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  • This is very insightful on methods of advocacy. I hope that the upcoming modules focus on grassroots/public/individuals more. I am new to understanding advocacy and this seemed to focus on policy makers/influential leaders. Clearly this is VERY important, but this can be applied to who we partner with like-minded NGOs and caring donors.

  • In framing I have seen the tendency to focus on what we want to say, not what we need the audience to hear and do. Ensuring the framing resonates with the audience is critical.

  • I have understood

  • The framing is okay but I feel like the background information was not brought out well fully. I feel like the framing of the issue did not bring out the understanding of the problem by the audience in the same way.

  • It’s obvious that you are applying the “merit good frame” by advocating for PTSD veterans, but this may be challenging since it’s not scientifically proven. The USA is already facing fentanyl abuse which is an imported Drug classified under DDA (Dangerous Drug Abuse) despite all strict measures. This makes it harder for all the states to agree on its legalization So, the question remains what measures will be taken against marijuana yet it’s a plant. Alternatively you may consider “power Politics theory” where the you need influential individuals to approve this The health board, politicians but with really facts at hand.

  • The problem I am trying to solve is the exclusion of children and persons with developmental disabilities from the social and economic spheres. At present, we are trying though KEDDO (our organization) to come up with advocacy strategies that will lead to changes in the way Kenyans generally and policy makers think about and behave towards issues surrounding inclusion of children and persons with developmental disabilities. As it is, the primary when it comes to disability is primarily focused on physical disabilities. Even disability advocates appear to lack knowledge on disability advocacy.
    Against the preceding background, we seek to frame the issue from a human rights perspective which equally applies to physical disability. To this extent, we seek to entrench recognition of their rights under the CRPD and the Kenyan constitution with respect to their diverse rights to health, education, family. While single framing may be ideal, we may also be forced to take the merit goods framing approach and are still discussing on how to frame it in our next project phase.

  • Great module; a key takeaway for me is the importance of framing when trying to persuade a decision maker during advocacy. Intrinsic motivation brings out the humanity in decision-makers and gives room for more impact:

  • In your attempt to see the MORE Act being passed which would decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level I see responsible public policy frame and merit goods frame into play. However, i would have present an advocacy strategy that captures the health benefit of marijuana, how it can be used and consumed responsibily, the health consequences of abusing it, and the regulations that ought to guide its consumption to checkate abuse of same. (By doing this, merit goods framing is at work.)

    blend in this with the right timing and a well crafted advoac y messsages and as the large leaps thory of changed posited, when the conditions are right, change will occur.

  • the problem is that we always look into solutions and not structure well for us to meet the aim at hand, this course really helped us to know more in differenciating.

  • I want to advocate for less use and gradually stop eating dog and cat meat. This is how I frame the issue: Dogs and cats are best and loyal friends to human beings. We need to save their lives as we usually do to our relatives
    Could you please feedback where and how I improve the statement. Thanks

  • Our organisation is currently working on trans and gender diverse persons rights form Legal Gender Recognition to access to gender affirming care including access to inclusive health care services, sexual reproductive health rights

  • Our organisation is currently working on trans and gender diverse persons rights form Legal Gender Recognition to access to gender affirming care including access to inclusive health care services, sexual reproductive health rights

  • Its important to take time to understand the political context in which one is operating before framing the issue such as political will, if it will be in favour of the issue or not. I feel the first step is to get a buying from them through a series of engagement meetings to change their attitudes so that we you frame the issue it will be given the attention it deserves.

  • too tough guys

  • You have completed this assignment. Your final grade will be available when the assessments of your response are complete.

  • Its so interesting and i have greatly learnt

  • It is a bigger problem which the farmer are facing each a every year

  • The More Act in my opinion is a piece of Federal Legislation that would remove cannabis from a controlled substance schedule. Let's look how the state of Nevada has benefited by legalizing Marijuana and how there revenues have increased due to taxation ordinance imposed putting the state's economy in a positive.

    In regards to the treatment for PTSD, Marijuana has medically proven to be very effective in treating PTSD and other types of illnesses. Medical use of Marijuana has played a huge role for individuals treated with chemo and radiation due to Cancer.

