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  • its important to identify why a target might be unrealistic lest we set a low target

  • this is quite instructive. thanks for sharing

  • wondering how this could happen.

  • thanks for sharing. quite SMART

  • thanks for sharing. quite SMART

  • Unrealistic goals are mostly goals that you set without having the necessary resources and capacity to execute such

    1 Reply
  • interesting contribution

  • it could have been achieved if they increased the number of person to carryout the task. By the way did village have up to 300 people that require the intervention? just curious

  • it could have been achieved if they increased the number of person to carryout the task. By the way did village have up to 300 people that require the intervention? just curious

  • absolutely correct

  • absolutely correct

  • there is need to use simple understandable language and font size

    1 Reply
  • My team tasked me to write a project proposal which had a dade line of 3 days. I tried but I did not finish. My advice is that targets are commitments and should be ambitious and realistic. When setting targets we should consider all risks.

    1 Reply
  • My team tasked me to write a project proposal which had a dade line of 3 days. I tried but I did not finish. My advice is that targets are commitments and should be ambitious and realistic. When setting targets we should consider all risks.

  • there is need to use simple understandable language and font size

  • Project managers are more likely to come up with unrealistic targets if they ignore historical data and the resources at hand to implement the project

  • So far the course is becoming more interested.

  • Unrealistic targets may be seen as over ambitious targets that cannot be achieved

  • Your project targets should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound). Unrealistic targets will pose difficult in measure the progress of your work and how you can achieve the project success. An example of unrealistic target is provision of nutritional diet to all the children. In the above example, the location, the number of children, age and what diets are we going to provide are not well defined. Thus it will be challenging to measure how successful our intervention effects the life of the children.

  • This target does not give true reflection of the project goal

  • Unrealistic targets are always as a result of failure to have an MEL plan that will help in reflecting on your progress.

  • Unrealistic targets are always as a result of failure to have an MEL plan that will help in reflecting on your progress.

  • Thanks for being accommodative off diverse opinions.

  • Thanks for being accommodative off diverse opinions.

  • That is great.

  • The targets should be mainstreamed to key critical areas of the mission statement. Hence the word- SMART Targets.

  • The targets should be mainstreamed to key critical areas of the mission statement. Hence the word- SMART Targets.

  • unrealistic targets may risk deplete resources and not achieve the desired results.

  • unrealistic targets may risk deplete resources and not achieve the desired results.

  • Unrealistic targets are those targets that may be difficult meet. They are various factors that lead to people setting unrealistic targets. The first factor is setting targets before analyzing the resources that are available for project execution. If the resources available are not enough, there is need for the the project team to set targets that are in relation to the resources that are available. The second factor which may lead to the setting of unrealistic targets is failure for the project to start at the expected time, this means that the targets once set will need to be reviewed to move in relation to the dates the project started. Also, failure to analyse past information pertaining to other projects which were done may result in unrealistic targets being set. Before the targets are set, there is need to analyze information pertaining to other projects similar to the one to be undertaken. This will help to provide a clear picture on the targets which other people have already set and then adjust them to suit the present project. If the information is not available, there is need to look for it through extensive research before any targets are set. It is therefore important to note that unrealistic targets act as setback tools for the project team, thus for the project to be executed efficiently with motivation, the targets should be realistic.

  • Unrealistic target will make your team demoralized and will cause non focus on the the primary objectives

  • Target is the result that you would like to achieve in period of time. So being unrealistic target is setting achievement with feelings instead of using data. For example, you planned target about finishing your bachelor degree next year, yet you didn't start it. Is that possible?
    I would like to recommend that every target has to have enough information before you plan it.

  • I was part one NGO that was starting and eventually failed to attain its first ever target. The module has made me understand why the target was not achieved. We didn't adjust to chenges and end up doing unrealistic things.

  • I was part one NGO that was starting and eventually failed to attain its first ever target. The module has made me understand why the target was not achieved. We didn't adjust to chenges and end up doing unrealistic things.

  • I was part one NGO that was starting and eventually failed to attain its first ever target. The module has made me understand why the target was not achieved. We didn't adjust to chenges and end up doing unrealistic things.

