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  • The life was too sweet for the whole family.
    And in the heat of the night...Guns shot, horror, exploitation.

  • 59 seconds left on the clock
    Guarded by one of the best
    "This is it" he thought

    A few moments later
    He ended a city's 52 years championship drought

  • “Honey, that backpack is too expensive, mommy has to pay rent”
    “Mommy why can’t we just build our OWN house?”
    The boy packs his backpack, smiling in the home his mom finally owns.

  • The vulnerable lack schools in the Camp.





  • Another one again?
    He stared hard at the blank piece of paper in front of him with a big circle in red oblivious of the penetrating stares. Identified and exempted he joins a class of lesser number who were taken on a thorough journey of their weakness. Until the red ink turned to another colour taking shape of the figures scribbled on it. Eventually there was no red circle and only double whole numbers. This time patience accounts for more thorough details and success is lightning.
    Yes he had changed every ones perception of him by graduating with flying colours.

    #Winning #Dyslexia

  • Lorraine happiness was enormous this morning: she finally got the job! She was so excited!
    But wait? Why is she crying now? Lorraine lost her opportunity at the very last minute because she is not tech-savvy, and she couldn’t attend the Online Training before starting her first shift.
    She sadly withdrew her job application. #Techsupport

  • She inhaled sharply as she looked at her exam results.

    She had passed!

    But she was clueless on what she should study or do next.

  • Jose age 14 heard the sharp sound of the table saw! Jose saw the sharp teeth of the cutting blade, Jose was scared as as his soft skinned hands came near the blade. Jose pushed the wood slowly into the sharp blade. Jose had learned to use the table saw safely , Jose was so happy to get over his fear and cut his first piece of wood under careful eyes on his teacher , Making his first cut of wood to build a bird house. Jose feels more confidence attending school at Have Hammer will Travel A.C. Woodworking and CAD school.

  • Monica age 15 heard the loud noise of wood being cut and was scared. She looked at her soft skin on her hands. Monica like having ten fingers. It was her turn to cut a piece of wood on the table saw. She slowly follows the teacher instructions. Monica learned to cut a piece woof to build her step stool. Monica happy now she decided to take the opportunity to learn how to use tools and learn life skills at Have Hammer Will Travel A.C. Woodworking and CAD school

  • good story, gets message across

  • Aisha eyes beamed with joy as she stepped out to the stage to receive her award. Her principal proudly put her hands over her shoulder. She was the best graduating student in her class. She wished her parents were here to see this. She couldn’t wait to get into Junior Secondary School.

    “Here she is,” Aisha’s father declared excitedly as she steps into the compound. “She will make you a good wife.” Aisha hands trembled as she managed to hold on to her award. Tears welled up in her eyes as she beheld the aged man of about 60 years who would soon be her husband. “So, how much are you going to pay for her?” Her father asked greedily.
    Aisha sits outside in the cold, with her protruded tommy, locked out of her husband’s house. Fresh wounds and marks of beatings showing all over her body. This was not the life she dreamt of at 14 years of age. Worse, she feared for her baby.


  • Ade was found by our organization on a street in Lagos Nigeria. She ran out of the house because she was accused of stealing and she actually stole because her parents could not afford to feed her well and also send her to a good school.
    With all that happened we decided to enroll Ade in school, more children like Ade are not in school. We've decided that we will go on the street check for more children who might have the same story as Ade and enroll them in school, so they can be productive for themselves and the nation at large.
    After we engage on the street search to look for more children on the street we discovered that there are more children like Ade who are not in school, some are even sent out of the house by their parents/guardian, while some ran away from home because of maltreatment and some dreadful accusations.
    A child who is not in school can't be productive for his/herself and the country at large. The children being on the street they are prone to attacks from robbers, kidnappers and a female child being on the street has the risk of being raped or molested.
    We the way we've sourced for donor and we've gotten responses and donations from them, we've been able to send some of the children back to school, including Ade. They are all happy now, and they hyave a hope for their future.

  • Oh, death, why have you covered me with your merciless arm, that my morning is filled with the flood of darkness from your wide throat? So, I will never become a medical doctor again? Samuel Ulaka, 17 years old, and SS3 boy lamented as his only source and hope of education was laid to rest.
    Wow! It is a heavy downpour; the flood is overwhelming!
    Flickers of Hope Foundation offered Samuel University study scholarship to study Medicine in Nigeria.

