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  • I was volunteer for the social event that doing charity for Orphan. We prepare the food for orphan breakfasting and we prepared it all by our self with help from the sponsor. We do the charity to collect the food for breakfasting menu. And we create the event with praying together and zakad.
    One of the orphan not be able to walk, she is difabel. Her spirit touched whoever seen her. She is full of patient and just like other kids she also like to play. Her condition didn’t make her feel inferiority, instead she feel confident with it. She sits beside her friends and playing the games that we do on that event. She also active by showing the enthusiast of her when the game start. She look like someone who has loved by others because she is cheerfull and can be the source of other’s happiness. By her condition, she motivates other.
    The sun getting really low and we all have to go home, it’s sad for us to say bye to those happy kids. But we learn a lot from them in the end of the day. We feel like a new born human being after witness all those happiness in those kids’s eyes.

  • "It's your fault wearing clothes like that!", Her father said.
    She sat in silence and sobbed in the corner of the room.

    Luna, 16, was almost raped by street thugs. #SexualHarassmentMustBeStop

  • Vina is wearing a proper clothes and makeup to start a class in the morning.
    "Let's join the class, hereby i put the zoom link", said her lecturer.

  • In the midst of a bitter winter, Salim*, age 2, tries to stay warm at a refugee camp near the Syrian border. With temperatures nearing sub-zero, Salim will face this brutal winter in a snow-covered tent with only the clothes on his back to keep warm.

    The cold days are long, but the nights are always longer for Salim. When the sun goes down, the temperature drops, and he can feel the freezing air against his cheeks. He shivers to keep his body warm but with no blanket he has nothing to protect him from the cold air breezing through the tent. He is one of many children fighting to survive the winter in a refugee camp, and as the conditions turn treacherous, he is in desperate need of warm clothes, blankets and food.

    Children are the most vulnerable in refugee camps. They have been taken away from their homes, schools, friends and families, and have been forced to start new lives in strange environments. Save the Children is on the ground year round, providing the basics – like food and blankets – offering programs to help them cope with tragedy. We have also established temporary learning centers where children can continue their education in safe and quality learning centers. With your help children like Salim can get the supplies he needs to survive the winter, receive an education and learn to be a kid again.

  • On the boulevard, choked and congested, horns honking, the cars inch forward.
    Traffic is the great equalizer.
    Except for the woman cycling home from work, whizzing along the wide open cycle lane, with a smile and a ring of her bell for every car she passes.

    1 Reply
  • Fight With Instinct

    When hope is not in accordance with the desired plan, arranging life neatly but reality always says something else, plus the two haunting views seem to give way with different perspectives from one another. A mindset that departs from feelings and and a mindset based on the understanding of human logic, when making choices, it is not uncommon for two of these human thought patterns to give me a dilemma effect when making choices as if I were "Fighting With Instincts".

    It's hard, it's a lot of energy, but that's what happened. Have a person who hates ego, and is more concerned with social things that are closely related to religion. Sometimes this makes it more difficult to decide which choice to make. Have you ever found it difficult to give choices for your life, or felt a dilemma when deciding which path to take. Simply put, every human being must pass through this phase, but not a few of them end up with dishonorable deeds, such as endangering themselves by choosing to end their life or not at least, many people will run to negative things, this can be concern for me.

  • When hope is not in accordance with the desired plan, arranging life neatly but reality always says something else, plus the two haunting views seem to give way with different perspectives from one another. A mindset that departs from feelings and and a mindset based on the understanding of human logic, when making choices, it is not uncommon for two of these human thought patterns to give me a dilemma effect when making choices as if I were "Fighting With Instincts".

    It's hard, it's a lot of energy, but that's what happened. Have a person who hates ego, and is more concerned with social things that are closely related to religion. Sometimes this makes it more difficult to decide which choice to make. Have you ever found it difficult to give choices for your life, or felt a dilemma when deciding which path to take. Simply put, every human being must pass through this phase, but not a few of them end up with dishonorable deeds, such as endangering themselves by choosing to end their life or not at least, many humans will run to things that smell negative, and are vulnerable to endangering people.

