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  • Identifying risks and assumptions will help adjust the activities and the end goals of a project so as the goals can be achieved.
    This will also enable a research to avoid biase and keep focus to the goals

  • M&E enables one
    Deeply understand project goals
    Decide what to measure
    Develop tools and methods for measurements
    Figure out how roles and responsibilities will be divided among the team members.
    To be aware of biases and thus be able to avoid them

    1 Reply
  • The comparison between the two projects is indeed a good way to get started. For sure, GOOD's plan is well explained, however, MEH's plan is yet to be understood. I am confident that a starter like me will understand and acquire the basic skills needed for a good M&E plan. Looking forward to all activities involved in this module.

  • In developing economies, and particularly in rural areas, many activities that would be classified in the developed world as financial are not monetized: that is, money is not used to carry them out. This is often the case when people need the services money can provide but do not have dispensable funds required for those services. This forces them to revert to other means of acquiring the funds. In their book, The Poor and Their Money, Stuart Rutherford and Sukhwinder Arora cite several types of needs:[7]

    Lifecycle Needs: such as weddings, funerals, childbirth, education, home building, holidays, festivals, widowhood and old age
    Personal Emergencies: such as sickness, injury, unemployment, theft, harassment or death
    Disasters: such as wildfires, floods, cyclones and man-made events like war or bulldozing of dwellings
    Investment Opportunities: expanding a business, buying land or equipment, improving housing, securing a job, etc.

  • It has broaden my knowledge on data collection and management

  • I am glad to have been enrolled in this course

  • Already enjoying Module 1, looking forward to learning new exciting things especially on the Importance of M&E

    1. It helps with the tracking of the project.
    2. It helps with the measuring of the project's success.
    3. It helps with the collection of data and storage of the project's data.
    4. It helps with the measuring of the impact of the project on people's lives.
    5. It enable's the organization to write clear reports on the success or progress of the project.
    6. Monitoring allows for identification and quick fixing if there is a problem in the project.
  • The fact that there is a case study to help learn is very interesting and is a practical way to learn.

  • 1.Monitoring and Evaluation helps a project identify it's aims and objectives
    2.Identifies target number for a project
    3.Monitoring and evaluation helps identify the right project area and gets a time line for the project.

  • At the programme level, the imprtance of monitoring and evaluation is to help track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes. it also help determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changed may be needed.

  • I've spent 13 years in a research organisation without the necessary basics of M&E. 90% of my work involved M&E as I was in the Research Unit of the organisation. Now that I'm studying this course I realise how effectively I would've carried out my projects had I enrolled for the course at an earlier stage. The course will help me a lot going forward.

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that are not achievable. They are targets set most times without having a baseline level of your indicators nor knowing if the indicators has been changing in recent years.
    They are targets that are made without getting expert opinion, making findings etc.
    Unrealistic targets always cause disappointment to donors and team members.

  • A good M&E plan is the primary reason a project will succeed.

  • helps in measuring the progress of the project in place.
    when any problem arises in the duration of the project it will be able to be corrected immediately.
    will enable the donor to know the progress of the projects in place and how the fund are in use.

  • I think it’s a good example to make understand about the importance of M&E. There is two projects named GOOD and MEH. The project, GOOD starts its work with a well M&E plan. The project team know well about the project goals. Based on the project goal, they decided how will measure progress.
    On the other hand, the team of project MEH is not clear about their goal and do not clear understand what will be measured of this project. But they decided to make an M&E plan as they have time.

