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  • What are the most critical questions those should be answered during data management process?

  • The data management is a key aspect of an M&E plan, as it would have an impact on the daily job of everyone involved in the process, on the quality of the results and, consequently, on the satisfaction of people involved (donors, office staff, beneficiaries, etc,). It is important to spend some time to clearly set a data flow chart, in order to better oganise the data management.

  • is it consistent that all the data collected must be sent to government agencies.

    1 Reply
  • For data that should be used internally, there is always a consistent data flow map.

  • the most important aspect of the data flow map considering the MEH situation is that there is a clear role and responsibilities of every staff at every stage of the data flow.

  • What are some tools for effective data management?

    Some data management tools can be computer software programmes that assist you to insert individual data and indicators, keep track of information and create visual analytics to help you interpret and analyze the data and come to effective solutions.

  • Data is nothing without good management. It is important to create and follow a flow that will ensure effective and efficient collection and use of data

  • I think one of the most important aspects of data management is the validity and transparency of the data collected. At times, some data is collected and entered on time and then the data is processed and analyzed; therefore, there is missing information that could have affected the analysis of the data. Therefore, to avoid this, I think there always has to be an assigned staff member to follow up with the people who are supposed to collect and enter the data.

    1 Reply
  • Data quality is a practice of collecting, keeping and using data efficiently and cost effectively

  • Data Management is key because it lingers on even after the project is over. Data should be well tracked and managed

  • I agree totally with you. weldone

  • Tthank you for this exposition

    1. What level of data security do I need?

    Some vendors offer expansive data protection capabilities. Of course, these add-ons come with a price, and it would be helpful to know upfront whether or not securing your stored data is a priority to the degree that paying for it represents. We think it is, but some organizations like to maintain those protocols in-house. Many solution providers even go a step further, offering services that ensure certain data types remain compliant with ever growing regulations, which leads us to our next question.

    1. What kind of data do I need to analyze?

    Is the majority of your company’s data transactional? Is it all structured? If so, a traditional or “legacy” tool may be the best fit for your use case. If the bulk of your data streams to your data lake in real-time via CRM, cloud applications, and customer feedback, then a solution that can integrate with the likes of Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL repositories is likely appropriate. Be sure to take into account the types of data that run through your business and then match that up with the appropriate provider.

    1. Cloud, on-prem, or both?

    A hybrid approach is a growing trend in the enterprise market as it provides organizations the ability to execute integration in both on-prem and cloud environments. Thus, organizations are able to interchange data to and from either framework as a way to gain business agility, manage cloud delivery, and address the need for data sharing between environments. On-prem data management is certainly not dead, but a hybrid approach will set your organization up nicely for the future, even if cloud exposure is currently limited.

    1. Which use cases do I need to focus on? What will the impact look like?

    In other words, what does the deployment of a data management tool help you do differently? Focusing on specific use cases helps to ensure that the implementation of this technology helps move the needle along the desired path. The impact should be measurable, but it will also require collaboration amongst users. The expansion of data volumes and velocities should always result in an end goal of expanded business value.

    1. Will data management help me maintain compliance?

    Organizations that place a hefty emphasis on data are increasingly realizing they are not in compliance with industry regulations. In many cases, companies are flocking to data management for this reason – to automate the process of regulatory compliance and ensure that they are following the law. Compliance is vital in any vertical where personal records are shared. Healthcare and government are just two of the major players. If your organization resides in a highly regulated industry, it becomes important to choose a tool that will help you remain up-to-date.

    1. What level of data security do I need?

    Some vendors offer expansive data protection capabilities. Of course, these add-ons come with a price, and it would be helpful to know upfront whether or not securing your stored data is a priority to the degree that paying for it represents. We think it is, but some organizations like to maintain those protocols in-house. Many solution providers even go a step further, offering services that ensure certain data types remain compliant with ever growing regulations, which leads us to our next question.