  • targets should be ambitious and realistic based on available baseline data, available capacity particularly budgets among others

  • Measuring the number of successful businesses in the year 2020

  • Unrealistic targets are the targets that are too difficult to implement our goals and objectives . We need to adjust our targets based on our availability of resources .

  • An unrealistic goal is a huge waste of time and money. a goal must be specific, measurable and realistic. however one should not be overly optimistic or pessimistic.

  • realy it's a real wast of morney

  • thanks for sharing

  • i want to sell for 10million dollars this month
    i will earn 10million but i don't want to discuss the teams
    I want to promote by product but i don't want to discuss with the customer to know the preference
    i need to increase my product with my employees aren’t at the level you need them to be
    i need to increase my product with a weak link in the chain

    1 Reply
  • when targets are unrealistic, it will be difficult to reach the set out goals. this results in disappointment,frustration and feeling of failure.

  • Waoh i have noticed that for purposes of monitoring, draw your indicators based on inputs and outputs and for purposes of evaluation, extract the indicators from impacts and outcomes.

  • Different other things can make a target unrealist. Natural disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic, we have presently, flooding, etc., can make a project target unrealistic. Lockdowns, closure of non essential businesses, ban of local and international flights have grounded engagements and this has caused a change of target by many organisations.

  • Target is important to design the project. It also important to be realistic.

  • Setting unrealistic targets can result into disappointments, depression or even worse conditions when you realise that the targets set are not achieved. The steps given in this course about setting realistic targets are very useful which I think should be applied and shared with different people.

  • A target is unrealistic when the target is something that requires more energy, skills, talents, and time than an organisation has available in order to achieve it.

  • Different other things can make a target unrealist. Natural disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic, we have presently, flooding, etc., can make a project target unrealistic. Lockdowns, closure of non essential businesses, ban of local and international flights have grounded engagements and this has caused a change of target by many organisations.

  • Targets should to easy to reach or attain, they should be hard. Once set they must in all simplicity be easy to read. If one sets high targets that are unrealistic it is going to be impossible to reach them as they are unrealistic.

  • Unrealistic targets are set without being supported by informed decision. setting of unrealistic targets may further suggest or indicate shortcomings in the project management team. Unrealistic targets will eventually lead to wastage of money, resources and time. It is always prudent for the project management team to have a clear understanding through dialogue and participatory approach with stakeholders on achievable targets

  • They are targets that are not real or cannot be met.

  • It is important to set ambitious targets because it will motivate your team to reach high levels of success. Additionally, targets tell your donor how much work you are planning on doing. If you set your targets too low, your donors may be reluctant to give you the money you need.
    But if the target is not properly plan, it becomes unrealistic because you will never achieve your aim.

  • The big problem in project implementation is to follow unrealistic targets. These targets are very difficult and dangerous for everyone include in the project. The unrealistic target are finished with disappointment between team member and management teams.

  • Le choix des cibles est une étape cruciale dans la planification d'un projet. Il doit respecter le juste milieux pour ne pas connaitre d'échecs. En effet les cibles doivent être assez réalistes.

  • Setting unrealistic targets can result to waste of resources which will end up with no desired result, unrealistic projects can discourage donors from bringing funds because they know it will yield any positive result.

  • Unrealistic targets is waste of resource if below your capability to achieve more and will be disappoint for staff and target community if you set target above your capability and available resources

  • The setting of unreasonable and unrealistic targets can also be construed as bullying or harassment, and can completely demotivate the team members if not achieved

  • Unrealistic targets are often over ambitious and cannot be achieved within a stipulated time frame. M & E team should always set targets that are achievable when conducting a project.

  • Talking of Unrealistic Targets,There is no internal consensus around the validity of the target that is, some people may not be sure where the target came from. The target is set far beyond a reasonable range based on past performance and baseline data.

  • Thanks very much LODHEN. I like the emphasis of Smart you made mention.With that example you can judge your project from there if it will be successful or not

  • Unrealistic targets are targets that are not practically achievable in real life situation. Can either be too high targets or too costly. When setting targets we should put in mind the resources such as money,time and man power that we have at our disposal. Also things to put into consideration include geographical factors, the time frame of the project and socio-economic factors of our target population

  • In the work I do I often see groups setting unrealistic targets and we help them simplify what targets are more realistic given the current resources? If you have unrealistic targets your plan will not be successful.

