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  • The importance of M&E is that monitoring helps in tracking progress periodically, daily monthly or quarterly while evaluatation is done upon the completion of the project, this helps the managers to realize whether the stipulated objectives has been achieved. Was project a successful and finding ways to rectify the hiccups for the next project

  • I think that this two tools are usually mistaken as similar but it is actually two very different yet both are important in any workplace. Monitoring is important to check how well you are doing every now and then while evaluating is when everything is done and you are checking your success or failure.

  • I'm loving this course and module already. Can't wait to learn how to develop and prepare an M&E plan.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are essential to any project or program. Through this process, organizations collect and analyze data, and determine if a project/program has fulfilled its goals. Monitoring begins right away and extends through the duration of the project. Evaluation comes after and assesses how well the program performed. Every organization should have an M&E system in place.
    Thank you!

  • MEH goal is give out micro loans to girls.
    Firstly, the targets needs to be stated, "Giving microloans to 500 girls".
    To measure the progress of the project, the following should be put in place:

    *forms should be created and issued to the girls ( the form should list the areas of business as per segment possible in that community. Also, stating the agreement of refund;

    • these filled forms will be vetted then, approved and may serve as a proposal (if no proposal will be requested) and will be documented. This will enable tracking the performance over time; also, the amount issued will be based on the line of business;

    • while microloans are issued per segment, every field office will have a person recording how many girls were issued loans, and the line of businesses each beneficiary showed interest;

    • after the microloans are issued, information will be collected on how the microloans helped and changed the lives of the beneficiaries, what beneficiaries think about the project, and how it can be improved.

    • proper measure will also be put in place as to how the loan will be refunded.

  • -one is able to measure progress quantitative and qualitatively

    • one is able to identify the causal challenges and make proper plans
      -it is part and parcel of documentation to see project and organisational goals and achievements
  • I agree with the course outline that any project conceived cannot do without M&E since there is always need to measure the progress of the project and eventually determine whether the project has met its objectives or outcomes

  • How do we best create a plan

  • It enables in tracking of progress

  • To be able to say exactly how successful a project was and if anything starts to go wrong, to be able to catch the problem right away and make any necessary solution in order to return in good way.

  • MEH need to have a rate and time at which the loans are to be paid back. The number of loans given out and how the money was used could be part of the data required to measure their goal. the number of business created should form part of their goal/objective for it to really count.

  • This is good, it enables the beneficiaries to analyze the progress and discover the loopholes to improve for a better progress of the project/activity

  • Monitoring is important because it gives you a picture of your project on regular basis. it means you always have a chance to put your project back to track. Evaluation on the other hand is your result of the project to tell you how much you received your targets you set for yourself at the beginning of the project. If you used right data and had right people to use the data then you are about a get to your goal.

  • To start with, Monitoring is the collecting of project information regularly to measure the progress of the project or activity.
    Evaluation measures how well the project activities have achieved the project's objectives and how much changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project's interventions.
    Therefore,M&E helps project managers in keeping track the implementation of the projects and it's Prudence in the utilization of the resources. It provides decision makers with strategy to plan for sustainability of the projects and guidance for future endeavors.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation should be an essential element of every program because it provides a way to assess the progress of the program on achieving its goals and objectives and informing key state-holders and program designers about the results.

  • M&E plan is important so that you and the people involved in the project can know/ensure whether or not the project is following the right track and if there will be the need for any changes after finishing the project.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation are very important to all project or Program because due to some of the below reasons:

    1. It collect projects data that help key players make inform decisions on the sustainability or Life of that project.
    2. it help project learn form their mistakes and carryout the necessary correction for future implementation .
    3. M&E is also important to project because it provide data showing if project target or goals are been achieve.
  • Monitoring and evaluation helps determine the most effective and useful use of resources. It is essential for drawing objective conclusions about the extent to which programs can be said to have "succeeded" or failed.



  • The scenario above for two organizations shows the importance of M&E in the success of any project. Its Important for the organization undertaking a project to plan how data will be collected, analyzed to inform progress so that correct intervention can be implemented at the most opportune time.

  • Thank you. you are more elaborate and clear on the importance of M&E in relation to the GOOD and MEH.

