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  • The fact that our values and ethics continues to evolve and i also learnt about staff culture

  • The fact that our values and ethics continues to evlolve and i also learnt about staff culture

  • i learnt about developing the organizations values and the mindset that is needed for developing an effective human capital strategy which is very helpful in my day to day operations.

  • I discovered there's so much to just human management. Human behavior towards an organization depends solely on the stated values controlled by the organization's culture

  • This module give me amazing knowledge.In this lesson I knew about but also culture and vale not only how we think mission.

  • This module give me amazing knowledge.In this lesson I knew about but also culture and vale not only how we think mission.

  • I enjoyed learning about other organizations, their values and how they got to decide those values. Doing the assignment I better understand how to articulate values and their importance to an organization

  • I enjoyed learning about other organizations, their values and how they got to decide those values. Doing the assignment I better understand how to articulate values and their importance to an organization

  • There seems to be a tendency for businesses to align values with their overall structure, but I think it would be better to create a set of values for each aspect of the business and then put them together in a business value statement.

  • There seems to be a tendency for businesses to align values with their overall structure, but I think it would be better to create a set of values for each aspect of the business and then put them together in a business value statement.

  • Culture and brand are two sides of the same coin. Culture is the principles and beliefs that you have inside a company that you want people to be aligned with. Whatever you have inside a company eventually comes out. You can’t hold it in. And brand is really the promise outside the company that everyone identifies with. Having a clear mission and making sure you know what that mission is becomes critical to establishing a strong culture and a strong brand. Your brand evangelists are the employees. So if you have a weak culture, you often have a weak brand.
    An Organizations culture will affect how your employees interact with customers, donors, supporters and partners. It will also influence how the company attracts new staff members to join the team.

  • Identifying with importance of culture and values opon setting up and organization

  • Identify with importance of culture and value coreation

  • Organizational Culture is important for the success of any organization. A company’s culture outlines it’s core values and impacts the overall performance of the team members.

  • The linkage of organizational aim and identification of values needed. Further it was the scientific linkage of values that could enable the people to achieve the bigger aim.

  • Culture and Values is the core reflection of the company and the value can make big impact to the organization.

  • Organisational Culture offers a shared system of meanings which is the basis for communications and mutal understanding. if these functions are not fulfilled in a satisfactory way, culture may significantly reduce the effectiveness of an organization.
    Culture is the pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and assuptions that may not have been articulated but shape the ways in which people in organizations behave and things get done. "Values" refer to what is belived to be important about how people and organization behave. "Norms" are the unwrtten rules of behaviours.

  • Values are eternal, and which never changes a lot. The values which guides each of business decisions includes the ethical behaviour, integrity and the dignity of other people.

    Culture in other hands shows how each business implement the values. This may change as time passes, as change is inevitable. And culture includes in cooperation between teammates, the team work itself etc.

  • Culture plays a major role in organizational health and branding. Employees are our brand ambassadors and their happiness index talks everything

  • I learnt about visual representation of organization with the aid of chart

  • The most surprising things I learnt are how values, cultures and behaviors are aligned with the mission of the organization

  • In this module I have appreciated the importance of creating values that directly relate to what an organization does instead of simply coming up with words that sound good to the ears but never relate to the work of the organization.

  • The most surprising thing I learned in module 1 was the co-relationship between an organization's mission and values...

  • Rather exciting that have learnt is the connection from values, behaviors to culture, from that am challenged to pick some more values and prioritize.

  • Cultural and Values bind people together which makes them strong and united. It makes people learn tolerance and understand brotherhood which paves the path of social harmony, economic improvement and physical well being of the community and the others. And i also learnt the roles of culture and value in building an effective human capital strategy

  • The most surprising thing I learned in Module 1 are:

    1. Mission to value chart.
    2. Different values that are mentioned in this module.
    3. Visualization of organizational values and their relevance in the organization's mission.
    4. Presentation of values for the meeting for further discussion.
  • I have learned key mindsets for developing an effective human capital strategy

  • I grew up reading/noticing that a lot of schools and organizations had their values and mission statements posted - but I never realized how impactful this actually is and how integral it can be to the way an organization functions. Very insightful.

  • I have developed this unit to build a great strategy and dynamic staff in one place and leave for a year.I have also developed this chapter to build a strategic plan for my business. and a very creative team. Another thing I learned from him is to be a leader who can sense the situation of his team at all times.

  • i suprised some value in organisation its good culture and values
    its agood

  • In this course I learned the importance of values and that are the foundations to build a solid company, in addition to its direct relationship with the mission and vision of the company that are fundamental to a good organizational culture.

  • What surprised me in the module 1 material was that culture and values ​​are one of the most important things for an organization or company environment. And it really had an impact on that

  • What surprised me in the module 1 material was that culture and values ​​are one of the most important things for an organization or company environment. And it really had an impact on that.

