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  • Risks in a nutshell can be things that have a capability to hinder your project from succeeding in an event they become a reality while assumption are biases without evidence.

  • Explanation given is thorough and now I understand how I will move from impact, activities then outcomes.

  • Are risks and assumptions needed for all of inputs, outputs, outcomes and impact in a logframe?

  • Understanding the risks of a project can help organizations create a risk management strategy. This will be an important tool for mitigating barriers to project implementation. One thing I am curious about is how organizations approach their project design if there is a lack of evidence to support their if/then statement between project outcomes and impacts. Ideally, projects will be designed using evidence-based research. However, for pilot projects promoting innovative ideas, there may be a lack of documented evidence. If we don't try new things, we might not find more effective solutions. However, trying new things without proof of success is risky and donors may not want to support these types of projects.

  • Not enough money to design the green buildings,
    The designed buildings cost is higher than the normal buildings

  • Assumptions are occurrences which you don't have evidence about while risks are things beyond your control.

  • Discussion about Risks and Assumptions

  • Interesting! the M&E plan are new to me but seems like it the type of things which you can do by just thinking clearly with the right logic.

  • It is important to know the risk and assumptions for a project. It helps to understand conditions that can affect your project implementation along the line

  • Assessing risk and assumptions is a very important step in my understanding. Understanding the risk of the project will help in avoiding the bias and helps in devising a way to avoid the risks.

  • If the risks and assumptions are very harsh, can't that discourage donors?

  • If the risks and assumptions are very harsh, can't that discourage donors?

  • Risk and assumption are important in designing your plan. It tells you that there are other things that could hinder you from achieving your goal that you don't have control over. It help you to assess your plan and see if you can influence those risk and assumption to achieve your outcome and impact.

  • Risks are the things out side or your control that might disrupt your plan and Assumptions are your biases that is the things that you believe without much evidence . It is important to plan for Risks and Assumption because it will help you to understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable and which might affect your implementation so , giving you enough time to make decision at the right time .

  • It is important to plan for risks and assumptions as it helps to assess whether the activities and plans of a given project are achievable.
    Planning for risks and assumptions also helps project managers to find solutions to problems that may arise during the implementation of the project

  • Risks are the things out side of your control that might disrupt your plan and Assumptions are your biases that is the things that you believe without much evidence . It is important to plan for Risks and Assumption because it will help you to understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable and which might affect your implementation thereby giving you enough time to make decision at the right time .

  • Risk and assumption are important in designing your plan. It tells you that there are other things that could hinder you from achieving your goal that you don't have control over. It help you to assess your plan and see if you can influence those risk and assumption to achieve your outcome and impact.

  • Risk and assumption are important in designing your plan. It tells you that there are other things that could hinder you from achieving your goal that you don't have control over. It help you to assess your plan and see if you can influence those risk and assumption to achieve your outcome and impact.

  • Risks are the things out side of your control that might disrupt your plan and Assumptions are your biases that is the things that you believe without much evidence . It is important to plan for Risks and Assumption because it will help you to understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable and which might affect your implementation thereby giving you enough time to make decision at the right time .

  • Risks are external factors outside of my control e.g. civil unrest, natural disasters etc.

    Assumptions are my own biases.

  • I enjoyed learning that risks and assumptions help me prepare for M and E. I can l already incorporate how ways around the challenges in the project design.

  • I want to know more about Assumptions and types of project risk and plan for various risk rectification

  • MyanmarLearner publication will have some risks and assumptions as follows:

    • Books cannot provide applicable knowledge.
    • Learners cannot understand after reading the books.
    • Learners cannot apply knowledge from books as not related to them.
    • Readers don't want to buy books.
    • Readers cannot buy books conveniently.
    • Readers buy books but don’t read.
    • No response and contact from readers.
    • Books website is not accessible.
    • Books cannot be put on sales at bookshops.
    • Books cannot be published.
    • MyanmarLearner's resources are not available. Printing license is revoked.
    • Papers are not available.
    • Printing materials are expensive.
    • Budget is not enough.

  • Risk and assumption in this log frame work is important in project designing because as project manager of monitoring evaluation you have to predict for the risk and how to mitigate it before and also you have to make an assumption to the activities you want to make to the impact to the societies, input and output.

  • Risks are assumptions with higher level of failures. It is an event that may likely take place with a remarkable probability and could affect the outcome of any given project plan.