    When hope is not in accordance with the desired plan, arranging life neatly but reality always says something else, plus the two haunting views seem to give way with different perspectives from one another. A mindset that departs from feelings and and a mindset based on the understanding of human logic, when making choices, it is not uncommon for two of these human thought patterns to give me a dilemma effect when making choices as if I were "Fighting With Instincts".
    It's hard, it's a lot of energy, but that's what happened. Have a person who hates ego, and is more concerned with social things that are closely related to religion. Sometimes this makes it more difficult to decide which choice to make. Have you ever found it difficult to give choices for your life, or felt a dilemma when deciding which path to take. Simply put, every human being must pass through this phase, but not a few of them end up with dishonorable deeds, such as endangering themselves by choosing to end their life or not at least, many humans will run to things that smell negative, and are vulnerable to endangering people.

  • Furious that dad sent her out to work at 14
    Knowing how important education is
    Thrilled to receive a sponsorship

  • Furious that dad sent her to work at 14

    Knowing how important education is

    Thrilled to receive sponsorship


  • Furious that dad sent her to work at 14

    Knowing how important education is

    Thrilled to receive sponsorship


  • Furious that dad had snet her to work at 14
    Knowing how important education is
    Thilled to receive sponsorship


  • Furious that dad had snet her to work at 14
    Knowing how important education is
    Thilled to receive sponsorship


  • Furious that dad sent her to work at 14
    Knowing how important education is
    Thrilled to receive an education sponsorship

    #educationbreaksthe povertycycle

  • A little bird flies desperately round as her chick struggles weakly on the ground.

    A new threat approaches.

    Gently the chick is placed safely in the nest and the hiker walks on. #ProtectBirds

  • Rainbow colors are a God-given miracle
    Make rainbow colors color your life today and your future #Livecolor#Futurecolor

  • Work hard for your family & loved ones
    It’s them alone you live for.
    But then again, isn’t experiencing what others feel when in pain greater
    #volunteering is the command of liberally serving others in distress.
    Be a #volunteer today

  • Over the years, our lives always changing in many ways. We can not predict what will happen later in the future or set the future, it is impossible. That is the reason why people always trying hard to live a better life. For example everybody’s salary is all different there are super high income, high income, average income, low income and super low income that determine their lives. We worry the low and super low income can not fulfill their life and family. So many poverty caused by the income and we must see the midway so that everyone every children can live nicely. They said the world is full of suffering, that’s right there’s no such thing as easy ways. Children with no future is terrible, and it is the worst that will happen in every country, people are so mad with the situation but can do nothing! People forget and neglect the poor children. But our organization is the contrast! We never neglect those children, those who forget just saying those who cares but in a secret way, people have hearts actually. Our organization always gather and raise them poor children into the best future they ever dream! Together we can rise and powerful for the future.
    #childeducation #poverty #raising

  • nice suit baba, you look so handsome.

    I remmebered those words after the cars accident, our baba left us because the lack of hospitals in our twon.

  • plan a roadtrip with your loved ones, enjoy the moment you will not forget and see the breathtaking scenery
    #addingmilescreatingsmiles #atripthatlastforever

  • good job dude

  • "No, no, no!! This can't be happening!" I said as hundreds of notification went through my Instagram.

    "No, no, no!! This can't be happening!" she said as hundreds of notification went through her Instagram.

    In just 10 minutes, she received hundreds of order, most she ever got since starting her business.

    2 Replies
  • I think an example of work that has an impact on social life is volunteering. Can volunteer anything, for example, volunteer for natural disasters. They volunteered to help the victims, sleeping in whatever space they were okay with. This organization really needs to be appreciated because they are #HELPEACHOTHER with their very sincere hearts.

  • Robin is a 25 year old man who is working at a well-known oil company. He's a professional working person and has a good reputation. Robin life looks like a dream to most people.

    Every day he always looks happy and excited. Everyday everyone asks him what makes him happy.
    Little did they know, Robin is only good at acting. Every night he always had trouble sleeping and was always lost in thoughts.

    "Am I happy? Who am I? Am I making the right choice? Am I living the life I want to live? What is my life purpose?"

  • Running on the pitch, keeping the ball under control, controlling his breath, waiting for the perfect moment to shoot... and suddenly the ball was in the net and his teammates hugging him, beaming.

    He kept playing this scene in his head to fight the fear while he went down in the mines.


  • Running on the pitch, keeping the ball under control, controlling his breath, waiting for the perfect moment to shoot... and suddenly the ball was in the net and his teammates hugging him, beaming.

    He kept playing this scene in his head to fight the fear while he went down in the mines.


  • Very powerful

  • "That's my hero!" said andrew with his happy face like it's the best day of his life.


