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  • how can we link Assumptions and risks

  • This is a very important aspect in M&E as it enables the designer to prepare for any external circumstances and how to mitigate such should they arise. It will prepare the designer and implementer with an optional route out of any challenge that will come their way. It is a very key aspect of the logframe.

  • This topic was topic was very fruitful, it gave me broad idea of how risks and assumptions are linked to the project logframe which can therefore help the project team to adjust the project accordingly and look for mitigation strategies.

  • Is the goal to reduce or eraducate the Risk or do we manage It../.?

  • Risk talks about what are the thing that will stop you from not implementing a particular activity whereas Assumption is a belief that you have within you thinking something will not go well in the implementation of a activity with no evidence base.

  • It will be good you are able to identify risk and assumption before the starting of the project.

  • I really like the idea of thinking through what biases we might have that influence how we design a project. Particularly biases around gender and social inclusion - these are so important for ensuring the intended impact AND do no harm principle. I would really like more training on this particular area as donors are becoming more adept at asking for risks and mitigation measures - which is great.

  • risks and assumptions are some reasons that against what you are expecting or what you have planned during project plan , for example: if you want to help poor people who are not able to get their basic needs and declared you are going to help them its not possible to be contributed only those who supposed to be helped sometimes wrong people can be contributed or handed off, so we have to be aware and write down anything that might come out unless we have an evidence.

  • Thinking about the risks and assumptions is critical not only for M&E but also project success. It is forces us to review the evidence and come up with an evidence-informed design of the project. This increases the chances of creating real impact besides allowing for better contingency planning. Considering risks and assumptions can not, therefore, be overemphasized.

  • Identifying risks and assumptions serves to assess whether the Goals and Activities proposed are realistic and achievable in the given time frame and within the given available human and financial resources.
    In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.
    In order to avoid repetition and redundancy, risks and assumptions should be defined at two levels: general and specific level.

    General risks and assumptions can be either related to the overall implementation of the Roadmap or common to all Goals included in the Roadmap. Specific risks and assumptions will be related to a concrete Activity, i.e. a particular risk that could hinder the successful implementation of a concrete Activity or an assumption that is key to the implementation of a specific Activity. For instance, a specific assumption for the Activity "establishing an Authorised Economic Operators Scheme" is that incentives granted to AEOs are enough to motivate private traders to invest in the time and resources to get the certification.

    If described negatively, an assumption can become a risk. On the contrary, if defined in positive terms, a risk can be transformed into an assumption. Thus, it is very important to pay attention to redundancy.
    Assumptions that were considered in the form of risks do not need to be noted again and vice-versa. Similarly, risks and assumptions that were defined at general level, do not need to be mentioned again at specific level. If resistance to change is a major risk for the overall completion of the Roadmap's Goals, it would be also risk for the different Activities considered.

  • This module is enriching as it gives a further insight on how to formulate possible risks and the likely assumptions that could truncate the success of any project plan.

  • Identifying risks and assumptions serves to assess whether the Goals and Activities proposed are realistic and achievable in the given time frame and within the given available human and financial resources.
    In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity.
    In order to avoid repetition and redundancy, risks and assumptions should be defined at two levels: general and specific level.

    General risks and assumptions can be either related to the overall implementation of the Roadmap or common to all Goals included in the Roadmap. Specific risks and assumptions will be related to a concrete Activity, i.e. a particular risk that could hinder the successful implementation of a concrete Activity or an assumption that is key to the implementation of a specific Activity. For instance, a specific assumption for the Activity "establishing an Authorised Economic Operators Scheme" is that incentives granted to AEOs are enough to motivate private traders to invest in the time and resources to get the certification.

    If described negatively, an assumption can become a risk. On the contrary, if defined in positive terms, a risk can be transformed into an assumption. Thus, it is very important to pay attention to redundancy.
    Assumptions that were considered in the form of risks do not need to be noted again and vice-versa. Similarly, risks and assumptions that were defined at general level, do not need to be mentioned again at specific level. If resistance to change is a major risk for the overall completion of the Roadmap's Goals, it would be also risk for the different Activities considered.

  • What difference do you make between the theories received here and the daily practices of your project?
    Share your experience with us

  • Since risk a very critical part of our project and out of our control then we must ensure that we evaluate their critically to determine how far they can hurt our projects and if the impact is much then a real consideration may be required.

