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  • Very Commendable.

  • marijuana is an effective herbal, it need to be legalize. but pharmacuetical companies will not let this go easy without a fight. which makes the role of advocacy so important at this stage.

  • Framing and timing are key! When there is an opportunity for an individual decision-maker (such as the governor) to make a point and get more votes, or to get media attention or a feel-good factor (the motivation) then the advocacy issue can be framed in the most appealing way to convince the governor to change their stance. In the example above, this would be by focusing on the success of the use of medical marijuana with veterans to manage PTSD etc. It crosses different frames - being the "right thing to do", and protecting "the vulnerable".

  • It's fine,however be kin with framing and policy window I hope you'll make it

  • Organization: MORE
    Problem: Many people struggling with PSTD

    Cause: Cant access the right medication

    Deeper Cause: Key ingredients such as Marijuana are forbidden by law due to wrongful use.

    Using the Theory of Change:

    I would like to see people get healed

    Direct out Come:
    Accessing the right medication

    Indirect Out Comes: A change in the Marijuana Act


    1. state clearly the changes needed in the Act
    2. provide empirical evidence of the numbers suffering
    3. Connect the numbers with their function and their possibility to heal
    4. Demographically show how much taxes and jobs would be created as a result


    Can be both Intrinsic by the desire to help out the war veterans and creating jobs, and Extrinsic in a sense of collecting taxes

    can work better during political campaigns, presidential visits, and public holidays e.g. Heroes day in my country.

    In my own personal view, this issue nearly touches all the four frames;

    1. Can ride on the Responsible Public policy frame in a way that easing the dealing in Marijuana would allow collectable taxes from the drug to the national coffers.
    2. Merit Goods Frame: the veterans with PSTD are seen among the vulnerable
    3. Human rights frame: Its an inalienable right for everyone to access medication, by prohibiting a drug that is meant to treat a particular section of society would be infringing on their rights to life
    4. Patriotic Policy Frame: The disease in question mostly affects war veterans and these are a symbol of a country's might...seeing them deteriorate into despair and agony is betrayal.

    However, i feel this issue would ride better on the "Responsible Public Policy" because;
    since politicians are the policy makers and these are always money hungry people to implement their policies and fulfil promises, earning more revenue would be motivation enough.
    Looking at the numbers, there might be more drug addicts than Veterans with PSTDs

    i rest my case

    Thank you all!

    1 Reply
  • My organization wants to solve the probelm of young rural girls in Morocco going to school. In the context of urban Moroccan areas, less girls go finish primary school in Rural Morocco.

    1 Reply
  • I agree with you.

  • You just simplify

    But i think its necessary to good deep about, because has a lot of gape where we will see its necessary to persuade another group

    but well done.

  • Betshy believes a better world is possible, and that we all have a part to play in making change happen. Through research, Betshy raises awareness about existing problems of the system. Betshy believes that there are specific steps that can be taken in order to reduce rates of sexual violence, such as understanding what makes sexual offenders tick in order to securely identify potential perpetrators before they offend. Betshy also wants to help decrease mental health stigma and mental health inequities.

  • Your advocacy statement above captures two elements of persuasion very well: framing and motivation.

  • Good work I think this problem is important for the society

  • @Oyinlomo said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    I actually feel that Marijuana if properly harnessed is very much beneficial to the world health and economically wise. Health as the drug is seen to be good for managing ailments such as High blood pressure, Loss of memory, Chronic Pains, Depression etc

    When smoked, it even brings about am improvement in Lung capacity, help weight loss, regulate and prevent Diabetes, fights cancer etc are only but a few of the potential of legitimizing it's use.

    Economically because the Countries where this can be grown in large quantity stand to gain from it's exportation, taxation on Marijuana can be channeled into provision of Social Amenities or even into the health sector especially in African Countries where the Health Sector is nothing to right home about.

    Growing and working Marijuana will surely reduce Unemployment all over the world as more people will go into it's farming and factories will spring up for its processing, pharmaceutical companies too will need more hands in their new factories built, the Export Sector will not be left behind in this boom.
    All the Government need is to put structures in place guiding the production and distribution of the Medication drugs made from the plant.

    Thank you,
    Oyin Olugbemi

    @SandyDeSilva said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    Your advocacy statement above captures two elements of persuasion very well: framing and motivation. Firstly, you appear to be using the "merit goods" frame, trying to protect vulnerable veterans suffering from PTSD who cannot have access to the medical use of marijuana while also working for the greater good by using taxed marijuana sales to filter money back to social workers and clients who have substance abuse needs. Secondly, you are appealing to the intrinsic motivation of your U.S. Representative who is sensitive to the needs of the veteran population even though he is tough on drugs. I would only add the timing factor of persuasion so that you can find the right policy window to advocate within.

