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  • I'm excited to be on the journey of designing an M&E plan for the MEH project

  • Hello everyone it's a pleasure for me to learn about monitoring and evaluation


  • M&E is important for the program's vision and evaluation of it's objectives in a short and long-term view. It helps those running the program to learn lessons and to better structure the program to meet the program's objectives.

  • This is a good way of looking at it.

  • Thank you. I have understood the concept, how important M & E is to any project especially when one is concern with the outcome and what is expected of me at the end .

  • The first step for the MEH is to identify and point out their indicators preferably what they will be report on, this is by formulating questionnaires and doing baseline surveys or interviews and such in regards to beneficiaries, sustainability and impact of the project.
    After the data collection then identify and key indicators of the project as in what the team will be reporting on. Draw up a implementation plan on how the project can be implemented and start implementing the project.
    During the phase of implementation constant data collection from the project officers to ensure that the project is well in budgets and the time frame set and reports back to the donors.
    After the completion of the project , after 2 - 3 years project officers go back to evaluate the impact and sustainability of the project and gather some success stories as evidences.

    1 Reply
  • M & E plan is important in the sense that it helps in the defining, implementing, tracking and improving strategies used within a project. It helps project or programme staff to think clearly about what they intend to do.

  • M&E are both important tools to measure the progress of a certain project. Monitoring will help collecting data needed to measure the effectiveness of the project on the targeted group and the efficient use of resources. While, evaluation measures the implemented activities and how they contribute to the project objectives and outcomes. Overall, both are important to manage project and guarantee fund.

  • Establishing a monitoring and evaluation plan is essential for the success of any organization, it is not possible to know if our interventions meet the stated objectives and for donors it is important to have information on how resources are invested and gives credibility to donors and beneficiaries. of the project.

  • What a great course. The introduction has made me understand how extremely important measurement and evaluation are

  • M&E help to clear understand the objectives of the project from the project design and during the project implementation

  • M& E is very imperative for the smooth running of any project this is because it measures the progress of the project at various levels .It is important to note that for a project to be a success it requires a proper M&E plan to be formulated specifically tailored to that project .
    Monitoring checks if at all resources are used efficiently and effectively during the running of the project .

  • i think one of the important of M&E is to watch over the progress of the project and to learn from the previous one. it also help us to be able to replace incompetent team members.

  • all of these points mention are very correct

  • M&E is an integral part in any project. Through this process organization collect and analyze data to determine if the project has fulfilled its goals. Monitoring and Evaluation also brings transparency and accountability, problems in the project can be detected early and also helps in process improvement.

  • The M&E as is the continual process of collecting data. That helps to see where is wrong and to correct it soon, and it is the only way to see that you are in good way for achieving the goal fixed.

  • How much their monthly income?

  • M&E is important because it helps in ensuring that your project progresses as planned and achieves its intended objectives

  • In the case of the second project, Microfinance for Expanding Horizons M&E is important because;
    MEH will know its goals when it comes to the number of girls they will borrow money.
    Measure progress of the project by recording how many loans they give out and how many lives have been changed based on the loans given

  • The importance of M and E cannot be over emphasis. It helps to assess the progress of the project and evaluate if activities are carried out to actualise the set goal.

  • The importance of M and E cannot be over emphasis. It helps to assess the progress of the project and evaluate if activities are carried out to actualise the set goal.

  • M and E is important at every level of project design

  • MEH should know what their target will be

  • what a very good introduction with a practical case

  • M& E is very important to understand where, when and how our project is going. It paves our way to reach our goal. It enables us to observe the impact our project brought to our target beneficiaries.

    Understanding risks and assumptions in project design enables us to forcast the challenges and put options or mitigation mechanisms for our project implementation to reach to the impact on the beneficiaries.

    You may not have access to all of these types of information when you set your targets. However, it is always a good idea to get as much information as you possibly can before you set your targets.

    Participant tracking form is a versatile type of tool that collects data on the people who participate in a project. Nearly any project that has human participants can use a Participant Tracking Form as a part of its M&E plan.

