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  • As discussed earlier, the targets should be realistic and achievable.

    The data collection tools must be pre tested in the similar setting and the valuable feedbacks should be incorporated.

  • The unrealistic targets are difficult to meet. Actually targets can be ambitious but realistic.

  • When targets are not realistic, the sensible thing to do is to go back and readjust the targets by setting new targets that are realizable. It is important that we consider available budgets, expert opinions and do our research findings well before we set targets so that we won't end up setting unrealistic targets for our projects.

  • Actually these are goals or expectations that are not realizablle due to some factors such as time, funds, complexity etc.

  • Unrealistic Targets will confuse the team on what to achieve and measuring indicators. it will lead to mistakes and poor quality outcomes. Project will face budget overrun and schedule issues when there is unrealistic target is set for the project activities and outcome.

  • To me the first thing to do when a target is unrealistic is to identify the course of it being unrealistic. For example it could be due to logistics. Then next you approach the boss with facts and prove to him why it's unrealistic to meet that target with complete honesty and transparency. The target could then be share among the team members or reset to suit the logistics available

  • To me the first thing to do when a target is unrealistic is to identify the course of it being unrealistic. For example it could be due to logistics. Then next you approach the boss with facts and prove to him why it's unrealistic to meet that target with complete honesty and transparency. The target could then be share among the team members or reset to suit the logistics available

    • list item
  • Unrealistic targets demotivate the team, and set the project up for failure and embarrassment

  • the most difficult thing is to choose an indicator that meets the 7 criteria. for the targets I believe it would be based on the initial objectives and it would flow from that.

  • Unrealistic targets is the missing of your targets towards you measure. If you miss the targets its unrealistic.

  • Targets are unrealistic if a government has never performed at the target level or there is no evidence it can reach the target

  • To set target need to consider on availability of resources and sources of information.

  • These are targets that can be achieved as they are not real in the first place. the unrealistic targets cant be achieved at all.

  • targets become unrealistic when missing

  • unrealistic target is to ambitious, unknowing the field,

  • With the world having changed so much since the outbreak of COVID-19, workplaces are under constant pressure to adapt and deliver.Amongst the many strategies, deadlines and demands, it can be easy to overlook the heart of the company - the people.
    In times of change, staff can find themselves fighting against unrealistic and conflicting goals in the workplace without proper oversight. Unrealistic targets, impossible deadlines or inadequate budgets can all play a factor that contributes towards these challenges.Setting goals which push staff to achieve their best can lead to very positive results.

    On the other hand, setting unrealistic goals can have a negative impact on employees and the business. Here are some of the effects that may occur in the short-term:
    Setting unrealistic expectations means that it’s increasingly unlikely that your team will be able to achieve them.

    If your team regularly misses targets, this could lead to questions raised from your own manager, asking why your team are underachieving.To achieve unrealistic expectations, employees may be forced to rush work, cut corners and not take proper care. This can lead to mistakes and poor quality outcomes.
    If you set your budget based on unrealistic expectations, you may be surprised when project costs overrun.

    If your deadline is also unrealistic, staff may need to spend longer on the project and work overtime, which all adds to your overall cost.If expectations of employees are too high, this could lead to them taking time off work for stress related illnesses.

    This only increases the pressure, as the rest of your team will need to meet set targets with one less pair of hands.

  • Can someone explain me what we want to say with attributable indicator?

  • ok thanks for sharing

  • ok thanks for sharing

  • Unrealistic targets that do not meet the stakeholders expectations.
    Are those that do not meet the experts opinions whether or not to carry on with the project.
    Have not met the creterion on the basis of research findings.
    Have unrealistic budget proposals.

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that do not recognize the truth about a situation in regards to what they want to achieve. Targets are unrealistic if they are unattainable, not practical or doable

  • So having to ask from experts would be a great and easy way

  • It is very important thing to remember during setting new target for our organization or project. through this lesson that we had i think that from now on we are able to set a good and realistic target.

