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  • Got to learn that there are different ways we can use when setting up targets to ensure that we minimise the posibility of setting unrealistic targets. Good to that we can readjust our targets during the implementation of the project.

  • Setting Target is Avery crucial steps in M and E and project planning , Target should be realistic

  • setting an unrealistic target is a common scenario especially when the planner doesn't know how much fund he is going to receive,in which case he needs to adjust his target

  • unrealistic targets will demoralize the project team when they monitor the changes they are bringing and the changes they are planning to bring

  • so in M&E the targets should be ambitious but achievable

  • Unrealistic Targets are a challenging part of a project. Anyone who’s spent any time in the construction industry at any level understands there are a lot of moving parts that need to mesh together perfectly in order for the project to succeed. Architecture, design, supply, and assembly all need to be perfectly balanced. And if one thing goes awry, it can throw off the entire schedule.

    One thing that is crucial for project success is something that is also often overlooked: TARGETS setting.
    It is essential to set realistic targets in a project.

    There are a number of factors that lead to setting unrealistic targets:

    1. Lack of careful planning.
      Having a precise plan with the clear requirements and expectations of all the project participants is a must. If they get down to business right away and skip detailed planning or consider it as a formality, they will probably face difficulties at the very beginning because of mismatching expectations.

    2. Inaccurate estimation of costs.
      Estimation is a critical part in project planning, it involves a quantitative specification of project costs, required resources and time. Effective estimation is based on setting clear requirements with the team, clients and stakeholders. Underestimation of the resources required for project implementation leads to one side promising the outcomes that cannot be delivered. Overestimation of the required resources is also possible, in this case the clients may refuse to collaborate with the company and look for more favorable terms. The best alternative here is to determine a certain buffer (e.g. 450-470 m/hr instead of just 450) for the allocated resources to ensure you won’t have any issues later.

    One more thing that adds to inaccurate estimation of the project is uncertainty concerning the project scope, work amount, unexpected internal or external events. Lack of necessary information or clarity on these points at the stage of estimation will result in setting unrealistic expectations.

    1. Kinds of resources available.

    2. Time required : Those deadlines aren’t just suggestions. Failing to manage time properly can create massive issues both for project team members and with the clients who are waiting for their jobs to be finished.

    3. Ineffective communication between all the participants(team members, beneficiaries,partners and donors) involved in the project.
      One of the challenging aspects of project in monitoring and Evaluation is setting and then managing targets of both clients and stakeholders. As a rule, everyone comes into a project with some kind of expectations. However, a number of factors often lead to the situation when one side is left expecting more than the other side can offer.
      Poor communication leads to a number of difficulties and misunderstandings. For example, when a project team members do not communicate to stakeholders on time, they are not aware of what has already been done and what requires more time. The same can be said about problems arising during the team’s working on the project. So, it’s not a good idea to leave stakeholders expecting that everything goes well when it actually doesn’t. Lack of proper communication can cause unnecessary delays.
      Lack of effective and timely communication with clients may lead to their disorientation concerning the project activities and therefore setting unrealistic targets.

    4. Desire to please clients/stakeholders.
      It sometimes happens that the fear of losing clients or stakeholders’ credit forces project team members to agree on some requirements without thorough consideration. In turn, this leads to underestimation of the available resources, so there is a discrepancy between one side’s expectations and what another side can actually deliver. In such a situation, it’s rather difficult to admit that something has gone wrong, and the problems begin to snowball. If these matters are not negotiated by all participants of the project, thorough estimation of the available resources isn’t done, and clear realistic targets aren’t set, the project impact in all likelihood will fail.

    Note that these reasons are closely interrelated and influence one another, so in the process of dealing with expectations, it’s important to take all of them into account.

    Overcoming Unrealistic Targets may be rather difficult, but there are some steps that can be taken to provide success:
    1.Planning with detailed expectations.
    2.Systemic work with the team to clarify everyone’s roles and responsibilities.

    1. Focus on reaching the project milestones to demonstrate progress, which motivates the team and makes things clear.
    2. Providing effective communication between all the parties involved in the project.
  • Unrealistic Targets are a challenging part of a project. Anyone who’s spent any time in the construction industry at any level understands there are a lot of moving parts that need to mesh together perfectly in order for the project to succeed. Architecture, design, supply, and assembly all need to be perfectly balanced. And if one thing goes awry, it can throw off the entire schedule.

