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  • My name is Joshua David, I work at a nonprofit that identity sexual and gender base violence,report to the appropriate authorities then refer the survival for council. we started about a year ago and we are still figuring out our mission and how to go about our objective. All our program is focused on identification of sexual and gender base violence, still struggling about finance to move about the communities that is why I believe we are still in the initiate phase

  • Getting to know the key seven areas of capacity building is a key starting point as it clearly identifies the focus of all relevant areas. Identifying the growth stages of an organization's development clearly spells out where to start.

  • In module 1, it is clear that we have to assess all the seven areas to find in which of these areas to build capacity by identifying the growth stage of each area and then prioritize based on which is really wanting.

  • My name is Kato Molosi and I work at a nonprofit that empowers adolescent girls and young women to realize their dreams and have brighter futures by being bold and strong. My organization has been operating for more than five years and already has an increasing number of clients it serves as the years goes by. Most of its efforts now go to increasing reach of clients and creating more impact in already existing clients. I believe we are now in the amplify stage.

  • My name is Ella. Our nonprofit has been working for 3 years now. it has been delivering services for persons with disabilities and empowering the disability sectors through a range of activities. All our efforts go into looking for how to deliver effectively our services to beneficiairies. i believe we are through the stabilize phase.

  • I am Ahmed Raza and I have been recently promoted as General Secretary of the organization, therefore I am looking to do the capacity building of my organization to achieve our mission more effectively at a large scale. My organization is working since 1983 and has a good name in the country and even has its footings abroad. I think my organization is in Growth phase as we are continuously increasing our projects and our beneficiaries are also increasing. All we want currently is to build our capacity to manage it all in good way by building capacity so that our efforts made by our people should not collapse.

  • My name is Krishna Saproo and I work at a nonprofit that spread mental health awareness and takes action upon societal issues . My organization started in the year 2018 and we have figured out our vision and values. All of our effort goes into running many programmes. Though we haven't hired new members yet, so I believe we are in the stabilize phase.




  • I am Vinoth Kumar G, founder of Youth Space Technology. I founded this organization 1 year ago. At this moment, as an organization, we are developing the product in space industry and try to convince the product with the industrial customers. We are learning and implementing parallelly at this moment. There were no stability found in the outcome of the organization. Therefor, I think we are in the initial phase.

  • I am Vinoth Kumar G, founder of Youth Space Technology. I founded this organization 1 year ago. At this moment, as an organization, we are developing the product in space industry and try to convince the product with the industrial customers. We are learning and implementing parallelly at this moment. There were no stability found in the outcome of the organization. Therefor, I think we are in the initial phase.

  • We are focused on youth empowerment and helping youth acquire the necessary skills to succeed. We are still in the initial phase of figuring out the how, when and who.

  • My name is Joseph Mgandi, I work for a nonprofit that seeks to advance access to education and employment for vulnerable young people in the Coast of Kenya though a holistic integrated approach. Since 2004 my organization has been offering financial support to students to access basic education, empowering youth through trainings to secure employment or start entrepreneurial ventures within Kilifi County. In 2018 we started implementing interventions to safeguard children and retain them in school in Kwale county and Kilifi County. Currently we are implementing 5 projects, funded by different development partners, that target access to education through safeguarding children, Changing community's negative attitudes and perception towards girls' education, enhancing students integrity and participation, influencing healthy parenting and child upbringing. We also supporting youths through employability and skills trainings as well as awarding of seed grants to support youths' skill-based businesses. This is why I believe we are in the grow phase.

    1 Reply
  • Our organisation is helping empoverished people in rural areas of an African country. On the hand side, projects have been added, but others dropped. So it's kind of an uop an down, but all in all our impact grows.

  • My name is Maryam M. My Organization is working in the areas of Research, Advocacy and Capacity building for Civil Society Organizations and Government Agencies. My organization has been working for the past 10 years. We are Financially stable but we are not visible on Social media platforms and our website is inactive. I believe we are at the "Grow Stage".

  • My name is Izzwan, i work in a company related to startups.

