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  • explain what unrealistic targets are

  • Setting unrealistic targets can be can constructed as bullying or harrasment in the workplace

  • How do we get the grade for the previous assignments?

  • This topic is very simple, direct and easy. The area I find tricky is in setting indicator that are in accordance with the 7guidelines for identifying a good quality process indicators. An M&E expert is supposed to get the indicators right coupled with informed existing baseline information of possible achievements before setting targets that can remarkably be attributed as a positive impact of the project.

  • Setting realistic targets can be tricky, but if you consider the worst and best case scenario you can develop optimum targets while considering all parties.
    I have realized participant tracking form is a very important part of data collection.

  • Target is an important component of a working M&E plan, without which your team is left in a hang as to what to do.
    An ambitious but realistic one is necessary, this can only be achieved by using data to determine the better option. Reliance on emotions and biases only increases the possibility of the projects failure.

  • Target is an important component of a working M&E plan, without which your team is left in a hang as to what to do.
    An ambitious but realistic one is necessary, this can only be achieved by using data to determine the better option. Reliance on emotions and biases only increases the possibility of the projects failure.

    1 Reply
  • Its is important to set realistic targets. Setting unrealistic targets may upon completion of a project, demoralize you team for under achieving

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that are too ambitious to achieve for a projects. There are a number of issues one needs to put into consideration before setting realistic targets. These include the scope of the project, project location, project funding and project duration. These are very key in determing whether a target is realistic or not. For example, you may be implementing in a project in a location with a population of only 200 people and your target is to reach 500 people, this would be very unrealistic or even your project may intend to reach 400 people in a day yet it is practically impossible in the particular location to reach out to these 400 a day.
    It is therefore very important to carryout as much research as possible to ensure that you have sufficient information to avoid setting unrealistic targets.
    Unrealistic targets are very dangerous to a project as they may lead to losss in staff morale, donors not being statisfied with the project and worst donors withdrawing funding.

  • Targets are supposed to be realistic although it is usually good to make them ambitious. Moving out of what cannot be obviously achieved is a wrong and bad target. It may frustrate your activities and may hinder progress of project

  • How to deal with unrealistic targets. Develop an action plan. Managers respond well to action plans, even if those plans fall through. Navigating the world of unrealistic expectations is often an exercise in stating solutions. If you feel overwhelmed, take the time to jot down an action plan that shows your timeline to success

  • Pour ma part, les cibles une fois fixés doivent être ajustées tout au long de la mise en œuvre du projet

  • setting up unrealistic target will only makes you end up disappointed or even miss targets, involving everyone including your donor and your team because of been unrealistic but been realistic in target it will motivate your team, yourself and your donor and also allowed your team to reach your target

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that are too ambitious to achieve for a projects. There are a number of issues one needs to put into consideration before setting realistic targets. These include the scope of the project, project location, project funding and project duration. These are very key in determing whether a target is realistic or not. For example, you may be implementing in a project in a location with a population of only 200 people and your target is to reach 500 people, this would be very unrealistic or even your project may intend to reach 400 people in a day yet it is practically impossible in the particular location to reach out to these 400 a day.
    It is therefore very important to carryout as much research as possible to ensure that you have sufficient information to avoid setting unrealistic targets.
    Unrealistic targets are very dangerous to a project as they may lead to losss in staff morale, donors not being statisfied with the project and worst donors withdrawing funding.

  • Setting unrealistic targets gives one pressure and in the end you find that one cannot achieve their goals. For example if in the last two years 50% of students were enrolled in a school and 60% in the last year, it would be unrealistic to set a target of 90% in the next year because so many factors need to be considered. Setting a target of 90% would be too ambitious.

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic targets are targets that are too ambitious to achieve for a projects. There are a number of issues one needs to put into consideration before setting realistic targets. These include the scope of the project, project location, project funding and project duration. These are very key in determing whether a target is realistic or not. For example, you may be implementing in a project in a location with a population of only 200 people and your target is to reach 500 people, this would be very unrealistic or even your project may intend to reach 400 people in a day yet it is practically impossible in the particular location to reach out to these 400 a day.
    It is therefore very important to carryout as much research as possible to ensure that you have sufficient information to avoid setting unrealistic targets.
    Unrealistic targets are very dangerous to a project as they may lead to losss in staff morale, donors not being statisfied with the project and worst donors withdrawing funding.

  • Unrealistic targets is a situation where by project team do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.
    Unrealistic targets are unreasonable and unrealistic goals that can not be achieved. These are too ambitious goals that are too expensive to achieve.
    To avoid unrealistic targets M&E practitioners should use data not feelings. Data from Historical trends and other reliable sources of information should be considered when looking for data.