  • Risks are likely events outside your control that may interrupt progress of your plan. Assumptions on the other hand, are non factual beliefs; things you believe to be true without significant evidence. And it is very important to identify risks and assumptions before a project starts to effectively tackle potential unnecessary hindrances to project success.

  • Risks and assumptions are a part of every project and M&E helps in pointing them out. Assumptions are designed uncertainties that often result to risks. While risks are often external and thus, outside the organization’s control, assumptions are biases that might hinder concise decision making in project management. It is important to development contingency plans of dealing with risks and assumptions in order to reduce uncertainty in a project and increase the rates of success. Planning for risks and assumptions helps understand events that cannot be foreseen and that can negatively affect the implementations of a project. This gives us more time to analyze the risks and assumptions, collect data and made data driven decisions.

  • Risks and assumptions are a part of every project and M&E helps in pointing them out. Assumptions are designed uncertainties that often result to risks. While risks are often external and thus, outside the organization’s control, assumptions are biases that might hinder concise decision making in project management. It is important to development contingency plans of dealing with risks and assumptions in order to reduce uncertainty in a project and increase the rates of success. Planning for risks and assumptions helps understand events that cannot be foreseen and that can negatively affect the implementations of a project. This gives us more time to analyze the risks and assumptions, collect data and made data driven decisions.

  • Risks and assumptions are a part of every project and M&E helps in pointing them out. Assumptions are designed uncertainties that often result to risks. While risks are often external and thus, outside the organization’s control, assumptions are biases that might hinder concise decision making in project management. It is important to development contingency plans of dealing with risks and assumptions in order to reduce uncertainty in a project and increase the rates of success. Planning for risks and assumptions helps understand events that cannot be foreseen and that can negatively affect the implementations of a project. This gives us more time to analyze the risks and assumptions, collect data and made data driven decisions.

  • The risks and assumptions of the project need to be effectively identified it the project is to take off. These tend to affect all aspects of the project right from the inputs that will be used in the project hence derailing the project implementation.

  • I understand that assumptions are external factors for which the intervention is not responsible, but that are very important for the realisation of the results, the project purpose and the overall objective.

  • If the program is to create a Bootcamp that enrich local community and CSO to better prepare their social program, what kind of assumptions will there be?

  • Risk and assumption are important in designing your plan. It tells you that there are other things that could hinder you from achieving your goal that you don't have control over. It help you to assess your plan and see if you can influence those risk and assumption to achieve your outcome and impact.

  • Any statement that you assume to be true is an assumption while risk is an event or condition that could happen with a notable probability and could substantially affect the outcome of your project.

    For instance, in the past when the effect of climate change wasn't so eminent, our ancestors were safe to assume that the weather patterns would not change, and it was reliable.

    However today, it has become increasingly risky to assume so, as the probability of it happening has increased substantially as a result of climate change. In this case, the unpredictable weather pattern is the risk.

    In a nutshell, when we make an assumption, we expect it to happen. If it doesn’t happen, our project suffers.
    With a risk, we anticipate that it might happen and if it does so, it will negatively impact our project.

  • risks are things that interrupt that can interrupt rhe logical flow of the project and assumptions are informations that we think are normal for the common sense and then we do not try to have evidence for them. This introduce biases to the project and can lead us to miss our goal.

  • risks are things that interrupt that can interrupt rhe logical flow of the project and assumptions are informations that we think are normal for the common sense and then we do not try to have evidence for them. This introduce biases to the project and can lead us to miss our goal.

  • Risks are factors outside of your control that could cause your project to go poorly. An example is the participants may not be able to make it to the workshop. For some reasons the workshop may not go as expected and you can't control the participants not being there.
    Assumptions are things that you believe but are not supported by evidence. An example is participants who have learnt financial skills will want to save money. You conclude that after training and teaching the participants will be able to use their learnt skills to do something better for themselves.

  • Risks this are the factors outsides your control caused by your project
    Assumptions this are the things that we belief but are not supported with evidence

  • Risks should be anticipated before the started of the project and the can led to project failure.

  • I view risk to be negative IFs while assumption to be positive IFs. If the risks occured the project is threatened while the projects needs the assumptions to achieve its objectives.

  • Risks and assumptions could effect all stages of the project summary / logistical framework

  • Identifying risks and assumptions early enough sets the project on the road to success. I have learned that it is important to involve your team members and other stakeholders during this process, thus communication plays a significant role. Also, the information documented for previous projects could be very helpful in Identifying risks and assumptions for the new projects.