    "SOMEBODY HELP OH MY GOD THE HERO KILLED HIM" Mickey shouted seeing andrew lifeless overdose. #DrugsKills

  • I feel that this chapter is great

  • He happily slumps on the sofa after a hard days work.
    He grabs the remote and turns on the TV
    Sports Channel – Black screen
    News Channel – Black screen
    Internet TV – Black screen
    His heart starts to race, he breaks into a sweat
    As he slowly comes to the realization that every channel is blank
    What good is a screen without your favourite show?
    Where did you think all those shows came from?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

    No light
    No Cameras
    No Action
    No screens
    Who would eat popcorn?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

  • He happily slumps on the sofa after a hard days work.
    He grabs the remote and turns on the TV
    Sports Channel – Black screen
    News Channel – Black screen
    Internet TV – Black screen
    His heart starts to race, he breaks into a sweat
    As he slowly comes to the realization that every channel is blank
    What good is a screen without your favourite show?
    Where did you think all those shows came from?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

  • No light
    No Cameras
    No Action
    No screens
    Who would eat popcorn?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

  • The Covid 19 pandemic is increasingly widespread in all places, even everyone, let's protect the people we care about by adhering to health protocols and keeping our distance when they are outside

  • @AlisonNgibuini said in Module 5: Post your Super Short Stories:

    No light
    No Cameras
    No Action
    No screens
    Who would eat popcorn?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

    Thats good story

    • “I can feel it. This is going to be another worthless appointment…maybe they can help my Yohan and his hearing…what is taking that woman so long?!…”
    • “Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting, I was getting ready the papers so that Yohan can start his treatment…”
    • “I’m going to be able to sleep tonight…”
  • all she can hear is a hearbeat, thumping like crazy
    only one day later, she cant hear her heartbeat again.

  • While they placed their hands over each others' ears the familiar voice said: "Sing your song and smile!".
    While they sang, a loud bang made them shut their eyes because they had come to collect their father.

    #children'sRights #stopdrugs #liferesourcesforchildren

  • While they covered each others ears with their hands, the only voice they new said: Sing your song and smile!

    Whilst they sang, a loud bang on the door made them cry, for they new they had come to collect their father.

    #childrenRights #stopdrugs #resourcesforChildren #protectthem

  • While they covered each others ears with their hands, the only voice they new said: Sing your song and smile!

    Whilst they sang, a loud bang on the door made them cry, for they new they had come to collect their father.

    #childrenRights #stopdrugs #resourcesforChildren

  • I turn 10 tomorrow Maryam said smiling shyly.

    The social worker smiled back.

    I picked extra 10 fruits so my siblings can have lunch for the first time this year.


    1 Reply
  • how i wish i can roll back the hand of time, and make things right just as they should be. but am still grateful and happy that all the same i was able to create a decent situation from it,its could have been worst and its might have been better but still same,its went as the situation has presented itself and am thankful.

  • He was ripped from his family, caged without hope
    Then came joyful liberation and rehabilitation
    Finally he was released back into the wild to #flyfreeforever

  • I totally get this - the freedom of movement in amongsth the stationary traffic. Lovely!

    @AlisonNgibuini said in Module 5: Post your Super Short Stories:

    He happily slumps on the sofa after a hard days work.
    He grabs the remote and turns on the TV
    Sports Channel – Black screen
    News Channel – Black screen
    Internet TV – Black screen
    His heart starts to race, he breaks into a sweat
    As he slowly comes to the realization that every channel is blank
    What good is a screen without your favourite show?
    Where did you think all those shows came from?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm

    @AlisonNgibuini said in Module 5: Post your Super Short Stories:

    He happily slumps on the sofa after a hard days work.
    He grabs the remote and turns on the TV
    Sports Channel – Black screen
    News Channel – Black screen
    Internet TV – Black screen
    His heart starts to race, he breaks into a sweat
    As he slowly comes to the realization that every channel is blank
    What good is a screen without your favourite show?
    Where did you think all those shows came from?
    Invest in film
    Create meaningful jobs & livelihoods for thousands of unemployed young people.
    #jobsinfilm #investinfilm
    I like this! Great imagery. imagine if all entertainment disappeared from our screens. oh the tradgedy! Excellent work!

  • The life was too sweet for the whole family.
    And in the heat of the night...Guns shot, horror, exploitation.

