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  • some projects may decide to not have risks and assumptions for some components of a project, say inputs. this is not a very good practice for M&E...

  • bias removal and reduction is actually also key in ensuring that there is transparency in a projects implementation life cycle...

  • using a number of these tools is called triangulation, and helps ensure that findings are valid and accurate...

  • one way is to ensure that we think beyond the project, by looking at the political landscape, economy, culture and so on of a given area of project implementation...

  • and also identify areas of improvement

  • Risk and Assumptions is very important in project design because it will help to test whether the chosen Impact of the project will yield the intended results. It will also help to find alternatives of resolving the risks and assumptions if will occur during the project implementation.

  • Risks are anything outside of your control that might disrupt your plan, while assumptions are your biases: things you believe without much evidence.

  • I liked the module on risks and assumptions. But how do you know when you are choosing the right risk or the best assumptions?

  • Module is very interresting for my career

  • les hypothèse permettent de mieux jaugés le projet. Elles fixent les contours de l'étude et est un indicateur de mesure des objectifs.

  • risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan and assumption are biases or the things that you believed without much of evidence or proofs

  • Risks can be defined as the events that are outside of your control and that might disrupt your plan and activities and may have negative impact on your project.

    Assumptions can be defined as your biases. These are things that you believe that could happen without having much evidence. They are situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management and have no evidence on ground yet.

  • Risk and Assumptions in the log frame is important for the better understanding
    what are the main risks in the implementation of projects?
    How can we overcome from these risks?

  • Every project designer must be mindful of the unexpected risks and assumptions, as these usually pose the worst challenges to achieving goal target. As M&E specialists, we really have to take these seriously. And I like the part where in the video he mentioned that they set up a whatsapp page for beneficiaries to report risks and assumptions from the field of project implementation. That really helps

  • this module has provided me with an in depth knowledge relating to risk and assumptions as part of a project design/cycle

  • Risks and Assumptions are those things that are out of control of project Managers. The are exogenous factors that can affect a certain project.

  • Risk is a possible challenge or challenges that have potential or capability of hindering the progress of one's project .

    Assumptions are non evidence based beliefs held by individuals

  • The two primary attributes of a risk are the probability of it happening and the impact (negative or positive) that it might have on a project. Assumptions are “factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration. Prior identification of the risks and assumptions during the project design phase informs the monitoring and Evaluation of the project since they give general basic information on whether or not the project is meeting its desired objectives.

  • The two primary attributes of a risk are the probability of it happening and the impact (negative or positive) that it might have on a project. Assumptions are “factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration. Prior identification of the risks and assumptions during the project design phase informs the monitoring and Evaluation of the project since they give general basic information on whether or not the project is meeting its desired objectives.

  • it is important to plan for risks and assumptions ahead of time is so that
    you can understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable
    that might affect your implementation, therefore giving you enough time to make
    decisions at the right time.

  • I have learnt that overlooking risks and assumption can negatively affect the project success in a huge way

    Its important to ask for input from another person as they can easily point out your biases

  • These are things that might disrupt your plans.

  • As discussed, the risks a d assumptions list all things that will disrupt a project. It categorically declared that risks and assumptions plays a vital role in prevention of the project spoilage/trouble.

  • Understanding Risk and assumption at the stage of project design will help the program managers to identify the unexpected things that will affect the project in each stage. This will catalyze the achievement of the intended outcomes and goals of the project

  • The risk and assumption are very similar to me and i don't even differentiated them.

    1 Reply
  • When you design a project , it is important to identify the risks and assumptions before the project begins. Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan. Assumptions are your biases the things that you believe without much evidence.
    The risk and assumptions column of a logframe list all the things that might disrupt your plan for each level of the logframe that is inputs, outputs, outcome and impact.

  • One of the best sides of all projects is Risks and Assumptions; the key skill here in my opinion is being able to think proactively.

    1 Reply
  • Risks and assumptions are the field where we use our proactive acting skills.

  • By writing your first comment you have the access and then you can see what others typed.

  • Assumption: Something you consider to be existing.

    For example: Let's say your impact is "Increased security of the building"
    Then your assumption can be "The admins of the building are commited to secure the people living in the apartment"
    The risk: "Security systems being hacked by hackers"

    Assumptions are always positive!

  • Describing risks is very important to identify future issues and to resolve them before it happens. Describing assumptions is a good way to find solutions and gives important goals to your project.

  • This module really imparted me with a lot of vital information in the area of project design and development.

    Atimes we fall into the trap of assumption because we have not yet fully developed the culture of researching and documentation.

