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  • Surely, since the project is made for the people and the effects or outcomes are expected to come out from them, it is important to make the survey or the interview very easy and straight to point. This will give out accurate a d reliable data for the project.yvb

    2 Replies
  • The ethical dilemma this organization is facing is that, their participants already shows their questions is stressful and may be confusing. if the demographic data required is necessary, there is need to update your data collection tool. in such a way that you will remove less important questions and add the most important, some may be merged.

  • The data that the survey comes up with could be used by politicians. To make this not happen, it would be good to highlight the causes why some of the people have been in crime and what can be done to avoid this. It can be an opportunity for the politicians to use this data to put in place interventions that will prevent others from getting into crime and show some positive outcomes of those who have reformed and what they are doing with their lives that is positive.

    1 Reply
  • The data that the survey comes up with could be used by politicians. To make this not happen, it would be good to highlight the causes why some of the people have been in crime and what can be done to avoid this. It can be an opportunity for the politicians to use this data to put in place interventions that will prevent others from getting into crime and show some positive outcomes of those who have reformed and what they are doing with their lives that is positive.

  • It is important to treat every piece of data with sensitivity and caution

    3 Replies
  • How do you unintentionally avoid causing harm at times? You may have typed something that was just misread, you may have followed the guidelines to best of your knowledge with no intent on causing harm but yet still, the outcome still caused unintentional harm..

  • The experiences of the participants were not considered by the new organization and since their experiences weren't considered, requesting for their consents was never an option hence the organization might have problems when it comes to obtaining quality data.
    for me i will go ahead and do what was ask because i believe two wrongs dont make a right but i will ensure i speak out my views on the directive given.

  • It shows that it is important that ethics are considered when preparing for data collection. As stated above most of the times the data collection tool can be too big requiring a lot of time in order to finish the interview. For example a when asking farmers what they produced last year, how much they harvested and how they used the proceeds for each harvest. Mostly of the times the requires so much detailed specific data which is difficult and tiresome to provide. A better way might be to target the same households in the different points during their production cycle.

  • it is very difficult to guarantee anonymity and confidentiality in the data. There are projects that after registration need to follow the person, so they leave information that allows to connect the data and the person.
    Confidentiality is very complicated when the data collection forms are on paper, because the person who wants to register may lose, take it home and be accessed by another person. And the people who collect the data must have professional secrecy.

    1 Reply
  • I will always consider the feelings of my participants

    1 Reply
  • I think for Module 1 : Do No Harm
    I can say that data collection has to meet some criticism to be a disaster and also legal action , data is a real tool that can be used for nefarious purposes by therefore we must be careful

  • Ethics indicates that we should do our work in a morally accepted way. This is in consideration to the culture, faith and moral views of the concerned participants. One element of the ethics is that 'Do no Harm'. Regarding this element, the consideration is that the participants are considered for their experience in the processes of our work. For example they should not be forced to devote too much of their time because our interviews are too long. At least they should be informed in advance the expected period of the interview. Secondly, the participants should be asked their consent to join the process, they should not be forced or coerced in any way. Thirdly, the data collected from the participants should be kept anonymous, i.e one should not be able to trace the data back to the one who provided it. In the same way the data should also be kept confidential, that is the data should only be accessed by those that are allowed to access it. Finally, the data that is collected should not enhance the existing inequalities. For example data being collected from the marginalized groups of society should not enhance their marginalization. In conclusion, the Do No Harm ethical view ensures that participants and their data are engaged with dignity during and after the data collection process.

  • Yes. As clearly stated, these people are often blamed for by politicians for local problems. Releasing a data which confirms that these people have committed crimes before will lead to their absolute destruction. It is therefore not advisable to release such data.

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