  • Risks and assumptions basically entails the possible biases we may have about the project successes. During the stage of planning, it’s of utmost importance to examine possible failures and not to overestimate the impact of our project. Having an holistic overview charts the course for the projects lasting impact.

  • Risks and assumptions could effect all stages of the project summary / logisitcal framework

  • Predicting risks and defining assumptions can lead a project designer to escape from biases which will probably cause project to disruption. But, unfortunately, not always risks and assumptions cab be predicted and defined because the future is unclear and some events that create risks can not be predict. Nevertheless, some risks can be academically lessen. For example, in investment analysis by calculating some investment appraisal indexes i.e., NPV or IRR, we can scientifically include risks of inflation.

  • Identifying risks and assumptions serves to assess whether the Goals and Activities proposed are realistic and achievable in the given time frame and within the given available human and financial resources.
    In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.
    In order to avoid repetition and redundancy, risks and assumptions should be defined at two levels: general and specific level.

    General risks and assumptions can be either related to the overall implementation of the Roadmap or common to all Goals included in the Roadmap. Specific risks and assumptions will be related to a concrete Activity, i.e. a particular risk that could hinder the successful implementation of a concrete Activity or an assumption that is key to the implementation of a specific Activity. For instance, a specific assumption for the Activity "establishing an Authorised Economic Operators Scheme" is that incentives granted to AEOs are enough to motivate private traders to invest in the time and resources to get the certification.

    If described negatively, an assumption can become a risk. On the contrary, if defined in positive terms, a risk can be transformed into an assumption. Thus, it is very important to pay attention to redundancy.
    Assumptions that were considered in the form of risks do not need to be noted again and vice-versa. Similarly, risks and assumptions that were defined at general level, do not need to be mentioned again at specific level. If resistance to change is a major risk for the overall completion of the Roadmap's Goals, it would be also risk for the different Activities considered.

  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

  • Y-aura-t-il une mauvaise utilisation de micro-crédits octroyés à d'autre fin ?

  • How do you calibrate the project design to mitigate the risks identified? By adjusting your targets in tandem with the risks identified

  • I find it interesting that I never think of risk that a project may face and it it clearly very important and may influence risk management in project design

  • I want to know more about Assumptions and types of project risk and plan for various risk rectification
    A risk breakdown structure outlines the various potential risks within a project. There are four main types of project risks: technical, external, organizational, and project management. Within those four types are several more specific examples of risk.

  • Assumptions are usually some of the things an M&E researcher didn't put into consideration when developing his/her M&E framework

  • Risk and assumption in this log frame work is important in project designing because as project manager of monitoring evaluation you have to predict for the risk and how to mitigate it before and also you have to make an assumption to the activities you want to make to the impact to the societies, input and output.

  • Great learning

  • risks are the unforeseen or predicted situation that can affect the project and assumption are the things that are considered without evidence

  • Risk is anything that may interrupt your plan or intended goal at every stage of logical flow

  • Risk and assumptions are very important to identify and work on it if not your plan will be affected

  • Risks and assumptions play a really important role in how the project will progress. Developmental projects come with massive risks including lack of buy-in from stakeholders, political or economic instability, different cultural norms, etc.
    Assumptions are based on things we "know" when developing this project - e.g necessity, no other similar project, stakeholders want this project, etc

  • I really enjoyed Module 2. I think that understanding the risks and assumptions are so important right at the beginning of a project, otherwise the team is going to learn the hard way. It's also important to differentiate between being negative and being realistic. Some projects actually just won't work - this should be identified before the start.

  • Very informative

  • Very informative

  • Very informative

  • Risk and Assumptions can also be categorised under foresight.

    Managing resources is associated with risk, I'll ask myself will it work or not. What if it doesn't get accepted by the people.

    It also helps us to know the right stakeholder to engage and at what period to engage them.

  • Yes I guess, it helps and prepare for the worst I guess.

    It helps to answer the question, 'what's the worst that can happen'?

  • An unclear threat that, if it materializes, could have a detrimental effect on the achievement of the Goal or Activity is referred to in this context as a risk. On the other hand, an assumption is the prerequisite that must be met for the Goal or Activity to be completed successfully.

  • An unclear threat that, if it materializes, could have a detrimental effect on the achievement of the Goal or Activity is referred to in this context as a risk. On the other hand, an assumption is the prerequisite that must be met for the Goal or Activity to be completed successfully.

