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  • a realistic target is a target ambitious

  • well done SUPER

  • I enjoyed this module.

  • These are the targets that will never be reached and not making sense. These are also the targets that will not help the management and m&e team to make a decision with.

  • These are targets which are set without taking into consideration all factors surrounding the projects e.g baseline informationg, timeframe to project completion, funding, Risks to the logframework activities

  • Unrealistic Targets could have a very negative effect on the outcomes of your project as it might reflect as if the project did not achieve the desired results while it actually did make a big impact but could just not reach the unrealistic target results.

  • Data Management encompasses all data management processes, tools and techniques. The objective is to ensure the consistency, quality and security of data sets in order to be able to exploit them. Discover everything you need to know: definition, techniques and tools, skills required, training.

  • Targets have to be ambiguous thou realistic so that it motivates project implementers to do more.

  • A project with an unrealistic target is a failure. A target must also be SMART to be successful. Unrealistic targets are often the result of a lack of serious baseline study. This often results in projects being launched on the wrong basis. To avoid this kind of situation, it is necessary to do a serious study and research on the themes of our project, in order to start the activities with evidence.

  • Targets have to be ambiguous thou realistic so that it motivates project implementers to do more.

  • Targets have to be ambiguous thou realistic so that it motivates project implementers to do more.

  • Unrealistic targets creates lots of pressure within the working group and this also brings down investor confidence.

  • Targets should be realistic.

  • The setting of unreasonable and unrealistic targets may result in disappointment and can completely demotivate the team members if not achieved. As such, project planning, has to focus on setting targets that are realistic since can be attained easily for the effective performance of workers or project partners.

  • What is unrealistic target ?

  • Targets should be discussed in a group of people, also should be shown to an expert.

  • Hello, I have recently started this course and hope to learn new thing with other learners.

    1 Reply
  • Create space to logically examine a particular program and context. Hypothesize. Encourage critical, creative, & empathetic thinking on how the world works and how programs may work, or fail to work, in that world.

  • Unrealistic target are unattainable target that can not be achieve. In setting target, it should be realistic which is one of the relivances while setting targets.
    This Target helps in the assessment of a project.

  • Unrealistic target will trouble the implementors because it is ambiguous comparing to the capacity of available resources that a project has. As a result, the project fails to achieve the goal and disappoint a donor.

  • Taking into account the fact that the targeted population of our project may reduce over time. Is it wise to reduce their number as we moving from input to impact? For explample if we say as ouput target: At least 2300 women will receive training at fixed periode of time. is it wise to say as outcome: At least 2000 women will produce soap for selling? that is to say that number of participants might reduce over time.

  • Are those targets that are either extreemly too high or too low to be achieved. But for many instances unrealistic targets are those estimates that are extreemly to high to be achieved.

  • Are those targets that are either extreemly too high or too low to be achieved. But for many instances unrealistic targets are those estimates that are extreemly to high to be achieved.

  • Good discussion

  • an example of a unrealistic target is to ensure everyone in Africa is rich in the next 50 years. This is so unachievable and unrealistic target
    The data released could further tarnish the image of these people in the society if released. Politics is said to be a dirty game, mischievous politicians could easily take advantage over these people
    Honesty is the best policy. Let's try to be honest with ourselves and others
    Every M&E specialist should try to update skills on a regular basis

  • An unrealistic target make our team and stakeholders hopeless of our situation.

  • It is to go too high and to far from the impact we want to reach. We need to make sure the timeline and be aware of any delay to adjust

  • Unrealistic target are no visible, not attainable. And a target should be realistic so that it's success can measured.

  • It is to go too high and to far from the impact we want to reach. We need to make sure the timeline and be aware of any delay to adjust

  • It is to go too high and to far from the impact we want to reach. We need to make sure the timeline and be aware of any delay to adjust

  • Unrealistic target will trouble the implementors because it is ambiguous comparing to the capacity of available resources that a project has. As a result, the project fails to achieve the goal and disappoint a donor.