  • Monitoring and evaluation are important for a project because they are processes that allow us to know the level of progress of our project and the level of achievement of the objectives for our project.
    Their importance is because they allow on the one hand to know the progress of the project and on the other hand the impact that the project has on the beneficiaries

  • Well!, The Importance of M&E
    M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) - very useful at all program and sub projects. So I will like to discuss a significant importance of M&E- those are:-
    it provides the only consolidated source of information showcasing project progress;
    it allows actors to learn from each other’s experiences, building on expertise and knowledge;
    it often generates (written) reports that contribute to transparency and accountability, and allows for lessons to be shared more easily;
    it reveals mistakes and offers paths for learning and improvements;
    it provides a basis for questioning and testing assumptions;
    it provides a means for agencies seeking to learn from their experiences and to incorporate them into policy and practice;
    it provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers;
    it adds to the retention and development of institutional memory;
    it provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

    Thank you !

  • Monitoring and evaluation assists in identifying indicators that will facilitate in successful running of a project thus measuring how effective the indicators that have been chosen.

  • MEH have a high potential impact for girls, in particular for those who are limited in resource, M&E plan is critical to measure the process and impact to ensure the beneficiaries achieved their goal through microloans scheme offer in the project. without the clear M&E plan the process can be stressful and could severely impact the project.

  • M&E is important as it sheds light on the successes as well as help to pick up any faults in the planning.

  • There are various projects that in school girls can partake in during their extracurricular activities. entrepreneurial skills can start as early as school days. it even reduces their risk to engage in bad vices for personal necessities.

  • Hello everyone here am glad to be here.

  • Exactly, that part a.

  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation can not be over emphasized. It gives credibility to a project

  • Monitoring and evaluation is so important for each project since it provides a clear, reliable, and impartial vision of the project. It sets the track of following up the projects activities since designing proposal, and monitoring the implementation and measuring the final outcomes by using proper tools for collecting data and analyzing them to come up with the realistic information that reflects achieving goals. It helps mangers in making decisions, identifying risks and problems, suggesting solutions, improving performance, developing next projects , and gaining finance. Providing realistic information is key to gain the trust of the community and donors, which can only be reached through a clear monitoring and evaluation plan.

  • Monitoring a project is very important because it helps to track performance over time and make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources

  • A project can not be certified complete if the set out objectives are not measured. This underscores the importance of tracking a project’s performance and outcomes

  • Monitoring and Evaluation for certain intervention is very crucial, even in personal life it is important. If an organization doesn't have the monitoring and evaluation plan or strategy for a project under implementation, it is like a ship without a compass. The organization doesn't see the progress and the impact of the project, it could be working for nothing and all documents will be paper tiger. On top of this, it doesn't ensure sustainability in both ways, organization sustainably and project sustainability.

  • I'm just wondering what the activities will be done at the first project to gain the 1200 savings and how the effort will be measured not just the conclusion number at the first project

  • Monitoring and evaluation are critical for building a strong, global evidence base around violence against women and for assessing the wide, diverse range of interventions being implemented to address it. At the global level, it is a tool for identifying and documenting successful programmes and approaches and tracking progress toward common indicators across related projects. Monitoring and evaluation forms the basis of strengthening understanding around the many multi-layered factors underlying violence against women, women’s experiences with such violence, and the effectiveness of the response at the service provider, community, national and international level.
    This is critically important because while the global evidence base on the proportion of women having ever experienced various forms of abuse is strong, evidence on what kinds of strategies are effective in preventing such violence and offering adequate support to victims and survivors is still weak. This is especially relevant in resource poor areas, where difficult decisions need to be made with respect to funding priorities.
    At the programme level, the purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes. It helps determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changes may be needed. Monitoring and evaluation forms the basis for modification of interventions and assessing the quality of activities being conducted.
    Monitoring and evaluation can be used to demonstrate that programme efforts have had a measurable impact on expected outcomes and have been implemented effectively. It is essential in helping managers, planners, implementers, policy makers and donors acquire the information and understanding they need to make informed decisions about programme operations.

  • Important questions that M& E can answer?