    Participant tracking forms record a few pieces of information about every person who participates in a project.

    we will need to consider the processes that happen after data collection is complete. These processes include data entry, analysis, storage, verification, and use. They are often referred to collectively as data management processes. Let’s quickly review these processes. Once we understand data management processes, we will be able to assign roles and responsibilities.

    1 Reply
  • M&E is an important tool to use:

    1. it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers, beneficiaries and decision makers.
    2. it results in better accountability and transparency.
    3. It makes you realize mistakes faster.
    4. Its easy to measure the projects success and failure.
    5. improves decision making
    6. encourages innovation through diverse thoughts and opinions.
    7. helps ensure that t resources are used efficiently.
  • This module helps us to easily understand the importance of M&E.

  • This module helps us to easily understand the importance of M&E.

  • This module helps us to easily understand the importance of M&E.

  • Risk and assumption should be developed after the result statement is completed.

  • M&E can help to become aware of project progress and find out whether the project goes well or not

  • MEH will have to develop an M&E plan enable the project collect data from its activities. The plan will guide data collection, how the project team will monitored their activities and how the project will be evaluated.

  • Being new to M&E and what it is about and how it works, looking at the 2 organizations and how they've been set up, i think MEH needs to look deeper into it's function. The following questions about MEH need to be answered inorder to come up with the M&e strategy properly:

    1. Are these microloans intended to be recovered 100% or a portion of it?
    2. Will there be a criteria or categories or certain businesses that the girls will be advised to venture in?
    3. Will they look at the businesses returns on weekly or monthly basis?
    4. For girls that do not know much about businesses, will there be training sessions for them which will encourage them to take loans and start their businesses? Will the girls have mentors to assist them when starting and maintain those businesses for a certain period of time?
    5. Which age group will be targeted?
  • Firstly girls need to invite professional business coach. After conducting the training they will now their strengths and weaknesses sides.

  • Good Project should collect information on the age group of beneficiary, what kind of benefits they are receiving after having a bank account, the purpose for which they operate their bank accounts, hurdle they face in operating bank account.

    MEH project should collect information on the type of enterprises being started by the beneficiaries, what is the break even time, repayment data etc.

  • This topic is very interesting with good teaching methodology. I have really appreciated.

  • These two project examples clearly show how Monitoring and evaluation is an important pillar throughout the project cycle. The first project is read to achieve it's predetermined goals, however the second project needs some advice and improvements.

  • first of all we have two words Monitoring which help in progress of the company and Evaluation which help to know the achievement of the project therefore the combination of M&E help to know the level of implementation of projects and where to make effort for achieving the goals .

    in institution where their not use M&E for achieving goals is very complex because if you don't know where you are coming absolutely you can't know where you are going ,it means it is necessary to know your standing level for good thinking the future of where you want to be.
    it mean again as an institution to know the level of achievement we have to use M&E and also to evaluate where we want to be also we use M&E ,
    for all those reasons M&E is very important not only in institution but also if i want important in our household activities .

  • M&E is an important tool to use:

    1. it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers, beneficiaries and decision makers.
    2. it results in better accountability and transparency.
    3. It makes you realize mistakes faster.
    4. Its easy to measure the projects success and failure.
    5. improves decision making
    6. encourages innovation through diverse thoughts and opinions.
    7. helps ensure that t resources are used efficiently.
  • Monitoring helps to measure the success and failure of a project or activity

  • This is very detailed and insightful, thank you

  • M&E is the only sustainable way to execute projects currently. You cant make it without it.

  • It will be great to help MEH

  • Enables organization to keep track on what they are doing concerning project. If the project is not on tract, it enables organization to know what exactly is happening and how they can reverse situation and work better towards organizational goal.

  • Monitoring and evaluation helps with identifying the most valuable and efficient use of resources.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are very important for any kind of project startup because it show how the project will be implemented and the needs of the team to achieve project goals.So, before the project commencing the project manager and team should ensure they have precise information about the project and its will be much significant to share with donor to see how those information could rely to project plan.As the example from GOOD Group and MEH show clearly how monotoring is very crucial in any kind of project that need to be implemented to the community,if you have clear data you not find diffuculties in operating but when you launch the project with no clear infoemation it may hinder the operation and project may not the desired goals hence it may fail.