  • unrealistic targets make you end up disappointed in your targets and also misses you target and putting your team, your donors and yourself but been realistic in your target make you successful in accomplishment and even making donors happy

  • there limits targets for some project?

  • Unrealistic targets cannot be easily measured or understood. The unrealistic targets make it difficult to measure the progress made because you actually do not know what you want.

  • Unrealistic targets!?

  • yes, unrealistic targets are unachievable targets. for example the trend estimates 70% then u make your target 90% yet the trend had a difference of 2% for over like 10 years

  • I think unrealistic targets come as a result of over being ambitious which most of the time inevitable as every one would like to achieve bigger.

  • I think unrealistic targets come as a result of over being ambitious which most of the time inevitable as every one would like to achieve bigger.

    1 Reply
  • Setting unrealistic targets can be stressing as it will require regular adjustments in the later in the project. This might may make project activity executions disorganized and as well impact on the time planned for the project.

  • Because setting realistic targets is in itself a motivation to reach success, unrealistic targets can be demotivating because when you fail to reach your target, you may end up disapointed. This could be disappointing not only to you and your entire team but it could also disappoint the donors. If the target is set low, it may also indicate to donors the level and amount of work involved being low which may not attract funding.

  • True, the availability of resources and therefore the amount of resources will determine the scale of the project. You can't execute a big project with many expected outcomes and big targets with fewer resources. That would be unrealistic.

    1 Reply
  • It is important to set ambitious targets because it will motivate your team to reach high levels of success. Additionally, targets tell your donor how much work you are planning on doing. If you set your targets too low, your donors may be reluctant to give you the money you need.

    However, targets should also be realistic. When you set a target, you are committing your team to reaching that target. If you miss a target because you were unrealistic, everyone involved will end up disappointed: yourself, your team, and your donors.

  • This to pic makes really very powerful in learning abouta mbitious and realistic. By searching how i can work for some one what have set unrealistic targets, let's explore together the link of 11 tipes.

  • Unrealistic targets can cause your organization not to meet and achieve success in their project as they help motivate your team and also ensures everyone understands what is going to be accomplished.
    Unrealistic targets can cause your team and donors to be disappointed if they are missed.

  • The targets set under pressure of a certain stake holder e.g. teams management or funder could be unrealistic as they subjective and not driven by data. Past trends, field experiences and benchmarks. Targets can be unrealistically high as well as low. Both possibilities should be avoided.

  • Targets are said to be unrealistic if they are set without making proper findings on what is, what was, and what will be obtainable within the project audience.

  • Yes, this is why proper findings must be made.

  • Yes, this is a major determinant for setting targets

  • @joannakiranda said in Module 3 Discussion: Unrealistic Targets:

    I think unrealistic targets come as a result of over being ambitious which most of the time inevitable as every one would like to achieve bigger.

    Yes, unrealistic targets are set using feelings, which is often bias.

  • For it target to be realistic, it must be void of feelings, else it will become unrealistic.

  • With the knowledge I have gained in this module, I have come to an understanding that unrealistic targets are indicators that are not practical.

  • How can unrealistic target affect a project

  • How unrealistic target affect project

  • How unrealistic target affect project

  • How unrealistic target affect project

  • Some evaluation questions that you are now prepared to ask include:
    • Do your inputs produce enough outputs and outcomes?
    • How well did your project create impact?
    • Did any risks or assumptions hurt this project?
    • Were there any unexpected risks or assumptions?
    In the next few modules, you will figure out how to collect the

  • It is hard to be pragmatic when you are passionate and excited and you really want to transform a community. Based on the learning from module 3, the best way to fight our own biases and prevent setting unrealistic targets is to work on understanding the baseline and historic trends. These numbers will provide an M&E expert with enough information to set quantitative and qualitative indicators that are realistic, this will set a stage for stronger indicators.

    1 Reply
  • Targets are based on data that can be measured in the indicator. Sometimes in trying to research on existing indicators and targets out there, we might choose targets for projects bigger than us because that is what the call for proposal requires. Is it okay to make a smaller but ambitious target for your project that is below what the call requires?

  • I have learnt it's very important for an organisation to set realistic targets that are possible to achieve

  • Plusieurs fois j'ai eu à voir dans la matrice des résultats de certains projets, le chiffre 0 au niveau de base et je ne comprenais pas vraiment le sens de cela maintenant je suis vraiment content d'avoir débloqué ce niveau de compréhension avec cette partie sur les indicateurs.