    1 Reply
  • vary important and interesting section for this module of indicator and target setting, i learn so many things part of what i learn is 1. criteria for strong indicator which include objective, Direct, practical, adequate, useful attribute and Disaggregate follow by how to set a target by knowing few important things on how to set a target e.g.1 target can express quality, quantity and efficiency 2.set your final target first can sometime be adjusted and the last one is target can be ambitious but realistic etc.

  • Unrealistic target are no visible, not attainable. And a target should be realistic so that it's success can measured.

  • Unrealistic targets can not be achieved with available resources and timeframe.

  • Unrealistic targets come into the fore when we overthink and give higher targets as well as when we become pessimistic, giving lower targets, not stretching ourselves. When we don't look for information from different sources we will end up crafting unachievable targets because we don't have any baseline to start from.

    • unrealistic targets leads to falsified and weak quality outcomes
    • difficult to generalize outcomes of unrealistic targets, easily misleads
    • the consequences of unrealistic targets are difficult
  • What if the beneficiaries insist on a target that as a manager know is unrealistic, will you let it go anyway?

  • It is extremely to set targets. How to make sure the targets come true?

  • Unrealistic targets can not be achieved with available resources and timeframe.

  • The unrealistic targets are among the problems causes the NGOs to distorted the quality of the service which will be delivered too. The quantity over quality for attracting more funds are among the problems for Targets on my region.

  • The unrealistic targets are among the problems causes the NGOs to distorted the quality of the service whcih will be delivered too. The quantity over quality for attracting more funds are among the problems for Targets on my region.

    The data collections methods can double check and see realistic is the target and track the progress of the project too.

  • The unrealistic targets are among the problems causes the NGOs to distorted the quality of the service whcih will be delivered too. The quantity over quality for attracting more funds are among the problems for Targets on my region.

    The data collections methods can double check and see realistic is the target and track the progress of the project too.

    The data later to be archived and analyzed for decision making or reporting purpose.

    1 Reply
  • The degree of the indicators cannot be suggested without clear vision to the topic

  • The degree of the indicators cannot be suggested without clear vision to the topic

  • What is unrealistic targets?

  • A target is unrealistic when an organization fails to recognize the truth about a situation, especially the difficulties involved in achieving a specific result. For example, unrealistic targets could result from the organization's unfamiliarity with the magnitude of the problem they want to solve or the available resources to solve the problem.
    Some organizations have unrealistic targets because they want to impress donors. However, even if funding is available, time and other factors beyond your control could make your project fail to meet your targets.

  • A target is unrealistic when an organization fails to recognize the truth about a situation, especially the difficulties involved in achieving a specific result. For example, unrealistic targets could result from the organization's unfamiliarity with the magnitude of the problem they want to solve or the available resources to solve the problem.
    Some organizations have unrealistic targets because they want to impress donors. However, even if funding is available, time and other factors beyond your control could make your project fail to meet your targets.

  • Very Insightful topic, it is good to know targets can be adjusted depending on factors that would affect the impact of the entire project as a whole. We often let Unrealistic targets just to satisfy what we think a donar needs or wants in order for to receive funding.

  • This has been a very useful module about indicators and targets. Setting unrealistic targets is something I have encountered, particularly with projects setting targets too low. In gender equality and empowerment work I have come across clients who do not want to be too ambitious in setting targets for number of women or girls reached because of past experiences where they were unable to reach those targets. The steps provided on how to set targets will be very helpful when I am dealing with those types of clients or when I am supporting a baseline activity.

  • The targets are important to see what we have achieved during our internal monitoring as well as during evaluation process. Setting good targets will ultimately lead to useful/known results, whether we able to go move forward into our goals.

  • An unrealistic goal is any ambition that isn't attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic goals, you get bored or burnt out and you quit early. To recognize unrealistic goals, check that each step of your plan is achievable. To stop setting unrealistic goals, make your goals simpler.

  • ![alt text](image url)

  • this are targets that dont make sense at all and can help the organization in setting up an monitiring and evaluation plan.