  • Oh, death, why have you covered me with your merciless arm, that my morning is filled with the flood of darkness from your wide throat? So, I will never become a medical doctor again? Samuel Ulaka, 17 years old, and SS3 boy lamented as his only source and hope of education was laid to rest.
    Wow! It is a heavy downpour; the flood is overwhelming!
    Flickers of Hope Foundation offered Samuel University study scholarship to study Medicine in Nigeria.

  • Oh, death, why have you covered me with your merciless arm, that my morning is filled with the flood of darkness from your wide throat? So, I will never become a medical doctor again? Samuel Ulaka, 17 years old, and SS3 boy lamented as his only source and hope of education was laid to rest.
    Wow! It is a heavy downpour; the flood is overwhelming!
    Flickers of Hope Foundation offered Samuel University study scholarship to study Medicine in Nigeria.

  • Watching the kites in the air so high up with her grandkids filled with love and laughter,
    -One moment after... door closes
    All alone, by herself. #LoveforElders

  • Nilanthi struggled to focus on her education. Poverty kept her hungry & unable to focus on her studies.

    Receiving the student scholarship meant she did not have to worry about buying school supplies & having a healthy meal anymore. #Becomeasponsor

  • He said, "shhhh..."
    His hands rubbed her butt while he kissed her. He was super quiet and careful.

    Mummy yelled: "Adola, where are you?"

    Uncle pushed her away like a damaged 4 years old doll.

    #ChildAbuse #ChildSex #SayNoToChildAbuse

  • confused and definitely uncertain spells how shalewa entered into SS3 today she is excited to be one of 20 girls studying engineering at FUTMINNA #QLYCN

  • Nicelly done!

  • Oops away from family last 12 months and feeling lonely,
    Pack a bag and book the bus tickets from mobile
    Sajilo yatra offer hassle free booking from your mobile.

  • "What are you doing, this is not how you should do it", the manger yelled at the trainee.

    She felt miserable and worthless, being yelled at
    The trainee quickly left work and created her business.

  • Before, every morning, I was walking to the water well.
    Today, every morning, I pack my bag to go to school.
    #AVSI#Education#Distance Support

  • She looked down nervously on the desk.

    ‘Stand up and answer the question’, screamed the teacher.

    To his surprise, the girl gave the definition of photosynthesis correctly.


  • [voice over while showing farmlands and farmers working]

    In Ghana, Abigail Kyiriw is one of the 2,000 organic farmers who need to be served with information and resources. This means that many organic farmers go about their farming activities with little guidance, support and insight into best practices that will increase their productivity and efficiency.

    [voice over and focus on Abigail while talking]

    Despite her industry, Abigail says, "Farming is a very demanding trade and farmers need all the support we can get to be successful in this space. Markets change, practices get advanced and now the weather patterns are also changing. It’s October and rains are as heavy as they were in June."

    [voice over while showing illegal farm inputs and farmers]

    Aside from the limited guidance that farmers receive, farmers have to deal with the risk of buying fake inputs I.e unapproved and smuggled fertilizers and insecticides. The seasonality of their crops also means farmers may not have enough money throughout the year to purchase quality inputs.

    [voice over while showing field officers training in different training sessions]

    Our field officers conduct weekly community-based workshops to train farmers on improved farming practices and better business practices. All direct farmer training sessions are reinforced with agronomic and business tips through digital mediums such as voice calls and talking books. All lessons and contents are delivered in farmers’ local language in order to bridge the illiteracy gap.

    [voice over while showing new training location and texts on the screen]

    Be a part of the organic farming revolution. Register for our next organic farming workshop in partnership with USAID Missions for Economic Growth.

    [closure: on-screen texts]

    •Sign up NOW for our organic farming workshop

    •Donate to our micro-loan purse for struggling organic farmers

    •Shop our store for organic food and beverages

    •Volunteer to be a part of our field officers

    •Invite friends to join the organic farming workshop

    •Sign the petition against unapproved and smuggled fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides

  • Nilanthi is hungry & desperate, luckily she was awarded a scholarship. #sponsorastudent.

  • Following the pain and struggle of the less privileged kids.

    Aderajon showed empathy through volunteering

    Now, the children are happy because someone cares for them.
    #showlove #careforlessprivilegedchildren

  • Following the pain and struggle of the less privileged kids.

    Aderajon showed empathy through volunteering

    Now, the children are happy because someone cares for them.
    #showlove #careforlessprivilegedchildren

  • Praam!! She tore the first side of the biggest parcel with a smile

    "Drop that" screamed her husband.

    She quickly dropped it and picked up the smallest.

    15 seconds later, her face lit up as she found the neckpiece she had being eyeing on friend.