  • After we identify the impact of the project, we need to set a realstic target to measure the impact of our projects. However, the yardsticks, we usually have to define our targets upon need to be refined among ourselves. The first one is we need to have a baseline to set our targets upon ourselves. The baselines is the current status of the level. Then we need to set realistic outcomes of our target. These can be drived from Historical Trends or Collecting data to show the current levels of progress and we need to understand how or interventions can alleviate that level of progress.

  • Setting an Unrealistic Targets, normally fails. The project manager or M&E fails to accounts the risk and assumption of the proposed project thus fails.

    Unrealistic Targets dis-aggregates and demoralizes the project team for not meeting the target as specified.

    1 Reply
  • Setting an Unrealistic Targets, normally fails. The project manager or M&E fails to accounts the risk and assumption of the proposed project thus fails.

    Unrealistic Targets dis-aggregates and demoralizes the project team for not meeting the target as specified.

  • Setting targets is important to have ambition as a project. In this case for my organisation I think we were on track with this

  • After we identify the impact of the project, we need to set a realstic target to measure the impact of our projects. However, the yardsticks, we usually have to define our targets upon need to be refined among ourselves. The first one is we need to have a baseline to set our targets upon ourselves. The baselines is the current status of the level. Then we need to set realistic outcomes of our target. These can be drived from Historical Trends or Collecting data to show the current levels of progress and we need to understand how or interventions can alleviate that level of progress.

  • Setting targets is important to have ambition as a project. In this case for my organisation I think we were on track with this

    1 Reply
  • Hey there,

    I want to ask if the baseline data will effect the quality of the targets and we would make..?? and how many targets we need to put in for each step of our logic form ..??

  • If you can be sure of the data that you will take from previous projects, then you will be far away of the Unrealistic Targets..

  • The word unrealistic at first make be realistic to the setter based on the mood he/she was when setting such target but going through this course will make you understand that you cannot just wake up in a morning and set target without making enquiries ,info ,seeking expert opinions on that particular project before setting the target. It is advisable to work with facts and figures to avoid unrealistic targets

  • It is important that realistic targets are set for our indicators. Most funders hold us accountable to our targets and use our targets to gauge our performance. It is important therefore that our targets are within the realistic spectrum.

  • Unrealistic targets are unattainable goals that have been set without evidence of data to back up that the goals can be achieved. To avoid setting unrealistic targets, its important to seek expert opinion in the various disciplines, consider the time the project is taking, available budget and past findings on previous research projects.

  • unrealistic targets are the types of targets that are difficult to reach. Be that based on what is being targeted. Our targets could be blocked by couple of barriers. Be that political or geographical

  • It is important that realistic targets are set for our indicators. Most funders hold us accountable to our targets and use our targets to gauge our performance. It is important therefore that our targets are within the realistic spectrum.

  • Targets are very important when you have a project

  • signs that your goals are unrealistic. there is no internal consensus around the validity of the target. some people may not be sure where the target came from. the target is set far beyond a reasonable range based on past performance and baseline data. the target was set by someone other than the subject matter expert.

  • It is important that realistic targets are set for our indicators. Most funders hold us accountable to our targets and use our targets to gauge our performance. It is important therefore that our targets are within the realistic spectrum.

  • Unrealistic targets- These are objectives or intervention the program is working to achieve but impossible to reach.

    For example in Girls Union we ought to provide every child leaving for boarding school with full uniform and nourishment every time schools open so this target is unrealistic as funds are only provided once a year.

  • Unrealistic targets- These are objectives or intervention the program is working to achieve but impossible to reach.

    For example in Girls Union we ought to provide every child leaving for boarding school with full uniform and nourishment every time schools open so this target is unrealistic as funds are only provided once a year.

  • Unrealistic targets- These are objectives or intervention the program is working to achieve but impossible to reach.

    For example in Girls Union we ought to provide every child leaving for boarding school with full uniform and nourishment every time schools open so this target is unrealistic as funds are only provided once a year.