    1. What kind of data do I need to analyze?

    Is the majority of your company’s data transactional? Is it all structured? If so, a traditional or “legacy” tool may be the best fit for your use case. If the bulk of your data streams to your data lake in real-time via CRM, cloud applications, and customer feedback, then a solution that can integrate with the likes of Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL repositories is likely appropriate. Be sure to take into account the types of data that run through your business and then match that up with the appropriate provider.

    1. Cloud, on-prem, or both?

    A hybrid approach is a growing trend in the enterprise market as it provides organizations the ability to execute integration in both on-prem and cloud environments. Thus, organizations are able to interchange data to and from either framework as a way to gain business agility, manage cloud delivery, and address the need for data sharing between environments. On-prem data management is certainly not dead, but a hybrid approach will set your organization up nicely for the future, even if cloud exposure is currently limited.

    1. Which use cases do I need to focus on? What will the impact look like?

    In other words, what does the deployment of a data management tool help you do differently? Focusing on specific use cases helps to ensure that the implementation of this technology helps move the needle along the desired path. The impact should be measurable, but it will also require collaboration amongst users. The expansion of data volumes and velocities should always result in an end goal of expanded business value.

    1. Will data management help me maintain compliance?

    Organizations that place a hefty emphasis on data are increasingly realizing they are not in compliance with industry regulations. In many cases, companies are flocking to data management for this reason – to automate the process of regulatory compliance and ensure that they are following the law. Compliance is vital in any vertical where personal records are shared. Healthcare and government are just two of the major players. If your organization resides in a highly regulated industry, it becomes important to choose a tool that will help you remain up-to-date.

  • In my opinion, I think that data management is a vital part of M&E. All program staff are playing key role in the process unknown or knowing. Mostly I used to think that Project Officers, Field Workers etc are not part of M&E. Now I understand that I was wrong.

  • The Data Flow Map is really useful for this process. It makes it more visual and practical to tie up loose ends in the flow.

    1 Reply
  • An intern can be employed and trained on basic M&E processes; preferably one with a background in numerical and analytical processes

    1 Reply
  • I totally agree with this!

  • If they are one of the key stakeholders, it might be necessary to do so.

  • Data management is the practice of collecting. keeping and using data securely, efficiently, and cost effectively

  • It is crucial for the team leader of a project to distribute responsibilities considering the capacity, ability and knowledge of all of the persons who intervene in the M&E process for the correct organization, collation, analyzing, storing (archiving) and transformation of data and give DATA the power, credibility and confidence for decision making.

  • Yes... I have worked with them many times and they are really interested in doing field work. Helping with the surveys and gathering other types of information.

  • Data management is a important part of any project

    1 Reply
  • Two things that have helped transparency of the projects especially when I work with government agencies are:

    1. Create a community monitoring committee where the organization does not participate (only by providing the instruments and training to monitor the processes) but local authorities and beneficiaries do.
    2. Designate an internal auditor who is in charge of monitoring that each M&E actor carries out their activities effectively. Verifies the information gathered and systemized. That way I ensure credibility in the data.
  • Need Help. How can we attach the final project with all the M&E Plan. I cant find where to send it.

  • Yes me too. It gives a complete picture of what we need to consider for the project as well as the roles and responsibilities.

  • Proper data management is essential for the project cycle helping strengthen the decisions made

  • Proper data management is essential for the project cycle helping strengthen the decisions made

  • It is very important to know how to manage data

  • Data Management is all about the process of collecting, Storing, accessing, organizing, analyzing and using data.
    It is a process, data needs to be collected, stored, analyzed , verified and then used for decision making and for future reference. and used in the reporting.
    data collected needs to be kept confidential.

  • Data management questionnaire helps the data collectors to access massive participants to collect valid and accurate data that can be helpful for project to build its decision on it

  • The data flow mapping process looks quite complicated. I've never used it before. Anyone care to share experiences on its efficacy and how it helped their organisation's processes?

