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  • The advocacy strategy framework is fantastic and not time consuming. If we carefully understand then it will be very easy to work. The 'Audience' and the 'Changes' are in the time frame. Using the six question is very much effective. in number 3 question of the six question might be hard to everyone. But more practise need to understand.

  • There is much to learn and understand in this module, 3. I think that in order to understand it more completely we should practice forming examples of each strategy and the audience it targets.

  • When I took the quiz, I got 2 of the answers wrong, but it helped to read the feedback which gave me a better understanding of how to use the framework.

    1 Reply
  • After engaging in the Module 3 lessons on advocacy and now understanding better the Advocacy Strategy Framework, I can now understand how to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate advocacy plans related proposals and planned actions related to improving the human condition. That is to say: I now understand the various roles and importance of knowing one's audience (public, influencers, decision makers) and changes needed (through the awareness, will, and/or action). The six questions serve as vehicles to flesh out specific target audiences; underlying assumptions about how change takes place; complementary and/or oppositional organizations and collaborators; and plans for interim outcomes and necessary adjustments.

  • Other things to consider would be social science aspects of how you get people to change their behavior. This was mentioned a little bit in the readings, but there are barriers and biases that people have to change, so it is important to use messaging and tactics that respond to those. It is very hard to change someone's inherit value system, but you can tap into it in a way that leads them to where you want them to go. And the Diffusion of Innovation theory can be really helpful to see where people fall on a spectrum and who is most likely to adopt a new behavior.

    1 Reply
  • Other things to consider would be social science aspects of how you get people to change their behavior. This was mentioned a little bit in the readings, but there are barriers and biases that people have to change, so it is important to use messaging and tactics that respond to those. It is very hard to change someone's inherit value system, but you can tap into it in a way that leads them to where you want them to go. And the Diffusion of Innovation theory can be really helpful to see where people fall on a spectrum and who is most likely to adopt a new behavior.

  • I fully agree with your opinion @shonyela . The organization should also consider several tactics in support of a given advocacy strategy and making sure to measure along the way.

  • Hi @Jesse_Brooks , same happened to me on the quiz. Where did you get the feedback from? Would you be available to discuss? Thanks

  • Yes very true advocacy is something which needs to be understood very well with its process and tactics. The process may be lengthy and may look not going anywhere, but it also something which sinks slowly. It is also something I learnt that it needs to be well grounded to get the buy in of others. In my experience it is also challenging as going out with what you advocate and at times you can get deaf ears. But one thing is for real advocacy is also encouraging and motivating by itself as we try to fulfil gaps in the rights of human being.

  • I don't really understand this module

  • All these strategy needs to be broken down for application

  • I think one would need to go over it again for clarification

  • Module 3 becomes clear as we go back through it again to get more understanding and clarity. Did this help any of you?

  • When you look at things to consider you must always look at the whole picture. There is never a single straight path present in advocacy and making changes. It is a multifactorial ecosystem within an ecosystem that needs to be considered.

  • Module 3 Discussion: Other Things to Consider

    One thing that is important to consider is the amount of funds that you have. Advocacy requires resources and money in order to be undertaken successfully.

  • The advocacy framework is nerve-cracking and needs lots of practice to grasp it by the fingertips. All in all, it is a good rule of the thumb to guide in deciding what tactics to employ on each scenario, to who and when. The political and socio-economic contexts are also worth considering.

    1 Reply
  • What I have got from this module is for advocacy to be successful,you must have deep knowledge about your strength and limitations as an organization and also the strength and limitations of others organizations. This will help you make the right decision on and which organization to partner with and how best to gain from each other.

    1 Reply
  • I agree with you

  • i agree to this statement

  • while using the advocacy strategy one must keep in mind the target group and make sure that their needs are fulfilled

  • yes, true that

  • I understood the course

  • one should also consider the market conditions prevailing.

  • I think social sciences theories help a lot when trying to figure out which strategies to use in order to persuade or catch your audience´s attention. Additionally, we should not forget that your audience needs to identify themselves with what your organization is advocating, otherwise you will find yourself advocating something groundless in your audience perception. I have found the lessons very interesting although sometimes I got myself confused when trying to understand the framework.

  • Yeah, So I learned that even though we had many contacts for connecting the stakeholders we should good enough to select who should be in the room without being self and also for avoiding the embarrassment it's better to send the things and data in advance which would provide thrust interest to our discussion...