  • Praam!!! She tore the first part of the biggest parcel wrap with a smile.

    "Drop that" screamed her husband.

    Quickly she dropped it and picked the smallest of the parcels.

    Settled in her eyes is a cloud that might rain silently in few minutes but..

    The lit in her face could compete with 20 street lights simultaneously coming on as she found the neckpiece she had been eyeing on her friends neck.


  • a Lady said "it will be much easier"
    when the olympic started.
    and then she make it

  • American : I love soccer

    Rest of the world : Excuse me?


  • Thief! Thief! she watched her friend being flogged and bleeding before her eyes. If only they knew that he grabbed that piece of cake because of starving for 4 good days, life as a street child is a nightmare.

    luckily the police on patrol came in time and he was saved from the mob.

    1 Reply
  • "I am honored to finally meet you" He said. She blushed and made to speak.
    Oh no, it's happening again - the words were stuck. She fled.

    1 Reply
  • Struggling to breath.
    'Next in line' shouts the interviewer.

    Good luck.


  • It was in plain sight. Bold and legible to be seen. He read through with excitement, hoping to catch a message that resonates.
    Disappointed, he closed the tabs and surrendered to ignorance.

  • Goblis Foundation is registered as a Non-Profit Entity and is responding to the dual crises of youth unemployment and climate change by creating an enabling environment to inspire hope under which young people from vulnerable and underserved background can act on their own behalf to uplift themselves and their communities from poverty.

    We are a youth empowerment and development organization on a mission to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of young people living in vulnerable and underserved communities in Kenya. Founded in the year 2018 on a model of community ownership, we take an innovative approach to community empowerment with a purpose to drive the renewal of the young people from underserved communities in Kenya so that future generations may thrive.

    This community-led approach has led to the empowerment of community social entrepreneurs by participating in sustainable projects that contribute to the quality of life and independence of individuals and communities. In doing so, the young people will rise up and take the first step into a hope-filled future to improve their quality of life through system-shifting impacts their communities.

  • I couldn't read or write a year ago.
    This is my story as written by me.

    1 Reply
  • This struck me as very meaningful- the child is proud that they can help their family.

  • Imagine you wake up each morning and don't have what to eat as a pregnant woman? This is the case of Binta who stays in a rural community where she lost her husband when she was a month pregnant, and will have to look for menial Job to do each day to feed herself and her 2 children.
    As an organization we assisted in teaching her and other women how to make liquid soap and other hand work that will fetch them income in the community they live. We realized there are many Binta's in the community! The women developed and helped other to high level of sustainability both financially and Healthy living.
    #Healthyliving #financiallyindependent

  • Oh Febuary 14th!!
    It's that time of the year again. So many babies are being conceived.
    In a few months from now, families will welcome the premature death of their little adolecent girls whom, out of fear decided to seek the expertise of an incompetent medicine man.


  • Wow so short and beautiful. It definitely made me smile

  • Hahaha. Great job!!

  • "I am sorry I think she is dead, I killed her, I swear I did'nt mean to" she said in a trembling voice
    "How did you find my gun?" he cried.
    as he walked towards her in tears, Betty had killed her younger sister thinking the gun was a toy.

  • The flood came in the middle of the night
    But they'd prepared their response
    Nobody died. #DisasterPreparedness

    1 Reply
  • I'll be a teacher when I grow said Peace to her younger brother Alfred
    and I will become a doctor replied Alfred.
    This will remain a dream for these poor rural children.

  • Happy endings do exist.
    Just not for thalassemia children.

    1 Reply
  • 'Ugh! another day without sales,' John supposed

    And then, phone rings

    John smiled and immediately went to work on delivering the next 12 orders


    1 Reply
  • After the death of her parents, the 16 year-old girl was lonely, lethargic and no longer had a "spark" that lit everything up around her.
    And then she walked into The Power Project.
    She felt that spark ignite once again and for the first time in a long time had hope.
    #powerproject #hopeforteens

  • Great tiny tale!

  • Excellent tiny tale!

  • She is a friendly soul

    a loud cry...

    Came crying with blood all over her skirt.

  • 150 years ago, people who believed that humans flying through the air would become possible, were considered illogical unrealistic dreamers. Flying has been always possible, throughout history. We just did not manage to put things together in a certain order to allow us to fly.

  • Flora loves mimicking actresses
    at high school with her friends,
    they laugh so much

    At night she puts on her dress

    To act as she likes the grown man
    her mom set her up with

    1 Reply
  • The noise is gone the voices are gone.

    Wait a minute.