  • My name is ALEN PASCUAL and our NGO focuses on providing Transformative interventions to our intended beneficiaries who mostly came from urban poor families or informal settlers who were relocated to our City. Presently we have undertaken the following programs and projects to benefit them as follows:

    1. Increase the livelihood of individuals in the community through micro enterprise development undertakings
    2. Enhance their self-reliance through optimum utilization of human and community resources;
    3. Develop the capacity of beneficiaries through trainings and seminars to increase knowledge & skills along the aspects of entrepreneurship development, leadership & values formations among others.
    4. Promote solidarity with other organizations in conquest of lasting peace through alliance, networking & common activities;
    5. Serve as linkage to professionals/organizations towards enhancing greater unity for and among individuals and organizations in the community level
  • My name is Glorious Uche and I work at a non-profit that caters for and feeds indigents children. My organization has been on for over 5 years. we run multiple programs which includes feeding the indigent children in 2 African countries and providing educational materials for school that needs the help. I feel that there is more we can do if only we can get more sponsors that why I think we are in the Grow phase.

  • My name is Moustafa and I work at a non-profit organization that helps medical students to engage and perfom medically and unmedically related activites. the organisation is defnitely in amplification state as it hosts multitude of events nationally and on a local state.

  • You are in initiate stage. Most of its attention will go towards building a product or delivering a single, particular service for its beneficiaries.

  • My name is Taofeek Mustapha, working for TID-CARE INTERNATIONAL, that focuses in helping the sick, health education on health issues and feeding the poor. Although, we started years ago but we failed to live up to the expectations basically due to poor structure. Conclusively, I will say we are at the initial stage.

  • It's so important to know how you build your own organization in a professional way.
    A lot of knowledge i have learned to get the organization stable and sustainable.

  • Hi Everyone. My name is Aisha. I worked for a museum flagship. I believe that our institution is in its amplified stage. Over the years we have focused primarily on raising funds to keep our heads above water, but now we talk about

    1. how we can make a difference,
    2. how we can add value to society
    3. how we can develop and empower
    4. how to instill pride.
      Though we need funding, our aim is now to develop the program and attract the funding.
  • I am working for a non-profit team which managed projects, programmes and fund for projects in South East Asian Countries. The management team was established in 2011 with 5 staff. As of today, we expanded gradually staff number to 10 and covered additional activities such as M&E, outreach, etc. I do not really see our service or roles have been expanded to new stakeholders. Thus, I believe that we are in stablize stage.

  • Bonjour je m'appelle Diego Mushid, je travaille pour une organisation a but non lucratif qui consiste à promouvoir réveillée la conscience des jeunes enfin de leurs permettre d'être des entrepreneurs et dépendant d'eux-mêmes sa fait trois mois que nous avons commencer et nous à la phase d'initiation mais nous rencontrons encore des difficultés pour mieux se stabiliser et à bien bâtir notre entreprise.

  • My name is Omar Ali and I work at a nonprofit that trains low-income adults to start their own businesses. My organization just got started six months ago and we are still figuring out our vision and values. All of our effort goes into running our one program which teaches adults how to run a business. We’re not sure how we’re going to be financially stable. That is why I believe we are in the Initiate phase.”

  • My Name is Hussain Rahimi I working with a nonprofit origination and our work is to provide livelihood supports to the most vulnerable groups and providing them facilities, training and linking them with services providers to build their livelihood and getting empower. Our organization receiving funds from the different donor and in comparing to the last year we have increased the fund and we are not depending on one source and we have found different donors. I think our organizations is growth stage.

  • My name is Godfrey Hassan Mukiibi the Founder and Executive Director for Bugoye Children Advocacy & Life Planning organization. In our initiate stage in 2014 we started an organization after realizing the need of helping the huge number of orphans and Vulnerable children get into school. As an organization providing shelter and feeding to the children it was not an easy decision. but on the Stabilize we decided to start a primary school to serve 45 children who were under our care and a few of those attached to our organization but within their homes. In our Growth stage in 2017, we focused on extending our services to many other children who needed service, including those from wealthy who could pay some money to support the organization. The Growth Plan included expanding our infrastructure by building more classrooms, hiring or teacher to assist in the increasing number of students and reaching out to the network system and communication through the marketing department to make sure we get new students. from 45- students now the primary school has 345 students from Pre-Primary, to Grade 7. Though still in Growth Stage, we are struggling to reach the Amplify stage in the next 5 years.