    In respect to high potential abuse theory, I would argue that the abuse of Schedule 1 over prescription drugs statistically, are a greater danger and problem then Marijuana. Most Veterans wait months to be treated for just about anything according to scholarly medical journals, and when they are treated for issues such as PTSD, the medication prescribed are extremely addictive.

    The pharmaceutical industries are part of the addiction problems. Many doctors overprescribe and many think that its all about profits and gain, not for the people.

  • The marijuana issue can be advocated for, and all three approaches can be used to motivate and persuade the policy makers to decriminalise the herb for medical purposes for the benefit of the public.

    All four frames can recovered in your statement which makes it easier to draft your advocacy strategy. Decriminalisation of this herb, can protect the vulnerable population which is the elderly by providing medical care for their PSTD, their right to health can be respected, and the patriotic policy can be covered, where the nation can pride itself for prioritising the public which will be their intrinsic incentive.

  • Absolutely! This module was informative with practical tips through
    the 10 theories in the reading assignment on how to identify the target audience and engage them. Did anyone else read the material? Share your greatest take away with me!

  • Absolutely! This module was informative with practical tips through
    the 10 theories in the reading assignment on how to identify the target audience and engage them. Did anyone else read the material? Share your greatest take away with me!

  • Absolutely!

    Framing is key to policy change because decision makers are human (believe it or not ;)) so they will respond more favorably to a request or proposal that is framed in such a way that they are more likely to FEEL that your plan is the best option. Of course, timing is also extremely important. The best framing cannot compensate for poor timing.

  • I completely agree with this

  • Apparently, the framing of this issues was on point, because marijuana is now legal in some states. I used to be on the band wagon for the legalization of it. Being the mother of a teenager, it has now become a problem not only in my household, but in the community as well.
    There laws created that decriminalize it for adults, but the kids are smoking like it is legal, what about the health of the youth. Nobody talks about the tar that sticks to your lungs, so can you imagine the effects that it will have on the undeveloped lungs of our children. Nobody talks about the fights that us parents have to go through with our underaged children who are out here smoking weed. Marijuana effects your motor skills, it makes you happy, hungry, lazy and sleepy. I also notice how the youth are mixing the marijuana with Graba with is nothing more than tobacco. You have marijuana vape pens, how are we to know that the liquid in these vapes are harmless, do we even know what the ingredients are. I've personally witnessed law enforcement giving my minor son back his marijuana.

  • It is the problem and the best solution is what taught in the module

  • framing the issue is the best solution for the organisation it is much helpful which has been taught in this module.

  • I have honestly never heard this and I am so delighted that I have attained knowledge and I am so willing to pass it on to others as well as use it while executing organizational duties. Motivation is not a new concept though I did not know how it relates to advocacy and now I have an insight. We can now advance our work by using framing by talking to new women politicians to advance on fighting for a reduction in the prevalence of HIV infection against LBQ's

  • It has to be done more on it.

  • This is key element in advocacy not to flow as water.

  • This is key element in advocacy not to flow as water.

  • I am not familiar with MORE, however, I consider it important not only to include medical marijuana, but recreational marijuana as well, this would close the gaps in prejudices about consumption. In addition, it should focus on the production of marijuana not only being the pharmaceutical sector, but favoring the countryside and local producers.

  • Framing an issue in broad terms usually attracts the support of people who may not be positioned to respond to the immediate problem, but have a stake in the wider problem.

  • Can be a good idea only if other people might not abuse herb once it has been decriminalised. The policy need to be very tough still to protect the youths who can be more exposed and being the victims in the end.

  • Can be a good idea only if other people might not abuse herb once it has been decriminalised. The policy need to be very tough still to protect the youths who can be more exposed and being the victims in the end.

  • I think it may be a good strategy to focus on the important benefits marijuana may have

  • Advocating for marijuana to be dicriminalised and allow administration of drug by qualified health personnels. Criminalising the use of marijuana only makes it available to wrong persons who will acquire them through illegal means.

    1 Reply
  • The way we intend to communicate an issue will determine how it is received by the audience. we should be wise with the choice of words and the tone of communication.

  • The way we intend to communicate an issue will determine how it is received by the audience. we should be wise with the choice of words and the tone of communication.

