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  • Targets and indicators are vital to achieving the project goals. Unrealistic targets can ruin and Mar project goals .

  • unrealistic targets can be:

    • unmeasured and which are not

    • the complexity of analysis and data processing

  • Thanks to the entire philanthropy U team for this very useful training. I need some reference on data processing tools like SPSS.

  • I think unrealistic targets are those targets which are set without considering resources at hand.

  • Unrealistic targets will impact your team's strategy and impact to reach your goals. It will also affect your measurement of success, if you can't reach goals you won't know if it's because they goal was too big or because of the team's efficiency. It is best to use data to form a baseline such as historical trends, government data, expert information, or interviews to collect information and set goals.

  • Unrealistic targets will impact your team's strategy and impact to reach your goals. It will also affect your measurement of success, if you can't reach goals you won't know if it's because they goal was too big or because of the team's efficiency. It is best to use data to form a baseline such as historical trends, government data, expert information, or interviews to collect information and set goals.

  • Unrealistic targets might give you an edge of eligibility on the donor's side at the the application stage but there is a high probability that this targets will not be hit at the end of the project leading to a soar relationship between project implementer and donors. Again, in situations where unrealistic targets are achieved, there is every possibility that the team and/or project budgets have been overly stretched to achieve that feat. Thus, it is always ideal to set realistic targets based on available evidences.

  • Perfectly expressed.

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic targets will impact your team's strategy and impact to reach your goals. It will also affect your measurement of success, if you can't reach goals you won't know if it's because they goal was too big or because of the team's efficiency. It is best to use data to form a baseline such as historical trends, government data, expert information, or interviews to collect information and set goals.

  • Unrealistic target something too ambitious to be any near to realistic surrounds, its like being too much overconfident with out checking any evaluations or data just to set a goal or target in based on what I feel or think which has no baseline to be successful.

  • Target setting must be based on data and not one's feelings (biases) and can be adjusted sometimes depending on changes that occur. For instance, there may be changes to funding availability; scope of work or a change in the target audience or beneficiaries of your project.
    It should also be based on the resources at your disposal. This will help to avoid setting unrealistic targets. Baseline setting is also very important as it helps you to know what is currently available.

  • Target setting must be based on data and not one's feelings (biases) and can be adjusted sometimes depending on changes that occur. For instance, there may be changes to funding availability; scope of work or a change in the target audience or beneficiaries of your project.
    It should also be based on the resources at your disposal. This will help to avoid setting unrealistic targets. Baseline setting is also very important as it helps you to know what is currently available.

  • Setting target is not only selecting and choosing what we want to reach, but it is trick thing and it is needed to be very carefully when setting up the target of project. the person setting the project target should not be ambition only should be a realistic, and to build the project target on his/her assumption, but the project target should sett up data evidence. Setting unrealistic targets lead the failure of the project.

  • Target setting must be based on data and not one's feelings (biases) and can be adjusted sometimes depending on changes that occur. For instance, there may be changes to funding availability; scope of work or a change in the target audience or beneficiaries of your project.
    It should also be based on the resources at your disposal. This will help to avoid setting unrealistic targets. Baseline setting is also very important as it helps you to know what is currently available.

  • Targets state the level that your project will meet by a certain date. When they tend to be too low or too high they can be termed as unrealistic targets. Therefore, the project managers should do a thorough research and understanding of the project to make sure that the project targets are not off.

    Targets can be unrealistic because the team has a vague sense of what should be achievable or the desire to achieve more rather than being guided by the business needs.
    Some of the factors that may lead to setting of unrealistic targets is lack of careful planning, inaccurate estimation of costs, resources and time required and also ineffective communication between the stakeholders and the clients.

  • But can we still say that setting lower expectations is unrealistic. Do it become unrealistic if it's on the higher end?

  • an unrealitic target is th target that was not based on the previous evaluation. that is not adapted to the study context and the baseline.