  • Understanding the risk faced by our projects will help us defined our activities in such a way as to mitigate the effects of such risks.
    However, it is important to note that some risks are not within our control, as such our mitigating measures maybe limited.

  • Risks are simply factors that are outside the organisation's control that could cause the project to run through poorly.
    Assumptions, therefore, are things that one believes in but are not supported by evidence.
    The two are important when linking Monitoring and Evaluation to project design because they help in measuring the progress towards goals.

  • To performed my project it is important to prepared risk and assumptions in the logframe.

  • It would be great to keep a chechlist of risks and assuptions for every stage of the logframe. During execution we could adjust accordingly after testing our original assumptions and mitigating against anticipated risks.

  • I think this is one of the more important steps to determine anything that might go wrong.

  • Planning the risks and assumptions in advance is helps to understand unpredictable events and conditions which could affect our implementation, thus giving sufficient time to decide at the right time.


  • Risks and assumptions are two analogous terms but following the this topic, the difference is clear in the sense that risks are external factors over which we may not have control whereas assumptions are our biases

  • I appreciate all your submissions

  • Risks and assumptions are very important factors to consider in a project. This is because there will be always be risks in a project and project implementers will always have their world views which may bias their thoughts and actions. Being aware of this is really important to have a better project outcome.

  • I think actively monitoring and managing assumptions is very important to help us minimise any adverse impacts.

  • Risk and assumptions are related to evaluation?

  • I think this is one of the more important steps to determine anything that might go wrong. They help us to see the potential predicted results. Are they achievable? If they are not in that way, then we can change the previous steppes in time. and arrange Inputs and Outputs better.

  • Risks is defined as those unforseen things that are not in your control which tends to disrupt your plan or idea. While

    Assumptions are those informations you believe without an evidence or proof they can also be called biases.

    Risk and assumptions are very important to find before a project starts or kicks off.

    You should ask what could go wrong for each level of your logframes ;inputs ,outputs ,outcomes and impact.

    Knowing your risks and assumptions helps the project run smoothly. Thanks

  • I believe all projects comes with risks as risks and assumptions works hand in hand. There can't be assumptions without risks involved. Thanks

  • C'est vraiment génial. Ce cours me permet de comprendre la base même de suivi et évaluation.
    J'ai adoré.


  • Risk is uncertain threat that if occurred hampers the impact. Risks are outside the control of project.
    Assumptions are plan or belief without valid evidence. Example of Assumptions: The stable government, good climate etc

  • Without risk and assumptions no project can be envisioned. There are always risks while designing the project and will consider certain assumptions for successful completion of project

  • Very interesting topic. To add, the team may not be able to clearly state all the risks and assumptions, but must be ready to learn from the project as they progress with it and document any new risks.

  • Very interesting topic. To add, the team may not be able to clearly state all the risks and assumptions, but must be ready to learn from the project as they progress with it and document any new risks.

    1 Reply
  • Risk and assumptions affect the projects outcome/goal.risks are clearly outlined whereas assumptions are own beliefs with no scientific proof which can be altered or overlooked when need be.
    Clearly understanding of both will help in proper planning

  • It enabled me to know some points risks and assumptions.

  • Given the knowledge I have acquired couple with previous experiences, it is compelling to identify and outlines all possible risks and assumptions that are potentially capable of undermining the different components of your logical frame work. Though there may still be some unexpected risks and assumptions that may popup at the end of the project, but they may not be potential enough tp undermine the overall expected impact as compare to not including risks and assumptions into the logical frame work from the onset.

  • Having knowledge on what risks and assumptions strengthen your ability to design a more successful project. Because we don't have control over risks, all positive thoughts and questions about things that might thwart the possibility of the project should be reviewed well.

  • Thanks to everyone for your contributions!

  • In project management risks are unavoidable.

  • It was great learning this

  • if you received the money then you will do the business
    if you do the business then you will expand the business
    if you expand the business the you create an impact

  • It is interesting, how to validate the risks and assumptions , makes us be more objective with our project, so you can see what would go wrong, and have reality. Have an idea of ​​how things will be, but not guarantee, that is part of what must be considered broadly

    1 Reply
  • Really eyeopening topic.

  • The assumptions describe the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management. Risks are events that may have a negative impact on the project.
    In fact, assumptions can be simply viewed as low-level risks.
    ''You can live with your assumptions, but you must manage your risks.''