  • In my opinion, the second project MEH will have to monitor and evaluate:

    1. The number of microloans awareded
    2. The amount of the microloans
    3. The number of businesses they help to get started, a
    4. The impact the microloans and businesses (what was the end result of the combination of both)
  • Monitoring and evaluation are essential to any project or program. Through this process, organizations collect and analyze data, and determine if a project/program has fulfilled its goals. Monitoring begins right away and extends through the duration of the project. Evaluation comes after and assesses how well the program performed. Every organization should have an M&E system in place.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are essential to any project or program. Through this process, organizations collect and analyze data, and determine if a project/program has fulfilled its goals. Monitoring begins right away and extends through the duration of the project. Evaluation comes after and assesses how well the program performed. Every organization should have an M&E system in place.

  • For me the importance of M&E is to follow the activities and see if everything is online with the indicator

  • The important of M&E is to measure the progress of an activity or project by collecting information about the project.

  • M&E is important during report and also to know the progress of the project

  • i think recording both the number of loans given out and the number of businesses created in the MEH project is important. however, it depends on what outcome they intend to achieve

  • Monitoring helps to see project objectives, and how it links activities and their resources to objectives. To achieve the objectives it needs to have performance indicators and sets targets.
    The importance of M&E is It provides the consolidated source of information how the project is progress and helps to validate how it achieved the goal.

    1 Reply
  • Monitoring helps to see project objectives, and how it links activities and their resources to objectives. To achieve the objectives it needs to have performance indicators and sets targets.
    The importance of M&E is It provides the consolidated source of information how the project is progress and helps to validate how it achieved the goal.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are essential to any project or program. Through this process, organizations collect and analyze data, and determine if a project/program has fulfilled its goals. Monitoring begins right away and extends through the duration of the project. Evaluation comes after and assesses how well the program performed. Every organization should have an M&E system in place.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are essential to any project or program. Through this process, organizations collect and analyze data, and determine if a project/program has fulfilled its goals. Monitoring begins right away and extends through the duration of the project. Evaluation comes after and assesses how well the program performed. Every organization should have an M&E system in place.

  • I am glad to help MEH prepare their M&E Plan while learning in the process.


    • Helps to set clear goals for the project and eliminate redundancies

    • It also helps identifying the most valuable and efficient use of resources.

    • Helps planners, managers, policy makers etc. to make informed decisions on project or program operations.

    • It results in better transparency and accountability.

    • Problems are detected and dealt with, earlier before making huge impact on the project/program.

    • It encourages Innovation, in search for new ways to deal with problems.

    • It helps organizations to replicate best projects and stay on track.

  • I think that for the second company to succeed, it should first set clear objectives, such as determining the exact number of young girls to whom it wants to lend money for the creation of microenterprises, and plan the number of jobs that these microenterprises will generate in the long term in order to evaluate the reduction of the unemployment rate in the said locality with the advent of this project.

  • It was very helpful for knowing the importance of M&E planning.

  • Surely MEH can develop their M & E plan. They just need to identify the indicators they want to measure and outcomes that will be achieved. Im glad that the course will help to understand developing M & E plan.

  • -It gives the insight of the project progress, with constant monitoring and evaluation its easy to understand if the goals of the project are being met.
    -helps in making decisions, from the data collected about activities is easy to make decision that will affect the project to meet its intended goals

  • very beneficial course ,Good idea of learning by example (Project) by this I will be able to understand M&E easily. looking forward to learn more and master M&E.

  • Am excited to be taking this course

  • I have enjoyed module 1

  • M & E plan as I can see is very important for evvaluating and improving the outcomes of a particular project. What are the components of and M and E plan?

    1 Reply
  • M&E helps implementers of a program or intervention to:

    • make well informed decisions bordering on the program operations and service delivery with respect to the objectives' evidence;
    • ensure the most effective and efficient use of resources is achieved;
    • objective assessment of the extent to which the program or intervention is having or has had the desired impact, areas of effectiveness, and where there is possible need for adjustments, review or corrections; and
    • meet organisational reporting and other requirements and convince the donors that their investment is worthwhile or the need to consider other options or approaches.
  • Monitoring and evaluation are important because by using them, the organization can have a better order of their plan, and also how they are going to measure a plan. M&E helps for organization for the collection of data.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is a system that allows us to see if the Project has been implemented according to the way it was planned. in addition, it even tells us if the project goals have been met and they could be measured through indicators. Moreover, Evaluation on the ther hand takes place at the end of the project while monitoring goes with the proect functions

