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  • Risks and assumptions are the possible hinderences to the implementation of the project. Possible risks need to be outlined so that we know, the possible setbacks we might have. if not managed well the risks can lead to the failure of the project.

  • Risks and assumptions are things that can cause the smooth project implementation. They do not necessarily emanate from the implementers but are rather beyond their control. Risks and assumptions are useful in mitigating challenges as they pop up because provision would have made for them at the planning phase.

  • I enjoyed the lecture, it is very explanatory. Thanks

  • Risks and assumptions are very important. It seems that sometimes, depending on your project, you can't see them. Maybe the organization can use an outside resource to help it find those risks and assumptions or it is impossible to use someone outside the organization?

  • There a link betwin risks and assumptions so what are de different for them

    1 Reply
  • I think this is a very important part of the project circle, this module has help me to eliminate any form of biasness and checking for every possible risk and avoid assumptions which may come up
    as a result of planning the project.

    1 Reply
  • Risks are events that may have a negative impact on the project while assumptions describe the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management

    1 Reply
  • Well elaborated and going great so far

  • Risks are uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have a negative impact in the completion of the Goal or Activity. They can result into poor performance of the project since one can not be able to control them. For example in Live Health Initiative when they donate re-usable sanitary towels to girls in school ,the girls may decide not to use them instead.
    Assumption are conditions that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity although they are not believed. In Live Health Initiative the management believe that by issuing reusable sanitary towels to girls in school will prevent early marriage and school drop-out, but this is not an assurance that 100% of girls will finish their education.

  • Risk assessment is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you: Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification). Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk evaluation.

    Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of an occupational health and safety management plan. They help to:

    Create awareness of hazards and risk.
    Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, cleaners, visitors, contractors, the public, etc.).
    Determine whether a control program is required for a particular hazard.
    Determine if existing control measures are adequate or if more should be done.
    Prevent injuries or illnesses, especially when done at the design or planning stage.
    Prioritize hazards and control measures.
    Meet legal requirements where applicable.

    An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity. If the assumption doesn't happen then the project is negatively affected. With a risk we anticipate that the risk might happen and thus negatively impact our project.

  • Risk and assumption are along with the project.
    Fir example you are going to build a house .now risks are there, if government not allowed you, financial market crashed out,labor strikes, not qualified engineering
    But assumption is may you will not face these problems

  • This module provided a great insight into Risks and Assumptions perceptions

    1 Reply
  • Taking notes of risk and assumptions that may affect the project before it is implemented is very important ,this is because it may help us spot out biases on our project plan and help us prepare for any serious damage that may hurt the project

  • Risks are the things outside of your control, while assumptions are your biases.

  • Risks as substance beyond control can be expected and therefore plan for management strategy(ies). Risks are part of our lives and as such we can do away with them. While assumptions express our thought, with risk management strategy(ies), we can work towards achieving our assumptions.

  • Risk are the things that are outside your control that might affect/disturb your plan, it is important to identify the risks associated with the project in oder to plan for mitigation measure.

  • The evidence of nursing activities in the traditional society can’t be traced due to lack of written documents. It started with healers, herbalists to maintain the health of the people. The first Ghanaian Chief Nursing Officer was Mrs. Docia Kisseih. He led a number of nurses whose skills were not learnt in class but through experience of long years of house-keeping and child-bearing. The health care was introduced during colonialism. The British sisters offered medical training to the willing members. Read more:

  • Risks and assumptions will enable us to avoid our biases during M & E

    1 Reply
  •                                                             **RISKS AND ASSUMPTIONS.**

    Risks are factors outside of your control that could cause projects to go poorly.
    Assumptions are things that you believe that are not supported by evidence.

    It is important to plan for risks and assumptions ahead time so that you can understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable and might affect our implementation.

    Risks and assumptions should be well accounted for since they may have effects on the overal goal.

  • For a project design plan to be successful, risks and assumptions should be considered, as these are things that are beyond the control of the Project Authority or anyone involved in the project. All of this can be done prior to design or even during project design.
    Thus, by taking these contingencies into account, you will be less surprised by unforeseen events. Obviously, we cannot list all the risks and assumptions.

  • Risks are the things that may affect the project externally over which there may be no control.
    Assumptions are the biases one has over the project not being back up by any much evidences

    1 Reply
  • the risk and assumption is a big threat for the project

  • I have understood that when you design a project , it is important to find the risks and assumptions before the project begins. Risks are the things that one cannot control and that might interrupt with project plans. Assumptions can be regarded as biases , these are things that one believes but without much evidence.