    1 Reply
  • Data management is the practice of collecting, keeping, and using data securely, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

  • What does data verification refer to and why is it important?

    2 Replies
  • Its good module, almost there

  • I think one person can be chosen trained and be entrusted with the data

  • Data verification is a process in which different types of data are checked for accuracy and inconsistencies after data migration is done. It helps to determine whether data was accurately translated when data is transferred from one source to another, is complete, and supports processes in the new system.

    1 Reply
  • Data verification is a process in which different types of data are checked for accuracy and inconsistencies after data migration is done. It helps to determine whether data was accurately translated when data is transferred from one source to another, is complete, and supports processes in the new system.

  • Read this, it will help you get a clue

  • Data management processes actually encompasses; data entry, data analysis, data storage, data verification and data use. This process is important in ensuring the success of a project. Knowledgeable monitoring and evaluation staff should be assigned these roles each.

  • I have indeed appreciated this aspect of data flow map since it gives us a clear and fast way of knowing which role is performed by which officer.

  • data verification is the process of checking the presented data to ensure that they are devoid of errors and are in the right form. This process helps to ensure that the data are correct and right decisions are drawn from them.

  • Data management is one of the final steps with a very important role in the monitoring process

  • I agree. I am considering taking extra courses to learn data analysis specifically

  • Why is data management important?

  • Q:

    What were your practices for backing up and storing media for your previous employer?

    A data manager is responsible for maintaining all confidential files generated by your company. The candidate must understand the importance of backing up data on servers and workstations used throughout your organization. Security practices must be followed to prevent unauthorized access to the data, and disaster recovery plans must be followed to protect your company against data loss. The data manager must follow proper backup and security protocol for your company’s files.

    What to look for in an answer:

    Experience backing up servers and securing media
    Data security skills and IT standards experience
    Knowledge of disaster and recovery practices
    “I created backup media for all servers and workstations daily, allowing the backups to capture all data that was changed throughout the workday. All backup media was stored in an off-site and secure location.”


    What development and implementation procedures do you follow for new data systems?

    A data manager develops and implements new data systems when the information system is upgraded or changed. He or she follows current IT standards and regulations for the new systems and ensures that the products remain compliant with federal laws for storing confidential records and information. The candidate must have experience in designing new systems, evaluating the integration with your existing infrastructure and following all necessary security standards for storing the data.

    What to look for in an answer:

    Experience developing and implementing new data systems
    Familiarity with managing and securing data storage systems and devices
    Knowledge of all IT standards, regulations and laws
    “I followed all IT standards for developing new data systems for storing and protecting data while conducting implementation protocols to ensure compliance with current regulations.”


    How did you manage proper data sharing practices for your previous employer?

    A data manager follows strict protocols to prevent workers from sharing data with unauthorized users. He or she must adhere to standards and ensure that workers stick to strict guidelines for transmitting confidential files or information between departments and to outside sources. The candidate must have experience tracking access to the data systems and blocking unauthorized workers from opening or sharing files illegally. He or she must enforce strict sharing practices and lower the risk of data loss.

    What to look for in an answer:

    Knowledge of using data sharing protocols and enforcing standards
    Experience in creating credentials for authorized workers
    IT skills for tracking and monitoring access to data systems
    “Working closely with the network and systems administrators, I enforced authorization and authentication practices for data sharing between departments and outside or remote users.”


    As a data manager, you recommend new technological changes. How do you arrive at your recommendations?

    A data manager is responsible for evaluating how current systems, software, hardware and data storage devices perform. The services must meet current IT standards and federal laws as well. He or she recommends alterations when the current systems aren’t serving your company at top levels or fail to comply with standards through upgrades. The applicant creates a full report conveying their recommendations for the changes and presents feasibility studies showing why the updates are necessary.