  • Unrealisitic targets are objectives or goals that the program wishes to reach or achieve on a certain date that is set but are impossible to achieve on that set time.

    For example Girls Union wishes to provide ALL underpriviledged students going to boarding school with school uniforms and nourishments before schools open but funders or donors may want them to reach a certain target maybe 100 students while they are 400 underpriviledged students.
    This goal is unrealistic as ALL students cannot be assisted.

  • hello for me it is obvious that most of the projects will tend to be more unrealistic for me it is one of the most important step where the team must be concerted.

  • Unrealisitic targets are objectives or goals that the program wishes to reach or achieve on a certain date that is set but are impossible to achieve on that set time.

    For example Girls Union wishes to provide ALL underpriviledged students going to boarding school with school uniforms and nourishments before schools open but funders or donors may want them to reach a certain target maybe 100 students while they are 400 underpriviledged students.
    This goal is unrealistic as ALL students cannot be assisted.

  • the target is set for beyond a reasonable range based on past performances and baseline data, unrealitic target is like when someone sets the target itself

  • Unrealisitic targets are objectives or goals that the program wishes to reach or achieve on a certain date that is set but are impossible to achieve on that set time.

    For example Girls Union wishes to provide ALL underpriviledged students going to boarding school with school uniforms and nourishments before schools open but funders or donors may want them to reach a certain target maybe 100 students while they are 400 underpriviledged students.
    This goal is unrealistic as ALL students cannot be assisted.

  • the target is set for beyond a reasonable range based on past performances and baseline data, unrealistic target is like when someone sets the target itself

  • It's made by someone...assumption based..without using any baseline data

  • In one of the project which we were implementing in Mayendit county unity state south Sudan, the project is under protection of the Person with specific needs and disability by constructing shelters.
    the project was to be start on 1st January 2021 but due to delay of shipping of material through the port we adjust the stating date to February when the material arrived .this force us to adjust the project finishing date or project closure date from June to July.

  • An unrealistic target is any ambition that isn't attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic target for your project indicators, you project will not achieve and measure what you intended to achieve. Your final deliverables and goal will be vague and your project team will lost direction, get bored or burnt out.

  • An unrealistic target is any ambition that isn't attainable, practical, or doable. When you set unrealistic targets for your project indicators, your project will not achieve and measure what you intended to achieve. Your final deliverables and goal will be vague and your project team will lose direction, get bored, or burnt out.

  • To make our targets ambitious yet realistic we looked at our previous
    implementation and what we've been able to achieve and set new targets. Again we looked at the kind of resources that we have available for us. Was it realizable for us to realize new targets? Then, if so, we set new targets. We also picked two scenarios where we asked ourselves: if all of the risks happened, what will be the new target? If they didn't happen, what would be the new target? Then we set the midline to be our new target. Lastly, we set our project to have
    incentives for staff to realize these new targets. Does it mean that when you set a target you can't go back and adjust your target? No. For our case had to go back and adjust our target because that was the most
    realistic thing to do. For example, we said that we will begin our projects on
    month two and it was almost impossible. We began a project at month seven so we had to adjust our targets based that we started a bit late.

  • Where do you draw the line between ambitious and realistic targets?

  • This sounds like a good approach. In the event that the boss does not agree with you maybe bring in a third party at senior level.

  • Unrealistic targets are those targets that do not give a true measure to the real situation. For example, a person might set a very high target depending on his/her optimistic about the idea but forgetting the real situation on the ground.

    1 Reply
  • setting unrealistic targets will make the donor have a bias on you in case u fail to hit them and hitting them would imply overstraining your team.
    but basing on the resources available and data on previous projects would help you choose realistic targets.

  • Amazing information that you are sharing with us.

  • Amazing information that you are sharing with us.

  • setting unrealistic targets will make the donor have a bias on you in case u fail to hit them and hitting them would imply overstraining your team.
    but basing on the resources available and data on previous projects would help you choose realistic targets.