  • This has been a very useful module about indicators and targets. Setting unrealistic targets is something I have encountered, particularly with projects setting targets too low. In gender equality and empowerment work I have come across clients who do not want to be too ambitious in setting targets for number of women or girls reached because of past experiences where they were unable to reach those targets. The steps provided on how to set targets will be very helpful when I am dealing with those types of clients or when I am supporting a baseline activity.

  • Unrealistic targets, impossible deadlines or inadequate budgets can all play a factor that contributes towards these challenges

  • Targets must be realistic and incase the time elapses before the start of the project it is prudent to adjust the targets.

  • An unrealistic goal is any ambition that isn't attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic goals, you get bored or burnt out and you quit early. To recognize unrealistic goals, check that each step of your plan is achievable. To stop setting unrealistic goals, make your goals simpler.

  • An unrealistic goal is any ambition that isn't attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic goals, you get bored or burnt out and you quit early. To recognize unrealistic goals, check that each step of your plan is achievable. To stop setting unrealistic goals, make your goals simpler.

    • unrealistic targets leads to falsified and weak quality outcomes
    • difficult to generalize outcomes of unrealistic targets, easily misleads
    • the consequences of unrealistic targets are difficult
  • Setting target is more complex that described in the module. For example setting quantitative targets demand a good knowledge of quantitative skill particularly forecasting skill. The other dimension of the complexity of setting target is that there is tension between the donor and the recipient of the fund in setting target, that is , while the donor wants to be ambitious the recipient want to assume less probable scenario and low targets.

  • The targets of the project have to be ambitious to convince the donor on how the organization can deliver the expected results, but realistic based on the reality on the ground.

  • What could be somw of the reasons why we may have unrealistic targets other than personal biases?
    Poor baseline research
    Poor use of previous statistics
    Poor design of baseline studies

  • Unrealistic targets are un attainable .........It is very important to set realistic targets

  • Data management is a management discipline that tends to value data as a digital resource. Data management allows us to consider the development of architectures, regulations, practices and procedures that properly manage the needs of organizations throughout the data life cycle. Data is, along with processing, one of the two aspects of information systems traditionally identified, and one cannot go without the other for a coherent information system management. Data management is a vision of information system management that is built simply around the nature of the data and not according to a system and its interactions.

  • It's a great risk to set unrealistic targets - either too optimistic or too pessimistic. In my line of work I find some clients/projects want to set low gender targets. Especially if they do not understand the needs/dynamics of reaching those targets and do not have a clear implementation plan in place. It's important to do some bench marking and identify targets based on existing data where possible.

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic targets confess failure

  • Unrealistic targets confess failure

  • Hi, I am excited with this course, good luck

  • I agree with you. Unrealistic goals are like taking useless pills to be healthier, no result

  • This is Ansar Omar Anwar. Please also take a look at my official accounts for your further information, which include more than 50 various articles about Entrepreneurship, project management, Communication, and other relevant business topics.


  • An unrealistic target isn't attainable, practical, or doable

  • that can not be measured

  • How do you you differenciate realistic and unrealistic target

  • unrealistic targets are when Ur targets are too low or too high to what is the reality.

  • Unrealistic expectations are a challenging part of a project work. There are a number of factors that lead to setting unrealistic targets for instance lack of careful planning, inaccurate estimation of costs, resources and time required, ineffective communication between all the participants involved in the project. Therefore ,this could cause no progress at all on the project.

  • merci pour ce module

  • Setting targets can be very tricky. A lot has to be put into consideration before setting targets. Its okay to set ambitious targets, but they must be other factors in play that have to be considered before setting targets. Factors like:

    • Project Scope - the size of the project
    • Resources - Time, Money , expertise or data needed
    • Timeframe - Start date and end date

    And other main more.

  • I agree. Realitic targets should always be propotional to the amount of resources available.

  • Unrealistic targets are those targets that can not be achieved because they are not realistic in nature

  • Targets should be ambitious but realistic. If you miss a target because you were unrealistic, everyone involved in the proect will end up disappointed.

  • Unrealistic targets are those that are too ambitious for the project to archive.

