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  • The problem I am trying to solve is helping the MORE Act pass which would decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level. Revenue generated from taxing marijuana would be allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs.

    I have recently reached out to my U.S. Representative and sent an email requesting he consider how medical marijuana could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD. With marijuana listed as a Schedule I drug which is considered as substances, or chemicals with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Until this changes, the appropriate approval for studies are difficult to get approved and many veterans cannot participate due to the current schedule classification. I looked at his history, he is tough on drugs but tends to favor the veteran population.

    38 Replies
  • The problem I am trying to solve is helping the MORE Act pass which would decriminalize marijuana in the United States at the federal level. Revenue generated from taxing marijuana would be allocated to several agencies including those employing social workers and clients with substance abuse needs.

    I have recently reached out to my U.S. Representative and sent an email requesting he consider how medical marijuana could potentially help many veterans that are suffering from PTSD. With marijuana listed as a Schedule I drug which is considered as substances, or chemicals with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Until this changes, the appropriate approval for studies are difficult to get approved and many veterans cannot participate due to the current schedule classification. I looked at his history, he is tough on drugs but tends to favor the veteran population.

    5 Replies
  • The prohibition of “marijuana” is rooted in racism by corporate greed.
    We are nearing critical point of no return on climate change and facing economic recessions while parts of the solution to these serious problems have always been available since our ancient civilization.
    HEMP has a huge potential! Not only will it introduce more jobs but it can also make the sustainable living more accessible and increase economic viability.
    The negative stigma that still tragically clings to this holistic, herbal medicine is holding us back to reach its full potential----- from food, social mobility water and soil purification, medicinal/therapeutic medicine, to sustainable fashion and building materials. We just need strict regulation and proper methods in my opinion, so people won’t abuse and not lose the essence of this healing plant.
    Reefer syndrome has to end!

    1 Reply
  • As I am not very familiar with the MORE Act, I do feel like to relate to it due to having a brother that is a veteran and suffers from PTSD. I truly do believe that it can benefit under those circumstances as well as understand it can serve in many different ways to others as well as bring profit in if taxed. Many doors could be open to different organizations that could benefit a wide range of people. My only objective, as you touched on, is that it’s a controlled substance getting into the hands of those that would abuse it rather than use it for its intended purpose. It is also being established as a law, allowing lower offenses to be expunged. What message are we sending and will it be interpreted incorrectly because it’s legalized? Some people will find loopholes manipulating the system and continuing to miss use the very thing that is intended to help those who are in true need of it, leaving a space with yet a bigger problem.

    2 Replies
  • As I am not very familiar with the MORE Act, I do feel like to relate to it due to having a brother that is a veteran and suffers from PTSD. I truly do believe that it can benefit under those circumstances as well as understand it can serve in many different ways to others as well as bring profit in if taxed. Many doors could be open to different organizations that could benefit a wide range of people. My only objective, as you touched on, is that it’s a controlled substance getting into the hands of those that would abuse it rather than use it for its intended purpose. It is also being established as a law, allowing lower offenses to be expunged. What message are we sending and will it be interpreted incorrectly because it’s legalized? Some people will find loopholes manipulating the system and continuing to miss use the very thing that is intended to help those who are in true need of it, leaving a space with yet a bigger problem.

    1 Reply
  • I actually feel that Marijuana if properly harnessed is very much beneficial to the world health and economically wise. Health as the drug is seen to be good for managing ailments such as High blood pressure, Loss of memory, Chronic Pains, Depression etc

    When smoked, it even brings about am improvement in Lung capacity, help weight loss, regulate and prevent Diabetes, fights cancer etc are only but a few of the potential of legitimizing it's use.

    Economically because the Countries where this can be grown in large quantity stand to gain from it's exportation, taxation on Marijuana can be channeled into provision of Social Amenities or even into the health sector especially in African Countries where the Health Sector is nothing to right home about.