    What to look for in an answer:

    Experience with IT systems and new integration recommendations
    Strong analytical and research skills
    An understanding of budgetary constraints and feasibility studies
    “I conducted research for the latest software, hardware and data storage options for the company through IT seminars and reports explaining the benefits of the investments.”


    Why is a disaster recovery plan vital for all companies using data systems?

    A data manager devises disaster recovery plans for data storage systems. The protocol involves backing up files as soon as changes are made and removing the data storage media from the property daily. The backup media is used to restore the files if an attack happens that causes your company to lose all of its data or if the information becomes corrupted. He or she uses the same recovery plan if your business property is destroyed.

    What to look for in an answer:

    Experience implementing a disaster recovery plan
    Ability to follow protocols when disaster recovery is needed
    An understanding of the importance of protecting all data
    “The disaster recovery plan mitigates the risk of data loss and helps companies protect their data from attacks that lead to data corruption and potential identity theft liabilities.”


    What are the first steps you would take in the event of a security breach within your company database?

    Data managers are responsible for protecting the security of the data they collect. They should not only know how to prevent security breaches, they should know how to limit their negative impact if they occur. Interviewers should ask this question to assess whether a candidate understands best practices for emergency response to a breach. Strong candidates will have a general plan for determining if sensitive data was affected by a security issue and preventing similar problems in the future.

    Look for these elements of a candidate's response:

    An example action plan
    Learning from experience
    Here is one good response:

    "The first priority is to repair the issues that caused the breach to prevent further data leaks and take additional security measures to identify other vulnerabilities. I'd begin researching the extent of the breach to determine what kinds of information was released and the potential consequences of the security problem. This would help me be able to approach the people affected by the leak with potential solutions, showing accountability for our role in learning from new forms of cyber attacks

  • What level of data security do I need?
    What kind of data do I need to analyze?
    Cloud, on-prem, or both?
    Which use cases do I need to focus on? What will the impact look like?
    Will data management help me maintain compliance?

  • Data flow map is very essential to identifying who does what and assigning such responsibilities appropriately.

  • Data management is used by different stakeholders for different purposes. The goal of a knowledge based management system is to generate and share usable knowledge based on this data. Data needs to be properly stored, processed and shared, either physically or electronically.

  • When data are properly managed with well articulated data flow map, there is greater chances that the ultimate goal of the project is achieved.

  • What would be the best tip for best practices on data management on a large scale data collection (nationwide)?

    On the agricultural sector in many provinces what would be the best structure?

  • What would be the best tip for best practices on data management on a large scale data collection (nationwide)?

    On the agricultural sector in many provinces what would be the best structure?

  • I think data management is the most crucial part in project evaluation

  • It is very important to identify the roles each of your stakeholders can play then assign the necessary roles to them.

  • Data management is a very key and integral part for the M&E function. Data being a very sensitive resource, should handled through a process that is free from biases and errors.
    There are a number of questions that any M&E team on any project should consider key throughout the data management process.

    1. What are the sources of the data?
    2. What type of data do we need from these sources?
    3. How much detail do we need to obtain?
    4. How shall we collect the data?
    5. How often will the data be collected and who will collect the data?
    6. How will the data be cleaned and analysed?
    7. Who will analyse the data?
    8. Who will write the reports?
    9. Who are the end users of the data/reports and whats their level of interest?
    10. How will the data be disseminated to the end users?
      Once these questions are answered, thenthe data management process becomes easy and simple.
  • When data are properly managed with well articulated data flow map, there is greater chances that the ultimate goal of the project is achieved.

  • In a situation where, for reasons that border on scarcity of personnel in an organization, where can the data management role access adequate capacity building in data analysis, seeing that this is a very important step in the data management process?

  • What kind of data will you need to collect to measure your indicator? Detailed qualitative data will be collected very differently than quantitative data. For example, surveys, laboratory measurements, and document reviews work well for collecting large amounts of quantitative data, while interviews and focus groups are often the best choices for collecting detailed qualitative data.