  • 59 seconds left on the clock
    Guarded by one of the best
    "This is it" he thought

    A few moments later
    He ended a city's 52 years championship drought

  • “Honey, that backpack is too expensive, mommy has to pay rent”
    “Mommy why can’t we just build our OWN house?”
    The boy packs his backpack, smiling in the home his mom finally owns.

  • The vulnerable lack schools in the Camp.





  • Another one again?
    He stared hard at the blank piece of paper in front of him with a big circle in red oblivious of the penetrating stares. Identified and exempted he joins a class of lesser number who were taken on a thorough journey of their weakness. Until the red ink turned to another colour taking shape of the figures scribbled on it. Eventually there was no red circle and only double whole numbers. This time patience accounts for more thorough details and success is lightning.
    Yes he had changed every ones perception of him by graduating with flying colours.

    #Winning #Dyslexia

  • Lorraine happiness was enormous this morning: she finally got the job! She was so excited!
    But wait? Why is she crying now? Lorraine lost her opportunity at the very last minute because she is not tech-savvy, and she couldn’t attend the Online Training before starting her first shift.
    She sadly withdrew her job application. #Techsupport

  • She inhaled sharply as she looked at her exam results.

    She had passed!

    But she was clueless on what she should study or do next.

  • Jose age 14 heard the sharp sound of the table saw! Jose saw the sharp teeth of the cutting blade, Jose was scared as as his soft skinned hands came near the blade. Jose pushed the wood slowly into the sharp blade. Jose had learned to use the table saw safely , Jose was so happy to get over his fear and cut his first piece of wood under careful eyes on his teacher , Making his first cut of wood to build a bird house. Jose feels more confidence attending school at Have Hammer will Travel A.C. Woodworking and CAD school.

  • Monica age 15 heard the loud noise of wood being cut and was scared. She looked at her soft skin on her hands. Monica like having ten fingers. It was her turn to cut a piece of wood on the table saw. She slowly follows the teacher instructions. Monica learned to cut a piece woof to build her step stool. Monica happy now she decided to take the opportunity to learn how to use tools and learn life skills at Have Hammer Will Travel A.C. Woodworking and CAD school

  • good story, gets message across

  • Aisha eyes beamed with joy as she stepped out to the stage to receive her award. Her principal proudly put her hands over her shoulder. She was the best graduating student in her class. She wished her parents were here to see this. She couldn’t wait to get into Junior Secondary School.

    “Here she is,” Aisha’s father declared excitedly as she steps into the compound. “She will make you a good wife.” Aisha hands trembled as she managed to hold on to her award. Tears welled up in her eyes as she beheld the aged man of about 60 years who would soon be her husband. “So, how much are you going to pay for her?” Her father asked greedily.
    Aisha sits outside in the cold, with her protruded tommy, locked out of her husband’s house. Fresh wounds and marks of beatings showing all over her body. This was not the life she dreamt of at 14 years of age. Worse, she feared for her baby.


  • Ade was found by our organization on a street in Lagos Nigeria. She ran out of the house because she was accused of stealing and she actually stole because her parents could not afford to feed her well and also send her to a good school.
    With all that happened we decided to enroll Ade in school, more children like Ade are not in school. We've decided that we will go on the street check for more children who might have the same story as Ade and enroll them in school, so they can be productive for themselves and the nation at large.
    After we engage on the street search to look for more children on the street we discovered that there are more children like Ade who are not in school, some are even sent out of the house by their parents/guardian, while some ran away from home because of maltreatment and some dreadful accusations.
    A child who is not in school can't be productive for his/herself and the country at large. The children being on the street they are prone to attacks from robbers, kidnappers and a female child being on the street has the risk of being raped or molested.
    We the way we've sourced for donor and we've gotten responses and donations from them, we've been able to send some of the children back to school, including Ade. They are all happy now, and they hyave a hope for their future.

  • Oh, death, why have you covered me with your merciless arm, that my morning is filled with the flood of darkness from your wide throat? So, I will never become a medical doctor again? Samuel Ulaka, 17 years old, and SS3 boy lamented as his only source and hope of education was laid to rest.
    Wow! It is a heavy downpour; the flood is overwhelming!
    Flickers of Hope Foundation offered Samuel University study scholarship to study Medicine in Nigeria.