  • @lucecitahm27 said in Module 2 Discussion: Risks and Assumptions:

    It is interesting, how to validate the risks and assumptions , makes us be more objective with our project, so you can see what would go wrong, and have reality. Have an idea of ​​how things will be, but not guarantee, that is part of what must be considered broadly
    That's great (when you have an idea of ​​how things will be)

  • That's great
    As you go up the results chain, the programme is less and less in control of these risks and their mitigation. Therefore, risks can only be appropriately identified at the output and outcome levels, as the overall objective (impact) is beyond the control of the programme.

  • This topic is a great one; it helped my eyes open to a new and exciting knowledge of M&E. Unfortunately, I don't have full access to the course content and discussion board because I am a screen reader user. My screen reader cannot read the content of this discussion board.

  • Risks and assumptions are two sides of a coin and in order to be regarded as such, there must be some level of uncertainty and/or being out of control of the project.

  • Simple information needs to be added
    Project risk management is important to project success

  • Is risk and assumption affect from the negative point? OR, Is there positive strengthen risk and assumption?

  • Emergency Healthcare Services for children:

    • Incidence of children falling sick / seriously ill.
    • Inadequate number of participants.
    • Incidence of Unauthorized entry.
    • Procurement & transfer of school aids and stationaries .
  • There arent enough human resource to reach out to the KP
    The beneficiaries may not be residents of the township
    The participants may not be interested in the project

  • At times, risks and assumptions are difficult to identify but they remain essential to project design. They can even lead to a greater understanding of the accuracy of an input, output, outcome or impact. Also, when risks and assumptions are well identify they are more likely to be overcome.

  • Risks and assumptions provides a perfect room for set backs. This can be helpful due to the fact that alternative actions can be sought well in time just incase things do not go well.

  • While planning for a project design you must think of the immediate risk and assumptions involved in the project, there was a project our organization was embarked on,it was 100kilo watt solar photovoltaic system during monitoring and evaluation plans there was no room for risk and assumption but it occurred to the estimate of collapse the whole system which we spent a lot of resources to fix the project back,so risk and assumptions in any project design are prerequisite.

  • The parents of the girls that suppose to benefit from the project will not allow their girls to participate fully in the microloans to start their businesses.

    There are some girls that have no ideas of starting business.

    Lack of business skills is another challenges.

  • Risks and assumption is an important step in designing project an ensuring the success of the intervention. There is no project that is under total control, there will exist some circumstances (biases) that will be out of your control, but it is important/necessary to identify them. This section of the project design (Risks/assumption) helps us identify potential bias and settle way to escape or manage them.

  • Risk and assumption are not evidence based and they are biase. One should always think of the risk the project might come across and how to prevent the risks.

  • Assumptions form the basis of strategies, and those underlying assumptions must all be fully vetted. Testing strategic assumptions requires allowing those involved with planning to back away from the “givens” and challenge them to ensure the team is not assuming the rosiest of scenarios on which to base strategy.

    Considering that the synonyms for the word “assumption” includes words like “hypothesis”, “conjecture”, “guess”, “postulate” and “theory” the concept takes on a more weighty meaning in the strategic planning process. Yes, assumptions are beliefs we take for granted, but they can be no better than guesses in many cases.

    Assumptions are not always justifiable. Defending an assumption may be difficult, as facts are not always available to support the belief. That does not mean that they are incorrect, but it does underscore the challenge assumptions present in planning. In fact, assumptions are particularly difficult to even identify because they are usually unconscious beliefs

    As a noun, risk means something that may cause injury or harm or the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter. As a transitive verb, risk means to “expose to hazard or danger” or “to incur the risk or danger of”.

    In strategic planning, the definitions applying to both the noun and the transitive verb usage are relevant. A risk might be an event or condition that might occur in the future. Likewise, we may risk financial losses if we bet on an assumption that is incorrect.

    An unmitigated risk can become an impediment, so risks must be evaluated in terms of the likelihood they will occur and the impact they will have if they do occur. If the impact/likelihood of a risk is high “enough”, we should identify a mitigation path – as an unmitigated risk can become an impediment later on.

    All risk can never be removed from a strategic plan, therefore business planning teams must approach risk management from a Cost / Benefit perspective. Business risk mitigation in planning can cost speed, but if risks are addressed early the organization can avoid future impediments.

    How should risks, assumptions and impediments be dealt with?
    Dealing with identified assumptions essentially becomes a task of translating the assumption to a risk. Once all risks have been identified, they must then be assessed as to their potential severity of impact (generally a negative impact, such as damage or loss) and to the probability of occurrence.

    The assessment of risk is critical to make the best educated decisions in order to mitigate known risks properly. Once risks have been identified and assessed, the strategies to manage them typically include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect or probability of the risk, or even accepting some or all of the potential or actual consequences of a particular risk.