  • setting unrealistic targets will make the donor have a bias on you in case u fail to hit them and hitting them would imply overstraining your team.
    but basing on the resources available and data on previous projects would help you choose realistic targets.

  • Flexibility is important when we set our targets, as factors that we may have not considered or overlooked may come into play, which may cause us to adjust the targets either bringing them forward or delaying as needed.

  • Thank you Graceey for sharing interesting comments, which give us an idea of unexpected things can be. The more we do the more we learn, being mindful of the possible pitfalls can help us to set better targets and as we move through our experiences we will gain more experience as well. Perhaps these experiences, both success and failure, can serve us by show us what is an unrealistic target, which will assist us to set more realistic targets.

  • Targets should be realistic, and if there are constraints making the targets unrealistic, there should be change of targets

  • Targets must be set before the commencement of the project. Adjustment is tolerable when needed

  • Targets that are too ambitious and are difficult to achieve.

  • Targets are very important. However, it is very important to make targets that are realistic, and time bound. sometimes in projects u find yourself falling out of the base line. this sometimes results in situations when their organization has to determine the baseline themselves. they might employ people who are not able to actual give good information and may mislead them on the base line. this could make the project to set unrealistic targets.

    • Sometimes it's not necessarily that targets are unrealistic, it happens some time that manpower available cannot attain the needed objective. also, sometimes the target is too high to be attained in a given time.

    • Sometimes too projects owners want to make the donors think there are determined and are dedicated to the work and so they set a high target to impress the donors. other situations could be setting a target that is too low this makes the donors see the project as expensive and might not accept it.

    • For instance, in the MEHs project, one of the process indicators is Number of girls who receive micro finance a target of 400 girls will receive micro finance by end of project might be very unrealistic if they did not know how many girls in the village even are of income making age, or how many girls are even living in the area.
      Hence an unrealistic target is possible when we have little background knowledge on the project as well as the area of implementation.

    • It could be as a result of laziness in case were the project owners set a target that is a little that expected.

  • it is always a pit of hell working under such projects
    targets are never meet, and resources needed to meet the targets are always not enough

  • hello i have a tough time filling in the description section of the indicator document how do you describe the indicator.

  • I feel like it is ok to set unrealistic targets because it could out of over confidence and the resources at had. But when later realized that it is unrealistic we could professionally adjust those target to meet the realistic demand

  • I feel like it’s okay to have unrealistic targets because it might have been born out of over confidence and lot of resources. It is advisable to adjust when you realized those targets need to be alternated.

  • I did not really understood much about determining indicators for M&E plan

  • Unrealistic targets are set without being supported by informed decision. setting of unrealistic targets may further suggest or indicate shortcomings in the project management team. Unrealistic targets will eventually lead to wastage of money, resources and time. It is always prudent for the project management team to have a clear understanding through dialogue and participatory approach with stakeholders on achievable targets

  • Unrealistic targets occur due to the use of emotions when being set. People use their own biases instead of relying on the numbers and data available before them before setting any such targets. As a result, the projects seem to fail ot never hitting the intended targets.

  • From what i have learned , unrealistic targets are ambiguous . Having such targets may hurt the project in the long run. for example, such unrealistic targets may make it difficult to measure the original indicators the same way each time. This could result in inconclusive results at the end of the project.

  • Unrealistic Targets are the ones that usually are not backed up by any data or research. This is were people just pick a number because they believe their project is the best and will achieve their results. I think unrealistic targets are assumptions that are biased.

  • Target despite it motivate the team to work effectively and efficiently, however, in setting it needs to be worth achieving. it should not be far from attaining.

  • Unrealistic targets are target that are ambiguous. That's, they can't be easily reached or attained.

  • Can you kindly state why you think you were on track?

  • What happens when funding for data gathering is insufficient and one is not able to apply objectivity in target setting?

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.