    Is the intervention feasible and acceptable?
    Did it have an impact?
    Why or why not? How and for whom did it have an impact?
    Are the results credible?
    Is it affordable and cost effective?
    Can the cost be compared with alternatives to investment?
    Is it replicable to other settings?
    Where is it replicable? Where is it not replicable?
    Are the results likely to be generalizable?
    Can it be scaled up? That is, can the intervention be adapted, replicated or built on to increase its reach or scope (for a larger population or a different region)?
    If yes, how can it be scaled up? What aspects can be scaled up?

  • Monitoring and evaluation enhance the effective implementation of a program. Systematically, it allows program implementers to track and measure progress made towards outcome or impact. During the project cycle, It helps to identify and make changes when needed.

  • MEH needs to define exactly how many loans they want to give out, and the expected total amount given out over a specified duration of time. There is also need to pre-determine how many projects they expect to get started after a stipulated period.

    For example, a target would be to give out 200 loans to 200 girls each within the range $2000 - $ 5000 over the next 6 months. This makes the funds pool between $400 000 - 1 000 000. There should also be an expected 200 projects started within that period

  • M and E is important as it provides a well laid out plan, which allows one to track regular progress of a project. This allows one to make implementation adjustments where required in order to stay on track to achieve the project objectives. Periodic review will also determine if these objectives have been achieved, and if interventions made had an effect on the intended outcomes. This creates room for learning and improvement in further implementation,

  • I like the two examples

  • Now I have seen the importance of M&E

  • i will apply to project GOOD

  • The project monitoring and evaluation process has great importance in improving the current and future management of outputs, results and impact, and helps to improve performance and achieve results. It is mainly used to evaluate the performance of projects, institutions and programs developed by governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations. It also links plans and performance to future results. Monitoring and evaluation purpose is fundamentally to move forward. The evaluation applies lessons and recommendations to decisions about current and future programs. Evaluations can also be used to promote new projects, obtain support from governments, raise funds from public or private institutions, and inform the public about various activities.

  • M&E is very important in project management. It creates transparency and accountability.

  • Monitoring is an ongoing process therefore it help to keep track of the activities of a project. It also plays an important role in the allocation of resources.
    Evaluation which happens on the specif timelines asses the success of a project and paves way for correction of e eventualities.
    Monitoring and evaluation are key to evidence based management of any particular project.

  • M&E helps us not to waste resources, as the quality of progress is known before the final process, in a given project.

    1 Reply
  • Due to M&E, quality of data collected can be guaranteed to be close to 100%

  • Prediction and forecasting on a similar project can be more aqurate if M&E is adequately done on a previous similar project.

  • M&E helps us to measure the progress of a project and tells us how quality the progress is.

    It also help us to avoid the wastage of resources.

  • This is a great start, am looking forward to learning more about making my own project plan.

  • The M&E can provide evidence-based inform for decision making via input, output, outcome and impact to create logic framework and anticipated outcome indicators, theory of change and implementation plan.

  • To develop a strong M&E plan is of vital importance. By reviewing milestones and final outcomes of the projects, donors will decide on the accountability of the institutions, upon which further collaborations could be established.

  • Both GOOD and MEH projects looks fantastic. They needs good M&E plan to measure the success of the project.

  • The M&E is very important in any project or program it enable the project team to plan their project carefully by identifying the goals and baseline by collectiing the information in the begining of the project and during the implementation then they can track their performance easily by analyzing baseline data and current data

  • What is the difference between M&E and MEL?

  • It's helpful for new ones in M&E.

  • M&E, MEL, MLE all these are same.

    • It provides the only consolidated source of information showcasing project progress.

    • It allows actors to learn from each other’s experiences, building on expertise and knowledge.

    • It often generates (written) reports that contribute to transparency and accountability, and allows for lessons to be shared more easily.

    • It reveals mistakes and offers paths for learning and improvements.

    • It provides a basis for questioning and testing assumptions.

    • It provides a means for agencies seeking to learn from their experiences and to incorporate them into policy and practice.

    • It provides a way to assess the crucial link between implementers and beneficiaries on the ground and decision-makers.

    • It adds to the retention and development of institutional memory.

