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  • Targets too high or too low. Sometimes donors expect targets are too high than budget available and community needs.

  • I would say a target is unrealistic when we are gunning for a target that we are not adequately resourced for, or maybe pursuing something that is clearly out of our reach. It's also possible that the target is not measurable.

  • Unrealistic targets is a result that one is trying to achieve or one did not know the truth about the situation especially about the difficulties involves in achieving the set goal. There are 4 ways to handle unrealistic target;

    1. Adjust your approach
    2. Assess your working practices
    3. speak up and
      4 Don't panic
      this is my own view on unrealistic target.
  • Unrealistic target is a result that one does know the difficulties involves in achieving the set target.
    There are 4 ways to handle unrealistic target:

    1. Assess your working practices.
    2. Speak up
    3. Adjust your approach and
    4. Don't panic
      This is my own on view unrealistic target.
  • It is imperative to be realistic in setting ones target, most often the expected output maybe tally with the input.

  • In the Anza Mapema Project, the unrealistic targets we were to overcome before point a figure to understand includes below:
    1.To converse unharmoniously to the clients we had could make the project not to reach the level we expected since no staff had not learnt the confidentiality acts yet.
    2.Not having enough funds for a project to run till an expected time was due to lack of negotiations and provision of enough project proposals with the donors and sponsors willing until we recognized of such influential deeds.
    3.Equipment kits and terms could fully be over and to reach the project was to take time since the commodities were ordered late .So, we realized that before the project had to fall during the heavy collision between the projects and the clients.
    4.The number of test results were found to be late as unexpected by every client tested thus it had to reach a point to lose most participants before an apology was to be sent to everyone affected in the study.

  • Unrealistic targets never bring about good fruits althrough the project.

  • unrealistic targets can mean that one doesn't recognize the truth about a situation. this can talk to target that are unreasonable in an environment that doesnt have all the indicators for the is a situation that can prevent the target given to be acheived

  • Our indicators must be smart, that is specific, measurable attainable realistic and time bound!

  • Logique d’intervention Indicateur objectivement vérifiable Moyens de vérification Hypothèses critiques
    Objectif général
    projet de formation et de sensibilisation à un taux de 80% des détenteurs des motos aux risques qu’ils en courent de 2022à 2025

    • Quelles motos répondent aux normes de sécurité
    • La majorité sont des motos manquent réellement de suivi et d’entretien
    • Les documents administratifs des motos sont dans l’ignorance total - Fiche d’inspection de la police de la ville
    • Certificats de fin de formation

    Objectifs spécifiques :

    • Garantir le confort aux passagers des motos ;
    • Créations d’emplois profitable aux jeunes de sorte à réduire les attroupements des syndicats dans ces gares;
    • Professionnaliser l’activité de transport de la moto.
    • Le nombre de places assises dans sur les motos sont respectées
    • Emplois durables sont créés pour les jeunes dans ce milieu.
    • 90% des propriétaires ont obtenu des registres de commerce et sont titulaires de compte contribuable
    • Rapport de la police de la ville
    • 16 contrats de travail signés
    • Les motos sont immatriculées - Tous les détenteurs de motos sont formés aux techniques de conduite et du code de la route
      Résultats attendus :
    1. les besoins de formation sont définis

    2. les propriétaires des motos adhèrent au projet

    3. le personnel propriétaire est formé au code de la route et ont obtenu les documents nécessaires pour leur moto.

    4. Bon nombre de moto respectent désormais aux normes du code de la route.

    5.-Bon nombre de moto sont dotés de documents administratifs

    • 03 modules de formation sont définis
    • 90% des propriétaires adhèrent au projet
    • 80% du personnel est formé

     75% des motos sont réparées et ont passé la visite technique de moto

     100% des motos sont dotés de documents administratifs - Fiches techniques des modules de formation

    • PV de réunion
    • Certificats de fin de formation
    • Rapport d’inspection de la police de la ville
    • Rapport de restitution des travaux Sensibilisation des propriétaires et personnels détenteur de moto
      Activités 1: analyser les besoins de formation et établir la liste nominative des participants
      Activité 1.1 : Rencontrer les autorités la communauté autochtone et allogène traditionnelle et moderne
      Activité 1.2 : Identifier et tenir des séances de travail avec les propriétaires des motos;

    Activité 1.3 : faire la liste exhaustive du personnel détenteur de moto des différentes gares ;
    Activité 1.4: définir les besoins de formation du personnel des propriétaires des motos ;