  • Unrealistic target definition: A target is a result that you are trying to achieve. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

    1 Reply
  • Creating a data flow map allows your team to…

  • Creating a data flow map allows your team to…

  • Creating a data flow map allows your team to…

  • unrealistic target are target that has assumptions and baise

  • Indicators are the things you will measure and targets is the number of percentage you would like to reach
    Unrealistic targets can be when you set a target and not have enough resources to achieve your target I.e time, money e.t.c

  • ...but the resources you have might not enough to realise that target.

  • Unrealistic targets are more or less bogus targets not backed my proper data. Targets like these are most times farfetched and geared towards cornering donors into buying their ideas in a heartbeat.

  • Perhaps you set impossible deadlines? You may ask for unachievable results? Or do you expect employees to complete projects with a limited team, or inadequate budget?

    Whilst you may think that setting super-ambitious goals can help your team achieve more than if a much lower target was set, it may in reality have a far-reaching effect on your employees and your overall business success.

    Short-term ramifications
    Setting goals which push staff to achieve their best can lead to very positive results.

    On the other hand, setting unrealistic goals can have a negative impact on employees and the business. Here are some of the effects that may occur in the short-term:

    Missed delivery dates – Setting unrealistic expectations means that it’s increasingly unlikely that your team will be able to achieve them. If your team regularly misses targets, this could lead to questions raised from your own manager, asking why your team are underachieving.
    Reduced work quality – To achieve unrealistic expectations, employees may be forced to rush work, cut corners and not take proper care. This can lead to mistakes and poor quality outcomes.
    Overrunning costs – If you set your budget based on unrealistic expectations, you may be surprised when project costs overrun. If your deadline is also unrealistic, staff may need to spend longer on the project and work overtime, which all adds to your overall cost.
    Increase in absenteeism – If expectations of employees are too high, this could lead to them taking time off work for stress related illnesses. This only increases the pressure, as the rest of your team will need to meet set targets with one less pair of hands.
    Long-term consequences
    Setting unrealistic expectations can also impact your business in the long-term too.

    Here are some of the long-lasting effects to consider:

    Low staff morale – Staff often get a buzz from hitting their targets. However, if that goal is constantly unrealistic, employees can feel like they’re not achieving. This can impact self-esteem, motivation, and productivity, which can damage your bottom-line.
    Staff may aim lower – If targets are regularly set too high, staff will constantly fail to meet them. Over time, this failure can almost become accepted. As a result, staff may no longer try their absolute hardest, even if targets are lowered. This can have a detrimental effect on all future projects.
    Lose respect – Staff want to feel like they’re achieving their targets but are instead constantly being set up for failure. So, if you keep asking for the impossible, you can quickly lose the respect of your whole team.
    Higher employee turnover – If staff feel like they can never, and will never, be able to meet your unrealistic expectations, they may feel like their only option is to resign. Not only do you lose valuable knowledge and expertise, there’s even more chance that the remainder of your team will begin to exit your company.
    How to avoid setting unrealistic expectations
    As you can see, setting unrealistic expectations for staff can have serious ramifications. It can not only effect employees themselves, but also the business and ultimately its success. It’s therefore important for this behaviour to stop.

    Make a change now by following these six steps:

    Recognise the issues – The first step is realising that you set unrealistic expectations. Review previous projects, or ask your team if they think your targets are fair or unobtainable.
    Think before setting expectations – Just because you want something to be completed within a month, doesn’t mean it can be completed in that timeframe. Take a step back and consider the amount of work required and what resources you have available, before setting a deadline. This also applies to expectations that are being pushed on you from above too.
    Clearly define requirements – Whilst deadlines may at first seem reasonable, these can quickly become unrealistic if more requirements are added. To avoid any surprises or missed deadlines, clearly outline requirements and targets right from the start.
    Use your employee’s experience – Instead of relying on guesswork, speak to your team about how long they think a project will take and what resources will be needed. You may even find that if they are involved in setting deadlines and budgets, they will be more committed to meeting them.
    Re-estimate – If you realise you’re not going to make a certain deadline, don’t just let staff struggle. Discuss with staff how much longer they need. This will give employees something more realistic and achievable to aim for.
    Support your staff – Instead of setting expectations and then putting increased pressure on staff to perform, try supporting your team as much as possible (this might include mentoring) to help them achieve the best they can. Remember that the best leaders don’t manage; they lead!