  • while selecting indicators it would be abit confusing as an junior M&E,,too ambitious targets are not always unrealistic i agree the budget should always be at the top while setting targets

  • Unrealistic targets. this are the targets that you set that are ambitious but are unattainable.

  • Unrealistic targets are the levels that a project is set to achieve but they are too high to achieve within the set timeframe. Unrealistic targets can result if the project team are too ambitious such that they feel they can achieve a certain quality, quantity or efficiency of outputs and outcomes. Similarly, unrealistic targets can result from failure to rely on data while setting the targets.

  • Basically, unrealistic targets are just unachievable targets.

  • Unrealistic targets ; are targets that are set ,yet they are almost impossible to achieve.

  • unrealistic targets, it is important to set targets that are realistic, we are able to do so by considering certain things in our project and and our process. There are times when we are unable to reach the targets that we have set for our project. For example; we can set a time frame for our project, that at a certain date we will have achieved some steps in our process and that can disrupted.

  • Thank you for me I think that unrealistic target when you focus on what you want rather than what you can actually do or have.

  • For my point of view it's difficult to set realistic targets - you have to learn a lot of successful projects implemented in other countries or by other donors, their experience, their collaboration with state departments, willing of the state departments to support own project etc. In projects were I was working targets were set mostly at low level, for example 100 teachers were trained in new curricula, 100 healthcare specialists were trained in new methods etc. - I don't know how these target was set.

  • Unrealistic goals can best be described as the goals you've set, yet they are almost impossible to achieve. While setting goals is important, you should set goals that are ambitious, yet attainable. Unrealistic goals can affect your employees both in the short term and in the long term.

  • We have definitely set some unrealistic targets at the organization where I work. This mostly stems from the fact that for some of our indicators in the past, it was quite challenging to set a target at all. For example, we wanted to keep track of how many children with learning difficulties or disabilities the teachers in our training program would identify based on what they learned during our training. Since there is no reliable data about the prevalence of learning difficulties & disabilities in Uganda and it was too complex and expensive for us to do a high-quality baseline data collection, we simply did not know what targets to set, especially since 'more' is not automatically 'better' in this context. Now I have learned that we could have used existing, worldwide data to set an estimated target.

  • Identifying realistic indicators and targets for the inputs, outputs, and outcomes was much easier than choosing realistic indicators and targets for the project impacts. A key challenge that I am facing is a lack of baseline data and the difficulty of collecting data on the scale that would be required to measure long-term impacts.

  • Identifying realistic indicators and targets for the inputs, outputs, and outcomes was much easier than choosing realistic indicators and targets for the project impacts. A key challenge that I am facing is a lack of baseline data and the difficulty of collecting data on the scale that would be required to measure long-term impacts.

  • Unrealistic targets can best be described as the targets you've set, yet they are almost impossible to achieve. While setting goals is important, you should set goals that are ambitious, yet attainable. Unrealistic targets can affect you, your team and your donors.

  • What dou thing about the Unrealistic Targets?*

  • I am Giang from Vietnam. I work at Hanoi Association of People with Disabilities. In this working area, I manage and conduct most project related to disability fields to support people with disabilities. So, indicators and targets are always important and neccessary in our project because of making sure how project are useful or helpful. I also would like anyone to share why indicators and targets are important with your working areas. Thanks!

  • Targets should be ambitious but realistic. If you miss a target because you were unrealistic, everyone involved in the proect will end up disappointed.

  • Hello all,

    Setting goals that are almost impossible to achieve can be frustrating especially to workers. It is advised to set ambitious, yet attainable goals for serene and profitable work place. And it is good practice to set incentives to boost staff morale while setting targets. A happy and satisfied employee definitely makes a positive and efficient workforce.

  • It is evident to note that setting ambitious goals are paramount as they lead to improved results. However, it is good to make it attainable because unrealized targets can lead to vehement disappointment and set backs.

  • Unrealistic target will cause the project to be demotivated as they know it is unattainable. Unrealistic targets can also affect the achievement of the project impact

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