    Activité 1.5 : tenir des séances de travail avec le personnel des motos ;

    Activité 2 : Rédiger la fiche technique des modules de formation
    Activité 2.1 : rédiger le contexte et la justification ;
    Activité 2.2 : définir les objectifs (général et spécifiques) ;
    Activité 2.3 : définir la cible et la durée de la formation ;
    Activité 2.4 : définir la méthode pédagogique
    Activité 2.5 : établir le budget prévisionnel

    Activité 3 : Sélectionner le cabinet de formation et assurer l’organisation de la diffusion des sessions de formation
    Activité 3.1 : Rédiger les TDR
    Activité 3.2 : Lancer l’appel d’offre
    Activité 4.1 : préparer les kits de formation ;
    Activité 4.2 : établir le calendrier de formation ;
    Activité 4.3: choisir le site de la formation ;
    Activité 4.4 : organiser les déplacements des bénéficiaires ;
    Activité 4.5 : Prévoir la restauration et la pause-café ;

    Activité 5 : veiller à la diffusion des sessions de formation et à l’évaluation
    Activité 5.1 : veiller à la diffusion des sessions de formation ;
    Activité 5.2 : veiller à l’évaluation quotidienne et finale de la formation ;
    Activité 5.3 : valider le rapport final.
    Activité 6.Organiser une cérémonie de remise d’attestations de fin de formation

    • 70% de la communauté autochtone et allogène traditionnelle et moderne ont pris part aux différentes séances de travail et adhèrent au projet

    • 95% propriétaires de moto ont pris part aux différentes séances de travail et adhèrent au projet

    • La liste nominative de tout le personnel contractuel intervenant dans le transport de pinasse à la gare lagunaire d’Abobo-Doumé est établie

    • 03 séances de travail sont tenues avec les différentes catégories de de moto: les conducteurs principaux, et les mécaniciens de ces motos

     La fiche technique de la formation et le cahier de charges sont élaborés

     Le cabinet en charge de la diffusion des sessions de formation est sélectionné

     03 modules de formation sont identifiés

     98% des bénéficiaires sont formés aux au code de la route

     La formation est évaluée

     Les attestations de fin de formation sont distribuées

    • PV de réunion et liste de présence

    • PV de réunion et liste de présence
       Rapport d’enquête

     Rapport d’activités et liste de présence

    • Convention de partenariat signé

     Rapports d’activités et de fin de formation

     Rapport d’évaluation

     Press-book

    Disponibilité des ressources humaines, matérielles et financières

  • Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicator Means of verification Critical assumptions
    Main objective
    training and awareness project at a rate of 80% of motorcycle owners at the risks they run from 2022 to 2025

    • Which motorcycles meet the safety standards
    • The majority of motorcycles really lack follow-up and maintenance
    • Administrative documents for motorcycles are in total ignorance - City police inspection sheet
    • End of training certificates

    Specific objectives :

    • Guarantee the comfort of motorcycle passengers;
    • Job creation beneficial to young people so as to reduce union gatherings in these stations;
    • Professionalize the motorcycle transport activity.
    • The number of seats in the motorcycles are respected
    • Sustainable jobs are created for young people in this environment.
    • 90% of owners have obtained trade registers and hold a taxpayer account
    • City police report
    • 16 signed employment contracts
    • Motorcycles are registered - All motorcycle owners are trained in driving techniques and the highway code
      Expected results : needs are defined
    1. the owners of the motorcycles adhere to the project

    2. the owner staff are trained in the rules of the road and have obtained the necessary documents for their motorcycle.

    3. Many motorcycles now meet the standards of the highway code.

    5.-Many motorcycles have administrative documents

    • 03 training modules are defined
    • 90% of owners support the project
    • 80% of staff are trained

     75% of motorcycles are repaired and have passed the motorcycle technical inspection

     100% of motorcycles are provided with administrative documents - Technical sheets of training modules

    • meeting minutes
    • End of training certificates
    • City police inspection report
    • Work restitution report Sensitization of owners and personnel with motorbikes
      Activities 1: analyze training needs and establish a list of names of participants
      Activity 1.1: Meet the authorities with the traditional and modern indigenous and non-native community
      Activity 1.2: Identify and hold working sessions with motorcycle owners;

    Activity 1.3: make an exhaustive list of the personnel holding motorcycles from the various stations;
    Activity 1.4: define the training needs of motorcycle owner staff;