  • Oh, death, why have you covered me with your merciless arm, that my morning is filled with the flood of darkness from your wide throat? So, I will never become a medical doctor again? Samuel Ulaka, 17 years old, and SS3 boy lamented as his only source and hope of education was laid to rest.
    Wow! It is a heavy downpour; the flood is overwhelming!
    Flickers of Hope Foundation offered Samuel University study scholarship to study Medicine in Nigeria.

  • Oh, death, why have you covered me with your merciless arm, that my morning is filled with the flood of darkness from your wide throat? So, I will never become a medical doctor again? Samuel Ulaka, 17 years old, and SS3 boy lamented as his only source and hope of education was laid to rest.
    Wow! It is a heavy downpour; the flood is overwhelming!
    Flickers of Hope Foundation offered Samuel University study scholarship to study Medicine in Nigeria.

  • Watching the kites in the air so high up with her grandkids filled with love and laughter,
    -One moment after... door closes
    All alone, by herself. #LoveforElders

  • Nilanthi struggled to focus on her education. Poverty kept her hungry & unable to focus on her studies.

    Receiving the student scholarship meant she did not have to worry about buying school supplies & having a healthy meal anymore. #Becomeasponsor

  • He said, "shhhh..."
    His hands rubbed her butt while he kissed her. He was super quiet and careful.

    Mummy yelled: "Adola, where are you?"

    Uncle pushed her away like a damaged 4 years old doll.

    #ChildAbuse #ChildSex #SayNoToChildAbuse

  • confused and definitely uncertain spells how shalewa entered into SS3 today she is excited to be one of 20 girls studying engineering at FUTMINNA #QLYCN

  • Nicelly done!

  • Oops away from family last 12 months and feeling lonely,
    Pack a bag and book the bus tickets from mobile
    Sajilo yatra offer hassle free booking from your mobile.

  • "What are you doing, this is not how you should do it", the manger yelled at the trainee.

    She felt miserable and worthless, being yelled at
    The trainee quickly left work and created her business.

  • Before, every morning, I was walking to the water well.
    Today, every morning, I pack my bag to go to school.
    #AVSI#Education#Distance Support

  • She looked down nervously on the desk.

    ‘Stand up and answer the question’, screamed the teacher.

    To his surprise, the girl gave the definition of photosynthesis correctly.


  • [voice over while showing farmlands and farmers working]

    In Ghana, Abigail Kyiriw is one of the 2,000 organic farmers who need to be served with information and resources. This means that many organic farmers go about their farming activities with little guidance, support and insight into best practices that will increase their productivity and efficiency.

    [voice over and focus on Abigail while talking]

    Despite her industry, Abigail says, "Farming is a very demanding trade and farmers need all the support we can get to be successful in this space. Markets change, practices get advanced and now the weather patterns are also changing. It’s October and rains are as heavy as they were in June."

    [voice over while showing illegal farm inputs and farmers]

    Aside from the limited guidance that farmers receive, farmers have to deal with the risk of buying fake inputs I.e unapproved and smuggled fertilizers and insecticides. The seasonality of their crops also means farmers may not have enough money throughout the year to purchase quality inputs.

    [voice over while showing field officers training in different training sessions]

    Our field officers conduct weekly community-based workshops to train farmers on improved farming practices and better business practices. All direct farmer training sessions are reinforced with agronomic and business tips through digital mediums such as voice calls and talking books. All lessons and contents are delivered in farmers’ local language in order to bridge the illiteracy gap.

    [voice over while showing new training location and texts on the screen]

    Be a part of the organic farming revolution. Register for our next organic farming workshop in partnership with USAID Missions for Economic Growth.

    [closure: on-screen texts]

    •Sign up NOW for our organic farming workshop

    •Donate to our micro-loan purse for struggling organic farmers

    •Shop our store for organic food and beverages

    •Volunteer to be a part of our field officers

    •Invite friends to join the organic farming workshop

    •Sign the petition against unapproved and smuggled fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides

  • Nilanthi is hungry & desperate, luckily she was awarded a scholarship. #sponsorastudent.

  • Following the pain and struggle of the less privileged kids.

    Aderajon showed empathy through volunteering

    Now, the children are happy because someone cares for them.
    #showlove #careforlessprivilegedchildren

  • Following the pain and struggle of the less privileged kids.

    Aderajon showed empathy through volunteering

    Now, the children are happy because someone cares for them.
    #showlove #careforlessprivilegedchildren

  • Praam!! She tore the first side of the biggest parcel with a smile

    "Drop that" screamed her husband.

    She quickly dropped it and picked up the smallest.