    I know our project implementations to we have to put an eye on the assumptions made to quickly know when things are going wrong and how to adjust appropriately

  • It is very necessary to understand risky and assumptions phase in logframe as it avoid biases and give directions of planning ahead on what may be contribute or hurt project activities or goals in a long run

  • When you outline your risk and assumption then what next

    1 Reply
  • Assumptions are external factors for which the intervention is not responsible, but that are very important for the realisation of the results, the project purpose and the overall objective. They are outside direct intervention control, but vital for achieving a successful implementation
    s: physical, digital, and reputational. These risks are assessed (and continually re-assessed) throughout the M&E 'value chain,' from data collection and management to analysis and reporting

  • Risks and assumptions are an important tool to take into consideration during monitoring and evaluation.

  • The Risks and Assumptions column is the fourth column of the logical framework. The assumptions describe the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management

    These are targets which are too ambitious to achieve. The targets may be to high to achieve. For instance, based on records from the previous project on the reduction of diarrheal cases among under-five in Kibra slum was 30%. Creating a target of 70% on the reduction of the same disease in the same area will be unrealistic target.

  • Risks are anticipated events that may affect the implementation of the project in one way or the other.
    Assumptions are unforeseen activities that project implementers must keep in mind as they oversee project implementation

  • An assumption is an idea that is accepted to be true without certainty. Until we validate assumptions, they also represent a risk. Risks are future events that have a likelihood of occurrence and an anticipated impact. Risks can be opportunities (positive) or threats (negative).

  • so far so interesting here

  • Risks and Assumptions in M & E are a necessity to every project in order to be alert and aware , of what may be involved is things don't go as planned

  • Risks are harmful things that may hinder the success of our project, this are barriers that may arise and prevent us from succeeding to meet our targets. It may be insecurity, weather culture, religion and many others.

    Assumption is the idea of thing in advance and having no evidence of whether what we put as a risk will happen.

  • Risks are the factors out of the control of the institution that could negatively impact the project implementation. We can do a survey and ask beneficiaries some questions on what they think could stop them from producing desire outcomes to have us inform on risk issues. Assumptions are condition that we think might happen but we have no evidence.

  • It's true. Risk and assumptions are part of the formative research which falls part of the first stage of the project circle. They can be research even before the designing of the project starts.

  • When you outline your risks and assumptions, then, you must find a way that you can implement the project with the less likelihood that the risk will actually happen and for the assumption, you can conduct surveys to inform you whether they are true to.

  • Identifying risks to the project is key to:

    1. Project's success.
    2. Predict what could go wrong in advance and devise solutions.
    3. Completion of project within schedule, budget and scope.
  • Thinking about the risks and assumptions is critical not only for M&E but also project success. It is forces us to review the evidence and come up with an evidence-informed design of the project. This increases the chances of creating real impact besides allowing for better contingency planning. Considering risks and assumptions can not, therefore, be overemphasized.

  • Risks and assumptions give great insights into how other factors can influence the project. Note that these doesn't have to negative all through. You could also identify positive risks and assumptions that may help make the project go well

  • I think this holds true. Some risks that you may look at them to be small or insignificant or at low level may suddenly become medium or high level risks.

  • I have keenly noted that considering the risks and Assumptions during the planning process is very important this helps to reduce biases and plan how to overcome them early enough.

  • since risks are things that are outside my control and that they might disrupt my plan, planning for them is so important because help me understand events and conditions and also plan ahead on every step in my logframe and also work on the biases or have less belief in biases since i will have a well organised plan ahead for the project.

  • Risks and assumptions enable the organization to understand unforeseen events that can affect the implementation and gives enough time to make decisions at the right time.

  • Since risk a very critical part of our project and out of our control then we must ensure that we evaluate their critically to determine how far they can hurt our projects and if the impact is much then a real consideration may be required.

    I know our project implementations to work, we have to put an eye on the assumptions made to quickly know when things are going wrong and how to adjust appropriately

    As an expert m&e officer we must ensure that our targets are ambitious yet realistic. This we could only do by considering all the data available and making few researchers and also be ready to make adjustments as and when due.

  • In my fourth year, I learned an introduction to M&E but I knew nothing about risks and assumptions. This course and especially module 2 has helped me a lot. Now I know how essential the risks and assumptions column is.