    Dr. Sandy De Silva, PsyD
    Executive Director of Family Centre

    @SandyDeSilva said in Module 2 Discussion: Framing the Issue:

    Your advocacy statement above captures two elements of persuasion very well: framing and motivation. Firstly, you appear to be using the "merit goods" frame, trying to protect vulnerable veterans suffering from PTSD who cannot have access to the medical use of marijuana while also working for the greater good by using taxed marijuana sales to filter money back to social workers and clients who have substance abuse needs. Secondly, you are appealing to the intrinsic motivation of your U.S. Representative who is sensitive to the needs of the veteran population even though he is tough on drugs. I would only add the timing factor of persuasion so that you can find the right policy window to advocate within.

    Dr. Sandy De Silva, PsyD
    Executive Director of Family Centre
    Totally agreed with you !!!

  • Persuasion is founded in changing the beliefs/practices/context of understanding of others. Framing the issue often might be seen as more of a "standing on our soap box" or we are "preaching to the choir" approach. As many posts here have noted we should frame the issue based on understanding the point of view or understanding of those we seek to persuade - to increase our effectiveness in reaching others where they are at - not just simply flogging our message. When we flog our view, to use another cliche we limit our appeal and can turn others off before our message towards reflection and change is even heard - people simply tune out.

    Framing is an art



  • This is perfectly captured!!!

  • good subjects

  • Maybe learn more about the leader and find a veteran to help, plus a time frame when you think he can listen to you then present your facts.

  • It is important that problem to be addressed is well articulated to fully capture key issues and strategies for intervention. It is important that monitoring and evaluation plans are put in place to track and assess progress made. However, the issue is that in situation where the sponsor of the program, for instance a politician, wants the project team to falsify their reports on program's impacts to achieve political gains, what should be done?

  • There is a near culture of silence on the issue of sex education in many societies. The outcome of this attitude is the problem of high incidence of teenage pregnancies. In spite of this unfortunate outcome, government and community leaders are yet to see the need for sex education. so in situations like this, how do we communicate our theory of change to win the support of the stakeholders?

  • I find some concepts from mechanical engineering and healthcare inform issue framing very well.

    Root cause analysis and holistic health care models teach identifying each level of an issue and how to fix the immediate problem, prevent near future occurrences, and address the fundamental cause.

  • as framing concerns with how you explain and describe a problem to the audience you want to do something about it, i think all it requires is first get detailed information about the positive and negative effects of the problem. for example for the case of Marijuana usage, in every context its a drug and one can easily get addicted to it yet it affects people's mental ability to act. despite the fact that it has health benefits but what weighs out the other and which negative impact does it have. after compiling this information, then one sets the base for the advocacy either sharing on its negative effects and what is required from the government or NGO in terms of intervention. one also has to find out which way to do this either on social media, or public events that bring government officials together or other ways that would be the political window.

  • I totally agree with you

  • I am working on a project that will help the young energetic refugee in Kakuma- Kenya. I aim to enhance/improve people’s lives through Education and livelihood with the use of digital technology as a major key to influence positive change in order to guarantee more human conditions to all living beings. This will create a sense of belonging and realization of their potential in order to give back to every youth what insecurity, discrimination, war, and disaster took away from them. I hope to accomplish this by providing them with skills in marketable trades, consequently freeing their potential. Provide refugees youth with the tools to create a better future for themselves

  • If anyone is interested in researching law and public policies, send me an email to:

  • while advocating for its use, we have to focus both on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the side of the government but also the framing and timing matter alot. Not all days can government official be interested in listening to what benefits communities but what makes them sustain their political positions. Also the path through which the advocacy messages are delivered means alot in making issues known and worked upon.

  • I Believe you are right but as Ruth and Rajesh pointed out make sure that you are guided by time , motivation and all the tools you need to push for this cause.

  • As advocates we should bear in mind that politics and advocacy are intertwined , politics being ubiquitous and advocacy being the other end of the coin to the definition of power. This means that anyone ,anywhere can use advocacy some without even knowing , therefore, there is no justified advocacy but there is successful and unsuccessful n advocacy

  • yes framing is the way to go but i believe it works intertwined with motivation and timing always .