  • Plusieurs fois j'ai eu à voir dans la matrice des résultats de certains projets, le chiffre 0 au niveau de base et je ne comprenais pas vraiment le sens de cela maintenant je suis vraiment content d'avoir débloqué ce niveau de compréhension avec cette partie sur les indicateurs.

  • The video has good advice, about setting actual targets in the mid-point between the most optimistic, and the more realistic goal that could be negatively impacted by risks.

  • The video has good advice, about setting actual targets in the mid-point between the most optimistic, and the more realistic goal that could be negatively impacted by risks.

  • The video has good advice, about setting actual targets in the mid-point between the most optimistic, and the more realistic goal that could be negatively impacted by risks.

  • The video has good advice, about the importance of managing data, especially about regular training to keep staff current on latest developments.

  • The video has good advice, about the importance of managing data, especially about regular training to keep staff current on latest developments.

  • Unrealistic target is one that cannot be met with the resources you have available to you. Resources might include time, money or access to other people to help you(staff). The unrealistic target is also irrelevant and not useful to you

  • From my understanding if we define the objectives well, if the objectives are realistic then we can have realistic targets. on the other hand if the objectives are not realistic, if the objectives are poorly defined then the targets will not be realistic

  • I give the example of all the modernization projects of "daara". "Daara" chiefs want Koranic schools to be modernized while they do not want their cirrulas to be changed.

  • We set an unrealistic targets in this cases:

    1. If we are feeling optimistic we will set our targets too high, if we are feeling pessimistic we may set our targets too low
    2. When we let our biases and assumptions influence our decisions while we are setting our targets

    if the target is unrealistic at the end of the project, the team and the donors will be disappointed.

  • Unrealistic targets are very hard and expensive to achieve

  • yeah thats true

  • Unrealistic strictly they don't measure targets of the project

  • *Unrealistic targets strictly measure targets that are not intended *

  • setting unrealistic targets can led to not reaching the specified goals or impacts of the project making the success of the project impossible. Being over ambitious while setting the desired goals or impacts without considering checking the baseline informtion can cost a project not to succeed.

  • It is hard to be pragmatic when you are passionate and excited and you really want to transform a community. Based on the learning from module 3, the best way to fight our own biases and prevent setting unrealistic targets is to work on understanding the baseline and historic trends. These numbers will provide an M&E expert with enough information to set quantitative and qualitative indicators that are realistic, this will set a stage for stronger indicators.

  • Unrealistic targets always lead to project failure because they can not guarantee project vision and always bring project miscommunication of activities.

  • Some programs have unrealistic targets sterming from the fact that they did not learn from their previous projects. Let's say for example, you are running a program in which you want to reduce to the gender gap in school enrolment, but then found out that in the school enrolment last year there were about 60 percent male and 40 percent female and even further drop out at the end of the year. could this mean that you will set a target stating that there will be 70% female in the school? this will be so unrealistic. Scaling up target is an incremental one.

    There was a program on which I worked. During phase 2 we had a gender gap ratio of 53 to 47 male to female. In Phase 4 the donor asked us to scale up our female participation up to 50. this is an example of how donors request for a specific target.

  • setting unrealistic targets could hinder the project from achieving its goals

  • Setting of unrealistic targets can surely hamper the success of the project besides demotivating the implementation team which ultimately leads to faulty and wrong implementation in the field.

    Project should have realistic targets.

  • By the end of one year we are able to enroll 1000 HIV naïve participants who have not started taking the ARV. this cannot be realistic because getting such participants isn't easy to go-by

  • Target setting must be based on data and not one's feelings (biases) and can be adjusted sometimes depending on changes that occur. For instance, there may be changes to funding availability; scope of work or a change in the target audience or beneficiaries of your project.
    It should also be based on the resources at your disposal. This will help to avoid setting unrealistic targets. Baseline setting is also very important as it helps you to know what is currently available.

  • Targets and indicators are vital to achieving the project goals. Unrealistic targets can ruin and Mar project goals .

  • unrealistic targets can be:

    • unmeasured and which are not

    • the complexity of analysis and data processing

  • Thanks to the entire philanthropy U team for this very useful training. I need some reference on data processing tools like SPSS.

  • I think unrealistic targets are those targets which are set without considering resources at hand.

  • Unrealistic targets will impact your team's strategy and impact to reach your goals. It will also affect your measurement of success, if you can't reach goals you won't know if it's because they goal was too big or because of the team's efficiency. It is best to use data to form a baseline such as historical trends, government data, expert information, or interviews to collect information and set goals.