    She feels free! she feels human gain! Her pains are gone!

  • "In 10-15 years,you should be fit."
    "Next year when i turn 27 you will congratulate me on winning my elections as a youth leader." he replied the Minister.


  • Hey, Come on Out!” by Shinichi Hoshi
    The typhoon had passed and the sky was a gorgeous blue. Even a certain village not far from the city had
    suffered damage. A little distance from the village and near the mountains, a small shrine had been swept away
    by a landslide.
    "I wonder how long that shrine’s been here."
    "Well, in any case, it must have been here since an awfully long time ago."
    "We’ve got to rebuild it right away."
    While the villagers exchanged views, several more of their number came over.
    "It sure was wrecked."
    "I think it used to be right here."
    "No, looks like it was a little more over there."
    Just then, one of them raised his voice. "Hey what in the world is this hole?" Where they had all gathered there
    was a hole about a meter in diameter. They peered in, but it was so dark nothing could be seen. However, it
    gave one the feeling that it was so deep it went clear through to the center of the earth.
    There was even one person who said, "I wonder if it’s a fox’s hole."
    "HHey comes on outshouted a young man into the hole. There was no echo from the bottom. Next, he
    picked up a pebble and was about to throw it in.
    "You might bring down a curse on us. Lay off," warned an old man, but the younger one energetically threw the
    pebble in. As before, however, there was no answering response from the bottom. The villagers cut down some
    trees, tied them with rope, and made a fence which they put around the hole. Then they repaired to the village.
    "What do you suppose we ought to do?"
    "Shouldn’t we build the shrine up just as it was over the hole?"
    A day passed with no agreement. The news traveled fast and a car from the newspaper company rushed over. In
    no time a scientist came out and, with an all-knowing expression on his face, he went over to the hole. Next, a
    bunch of gawking curiosity seekers showed up; one could also pick out here and their men of shifty glances
    who appeared to be concessionaires. Concerned that someone might fall into the hole, a policeman from the
    local substation kept careful watch.
    One newspaper reporter tied a weight to the end of a long cord and lowered it into the hole. A long way down it
    went. The cord ran out, however, and he tried to pull it out, but it would not come back up. Two or three people
    helped out, but when they all pulled too hard the cord parted at the edge of the hole. Another reporter, a camera
    in hand, who had been watching all of this, quietly untied a stout rope that had been wound around his waist.
    The scientist contacted people at his laboratory and had them bring out a high-powered bullhorn, with which he
    was going to check out the echo from the hole’s bottom. He tried switching through various sounds, but there
    was no echo. The scientist was puzzled, but he could not very well give up with everyone watching him so �
    intently. He put the bullhorn right up to the hole, turned it to its highest volume, and let it sound continuously
    for a long time. It was a noise that would have carried several dozen kilometers above ground. But the hole just
    calmly swallowed up the sound.
    In his mind, the scientist was at a loss, but with a look of apparent composure he cut off the sound and, in a
    manner suggesting that the whole thing had a perfectly plausible explanation, said simply, "Fill it in."
    Safer to get rid of something one didn’t understand.
    The onlookers, disappointed that this was all that was going to happen, prepared to disperse. Just then one of the
    concessionaires, having broken through the throng and come forward, proposed.
    "Let me have that hole. I’ll fill it in for you."
    "We’d be grateful to you for filling it in," replied the mayor of the village, "but we can’t very well give you the
    hole. We have to build a shrine there."
    "If it’s a shrine you want, I’ll build you a fine one later. Shall I make it with an attached meeting hall?"
    Before the mayor could answer, the people of the village all shouted out.
    "Really? Well, in that case, we ought to have it closer to the village."
    "It’s just an old hole. We’ll give it to you!"
    So it was settled. And the mayor, of course, had no objection.
    The concessionaire was true to his promise. It was small, but closer to the village he did build for them a shrine
    with an attached meeting hall.
    About the time the autumn festival was held at the new shrine, the hole-filling company established by the
    concessionaire hung out its small shingle at a shack near the hole.
    The concessionaire had his cohorts mount a loud campaign in the city. "We’ve got a fabulously deep hole!
    Scientists say it’s at least five thousand meters deep! Perfect for the disposal of such things as waste from
    nuclear reactors."
    Government authorities granted permission. Nuclear power plants fought for contracts. The people of the
    village were a bit worried about this, but they consented when it was explained that there would be absolutely
    no above-ground contamination for several thousand years and that they would share in the profits. Into the
    bargain, very shortly a magnificent road was built from the city to the village.
    Trucks rolled in over the road, transporting lead boxes. Above the hole, the lids were opened and the wastes
    from nuclear reactors tumbled away into the hole.
    From the Foreign Ministry and the Defense Agency, boxes of unnecessary classified documents were brought
    for disposal. Officials who came to supervise the disposal held discussions on golf. The lesser functionaries, as
    they threw in the papers, chatted about pinball.
    The hole showed no signs of filling up. It was awfully deep, thought some; or else it might be very spacious at
    the bottom. Little by little, the hole-filling company expanded its business.�
    Bodies of animals used in contagious disease experiments at the universities were brought out and to these were
    added the unclaimed corpses of vagrants. Better than dumping all of its garbage in the ocean, went the thinking
    in the city, and plans were made for a long pipe to carry it to the hole.
    The hole gave peace of mind to the dwellers of the city. They concentrated solely on producing one thing after
    another. Everyone disliked thinking about the eventual consequences. People wanted only to work for
    production companies and sales corporations; they had no interest in becoming junk dealers. But, it was
    thought, these problems too would gradually be resolved by the hole.
    Young girls whose betrothals had been arranged discarded old diaries in the hole. Some were inaugurating new love affairs and threw into the hole old photographs of themselves taken with former
    sweethearts. The police felt comforted as they used the hole to get rid of accumulations of expertly done
    counterfeit bills. Criminals breathed easier after throwing material evidence into the hole.
    Whatever one wished to discard, the hole accepted it all. The hole cleansed the city of its filth; the sea and sky
    seemed to have become a bit clearer than before.
    Aiming at the heavens, new buildings went on being constructed one after the other.
    One day, atop the high steel frame of a new building under construction, a workman was taking a break. Above
    his head he heard a voice shout:
    "Hey, come on out!"
    But, in the sky to which he lifted his gaze there was nothing at all. A clear blue sky merely spread overall. He
    thought it must be his imagination. Then, as he resumed his former position, from the direction where the voice
    had come, a small pebble skimmed by him and fell on past.
    The man, however, was gazing in idle reverie at the city’s skyline growing ever more beautiful, and he failed to