  • my U.N Representative and sent an email requesting he consider how medical marijuana could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD. With marijuana listed as a Schedule I drug which is considered as substances, or chemicals with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Until this changes, the appropriate approval for studies are difficult to get approved and many veterans

  • my U.N Representative and sent an email requesting he consider how medical marijuana could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD. With marijuana listed as a Schedule I drug which is considered as substances, or chemicals with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Until this changes, the appropriate approval for studies are difficult to get approved and many veterans

    I was advised by the helpdesk to post this query here ....
    I have received a staff assessment grading me 20/100 - and then stating that I have not provided certain answers. (With a cut-and paste- comment from the self-review, stating "Ihave not ..." rather than an actual comment on the work). This is blatantly incorrect, as I have reviewed the submitted assignment and the answers are provided. Please can you advise on how to get this reviewed? Many thanks

  • The problem I wanna solve is the issue of in security in Northern Nigeria, it's not a new thing that Northern Nigeria is suffering from in security for over a decade, the problem is getting out of hand, there is need for government, individual organisation like us, to facus much, and provide the solution to the problem. My paper will concentrate much on the following;thus

    1. Education
    2. Infrastructure
    3. Home training
    4. Corporate social responsibility
    5. It's only when the government give quality education to the northerners then the issue of in security will stop, education shape the reasoning of the human being, by giving education to northerners that will reduce the level of lawless in the regine. A person who have sound education will not waste his time killing people, rather building or using human being as a machine to success.
    6. Infrastructure
      Government, at the federal and state level, need to provide infrastructure, which will make it easy to ordinary citizens to acquire good and qualitative education, there are lot of children in the non urban areas who can't go to school, because the school is far way from there villages, and there is no good roads which will give them access to school, even when the school is near, there are lot of undesirable and uncalled problems such as, lack of good building the school, books, black board etc. There is need to join hands together for better tomorrow.
    7. Home Training
      Parents nowdays, failed to discharge their responsibilities, it's when the parents understand the phrase"Charity Begins at Home" they are the one first to shape and build their children, then the teachers in the school will continue from where they stop.
    8. Community at large need to come together to tackle the issue of in security, its when the community work together that will yield the good result.
  • The problem I wanna work on is unemployment and poverty
    I'm new to this and I don't have any organization that I'm working with but I wanna make a change in my community.
    You know our Government is capable in creating jobs for our youth graduate or not, but no they wont
    Lots of communities are suffering in my area, in the rural sector. But when it's time for voting, the Government target those areas for votes. They promise all those things that the communities don't have, building RDP house, water supply, electricity, schools etc
    After the elections you don't see any change and they give free grant money so they can control the poor and manipulating them into thinking that they are trying to help.
    The Government don't push self employment cause they know people will be independent and stand for themselves and wont need to cry to the Government and the Government wants power full control and if a poor Man wanna start something the Government rejects and grant money for grant

    1 Reply
  • you can try and use the merit good frame

  • Amongst others, the primary incentive to encourage farming is ensuring the marketability of farm produce. This calls for strong advocacy for policy formulation to increase budgetary allocation on infrastructure and agro industry in order to maximize the agricultural potentials that exist and create better value for agro business.

  • I agree to use marijuana for medical purposes only and advocate for whom it is forbidden to use medical made by marijuana for belief reasons but they need to be treated.

  • Issue framing in a political context, means presenting an issue in a way that will likely get the most agreement from others. In a mediation process, this process is quite different, and involves identifying core issues between two disagreeing parties, so that issues and facts related to issues may be discussed and resolved.

    In political issue framing language is often used as a way to gain compliance on contentious points. Use of language is geared toward knowledge of the audience, a concept first developed by the Greek sophists called kairos. Kairos essentially means knowing what is right and proper to say for a particular concept and at a particular time.

    1 Reply
  • The legalisation of marijuana use for medical purposes is a controversial topic for advocacy work as marijuana itself is like a double edged sword having its own benefits and risks. We have to thread carefully when framing it to be used for the vulnerable patients groups such as those with PTSD, depression and chronic pain etc.

  • Interesting ,id like to know more about the MORE Act.

  • i really agree with you on the use of cannabis for health reasons but on the other hand people are going to end up misusing it,so when advocating for choose the right frame to change policies

  • The wonderful thing about this advocacy is that marijuana is now legalised in the United States of America. This would greatly help veterans who rely on marijuana to get by. This is one of the benefits of advocacy, which even though it can be long and arduous, has great pay off in the end.