    Growing and working Marijuana will surely reduce Unemployment all over the world as more people will go into it's farming and factories will spring up for its processing, pharmaceutical companies too will need more hands in their new factories built, the Export Sector will not be left behind in this boom.
    All the Government need is to put structures in place guiding the production and distribution of the Medication drugs made from the plant.

    Thank you,
    Oyin Olugbemi

    6 Replies
  • Your advocacy statement above captures two elements of persuasion very well: framing and motivation. Firstly, you appear to be using the "merit goods" frame, trying to protect vulnerable veterans suffering from PTSD who cannot have access to the medical use of marijuana while also working for the greater good by using taxed marijuana sales to filter money back to social workers and clients who have substance abuse needs. Secondly, you are appealing to the intrinsic motivation of your U.S. Representative who is sensitive to the needs of the veteran population even though he is tough on drugs. I would only add the timing factor of persuasion so that you can find the right policy window to advocate within.

    Dr. Sandy De Silva, PsyD
    Executive Director of Family Centre

    9 Replies
  • Dealing with local traders and middleman
    It is a problem a farmer faces at the end of all agricultural activity. This is why we have also mentioned it in the end. But don’t judge the importance of this problem by its position.

    We often see in the news that farmers thrown their crops on roads just because no one purchased it.

    Due to the absence of mandi houses and proper market places, farmers are not able to sell their crops and get a reasonable price. In this situation, they have to look for a middleman and local traders for business.

    These middlemen don’t provide a reasonable price for their crops, and hence farmers are bound to either sell crops at a lower price or just throw at the roads.

    5 Replies
  • Too often with framing I have seen the tendency to focus on what we want to say, not what we need the audience to hear and do. Ensuring the framing resonates with the audience (rather than with the organisation) is critical.

    7 Replies
  • The general problem I am facing during my assignment in the humanitarian context of Greece has to do with the lack of political interest in taking a positive and resolutive stance towards the bettering of migrants reception condition. Even though my day to day work has to do with collecting evidence of arbitrary violence by the police against the migrant population, I do think that the two issues are deeply related as to what concerns their direct causes: more than anything I believe that the one main cause is due to the absence of a clear and severe disincentive (negative incentive) to be enforced by a higher authority---higher, that is, than the current Greek government that, if anything, is compliant with this illegal practice and inhumane reception conditions.
    So, the question is how to appeal to this "higher authority"? Let's assume that this role could be played by the EU, through one of its many agencies and policy enforcement bodies, and/or by an international Court of Justice.
    For what concerns the incentives, there could be both relatively intrinsic (if we were to frame a EU intervention in a discurse of "human rights defense") or extrinsic (accordingly, as regard the positive public image that EU leaders could be awarded, or the corresponding negative image cast on the Greek government, which can be an incentive for those who spouse the ideal of a stronger EU and weaker nation states).
    For what concerns the timing, unfortunately, the year 2019 saw both a new government taking power in Greece and the inauguration of a new European Commission, a new European Council presidency and a new European Parliament presidency, and this has not produce appreciable changes as to the condition of treatment of migrants in Greece. So, for what concerns "policy windows" I think the only thing is to wait for some minor lower level changes in the near future.
    Finally, for what concerns the framing of the policy change advocacy, 1. the responsible public policy framing would impy an appeal to EU leaders for the accountability and credibility of the European project as a whole, whose image is instead threaten by the lack of rule of law in which one of its member state lingers on; 2. the merit goods framing would suggest to stress on the unsustainability of the current situation as concerns costs and benefits, arguing that, for example, a more diffused and de-centralized model of migrant accomodation and some socio-economic integration projects would eventually benefit the Greek system as a whole (with a shrinking labour fource and an aging population); 3. the human rights framing, of course, would stress on the inadmissibility of the current situation according to any body of law and any common human sense; 4. the patriotic policy framing would imply a hint to the better performance showed by other countries, such as the virtuous model of migrants integration in Germany, or even other fellow Mediterranean countries like Italy, and to charge on the sense of the very sensible patriotic shame that is an historical weak spot for Greek identity politics.