  • What can be the problems in the case where one person plays the roles from data collection up to reporting?

    1 Reply
  • What level of data security do I need?
    What kind of data do I need to analyze?
    Which use cases do I need to focus on? What will the impact look like?
    Will data management help me maintain compliance?

  • Please, what is actually data security? I am not an expert in this field. Does it implies confidentiality considering that there are different actors involved and at different levels? Could it be about preventing from damage in storage media? I am imagining data being blocked in failed hard disk or corrupted by viruses. It will be very good for me to understand this data security through your experiences.

  • Data management is a process of data collection, data entry and collation, data analysis, verification, storage or archiving and finally data use in drawing conclusions and decision making.

  • data flow mapping helps visualization of data management process in all its complexity making it easy to understand and assign roles and responsibilities to the human interface in the data management cycle.

  • A simple project which has limited measurable indicators and if one has the prerequisite capacity one can perform all the data processing stages from data collection to date analysis, verification and storage. case example of a laboratory research.

    1 Reply
  • Ce module m'a permis de comprendre l'importance d'une carte de flux de données dans la planification du S&E. elle permet non seulement d'augmenter la visibilité du processus de gestion des données, mais également de savoir quels sont les rôles et responsabilités des différents acteurs de ce processus.

  • Data management Questions

    What level of data security do I need?
    What kind of data do I need to analyze?
    Cloud, on-prem, or both?
    Which use cases do I need to focus on? What will the impact look like?
    Will data management help me maintain compliance?

  • Is it posisbsible that you can have only the project manager doing all the steps of the job?

  • Data management is an important part in M&E

  • M& L programs relay on evidence so as to improve and take a lesson about the project. the way data collected , processed and used should be managed carefully as it critical process. Data management questions deals with overall process of collecting data to storage . in addition, roles and responsibilities of in each process considerred as important concern of data management .

  • who is involved in data management, and what is the purpose

  • I think once you define responsibilities, the flow is easy to make

  • its not complicated once you define the roles pf each key player

  • Some of the questions to ask include, who will collect data? How will the data be used? Who will analyze, collate, and store date?

  • Data management and data flow map are very critical part of the M&E plan.
    Without which it becomes problematic determining the roles of all the various individuals and officers on the project. I implore all M&E officers and project managers to always take this seriously when developing the plan.

    1. To be able to get data supported feedback for decision making.
    2. Incorporating M&E plans allows to determine the various roles and responsibilities of all officers on the program or project
    3. It also helps to determine the specific indicators that you will be measuring.
  • Merci beaucoup pour l'effort fournit pour la confection de ce module, j'aimerai juste avoir de bref détail par rapport a ces deux termes ; la saisir de données et l'analyse de données quelle est l'étape à franchir avant l'autre ?

  • Efficient data management is essential in any project because it from this that timely and important decisions are made. All staff involved in this process must understand what they are meant to do.

  • Why data management does not involved data collection in the field?

  • Why data management does not involved data collection in the field?

  • "Data represents human beings, it must be treated with respect", for this to be possible; as an M&E specialist it's important to take time to train all the stakeholders on the importance and relevancy of the data. It is imperative that the staff understands why, how and when the data will be used by going through the M&E plan.

  • "Data represents human beings, it must be treated with respect", for this to be possible; as an M&E specialist it's important to take time to train all the stakeholders on the importance and relevancy of the data. It is imperative that the staff understands why, how and when the data will be used by going through the M&E plan.

  • Mr Timothy King posted in April 2019, five main questions to ask during the software selection.
    The questions are:

    1. What level of data security do I need?

    Some vendors offer expansive data protection capabilities. Of course, these add-ons come with a price, and it would be helpful to know upfront whether or not securing your stored data is a priority to the degree that paying for it represents. We think it is, but some organizations like to maintain those protocols in-house. Many solution providers even go a step further, offering services that ensure certain data types remain compliant with ever growing regulations, which leads us to our next question.