    1 Reply
  • It also presents the appropriate body who is to prevent the selling and usage of Marijuana as incompetent because despite the fact that it is illegal people have access to it and sometimes with the complicity of those people expected to prevent it from reaching the public. Hence it will be better if it legalized and properly monitored to avoid abuse. Many benefits could be derived from that.

  • The smoking of marijuana is potentially harmful , although it has many benefits. I alway recommend a less- harmful version of us to mitigate risks like vaping or eating a chocolate or gummy. Completely agree with you that it society would benefit greatly from its decriminalization. I think its a travesty how many marginalized people are in jail because of a minor possession of this drug.

  • In the statement, the use of the merit of good frame is identified when addressing veterans suffering from PTSD. It is also noted the identification of the Representative´s interinsic motivation who is sensitized with the veterans, as well as possible extrinsec motivation as the act indcates that the revenue generating by taxing marijuana would be allocated to several agencies within the country.
    The dimension that still needs to be addressed is timing. Identifying the best moment to try to persuade the representative to act for the approval of the MORE Act will be essential, and it could be for instance during the middle term elections or to carry out a massive campaign close to veteran's day. The use of data on studies on the use of marijuana on other populations suffering PTSD could also be helpful to convince, as veterans are so far not allowed to participate in such studies.

  • Very nice approach to a very important matter to discuss.

  • Very nice approach to a very important matter to discuss.

  • Well explained in detail

  • Revenue generated Ideology will be beneficial in some aspects for sure , nice opinion

  • Definitely, but it must not be misused as it has some worse side effects for sure in long time use for sure

  • Definitely, but it must not be misused as it has some worse side effects for sure in long time use for sure

  • Yes, this is a great thought as planting more trees is very beneficial for the entire world . If we talk about pure oxygen , then it is a natural way to boost the pure oxygen in the entire globe for sure

  • Yes , definitely.the NGO work will be much faster and smoother with this

  • Malnutrition is a big issue nowadays, I would like to add on some major facts . Many dietary factors affect your cholesterol levels, and your cholesterol levels affect your risk for heart disease. Pizza, baked desserts, ice cream and processed meats, such as sausage and bacon, are among the top sources of saturated fat.

    1 Reply
  • I too agree with this statement as by distant education , one can’t learn more concept as the does in physical . The confidence will also boost by attending more classes online and experience the challenges and quiz

  • Framing the issue is more or less like putting up a strategy to solve a certain problem.

  • Very helpful learning!!!

  • I am not familiar with the MORE Act but I do agree that there are certain populations of people who could really benefit from having access to medical marijuana. Just as the US provides benefits like TriCare and VA hospitals to veterans (albeit not fantastic programs), they should be finding additional ways to support their veterans and the people who fought for their country. You would imagine they would have a harmonious relationship.

  • Where I come from people have little to no knowledge of the importance of marijuana. They only know of how to abuse it , I would therefore suggest that you find ways of how to change the general population's perception of the drug and come up with measures that it wouldn't be abused incase the policy is passed.

  • I agree with you on this one

  • Excellent points made! However, I have to say if proper structures are not put in place to control the use of marijuana, then this can pose a bigger problem than solution

  • I have gone through above statement: explain both farming and motivation, you have greater motivation but still need a better timing to have greater persuasion.

  • Of a truth framing change the entire narrative an issue and project it in a better light but often more than not this framing doesn't address the core issues. However, it helps determine what the problem and core issues are contextually.

    1 Reply
  • I've learned from the class so far that when we are trying to change cultural practices, we have multiple audiences who have the power to make change if the will is there. We need to say what/when/how each audience will hear it, build on several coalitions but not get distracted by the "kitchen sink" , ie trying to do everything. This is where skill and experience come into play.

  • I believe so too.
    There are people who genuinely need Marijuana for medical purposes and so instead of decriminalisation, strict regulation can rather be put in place to avoid its abuse.

  • That's very correct.

  • So very true.

  • Perfectly said.

  • intresting key notes on this course.

  • intresting key notes on this course.

  • Although the Representative is hard on drug, he however opens a window policy opportunity as a first step to achieve further extension of such drug tolerance to a larger group. I encourage you to coose the ideal moment to approach the representative. Good mission.