    • It provides a more robust basis for raising funds and influencing policy.

  • Assumptions and risks are external conditions that are outside the control of the programme. The achievement of aims depends on whether or not assumptions hold true and the risks do not materialize. If cause and effect is the core concept of good programme design, necessary and sufficient conditions are the corollary.

  • M&E is importante to organize databases and report information

  • Monitoring and evaluation are important for a project because they are processes that allow us to know the level of progress of our project and the level of achievement of the objectives for our project.
    Their importance is because they allow on the one hand to know the progress of the project and on the other hand the impact that the project has on the beneficiaries

  • Their importance is because they allow on the one hand to know the progress of the project and on the other hand the impact that the project has on the beneficiaries

  • As per my views on this topic, Monitoring & Evaluation plays an important role to success the project. Monitoring helps the project to push the activities into the right directions while evaluation helps to get the impact of the project. If something is seen during the activities which is going towards wrong direction then monitoring process identify that the push that into right direction.

  • Monitoring and evaluation helps with identifying the most valuable and efficient use of resources. It also serves as a guide to managers, policy makers, and donors to acquire the necessary information as to what decision is right and how to go about it.

    1 Reply
  • Good point there.

  • M&E keeps the whole project in perspective. A healthy understanding of the mission of the project is what will keep all our biases at bay.

  • Monitoring is important in a project because it help allows the team that is working on the project to collect information about the project (beneficiaries, inputs and outputs) in order to run the related activities and measure the progress of the project through the defined activities. The team will be able to track performance , make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources. Evaluation is important because it helps the team to measure how effective the project activities is, if the project’s objectives were achieved and the impact of the project’s interventions. M&E is important because it helps to follow up with the current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact of a project.

  • M&E helps an organization keep track of project endeavors and improves their ability to detect when intended actions are not happening or may be happening but not producing the expected results, thereby creating the possibility of making informed decisions and taking necessary steps to ensure that project expectations are respected and met

  • I believe that M&E help organizations handling projects foresee problems quickly and help provide timely solutions

    • I got good lesson from this topic like:
    • well stated project with good design and plan the progress
      and out come will be efficient and effective
    • good design and plan you will save resources and time
    • you will got more trust from beneficiaries
    • you will avoid risks and negative barriers to implement on time
  • M&E helps the organization measure outputs and determine whether the outcomes are creating the required impact.
    Also M&E is a tool that allows donor organizations understand how their funds are spent.

  • M&E helps the organization measure outputs and determine whether the outcomes are creating the required impact.
    Also M&E is a tool that allows donor organizations understand how their funds are spent.

  • The importance of M&E cannot be overemphasized. To the level i have studied in this course, as a newbie i have seen and understood the great importance of M&E to project design and implementation.

  • disaggregated data helps a lot in making supposed complex indicators easy to measure.

  • An M&E plan is a set of documents that states which information you will collect, how it will be collected and what you will do with the information.

  • In practice, At the program level, the purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to track implementation and outputs systematically and measure the effectiveness of programs. It helps determine exactly when a program is on track and when changes may be needed. Monitoring and evaluation form the basis for modification of interventions and assessing the quality of activities being conducted.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation is of paramount importance as it help the project team to collecting project information regularly which measure the progress of the project or activity. This helps to track performance over time and to make informed decisions about the effectiveness of projects and the efficient use of resources. In addition, evaluation measures how well the project activities have achieved the project’s objectives and how much changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project’s interventions.

  • Monitoring and mensuring the projects help you to know how good the project are.

  • The importance of M&E especially in development projects cannot be over flogged. For every project reeled out in support of humanity, there is always a goal.

    In areas within the subsaharan, we witness the existence of multitude of NGO, NPOs and Foundations but we barely see the positive impacts of these organizations.

    With M&E it becomes possible to track projects and determine how efficient and effective these projects and advocacies are.