    1 Reply
  • I do believe there is need of discussion on this in every level from individual to organization, should have in-depth of knowledge that's why its so important for medical purpose.

  • I do believe there is need of discussion on this in every level from individual to organization, should have in-depth of knowledge that's why its so important for medical purpose.

  • I agree with this.

  • The theories give me a hind to identify the problems, coordinate with align individuals, make use of the media, etc. to make changes. Very organized and helpful!

  • Dear Dr Sandy,
    Your contribution to this discussion put a smile on my face while I read it. It made all the theory I've learned in this module more practical and relatable.
    Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Thank you.

  • I do believe that it can be legalized because it has many advantages to the health sector ,as much as people maybe abusing it. There should be awareness to the public on marijuana this will help in reducing the risks of abusing it especially by this young people.
    Otherwise that is good work and a current problem that you are trying to solve

    1 Reply
  • Even though I'm not familiar with the MORE Act, your advocacy statement has certainly piqued my interest, and I'm wondering if legalizing marijuana could benefit soldiers with PTSD. You can use the intrinsic motive to get the attention of the US Representative because you now know how he has a soft spot for veterans despite his rigorous drug policies.

    You could definitely use the human rights frame to illustrate how vital it is for these guys to receive medical help and spell out how marijuana abuse can be limited if the act is approved. Since you used the merit good framing to fight for the soldiers with PTSD, provide evidence-based information about the drug's benefits to people with PTSD. Additionally, look into policy windows and utilize the opportunities.

    1 Reply
  • I haven't done much research on the MORE ACT but what I do agree with is decriminalizing something that the government is now able to receive taxes on. I do believe that this would drastically change the narrative of what a criminal is and isn't fair that people can still be locked away one the basis of something that is now illegal.

  • In African countries it rings true that advocacy work is best timmed towards elections as politicians will be open to suggestions and be willing to be engaged.

  • you captured it all especially the strict regulation part so that control is placed. what should be a blessing could also be cause if care is not taken. Substances are a way out for many people wanting to run away from the worlds painful reality. Hence if not controlled, we will have a nation of mentally sick people. I think we are messed up enough already.

  • I totally agree with you this is a common problem in Africa, looking at what we learnt in the first and second module under advocacy, i think there is no best time given to start advocating. all is needed is to employ the best strategies when identifying the problem statement, causes and indirect causes. with this knowledge, it can help us engage and convince government officials to act either its before or during elections. All we need is to ensure that the right motivation strategies is used in as much as politicians are trying to deceive the poor.

  • My Advocacy is about substance abuse. Our society is been robbed of human resource that is needed for development in all angles. As well meaning individuals we can not sit back and do nothing. Yes the problem is deeply rooted but by concerted effort we can win.

    1 Reply
  • A great module, that needs to be studied thoroughly.

  • Members of political parties attempt to frame issues in a way that makes a solution favoring their own political leaning appear as the most appropriate course of action for the situation at hand. To frame is to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a communicating text, in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation for the item described.

  • I agree with your analysis, adding a timing aspect to it would lead to better results

  • I agree with your analysis, adding a timing aspect to it would lead to better results

  • I agree with your analysis, adding a timing aspect to it would lead to better results

  • I am trying to work on reducing the high cost of Education in Nigeria which adversely resulted to massive dropouts. The government of the day is full of poor economic polices that lead clampdown of many industries leaving a number of people jobless why the government is taking a high percentage of the school internally generated revenue. To ensure adequate maintenance and running cost the heads of various institutions decided to increase school fee in order to meet up with the basic needs of the school.

    We discovered that a side poor funding, corruption is at high rate in the institution and we are trying to engage government on and NGO to contribute more to funding of Education, campaign awareness on effect of corruption, encourage government to make all heads of institutions give public account of the resources at their disposal and engage in aggressive fight against corruption.

    Your suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Everything is great. The course is amazing.

  • Отличная работа

  • The problem is that is you don't know if it could potentially lead to more addicts

  • It would seem to me that the challenge in getting the MORE Act passed would be the framing of the argument and the policy window.

    The framing is defined as HOW this subject is approached. There is a great start here by mentioning the benefits of decriminalizing the drug. By listing it as a schedule 1 drug, there would still be some control over the distribution of it. And the benefit of all the taxes that could be collected on a state and federal level is nothing to sneeze at. I think that there are now enough states that have already passed similar legislation that there should be an abundance of data driven statistics to bring home that point. Another method that could be used to convince others of this point would be to use first hand accounts. Find Vets that have used this method to deal with their own PTSD to tell their story. Invoking empathy is a very strong motivator.