  • The most surprising thing I learned in Module 1 was how important organizational values are to the success of a company. I had always thought of values as being something that was nice to have, but not essential. However, I learned that values can actually have a real impact on the bottom line.

    For example, in the case study of Ethiochicken, we saw how the company's commitment to quality, affordability, sustainability, community, and innovation helped it to achieve its mission of providing high-quality, affordable chicken products to the people of Ethiopia. The company's values helped it to attract and retain customers, build relationships with suppliers, and create a positive work environment.

    I also learned that organizational values can help to create a strong culture within a company. When employees share a common set of values, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. They are also more likely to be willing to go the extra mile for the company.

    Overall, I was surprised to learn how important organizational values are to the success of a company. I now believe that values are essential for any company that wants to be successful in the long term.

    Here are some specific examples of how organizational values can impact a company's success:

    Values can help to attract and retain customers. Customers are more likely to do business with companies that share their values. For example, a customer who values sustainability is more likely to buy products from a company that is committed to sustainability.
    Values can help to build relationships with suppliers. Suppliers are more likely to want to work with companies that share their values. For example, a supplier who values community is more likely to want to work with a company that is committed to giving back to the community.
    Values can create a positive work environment. When employees share a common set of values, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. They are also more likely to be willing to go the extra mile for the company.
    Values can help to create a strong culture within a company. A strong culture can help to attract and retain top talent, improve employee satisfaction, and boost productivity.
    I believe that organizational values are essential for any company that wants to be successful in the long term. By carefully defining and articulating their values, companies can create a strong foundation for success.

  • The most surprising thing that I learned in Module 1 was the importance of values in the culture of an organization and how it can shift and evolve over time.

  • good thing,and vibration can change all

  • The most surprising thing I learned in Module 1, particularly in the context of 'MISSION TO VALUES,' was the depth of the connection between an organization's core values and its overarching mission. I was pleasantly surprised to discover how essential it is for an organization to not only define its values but also to ensure that these values align seamlessly with the mission. This alignment serves as the foundation for the organization's actions, behaviors, and ultimately, its impact on the world. Understanding that values aren't just abstract principles but are intricately linked to the mission was indeed an eye-opening revelation.

  • Honestly there is nothing new or surprising that i learned on this module, however i really appreciate to see how are all these processes interlinked and how they are developed

  • culture and values

  • culture and values

  • before & after

  • I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to participate and learn in this enriching space.

  • In this module I have appreciated the importance of creating values that directly relate to what an organization does instead of simply coming up with words that sound good to the ears but never relate to the work of the organization.bolded text

  • I really liked the example with the Slack channel for values shout outs.

  • In Module 1, one of the most surprising things I learned about culture and values is the profound impact they have on organizational success. While I understood that organizational culture and values were important, I was surprised by the extent to which they influence employee behavior, decision-making, and overall performance. I learned that a strong and positive organizational culture can lead to higher employee engagement, increased productivity, and greater innovation, while a toxic culture can have detrimental effects on morale, retention, and organizational effectiveness. This underscores the importance of intentionally shaping and nurturing a culture that aligns with the values and goals of the organization.

  • The behavior of values refers to how the values identified earlier are demonstrated and put into action within the context of Odyssey Opticians Ltd's mission. Let's explore how each value's behavior aligns with the mission of the organization:


    Conducting thorough and accurate eye examinations to ensure precise diagnoses.
    Offering a wide range of high-quality eyewear products that meet the diverse needs of customers.
    Providing exceptional customer service and addressing any concerns or issues promptly and effectively.
    Customer-Centric Approach:

    Actively listening to customers' needs and concerns, and providing personalized recommendations and solutions.
    Ensuring a welcoming and comfortable environment for customers during their visits.
    Following up with customers to ensure their satisfaction and address any post-purchase queries or adjustments.

    Upholding ethical standards and maintaining patient confidentiality at all times.
    Demonstrating professionalism in communication, appearance, and demeanor.
    Adhering to industry regulations and best practices in providing eye care services and dispensing eyewear.

    Actively engaging with colleagues and other healthcare professionals to ensure coordinated and comprehensive eye care for patients.
    Sharing knowledge, insights, and resources with team members to enhance collective expertise.
    Engaging in open and constructive communication to foster collaboration and teamwork.
    Continuous Learning:

    Actively seeking out opportunities for professional development and staying updated with the latest advancements in optometry and eyewear technology.
    Encouraging a culture of learning within the organization and supporting employees' pursuit of ongoing education and training.
    Regularly reviewing and incorporating new research and best practices into the delivery of eye care services and product offerings.
    Community Engagement:

    Actively participating in community events and initiatives related to eye health and vision care.
    Volunteering services or partnering with charitable organizations to provide eye care support to underserved populations.
    Educating the community about the importance of regular eye exams and proper visual care through workshops, seminars, or informational campaigns.
    By consistently demonstrating these behaviors aligned with the identified values, Odyssey Opticians Ltd reinforces its mission of providing exceptional eye care services and quality eyewear products, ensuring customer satisfaction, and promoting visual well-being within the community. These behaviors not only contribute to the organization's success but also cultivate trust, loyalty, and positive relationships with customers and stakeholders.