  • AWESOME TOPIC. Making assumptions in project design may lead to biasness

  • Risks are factors outside ones control to handle at a certain period of time and Assumption these are beliefs which are not supported by evidence they might true or false

  • Risks are factors that are outside our control but they affect the project implementation. Meanwhile, the assumptions are our believes that are not supported by evidence.

  • The two primary attributes of a risk are the probability of it happening and the impact (negative or positive) that it might have on a project.

  • Risks are the factors outside of our control that could disturb our project.
    Assumptions are things that we believe but tat are not supported by evidence.
    Before the project starts it is important to find te risks and assumptions of our project. So we can anticipate and understand why our project goes poorly

  • MEH has plenty of risks and assumptions. The project manager and the whole team must note these risks and assumptions to escape biases. Additionally, brainstorming about and noting the risks and assumptions can help the project manager and team to strategize on how to address the risks and avoid shortfalls during project implementation and the end result (impact).

  • As you think about the risks and assumptions surrounding the MEH project, one realizes that a project might fail at its very initial stages if some risks are not responded to properly. For instance, suppose MEH does not have enough funds to provide the girls with small loans, would the project kick off? No. Therefore, the project manager has to device ways to get enough funds to provide the required microloans.

  • As you think about the risks and assumptions surrounding the MEH project, one realizes that a project might fail at its very initial stages if some risks are not responded to properly. For instance, suppose MEH does not have enough funds to provide the girls with small loans, would the project kick off? No. Therefore, the project manager has to device ways to get enough funds to provide the required microloans.

  • Risks are factors outside ones control to handle at a certain period of time and Assumption these are beliefs which are not supported by evidence they might true or false

  • Security managers deal with risk in the following ways:

    Risk Assumption—A risk contingency plan can be developed for the project that defines the actions taken, the resource plans, and the factor that triggers an action should a given risk occur. This option accepts the potential risk and continues assuming the contingency plan lowers the risk to an acceptable level (low cost). Risk Avoidance: We can circumvent the risk by removing the cause or reducing the consequences (some cost).

    Risk Limitation—To limit the risk by implementing specific changes planned activities in the project. (This approach should be pursued when the risk cannot be dealt with any other way or will be too costly to the project.) (some cost).

    “Risk Transfer”—We can transfer the risk by using other techniques to offset the loss. One example would be to purchase insurance. The potential impact of a risk event can be transferred by insuring a product or department against the liability of damage.

  • How wide should we go in describing Risks and Assumptions - some natural disasters, war could be considered as risks?

  • It is very relevant to plan for risks and assumptions ahead of time and before implementation of activities so that
    you can understand events and conditions that are unexpected and that might affect the implementation of activities and also it gives you enough time to make decisions at the right and expected time.

  • The main difference between an assumption and a risk is that when we make an assumption, we expect that assumption will happen. If the assumption doesn't happen then the project is negatively affected. With a risk we anticipate that the risk might happen and thus negatively impact our project.

  • The main difference between an assumption and a risk is that when we make an assumption, we expect that assumption will happen. If the assumption doesn't happen then the project is negatively affected. With a risk we anticipate that the risk might happen and thus negatively impact our project.

  • The main difference between an assumption and a risk is that when we make an assumption, we expect that assumption will happen. If the assumption doesn't happen then the project is negatively affected. With a risk we anticipate that the risk might happen and thus negatively impact our project.

  • il est toujours important de prendre des précautions lors de la rédaction du projet e ce qui concerne les risques

  • Risks are unwillingness of patients to participate in the study.
    Assumption is the believe that many households are poor and need social health insurance.

  • Risks are the things outside your control that may disrupt your project implementation plan/ log frame. Assumptions on the other hand are the biased beliefs that you hold towards the project log framework in which you do not have an evidence. It is therefore imperative to identify the risks and assumptions during the program design phase. This results into smooth implementation process as the project managers are able to navigate through out the already identified risk and assumptions.

  • Risks and Assumptions can help in addressing issues that might affect project implementation or affect a successful impact.
    Every activity should be carefully scrutinize under risks and assumptions

  • Risks briefly can be defined as all things that are beyond our ability. It is very crucial to understand risks because it will help us to be able to overcome hurdles facing our projects at a right time.

    Assumptions simply means biases we have towards our projects without having concrete evidences

  • Risks refers to those things that can not be controlled as they are beyond our capabilities therefore thay may lead to improper implementation of our projects.