    The Policy Window, or when to approach this topic, is also a key factor. Right now is actually a great time with so many soldiers returning from the East Asian countries. A great example of a policy window (that is completely off topic but is easy to understand) is about when to talk about gun violence and potential reforms in America. That would be right now. There have been multiple mass shootings over the last couple of weeks. There are currently local elections happening and run offs are being held all over Texas. The only way that any kind of changes will happen in connection to gun violence is by changing the people talking about it. (STEPPING OFF SOAP BOX NOW). Just like talking about potential gun reform has more impact after a mass shooting where children are killed for no apparent issue, the time to talk about Legalizing marijuana is when something happens that people need to utilize its unique properties.

  • This is a great response. I was saying just about the same thing in mine response.

  • I think Advocacy requires a deep critical approach with consideration of the target audience. One needs to deeply think of their messaging in order to make it relevant, timely, motivating, and persuasive.

  • I would only add the timing factor of persuasion so that you can find the right policy window to advocate within.

  • In as much as marijuana has it’s own benefits and also an adverse effect. It can be abuse such as any other pharmaceutical product…
    The solution to this problem can be averted, if there is a law regulating the intake under a close marking, by the Ministry of health.

  • You have captured your statement well, i am no quite familiar with the policy but i must say good work

  • It's amazing and constructive

  • To engage the audience's sense of hearing, it helps to be inspirational when framing issues. so good to use the motivational frame

  • Another thing is that, many of Sun-Saharan African countries mainly SA has a huge problem of undaignosed learners with mental problems, now with COVID everything just got worse and a lot more school drop out.

  • In this discussion of framing the issue, its important that while lobbying for a change in perspective you look at the intrinsic since this drug of marijuana can ruin the advocacy move if at all people at the end of the day begin misusing the drug and end up not solving the problem.

  • This is very insightful on methods of advocacy. I hope that the upcoming modules focus on grassroots/public/individuals more. I am new to understanding advocacy and this seemed to focus on policy makers/influential leaders. Clearly this is VERY important, but this can be applied to who we partner with like-minded NGOs and caring donors.

  • In framing I have seen the tendency to focus on what we want to say, not what we need the audience to hear and do. Ensuring the framing resonates with the audience is critical.

  • I have understood

  • The framing is okay but I feel like the background information was not brought out well fully. I feel like the framing of the issue did not bring out the understanding of the problem by the audience in the same way.

  • It’s obvious that you are applying the “merit good frame” by advocating for PTSD veterans, but this may be challenging since it’s not scientifically proven. The USA is already facing fentanyl abuse which is an imported Drug classified under DDA (Dangerous Drug Abuse) despite all strict measures. This makes it harder for all the states to agree on its legalization So, the question remains what measures will be taken against marijuana yet it’s a plant. Alternatively you may consider “power Politics theory” where the you need influential individuals to approve this The health board, politicians but with really facts at hand.

  • The problem I am trying to solve is the exclusion of children and persons with developmental disabilities from the social and economic spheres. At present, we are trying though KEDDO (our organization) to come up with advocacy strategies that will lead to changes in the way Kenyans generally and policy makers think about and behave towards issues surrounding inclusion of children and persons with developmental disabilities. As it is, the primary when it comes to disability is primarily focused on physical disabilities. Even disability advocates appear to lack knowledge on disability advocacy.
    Against the preceding background, we seek to frame the issue from a human rights perspective which equally applies to physical disability. To this extent, we seek to entrench recognition of their rights under the CRPD and the Kenyan constitution with respect to their diverse rights to health, education, family. While single framing may be ideal, we may also be forced to take the merit goods framing approach and are still discussing on how to frame it in our next project phase.

  • Great module; a key takeaway for me is the importance of framing when trying to persuade a decision maker during advocacy. Intrinsic motivation brings out the humanity in decision-makers and gives room for more impact:

  • In your attempt to see the MORE Act being passed which would decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level I see responsible public policy frame and merit goods frame into play. However, i would have present an advocacy strategy that captures the health benefit of marijuana, how it can be used and consumed responsibily, the health consequences of abusing it, and the regulations that ought to guide its consumption to checkate abuse of same. (By doing this, merit goods framing is at work.)

    blend in this with the right timing and a well crafted advoac y messsages and as the large leaps thory of changed posited, when the conditions are right, change will occur.