  • For a project design plan to be successful, risks and assumptions should be considered, as these are things that are beyond the control of the Project Authority or anyone involved in the project. All of this can be done prior to design or even during project design.
    Thus, by taking these contingencies into account, you will be less surprised by unforeseen events. Obviously, we cannot list all the risks and assumptions.

  • Identifying the risks and assumptions may seem easy, but there is more to it than meets the eye. The assumptions describe the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management. When you’ve identified the possible risks, you have to assess what the probability is that each risk occurs:
    If the risk is very likely to occur and the impact on the project is grave (it is doubtful you can achieve the project), then you have to redesign your project to eliminate or significantly reduce this risk. If this is not possible you should really think again about doing the project.
    If the risk is likely to occur and the impact is important, but not life threatening, you should include it in the logframe and monitor the risk. If possible, you should try to influence the risk.
    If the impact of the risk is low, you shouldn’t include it into the logframe.

  • Risks as substance beyond control can be expected and therefore plan for management strategy(ies). Risks are part of our lives and as such we can do away with them. While assumptions express our thought, with risk management strategy(ies), we can work towards achieving our assumptions.

  • Risks are factors outside one's control that can affect the project. Example is Inability of the resource person to get to the workshop or seminar venue.

    Assumptions are biases (things that one believe in but are not supported by evidence).

  • Risks and assumptions are unforeseen events that affect the end result of the activities and the goals of a project. It is important to identify risks and assumptions so as to accommodate & mitigate them early in case they occur during the lifecycle of the project. Data and information is collected from past events, present events and expected future events that may disrupt the projects. Past events act as case studies in drawing conclusions, present events inform the immediate risks and assumptions that can affect a project while future events are the occurrences with possibilities of happening.

  • Risks and assumptions are unforeseen events that affect the end result of the activities and the goals of a project. It is important to identify risks and assumptions so as to accommodate & mitigate them early in case they occur during the lifecycle of the project. Data and information is collected from past events, present events and expected future events that may disrupt the projects. Past events act as case studies in drawing conclusions, present events inform the immediate risks and assumptions that can affect a project while future events are the occurrences with possibilities of happening.

  • A risk is an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have an adverse impact on Goal or Activity of a project.

    An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity but without evidence of it

  • A risk is an uncertain threat that, in case of occurring, could have an adverse impact on Goal or Activity of a project.

    An assumption, on the other side, is the necessary condition that will enable the successful completion of the Goal or Activity but without evidence of it

  • Risk os not always clear unless u are familiar with culture

    1 Reply
  • Risks and Assumptions are more importante to plan the M&E plan because it'll alert you what could going wrong during the implementation of the project.

  • The assumptions describe the situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management.

  • The risks and assumptions can be a result of many things in the project design including over ambition, biases, information gaps, imperfect information or unprecedented turn of events. Typically, when a project is designed, there is the morale to achieve the impacts within time, budget and efficiency. However, there is no perfect system for project implementation. Not everything is in the project participants control. Having clearly identified and defined risks and assumptions help to anticipate possible alternatives that can be explored when such occur. Risks and assumptions identification places the M&E planner as a devils advocate thinking about everything that may go wrong. When assumptions and risks are clear, the project implementation team becomes more flexible and forward thinking on possible contingency measures that can be adopted to steer the project through the challenges. It helps avoid frustration and the risks of premature project termination.

    1 Reply
  • Risks and assumptions are important considerations in designing a project. This will enable necessary preparations to be made to respond to these events during project implementation.

  • very true submission

  • Risks are factors outside your control that could cause the project to perform poorly for instance loosing project funds to government officials.

    On the other hand, assumptions are things you believe but are not supported by evidence for example its not guaranteed that participants in a financial literacy program will gain financial skills.

    An M&E plan helps/suggests ways of managing managing risks that may arise during the project for instance forming a WhatsApp group involving the beneficiaries could provide crucial information on actual state on the ground and thus help in planning ahead.

    1 Reply
  • I think this topic is very important and should never be neglected in a project planning phase. Risks are inevitable and should always be considered. Assumptions are okay but should not be given maximum attention. This course has been very enlightening. I look forward to the next phases of the course.

  • Very true. That is why I think more attention should be given in considering possible risks and less attention to assumption except there are some for of verification

  • very true submission

  • The risks and assumptions can be a result of many things in the project design including over ambition, biases, information gaps, imperfect information or unprecedented turn of events. Typically, when a project is designed, there is the morale to achieve the impacts within time, budget and efficiency. However, there is no perfect system for project implementation. Not everything is in the project participants control. Having clearly identified and defined risks and assumptions help to anticipate possible alternatives that can be explored when such occur. Risks and assumptions identification places the M&E planner as a devils advocate thinking about everything that may go wrong. When assumptions and risks are clear, the project implementation team becomes more flexible and forward thinking on possible contingency measures that can be adopted to steer the project through the challenges. It helps avoid frustration and the risks of premature project termination.