    Assumptions simply means our biases that we have towards our project without having concrete evidences.

    Understanding risks and assumptions help us to well overcome unforeesable events that may intervene our projects thus poor project implementation

  • Risks refers to those things that can not be controlled as they are beyond our capabilities therefore thay may lead to improper implementation of our projects.

    Assumptions simply means our biases that we have towards our project without having concrete evidences.

    Understanding risks and assumptions help us to well overcome unforeesable events that may intervene our projects thus poor project implementation

    1 Reply
  • In this context, a risk is defined as an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity

  • AWESOME TOPIC. Making assumptions in project design may lead to biasness

  • The main difference between an assumption and a risk is that when we make an assumption, we expect that assumption will happen. If the assumption doesn't happen then the project is negatively affected. With a risk we anticipate that the risk might happen and thus negatively impact our project.

  • AWESOME TOPIC. Making assumptions in project design may lead to biasness

  • I agree assumptions simply means our biases that we have towards our project without having concrete evidences.. thus the need to understand them.

  • Risks in a nutshell can be things that have a capability to hinder your project from succeeding in an event they become a reality while assumption are biases without evidence.

  • Explanation given is thorough and now I understand how I will move from impact, activities then outcomes.

  • Are risks and assumptions needed for all of inputs, outputs, outcomes and impact in a logframe?

  • Understanding the risks of a project can help organizations create a risk management strategy. This will be an important tool for mitigating barriers to project implementation. One thing I am curious about is how organizations approach their project design if there is a lack of evidence to support their if/then statement between project outcomes and impacts. Ideally, projects will be designed using evidence-based research. However, for pilot projects promoting innovative ideas, there may be a lack of documented evidence. If we don't try new things, we might not find more effective solutions. However, trying new things without proof of success is risky and donors may not want to support these types of projects.

  • Not enough money to design the green buildings,
    The designed buildings cost is higher than the normal buildings

  • Assumptions are occurrences which you don't have evidence about while risks are things beyond your control.

  • Discussion about Risks and Assumptions

  • Interesting! the M&E plan are new to me but seems like it the type of things which you can do by just thinking clearly with the right logic.

  • It is important to know the risk and assumptions for a project. It helps to understand conditions that can affect your project implementation along the line

  • Assessing risk and assumptions is a very important step in my understanding. Understanding the risk of the project will help in avoiding the bias and helps in devising a way to avoid the risks.

  • If the risks and assumptions are very harsh, can't that discourage donors?

  • If the risks and assumptions are very harsh, can't that discourage donors?

  • Risk and assumption are important in designing your plan. It tells you that there are other things that could hinder you from achieving your goal that you don't have control over. It help you to assess your plan and see if you can influence those risk and assumption to achieve your outcome and impact.

  • Risks are the things out side or your control that might disrupt your plan and Assumptions are your biases that is the things that you believe without much evidence . It is important to plan for Risks and Assumption because it will help you to understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable and which might affect your implementation so , giving you enough time to make decision at the right time .

  • It is important to plan for risks and assumptions as it helps to assess whether the activities and plans of a given project are achievable.
    Planning for risks and assumptions also helps project managers to find solutions to problems that may arise during the implementation of the project

  • Risks are the things out side of your control that might disrupt your plan and Assumptions are your biases that is the things that you believe without much evidence . It is important to plan for Risks and Assumption because it will help you to understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable and which might affect your implementation thereby giving you enough time to make decision at the right time .

  • Risk and assumption are important in designing your plan. It tells you that there are other things that could hinder you from achieving your goal that you don't have control over. It help you to assess your plan and see if you can influence those risk and assumption to achieve your outcome and impact.

  • Risk and assumption are important in designing your plan. It tells you that there are other things that could hinder you from achieving your goal that you don't have control over. It help you to assess your plan and see if you can influence those risk and assumption to achieve your outcome and impact.

  • Risks are the things out side of your control that might disrupt your plan and Assumptions are your biases that is the things that you believe without much evidence . It is important to plan for Risks and Assumption because it will help you to understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable and which might affect your implementation thereby giving you enough time to make decision at the right time .

  • Risks are external factors outside of my control e.g. civil unrest, natural disasters etc.

    Assumptions are my own biases.