    Do you also felt the same???

  • This module shows the importance of knowing the audience and identifying both the internal and external factors that may affect our advocacy. It opens the idea on the importance of having a multifaceted approach along with recognizing where collaboration can be utilized--having been able to identify one's strengths and weaknesses.

  • Other things to consider

  • Other things to consider

  • Generally I have learnt a lot I did not know about advocacy in as far as the three modules are concerned. The first module requires you to know 3 main things which are, The problem you are trying to solve, the causes of this problem,, the beliefs /behaviors you will need to change and the political context of the work area
    Module two requires you to have /know the Timing, Framing and Motivation and the three move hand in hand and module three requires you to have the awareness, will and action that will affect/ be affected by the public, influencers and decision makers.

  • Generally I have learnt a lot I did not know about advocacy in as far as the three modules are concerned. The first module requires you to know 3 main things which are, The problem you are trying to solve, the causes of this problem,, the beliefs /behaviors you will need to change and the political context of the work area
    Module two requires you to have /know the Timing, Framing and Motivation and the three move hand in hand and module three requires you to have the awareness, will and action that will affect/ be affected by the public, influencers and decision makers.

  • Education, knowledge, skills and experience are key determinants on how and why people engage at different levels on basic issues afflicting the society.

  • What is the shaded pink circle in the graph representing that is tje main thing i do not understand.

  • In advocacy we need to believe in yourself as most people are easy to be convinced in different matters while at the end they are the ones to benefit

  • amazing topic

  • yes the set up here can be a bit confusing at times.

  • This module is a bit difficult than the first two.

  • Well, I appreciate being a part of this course and also want to be appreciative to my instructors for developing the module, especially the audio section.
    With regard to the evaluation segment, I haven't been able to accessed the quiz for module one and two. Although, I have submit my assignment. I would also like to have much more explanation of the last dimension of the advocacy strategy Framing".

  • How does the two main dimensions of an advocacy strategy " the audience target and the changes desired" influence each others or work together? I ma bit confused!

  • So far, this module has been great at breaking things down for me. I understood the big picture of advocacy, but all the breakdowns and tips are very helpful. I definitely agree that we need to consider our audience, their educational level and/or level of understanding of the issue at hand, and the time frame. As well as, risks or challenges. One of my groups advocacy efforts hit a stand still due to my states policy schedule. Our issues/policy change request got pushed down from top priority to bottom. We had to wait until the next election or legislative open committee to possibly get back on the legislative/policy schedule. It is good to discuss and prepare for possible challenges your advocacy group or work might face so we don't get discouraged and so we can prepare a work around if needed.

  • I didn't understand this module properly especially the framework. Would anyone simplify it for me?

  • The congruence in understanding between policy makers, influencers and the public matter. If the three groups have different understanding, the chances of unproductive advocacy increases.

    1 Reply
  • I like the idea that Just as advocacy strategy is expected to evolve, so is the theory of change behind it. Thank you for the holistic approach in teaching the various ways of advocacy and wide spread the word of advocacy is.

  • Same here. I really didn't understand this module so I failed my quiz😢

    1 Reply
  • I am having a challenge with my grades for module 3 to 5,the quiz results are showing but not for the assignments.

    I got done with module 6 yesterday, a quiz question I answered 1 point correct,I didn’t know I was suppose to pick 2 answers and I was graded zero,,is there a way I can redo the quiz?

  • This module has been really captivating. I feel enlightened by my new findings. Action, will and awareness is important.

  • Dear all,
    Make them(popular, respected people ) as an adviser to your organization i.e. sense of belonging.
    i would like to also recommend one to one discussion with popular people ,political folks and respected people.
    Also recommend one a week follow up calls with an officer in the political holders office.

    Olawale Ajiboye

  • @Asiah15_ said in Module 3 Discussion: Other Things to Consider:

    In addition to all other things that have been discussed, the cultural dynamics of a place should be considered when developing an advocacy strategy. What is culturally permissible in one culture could be a no no in another cultural context.

    @Asiah15_ said in Module 3 Discussion: Other Things to Consider:

    In addition to all other things that have been discussed, the cultural dynamics of a place should be considered when developing an advocacy strategy. What is culturally permissible in one culture could be a no no in another cultural context.