  • This is what she said: "I'm astounded by your talent; there aren't many people like you in our country. The way you present it adds more beauty and authenticity. More of you are needed."

  • Their performance at times made me feel like my efforts are going in vain.

    "Our future is so bright with you," they always told me.

    Little did I know that they would establish a viable apiculture enterprise which has created employment for more than 20 youths in their village.

    #Rural Entrepreneurship

  • Their performance at times made me feel like my efforts are going in vain.

    "Our future is so bright with you," they always told me.

    Little did I know that they would establish a viable apiculture enterprise which has created employment for more than 20 youths in their village.

    #Rural Entrepreneurship

    1 Reply
  • This is great

  • Aminu drank to his fill, smiled and asked for another cup of water. He was thirsty from playing football. His brother scoped another cup of the usual brown coloured liquid and passed it to him.


  • From MJ to LL, and getting selected to secondary school, Alinafe stepped into her dreams.
    But news that her guardian uncle was raping her got her back to Mulanje.
    Desperate and helpless, Alinafe is now married and expectant at 13. #Child_Sexual_Exploitation

  • Writing a million dollar cheque.
    But it's a just a dream.

    Because you cannot read or write. #childeducation

    1 Reply
  • a 10 km walk to school, now made into a 2km walk to school. donate now #CommunityDevelopment #CorpsAfrica

  • Aminu drank to his fill, smiled and asked for another cup of water. He was thirsty from playing football. His brother scoped another cup of the usual brown coloured liquid and passed it to him.


  • Hot tears flowed from her bloodshot eyes, as she stared at the table in utter disbelief.
    Food! she finally croaked as waves of giggles escaped from her thin lips. #FightingHunger

  • Clutching her notebook, Paye ran fast.

    When the fogs cleared up, her school was gone, burned to the ground.

    Then, in the distance, she heard gunshots.

  • Violence against women and girl child is what we cannot under emphasize. It’s critical and need to be condemned in our society.
    The role of a woman in a family is numerous, and cannot be hiding. Women are salt of the world.

  • Having gotten her result with A's,
    She happily went to party with her friends.
    Jumping and laughing on her way back home.

    The voice roared "Where are you coming from by this time of the day?"

    With tears and fears, she hurriedly ran in awaiting her punition from the wicked step father.