  • Most suprising thing is hoe to intricate values to staff via natural way by first not havig and let the values organically come up

  • In the context of startups, one surprising thing that can be observed is the emphasis on a strong and distinct company culture. Startups often prioritize creating a unique and cohesive culture that aligns with their mission and values. This culture is often characterized by traits such as innovation, risk-taking, collaboration, and a strong sense of purpose.

    What may be surprising is the level of importance placed on cultural fit during the hiring process. Startups recognize that hiring individuals who align with their values and can thrive in their specific work environment is crucial for long-term success. This focus on culture fit helps create a cohesive team and fosters a sense of shared purpose and camaraderie.

    Another surprising aspect is the speed at which startups adapt and evolve their culture and values. As startups grow and face different challenges, they often iterate on their values and culture to better align with their evolving goals and the needs of their employees and customers. This flexibility allows startups to remain agile and responsive to changes in the market and their internal dynamics.

    Overall, the most surprising thing in the culture and values of startups may be the intentional effort placed on creating a unique and meaningful culture and the continuous evolution of that culture as the company grows and matures.

  • Everything in this module was a surprise to me. I have always read about company mission and values, but I never knew there is a connection between them. Again, I was surprised to see that values could serve as indicators to mission and there are certain behaviours that align with the values which personnel are to exhibit.

  • Your experience clearly amplifies mine. I never knew the interwoven connection between values and mission in an organization. Learning about this is just mindboggling

  • I learned how people like alexandria lafici and organizations such as ethiochicken are working and innovating ways to help communities across the globe while adding to the Total Value proposition to its employees by giving them recognition via shoutouts and also making them feel good that they are working for a good cause

  • I have to learn how to develop core values , mission and Vision

  • Institutions are guided by culture and values. It is important to take a culture pause to take stock and review the culture events.

  • One of the most surprising things about culture and values is how deeply ingrained they are in every aspect of human society, yet how variable they can be across different groups and contexts. Here are a few surprising aspects:

    Cultural Relativism: It's fascinating to realize that what one culture values highly may not hold the same importance in another. For example, individualism is highly valued in Western cultures, while collectivism is more prominent in Eastern cultures. This highlights the diversity of human perspectives and priorities.
    Evolution and Adaptation: Culture and values are not static but are constantly evolving and adapting to changing circumstances. What was once considered a core cultural value may gradually shift over time due to social, economic, or technological advancements. This dynamic nature challenges the notion of culture as fixed and unchanging.
    Subcultures and Diversity: Within larger cultural contexts, there are often numerous subcultures with their own unique values and norms. These subcultures can exist based on factors such as ethnicity, religion, profession, or even hobbies. The diversity within and between subcultures adds layers of complexity to our understanding of cultural dynamics.
    Globalization's Impact: With the rise of globalization, cultures are increasingly intermingling and influencing each other. This leads to the emergence of hybrid cultures and the blending of values from different traditions. Additionally, global connectivity exposes individuals to a wider range of cultural perspectives, challenging traditional boundaries and fostering cultural exchange.
    Value Conflicts and Resolution: Despite the diversity of cultures, there are often universal values that are shared across societies, such as honesty, fairness, and compassion. However, even these core values can sometimes come into conflict, leading to ethical dilemmas and debates. The resolution of such conflicts requires careful consideration of cultural contexts and ethical principles.
    Overall, the study of culture and values continually reveals the complexity and richness of human societies, challenging us to appreciate the diversity of perspectives while also seeking common ground for mutual understanding and cooperation.

  • I enjoyed learning on how other organisations runs using their values and behavior together with their mission. Visualization of Organizational Values.

  • I’m almost surprising that I learned was just that one of the key strategies to maintaining a stakeholder would be empathy.

  • Ideally, the amount of time it takes to make sure that the right decisions are made on behalf of. The organization is very much needed and important because people have to be very very strategic conducting hiring process.

  • I learned by ensuring that people are well qualified for the positions that they take up organization is a very important thing when it comes to the hiring process and making sure that there is effective communication to sure the betterment of the community that you’re trying to serve, but also the organization and purpose of his own activity and The organization .

  • I learned by ensuring that people are well qualified for the positions that they take up organization is a very important thing when it comes to the hiring process and making sure that there is effective communication to sure the betterment of the community that you’re trying to serve, but also the organization and purpose of his own activity and The organization .

  • I learned by ensuring that people are well qualified for the positions that they take up organization is a very important thing when it comes to the hiring process and making sure that there is effective communication to sure the betterment of the community that you’re trying to serve, but also the organization and purpose of his own activity and The organization .

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