  • Any aspiration that isn't reasonable, doable, or attainable qualifies as an unrealistic objective. Unrealistic goals cause you to burn out or become bored, which leads to an early resignation. Verify that each phase of your plan is doable to spot any unrealistic objectives. Simplify your goals to quit setting impossible ones.

  • A risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.

  • to expect challenge you will facing when you starting project it is very good because it help to prepare the way you have to used before you reach on that step.

  • One has to clearly know the right questions to ask and decide on the risk and the assumptions to think of. Learn to collect data , identify your inputs, outputs that your inputs will be lead to , also the kind of out puts that will lead to outcomes. This way some % of risk and assumptions can be identified and dealt with

  • Risk and assumption in this log frame work is important in project designing because as project manager of monitoring evaluation you have to predict for the risk and how to mitigate it before and also you have to make an assumption to the activities you want to make to the impact to the societies, input and output.

  • Interesting! the M&E plan are new to me but seems like it the type of things which you can do by just thinking clearly with the right logic.

  • Project summary with Risks and assumptions.

    Creating a lasting and large scale impact to ensure children access to protection and quality education.
    Risks and Assumptions
    There may be no impact on the children having access to protection and quality education.

    -Educating and training children to learn new skills.
    -Protection to prevent children from all forms of abuse.
    Risks and Assumptions.
    -Children may not learn any new skills.
    -Children may be manipulated, deceived and distracted by other negative forms thereby escaping from their protection zone.

    -Empower children to learn in schools and training them on new skills
    -Support safe and successful progression of children from birth to adulthood.
    Risks and Assumptions
    -No constant follow-up in the progression of children from birth to adulthood
    -Children are not interested in school or to learn new skills

    Construction of schools for Scholarship and learning of skills.
    Employment of trained/ qualified teachers and security personnels.
    Risks and Assumptions.
    -No enough fund to build schools
    -Inadequate number of qualified Teachers and Security Personnels.

  • Risk and Assumptions is a very important component of the project design (monitoring and evaluation) it the project team prepare ahead of time, so that the project team can understand events and conditions are unforeseeable. That might affect your project implementation thereby giving the project team enough time to make decisions at the right time. It important to test project assumptions.


    Risk can be defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Impact.

    Assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Impact.
    Assumption is a statement that you assume to be true. Without assuming certain things, planning would be impossible.
    Assumptions are not always justifiable. Defending an assumption may be difficult, as facts are not always available to support the belief. That does not mean that they are incorrect, but it does underscore the challenge assumptions present in planning. In fact, assumptions are particularly difficult to even identify because they are usually unconscious beliefs.

    A risk is an assumption with a higher level of failure. It is an event that could happen with a notable probability and could affect the outcome of your project substantially. You have to take risks into account when planning your project as they might change the entire setup if the event actually occurs. They might even end your entire project if they occur.

    Donors want to know about the assumptions you make and the risks you identified to evaluate if your project is worth supporting. If the risks of failure are too high, they might not fund you. At the same time, if your assumptions are not logical, this might also hurt your prospects of getting funded.

    Identifying risks and assumptions while developing your project proposal can help write a stronger proposal. You will have to dig deep to truly understand the situation at hand. Furthermore, it shows you what you have to look out for during the implementation of your project and what could be possible stumbling blocks. Identifying risks and assumptions also show your donor that you have real knowledge of the situation in the community and that your work is valid.

    Few examples of risks and assumptions in a project proposal may be:
    ***A business firm assumes the risk of absenteeism by its employees because of minor illness, but buys disability insurance to cover absences due to extended illness.

    ***All building materials will be available in the market

    ***The legal framework will not change drastically in the near future.

    ***Change of weather condition, for continental countries, it might still be ok to assume the weather will stay similar, for countries that battle drought or some island states it is definitely a risk.Depending on where in the world you are, weather patterns can fit into both categories.

    Assumptions and Risks- Two sides of a coin.
    Let’s take an example of a common statement that is included in many Project Definitions – that the resources needed for this project will be available when needed. What kind of a statement is this? Most people would say it is an assumption. After all, when a project starts, you always assume you will get the resources you need.

    However, is it really an assumption? Can you imagine starting a project where the people and equipment were not available and there was a realistic possibility that they would not be ready when you need them – perhaps because another project needed to finish first? It is not too difficult to imagine that scenario. In that case, the same statement would definitely be a risk – not an assumption.