  • the problem is that we always look into solutions and not structure well for us to meet the aim at hand, this course really helped us to know more in differenciating.

  • I want to advocate for less use and gradually stop eating dog and cat meat. This is how I frame the issue: Dogs and cats are best and loyal friends to human beings. We need to save their lives as we usually do to our relatives
    Could you please feedback where and how I improve the statement. Thanks

  • Our organisation is currently working on trans and gender diverse persons rights form Legal Gender Recognition to access to gender affirming care including access to inclusive health care services, sexual reproductive health rights

  • Our organisation is currently working on trans and gender diverse persons rights form Legal Gender Recognition to access to gender affirming care including access to inclusive health care services, sexual reproductive health rights

  • Its important to take time to understand the political context in which one is operating before framing the issue such as political will, if it will be in favour of the issue or not. I feel the first step is to get a buying from them through a series of engagement meetings to change their attitudes so that we you frame the issue it will be given the attention it deserves.

  • too tough guys

  • You have completed this assignment. Your final grade will be available when the assessments of your response are complete.

  • Its so interesting and i have greatly learnt

  • It is a bigger problem which the farmer are facing each a every year

  • The More Act in my opinion is a piece of Federal Legislation that would remove cannabis from a controlled substance schedule. Let's look how the state of Nevada has benefited by legalizing Marijuana and how there revenues have increased due to taxation ordinance imposed putting the state's economy in a positive.

    In regards to the treatment for PTSD, Marijuana has medically proven to be very effective in treating PTSD and other types of illnesses. Medical use of Marijuana has played a huge role for individuals treated with chemo and radiation due to Cancer.

    In respect to high potential abuse theory, I would argue that the abuse of Schedule 1 over prescription drugs statistically, are a greater danger and problem then Marijuana. Most Veterans wait months to be treated for just about anything according to scholarly medical journals, and when they are treated for issues such as PTSD, the medication prescribed are extremely addictive.

    The pharmaceutical industries are part of the addiction problems. Many doctors overprescribe and many think that its all about profits and gain, not for the people.

  • The marijuana issue can be advocated for, and all three approaches can be used to motivate and persuade the policy makers to decriminalise the herb for medical purposes for the benefit of the public.

    All four frames can recovered in your statement which makes it easier to draft your advocacy strategy. Decriminalisation of this herb, can protect the vulnerable population which is the elderly by providing medical care for their PSTD, their right to health can be respected, and the patriotic policy can be covered, where the nation can pride itself for prioritising the public which will be their intrinsic incentive.

  • Absolutely! This module was informative with practical tips through
    the 10 theories in the reading assignment on how to identify the target audience and engage them. Did anyone else read the material? Share your greatest take away with me!

  • Absolutely! This module was informative with practical tips through
    the 10 theories in the reading assignment on how to identify the target audience and engage them. Did anyone else read the material? Share your greatest take away with me!

  • Absolutely!

    Framing is key to policy change because decision makers are human (believe it or not ;)) so they will respond more favorably to a request or proposal that is framed in such a way that they are more likely to FEEL that your plan is the best option. Of course, timing is also extremely important. The best framing cannot compensate for poor timing.

  • I completely agree with this

  • Apparently, the framing of this issues was on point, because marijuana is now legal in some states. I used to be on the band wagon for the legalization of it. Being the mother of a teenager, it has now become a problem not only in my household, but in the community as well.
    There laws created that decriminalize it for adults, but the kids are smoking like it is legal, what about the health of the youth. Nobody talks about the tar that sticks to your lungs, so can you imagine the effects that it will have on the undeveloped lungs of our children. Nobody talks about the fights that us parents have to go through with our underaged children who are out here smoking weed. Marijuana effects your motor skills, it makes you happy, hungry, lazy and sleepy. I also notice how the youth are mixing the marijuana with Graba with is nothing more than tobacco. You have marijuana vape pens, how are we to know that the liquid in these vapes are harmless, do we even know what the ingredients are. I've personally witnessed law enforcement giving my minor son back his marijuana.

  • It is the problem and the best solution is what taught in the module

  • framing the issue is the best solution for the organisation it is much helpful which has been taught in this module.

  • I have honestly never heard this and I am so delighted that I have attained knowledge and I am so willing to pass it on to others as well as use it while executing organizational duties. Motivation is not a new concept though I did not know how it relates to advocacy and now I have an insight. We can now advance our work by using framing by talking to new women politicians to advance on fighting for a reduction in the prevalence of HIV infection against LBQ's

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