    Activity 1.5: hold working sessions with motorcycle staff;

    Activity 2: Write the technical sheet for the training modules
    Activity 2.1: write the context and the rationale;
    Activity 2.2: define the objectives (general and specific);
    Activity 2.3: define the target and the duration of the training;
    Activity 2.4: define the teaching method
    Activity 2.5: establish the provisional budget

    Activity 3: Select the training firm and ensure the organization of the dissemination of training sessions
    Activity 3.1: Write ToRs
    Activity 3.2: Launch the call for tenders
    Activity 4.1: prepare training kits;
    Activity 4.2: establish the training schedule;
    Activity 4.3: choose the training site;
    Activity 4.4: organize travel for beneficiaries;
    Activity 4.5: Plan meals and a coffee break;

    Activity 5: ensure the dissemination of training sessions and evaluation
    Activity 5.1: ensure the dissemination of training sessions;
    Activity 5.2: ensure the daily and final evaluation of the training;
    Activity 5.3: validate the final report.
    Activity 6: Organize an end-of-training certification ceremony

    • 70% of the indigenous and allogeneic traditional and modern community took part in the various working sessions and adhere to the project

    • 95% motorcycle owners have taken part in the various work sessions and support the project

    • The list of names of all contractual staff involved in the transport of pinnace to the Abobo-Doumé lagoon station is established

    • 03 working sessions are held with the different categories of motorcycle: the main drivers, and the mechanics of these motorcycles

     The technical sheet for the training and the specifications are drawn up

     The firm in charge of distributing the training sessions is selected

     03 training modules are identified

     98% of beneficiaries are trained in traffic regulations

     The training is evaluated

     End of training certificates are distributed

    • Meeting minutes and attendance list

    • Meeting minutes and attendance list
       Investigation report

     Activity report and attendance list

    • Partnership agreement signed

     Activity and end of training reports

     Evaluation report

     Press-book

    Availability of human, material and financial resources

  • If any organization is setting unrealistic targets, it will face harsh impossibility of reaching the targets in real. Therefore, I think the targets, no matter what, should be realistic in any case otherwise it will be equivalent to thinking that an airplane takes a round of whole world just in one second.

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that may be over ambitious and therefore not achievable within the scope of the projects. This may be as a result of resources or other input factors at the time of the project implementation.

  • **

    • Type of indicators
      Input indicators. These indicators refer to the resources needed for the implementation of an activity or intervention. ...
      Process and output indicators. Process indicators refer to indicators to measure whether planned activities took place. ...
      Outcome indicators. ...
      Impact indicators.
  • f you set excessively unrealistic goals, you set yourself up for disappointment. ... Not reaching goals results in negative emotions: disappointment, frustration, and feeling like a failure. It also makes you more likely to quit, be even less healthy, and claim that your genetics make success impossible

  • These are the objectives that do not fit with the realistic vision of the project

  • Unrealistic Target can be realistic or unrealistic depend with the source of infomation and plan you have from the begining.

  • Unrealistic targets may jeopardize our projects in the future hence there's a need to make sure that we are careful when choosing our indicators.

  • Setting targets can be tricky. If we are feeling optimistic, we may set targets too high. Likewise, if we are feeling pessimistic, we may set our targets too low. To set targets like an M&E expert, we will need to use data, not feelings, to set targets. This will ensure that we are not letting our biases or assumptions influence our decisions.

  • What you can do depends on your budget.

  • Like any other targets, project target should be based on clear rational and research point of view. Other wise we may fall in an ocean with no direction. Targets should also based on "SMART" formula like objectives. IN my understanding if the objectives are not clear then the target will follow same way.

  • the indicators should be SMART . the realistic criteria is very important so we can measure the indicator

  • Unrealistic target occurs when we do not have enough information from our baseline, as well as they do not review the literature and other project results. Maybe the donor have an ambitious target.

  • these are targets that can be achieved easily.
    2030, we shall have no hiv aids in our country

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic targets lead to poor executed work

  • I think if stakeholders expectations are far above those based on research, trends, etc. it is ideal to start the conversation early to a manage their expectations. But to do so, you will need to do extensive research to support your point of view.

  • Unrealistic targets will never let us to gain the objectives of our projects that we would be setting for... For that, we must set our targets to be more realistic and achieveable...

  • How select More Realistic Targets for the Project?

  • What happens when for example you set a target then later realized it is unrealistic from factors like timelines or change of mind from donors to cut budget in the middle of the project? Considering that the budget was approved before start of project and the scenario is funds are released in batches.