    2 Replies
  • Totally agree with you. If anything, I think when doing advocacy one should almost forget about where he/she is speaking from and only focus on who he/she is addressing. Even if it sounds weird, maybe advocacy is not that far from marketing and advertisement, and maybe there could be a lot to learn from that context of expertises. In the end it's all about persuasion... of course to sell a product is not the same as to try and produce a change in the world, but the methods might not be that distant from each other?

    6 Replies
  • I think that marjuanna is good for those who need it for a purpose.

    3 Replies
  • Wow that’s nice I believe u can do it.

    1 Reply
  • Yes medically there are CBD’s Cannaboids that are very useful for pain especially Chronic pains.

  • Framing the issue is very critical in advocacy. For instance in most third world countries, family planning advocates talk of better and improved quality of life due to reduced burden in families, or rather individuals plan and have children who they are comfortably able to take care of. As stated in this module advocacy aims to change the way of thinking of individuals to bring about a positive impact. Looking at how the issue on family planning is framed here, these advocates may actually be implying that a large number of children or a growing population is burdensome while actually if a growing population is invested in appropriately it can lead to significant growth in the country's developing. With this comes my question, can framing also be used negatively, or can individuals package information very attractively yet the agenda is negative? Or in this case that is not framing?

    1 Reply
  • I really agree with your view on this. I saw a documentary on the "marijuana business" that has the US linked to it and had the same thought as you.

  • This is great advocacy work. As I come from a country where marijuana has recently become completely legal on a federal level, I look forward to seeing where the research takes us now that the stigma is removed. I think that the benefits of marijuana are proven in so many cases. I do think that you need buy-in from the general population for this (which I think that you have in the US). I do think that the issue needs to be framed as to how it will help the general population by reducing incarcerating, generating tax revenue, making drug dependency a medical issue and de-stigmatizing marijuana. Good luck

  • I am trying to help my sister who just arrived from the city full of coverage of covid but shes unable to feedher baby in public. She needs more public space for her kidin limb to be rhe universe eco citizen. But her family unable to detect these problem because of their still in fantsy. Mirroring from the case, the document legally arent acquired yet for these women, she need s confidence to convince the society tht the kid is belongs to her father. Since her father not coming from the part of ecosystem.

    Idea is she will need to go back to her hometown after the ceremonial of announcing the baby and husband in public.

    The threaten is rhat the policy is to way hrd in mking all dreams come true. The policy mker biased to the experience of backbone.

    She is part if my genitive tree backbone too.

    Now that she already financially equipped from his husband, we financially released unless she gave back the finance ethiclly we will not give report to the finance section.

    Our backbonealready become granddad. We hopes that all the nieces and nephews become more independent in finding food supplies. Since food supplies in my region keeps by the motherhood with legal documents of ownership.

    Most of them are financially equipoed but they discriminte the daughters and the sons.

    Our region in locked now.

    Please gives us advixe


  • I am trying to help my sister who just arrived from the city full of coverage of covid but shes unable to feedher baby in public. She needs more public space for her kidin limb to be rhe universe eco citizen. But her family unable to detect these problem because of their still in fantsy. Mirroring from the case, the document legally arent acquired yet for these women, she need s confidence to convince the society tht the kid is belongs to her father. Since her father not coming from the part of ecosystem.

    Idea is she will need to go back to her hometown after the ceremonial of announcing the baby and husband in public.

    The threaten is rhat the policy is to way hrd in mking all dreams come true. The policy mker biased to the experience of backbone.

    She is part if my genitive tree backbone too.

    Now that she already financially equipped from his husband, we financially released unless she gave back the finance ethiclly we will not give report to the finance section.

    Our backbonealready become granddad. We hopes that all the nieces and nephews become more independent in finding food supplies. Since food supplies in my region keeps by the motherhood with legal documents of ownership.

    Most of them are financially equipoed but they discriminte the daughters and the sons.

