and helps to determine the effectiveness and success of a project. By regularly monitoring the progress and outcomes of a project, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to ensure the project is on track to meet its goals. Evaluation, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive assessment of the project at its completion, allowing organizations to determine its overall success and identify lessons learned for future projects. In short, monitoring and evaluation play a crucial role in ensuring that projects are well-designed, implemented, and delivering the intended results.

  • importance of monitoring and evaluation

    1. Encourages innovation
    2. M&E encourages diversity of thought and opinions.
    3. helps organization stay organized
    4. M&E helps organizations learn from there mistakes
    5. M&E helps ensure resources are used efficiently
    6. M&E results in better transparency and accountability
    7. M&E helps organization catch problems early
      8.M&E helps organization replicate the best project/ programs
    8. M&E helps organization in improves in decision making
  • it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers; it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory; it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy

  • Hi,
    I am interesting in MEAL issu and working PMEAL Officer

  • Great information

  • M&E(monitoring and evaluation)help you to track the progress of your project as well as evaluate the accomplishment of your goal.

    1. It reviews the extent which goal has been accomplished.
    2. It also reviews the efficiency of the project.
  • I TINK M&E plan is important to the organizations as well as donors because we will have a common understanding of our roles and goals and whether we have reached them.

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