  • What exactly are unrealistic targets

    1 Reply
  • Its important to set realistic goals goals for our projects

  • If for example u have already set ur goals and discover one is unrealistic, its helpful to change the goal before you get to the implementation stage

  • In sort unrealistic goals will make our project fail...

  • Realistic goals will skyrocket your project to success

  • Unrealistic goals have a lot of setbacks and not good for any project better to identify them early

  • Unrealistic target is something that did not recognize the truth about the situation, especially the difficulties involve in a program or unrealistic is not realistic.
    In appropriate to reality or fact

  • the target that seems may not real happen

  • Unrealistic targets will lead you to failure, yes be ambitious and be limited with realistic targets which will not disapoint your team and involved stakeholders.

  • Setting targets is vital. In my view, targets should follow the principle of SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time bound.

  • unrealistic targets are those project expectations or projections set in a project which may not achieved in reality. it could be targets that are beyond the project's budget line, or whose implementation may not be achieved due to lack of adequate inputs to action the project.

  • it is always good to set your targets above the current baseline and also put in place measures to realize that

  • I agree that the targets can be changed, which does not mean that the planning process was wrong. On the contrary, the expectations or the information collected may be more valid than at the beginning of the project, which may be in need to determine that a change of the target be made if necessary, which can help to achieve the impact we seek of the project or program.

  • From the unrealistic targets, you set the targets that you are not sure that they will be reached or achieved. This leads to disappointment appearance in team, funders, beneficiaries and partners. These are the targets that are above your control.

  • Are there particular examples to explain what makes a target unrealistic?

  • what could be the truth though?

  • If you set excessively unrealistic goals, you set yourself up for disappointment. ... Not reaching goals results in negative emotions: disappointment, frustration, and feeling like a failure. It also makes you more likely to quit, be even less healthy, and claim that your genetics make success impossible.

  • Discrepancy between project participants’ expectations is a rather common phenomenon, but what leads to such a situation? Here are some factors contributing to setting unrealistic expectations. 1.Lack of planning, 2. Inaccurate Estimations, 3. Poor communications, 4. Desire to please stakeholders,

  • Hello everybody I fell like this module is more important

  • Hello everybody I fell like this module is more important in the module because indicators need to be well elaborated to guide the rest of the M&E plan

  • The project a training of human development on new skills in construction sector was funded with the total amount of 230,000us dollars and it cost 10,000us dollars to train a participant on become an expert in the field. The project has targeted 1,500 individual to be trained and never consider the age of beneficiaries and also the sex. this become unrealistic target as the amount can not train the number of persons the project expect.

  • The project a training of human development on new skills in construction sector was funded with the total amount of 230,000us dollars and it cost 10,000us dollars to train a participant on become an expert in the field. The project has targeted 1,500 individual to be trained and never consider the age of beneficiaries and also the sex. this become unrealistic target as the amount can not train the number of persons the project expect.

  • Unrealistic targets

  • Unrealistic targets have to identified and adjustments have to be made based on current context, scenarios.

  • Unrealistic targets have to identified and adjustments have to be made based on current context, scenarios.

  • You are right, you can always adjust unrealistic targets to suit your budget and other unforeseeable variables such as weather, the political environment, inflation etc. Deferring the start of the projects help coming up with realistic goals and good timing in order to achieve the set goals.

  • You are right, you can always adjust unrealistic targets to suit your budget and other unforeseeable variables such as weather, the political environment, inflation etc. Deferring the start of the projects help coming up with realistic goals and good timing in order to achieve the set goals.

  • Really? I can't wait for 2030 to witness an age where HIV will be a thing of the past. However, can you please share with me some of the strategies that are being employed to achieve that goal?

  • I totally agree with you. I have learnt the importance of setting realistic targets and making sure that indicators are in line with the impact.

  • Targets are a ambitious commitments to reach certain results. However, even though targets are ambitious goals, they must be realistic, otherwise, the people who are involved in attaining such targets will end up disappointed, that includes: the person who set the targets, the whole team, and donors.

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic targets can distort the objective of project when you create target without knowing the reality of the data existing

  • Unrealistic targets it's a walking zombie in field by allowing those targets expect the project to die

  • Targets are a ambitious commitments to reach certain results. However, even though targets are ambitious goals, they must be realistic, otherwise, the people who are involved in attaining such targets will end up disappointed, that includes: the person who set the targets, the whole team, and donors.