  • The framing of this issue seems more individualized than strategic to the problem discussed. Personally, I would gravitate more to the framing analysis portion of this issue to provide context and substance to the argument. This will offer a good understanding of urgency and need for review of the issue. Although the motivation portion is appropriately outlined, it might be more advantageous to review the current legislative priorities to align the identified topic with an ongoing line-item to help influence the decision-making process.
    The framing process while done adequately, could offer more buy-in through alignment and analysis support towards the need. Otherwise, it it presented with a surface level understanding.

  • Good topic. I want to apply this to the context of changing the habit of rural people in exclusive breastfeeding to their six up to six months after their childbirth. Governments also need to change their way of perceiving development only in giving a high priority in bringing heavy investment in infrastructure and turn its priority towards bringing investment into increasing human capital by taking care of small children by making policy arrangements to increase the habit of exclusive breastfeeding.

  • Thank you so much for this course, it inspired understanding of important dimensions of advocacy strategy such as timing, framing and motivation.

  • This is a difficult topic to cover as there are many things coming in to play. While your argument is legalizing marijuana at the federal level could help with veterans, there are possible negative effects that could also play a role that may potentially interfere with the positives.

  • It is important to pay cognisance to our target audience where designing an advocacy tool, as the is a factor that could influence the process as well.

  • It is very important to have all checks and balances in place. If the framing is right, I believe that change can be made.

  • Framing is a way of structuring or presenting a problem or an issue. Framing involves explaining and describing the context of the problem to gain the most support from your audience. Your audience is key to framing. The way a problem is posed, or framed, should reflect the attitudes and beliefs of your audience.

    Who is your audience? It might be anyone, including a single influential person, a person or group affected by the problem, a community group, or the media. It may also change from day to day, as you talk to different people.

    Regardless as to who your audience is, when framing an issue you should be specific about:

    What is the issue?
    Who is involved?
    What contributes to the problem?
    What contributes to the solution?
    More details on these questions are found under "How should you best frame an issue," below.

    1 Reply
  • Framing is a way of structuring or presenting a problem or an issue. Framing involves explaining and describing the context of the problem to gain the most support from your audience. Your audience is key to framing. The way a problem is posed, or framed, should reflect the attitudes and beliefs of your audience.

    Who is your audience? It might be anyone, including a single influential person, a person or group affected by the problem, a community group, or the media. It may also change from day to day, as you talk to different people.

    Regardless as to who your audience is, when framing an issue you should be specific about:

    What is the issue?
    Who is involved?
    What contributes to the problem?
    What contributes to the solution?
    More details on these questions are found under "How should you best frame an issue," below.

  • Cannabis does have medicinal properties to it. I don't use marijuana as medicine but I embrace it being used as medicine.

  • Thank you for posting this comment it was very well said. It explains framing in a much easier context.

  • Hey at least its decriminalized now :)

  • I like your response to this quite a bit.

  • I like the framing you have chosen for this problem. The merit good frame seems to suit well in this situation. It is also clear what type of behavior motivations you are tapping into, indeed Marijuana is just like any other plant. whether good or bad depends on how we use it. Used appropriately it may help against many ailments as you have already indicated.

  • What I find really interesting about the pinned comment is that the way the user has framed the issue, it touches on at least 3 of the framing methods discussed in the podcast. Because the respondent focused his message using veterans as examples of who would benefit from this law to a politician that based on his past behavior seems to value the patriotic pride that veterans represent (Patriotic Policy frame), he is more likely to be successful in gaining a further audience. But he has also appealed via a responsible public policy frame by indicating that using the profits from taxation can benefit the greater good by providing services that are needed and often underfunded. Finally, there is also merit goods frame, that by the lack of (or limited) study into the benefits of marijuana because of the current limitations, there are those who are suffering real harm – and we would all benefit from more thorough examination of marijuana as a medical treatment.

  • In terms of intermediate outcomes and impact, if the MORE Act were to pass, it could lead to reduced criminalization and stigma surrounding marijuana use, increased access to medical marijuana for those in need, and potential revenue generation for agencies that serve vulnerable populations. This could have a positive impact on individuals and communities affected by the criminalization of marijuana and its impact on mental health and substance abuse issues.

    However, it's important to note that there may be challenges and barriers to passing the MORE Act, such as opposition from lawmakers who do not support decriminalization of marijuana or concerns about how revenue generated from taxing marijuana will be allocated. It's important to continue advocating and raising awareness of the potential benefits of the MORE Act and medical marijuana for veterans and other vulnerable populations.