    Our region in locked now.

    Please gives us advixe


  • Actually middlemen are very exploitative to farmers as the same case is here in Rwanda where big buyers fix their prices for agricultural produce, the when middlemen are involved in a bid to connect farmers to the markets, then extra costs are incurred leading to low margins by farmers. Advocacy for farmers should focus on creation an environment where farmers are directly linked to markets. My organisation is now advocating for subsidies in farm production where farmers can be assisted to process their own crops like maize meal out of corn

    3 Replies
  • Dear Oyinlomo,
    Advocacy is really a good way of getting things done but allow me to differ from you on the benefits of smoking Marijuana unless credible and valid evidence to prove that the drug has all the mentioned health benefits.

    Much as Marijuana has so many health benefits, I don't know if I am less informed but what I know instead is that smoking the drug does the opposite. However, I agree with you that with guided production and distribution procedure, farmers can make good gains out of it through selling it to pharmaceutical companies.

    2 Replies
  • I really agree witth you on this. That is why for instance in my country Rwanda, the government advocates for "Production according to capability of parenting" not according to numbers

    1 Reply
  • You are right on this. But I'm wondering whether organisations would focus on what the audience need to hear and do without seeing the intended goals on community development and sustainability of community projects. I think organisations would better guide the beneficiaries into what they need and setting goals for their own sustainable development

  • The rise of online distance learning is disadvantaging students who do not have access to computer and internet access.

  • The rise of online distance learning is disadvantaging students who do not have access to computer and internet access.

  • To a great extent, I agree with you on this!

  • I strongly agree to that, in my country when the online learning was introduced during this Covid-19 era most kids dropped out of school as they could not afford to access the internet. Internet fees have been on a price hike and even the bright students have been disadvantaged by this. You find that education is no longer accessible to every child. It's only the kids of the rich who can now afford to learn.

  • It also seems like most governments have been ignorant to this issue. It's almost 9 months without them going to school and no one is even looking at the issue. 4months back the government then introduced radio learning for the kids without access to computers and internet. What really hurts me the most is that each grade is only given 30 mins for learning over the radio on each day. This does not even cover an eighth of what the kids should be learning when they are in a classroom for 8days.

  • If there's anyone who's doing advocacy on SRHR and HIV/AIDS and advocacy for Transgender rights please feel free to message me. I would like to learn more on the work you are doing in your organisations.

  • Could someone please explain to me what the MORE Act pass is about. I do want to join in the discussion but I'm totally blank.

  • I'd like to know more about this MORE Act, too!

  • I believe that in as much as marijuana has its benefits it comes with many more disadvantages

    1 Reply
  • Tough one with all the controversies surrounding marijuana. But that is a good strategy

    1 Reply
  • UNESCO reports: "Half of the total number of learners – some 826 million students – kept out of the classroom by the COVID-19 pandemic, do not have access to a household computer and 43% (706 million) have no internet at home, at a time when digitally-based distance learning is used to ensure educational continuity in the vast majority of countries.

    These figures were compiled by the Teacher Task Force, an international alliance coordinated by UNESCO, on the basis of data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and the International Telecommunication Union.

    Disparities are particularly acute in low-income countries: in sub-Saharan Africa, 89 per cent of learners do not have access to household computers and 82% lack internet access.

    Furthermore, while mobile phones can enable learners access to information, connect with their teachers and with one another, about 56 million learners live in locations not served by mobile networks, almost half in sub-Saharan Africa.

    “While efforts to provide connectivity to all must be multiplied, we now know that continued teaching and learning cannot be limited to online means”, stated Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director General. “To lessen already existing inequalities, we must also support other alternatives including the use of community radio and television broadcasts, and creativity in all ways of learning. These are solutions we are addressing with our Global Coalition partners”.

    Globally, at least 1.5 billion students and 63 million primary and secondary teachers are affected by the unprecedented disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with school closures in 191 countries. (see also our global monitoring interactive map on school closures)The rise of online distance learning is disadvantaging students who do not have access to computer and internet access."