    One thing that is crucial for project success is something that is also often overlooked: TARGETS setting.
    It is essential to set realistic targets in a project.

    There are a number of factors that lead to setting unrealistic targets:

    1. Lack of careful planning.
      Having a precise plan with the clear requirements and expectations of all the project participants is a must. If they get down to business right away and skip detailed planning or consider it as a formality, they will probably face difficulties at the very beginning because of mismatching expectations.

    2. Inaccurate estimation of costs.
      Estimation is a critical part in project planning, it involves a quantitative specification of project costs, required resources and time. Effective estimation is based on setting clear requirements with the team, clients and stakeholders. Underestimation of the resources required for project implementation leads to one side promising the outcomes that cannot be delivered. Overestimation of the required resources is also possible, in this case the clients may refuse to collaborate with the company and look for more favorable terms. The best alternative here is to determine a certain buffer (e.g. 450-470 m/hr instead of just 450) for the allocated resources to ensure you won’t have any issues later.

    One more thing that adds to inaccurate estimation of the project is uncertainty concerning the project scope, work amount, unexpected internal or external events. Lack of necessary information or clarity on these points at the stage of estimation will result in setting unrealistic expectations.

    1. Kinds of resources available.

    2. Time required : Those deadlines aren’t just suggestions. Failing to manage time properly can create massive issues both for project team members and with the clients who are waiting for their jobs to be finished.

    3. Ineffective communication between all the participants(team members, beneficiaries,partners and donors) involved in the project.
      One of the challenging aspects of project in monitoring and Evaluation is setting and then managing targets of both clients and stakeholders. As a rule, everyone comes into a project with some kind of expectations. However, a number of factors often lead to the situation when one side is left expecting more than the other side can offer.
      Poor communication leads to a number of difficulties and misunderstandings. For example, when a project team members do not communicate to stakeholders on time, they are not aware of what has already been done and what requires more time. The same can be said about problems arising during the team’s working on the project. So, it’s not a good idea to leave stakeholders expecting that everything goes well when it actually doesn’t. Lack of proper communication can cause unnecessary delays.
      Lack of effective and timely communication with clients may lead to their disorientation concerning the project activities and therefore setting unrealistic targets.

    4. Desire to please clients/stakeholders.
      It sometimes happens that the fear of losing clients or stakeholders’ credit forces project team members to agree on some requirements without thorough consideration. In turn, this leads to underestimation of the available resources, so there is a discrepancy between one side’s expectations and what another side can actually deliver. In such a situation, it’s rather difficult to admit that something has gone wrong, and the problems begin to snowball. If these matters are not negotiated by all participants of the project, thorough estimation of the available resources isn’t done, and clear realistic targets aren’t set, the project impact in all likelihood will fail.

    Note that these reasons are closely interrelated and influence one another, so in the process of dealing with expectations, it’s important to take all of them into account.

    Overcoming Unrealistic Targets may be rather difficult, but there are some steps that can be taken to provide success:
    1.Planning with detailed expectations.
    2.Systemic work with the team to clarify everyone’s roles and responsibilities.

    1. Focus on reaching the project milestones to demonstrate progress, which motivates the team and makes things clear.
    2. Providing effective communication between all the parties involved in the project.
  • es ce qu'il faudrait dire ce que c'est qu'un objectif irréalistes ou alors dire comme gérer s'il est possible ce type d'objectif?
    Mais je pense que d'après le cour ce style d'objectif ne devrait pas être pris en compte sauf si c'est un défit ou un challenge à réaliser la dans ce cas on pourrait peut-être le considérer comme un objectif ambitieux

  • It is important to set realistic targets, so that you create disappointment and frustration among the team and with the client.

  • Targets are realistic goals you want to reach within a stipulated period of time.when you say someone is is being unrealistic you mean that the person do not recognize truth about a certain situation especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve. They cannot be achieved within a short period of time because they are often too over ambitious,so as unrealistic target that can be met or achieved within a short period of time.
    By practicing, setting and enforcing boundaries,considering your supervisor's intention , soliciting help from your co- workers to reach goal and creating a workflow timeline that can help you succeed .All these mentioned can help deal with unrealistic target.

  • Unrealistic targets depend on analysis of causes

  • Targets are realistic goals you want to reach within a stipulated period of time.when you say someone is is being unrealistic you mean that the person do not recognize truth about a certain situation especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve. They cannot be achieved within a short period of time because they are often too over ambitious,so as unrealistic target that can be met or achieved within a short period of time.
    By practicing, setting and enforcing boundaries,considering your supervisor's intention , soliciting help from your co- workers to reach goal and creating a workflow timeline that can help you succeed .All these mentioned can help deal with unrealistic target.