  • Having gotten her result with A's,
    She happily went to party with her friends.
    Jumping and laughing on her way back home.

    A voice roared "Where are you coming from by this time of the day?"

    With tears and fears, she hurriedly ran in awaiting her punition from her wicked step father.


  • The gender gap in the digital space has increased by more than 90% globally between the male and female genders. This resulted in a significant digital skills gap in schools throughout Nigeria, Rwanda, Asia, South Africa, Cameroon, and other countries.

    Hope is a young girl from the African continent who aspires to be a computer technician and to train young girls like herself in digital skills.

    The advocacy for breaking down barriers to digital skills went viral, and as a result, the digital hub foundation received a grant to provide digital skills to 50 females, including both basic digital skills for secondary school girls and advanced skills for women and girls for employability.

    Hope was able to participate in these training programs and had access to the tools she needed to learn and develop herself in the field of technology, gaining mentorship from the program's various coaches and learning how to develop a website as a result. She was later assigned to two students to teach in the program after excelling in her classes.

    Hope began her own training program with five students and grew it to eight with the assistance of mentors.

  • It's really hard to make such a short story

  • She was smiling, her thoughts seemed far away in a beautiful place.
    “Give me my food”, her husband shouted.
    Terrified, she went to the kitchen crying # childmarriage

  • Speaking like a queen in front of million people,
    Applause Applause Applause

    Wake up! Wake up!
    Mom, ???
    Time to go School.

  • Young people are misunderstood and mostly mistaken for miscreants.
    Education and Training are changing all this.
    Their creativity and innovation have been exposed.

  • Elsie hungrily sat under the big mango tree hopeless ; where will she get food to eat?
    Join us for football training shouted Joe.
    She look up hopefully: food is usually given after training sessions.

  • He was sitting on the roadside and waiting for the customer to come so that he polishes his shoes and earn money. His stomach is growling because he hasn't eaten since last night. When he was waiting for the customer a man come and asked the boy, "Hey little boy, how are you?" The boy smiled because it was the first time that someone came and asked him how he is doing. The boy replied, "I am good Sir, Thanks and how are you doing?" The man replied, "I am good my dear." And why are polishing the shoes at the age when you need to go to school? The little boy said, "Sir I won't go to school I only polish shoes to have food and the only single meal I have to eat in a day. When the man heard the boy he was shocked that he only ate once a day. So he gives me some extra money so he will eat at least three meals a day. The boy rejected the extra amount and gave him back and said I earn money with my faithfulness not to tell people my story and get sympathy and earn money. The man smiles and wish the good for his future and go from there.

  • Unskilled and unambitious youths, this is the norm for rural places. The situation looks impossible and hopeless so many young people have little access to school and social places. Youths only opt to go into early marriages where the story of poverty takes another turn. Duku Skills & Fund Empowerment steps in and the narrative changes schools are made accessible, and youths are provided with essentials a turnaround comes upon a village creativity and productivity saturates areas then poverty is gone at that instance.

  • Tracy is gone

  • child malnutrition

  • "Oh, she is bleeding!" yelled Mary
    "Give her a towel" said her mother

  • Cries of children echo across the valley.
    Mama Zafy tears up. “Cries of sickness
    have turned to cries of joy from healthy families.”

  • You do a great job of switching from one emotion to another in the middle!

  • Very powerful!!

  • A "Burger"

    But turned a Beggar

    All to make their old age Better.


  • "it's 12am and my 5th birthday"
    "oh Mummy will not be getting me any presents, she said there is no money"

  • Adorned on bridal jewelries, she took her life. #childmarriage

  • Core positive messages:

    fearful (opening) - happy (ending)

    Her eyes were blurry and the road ahead looked bleak. A ray of light comes saying "don't be afraid"

    Then a smile spread across her sweet cheeks

  • The time is running, he hesitance to pull the trigger
    He took a deep breath
    "I had to shoot it now", he tought.

    Everyone shook!

    He's now the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Gold Medal of Shooting
    #Shootyourshot #Theolympic2020

  • A young girl looks up at the sky, defeated.

    "Congratulations, you did it!" exclaimed the supervisor.

    Proud, she had confidence in herself to create the life she wanted to live. #WomanEmpowerment

  • A girl with a passion for education
    She faces challenges as she strives to learn
    With support from our program, she now thrives #EmpowerHerEducation

  • Grown gibbon Chung-ruth can no longer stay in his parents’ territory
    With only a few released gibbons and their offspring in Angkor, how will he find a partner?
    Captured and released into lady A-ping’s territory, he now has a chance at love


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