  • I failed to access discussion materials. How can i access them?

    1 Reply
  • Risks and assumptions are crucial items for project to have impact. This part should taken into consideration during project design. For example, currently the world is on Corona 19 epidermic, only the projects that taken considerations of epidermics during their design can achieve their goals.

  • Why assumptions should not given maximum attention?

  • I understood why risks and assumptions are important during project design.

  • Risks are unavoidable. During project design you will make a plan on how to deal with them when occured.

  • Yes it is. But we should have plan on to deal with them during project design.

  • The risks and assumptions column of a log frame lists all the things that might disrupt my project plan. All project should pre-empt them in advance

  • I also read somewhere that within the log-frame context, risks and assumptions are two sides of the same coin: risks are framed as potential negatives, while assumptions are framed positively.

  • Risks are those problem that might disrupt your project and assumptions are our biases that may hurt our project.

  • Risks and assumption are outside my control. Is there anyway I can reduce these risks and assumptions.

    1 Reply
  • Assumptions are the the unproven connections within the project, while risks refer to the uncertainties that may be encountered as the project progresses

  • About Assumptions I have learnt that there things you believe and feel with in you that likely to happen un expectedly.

  • Risks and assumptions are questions we ask so that we can prevent events and unforseen circumstances that might affect implementation. Assumptions are things we believe without evidence. Risks are things outside our control. These are questions we should ask about what could go wrong. Eg you plan to go I've our free medications in a community outreach, you should ask. Will the patients take the medicine? Even if the do will they follow the instructions on how to use the medicine properly?

  • Risk and assumptions component of an M$E plan appreciate the fact that projects do not operate in vacuum which means that with all the required resources, things may still go wrong. When assumptions and risks are not identified and explained, addressing them when they arise may be troublesome thus jeopardizing the achievement of project objectives.

  • This is a very insightful parallel between the two terminologies. They often seem the same things. But just to add, it is possible for an assumption to degenerate into a risk depending on how they are addressed.

  • Risks and assumptions are important to be identified at the stage of the project/program design so that the factors that will likely hinder the implementation of the project can be managed at the right time. Risks and assumptions can be not only be internal factors (eg, relating to the project/program management in the implementation team) of the project/program itself but also the external factors (eg, political, social, economic, and environmental situations). After identifying them, it is also common practice that the mitigation measures - how to manage and overcome these risks and assumptions are also included in the log-frame.

  • Risks are some of the bottlenecks which may imped output and outcomes of the project which may result into the failure to reach the planned objectives of the project. These include risks such as a project failing to produce intended results misappropriation of funds by the intended users or another example, having a budget deficit because of luck of proper data collection.
    Assumption by definition is belief without evidence. An example is expecting a project to yield results without having a proper basis first planning for the intended goals. This why it is important to start with outcomes coming down to inputs as you work log framework in order to have an effective M&E Plan

  • When designing a project, identifying the risks and assumptions are of the basics, this will help to erase biases and give an accurate result and outcomes

  • Data collection tools refers to a system used to collecting data from a selected sample by using or applying the following methods
    Focus group
    Historical orals
    And observation

    1 Reply
  • what happens if your project only has assumptions, and no risks?

  • you are right. a pandemic such as covid-19 may even change the areas the project beneficiaries may even use the inputs from a project they may received. say if its funds, they may be used for other things such as masks, sanitizers, which were never planned for in a project itself

  • fusing in the if-then aspect is a really great help. it makes it possible to identify the risks as you move from one level of the project logic to the next...

  • some projects may decide to not have risks and assumptions for some components of a project, say inputs. this is not a very good practice for M&E...

  • bias removal and reduction is actually also key in ensuring that there is transparency in a projects implementation life cycle...

  • using a number of these tools is called triangulation, and helps ensure that findings are valid and accurate...

  • one way is to ensure that we think beyond the project, by looking at the political landscape, economy, culture and so on of a given area of project implementation...

  • and also identify areas of improvement

  • Risk and Assumptions is very important in project design because it will help to test whether the chosen Impact of the project will yield the intended results. It will also help to find alternatives of resolving the risks and assumptions if will occur during the project implementation.