  • Unrealistic targets will impact your team's strategy and impact to reach your goals. It will also affect your measurement of success, if you can't reach goals you won't know if it's because they goal was too big or because of the team's efficiency. It is best to use data to form a baseline such as historical trends, government data, expert information, or interviews to collect information and set goals.

  • Unrealistic targets might give you an edge of eligibility on the donor's side at the the application stage but there is a high probability that this targets will not be hit at the end of the project leading to a soar relationship between project implementer and donors. Again, in situations where unrealistic targets are achieved, there is every possibility that the team and/or project budgets have been overly stretched to achieve that feat. Thus, it is always ideal to set realistic targets based on available evidences.

  • Perfectly expressed.

    1 Reply
  • Unrealistic targets will impact your team's strategy and impact to reach your goals. It will also affect your measurement of success, if you can't reach goals you won't know if it's because they goal was too big or because of the team's efficiency. It is best to use data to form a baseline such as historical trends, government data, expert information, or interviews to collect information and set goals.

  • Unrealistic target something too ambitious to be any near to realistic surrounds, its like being too much overconfident with out checking any evaluations or data just to set a goal or target in based on what I feel or think which has no baseline to be successful.

  • Target setting must be based on data and not one's feelings (biases) and can be adjusted sometimes depending on changes that occur. For instance, there may be changes to funding availability; scope of work or a change in the target audience or beneficiaries of your project.
    It should also be based on the resources at your disposal. This will help to avoid setting unrealistic targets. Baseline setting is also very important as it helps you to know what is currently available.

  • Target setting must be based on data and not one's feelings (biases) and can be adjusted sometimes depending on changes that occur. For instance, there may be changes to funding availability; scope of work or a change in the target audience or beneficiaries of your project.
    It should also be based on the resources at your disposal. This will help to avoid setting unrealistic targets. Baseline setting is also very important as it helps you to know what is currently available.

  • Setting target is not only selecting and choosing what we want to reach, but it is trick thing and it is needed to be very carefully when setting up the target of project. the person setting the project target should not be ambition only should be a realistic, and to build the project target on his/her assumption, but the project target should sett up data evidence. Setting unrealistic targets lead the failure of the project.

  • Target setting must be based on data and not one's feelings (biases) and can be adjusted sometimes depending on changes that occur. For instance, there may be changes to funding availability; scope of work or a change in the target audience or beneficiaries of your project.
    It should also be based on the resources at your disposal. This will help to avoid setting unrealistic targets. Baseline setting is also very important as it helps you to know what is currently available.

  • Targets state the level that your project will meet by a certain date. When they tend to be too low or too high they can be termed as unrealistic targets. Therefore, the project managers should do a thorough research and understanding of the project to make sure that the project targets are not off.

    Targets can be unrealistic because the team has a vague sense of what should be achievable or the desire to achieve more rather than being guided by the business needs.
    Some of the factors that may lead to setting of unrealistic targets is lack of careful planning, inaccurate estimation of costs, resources and time required and also ineffective communication between the stakeholders and the clients.

  • But can we still say that setting lower expectations is unrealistic. Do it become unrealistic if it's on the higher end?

  • an unrealitic target is th target that was not based on the previous evaluation. that is not adapted to the study context and the baseline.

  • Unrealistic target definition: A target is a result that you are trying to achieve. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

    1 Reply
  • Creating a data flow map allows your team to…

  • Creating a data flow map allows your team to…

  • Creating a data flow map allows your team to…

  • unrealistic target are target that has assumptions and baise

  • Indicators are the things you will measure and targets is the number of percentage you would like to reach
    Unrealistic targets can be when you set a target and not have enough resources to achieve your target I.e time, money e.t.c

  • ...but the resources you have might not enough to realise that target.

  • Unrealistic targets are more or less bogus targets not backed my proper data. Targets like these are most times farfetched and geared towards cornering donors into buying their ideas in a heartbeat.

  • Perhaps you set impossible deadlines? You may ask for unachievable results? Or do you expect employees to complete projects with a limited team, or inadequate budget?

    Whilst you may think that setting super-ambitious goals can help your team achieve more than if a much lower target was set, it may in reality have a far-reaching effect on your employees and your overall business success.

    Short-term ramifications
    Setting goals which push staff to achieve their best can lead to very positive results.