  • Unrealistic targets are usually set without baseline data or without any research conducted.
    These such targets with workload also increases since the staff have to work hard to achieve those targets

  • Unrealistic targets are usually set without baseline data or without any research conducted.
    These such targets with workload also increases since the staff have to work hard to achieve those targets

  • An unrealistic Targets is any goal that isn't attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic targets, you get bored or burnt out and you quit early. To recognize unrealistic Targets, check that each step of your plan is achievable. To stop setting unrealistic Targets, make your targets simpler and keep it achievable.

  • When the targets are on their own and not based on the respective goals and activity's indicators,then the quantified goals or objective that a programme plans to achieve by a certain date will not be met.

  • targets should be realistic, so to help the team be motivated to achieving specific results on time

  • targets should be realistic, so to help the team be motivated to achieving specific results on time

  • targets should be realistic for loyalty

  • targets should be realistic, so to help the team be motivated to achieving specific results on time

  • Unrealistic targets impacts self-esteem, motivation, and productivity, which eventually damage bottom-line.

  • Targets has to be ambitious and challenging for the organization to inspire and make the team work harder to achieve the targets. However, if the organization is not careful, the targets set can be unrealistic at times which will disappoint the team and the stakeholders involved. In order to avoid setting unrealistic targets, the organization and the team must collect adequate information and data before the targets are actually set. As mentioned in the course, it would be quite difficult to get all the information and data, but the organization should mindful of it.
    When an organization tends to overlook at the data/information and resource that they have in hand, there are high chances of setting unrealistic targets.

  • I agree with what you are saying about unrealistic target setting. However, the kind of targets that we set should also be defined and guided by the amount of resources (Money, time and human resources) that we have in our hand. For instance, if we have adequate resources, I bet everyone would definitely eye for ambitious target for their project.

  • This module was very informative. For all of us whose focus is the implementation of projects, it should be important to know how to set goals in the right way. Therefore, a very good analysis of all data, resources, activities, time frame and the like should be performed.

  • Unrealistic targets impacts self-esteem, motivation, and productivity, which eventually damage bottom-line.

  • There are a variety of root causes that can lead to leaders to set unrealistic expectations. In any case, the way to deal with it is to find the root cause and adapt to the issue. It may be caused by a perception that Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) or project managers are overly conservative in their estimates, since it is easy to underestimate the time and effort needed to complete work when removed from the process. Further, leaders may believe that the project managers or SMEs are inexperienced or are improperly managing the project. Lastly, leaders are more likely to get involved when they lack knowledge of the intricacies of the project.

  • I am happy that I now know the guidelines for setting realistic targets. There's a very thin line between realistic and unrealistic targets. So from this course I have realized that baselines, historical trends and other sources of data such as expert opinion, research findings or previous projects as well as project budgets come in handy to ensure we don't set unrealistic targets. I have also known that it is wrong to set targets based on our feelings but instead we ought to utilize data from reliable source.

  • Over ambitious targets.

  • unrealistic targets may be hard to achieve because they might not be based on any data or facts. they might have come into existence through biases

  • We adjust our targets when they become unrealistic

  • The SPV is in charge of doing the self-evaluation and benchmarking about replicability and innovation. It is recommended to have internal brainstorming with all the components managers to decide the level of replicability and innovation of the project. The component manager could be in charge of the benchmark as they know better than anyone the detailed activities.

  • The SPV is in charge of doing the self-evaluation and benchmarking about replicability and innovation. It is recommended to have internal brainstorming with all the components managers to decide the level of replicability and innovation of the project. The component manager could be in charge of the benchmark as they know better than anyone the detailed activities.

  • Over ambitious targets.

  • Over ambitious targets.

  • Targets should be ambitious yet realistic. Unrealistic targets may be difficult or impossible to reach resulting in failure of the project and disappointment for those involved. It can also undermine the project's credibility and donors may refuse to continue funding.

  • By trying to appear too nice for funders or by failing to take factors like the availability of resources and their own capacities into consideration, one can easily fall into the trap of setting unrealistic targets.

  • Can someone explain about unrealistic targets in details?