  • Module 3 discusses determining indicators and targets. This module really helps us in determining indicators and tips in choosing indicators to logframe. besides that we are also given ways to determine the target and how we should choose the target.

  • Determine the targets for increase activity project, and to know what the goals of the project

  • When we set target, it must be realistic because we should commitment to reach it. If we set unrealistic targets then the people will disappointed because we cant reach it.

  • Targets should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound). So unrealistic targets like eradicating the poverty in few months time is hard to measure and achieve. Such unrealistic targets will not able to show the real impact of the intervention and measures the success of the program. The strong targets should also represent the disaggregation of the target population in numbers so that we can easily measure it.

  • unrealistic targets can also be construed as bullying or harassment, and employment law specialists are cautioning that unless HR professionals wake up to the problem, they could find themselves in deep water.

    “It is not the intention of the perpetrator, but the deed itself and the impact this behaviour has on the recipient, which constitutes bullying or harassment,” explains Louise Mackie, employment law adviser at HR support services specialist Empire HR. “The setting of unattainable targets can, therefore, constitute bullying, and could result in an employee feeling pressurised enough to walk out of their job, later claiming constructive unfair dismissal.”

  • A realistic target is one that can be met with the resources you have available to you. Resources might include time, money or access to other people to help you. The target should also be relevant and useful to you.If you say that someone is being unrealistic, you mean that they do not recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve. The same case for unrealistic targets, they are ones which cannot be met through set ways.

  • Unrealistic target will surely lead to pour performance or an unreal over performance after an evaluation

  • Unrealistic targets can be those that not achievable. These are difficult to reach. Unrealistic targets can also be those that are ambiguous and not clearly defined. A lot of thinking must go into setting targets so as to make them realistic and achievable.

  • The errors that lead to project failures usually vary in nature. However, in most cases, setting unrealistic project targets are early cause that essentially sets a project up for failure from the very beginning. However, hanging on to projects even when they are only going to fail in the end can be just as damaging.

    Listed below are the damage that can be done by hanging on to unrealistic project goals:

    1. Waste of money and other vital resources
    2. Wastage of valuable time of the team, customer and also the stakeholders
    3. Poor quality products
    4. Damage trust and dented image
    5. Damaged morale

    Where possible, unrealistic targets should be avoided in the first place. Setting unrealistic targets will not only damage a project, but an entire company or organization.

  • Unrealistic Targets

  • How do you ensure you are setting realistic targets.

  • Unrealistic goals lead to unwanted results and may lead to failure of the project as a result of not taking steps. How to choose goals first

  • i thing it's important to set a realistic targets. it will help us through the journey of making our project success and it's possible for us to measure and evaluate our progress and also our goals.

  • Unrealistic targets can possibly lead to failure of the project. For example 300 children will receive books by January and the money available cannot purchase the 300 books will bring inconvenience in the project

  • an unrealistic goal can be a source of failure of the project because this will prevent to know if the object was reached or not, it is important to take into account several factors like the results of the previous projects, to be able to define a realistic goal

  • It is important to set ambitious targets because it will motivate your team to reach high levels of success. Additionally, targets tell your donor how much work you are planning on doing. If you set your targets too low, your donors may be reluctant to give you the money you need.

  • Setting indicators and Targets: this is an important aspect of the monitoring and evaluation plan. One of the purposes of M&E Plan is to measure progress. Progress cannot be measured without an Indicator. And indicators are of 2 different types; one that measures quantity and the other that measures quality.
    An ideal M&E plan should have a blend of these two as they measure project's success in two different dimensions.
    When having more than one indicator for a single point, the usaid criteria for determining the strength of Indicators could be used, and the indicator which is more plausible, with more positive values should be chosen.

    Setting Targets is another important aspect of the M&E Planning. Target deals with achieving a specific number or percentage within a fixed time frame. Indicators and Targets are driven force for successful accomplishment of projects.

  • Identifying targets in the beginning of the project is the most important part of project designing. We have to seriously think about avoiding unrealistic targets, because at the end of the day it will benefit us.

    1 Reply
  • A target should be logically realistic, if the target unrealistic so the one who having that target will never think that they can achieve the target because logically its already unrealistic to do.

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