  • Hello, my name is Yvonne and I am co-founder of Fellow Mortals Wildlife Hospital, which has served over 100 communities for the last three decades. While we have been around for a while, I feel that we are still in the grow stage, because while we are able to maintain our services for this area, we are not able to meet the need for our services elsewhere.

  • I believe our org is in the Stabilize phase. We are consistently doing some things but not really growing or expanding our capacity beyond the status quo.

  • ''My name is Ssenkasi Joseph and i work with a community based organization to help people have access to clan water and sanitation. My organization started 10 months ago, however the organization has not specifically identified where and how best it can get funds to reach its mission and objectives. We are indeed trying to do some submissions in other well facilitated organizations and haven't given positive feedback yet. And sometimes we think or maybe there is application incompetencies. But surely, i will get the answer after this course.
    My organization is still in the initiate phase.''

  • My organization is running a sanitization program.
    Creating awareness to the society about a newly brand product.
    In other to utilize it's usages and benefit to it's fullness.

  • Define or Refine Your Vision, Mission, and Theory of Change.

    Organizations can build their strategic capacity by uniting their organization around a strong mission and vision statement. Once a vision statement describing the change the organization seeks to see in the world is established, a mission statement can be proposed that describes how that vision can be achieved.

    This module gave deep insight.

  • My name is Abdirisaq Aden, my mission works to training Coast guards and Police officers in Somaliland to effectively perform their tasks by providing training and sharing EU mission members experiences. Now we have started not only to training, but to conduct field visit to police stations in Hargeisa to check how they progressing in respect of the training we provided to them. Hence, I think we are at the growth stage.

  • My name is Enedy. The organization I work for organization that started 30 years ago. The main focus at the moment is implementation of strategy and the impact on the people it seeks to serve. Therefore my organization is at the Amplify stage

  • My organisation has figured out theoretically how to stabilise its operation but because its within government, reaction time for change both externally and internally is slow.

  • my organization is a global governmental organization that is mandated to combat land degradation and desertification. As it is already 30 year old, already stable and has existing structures. I believe we are in the amplify stage

  • My name is Ruqayyat Umar, I'm the CEO at a nonprofit called FLO Foundation Nigeria. We aim to give less privileged and out of school children a chance at quality education for a more sustainable life. My organization started back in 2019 but we still haven't gotten figured out the right projects/programs to focus on plus we are struggling financially. With this I believe we are still in the Initiate phase.

  • Hello, am called Amailuk, our programs deal with human rights advocacy, governance and leadership. We have been operational several years know, close to 10 years. We edify people on their rights and how they can enforce/demand them. As for governance we have leadrship programs (Place Based Leadership) to facilitate such outcomes. We are in the groth stage as we are expanding our programs and personnel replicating what we have done throug the various programs.

  • Am called Amailuk, our programs deal with human rights advocacy, governance and leadership. We have been operational several years know, close to 10 years. We edify people on their rights and how they can enforce/demand them. As for governance we have leadrship programs (Place Based Leadership) to facilitate such outcomes. We are in the groth stage as we are expanding our programs and personnel replicating what we have done throug the various programs.

  • Amplification Stage would imply the programs have been applied, and refined and you are know expanding the target area/group you are working with. Based on what you state (how it interpretes ) is you are o tthe Initiate stage.

  • Our Organisation, Milaan- Be the change is working on the issues adolescent girls and underserved communities in three states of India. Founded in 2007, the organisation through its 14 years long journey has worked with children with an emphasis on adolescent girls from marginalized communities of India. Milaan’s programs operates at the intersection of the most marginalised sections of society- girls or women and the poor which allows us to create a more gender inclusive world for all. We are currently at our growth stage where we are operating to increase the reach and impact of our programs.