  • this module has been great has it is a gate opening for the important of M&E activities especially when measuring the extent of the activity done for the case of GOOD and MEH, for me am delighted to really learn hw that M&E plan does that wonder

    1 Reply
  • Regarding the second project as it was stated in the write up, they are lack monitoring and evaluation plan which would help them know their precise goals but they really need to think about the small amount of loans they intend to give out to the girls and want kind of business can the small amount of loan can actually finance to avoid debts. MEH should also teach the girls on how to write a business plan to help structure their business and also know the risks involve taking loans likewise. MEH require a team of expertise to actually help actualize this dream of the girls because it takes alot to take a loan. If am to suggest the measures to MEH, the following stated below could actually help them achieve their goals which are;

    1. Targeted audience
    2. Amount of loan to give out
    3. Type of small business
    4. Method of repayment
  • this kind of lesson show us the reallity and in this case it has a lot of important facts that we need to understand.

  • this kind of lesson show us the reallity and in this case it has a lot of important facts that we need to understand.

  • this kind of lesson show us the reallity and in this case it has a lot of important facts that we need to understand.

  • The importance of M&E is to give indication of weather the tools set up for the project will be suitable to give feedback on the progress of the project.

  • Monitoring and evaluation help gauge the performance of the implementation of activities. And gives insight for managers to make informed decision on steering the project.

  • Constructive contribution. In your way, what data collection instrument will be best use to gather data for such a project.

  • Greetings from The Gambia.
    My name is Sadou Bah, I work as a Data Manager for the National AIDS Secretariat.

  • The M&E is very important on cycle project. It help menager to defin roles and responsabilities of each fileld. It help measuring our progress and results.
    Monoring means collecting project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activity. This helps to track performance over time and to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources.

    Evaluation measures how well the project activities have achieved the project’s objectives and how much changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project’s interventions. Together, we will refer to monitoring and evaluation as M&E

  • The M&E is very important on cycle project. It help menager to defin roles and responsabilities of each fileld. It help measuring our progress and results.
    Monoring means collecting project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activity. This helps to track performance over time and to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources.
    Evaluation measures how well the project activities have achieved the project’s objectives and how much changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project’s interventions. Together, we will refer to monitoring and evaluation as M&E

  • The M&E is very important on cycle project. It help menager to defin roles and responsabilities of each fileld. It help measuring our progress and results.
    Monoring means collecting project information regularly to measure the progress of your project or activity. This helps to track performance over time and to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources.
    Evaluation measures how well the project activities have achieved the project’s objectives and how much changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project’s interventions. Together, we will refer to monitoring and evaluation as M&E

  • Monitoring and evaluation is important because it allows you to measure how resources are being used. It also helps you determine if the resources are being used effectively.

  • To have a framework in order to move forward

  • To have a framework in order to move forward and be sucessful

  • To have a framework in order to move forward and be sucessful

  • MEH seems to not only have issues on what to measure or how to measure their progress, it seems that they do not have a clearly defined project goal as well. GOOD's goal is clearly stated, "to open 1200 new savings accounts for girls in 34 Kenyan villages in the next 6 months". Whereas, for MEH it is pretty vague with no quantifiable attributes within the stated goal.

  • Helps to measure the progress of your project...and keeping track

  • Importance of monitoring and helps to measure the projects performance and allows to correct future mistakes

  • Importance assumptions based target..without correct baseline data

  • Data management is really important..because this will show clear picture does the project achieved its goals and objectives or not

  • To know what is goals are
    To get clear data about project

  • This is my 1st post for M&E module 1 .. Just to understand how it works

  • The big difference between GOOD & MEH in terms of financial risk is major; If GOOD fail it will not harm the beneficiary, whereas if the MEH beneficiary fails, microfinance company & beneficiary will be in a financial loses

  • M&E is important when starting a project to help measure the output, progress and wether the project is satysifying its initial objective.

  • It allows to avoid the tunnel effect and to better prepare the annual report of its activities as well as the final report
    This course is an excellent course delivered in an educational and methodical manner. It is very interestant

  • what is an M&E plan?