    The sheer numbers of people unable to access digital platforms is evidenced by UNESCO. These figures alone would be beneficial in Framing the issue of digital services access.

  • The problem I'm trying to solve is Female Genital Mutilation.
    Over the months, I've been in position to meet with the local leaders, different cadres in the community, disseminated the FGM act and also met with a few circumcisers who have denounced the act and vowed not to continue with it after going through a series of training about it and the side effects attached to it.
    ive also been in position to come up with alternative rites of passage instead of the circumcision's of young girls.

  • I'm not so familiar with the act but i believe the initial steps taken are very practical and can bring about a change in policy.

    1 Reply
  • The problem i am panning to resolve is at least seeing a reduction in drug and substance abuse in my community and this i will be able to achieve through grassroots or community organizing theory, policy windows or agenda -setting theory and disunion theory of diffusion of innovations to keep them busy and divert their focus from drug and substance abuse

  • Marijuana is criminalized in the United States at the federal level. There is a need to decriminalize it for medical use which could help many veterans who are suffering from PTSD.

    U.S Representative is audience whom my advocacy will try to motivate or persuade to pass the act to decriminalize Marijuana.

    The audience should be intrinsic motivated positively, where by he should be reminded how the veterans will remember him as well as the whole population will be alert about how humane he was and also giving him more chance to be re elected.

    The best time to persuade is the time close to election.

    The issue should be framed as Merit good, based on the importance of policy as means to protect the vulnerable out of unlighted self interest.

    Or framed as human right, since all human have equal right to treatment and care

    Also can be framed as patriotic policy, since veterans protected our country against external threats and that is the cause of PTSD

    2 Replies
  • Sometimes it's better to go through politics while advocacy, the participation of the government will really be helpful in your advocacy

  • I want to advocate on planting trees, and I will like to make every citizens that lives my place to bring a tree for planting.

    1 Reply
  • The advocacy is well put across. Its aims and the roles it will play clearly outlined.

    1 Reply
  • The advocacy is well put across. Its aims and the roles it will play clearly outlined.
    Quite a challenging module but very informative

    1 Reply
  • well thought out and detailed analysis

  • I believe the opportunity here is in the last sentence of the post. I think it may be a good strategy to focus on the important benefits marijuana may have for veterans and downplay any risks marijuana may have. Really focus on his intrinsic support of veterans. Reinforce those beliefs.

  • If any one here then please kindly check my assignment

  • If you allow me, from my point of view the framing has mistaken the problem itself. Normalizing the use of any psychoactive drug, weed or medicine will be harmful for the community. If we keep it in the hand reach of people for sure people will misuse, therefore, it should be handled by government only in the shape of medicine that can be dispensed in special cases through accredited entities i.e Pharmacies.

    1 Reply
  • It is possible to appeal to the intrinsic motivation of the U.S representative more, by outlining possible benefits and stating the right policy window to the vulnerable veterans? Also state clearly the problem and highlight preventive rather than curative/ management measures to curb possible abuse of marijuana. Amidst all these consider the timing as well.

  • I'd love to appreciate possible cons. If it's all rosy why are governments being reluctant to benefit from the gains.

  • "....Forgetting where you're coming...." I believe this statement is coming from the ideology point and not background. If it's the latter then I agree with your statement. However, I think the former is key in making your point out more clearly and effectively. I believe advocacy should involve a mix of you, the other party and the goal (positive outcome)

  • I totally agree! Without any proper checks and balances it's highly likely it will be a disaster.

  • Advocacy is closely linked to advertising and the only difference is that its done for a specific cause. The framing of our advocacy messages is the determinant for our success.

    1 Reply
  • Your advocacy statement has exploited merit good framing method. You have explicitly revealed the benefit of Marijuana as medicinal and as well showed its therapeutic effect on the person suffering from PSTD. In addition, the statement also showcases an extrinsic motivation where money generated from Marijuana will be spent on state workers. I believe appropriate timing is also captured by approaching a key leader in the state on the issue.