    1 Reply
  • My name is Lucia and I work at a non-profit organization that supports immigrants in making connections and growing in their new home country. The organization has over ten years of experience and has had several programs. When the pandemic started, we focused on two and created financially stable projects to reach groups in new areas. The organization survived and now is in the Grow phase.

  • My name is Lucia and I work at a non-profit organization that supports immigrants in making connections and growing in their new home country. The organization has over ten years of experience and has had several programs. When the pandemic started, we focused on two and created financially stable projects to reach groups in new areas. The organization survived and now is in the Grow phase.

  • My name is Michelson, My organization is providing care to the poorest fellow citizens. and has been doing that for the past 30 years. It started in a local community and years later spread to 2 districts or departments. we also have many international partners to help reach our mission. and also we have helped and still helping many other non-profits in the country. I believe that my organization is at the last stage of non-profit growth: amplify

  • My name is David, I work at international non-profit organization called AIESEC that focus on youth leadership development, My organization in Cambodia started about 10 years ago, we have already defined vision and values globally, since it is international organization. All of our efforts is to create project based on SDGs and send youth to volunteer in abroad to let them develop their capacity of leadership.

  • I work for a nonprofit that educates tenants about their housing rights. My organization has been in existence for a little over 25 years.
    All of our efforts go into training our peers and educating tenants on housing laws.
    We are currently being evaluated by the funders to see if they would be willing to expand the program.

  • I am Anderson Okai and I work at a nonprofit that trains people to start their businesses, my organisation just got started one months ago and we are still figuring out our vision and values. All our effort goes into the planning of our one program to start functioning. we're not sure how we are going to be financially stable that is why I know and believe we are in the initiate phase.

  • Capacity building is very every organization or institution, its take you another in new skill.

  • Module 1
    Initiate phase is just the started or starting of the project, and stabilize phase are striving to deliver their product.
    The grow phase have their eyes set on expanding the number of people you reach. Amplify stage they are less focused on the organization.

  • Mission: To help university & school students in assuring them high quality & high grade project work

    Obstacles 1) Lack of social media advertising.

    Obstacles 2) Lack of customer engagement personnel.

    Obstacle 3) ???

  • You kickass with girl power 🔥🔥🔥

  • Hope you destroy gender discrimination!!!!!!!!


  • I am Kalina and I am working in the humanitarian NGOs which works in at least 7 countries all over the world trying to assistant people in need. I believe we are in the 4th stage.

  • “My name is Fash and I work at a nonprofit that creates schools without teachers in grassroots communities - helping students and young people use their skills, gifts, and relevant knowledge to create decent jobs. My organization started six years ago, and we have been able to consistently deliver some of our programs in different communities. We're looking to expand our impact and atract more resources for this expansion. That is why I believe we are in the Stabilize phase.”

  • “My name is Roxanne Royal and I work at a company that helps university students with their projects and assignments. This organization got started 4 years ago and we are in the growth phase, I'd say, as we just went through an organizational change that reset some stuff.

  • Initiate phase is just getting started most of its attention will go towards building a product or delivering a single particular service for its beneficiaries. The stabilize phase are striving to consistently deliver their product or service. The grow phase have their eyes set on expanding the number of people the reach, the amplify stage they are less focused on simply getting larger but are more focused on generating a greater impact.

  • We are very new when it comes operationalizing our vision, mission and values to the public, but legally, we have been existing for few years now. Our vision, mission and values have easily defined what we want to do and to a certain extent how we want to do it. But looking back , we as a team have decided to ramp up and accelerate our services to the public , most especially our target beneficiaries. So, I would say we need to grow, but first make sure we stabilize. So it's fair to say our current stage is stabilize.

  • I work at the refugee resettlement office in mid-Missouri. I believe we are in the stabilize growth phase. In the last year we have experience exponential growth (a 150% increase in refugees resettled) due to a humanitarian crisis. Our organization was not ready for the influx and a wake of disorganization and defocus has fallen on our office. We are actively working on our ability to maintain the level of services we provide across the board and are not ready to push our capacity again.