  • M&E is important for any organization because

    1. It helps you set clear goals for your organizations project
    2. Helps you to know how you will collect data for your ongoing projects, and also determine how the project is going
    3. Also help you gather data on how the project is going, its success and effectiveness'
    4. It also helps you plan for making the project better and more effective for the beneficiaries of the project
  • I couldn't agree more. M&E is important for any organization because it helps you map out a plan, how to go about it, helps you track the progress of that plan and in the end, helps you understand what went right and wrong which helps you to make a better plan following the one that was in place

  • Hi there. I have just enrolled on the course and wondering if there are others who have also just started. Am very excited to get started on a formal learning programme - have done M&E planning and implementation as part of my work in various capacities, but without benefit of a structured learning programme.

  • Monitoring and evaluation helps track project performance, identify failures and identify the most valuable and efficient use of resources. Helps to highlight problems and make decisions on the best alternatives. It provides timely and frequent information

  • Mornitoring is essential for a project so that it can be able to collect data for project being implemented.

    Evalution - assists in evaluating the success of the program during and at the end of the project.

    Having a clear M& E Plan leads to a succesful project implementation

  • M&E is very important in any project. without M&E we cant not gauge impact and efficiency and effectiveness of any project activities.

  • Helps individuals and organizations involved with any type of projects to assess if progress desired is being achieved

  • From this section, I've learnt that M&E is important to monitor project progress, evaluate its impact, and produce project reports that can inform subsequent projects.

  • In my experience, organizations build teams to design the best possible project to get access to grants and external funding; and sometimes the best project is only the best because it states that the outputs and deliverables are way more extraordinary than the reality allows. And I don't think that is entirely wrong, sometimes great projects start by dreaming big.

    And I think the reason why M&E is being increasingly considered as an important aspect of the project, is precisely to tight the objectives to reality by enssuring that everything we "promise" is actually achievable. Also, M&E is important to help teams to understand the reality of the implementation and also, to keep the data and tools to help new members of the team to understand what is happening with the project.

    This last part is really important, specially in countries where the rotation of personnel is really high and sometimes a project ends up depending of one individual insteand of one organization.

    1 Reply

  • The importance of M&E is in the help that it gives us to design an M&E plan which defines goals and the way we are going to achieve them.It gives us the opportunity to measure the project progress, to review and adjust the project according the ressources we have for the project, and being able to give a feedback of the effectiveness and the efficiente use of the project ressources.

  • The M&E course is such an important area that suit workers, organisations and development partners to measure and compare the extent to which the project goal is reflecting to the desired aims and objectives thereby indicating certain milestones at a given period of time. Such indicators or milestone will tell and inform the organisation on the needs to improve or adjust to attain the project goals

  • The M&E course is such an important area that suit workers, organisations and development partners to measure and compare the extent to which the project goal is reflecting to the desired aims and objectives thereby indicating certain milestones at a given period of time. Such indicators or milestone will tell and inform the organisation on the needs to improve or adjust to attain the project goals

  • Looking at the two scenarios of GOOD and MEH project I come to realized how the best an organization run a project with an M&E plan and success, also learned that a project without good M&E plan is bound to fail.

  • The main purpose of the M & E plan is to put in place a guide to inform the management of the overall process of evaluating and reporting progress towards achieving project outcomes. It also provides guidance as to what to evaluate, what information is needed, how/who can collect such information and when data collection can be done. Thus, any organization needs to develop a M & E plan before starting project implementation. Doing so will enable the organization to plan ahead of time and data collection activities that may be needed to be done such as baseline survey. Overall, a proper M & E plan contributes to the effectiveness of the project implementation by ensuring that appropriate and comparable data will be collected on a regular and timely basis as well as efficiently within allocated budget.

  • The importance of M&E:-

    1. In terms of any projects, We just need to understand the targets of our project which is measurable in the sense of indicators. We should monitor the target achievement. Monitoring of progress of any project, In this condition M&E play a vital role.
    2. With help of M&E, the Operational team can easily assess the project's effectiveness and efficiency.
  • M&E assist every planner to assess the inputs functions towards the final product. This assessment helps to note how well or otherwise the desired impact is being met.

  • M&E assist every planner to assess the inputs functions towards the final product. This assessment helps to note how well or otherwise the desired impact is being met.

  • I love the topic, it's really what i have been looking for designing an M&E plan for the micro-finance project as my area of work.