  • Risks are anything outside of your control that might disrupt your plan, while assumptions are your biases: things you believe without much evidence.

  • I liked the module on risks and assumptions. But how do you know when you are choosing the right risk or the best assumptions?

  • Module is very interresting for my career

  • les hypothèse permettent de mieux jaugés le projet. Elles fixent les contours de l'étude et est un indicateur de mesure des objectifs.

  • risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan and assumption are biases or the things that you believed without much of evidence or proofs

  • Risks can be defined as the events that are outside of your control and that might disrupt your plan and activities and may have negative impact on your project.

    Assumptions can be defined as your biases. These are things that you believe that could happen without having much evidence. They are situations, events, conditions or decisions which are necessary for the success of the project, but which are largely or completely beyond the control of the project's management and have no evidence on ground yet.

  • Risk and Assumptions in the log frame is important for the better understanding
    what are the main risks in the implementation of projects?
    How can we overcome from these risks?

  • Every project designer must be mindful of the unexpected risks and assumptions, as these usually pose the worst challenges to achieving goal target. As M&E specialists, we really have to take these seriously. And I like the part where in the video he mentioned that they set up a whatsapp page for beneficiaries to report risks and assumptions from the field of project implementation. That really helps

  • this module has provided me with an in depth knowledge relating to risk and assumptions as part of a project design/cycle

  • Risks and Assumptions are those things that are out of control of project Managers. The are exogenous factors that can affect a certain project.

  • Risk is a possible challenge or challenges that have potential or capability of hindering the progress of one's project .

    Assumptions are non evidence based beliefs held by individuals

  • The two primary attributes of a risk are the probability of it happening and the impact (negative or positive) that it might have on a project. Assumptions are “factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration. Prior identification of the risks and assumptions during the project design phase informs the monitoring and Evaluation of the project since they give general basic information on whether or not the project is meeting its desired objectives.

  • The two primary attributes of a risk are the probability of it happening and the impact (negative or positive) that it might have on a project. Assumptions are “factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration. Prior identification of the risks and assumptions during the project design phase informs the monitoring and Evaluation of the project since they give general basic information on whether or not the project is meeting its desired objectives.

  • it is important to plan for risks and assumptions ahead of time is so that
    you can understand events and conditions that are unforeseeable
    that might affect your implementation, therefore giving you enough time to make
    decisions at the right time.

  • I have learnt that overlooking risks and assumption can negatively affect the project success in a huge way

    Its important to ask for input from another person as they can easily point out your biases

  • These are things that might disrupt your plans.

  • As discussed, the risks a d assumptions list all things that will disrupt a project. It categorically declared that risks and assumptions plays a vital role in prevention of the project spoilage/trouble.

  • Understanding Risk and assumption at the stage of project design will help the program managers to identify the unexpected things that will affect the project in each stage. This will catalyze the achievement of the intended outcomes and goals of the project

  • The risk and assumption are very similar to me and i don't even differentiated them.

    1 Reply
  • When you design a project , it is important to identify the risks and assumptions before the project begins. Risks are the things outside of your control that might disrupt your plan. Assumptions are your biases the things that you believe without much evidence.
    The risk and assumptions column of a logframe list all the things that might disrupt your plan for each level of the logframe that is inputs, outputs, outcome and impact.

  • One of the best sides of all projects is Risks and Assumptions; the key skill here in my opinion is being able to think proactively.

    1 Reply
  • Risks and assumptions are the field where we use our proactive acting skills.

  • By writing your first comment you have the access and then you can see what others typed.

  • Assumption: Something you consider to be existing.

    For example: Let's say your impact is "Increased security of the building"
    Then your assumption can be "The admins of the building are commited to secure the people living in the apartment"
    The risk: "Security systems being hacked by hackers"

    Assumptions are always positive!

  • Describing risks is very important to identify future issues and to resolve them before it happens. Describing assumptions is a good way to find solutions and gives important goals to your project.

  • This module really imparted me with a lot of vital information in the area of project design and development.

    Atimes we fall into the trap of assumption because we have not yet fully developed the culture of researching and documentation.

  • Understanding the risk faced by our projects will help us defined our activities in such a way as to mitigate the effects of such risks.
    However, it is important to note that some risks are not within our control, as such our mitigating measures maybe limited.

  • Risks are simply factors that are outside the organisation's control that could cause the project to run through poorly.
    Assumptions, therefore, are things that one believes in but are not supported by evidence.
    The two are important when linking Monitoring and Evaluation to project design because they help in measuring the progress towards goals.

  • To performed my project it is important to prepared risk and assumptions in the logframe.

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