  • This is to frame a policy in the legal way to implement the actions and get results.

  • Framing the Issue:

    It's all about healthcare systems. My long years of work in Uganda could really tell about how we can look at the healthcare systems and its quality and standards across all sorts of clinics, private or state clinics, medical centres, drug stores.

    Many of those places are run unlicensed, even when licensed they aren't standards that are being followed and supervised.

    Many healthcare workers are licensed, however many of them too don't qualify to be licensed.

    This is something that our organization takes in a lot as this affects the patients care.

    Due to this issue, we are having lots of admission of children who were put in danger by such health care providers.

    And no-one really cares.

  • ll good communications efforts are rooted in a vision for change. What is the big, hairy, ambitious goal you have for changing the world? What’s the vision that your organization’s mission is rooted in? These core aspects of your work are vital grounding for your communications efforts, as they will inform your strategic choices and set the tone of your efforts.

    Generally, objectives can be divided into two categories: behavior change and policy change

  • excellent response, captures my thoughts.

  • Advocating for the use of alternative treatments for PTSD on US veterans involves raising awareness about the benefits of non-traditional therapies. It is important to provide evidence-based research and case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment, and to highlight the potential risks and limitations of traditional treatments such as medication and talk therapy. But also, trying to educate the population about the benefits, not only to the veterans, but the society in general, like the fund allocation to social work could also help. Trying to spread the benefit range is a good way to advocate for a cause.

  • In the context-setting of IDP camps where I work, a common challenge with advocacy is faced when attempting to collaborate with local government authorities or community leaders at the local level. Intrinsic or positive motivations can often be misconstrued as favoritism or pave the way for asking for bribes. This is why framing of the issue should be as concise as possible.

  • In the context-setting of IDP camps where I work, a common challenge with advocacy is faced when attempting to collaborate with local government authorities or community leaders at the local level. Intrinsic or positive motivations can often be misconstrued as favoritism or pave the way for asking for bribes. This is why framing of the issue should be as concise as possible.

  • I found very interesting the change that the use of marihuana for medical and entertainment purposes has suffered. According to CNN the opinion of the American people has constantly increase from a 31% of agreement to 69% in the past 22 years. This shows a context that is half open for the discussion.

    In order to define strategy I would use the Window of opportunity, specially in electoral time to frame the problem and call on the candidates to incorporate the legalization of Marihuana. Thus, is necessary to use tactics as strengthen social collectives through this electoral time and agenda setting.

    Also can be useful to compare the successful and failed strategies that other organizations had used in other states. And increase the visibility of the social improvements related to Marihuana legalization in other states.

  • It is very important to understand the frame of the issue in order to be able to communicate it clearly.
    HIV, the field of my work, has been framed for many times but a more inclusive and global framing is needed.

  • It is very important to understand the frame of the issue in order to be able to communicate it clearly.
    HIV, the field of my work, has been framed for many times but a more inclusive and globle framing is needed.

  • We've talked about timing and the crucial importance of getting the timing right for both policy and individual change.This includes framing which helps in how are you gonna make your point in a way that'll have the biggest impact.

  • This chapter has really opened my eyes to an important aspect of advocacy that will help frame my approach in my professional activities.

    1 Reply
  • I'm not sure what the public climate in Greece is on migrants and migrant workers, but whether it is negative or not, maybe spotlight some of the stories and experiences of these migrants (get the media involved). Answer questions like why they are in Greece and what their expectations were when they arrived, compared to what they have experienced so far. Many times, migrants go to another country not for the betterment of themselves but to send money home to better their family's situation back there. As far as framing the issue maybe it would fall under reasonable public policy or merit goods.

  • Since the original post was created, the US has become even less inclined to look at things from a federal level. More and more things are handed over to the individual state. Marijuana is one of those things. Focusing on treating veterans is a good in - partly bc people have a soft spot for vets and partly bc they are located all over the US and would benefit from Federal regulation changes.

  • Exactly, I've learnt more strategic ways to make I advocacy approach, motivation,timing, framing,

    1 Reply
  • I work in a mental health organization, and it's a bit hard for the government to look into mental health matters here, but I think with what I've learnt here and more to learn I'll be able to make a lil change.

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