  • Module 1 clearly explains the importance of M&E through the key terms and 2 examples of fictional project. For 1st project, they have a fantastic plan. So, they can track the project performance and evaluate that how the project activities change beneficiaries life. But, 2nd project does not have a M&E plan, which fails to achieve the goals and objectives.

  • we do know that MEH have a minimum service of secretary that enable the organization to mention the activity made. Then there is still hope to make a reconstitution of datas in order to create an M&E plan.

  • Looking at the two scenarios of GOOD and MEH project I come to realized how the best an organization run a project with an M&E plan and success, also learned that a project without good M&E plan is bound to fail.

  • I am so excited about this course and I'm ready to learn from helping prepare the M&E for MEH

  • M&E results in better transparency and accountability

    Because organizations track, analyze, and report on a project during the monitoring phase, there’s more transparency. Information is freely circulated and available to stakeholders, which gives them more input on the project. A good monitoring system ensures no one is left in the dark. This transparency leads to better accountability. With information so available, organizations need to keep everything above board. It’s also much harder to deceive stakeholders.
    M&E helps organizations catch problems early

    Projects never go perfectly according to plan, but a well-designed M&E helps the project stay on track and perform well. M&E plans help define a project’s scope, establish interventions when things go wrong, and give everyone an idea of how those interventions affect the rest of the project. This way, when problems inevitably arise, a quick and effective solution can be implemented.
    M&E helps ensure resources are used efficiently

    Every project needs resources. How much cash is on hand determines things like how many people work on a project, the project’s scope, and what solutions are available if things get off course. The information collected through monitoring reveals gaps or issues, which require resources to address. Without M&E, it wouldn’t be clear what areas need to be a priority. Resources could easily be wasted in one area that isn’t the source of the issue. Monitoring and evaluation helps prevent that waste.
    M&E helps organizations learn from their mistakes

    Mistakes and failures are part of every organization. M&E provides a detailed blueprint of everything that went right and everything that went wrong during a project. Thorough M&E documents allow organizations to pinpoint specific failures, as opposed to just guessing what caused problems. Often, organizations can learn more from their mistakes than from their successes.
    M&E improves decision-making

    Data should drive decisions. M&E processes provide the essential information needed to see the big picture. After a project wraps up, an organization with good M&E can identify mistakes, successes, and things that can be adapted and replicated for future projects. Decision-making is then influenced by what was learned through past monitoring and evaluation.
    M&E helps organizations stay organized

    Developing a good M&E plan requires a lot of organization. That process in itself is very helpful to an organization. It has to develop methods to collect, distribute, and analyze information. Developing M&E plans also requires organizations to decide on desired outcomes, how to measure success, and how to adapt as the project goes on, so those outcomes become a reality. Good organizational skills benefit every area of an organization.
    M&E helps organizations replicate the best projects/programs

    Organizations don’t like to waste time on projects or programs that go nowhere or fail to meet certain standards. The benefits of M&E that we’ve described above – such as catching problems early, good resource management, and informed decisions – all result in information that ensures organizations replicate what’s working and let go of what’s not.
    M&E encourages innovation

    Monitoring and evaluation can help fuel innovative thinking and methods for data collection. While some fields require specific methods, others are open to more unique ideas. As an example, fields that have traditionally relied on standardized tools like questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, and so on can branch out to video and photo documentation, storytelling, and even fine arts. Innovative tools provide new perspectives on data and new ways to measure success.
    M&E encourages diversity of thought and opinions

    With monitoring and evaluation, the more information the better. Every team member offers an important perspective on how a project or program is doing. Encouraging diversity of thought and exploring new ways of obtaining feedback enhance the benefits of M&E. With M&E tools like surveys, they’re only truly useful if they include a wide range of people and responses. In good monitoring and evaluation plans, all voices are important.
    Every organization benefits from M&E

    While certain organizations can use more unique M&E tools, all organizations need some kind of monitoring and evaluation system. Whether it’s a small business, corporation, or government agency, all organizations need a way to monitor their projects and determine if they’re successful. Without strong M&E, organizations aren’t sustainable, they’re more vulnerable to failure, and they can lose the trust of stakeholders.

  • tools provide new perspectives on data and new ways to measure success.
    M&E encourages diversity of thought and opinions

  • Helps the project manager to make right decision

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