  • Changing policy is difficult but you maybe facing a more pressing issue. People of a certain age still see marijuana as a substance that leads to harder drugs. If you could find and document studies that disprove that theory you may be able to get more help from your senator.

  • I believe what is required, and may well be in the interest and favor of the farmers, is connecting farmers directly to the middle men's customer or client base (i.e. Manufactures, etc), establishing and patronizing local community farmers markets where farmers can showcase their harvests or farm produce and sell them directly to the locals at reasonable prices.

  • Have not been considering most of the things mentioned but now am good to go. Thanks

  • This is why countries needs to enact the birth control policy

    1 Reply
  • Yes I think they are related in a way advocacy and marketing but there is a slight difference

  • Advocacy work must be delibrate and intentional

  • It makes the works of NGOs easier

    1 Reply
  • This is really an informative module.
    I learnt a lot from the behavioural motivation: which talked about the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation , the timing: which is knowing the appropriate time in presenting an issue and the framing, which is knowing how to put your words in a way that will look acceptable to your targeted audience.
    It is nice learning advocacy.

    1 Reply
  • I agree with you !

  • Exactly! The issue of it been misused if not strictly monitored is a point of concern. Considering the need medically and the danger of misuse, can we prioritise?

  • A very interesting point. I guess you have to consider both, but it raises the issue of watering down the message that you advocating for, perhaps gaining piecemeal changes that make it more difficult to argue for more. Do you follow an iterative process hoping for more each time, or stick to what you want and hope that a window of action resents itself at some point?

  • I agree with Dr. Sandy De Silva that the writer captured the two elements of persuasion. framing and motivation and that the third, timing, is equally an important consideration. I will also like to suggest that in addition, he can explore the grassroots and media influence theories of change to get the attention of his audience.

  • I must say this topic of discussion has been thrilling and very educative. Personally, I consider the dimensions of advocacy strategy as independent skills we as professionals and leaders must posses appropriately.

  • Framing of the problem is very key in advocacy. Totally when doing advocacy one should almost forget about where he/she is speaking from and only focus on who he/she is addressing.

  • Framing of the problem is very key in advocacy. Totally when doing advocacy one should almost forget about where he/she is speaking from and only focus on who he/she is addressing.

  • thats agreat idea if medically proven to be healing people that problem and also bringing alot of revenue to the county interms of taxes that one is great.although in my country marijuani is illegal and someone found selling or using it can easily be convicted otherwise its agood idea.

  • It is true that marijuana has been listed as one substance whose use is highly restrictive mainly due to its unpalatable historical past. That does not still take away the fact that recent medical studies have proven the numerous benefits that the drug has and its potential socio-economic impacts. Decriminalizing the use of marijuana would therefore go a long way to ensure that its benefits are fully exploited. Applying the large leap theory as an advocacy strategy in this scenario might be difficult since various jurisdictions have different laws governing its use. An advocacy strategy that highlights the benefits that neighboring jurisdictions are enjoying could go a long way to persuade policy makers to soften their stands on the drug.

    1 Reply
  • I think, framing the issue very good way! Every herbal elements has marmite and demerit. So classified and change the existing law is very helpful to them who are involve in herbal medicine also protect to its abuse.

  • Yes, it is absolutely right that, middle man is big problem in everywhere in this world! Farmers and local producer didn't get profit. It is urgency to develop act and its implementation for benefit of the farmers.