  • I feel like organizations really need to be careful how they set their targets. Being over ambitious leads to blame game, mostly when organizations set unrealistic goals and employees fail to achieve the goals, it is the employees who are often put under unnecessary pressure and blamed for not achieving the targets.

  • Targets should be ambitious yet realistic. Unrealistic targets may be difficult or impossible to reach resulting in failure of the project and disappointment for those involved. It can also undermine the project's credibility and donors may refuse to continue funding.

  • Realistic targets are SMART, thus Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, while the unrealistic targets are opposite, thus are not set according to the organization objective or objectives.

    1 Reply
  • As for me, unrealistic targets are not base on baseline and other essential data. Just setting on assumptions and biases and opinions.

  • As for me, unrealistic targets are not base on baseline and other essential data. Just setting on assumptions and biases and opinions.

  • I think my mind, unrealistic targets are not base on baseline, trand and other essential data, just setting on the assumptions, opinions and biases of people.

  • If we accidently set unrealistic targets in our logframe, we will never ever get our goal.

    1 Reply
  • La cible irréaliste est celle qui n'est bien connu et non objective.

  • La cible irréaliste est celle qui n'est bien connu et non objective.

  • If the project is new, can the target describe during the project implementation? What is the risk the project might face if we do so?

  • setting targets is very important and has to be one of the fields which gets attention when dealt with

  • setting targets is very important and has to be one of the fields which gets attention when dealt with

  • setting targets is very important and has to be one of the fields which gets attention when dealt with

  • enough data analysis on the subject under investigation may lead to realist targets being set

  • this is very true hence the need for literature review

  • very correct and this may be achieved through consulting data from reliable sources as well as consulting expert on the subject under investigation

  • to set unrealistic targets is not good for organization why because it will make employee work hard for achieving that difficult task which will lead to poor result as donor will be disappointed for the result unless you 'would do what you are capable of but gives good result.

  • Unrealistic targets are those targets that cannot be achieved. Unrealistic targets can be a result of insufficient project budget, lack of enough information when coming up with targets and setting targets emotionally rather than using evidence. Unrealistic targets may lead to underachievement which will lead to donor, team and beneficiary frustration.

  • Unrealistic targets can drain and frustrate a project in the long run. I remember a project I worked on with some of my friends and how in the course of time we realized we were just going to shoot ourselves in the leg. We had to hold a meeting and readjusted out target allowing for more time to plan, collaborate and implement.

  • I'm thankful for this course. So far, I have learnt about various data collection tools, which is appropriate when trying to measure an indicator, etc.
    I believe this is an important aspect of M&E because I know as a communicator that no information is complete without feedback and that's what data collection tools helps us to achieve.

  • Unrealistic target are target that are not achievable by the project teams,due to shortage of time, project funds or occurrence of risk/assumptions that will hinder the set target

  • How can I set realistic targets

    1 Reply
  • Donors may give us unrealistic targets because of the funds they are giving in for the project without putting into consideration of the baseline or previous projects that have been there, or maybe using very old documentations of the surveys conducted in the area of implementation. This may reflect differently with the current situation on the ground forcing the project to adjust the targets because of under/over achievements of the given targets. It can be realistic if the donors together with the implementing partners to do the survey together and then set the targets for the project

  • Donors may give us unrealistic targets because of the funds they are giving in for the project without putting into consideration of the baseline or previous projects that have been there, or maybe using very old documentations of the surveys conducted in the area of implementation. This may reflect differently with the current situation on the ground forcing the project to adjust the targets because of under/over achievements of the given targets. It can be realistic if the donors together with the implementing partners to do the survey together and then set the targets for the project

  • Creating data collection tools needs a proper understanding of the project indicators and what data you need to measure progress of those indicators. Knowing the capacity of the data collectors is a must in developing data collection tools, this will help knowing how complex the data collection tool should be and what language to use.
    All data collection tools needs to have instruction of how the tools needs to be filled.

  • I think we can set our targets based on the SMART mechanism in order to prevent them from being unrealistic.

  • An unrealistic goal is any ambition that isn't attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic goals, you get bored or burnt out and you quit early. To recognize unrealistic goals, check that each step of your plan is achievable. To stop setting unrealistic goals, make your goals simpler.

  • If target were unrealistic, everyone involved will end up disappointed: yourself, your team, and your donors.

  • Un realistic targets are goals or targets that you set and you fail to attain them or accomplish them practically. when you set unrealistic targets you get bored or burnt out and you quit early. to recognize unrealistic targets check that each step of your plan. and try to make your targets simple but also realistic.