    1. What kind of data do I need to analyze?

    Is the majority of your company’s data transactional? Is it all structured? If so, a traditional or “legacy” tool may be the best fit for your use case. If the bulk of your data streams to your data lake in real-time via CRM, cloud applications, and customer feedback, then a solution that can integrate with the likes of Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL repositories is likely appropriate. Be sure to take into account the types of data that run through your business and then match that up with the appropriate provider.

    1. Cloud, on-prem, or both?

    A hybrid approach is a growing trend in the enterprise market as it provides organizations the ability to execute integration in both on-prem and cloud environments. Thus, organizations are able to interchange data to and from either framework as a way to gain business agility, manage cloud delivery, and address the need for data sharing between environments. On-prem data management is certainly not dead, but a hybrid approach will set your organization up nicely for the future, even if cloud exposure is currently limited.

    1. Which use cases do I need to focus on? What will the impact look like?

    In other words, what does the deployment of a data management tool help you do differently? Focusing on specific use cases helps to ensure that the implementation of this technology helps move the needle along the desired path. The impact should be measurable, but it will also require collaboration amongst users. The expansion of data volumes and velocities should always result in an end goal of expanded business value.

    1. Will data management help me maintain compliance?

    Organizations that place a hefty emphasis on data are increasingly realizing they are not in compliance with industry regulations. In many cases, companies are flocking to data management for this reason – to automate the process of regulatory compliance and ensure that they are following the law. Compliance is vital in any vertical where personal records are shared. Healthcare and government are just two of the major players. If your organization resides in a highly regulated industry, it becomes important to choose a tool that will help you remain up-to-date.

  • data management is very important for better decision. Organization who manages welll data takes better decision.

  • Data management is an important process within project management and an important part of the M& E plan.
    It involves a number of steps which include data collection, data entry and collation, analysis, verification and storage, and eventually its use. While some of these steps in the data management process may be simple, others may be complex but need to be clearly understood and thought out in the M&E plans.

  • True, it is important to verify that the data that is collected is devoid of human errors which may manifest when it is wrongly captured, and also to avoiding personal biases.

  • The most important topic

  • Data is the valuable team effort that has given it special treatment

  • Data is the valuable team effort that has given it special treatmenti

  • Data management is a very vital part in m&e. It's where the raw data is converted to a useful or meaningful information which at the end is used for decision making.

  • Data management is a very vital part in M&E. The raw data collected from the field is entered into the database or excel sheet, organized, stored, analyzed and used for the decision. It can be stored for future use.

  • Data management is essential for processing of data and decision making

  • Data management is essential for processing of data and decision making

  • Where is data privacy regulations in this part of data management? Because some data needs to be treated confidential with security purposes.

  • This is quite an important step and should be dealt with very seriously. One should have absolute clarity about
    a) all the data collection tools that would be required for collecting data on the key indicators;
    b) the frequency of collecting data
    c) the persons responsible for collecting the data
    d) the method of data collection i.e. CATI, CAPI etc.
    e) the process of data collation, cleaning;
    f) where the data would be collated;
    g) how to do data cleaning;
    h) how to conduct data analysis;
    i) softwares required for data analysis;
    j) report writing

  • I think I have realised from this data management module the importance of treating data with respect as it concerns real human beings. It is quite easy to get carried away with the figures/statistics and realising that these are people's views, info and guided perspectives that deserve some dignity.

    Also, of importance is the fact that the usefulness of data is a result of what is collected, how it is collated, analysed and interpreted. In other words, it is garbage in garbage out if you have not identified the right data that can provide answers to the questions asked.

  • There is no question

  • If an organization does not have a digital method of storing data and collating them, will it affect the process, result or decision?

  • After data is collected, it must be entered, analyzed, stored, verified, analyzed and then used. This process is referred to as data management processes. It is necessary to understand data management processes in order to know which roles & responsibilities to assign to project staff.
    Data Use:

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