  • Because organizations track, analyze, and report on a project during the monitoring phase, there’s more transparency. Information is freely circulated and available to stakeholders, which gives them more input on the project. A good monitoring system ensures no one is left in the dark. This transparency leads to better accountability. With information so available, organizations need to keep everything above board. It’s also much harder to deceive stakeholders.

  • the importance of M&E helps to understanding the possible project outcomes at the end of its time frame, and this helps in determining if the project was a success one or not in terms of achieving its objectives.

    • It enables projects to start on time

    • A SWOT- analysis during the planning phase can prevent or mitigate undesirable outcomes

    • list itemData type, collection method and processing method can be decided before beginning of project

    • list itemProgress of project is closely monitored

    • list itemOutcomes are tracked by project indicators

    • list itemIt enables resource management

  • I have learnt that monitoring is regular while evaluation is basically done after a considerable time of the project running

    1 Reply
  • Yes yes, they first have to design the problem to be addressed then create a map as to how to get the solution. That is basically where M&E comes in.

  • An introduction document
    A logical framework document
    An indicators document
    A data flow map document
    A roles and responsibilities document
    A plan for data quality management
    A plan for data analysis and use

  • Someone kindly share a sample of an M & E plan

  • The module is expository and the delivery is such that the concept are easily understood

    1 Reply
  • In addition, monitoring tracks performance of the activities or projects as an ongoing concern while evaluation measures performance at an intermediate or final stage of implementation

  • The importance of M&E cannot be overemphasized because clearly it has shown from the introductory examples set before us.
    Its a known fact that the GOOD project is bound to succeed because it has set out its work plan (which include or starts with the objective). While the MEH project having no M&E plan at inception will find it difficult to be precise in their work as there is no plan on ground to monitor, direct and evaluate their work (thus no M&E plan).

  • I Understand Both projects are working for Girl Child
    MEH Can get AGE, Education , Strength and interest based on the data can give the microloans by throughs Goods organization.
    who are get the savings accounts with the Support of Good organization.

  • Helps to know what precisely the goals are for a given project

  • The importance of M&E is in the help that it gives us to design an M&E plan which defines goals and the way we are going to achieve them.It gives us the opportunity to measure the project progress, to review and adjust the project according the ressources we have for the project, and being able to give a feedback of the effectiveness and the efficiente use of the project ressources.

  • M & E helps the institution identify problems at early stage.
    Ensure that resources are utilised in right manner
    It helps in decision making
    It helps policy makers/implementers
    It helps the institution to be more organised

  • This is my Reply,

    Basically for a Successful Project, M&E is important because this will determine the progress of the project and the success or failure of the project after being assessed.

  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation:

    1. Monitoring and evaluation develops tools for measurement.
    2. Monitoring and evaluation figures out which team member should collect, manage and use data.
    3. Monitoring and evaluation decides what to measure.
    4. Monitoring and evaluation helps to understand project goals.
  • Monitoring & Evaluation is important because: it produces the single source of solid information, identifying the progress of projects. it allows actors to learn from the experience of others, built on the basis of knowledge and expertise.

  • Monitoring is the systematic collection of project data on a regular basis to inform progress of the project. This is important because it helps to:
    monitor project progress
    identify problems quickly and adjust the program appropriately
    suggest possible solutions to the program

    • list item
  • that's quite a detailed post Alemneh. i am just wondering however about the participant tracking form. can it be used in all projects or there are specific ones where it can be utilized?

  • one of the major importance of M & E as seen in the introduction is that it helps to plan before embarking on the project
    M&E helps organizations stay organized
    it encourages innovations
    It helps organizations replicate the best projects/programs

  • M&E is very important to achieve the desired outcomes from the project.

  • M&E is very important to keep track on the progress of the project and to identify the factors that influences the result,

  • M&E is very important because it helps to collect, analyze and manage information about project in order to adjust or shape project implementation as needed.