    @Asiah15_ said in Module 3 Discussion: Other Things to Consider:

    In addition to all other things that have been discussed, the cultural dynamics of a place should be considered when developing an advocacy strategy. What is culturally permissible in one culture could be a no no in another cultural context.
    I total agree all context are not the same.

  • I consider this module is a little bit more dificult than the first two

  • Dear Rosalie,

    You have highlighted key things that one needs to consider when working on the advocacy strategy. Celebrating the little wins is actually very important so as to keep one active on the advocacy road which is a long stretch.

    Thank you, Rosalie.

    Abayomi Oyelami,
    Content Creator,
    Sickle Cell Advocacy and Management Initiative,

  • You are spot on, dear Ludivicus,
    A congruence is needed to make a productive advocacy work.

    But many times, you may not have the three level of audience on your side. At this point, I believe you will need to focus on who (of the three) has the most stake in making the aim of your advocacy scaling through successfully.

    For example, if you need a public policy to be instituted, getting the decision makers on your side is vitally important because they eventually hold the aces in this case. Whereas a large section of the public might have already built a wall of sentiment against their government due to past issues

    Abayomi Oyelami,
    Content Creator,
    Sickle Cell Advocacy and Management Initiative,

  • Yes, Brian,

    A lot of practice is required to fully grasp the advocacy strategy framework and indeed, the course itself. I feel it is worth it, though, for us in Africa. We have a lot of advocacy to do in order to facilitate the change we desire to see in our communities and countries.
    Like I opine, 'we don't always have to be adversarial in our mindset to government policies, we need to have a collaborative outlook'. It is for us, afterall.

    Abayomi Oyelami
    Content Creator,
    Sickle Cell Advocacy and Management Initiative,

  • This module has undoubtedly been a favorite ki so far, because it is based on the experience of other organizations and how they have succeeded in their projects due to their perseverance and their desire to help those most in need on issues that are of great relevance and impact. in our society.

  • Size of the community, political landscape, public access to media...

  • I got a little confused. I enjoyed the lesson but the quiz got a lot complicated. I failed

  • The advocacy strategy framework is such a valuable tool in advocacy. Understanding the kinds of audiences and the changes that are expected makes identification of tactics to use handy.

  • Other Things to Consider

  • It is tough and requires to take time to critical reading.

  • Outreaching should consider, the audeince and the apporach to be used agrrasive or soft, which also depandce on the prospective org' that we are trying to approach

  • focus groups discussion

  • Very informative module. While going through the module I remembered a campaign we supported and many things made sense especially mapping out partners since we didn't have the capacity to do everything and reach all our target audiences. The information will be useful too as we plan a mini campaign which I think will not start at awareness level but willingness and action stages - our target audiences all ready know but we want them to act.

  • I didn't expect this material to be so easy to understand and I hope it will be implemented as well!

  • Other things to consider, my understanding with that statement is that, what are the other things that we think needed to be consider after all that have been taught and said about strategy for change.

    As for me, I think one other area that need to be considered is the window period when the change will be more effective.

    For example, an association that want to advocate for bolehole water for a community should work towards making their window period for this change to fall into the period of dry seasons in which the change will be much more meaningful and more acceptable than raining season when people have a lot of alternative to get water.

  • Other things to consider, my understanding with that statement is that, what are the other things that we think needed to be consider after all that have been taught and said about strategy for change.

    As for me, I think one other area that need to be considered is the window period when the change will be more effective.

    For example, an association that want to advocate for bolehole water for a community should work towards making their window period for this change to fall into the period of dry seasons in which the change will be much more meaningful and more acceptable than raining season when people have a lot of alternative to get water.

  • Well I believe I understand! Other things to consider.

    My understanding with that statement is that, what are the other things that we think needed to be consider after all that have been taught and said about strategy for change in advocacy.

    As for me, I think one other area that need to be considered is the window period when the change will be more effective.

    For example, an association that want to advocate for bolehole water for a community should work towards making their window period for this change to fall into the period of dry seasons in which the change will be much more meaningful and more acceptable than raining season when people have a lot of alternative to get water.