    For instance, if your goal is to run a marathon, it's wildly unrealistic to sign up for one next month, unless you've already done several months of training. Or, if your goal is to become CEO of a company, but you have no experience, this goal might not be practical – at least not yet! thats unrealistic target

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.

    For instance, if your goal is to run a marathon, it's wildly unrealistic to sign up for one next month, unless you've already done several months of training. Or, if your goal is to become CEO of a company, but you have no experience, this goal might not be practical – at least not yet! thats unrealistic target

  • Setting targets can be a bit hard. I love how the module outlines the different strategies one can use to set targets. Sometimes too, non profits are forced to set unrealistic targets in order to receive funding for a project. I have had this experience with a project that I was working on where we were indirectly made to set a target which was very unrealistic in order for us to qualify for the funding. In the end, we weren't able to achieve that goal but we made conscious efforts to at least get closer to the set target. However, I do agree that it is important to set realistic targets regardless to ensure reject efficiency and also team fulfillment.

  • Setting targets can be a bit hard. I love how the module outlines the different strategies one can use to set targets. Sometimes too, non profits are forced to set unrealistic targets in order to receive funding for a project. I have had this experience with a project that I was working on where we were indirectly made to set a target which was very unrealistic in order for us to qualify for the funding. In the end, we weren't able to achieve that goal but we made conscious efforts to at least get closer to the set target. However, I do agree that it is important to set realistic targets regardless to ensure reject efficiency and also team fulfillment.

  • Unrealistic targets, usually may arise due to high Abitions and expectations although its important to select realistic yet not obvious targets for the project to create an impact!

  • Unrealistic targets occur due to the use of emotions when being set. People use their own biases instead of relying on the numbers and data available before them before setting any such targets. As a result, the projects seem to fail ot never hitting the intended targets.

  • Unrealistic Targets content that:-

    1. Unrealistic targets are not achievable in the decided project cycle or period.
    2. Unrealistic targets affect the quality of outcomes and impact of the projects.
    3. Using sources and implementation of the project and funder budgets are also affected by unrealistic targets.

    Unrealistic targets like a reel life which is far from the reality of life that depends on time and field reality.

  • I have come to learn that the key issue for project success is defining realistic targets that takes into account the available resources (staff, time, finance) the organization has. This course gives me the opportunity to understand the consequences of defining unrealistic targets.

  • Setting realistic targets will enable you to assess whether you would actually do the project otherwise, one might think that you are not being serious

  • When a target is adjusted does it affect the project?

  • Unrealistic targets would be those aspects of the end goal being too high to be achieved or fall short of achieving. Further these targets may also involve a lot of risky activities in order to meet the set goals. The resources available may also dictate the targets.. therefore a realistic target should always fall within the budget.

  • Totally agree with Titose. Those levels we plan to achieve but situations we already are aware of make it not realizable are unrealistic targets. Our assumptions of other things like funding by donors may also lead towards a target. If you as an M&E planner then you assume that donors will allow to fund 1000 benefiaries to a seminar,and go ahead to target 1000 participants will be attending the seminar at the end of the day, then this will be unrealistic target as the donors may only be willing to fund 700 participants.

  • indeed some targets need to be clear and precise so that they can be effective

    1 Reply
  • What happens when funding for data gathering is insufficient and one is not able to apply objectivity in target setting?

  • Setting targets really requires returning to the assumptions and risks. If the assumptionsn are met and the risks reduced, we have a better chance of meeting more ambitious targets.
    It is often tempting to lower the targets and keep them achievable, however, the danger there is that the project becomes meaningless and resources are wasted.
    Setting targets needs to be done collaboratively, based on past trends and good baselines.

  • Unrealistic targets stall the project or makes it hard to review progress. They seemingly become too ambitious and become a detriment to the organisation.

  • can a person who is new understand your point? I think you should expound on this

  • what are some of the unrealistic targets you could think of?

    1 Reply
  • what are some of the unrealistic targets you could think of?

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