  • It is more appropriate to use the intrinsic motivation in decriminalizing marijuana. The benefits derived from it must be presented in a convincing way to capture the interest of policy makers

  • I have little knowledge about the MORE pass Act neither have i studied the merits and demerits of consuming Marijuana. However, from your deductions, it seems you have established though not strongly so, that marijuana can help to deal with PSTD among the veterans. That can really be a good project for advocacy however, the main challenge is the legalization of Marijuana.
    To ensure medical marijuana is legalized, there has to be a tactical approach hence I suggests the use of a tactical theory. The most suitable theory is "media influence", since we live in the error of social and mainstream media, getting the discussions running through the media platforms would be convenient method of advocacy. People will get to learn more about medical marijuana and its health benefits, and when people have changed their perspective about the issue, even the legislators will be compelled to make the change. So the change begins by persuading the people and not the legislators because the legislators are the representative of what the people stand for

    1 Reply
  • The best framing tto consider in such regard is the human rights frame which will help to inform policy makers that individuals are at liberty to engage in any activity whatsoever

    1 Reply
  • It good to be motivational in framing issues in order to appeal to the sense of hearing of the audience

  • In my past organization, we got problem to advocacy with primary education system. Our timing was okay but problem to figure out the motivation way. We just thought about the problem and its solution so the impact sustain no longer. The problem was, the teachers of the primary school were not active, responsible to do their job. We tried to sit with various meeting with various stakeholders but don't think about the extrinsic motivation. So, the problem was not solve.

  • Good that you've talked of the health benefits of marijuana to the veterans but it will be so good also talking of the negative effects.

  • Good that you've talked of the health benefits of marijuana to the veterans but it will be so good also talking of the negative effects.

    1 Reply
  • I totally agree with you coz advocacy just build a foundation on an approach to given problem which needs change or reaction

  • Maybe just to mention but a few the negative effect like maybe hallucinations and addiction

    1 Reply
  • Thank you Silva really this course is so amazing

  • Marijuana is classified as illegal drug and should not be allowed in the markets.

    1 Reply
  • The problem I am solving is child marriage and teenage pregnancy in Uganda, many girls get married before age of 18 years, nearly 1 to 2 girls have married at the age of 13-16, 2/3 girls have had child before completing their studies at age of 12-15 years
    and 19-24 years takes the smallest percentage. Girls face multiple vulnerability. 2/10 girls are survivors of Gender based violence.
    However much as the challenge is there I have reach 10,000s of people and have changed over 10,000s lives of youth and young people in Uganda.
    1000s of girls have been rescued from marriage, over 300 child mothers or young mother have gone back to school at different levels of primary,secondary and tertiary, university after giving birth , rape and defilement cases were reported to police.
    Together with local authorities, NGOs,community, other CSOs, Government of Uganda, all key ststakeholders I have been able to achieve this. More especially the re- entry oaf child mothers back to school government program
    I continue to Empower girls and young women, the out of school girls and boys through vocational skill.
    On this note Advocacy remains a key.
    Thank you

    2 Replies
  • The decriminalized of marijuana is an important problem that is worth looking at, even though legalizing marijuana at any county may lead to marijuana been abuse by citizens but at least for medical reasons and conditions it should be considered eg at all health centers that require it for the better treatment of their patients.

  • I think that the key point here is to stay focused on the main agenda of helping people who could benefit from the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Although the government will use this as a means to make money. I think all means should be used to achieve this goal

  • As time goes by, more research can be used to support the use of marijuana in treating PTSD. Also, picking a good time to bring this issue can lead to a more favourable response. His favour of the veteran population might indicate his sense of patriotism, and that being said, bring this issue up to him along with examples of the countries that have legalised marijuana (if you haven't done so already) and the favourable results from their veteran groups.

  • Discrimination and marginalization has been a major challenge for the person with disabilities to overcome, they are seen as incompetent and unproductive by the society. persons with disabilities are excluded in societal engagements due to stigma surrounding disabilities The problem I am trying to solve is to advocate for the social inclusion of people with disabilities thereby mitigating the increase rate of discrimination and marginalization of people living with disabilities in the Gambia.. These I will be doing through advocacy and awareness raising as well as empowering people with disabilities with skills that they will use to confront prejudice and misconception. However, lobby with public and private sector for job placement and internship for already empowered Persons with disabilities for self independence and sustainability.

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