  • This module gives a summary of effective advocacy strategy in the way that it points out the strategic plan one has to put down like when wanting to make effective and successful advocacy approach one has to know the the kind of audience and specific segments,identifying the effective approach and what motivates the audience,I think with this beginning it helps one to know where to start from and where they are heading to🤗

  • In this module it has some considerations that one has to look in to in order to achieve effective advocacy strategy like putting considerations in independency and integrity of research whether it won't have negative impact, consulting others,organisations to partern with before you take on the mount and talks about how one can tell whether their organisation is not alone in this for example looking in to the relationship across the board with other groups, capacity and relationship with other organisations to work with and figuring out what you will focus on and what other organisations have (strengths and limitations). With all this it gives one a clear back on what step to take next.

    1 Reply
  • Important to consider who the allies and opponents are.

  • Module 3 is not too clear to me. i will have to go read the material very well

  • I'm not clear on what I am supposed to respond to. There is no discussion paragraph

  • I found module 3 a bit complex. I didn't do well in the Quiz. I found it challenging to match the tactics.

  • oh thank you so much for this, it is clearer now

  • all is good up to this extent

  • I think it is important to always adhere to organizational principles/values, which sometimes be violated as individuals want to be 'trusted' by the Gov. These shouldn't be compromised at any level.

  • Agreed, level of education needs to be taken consideration when choosing audience as this will help to choose suitable advocacy strategy for different groups.

  • Interesting module

  • it's really impressive course. I really get what i want , big thanks to your efforts.

  • yes consider other things

  • The project I have in mind feels bigger than me. I am not doing this course for an organisation. I am doing it for me, to lead successful projects of advocacy. I am independent in all I do.

    The course is complex, and I found week 2 a bit complicated; but I feel very empowered to finish it.

  • The audience and the appropriate tactic to use

  • I encourage you to go to the end

  • May be search the best person (have a quality of advocator) during the advocacy action.

  • Unfortunately I have tried all that has been directed to me by reaching out to help desk and still have been unsuccessful. Sorry couldn’t be of more help.

  • The tools and information have been great in better understanding the foundations for general advocacy, and to home some great plans.

    I do feel we should be careful in our approaches not to overly simplify or to forget that the situational context or even key players can often bring a need for out-of-the-box approaches. An example can be found in the quiz in this module. In quiz question 2 regarding motivating religious leaders to act - the correct course quiz answer was media advocacy. In my opinion as influencers it might even be more appropriate to visit with these leaders and lobby. These are people persons - active in their own faith communities so a personal visit from ideally a member of both our advocacy group and the faith group could be more effective. Media campaigns are costly and we have no quarantee that religious leaders are active media consumers - but they do respond to needs and input from their congregation members - or those living in the communities they serve.

    The ideas in the boxes are great to prime the ideas pump - but we always need to consider our audience and their roles in our messaging/action motivating approaches.

  • This captures it perfectly!

  • I think there are some communication snafs that are just a language difference here for me.
    It is good to identify the order of things to do to bring change though, and having a list laid out will inform my practice moving forward.

  • well, this module reveals that tactics are necessary to endure our advocacy strategy scheme to reach the desired impetus and to have successful outcomes
    1- By targeting the right audience
    2-By sharing the concept with influencers and effective organization
    3- And find the right motivation tools to pursue the integration of goal

  • well understood of the topic

  • Hlo gjllkk Kaksmsnzbx alzlzkxbxb wjanidb akPkcb pPzndbdj pKzjdb Kpsnhzhz

  • BsjJz sbsjsjzix hsizkzkshx sjsjxjdhfn sisjxjxhhx djdjdjdhfb jeksjdndbx x

  • Hsgshd fisjshxhfbx papslzkz xjskdkxkxjx sjdjdjxjx dkdkdn

  • I also think that one needs to understand the capacity, interest, and ability of the targeted audience

  • Modules abit tricky but easy ...take a heart we shall make it

  • Learning how to use tactics is very important

  • I also think that one needs to understand the capacity, interest, and ability of the targeted audience

  • I cant understand properly but i can explain to you what i have taken from the 30 minute discussion. As advocates we need to know that we can either operate in a political sphere that is open , semi-open or restrictive therefore, it is essential to know what kind of political sphere here we are operating in. Another essential issue to take note of is how we relay our message to the decision makers .For example Ruth and Rajesh noted that even if the decision makers have reservations on how they want advocates to relay messages out to the public we should change our way of conveyance in away that does not compromise our core values

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