  • unrealistic targets are those that are not founded on data but rather on feelings and emotions.

  • Unrealistic target something too ambitious to be any near to realistic surrounds, its like being too much overconfident with out checking any evaluations or data just to set a goal or target in based on what I feel or think which has no baseline to be successful.

  • Unrealistic targets will tarnish the overall target. There is need to do some thorough research before deciding on your own targets to set.

  • without recognizing the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something want to achieve. setting up the target with high ambience can be very good example of unrealistic target.

  • UNREALISTIC TARGETS. This is simply an ambiguous and over ambitious proposal expected to be reached at a certain stage of activity.
    Setting a target is useful and intensive to achievement. Therefore it is pertinent to study the possibility of attaining a certain height before setting a target. Making a choice to please the partners or sponsors is good but inability to fulfill that expectations makes you a failure and the level of trust put on you diminishes or deteriorates easily.
    For Example, an NGO took over a certain facility to conduct HIV testing and distribution of drugs, giving care to the patients but before they started, they needed to regulate the database so as to know the total number of active, inactive and lost to follow up, and to work it through Internet. They brought an M&E expert, he was told that active files were about 5000 while inactive and lost to follow up files were 13,000, the M&E expert said that to do MRS and LAMIS, would take only 2weeks with seven people working on it, the sponsors were happy but that project worked with 20 people over 3months and still never completed everything.
    The target here was quite unrealistic and over ambitious.

  • How can a goal with unrealistic target be improved in the middle of implementation?

  • no discussion is available on my screen.

  • How can a goal with unrealistic target be improved in the middle of implementation?

  • I think is important to not be too optimistic and too pessimistic about setting targets

  • Unrealistic Targets are;

    1. Targets set with no or inadequate Data

    2. Target set based of personal feeling or too confidence due to previous organization or individual success in precious protect.

    3. Over-Ambitious.

  • Setting targets is really challenging sometimes because you should put into consideration the many factors and risks that could compromise your final results. That's why it's important that the team should include area/project expert that knows where to get the data from if no resources available.

  • These are targets that are set too high to be achieved, this happens if we are over ambitious in setting the target. For example to reduce the secondary school drop out rate to 0 percent. This is over ambitious and it can not be achieved

  • Un realistic targets can demotivate the team and derail the project

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic goals that can be born out of optimistic or pessimistic indicators have potential to dampen success of a project.

  • Unrealistic targets project should be ambitious but should set targets that are attainable

  • what a project with a small target time and a large scale of work to be done from donors?

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve

    Is your manager giving you unrealistic goals? Here's how to respond
    Point out any logistical challenges they may be missing.
    Be completely honest and transparent about your concerns.
    Ask to share the task or target at hand with your team.
    Don't take it personally.
    Choose to take on the challenge

  • Unrealistic targets project should be ambitious but should set targets that are attainable

  • A target is unrealistic when an organization fails to recognize the truth about a situation, especially the difficulties involved in achieving a specific result. For example, unrealistic targets could result from the organization's unfamiliarity with the magnitude of the problem they want to solve or the available resources to solve the problem.
    Some organizations have unrealistic targets because they want to impress donors. However, even if funding is available, time and other factors beyond your control could make your project fail to meet your targets.

  • Unrealistic targets must be avoided at all cost because failing to meet targets as set or specified to donors will not only be disappointing for your team but also deteriorate any possible partnership of trust with the existing and future donors. That is why we should set ambitious but yet realistic targets to impress donors and to be able to reach our goals.

  • You are right. That is why we have to conduct a thorough research on findings or on previous similar projects, and on top of those we could refer to historical trends which is also a critical approach to setting ambitious and yet realistic indicators.