  • My name is Edna Osoro and I volunteer at a nonprofit that empowers the boy child in Kiandutu slum , Kenya. It was started 3 years ago and most of our activities revolve around identifying vulnerable boys and empowering them by educating them on income generating activities and health talks

  • The organization is a technology startup that provides a cloud-based project management software for small and medium-sized businesses. After conducting market research, product development and customer acquisition, the company has recently launched its product and is currently experiencing rapid growth. Based on the evidence of increased customer acquisition, expanding team, and increasing revenue, it can be said that the organization is in the early stage of the growth phase. The company is focused on developing its product offering, acquiring more customers, and expanding its market reach, which is a characteristic of the early growth phase of a company.

  • Hello, I am Favour Peter at our consulting firm we started operations some five months ago. We are still trying to decide what our organization culture is and we are still on the journey to making impact within our sector. Most of our efforts are currently targeted towards starting out, creating templates and standard of operation. This is why I believe we are at the initiate stage.

  • My name is Himanshu and I am part of a newly established non-profit organization that focuses on training low-income adults in the skills needed to start their own businesses. Our organization has been operational for six months, and we are currently in the process of developing our vision and values. Our primary focus at the moment is running a single program that teaches the fundamentals of running a business. While we remain uncertain about our financial sustainability, we recognize that we are currently in the early stages of establishing our organization. Therefore, we believe we are currently in the "Initiate" phase of our development.

  • My name is Odunayo Deborah, I work at a non-profit organisation that trains Bakers on how to start their business. The organisation started about 3months ago and we are still trying to figure out values and ways to increase in growth and we are yet to be financially stable and because of this we are believed to still be in the initiate stage.

  • Hi, I am Ismail Masoom. I work as L&D in an international, medical and independent organization. This organization was founded in 19s and grown into an international organization. It provides medical services to victims of wars, natural disasters, health care exclusion or generally people in need. It also helps other health facilities in this regard.
    We are in the amplify stage of organizational growth.

  • My name is Alexis and I work for a nonprofit that works on mentoring male and female youths. We are in our fourth year for the male mentoring program and our 1st year for our female mentoring program. Every year we have reached our goal for our male program so I would say that is in the stabilize portion while our female program is still in it's initiate stage.

  • Good day, my name is Ademola and I volunteered with a nonprofit organization which creates platform for Young people to engage in solving the problem in their Community. The organization has been in existence for the past 8years and o think we are at the stabilize pause of growth stages for we have a focused service we deliver to our beneficiaries though we are striving to consistently engage with our beneficiaries through impact projects

  • The organization I work for has been operating for 22 years. We deliver programs in 9 program sectors in more than 41 countries. In addition we provide funding for other organizations. We are Amplify phase.

  • My name is Timothy. I work at a non profit named Young Minds Africa and my organisation serves youth and women to improve their livelihoods through training and exposure

  • My name is Ibrah Ssekandi and I work with a nonprofit organizations that is trying to empower children and the young people to reach their full potential and we believe education is one of the best key to do this. We provide basic school supplies to orphans and vulnerable children in our slum community as well as paying schools. i believe our organization is at stabilize phase because we only provide school fees to the same beneficiaries every academic term.

  • My name is Atsriku Selase and I am the Chief Operating Officer of the Fafali Organization. We are a nonprofit organization that works in 5 program areas and we also work in 2 Electoral Areas of Ghana namely, Anumle Electoral Area and the Kpoviadzi Electoral Area.
    We do have a long term financial plan but we are also looking to further enforce our current programs to impact our underserved kids, which is why I believe we are in the Stabilize phase.

  • My name is Leah and I work for a nonprofit that provides free and confidential services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence to help empower them so they can feel self-sufficient and overcome trauma. We have been around since 1977 and have a reputable image in the community. We recently expanded our services into three counties and currently working on helping people receive our services in those new areas. Due to this, I believe we are in the grow stage.