  • Unrealistic targets can have a long-term consequence of projects and sometimes lead to project failure if targets are not adjusted. They may also lead to conflicting goals in individuals, low staff morale since staff may start feeling they are not achieving anything. This can in turn impact self-esteem, motivation and productivity thereby affecting project success.

  • A target is a specific level of planned result one hopes to achieve in a program or project. A target must take note of facts and data to be realistic. An unrealistic target is set of results that is unlikely to be achieved in that given time. This is because the target did not take note of previous results or facts in the planned implementation of the project.

  • I think unrealistic targets are targets which can not be adjusted if funding changes rather are hard to change if funding changes .

  • thank you so much and yet for now i have got to understand how to set a new target so we/I can achieve the intended results

  • Unrealistic target is a target which Can not be realizable in your project. But it Can be corrected by resetting some of the previous target and verify if you have sufficient ressources to achieve that target.

  • Unrealistic target is a target which Can not be realizable in your project. But it Can be corrected by resetting some of the previous target and verify if you have sufficient ressources to achieve that target.

  • Unrealistic target is a target which Can not be realizable in your project. But it Can be corrected by resetting some of the previous target and verify if you have sufficient ressources to achieve that target.

  • Setting targets can be tricky!

    1 Reply
  • Setting targets can be tricky!

  • Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation in tourism

  • Searching for a baseline and collecting other data actually helps to make a better target I have learnt. It's like a foundation so strong that will never let you down

  • The are targets which are unattainable and cannot be met.

  • Global Social Entrepreneurship tourism in INDONESIA in shop creativity local

  • Sometimes setting unrealistic target Will to fail in achieving your goal. So let learn to set a realistic target that we can reach when implementing a our project. Thank you..

  • Target can be unrealistic when it is overly optimistic. When the targets are beyond actual expectations, the target set may be unrealistic.

    Circumstances along in implementation can also render a target unrealistic.

  • Hello.... Enjoying the topic on targets.

  • These are targets that are extremely difficult to achieve.

  • This was a great module. I learnt a lot especially the part of researching before setting your targets.

  • Today i have learned the importance of baseline surveys and that targets can be adjusted everytime when things are not working our way.

  • Some target are unrealistic when it is to ambitious.

  • Reaching 100% of the target population of those who are HIV positive

  • It's will effect your project goal

  • Ambitions must be high, but within possible limits..

  • How can I download or share earned badges?

  • How can I download or share earned badges?

  • How can I download or share earned badges?

  • Concluir el proyecto en un tiempo por debajo del 50% de lo esperado

  • Unrealistic targets this are the targets that does not project the targets of the project, they are found reached but were not planned

  • For my project, we are setting a target to open 100,000 new bank accounts in the space of one year. After our market research, we saw this target to be unrealistic because of the present economic situation in Cameroon and the stigma some Cameroonians have about banks closing up and going away with their money, which is a common practice micro-financial institutions have done in the past. So, we decided to set a more realistic target at 95,000 new accounts.

  • Unrealistic Target simply refers project goals or targets that can not be achieved within a stipulation period during project execution.

  • The topic is really helpful. Most of the times we set targets which are ambitious but unrealistic. This topic has helped me alot

  • Unrealistic targets are that which self creates rather than analyzing existing one or without doing any research. This might be hard to achieve.

  • Unrealistic Targets
    I understand that the targets must be ambitious and realistic by using data to get quantity and quality. Target must not been a tool measuring the feeling. Some examples for unrealistic targets are earn million of money within each month by doing small business,
    We must great taking care to be realistic when we put targets in outcomes and impacts.

  • we will start our project on monday 04

  • I think it is very important to make such diiferent at least before stating to make targets

  • Setting targets need to be in a different ways for monitoring level and evaluation level. It is very important to set ambitious targets because it will make the team more motivated to reach high levels of success. Unrealistic targets are too ambitious yet not realistic.

  • Targets are unrealistic if there is no evidence that it can reach the target.but you know targets are set far beyond set depending on the baseline data .

  • Targets are unrealistic and unattainable if an organization has never performed at the target level or there is no evidence that it can reach the target. Usually the target has been set out of pure optimism or to impress the donors.
    Some of the signs that your goals are unrealistic are:

    • There is no internal consensus around the validity of the target -so people may not be sure where the target came from.

    • The target is set far beyond a reasonable range based on past performance and baseline data.

    • The target was set by someone other than a subject matter expert.

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