    The same statement might be an assumption or a risk depending on the circumstances of your particular project. There is some degree of uncertainty to an assumption. If the event is negative and there is a low probability that it will happen, it can be stated as an assumption. If the event is positive and there is a high likelihood it will happen, it is also an assumption. One way to identify important assumptions is to perform a risk assessment and look at all the low-risk items. Most of these low risks are not worth mentioning, but some will have significant implications if events do not turn out as you think. These are the ones that you can document as assumptions.

    There are two key characteristics of risks and assumptions. First, there must be some uncertainty to the event. If there is 100% chance of an event occurring, it is simply a fact. If there is a 0% chance of the event occurring, it is fiction. Neither are risks or assumptions.

    Second, assumptions and risks are both outside the total control of the project team. If the event is within the control of the project team it is neither an assumption nor a risk. It should simply be managed to make it happen.

    Taking the time and caution to identify, asses and deal with the risks and other factors will always be a worthy investment, even when time is of the essence. The vetting of these factors will pay off in smooth implementation of the strategic plan or project down the line. Your plan can proceed, free of the potholes and other roadblocks that, with a little planning, might well have derailed the best-laid plans.

  • The girls in MEH might not have enough financial literacy and the technical know-how of how to use or upgrade a business.
    without training the money allocated to them might be misappropriated.

    1 Reply
  • Hello, what is the difference between risks and assumptions

  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.
    In order to avoid repetition and redundancy, risks and assumptions should be defined at two levels: general and specific level.

  • it is very important to identify risks and assumptions before starting a project.
    If you know how a project can go wrong, you can start preparing; and you will also know what problems to look for when you start monitoring.

  • It is worth knowing

  • it is worth knowing that both risk and assumption play a very important role when designing a project plan. This will help you minimize the possibility of a risk and as well be able to tackle assumptions.

  • Are risks and and assumptions might be the same sometimes?

  • Risks should be anticipated before the start of the project and the can led to project failure.

  • Le cours a jusque là été clair.

  • I find this section quite enlightening. It is not just an eye opener but I am now better able to look at risks and assumptions that may bring down my project and prepare for them in advance.

  • risk and assumption are thing that are out of control of the implementing partner of the project which affects the project either positvely or negetively.

  • En les risques et les croyances sont fatales pour la réussite d'un projet?

  • Risk and assumption are the external issues which might lead to baise your project

  • Assumptions are things that once believes or things affect the project without evidence , while risks are those things that are out of your control that may affect the project outcome or impact negatively

  • Are risks and and assumptions might be the same sometimes?

  • Though risks are outside your control,you can manage them to some limits

  • the risks and assumptions column helps you identify things that might disrupt your project thus you get prepared for them.

  • May be the girls are unable to do a business because the are not confident..

  • It is important to keep in mind that there is no one size fits all when it comes to frameworks. Different kinds of projects use different kinds of frameworks, the best way to determine your ideal type is by understanding the scope of your project and then choosing the one that best fits the purpose. These three types of M&E frameworks are widely used in the development and humanitarian sectors:

  • In risks and assumption providing enough inputs will yield good results for the outcomes

  • Risk and assumption come up in every project but its. It a determinant

  • Risk and assumptions are our biases . it may effect the project or may not

  • Risk and assumptions are our baises . it may effect the project or may not

  • Projects have little or no control on risks and assumptions since they are external factors.
    But these also affect the activities and results of the project

  • Risks and assumptions are external factors over which the project has little control, but which may impact project activities and results. The factors are often connected to events, contexts, and/or community beliefs. Identifying risks and assumptions helps an organization prepare for potential challenges in meeting the program goal as well as determining if a program redesign would be beneficial. For example, if an assumption highlights that a community may be unwilling to accept the activity, it may be necessary to redesign the program or first add additional activities that will build community support.

    Unrealistic Targets: Is something which are do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.
    t's never too early to start to think about the answers to these questions and incorporate them into the development of a research project. The answers may change over the course of your research.
    data management equetions:

    1. What is your data?

    Quantitative, qualitative, spatial, text, video, physical object, ???
    Will the dataset(s) grow over time?
    What tools or software are needed to create & use the data?

    1. How will you document and describe the data?

    Field names, data identifiers, metadata
    Naming conventions

    1. Does the data need to be protected?

    Participant/human subject privacy
    Intellectual property

    1. Will you share your data with others?

    Expectation of funding agency
    Open access
    Journal citation

    1. How will you store and access the data over the short- and long-term?

    How long?
    What file formats?
    Hosting site?

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