  • My Name is Glory Maimu and i work i a non profit organization where its main theme is to build capacity to the community member in areas related to agri-business, environmental sanitation, HIV/ AIDS and Gender. My organization is existing but still has not been able run any program despite knowing our vision and values. We are not sure how we are going to be financially stable. This is why i believe we are at Initiate phase

  • My name is Ejike Onyeke and I work with Keeping It Real (KIR) Foundation. KIR Foundation has been operating since 2011 as a disability-inclusive organization with the primary purpose of 'inspiring change through learning'. We have identified lifelong learning as a necessity for addressing educational and socio-economic issues. We seek to achieve this by closing educational gaps by donating books and advocating the rights of our underserved and marginalized beneficiaries (vulnerable children,
    youth, persons with disabilities, prison inmates, women, and our local communities).
    We develop their capacities through sustainable programs focused on
    education, advocacy, capacity and sustainable development to break the cycle of illiteracy, poverty, and inequality and replace them with a new process of empowerment, opportunity, and ethical and transformative leadership.

    So far, we have reached more than 84,580 people with our projects, donated 44,038 books, numerous educational aids, starter kits, and farming implements, and published: The Young Leader’s Guide, a leadership manual for young
    people, and It’s About Empathy: an Explanatory Guide to the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act 2018.

    We have three programmatic areas with several projects. We have executed and continues to execute projects in all the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria and donated books in Ghana. I believe we are in our growth stage because our funding source is still very tight.

  • Hi Everyone. My name is Kushani.
    The Registrar General's Department is typically responsible for maintaining and managing various vital records, such as birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, and business registrations.

    Based on the characteristics of governmental organizations, it's likely that the Registrar General's Department is in a phase of maturity and stability, often referred to as the "Stabilize" or "Mature" phase. Here's why:

    Established Operations: Governmental organizations tend to have well-established and long-standing operations, often functioning for many years or even decades.

    Steady State: They operate in a consistent and stable manner, providing essential services to the public and ensuring the accuracy and security of vital records.

    Minimal Growth: Governmental organizations like the Registrar General's Department may experience minimal growth in terms of expanding their core functions, as these functions are often well-defined and don't change drastically over time.

    Institutionalized Processes: They have established and standardized processes for record-keeping and service provision, which contribute to stability.

    Financial Stability: Governmental organizations are typically funded through government budgets, providing a degree of financial stability.

  • My name is Hannah and I work in refugee resettlement. I believe we are in the growth stage because this nonprofit has been active for years but recently has been going through many changes, such as increasing number of staff and thinking about our programs.

  • My name is Yvonne and am part of the volunteers of my organization. We have been in existence for three years. We focus more on generating a greater impact, we set our eyes on activities or our programs thus education and entrepreneurship to support the young women secondary school graduate in the community. we research and advocate more. I believe we are in the Amplify level.

  • We hold meetings and allow each member of stuff to contribute to the plan and we all settle on the most appropriate solution.

  • Hi there,

    My name is Weston Cox, I'm the creator and executive director of TomorrowLabs. We are focusing on bridging the digital divide - one empowered community at a time. This organization is very much in the initiate stage. Having only recently become aware of the size and depth of this issue, we are working on how we will best serve the communities we work with.

  • My name is Anas, I work in a not-for-profit company that specializes in offering consulting services for non-profit organizations in areas of organizational and talent building. My company has been around for more than 7 years, more that 30 employees. We've started expanding our clientele to large organizations in the governments sector. I believe we are in the grow phase.

  • They are not in the last two. They are not financially stable, but more importantly, they do not believe they are or imagine how they would achieve stability. Because of all this and their short lifespan, they are in the Initiate phase.

  • My name is Ruth Ann, and I work at a Foundation that seeks to tackle climate change in a signfcant way by the year 2032. My organization has been around for two years, while we are clear on our vision and values. All of our efforts are goingin to creating and infastructure to support our granteess and run an effective organization. This is why I believbe we are in the stabilize phase

  • Hey, I'm Jamiur Rahman , and I'm part of a new non-profit aimed at helping low-income adults kickstart their own businesses. We're in the early stages, still molding our vision and core values. Right now, we're fully focused on our program that teaches adults how to manage a business. We're uncertain about our financial stability, so it seems like we're in the initial phase of growth.