    15 seconds later, her face lit up as she found the neckpiece she had being eyeing on friend.


  • Praam!!! She tore the first part of the biggest parcel wrap with a smile.

    "Drop that" screamed her husband.

    Quickly she dropped it and picked the smallest of the parcels.

    Settled in her eyes is a cloud that might rain silently in few minutes but..

    The lit in her face could compete with 20 street lights simultaneously coming on as she found the neckpiece she had been eyeing on her friends neck.


  • a Lady said "it will be much easier"
    when the olympic started.
    and then she make it

  • American : I love soccer

    Rest of the world : Excuse me?


  • Thief! Thief! she watched her friend being flogged and bleeding before her eyes. If only they knew that he grabbed that piece of cake because of starving for 4 good days, life as a street child is a nightmare.

    luckily the police on patrol came in time and he was saved from the mob.

    1 Reply
  • "I am honored to finally meet you" He said. She blushed and made to speak.
    Oh no, it's happening again - the words were stuck. She fled.

    1 Reply
  • Struggling to breath.
    'Next in line' shouts the interviewer.

    Good luck.


  • It was in plain sight. Bold and legible to be seen. He read through with excitement, hoping to catch a message that resonates.
    Disappointed, he closed the tabs and surrendered to ignorance.

  • Goblis Foundation is registered as a Non-Profit Entity and is responding to the dual crises of youth unemployment and climate change by creating an enabling environment to inspire hope under which young people from vulnerable and underserved background can act on their own behalf to uplift themselves and their communities from poverty.

    We are a youth empowerment and development organization on a mission to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of young people living in vulnerable and underserved communities in Kenya. Founded in the year 2018 on a model of community ownership, we take an innovative approach to community empowerment with a purpose to drive the renewal of the young people from underserved communities in Kenya so that future generations may thrive.

    This community-led approach has led to the empowerment of community social entrepreneurs by participating in sustainable projects that contribute to the quality of life and independence of individuals and communities. In doing so, the young people will rise up and take the first step into a hope-filled future to improve their quality of life through system-shifting impacts their communities.

  • I couldn't read or write a year ago.
    This is my story as written by me.

    1 Reply
  • This struck me as very meaningful- the child is proud that they can help their family.

  • Imagine you wake up each morning and don't have what to eat as a pregnant woman? This is the case of Binta who stays in a rural community where she lost her husband when she was a month pregnant, and will have to look for menial Job to do each day to feed herself and her 2 children.
    As an organization we assisted in teaching her and other women how to make liquid soap and other hand work that will fetch them income in the community they live. We realized there are many Binta's in the community! The women developed and helped other to high level of sustainability both financially and Healthy living.
    #Healthyliving #financiallyindependent

  • Oh Febuary 14th!!
    It's that time of the year again. So many babies are being conceived.
    In a few months from now, families will welcome the premature death of their little adolecent girls whom, out of fear decided to seek the expertise of an incompetent medicine man.


  • Wow so short and beautiful. It definitely made me smile

  • Hahaha. Great job!!

  • "I am sorry I think she is dead, I killed her, I swear I did'nt mean to" she said in a trembling voice
    "How did you find my gun?" he cried.
    as he walked towards her in tears, Betty had killed her younger sister thinking the gun was a toy.

  • The flood came in the middle of the night
    But they'd prepared their response
    Nobody died. #DisasterPreparedness

    1 Reply
  • I'll be a teacher when I grow said Peace to her younger brother Alfred
    and I will become a doctor replied Alfred.
    This will remain a dream for these poor rural children.

  • Happy endings do exist.
    Just not for thalassemia children.

    1 Reply
  • 'Ugh! another day without sales,' John supposed

    And then, phone rings

    John smiled and immediately went to work on delivering the next 12 orders


    1 Reply
  • After the death of her parents, the 16 year-old girl was lonely, lethargic and no longer had a "spark" that lit everything up around her.
    And then she walked into The Power Project.
    She felt that spark ignite once again and for the first time in a long time had hope.
    #powerproject #hopeforteens

  • Great tiny tale!

  • Excellent tiny tale!

  • She is a friendly soul

    a loud cry...

    Came crying with blood all over her skirt.

  • 150 years ago, people who believed that humans flying through the air would become possible, were considered illogical unrealistic dreamers. Flying has been always possible, throughout history. We just did not manage to put things together in a certain order to allow us to fly.

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