    On the other hand, setting unrealistic goals can have a negative impact on employees and the business. Here are some of the effects that may occur in the short-term:

    Missed delivery dates – Setting unrealistic expectations means that it’s increasingly unlikely that your team will be able to achieve them. If your team regularly misses targets, this could lead to questions raised from your own manager, asking why your team are underachieving.
    Reduced work quality – To achieve unrealistic expectations, employees may be forced to rush work, cut corners and not take proper care. This can lead to mistakes and poor quality outcomes.
    Overrunning costs – If you set your budget based on unrealistic expectations, you may be surprised when project costs overrun. If your deadline is also unrealistic, staff may need to spend longer on the project and work overtime, which all adds to your overall cost.
    Increase in absenteeism – If expectations of employees are too high, this could lead to them taking time off work for stress related illnesses. This only increases the pressure, as the rest of your team will need to meet set targets with one less pair of hands.
    Long-term consequences
    Setting unrealistic expectations can also impact your business in the long-term too.

    Here are some of the long-lasting effects to consider:

    Low staff morale – Staff often get a buzz from hitting their targets. However, if that goal is constantly unrealistic, employees can feel like they’re not achieving. This can impact self-esteem, motivation, and productivity, which can damage your bottom-line.
    Staff may aim lower – If targets are regularly set too high, staff will constantly fail to meet them. Over time, this failure can almost become accepted. As a result, staff may no longer try their absolute hardest, even if targets are lowered. This can have a detrimental effect on all future projects.
    Lose respect – Staff want to feel like they’re achieving their targets but are instead constantly being set up for failure. So, if you keep asking for the impossible, you can quickly lose the respect of your whole team.
    Higher employee turnover – If staff feel like they can never, and will never, be able to meet your unrealistic expectations, they may feel like their only option is to resign. Not only do you lose valuable knowledge and expertise, there’s even more chance that the remainder of your team will begin to exit your company.
    How to avoid setting unrealistic expectations
    As you can see, setting unrealistic expectations for staff can have serious ramifications. It can not only effect employees themselves, but also the business and ultimately its success. It’s therefore important for this behaviour to stop.

    Make a change now by following these six steps:

    Recognise the issues – The first step is realising that you set unrealistic expectations. Review previous projects, or ask your team if they think your targets are fair or unobtainable.
    Think before setting expectations – Just because you want something to be completed within a month, doesn’t mean it can be completed in that timeframe. Take a step back and consider the amount of work required and what resources you have available, before setting a deadline. This also applies to expectations that are being pushed on you from above too.
    Clearly define requirements – Whilst deadlines may at first seem reasonable, these can quickly become unrealistic if more requirements are added. To avoid any surprises or missed deadlines, clearly outline requirements and targets right from the start.
    Use your employee’s experience – Instead of relying on guesswork, speak to your team about how long they think a project will take and what resources will be needed. You may even find that if they are involved in setting deadlines and budgets, they will be more committed to meeting them.
    Re-estimate – If you realise you’re not going to make a certain deadline, don’t just let staff struggle. Discuss with staff how much longer they need. This will give employees something more realistic and achievable to aim for.
    Support your staff – Instead of setting expectations and then putting increased pressure on staff to perform, try supporting your team as much as possible (this might include mentoring) to help them achieve the best they can. Remember that the best leaders don’t manage; they lead!

  • unrealistic targets are those that are not founded on data but rather on feelings and emotions.

  • Unrealistic target something too ambitious to be any near to realistic surrounds, its like being too much overconfident with out checking any evaluations or data just to set a goal or target in based on what I feel or think which has no baseline to be successful.

  • Unrealistic targets will tarnish the overall target. There is need to do some thorough research before deciding on your own targets to set.

  • without recognizing the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something want to achieve. setting up the target with high ambience can be very good example of unrealistic target.

  • UNREALISTIC TARGETS. This is simply an ambiguous and over ambitious proposal expected to be reached at a certain stage of activity.
    Setting a target is useful and intensive to achievement. Therefore it is pertinent to study the possibility of attaining a certain height before setting a target. Making a choice to please the partners or sponsors is good but inability to fulfill that expectations makes you a failure and the level of trust put on you diminishes or deteriorates easily.
    For Example, an NGO took over a certain facility to conduct HIV testing and distribution of drugs, giving care to the patients but before they started, they needed to regulate the database so as to know the total number of active, inactive and lost to follow up, and to work it through Internet. They brought an M&E expert, he was told that active files were about 5000 while inactive and lost to follow up files were 13,000, the M&E expert said that to do MRS and LAMIS, would take only 2weeks with seven people working on it, the sponsors were happy but that project worked with 20 people over 3months and still never completed everything.
    The target here was quite unrealistic and over ambitious.

  • How can a goal with unrealistic target be improved in the middle of implementation?

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