  • I enjoyed learning that risks and assumptions help me prepare for M and E. I can l already incorporate how ways around the challenges in the project design.

  • I want to know more about Assumptions and types of project risk and plan for various risk rectification

  • MyanmarLearner publication will have some risks and assumptions as follows:

    • Books cannot provide applicable knowledge.
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    • Readers don't want to buy books.
    • Readers cannot buy books conveniently.
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    • No response and contact from readers.
    • Books website is not accessible.
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    • MyanmarLearner's resources are not available. Printing license is revoked.
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  • Risk and assumption in this log frame work is important in project designing because as project manager of monitoring evaluation you have to predict for the risk and how to mitigate it before and also you have to make an assumption to the activities you want to make to the impact to the societies, input and output.

  • Risks are assumptions with higher level of failures. It is an event that may likely take place with a remarkable probability and could affect the outcome of any given project plan.

  • Risks are likely events outside your control that may interrupt progress of your plan. Assumptions on the other hand, are non factual beliefs; things you believe to be true without significant evidence. And it is very important to identify risks and assumptions before a project starts to effectively tackle potential unnecessary hindrances to project success.

  • Risks and assumptions are a part of every project and M&E helps in pointing them out. Assumptions are designed uncertainties that often result to risks. While risks are often external and thus, outside the organization’s control, assumptions are biases that might hinder concise decision making in project management. It is important to development contingency plans of dealing with risks and assumptions in order to reduce uncertainty in a project and increase the rates of success. Planning for risks and assumptions helps understand events that cannot be foreseen and that can negatively affect the implementations of a project. This gives us more time to analyze the risks and assumptions, collect data and made data driven decisions.

  • Risks and assumptions are a part of every project and M&E helps in pointing them out. Assumptions are designed uncertainties that often result to risks. While risks are often external and thus, outside the organization’s control, assumptions are biases that might hinder concise decision making in project management. It is important to development contingency plans of dealing with risks and assumptions in order to reduce uncertainty in a project and increase the rates of success. Planning for risks and assumptions helps understand events that cannot be foreseen and that can negatively affect the implementations of a project. This gives us more time to analyze the risks and assumptions, collect data and made data driven decisions.

  • Risks and assumptions are a part of every project and M&E helps in pointing them out. Assumptions are designed uncertainties that often result to risks. While risks are often external and thus, outside the organization’s control, assumptions are biases that might hinder concise decision making in project management. It is important to development contingency plans of dealing with risks and assumptions in order to reduce uncertainty in a project and increase the rates of success. Planning for risks and assumptions helps understand events that cannot be foreseen and that can negatively affect the implementations of a project. This gives us more time to analyze the risks and assumptions, collect data and made data driven decisions.

  • The risks and assumptions of the project need to be effectively identified it the project is to take off. These tend to affect all aspects of the project right from the inputs that will be used in the project hence derailing the project implementation.

  • I understand that assumptions are external factors for which the intervention is not responsible, but that are very important for the realisation of the results, the project purpose and the overall objective.

  • If the program is to create a Bootcamp that enrich local community and CSO to better prepare their social program, what kind of assumptions will there be?

  • Risk and assumption are important in designing your plan. It tells you that there are other things that could hinder you from achieving your goal that you don't have control over. It help you to assess your plan and see if you can influence those risk and assumption to achieve your outcome and impact.

  • Any statement that you assume to be true is an assumption while risk is an event or condition that could happen with a notable probability and could substantially affect the outcome of your project.

    For instance, in the past when the effect of climate change wasn't so eminent, our ancestors were safe to assume that the weather patterns would not change, and it was reliable.

    However today, it has become increasingly risky to assume so, as the probability of it happening has increased substantially as a result of climate change. In this case, the unpredictable weather pattern is the risk.

    In a nutshell, when we make an assumption, we expect it to happen. If it doesn’t happen, our project suffers.
    With a risk, we anticipate that it might happen and if it does so, it will negatively impact our project.

  • risks are things that interrupt that can interrupt rhe logical flow of the project and assumptions are informations that we think are normal for the common sense and then we do not try to have evidence for them. This introduce biases to the project and can lead us to miss our goal.

  • risks are things that interrupt that can interrupt rhe logical flow of the project and assumptions are informations that we think are normal for the common sense and then we do not try to have evidence for them. This introduce biases to the project and can lead us to miss our goal.

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