  • M&E is important as it provides a means to track project implementation. Bottlenecks can be identified and addressed before they affect the project outcomes. Without an M&E plan no lessons would be learnt. M&E also helps in reporting progree to project funders.

  • Monitoring and evaluation has great importance in project implementation and data collection as follows
    1)Helping the project implementors to collect data properly
    2)It help to oversee on what the project will bring the changes on the society
    3)It helps to track performance of the project

  • Monitoring and evaluation enables organization to keep on truck to whatever they do on project. It also enables individuals to know their roles and responsibility.

  • what are the limits of monitoring and evaluation in investment or capacity building projects?

  • Great explanations with clear examples. It is obvious that every project has to start with a project plan that includes the M&E plan before it gets to the implementation stage.

  • Sounds interesting. Looking forward to participating in developing objectives for MEH

  • This is very detailed and insightful, thank you

  • Great start of this course . From the beginning I have begun to understand how M&E can affect planning for progress monitoring of a project

    1. M&E helps organizations replicate the best projects/programs
    2. M&E helps organizations learn from their mistakes
    3. M&E improves decision-making
    4. M&E helps ensure resources are used efficiently
    5. M&E helps organizations catch problems early
  • It seems to be the technical brain behind every successful project

  • All of such questions I believe will be defined and explained in the latter stages of the project

  • It is important to collect data and learn from the ongoing project
    To take actions if we are not going according to our Objective
    To measure our output, outcome and to imagine our impact
    to set clear indicators and targets

  • It is important to know the risks and assumptions because you get prepared enough to not get shocked and things do not go the way it was expected. This leads to better handling of the project

  • this would be interesting

  • I think they should measure how many of the girls that want to borrow the micro loan have run a business before or currently running. They can start by giving loans to those currently running and create a business clinic that will measure progress and provide support to them e.g business counsel so that they can be successful to pay back the loans so others can borrow too.

  • from the two fictional projects, the GOOD projects has good every thing well spelt out because of M&E and it has helped them to;
    Set goals
    Collect information from the beneficiaries like how they are benefiting from the projects and then how to improve on the project.

  • the importance of M&E is to measure the progress of the project, to track the performance over time and infor about the effectiveness of the project. it also measure who well the project achieved the project objectives.

  • The importance of M&E is to measure the progress of the project, to track its performance and show how much the project's objectives are achieved

  • collecter les bonnes informations tout au long du projet pour savoir l'évolution , ce qui marche ce qui ne marche pas, et prendre des décisions pour améliorer pour atteindre les objectifs

    Hypothèse 1 : Si les producteurs d'huile raffinée et farine de blé ne veulent pas fortifier pas toute leur production
    Hypothèse 2 : Si il y a pénurie de fortifiants sur le marché international

  • Importance of M&E there are many uses of M&E but I think these five are the most important.

    1. M&E improves decision-making
    2. M&E helps organizations stay organized
    3. M&E helps organizations learn from their mistakes
    4. M&E helps ensure resources are used efficiently
    5. M&E helps organizations catch problems early
    1 Reply
  • okay something get! let continue

  • M&E is key in order to ascertain the success or failure of a project

  • Monitoring and evaluation are critical components of many projects and initiatives. One of the most important things is to monitor our performance in relation to our strategy, which indicates that we are performing well in terms of financial and technical interims. Is our objective met? Such inquiries are addressed following the implementation of various sorts of Monitoring and Evaluation.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are critical components of many projects and initiatives. One of the most important things is to monitor our performance in relation to our strategy, which indicates that we are performing well in terms of financial and technical interims. Is our objective met? Such inquiries are addressed following the implementation of various sorts of Monitoring and Evaluation.

  • It helps in giving a detailed report to the user of the project information wo include:
    The donor
    The beneficiaries
    The project manager
    The government
    The project team
    And other project stakeholders

  • Helps to know how impactful the project is to the beneficiaries, helps to know what beneficiaries think about the project, how the project can be improved, helps

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