    Taking the time and caution to identify, asses and deal with the risks and other factors will always be a worthy investment, even when time is of the essence. The vetting of these factors will pay off in smooth implementation of the strategic plan down the line. Your plan can proceed, free of the potholes and other roadblocks that, with a little planning, might well have derailed the best-laid plans.

    This discussion is done to the best of my knowledge and lesson acquired so far on this project.


  • -the risks and assumptions are definitively key if we have to avoid suprises which can potentially surface during the course of our project. This is a profound lesson , a great take home which i got form this module

  • Hi...

    The advantage of identify risks and Assumptions for our plan guarantee that we will easily uderstand past events and adjust this plan to be on the way of our targets!!!

    1 Reply
  • The risks would be giving microloans to girls and then decide that they will not open business
    An assumption would be assuming that all girls know how to start a business and that the money will be used wisely

  • They important to plan Unrealistic target are those target you can not realize for the example you want to start up a project you set up your team with out checkmating their capability at the end you didn't realize your target.

  • Unforeseen and uncontrollable events not identified during project planning would not have a strategic plan to eliminate or mitigate them. When they crop up it could devastate project implementation.

  • risks are outside of your control, might disrupt plan. assumptions are things you believe without much evidence.
    you must always as what would go wrong for each level of the log frame .

  • Risks are out of our control according to political, economic, social, technology, legal and environmental conditions. Assumptions are the things that we believe without evidences.

  • I well take example form my project if I but target like:
    Stop iodine deficiency in all regions of my country
    This goal needs more skills, time and energy so the goal is unrealistic when the goal is something that requires more energy, skills, talents, and time than you have available in order to achieve it.

  • Without proper risk and assumption we can not see the accurate progress of the project as well as fail to success of the project.

  • How do you come up with effective risk and assumption on the log frame?

  • How do you come up with effective risk and assumption on the log frame?

  • Thank you so much it was really interesting lessons i learnt a lot it was very clear

  • Risks and Assumptions are also important to manage our project. Having a look on what can happens during the project allows us to handle better their consequences

  • Thank you so much it was really interesting lessons i learnt a lot it was very clear

  • can we do something definite to minimize the risk of this happening?

  • risk and assumptions are unforseen circumstance that can affect the implementation of my project , it could be new government policies , insecurity , pandemic example is the covid 19 pandemic , which can affect my project because it is an educational empowerment project which requires school to be open for us to have access to the school but a date is yet to be given for schools to be open

  • Risks are things outside of my control that may disrupt my plans.
    Assumptions are my biases: things that I believe, without much evidence.

  • Risks and Assumptions are forms important part of project logical frame works. The factors which are outside the control of project, that affects the project to achieve certain expected result positively or negatively due to some factors or situations which is not supported by the evidences are referred to as assumptions and the some factors that affects achievement of the project results negatively are termed as the risks.
    The risks and assumptions are developed (identified) right during the project design to minimize the biases and to ensure the expected project results are achieved. The work on it does not end there, it has to be monitored and validated through out the project implementation period like whether these identified risks and assumptions are affecting the project or are some of the risk became invalid with the situation or are some of new risk and assumptions arose with the time which may pose the risks to delivery of the project results.

  • Risks and Assumptions are forms important part of project logical frame works. The factors which are outside the control of project, that affects the project to achieve certain expected result positively or negatively due to some factors or situations which is not supported by the evidences are referred to as assumptions and the some factors that affects achievement of the project results negatively are termed as the risks.
    The risks and assumptions are developed (identified) right during the project design to minimize the biases and to ensure the expected project results are achieved. The work on it does not end there, it has to be monitored and validated through out the project implementation period like whether these identified risks and assumptions are affecting the project or are some of the risk became invalid with the situation or are some of new risk and assumptions arose with the time which may pose the risks to delivery of the project results.

  • The first time I interacted with the outputs and outcomes, the two terms looked similar to me. I'm so glad that I now know the difference! Outputs are in my power, I may not have control over outcomes!

  • Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan.
    Assumptions are your biases;the things that you believe without much evidence.
    Example: Imagine that you are planning to give a surprise visit to your married big sis and her family and you intend spending a month vacation with her. After informing your mum of your surprise she started highlighting some problems:

    1. What if your sister Husband don't like such idea of staying up to a month.
    2. What if they are presently facing financial instability/problems.
    3. What if your sister doesn't want any visit for now.
    4. What if your sister is facing financial problems.
    5. What if your sister would prefer a week visit.
      Importance of planning for risk and assumptions ahead of time is:
    6. So has to understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable that might affect your implementation.
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