  • Hello My name is Dhaval Vyas, I am a Director - Partnership in Aruna Kishor Foundation. We work towards providing access to quality education to the marginalised section of the society. We have served many students, and spread awareness on quality education in various geographies. But, we are yet to streamline our SOPs. Thus, I believe that we just entered into stabalize stage.

  • My name is Emma and I am an AmeriCorps member at a nonprofit that mobilizes people, organizations, and resources in an impactful way to increase efforts in Education, Financial Stability, and Health while addressing basic human needs. All of our efforts go towards running three programs to help those in need throughout our community. I would say we are in the growing stage as we are trying to expand our staff, programs, resources, and client reach.

  • My name is Fitahiana Rakotondriana, and I am employed at a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering families to become positive influencers in their towns and cities, thereby creating a meaningful impact in their communities. Our organization was established in 2009, and i joined in 2016. While we have a well-defined vision, we encounter challenges in budgeting for programs or projects, hindering the exploration of a new perspectives. Our financial stability is uncertain, indicating that we are currently in a stabilize phase.

  • My name is Ako, I am not yet in the field but I am interested in this subject and topic. Hope that I will obtain all the answers and information to which I am looking for.

  • My name is Adan Ahmed and I work at a nonprofit that support Livelihood Beneficiaries and adults education to improve their lives and educational skills. My organization just got started 2 years ago and we are still we are delivering our mission and values and also reached some of our goals day after day. That is why we believe That is we are in the stabilization phase.”

  • my name is Abdirahman and I work a public university that's opened 1 year ago and that offers only three programs . we are in the first year of operation developing our mission and vision. and also financially not stable looking for future fundraising from the government. we are in the Initiate phase.

  • I am Binitie Nneka Fiona.
    I work at a semi-non-profit organization that educates students on the right moral and social values. To provide an integral education that builds character in freedom and responsibility through parent-staff collaboration, personalized education, and in accordance with good global practices. my organization is about ten years old. We struggled with fundraising therefore we are not financially stable and that's why it became a semi-non-profit organization. in this regard, we are in the initial stage.

  • I am Binitie Nneka Fiona.
    I work at a semi-non-profit organization that educates students on the right moral and social values. To provide an integral education that builds character in freedom and responsibility through parent-staff collaboration, personalized education, and in accordance with good global practices. my organization is about ten years old. We struggled with fundraising therefore we are not financially stable and that's why it became a semi-non-profit organization. in this regard, we are in the initial stage.

  • If my organization is like Ali Karim's organization, we have to focus more focused to the one program that trains low-income adults because in the initiate stage, organization should focused one program or deliver one service.

  • My name is Yaro, and I work at a nonprofit that provides accessible counseling to low-income, not insured, or underinsured children, adults, and families living in shelters, after-school programs, or receiving services at other non-profits. My organization just got started a year ago and we have gone from 3 partner agency contracts to 10 locations of services and we are still figuring out funding. All of our effort goes into running our counseling services at each of the 10 partner agencies. We’re not sure how we’re going to be financially sustainable if we continue to grow. That is why I believe we are in the growth phase.

  • My name is Alise and we provide counseling services to underserved populations through our community partner's sites. We received nonprofit status 8 months ago. All of our efforts went it to setting up the structure of the organization and connecting with community partners. We are unsure how we are going to be financially stable. That is why I believe we are in the initiate stage.

  • My name is Afiya Micah. I work at a nonprofit that empowers marginalized women in rural communities socially and economically with knowledge and skills to improve their lives and families and bring change to the community. We are at the growth stage and approaching the amplify stage because our target is to reach millions of women.

  • My name is Afiya Micah. I work at a nonprofit that empowers marginalized women in rural communities socially and economically with knowledge and skills to improve their lives and families and bring change to the community. We are at the growth stage and approaching the amplify stage because our target is to reach millions of women.

  • My name is Sheri, I work in an organization that promotes and provides prevention programming to communities. We have been in business for many decades and have had built many departments since the start. Some programming does not reach the appropriate people and we need to expand the organizations spaces to be able to reach the target audience.

  • My organization help strengthen non minority women. we are at amplify phase.

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