  • The importance of M&E especially in development projects cannot be over flogged. For every project reeled out in support of humanity, there is always a goal.

    In areas within the subsaharan, we witness the existence of multitude of NGO, NPOs and Foundations but we barely see the positive impacts of these organizations.

    With M&E it becomes possible to track projects and determine how efficient and effective these projects and advocacies are.

  • M&E is used to monitor the implementation phaae of a project and to evaluate if the activities have achieved the project objectives

  • The M&E will help the project know what the activities, inputs, outputs, outcome and impact. With this in mind the project is able to put in necessary measures to ensure the desired results are achieved every step of the way. So everything is encapsulated to the M&E plan for the project which remains critical.

    • M&E helps to track the progress of the project

    • It helps management to make informed decision on the implementation of the project

    • Helps to track the efficient use of resources

    • Helps to tell whether a project or program is on track

    • Helps, for example the GOOD project in donor reporting and bosting donor confidence

  • It is important to have a M&E plan to measure how successful the project is and if anything goes wrong along the line, one will be able to notice the problem and make necessary changes. And also to be able to make a good report to the funders and partners.

  • Really interesting topic, with exciting and relatable examples

  • Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation is as follows:

    1. Helps us to identify goals towards the project or activity that we are intending to do.
    2. Helps us on how to measure the project. For instance One can measure his or her project through collecting data on how many people (attended or registered themselves) concerning to the project that is handled by an individual.
    3. Enables us on planning how to collect the information needed. This can be through: How the project changed the beneficiary lives, how beneficiaries think about the project and how the project can be achieved.
    4. Guides us on how we can write reports to funders and partners
    5. Helps us in knowing how successful the project was,. In case if anything went wrong, we can be able to identify the problem right away and make necessary changes.
  • Monitoring and evaluation used to track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes. It helps determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changes may be needed.

  • The purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programs. M&E help determine exactly when a program is on track and when modifications may be needed. Monitoring and evaluation forms the basis for modification of interventions and assessing the quality of activities being conducted.

  • Hi,
    Dear Team

    Nice Project.
    The purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to know the actual status i.e Progress of the Project and evaluate Progress with prevoius project

  • well noted . thanks ![alt text](image [link text](link url)url)

  • M & E is highly important to measure the progress and the performance of an ongoing projects or completed projects.

  • How important are M&E plans for projects that focus solely on research and policy advocacy? How do you measure the impact on different policies through an M&E Plan?

  • The importance of M&E in any project can not be over emphasized at any point.

  • The importance of M&E in any project can not be over emphasized at any point.

  • M&E is extremely important in any project design and implementation

  • Name
    Job status
    Reason for collecting loan
    Mode of repayment
    Next of kin

  • The importance of M&E are firstly to measure the progress of your project or activity and secondly to measures how well the project activities have achieved the project’s objectives and how much changes in outcomes can be directly linked to a project’s interventions.

  • Monitoring and evaluation helps measure effectiveness of programs and tracks implementation and outputs of the program

    • Helps one to identify the objectives of a project

    • Helps to reallocate resources where there is need

    • Helps project managers track the progress of there project

    • Evaluation helps to know whether intended goals was achieved

  • Importance of M&E
    M&E helps to tack the progress and provide information needed to coordinate the human, financial and physical resources committed to the project.
    It provides feedback at various stages of the project to the donors, implementors and also beneficiaries of the project.
    Helps in supporting decision making and understanding of the dynamics of the project.
    It helps on identifying the constraints hindering achieving the objectives of the project

  • MEH should measure

    1. Number of businesses established through the use of their loans
    2. They should track how the businesses established are changing the beneficiaries lives
  • m&e is important in helping you measure the success of your project by knowing what indicates progress and using information gathered by m&e plan to make important decisions

  • Clearly, the team would have to measure both the numberof loans that they give out and the number of businesses that help get started to most effectively measure the value and progress of their project. However, I am looking forward to learn more on this process and contributing to a plan for this project.

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