  • Unrealistic targets might be obtained if one make use of feelings not data when setting targets thus bias or assumptions will not influence the target.lack of express like quantitative , qualitative and efficiency might led to unrealistic targets too.If a project does not have a baseline it turns to be unrealistic.unrealistic tragets doesn't make use of information either from other research , stakeholders,expects or does not even do data collection.unrealistic targets can not be adjusted incase or were there is need to

  • Unrealistic targets hamper the success of the project and moreso the team ability to reach the target. Unrealsitic targets also impacts of time, cost and risk of the project

  • Unrealistic targets hamper the success of the project and moreso the team ability to reach the target. Unrealsitic targets also impacts of time, cost and risk of the project

  • This is very true, it also demonstrates lack of competency by the project lead

  • Unrealistic Targets are missed targets which in turn leaves everyone disappointed.

  • Unrealistic targets are target that cant be realized either the budget set was too low, when it's too low it can create doubt and make donors reluctant, targets should be ambitious and realistic, so unrealistic target are target that cant be realized.

  • These are targets that are not easy to achieve. Meaning they are not realistic in nature. It is important to set targets that are realistic and easy to achieve with ease. When targets are realistic it helps everyone working on that project.

  • These are targets that are not easy to achieve. Meaning they are not realistic in nature. It is important to set targets that are realistic and easy to achieve with ease. When targets are realistic it helps everyone working on that project.

  • Unrealistic target would unable the team to measure the progress of any project implemented by the Organization therefore the targets must be realistic that make it easy for monitoring and evaluating the project at any stage of implementation.

  • I have learnt that unrealistic targets can be demotivating to team members.
    is it bad bad to be over ambitious, To what extent can can being over ambitious be unreal?

  • I have learnt that unrealistic targets can be demotivating to team members.
    is it bad bad to be over ambitious, To what extent can can being over ambitious be unreal?

  • sometimes we set targets and circumstances change, then we are advised to adjust these targets to suit the current situation
    But my question is, when is too late to adjust our targets?

  • Setting unrealistic or agreeing with unrealistic targets will never be a good thing for the company, hence it is good to do a research every time before agreeing with a funder because the moments the company does not meet the target it will look incompetent to the funder and might ruin the relationship and future businesses.

  • How do i know a target is unrealistic

  • How do i know a target is unrealistic

    1 Reply
  • incase a target was too ambitious and was not met? what are the best practices to regroup, set another realistic goal and continue to motivate staff?

  • Target can be realistic or unrealistic, depending on your circumstances and abilities. Your target can be turn into a realistic ones if you are willing to. All still possible if you want to put an equal and realistic work for it. First step you'll need to do is to ask yourself, are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it? Do you really want to achieve this? and many other questions that you need to take into account when you're about to start.

    It's not about whether your goals are realistic or unrealistic, it's about you, whether you are realistic or unrealistic. If you don't want to work, however, you want to achieve goals, you're unrealistic.

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that are set but are impossible to achieve. Even though we are to set ambitious targets, however, it is very pertinent to set ambitious but realistic targets that can be measured and achievable. So it is important to follow to a reasonable extent the laid down principles when setting a target.

  • Unrealistic targets are sets without considering a number of factors such as time, budget, existing data, expert and donor considerations among others. These targets may result into ambiguous forms, in the sense that they can be too ambitious or less. ambitious, thus ending up in disappointment of all project and stakeholders These kinds of targets are also drawn based on the staff feelings rather than reality.

  • Unrealistic Targets are missed targets which in turn leaves everyone disappointed.

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve

    Is your manager giving you unrealistic goals? Here's how to respond
    Point out any logistical challenges they may be missing.
    Be completely honest and transparent about your concerns.
    Ask to share the task or target at hand with your team.
    Don't take it personally.
    Choose to take on the challenge

  • unrealistic targets are targets that are not attainable due to its ambiguity. such targets may be set out of ones feelings

  • Unrealistic targets are the targets that are taken with high motivation and optimism.They are taking accourdings to feelings. The person should be somehow realistic yet ambitious when setting targets,so they will be achieved within the available budget and determined deadline. I think targets need a wise thinking and information gathering to be properly set.

  • Setting unrealistic or agreeing with unrealistic targets will never be a good thing for the company, hence it is good to do a research every time before agreeing with a funder because the moments the company does not meet the target it will look incompetent to the funder and might ruin the relationship and future businesses.