  • targets should be realistic also to motivate team members to achieve them and achieving them on time. and aslo setting realistic targets shows loyalty to your sponsors.

  • Number of people shuold be trained

  • Unrealistic targets means you don’t know what you are trying to do. You have no plan, no knowledge or desire. If you know what you are trying to do, you can even discover something greater than black holes. Any target will be unrealistic if you just “want” it and keep watching Netflix whole day.

  • Unrealistic targets means you don’t know what you are trying to do. You have no plan, no knowledge or desire. If you know what you are trying to do, you can even discover something greater than black holes. Any target will be unrealistic if you just “want” it and keep watching Netflix whole day.

  • Creating Data Collection Tools

    you will create and test data collection instruments and plan for their use.

    Tools to Help

    Documentation Worksheet
    Focus Group Worksheet
    Interview Worksheet
    Questionnaire Development Worksheet

  • setting targets that cannot be reached by the projects implementation . being over ambitious on what is to be achieved by th eproject

  • Unrealistic targets are a challenging part of a M&E. There are a number of factors that lead to setting unrealistic targets: lack of careful planning, inaccurate estimation of costs, resources and time required; ineffective communication between all the participants involved in the project.

  • Unrealistic targets are target that are humanly impossible to achieve when place into the real life scenarios with context in mind.

  • Target setting should be realistic. When you set a realistic target, the team will be committed to achieving it. If you don't achieve a target because you were unrealistic, everyone involved will be disappointed: yourself, your team, and your donors. So when we set a target, we should make sure that our target is realistic so that we get the recognition of our donors and all the stakeholders involved in the project process. Also, a realistic goal is a proof of how the resources are used and how the output and the goal will be achieved in the end.

  • Setting a goal that is too high for your resources

  • Unrealistic: not realistic, impractical, unworkable, etc
    An unrealistic goal is any ambition that isn’t attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic goals, you get bored or burnt out and you quit early. To recognize unrealistic goals, check that each step of your plan is achievable. To stop setting unrealistic goals, make your goals simpler.

    They can be ambitions or dreams that focus too much on what’s wanted or hoped for rather than what’s actually possible.

    In other words, you set unrealistic target when you focus on what you want rather than what you can actually do or have. That manifests as setting goals that are too high, too difficult for your current life circumstances, or that don’t account for your weaknesses and potential pitfalls.
    This may also result in boredom, quitting and disappointed on not achieving your goals.
    They can be caused by shortage of money, data / information, resources, time and people to complete the project.
    For example trying to loose 20kgs in 1week
    Vaccinating 1000 children in a day at a certain clinic

  • To make our targets ambitious yet realistic we looked at our previous
    implementation and what we've been able to achieve and set new targets. Again we
    looked at the kind of resources that we have available for us. Was it realizable
    for us to realize new targets? Then, if so, we set new targets. We also picked two
    scenarios where we asked ourselves: if all of the risks happened, what will be the
    new target? If they didn't happen, what would be the new target? Then we
    set the midline to be our new target. Lastly, we set our project to have
    incentives for staff to realize these new targets. Does it mean that
    when you set a target you can't go back and adjust your target? No. For our
    case we had to go back and adjust our target because that was the most
    realistic thing to do. For example, we said that we will begin our projects on
    month two and it was almost impossible. We began a project at month seven so we
    had to adjust our targets based that we started a bit late.

  • Dans ce module nous avons vu comment choisir les indicateurs pour notre projet tout en tenant compte des critères d'un bon indicateur. ils sont au nombre de 7 à savoir: l'objectivité, le direct, la pratique, l'adéquation, l'utilité pour la gestion, l'attribuabilité et la désagrégation. Nous avons également vu comment appliquer les méthodes appropriées pour fixer des objectifs pour notre projet.

  • Setting target should not be a vague one.

  • Setting a realistic target is not an easy thing to do. You have to seek a lot of information.

  • I believe that , An unrealistic goal is any ambition that isn’t attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic goals, you get bored or burnt out and you quit early. To recognize unrealistic goals, check that each step of your plan is achievable and this will definitely help .

  • some factors contributing to setting unrealistic targets are -Lack of planning and inaccurate estimates

  • Unrealistic targets is setting a target that is likely going to be unrealisable either because we are too pessimistic or too ambitious.