  • Setting unrealistic or agreeing with unrealistic targets will never be a good thing for the company, hence it is good to do a research every time before agreeing with a funder because the moments the company does not meet the target it will look incompetent to the funder and might ruin the relationship and future businesses.

  • Setting unrealistic or agreeing with unrealistic targets will never be a good thing for the company, hence it is good to do a research every time before agreeing with a funder because the moments the company does not meet the target it will look incompetent to the funder and might ruin the relationship and future businesses.

  • I have seen unrealistic targets have been extremely demotivating and eventually lose meaning.

  • I have seen unrealistic targets have been extremely demotivating and eventually lose meaning.

  • I have seen unrealistic targets have been extremely demotivating and eventually lose meaning.

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve

    1 Reply
  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.

  • what are some of these

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that set without take into consider data that we have to know before of setting targets ,ignore data like data about historical trends or data about previous project may led to put unrealistic targets which may be highly ambitious targets project can not achieve or may be very low targets which not need project .
    Also targets can be unrealistic when ignore project budget when setting targets.

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.
    Dont despise small beginnings because its from there where we in make it big. Rome wasnts built in one day so step by step is the way to success. Make it a habit to learn a new thing every day so that what you are doing is improved everyday

  • If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.Targets are unrealistic and unattainable if a government has never performed at the target level or there is no evidence it can reach the target. Usually the target has been set out of pure optimism or sheer political will, often because a government is trying to take an aggressive position to inspire higher performance, regardless of the evidence.
    Signs your goals are unrealistic:
    There is no internal consensus around the validity of the target some people may not be sure where the target came from
    The target is set far beyond a reasonable range based on past performance and baseline data
    The target was set by someone other than a subject matter expert.

  • unrealistic targets will often prove difficult to achieve and working to beat the targets will be challenging

  • unrealistic targets will often prove difficult to achieve and working to beat the targets will be challenging

  • It is true that unrealistic targets can be set by project managers and the monitoring and evaluation team. this unrealistic targets have many disadvantages which include hurting your team, employers and donors if you fail to achieve the targets. secondly, they can really disappoint you and demoralize you and your team of monitoring and evaluation. Moreover, it is time consuming trying to achieve unrealistic targets. Lastly, it is a wastage of resources such as the financial resources when you do not succeed in achieving your targets.

  • It is true that unrealistic targets can be set by project managers and the monitoring and evaluation team. this unrealistic targets have many disadvantages which include hurting your team, employers and donors if you fail to achieve the targets. secondly, they can really disappoint you and demoralize you and your team of monitoring and evaluation. Moreover, it is time consuming trying to achieve unrealistic targets. Lastly, it is a wastage of resources such as the financial resources when you do not succeed in achieving your targets.

  • Targets should be put after a study and asking experts and searching for trends.
    It should not be according to one’s intuition

  • it can be very difficult to get program managers & staff to even set targets at all sometimes. Even though they may be willing to define goals, objectives and indicators often they will not set targets because they are frightened of "But what will happen if do not reach that target?" or "There are too many factors outside of the control of the program so how can we say what level we will achieve on this indicator?"

  • Unrealistic targets will tarnish the overall target. There is need to do some thorough research before deciding on your own targets to set.

  • Unrealistic targets will tarnish the overall target. There is need to do some thorough research before deciding on your own targets to set.

  • Unrealistic targets will tarnish the overall target. There is need to do some thorough research before deciding on your own targets to set.

  • Unrealistic targets will tarnish the overall target. There is need to do some thorough research before deciding on your own targets to set.

  • What are examples of unrealistic goals?
    Here are a few examples of unrealistic goals:
    Financial goal – to earn a million dollars in a year.
    Weight loss goal – to quickly burn the fat through exercise.
    Business goal – to build a multi-million-dollar business in a year.
    Sports goal – to run faster than Usain Bolt or to play in the NBA.

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic targets are the ones which would appear realistic if we didn't zero down our expectations.
    It's very important we set targets will can be achieved without our logframe. It's always good if time for starting a project is affected, we must adjust the start up day as well so that it would never affect our Target.

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