    For our target to bee a realistic one we have to set a baseline which can be gotten from the following:

    1. Existing data
    2. Collection of baseline data
    3. Project starting at zero baseline.
      We may also look at the historical trend.
      Example of an unrealistic target will be for example that in a project that have baseline data such as Vitamin A supplementation with 20% and we now set target that by the end of 2 months after commencement of the implementation 100% of the children would have received Vitamin a supplement.
  • Unrealistic targets means setting up target that is not realisable. One must not be too optimistic or pessimistic. Before target setting, there are some things we need to look at which may help us such as:

    1. Reviewing an existing data from reliable source
    2. Data collection if no were in existence for the project.
    3. Starting at zero baseline if thee project is providing a new type of service.
    4. Historical trends may also assist us in setting the target.
      For example setting target that all the graduate students from an institution will be employ within one year of graduation because of the training they received from that institution.
  • Yes, I agree with you even because the funder too have limited budget

  • Usually politicians settle unrealistic targets, but common people (in a way) believe them and in their promises. Since I was a child I remember how promises were arisen and I would say all of them were not accomplished. And so, unrealistic targets characterize of being very attractive for everybody, but they hide their real side. Let's be aware of that.

  • Usually politicians settle unrealistic targets, but common people (in a way) believe them and in their promises. Since I was a child I remember how promises were arisen and I would say all of them were not accomplished. And so, unrealistic targets characterize of being very attractive for everybody, but they hide their real side. Let's be aware of that.

  • Usually politicians settle unrealistic targets, but common people (in a way) believe them and in their promises. Since I was a child I remember how promises were arisen and I would say all of them were not accomplished. And so, unrealistic targets characterize of being very attractive for everybody, but they hide their real side. Let's be aware of that.

  • Dans ce module nous avons vu comment choisir les indicateurs pour notre projet tout en tenant compte des critères d'un bon indicateur. ils sont au nombre de 7 à savoir: l'objectivité, le direct, la pratique, l'adéquation, l'utilité pour la gestion, l'attribuabilité et la désagrégation. Nous avons également vu comment appliquer les méthodes appropriées pour fixer des objectifs pour notre projet.

  • Dans ce module nous avons vu comment choisir les indicateurs pour notre projet tout en tenant compte des critères d'un bon indicateur. ils sont au nombre de 7 à savoir: l'objectivité, le direct, la pratique, l'adéquation, l'utilité pour la gestion, l'attribuabilité et la désagrégation. Nous avons également vu comment appliquer les méthodes appropriées pour fixer des objectifs pour notre projet.

  • Setting higher targets is good thing for the organization as it motivates employees to showcase their capabilities to achieve more. In ideal world employees will feel if their leader gives them more targets he or she trust their ability and confidence to do that job. However a problem rises when leader seta unrealistic target for employees to achieve. This idea may discourage the willing employees to try as they felt tht they’re punished by their boss. Also not achieving the unrealistic goals will reduce work productivity as trust will be lost between leaders and employees

  • Setting higher targets is good thing for the organization as it motivates employees to showcase their capabilities to achieve more. In ideal world employees will feel if their leader gives them more targets he or she trust their ability and confidence to do that job. However a problem rises when leader seta unrealistic target for employees to achieve. This idea may discourage the willing employees to try as they felt tht they’re punished by their boss. Also not achieving the unrealistic goals will reduce work productivity as trust will be lost between leaders and employees

  • Les cibles ou objectifs irréalistes sont les cibles choisies sans tenir compte des données mais, basées sur les sentiments.

  • Unrealistic Targets

    They are set without assessing the success or failure of the implementation of previous targets.

    They are set without taking into consideration the impact of risks and assumptions.

    They are set without factoring in the incentives for the staff or human resources that will help in achieving the set targets.

    They are set with little or no room for possible readjustment where necessary especially when it comes to timeline.

  • Unrealistic, basically I look at it as not recognizing the truth about the project and do not know the difficulties associated to what they want to archive.
    in other to address the issue of unrealistic target one must not be afraid or panic, be able adjust to what method you are using and increase your working speed

  • if the project that is being implemented is new and one have to consider the risk involved,
    one key thing that should be look at is the baseline, need assessment, project implementer should do a base analysis survey as to know what are the actual problems, and further prop at what time those problems can occurred.

  • Pourrai-je avoir des éclaircissements sur les cibles irréalistes ?

  • Unrealistic target might motivate everybody at the beginning, however leads to demotivation and loss of trust in the end.

  • Unrealistic targets are targets which are ambitious and unattinable with the given time and resources.

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